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Phloem import and unloading in perfused bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seed coats were investigated using steady-state labeling. Though photosynthate import and unloading were significantly reduced by perfusion, measurements of photosynthate fluxes in perfused seed coats proved useful for the study of unloading mechanisms in vivo. Phloem import was stimulated by lowered seed coat cell turgor, as demonstrated by an increase in tracer and sucrose import to seed coats perfused with high concentrations of an osmoticum. The partitioning of photosynthates between retention in the seed coat and release to the perfusion solution also was turgor sensitive; increases in seed coat cell turgor stimulated photosynthate release to the apoplast at the expense of photosynthate retention within the seed coat. There was no evidence of a turgor-sensitive sucrose uptake mechanism in perfused seed coats. Thus, the turgor sensitivity of photosynthate partitioning within perfused seed coats was consistent with a turgor-sensitive efflux control mechanism. Measurements of tracer equilibration and sugar partitioning in perfused seed coats provided strong evidence for symplastic phloem unloading in seed coats.  相似文献   

Photosynthate unloading in Phaseolus vulgaris L. seed coatswas studied by treating perfused seed coats with differing concentrationsof an osmoticum and ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA). Largechanges in osmoticum concentration typically produced rapidchanges in efflux of unlabelled sugar and steady-state-labelled14C-photosynthate. Osmoticum-induced changes in photosynthateefflux were caused by phloem import stimulation at low cellturgor and net efflux stimulation by high cell turgor. Eventhough rapid changes in sugar and tracer efflux were often inducedby osmoticum treatments, the specific activity of sugar releasedfrom seed coats was not greatly affected by these treatmentsand was similar to the specific activity of sugar remainingin the seed coat after perfusion. Thus, tracer was transportedfrom the phloem throughout the seed coat sugar pool before itwas released to the apoplast. This result is most consistentwith symplastic phloem unloading throughout perfused seed coats,because apoplastic transport between cells within the seed coatwas blocked by perfusion. Photosynthate efflux was stimulatedby simultaneous treatment of seed coats with EDTA and differentconcentrations of an osmoticum; loss of photosynthate from seedcoats did not appear to be tissue-specific. Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris, seed coat, photosynthate unloading, turgor, EDTA  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken with embryo-less ovules of Pisumsativum to study the influence of apoplastic osmolality on seedcoat import and seed coat unloading.11CO2 pulse labelling alongwith collimated monitoring of plant tissues were used with attachedovules to measure continuously and simultaneously total podimport, import into a modified ovule and photo-assimilate washoutfrom the seed coat of the ovule into a flow-through bathingsolution.Our results indicated that seed coat import was immediatelyaffected by a change in the applied bathing solution osmolality,with a decrease in osmolality lowering seed coat import andan increase in osmolality increasing import. 11C-photo-assimilatewashout from attached ovules was found to respond in a similarmanner to the apoplastic osmolality. However, the osmotic effecton 11C-washout was a delayed response and it appears that themajority of this observed response was due to the alterationin seed coat tracer import. Further experiments with 14C-labelled,excised seed coat halves (i.e. no further import) supportedthis hypothesis by demonstrating that seed coat unloading (measuredas 14C-photo-assimilate washout) was actually enhanced at alow solution osmolality. PCMBS had no effect on seed coat importor washout in attached, modified ovules, suggesting that photo-assimilateunloading from seed coats of Pisum does not involve a carrierprotein. Studies of the spatial distribution of imported 14Cin Pisum seed coats further suggest that this unloading, intothe apoplast, occurs from non-phloem cell types, and that themovement of photo-assimilates from the sieve elements to theterminal unloading site occurs via symplastic transport. Key words: Pisum sativum, seed coat, seed coat unloading, phloem unloading  相似文献   

After removal of the embryo from developing seeds of Vicia fabaL. and Pisum sativum L., the ‘empty’ ovules werefilled with a standard solution (pH 5.5). Seed coat exudatesof both species were collected during relatively long experiments(up to about 12 h) and the concentration of sugar (mainly sucrose),amino acids and phosphate in the exudate measured. A discussionis presented on the amino acid/sugar ratio and the phosphate/sugarratio in the seed coat exudate. A pretreatment (15 min) withp-chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid (PCMBS) reduced the releaseof sugar, amino acids and phosphate from broad bean seed coats.After excision of ‘empty’ ovules of Vicia faba andPisum sativum from the maternal plant, 2–4 h after thistreatment a strong difference became visible between sucroserelease from excised seed coats and sucrose release from attachedseed coats. Similarly, when the rate of phloem transport ofsucrose into an ‘empty’ ovule of Vicia faba or Pisumsativum was reduced by a sub-optimal mannitol concentrationin the solution, a reduced rate of sugar release from the seedcoat could be observed. Excision and treatment with a sub-optimalmannitol concentration reduced the release of amino acids toa lesser extent than for sucrose. These treatments did not reducethe rate of phosphate release from the seed coat. Key words: Seed development, Seed coat exudate, Phloem transport  相似文献   

The extent of post-phloem solute transport through the coatsymplasts of developing seeds of Vicia faba L. and Phaseolusvulgaris L. was evaluated. For Vicia seed coats, the membrane-impermeantfluorochrome, CF, moved radially from the chalazal vein to reachthe chlorenchyma and thin-walled parenchyma transfer cell layers.Thereafter, the fluorochrome moved laterally in these two celllayers around the entire circumference of the seed coat. Transferof CF from the chalazal vein was inhibited by plasmolysis ofattached ‘empty’ seed coats. In contrast, the spreadof phloem imported CF was restricted to the ground parenchymaof Phaseolus seed coats. Fluorochrome loaded into the outermostground parenchyma cell layer was rendered immobile followingplasmolysis of excised seed-coat halves. Phloem-imported [14C]sucroseand the slowly membrane permeable sugar, L-[14C]glucose, werepartitioned identically between the vascular and non-vascularregions of intact Vicia seed coats. For 14C-photosynthates,these partitioning patterns in attached ‘empty’Vicia seed coats were unaffected by PCMBS, but inhibited byplasmolysis. Tissue autoradiographs of intact Phaseolus seedcoats demonstrated that a pulse of 14C-photosynthate moved fromthe veins to the grounds tissues. In excised Vicia seed coats,preloaded with 14C-photosynthates, the cellular distributionof residual 14C-label was unaffected by PCMBS. In contrast,PCMBS caused the 14C-photosynthate levels to be elevated inthe veins and ground parenchyma relative to the branch parenchymaof Phaseolusseed coat halves. Based on the above findings, itis concluded that the phloem of Vicia seed coats is interconnectedto two major symplastic domains; one comprises the chlorenchyma,the other the thin-walled parenchyma plus thin-walled parenchymatransfer cells. For Phaseolusseed coats, the phloem forms amajor symplastic domain with the ground parenchyma. Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris L, phloem unloading, photosynthate transport, seed coat, symplast, Vicia faba L  相似文献   

Interpretation of tracer washout from an attached empty seedcoat depends on whether photoassimilate within the apoplastof the seed coat is absorbed by the seed coat tissues. Usingsucrose trapping procedures, we were unable to see any evidencefor sucrose uptake from the seed coat apoplast which would beneeded to provide the seed coat with its carbohydrate requirementsif phloem unloading were into the apoplast. Once released intothe apoplast photoassimilate is unavailable to the seed coattissue. Changes between equimolar solutions of sorbitol andsorbitol/sucrose mixes induced small transient responses inseed coat unloading which suggest that sorbitol and sucrosehad different reflection coefficients and gave water relationresponses with rapid, and fatiguable, osmoregulation withinthe seed coat. Immediate inhibition of seed coat unloading with PCMBS is reported,followed by inhibition of import into the entire pod. PCMBSappears to be xylem mobile, thereby quickly being dispersedthroughout the entire experimental pod. A complex CCCP responseis reported, which is consistent with immediate inhibition ofsymplastic transport followed by membrane disruption. AlthoughCCCP inhibited seed coat unloading, there was no effect on ovuleimport. This has been interpreted as evidence that the seedcoat has an active role in control of photoassimilate importinto ovules. Key words: Pisum sativum, phloem unloading, seed coat unloading  相似文献   

MURPHY  RICARDO 《Annals of botany》1989,63(5):571-579
In the present paper, the theory developed in Part I of thisseries is applied to seed coats of Phaseolus vulgaris and somecombined data on root tips of Hordeum distichum and Hordeumvulgare. Because of the large back-pressures implied, it isconcluded that phloem transport into these primary sinks wouldbe physiologically impossible in the absence of a symplasticpathway for the unloading of water from sieve elements. In thiscase, unloading of water and sucrose will occur predominantlyas a pressure-driven flow of solution through plasmodesmata,although diffusion can contribute significantly to the plasmodesmatalsucrose flux. At least 20% of the plasmodesmata connecting sieveelements and adjacent cells must be unobstructed if large changesin turgor and osmotic pressure are to be avoided. Dependingon the membrane area available for water fluxes, it is possiblethat the difference in water potential across the sieve-tubeplasmalemma can lead to significant errors when axial turgorgradients are estimated from gradients of osmotic pressure andexternal water potential. The magnitude and even the sign ofthese errors is uncertain, but it is possible that sieve-tubeturgor pressures will be significantly underestimated in primarysinks Phloem, turgor, osmotic pressure, plasmodesmata, Munch hypothesis, Phloem unloading  相似文献   

The pathway and kinetics of photosynthate unloading in developing seeds of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were investigated using steady-state labeling with 14CO2. The continuous assimilation of 14CO2 at constant specific activity produced stable tracer fluxes that facilitated straightforward analyses of photosynthate import and unloading in developing seeds. The kinetics of tracer equilibration within intact seeds were compatible with a symplastic route of photosynthate unloading in the seed coat. The import and partitioning of tracer within seeds were partially disrupted by the surgical excision of the distal halves of seeds as practiced during the preparation of “empty” seed coats for perfusion.  相似文献   

The significance of the osmotic potential of the seed apoplast sap as a regulator of assimilate transfer to and within coats of developing seed of Vicia faba (cv. Coles Prolific) was assessed using attached empty seed coats and intact developing seed. Following surgical removal of the embryos, through windows cut in the pod walls and underlying seed coats, the resulting attached “empty” seed coats were filled with solutions of known osmotic potentials (–0. 02 versus –0. 75 MPa). Sucrose efflux from the coats was elevated at the higher osmotic potential (high osmotic concentration) for the first 190 min of exchange. Thereafter, this efflux was depressed relative to efflux from coats exposed to the low osmotic potential (high osmotic concentration) solution. This subsequent reversal in efflux was attributable to an enhanced diminution of the coat sucrose pools at the high external osmotic potential. Indeed, when expressed as a proportion of the current sucrose pool size, relative efflux remained elevated for coats exposed to the high osmotic potential solution. Measurement of potassium and sucrose fluxes to and from their respective pools in the coat tissues demonstrated that the principal, fluxes, sensitive to variative in the external osmotic potential, were phloem import into and efflux from the “empty” coats. Phloem import, consistent with a pressure-driven phloem transport mechanism, responded inversely with changes in the external osmotic potential. In contrast, sucrose and potassium efflux from the coats exhibited a positive dependence on the osmotic potential. Growth rates of whole seed were approximately doubled by enclosing selected pods in water jackets held at temperatures of 25°C. compared to 15°C. The osmotic potential of sap collected from the seed apoplast remained constant and independent of the temperature-induced changes in seed growth rates and hence phloem import. Based on these findings, it is proposed that control of phloem import by changes in the external osmotic potential observed with “empty” seed coats has no significance as a regulator of assimilate import by intact seed. Rather, maintenance of the seed apoplast osmotic potential, independent of seed growth rate, suggests that the observed osmotic regulation of efflux from the coats may play a key role in integrating assimilate demand by the embryo with phloem import.  相似文献   

After removal of the embryo from developing seeds of Pisum sativum,the ‘empty’ ovules (seed coats without enclosedembryo) were filled with a solution (pH 5.5) containing mannitol(usually 400 mM) to which various salts were added. A solutioncontaining two isotopes ((a) [2H]-sucrose/[–14C]aminoisobutyricacid (AIB) or (b) [3H]valine/[14C]asparagine mixture) was administeredto the plant via the petiole subtending the fruiting node, and[2H]solute and [14C]solute unloading from the seed coat wasmeasured, in pulse-labelling experiments of about 5 h. The presenceof 25 or 50 mM K+ in the ‘empty’ ovule enhancedthe release of sucrose from the seed coat particularly duringthe first hours of the experiment, but the stimulating effectof K+ on the release of labelled solutes derived from aminoacids was much smaller. The presence of 25 mM CaCl2 did notaffect the release of sucrose or amino acids from the seed coat.The effect of K+ on sucrose and amino acid release is explainedas an inhibition of sucrose and amino acid resorption from theseed coat apoplast into seed coat cells, after unloading fromthe seed coat unloading sites. It is suggested that amino acidrelease is much less affected by K+ than sucrose release, becausefar less resorption of amino acids by seed coat parenchyma cellstakes place during amino acid transport into the seed coat cavity. Pisum sativum, pea, assimilate transport, assimilate unloading, seed-coat exudate, seed development, sucrose resorption, surgical treatment  相似文献   

POWELL  ALISON A. 《Annals of botany》1989,63(1):169-175
Comparisons of five pairs of isogenk lines of peas, differingonly in the A gene for seed coat colour showed that white seeds(genotype aa) imbibed more rapidly than coloured seeds (AA),suffered greater imbibition damage revealed by dead tissue onthe cotyledons, and higher solute leakage. Seed-coat pigmentationwas closely associated with slow water uptake, since when expressionof the A gene was suppressed by the recessive pollens gene,the resulting white seeds {palpal AA) imbibed rapidly. The slowwater uptake by coloured seeds was not due to the restrictionof water entry by the seed coat since the differences in imbibitionrate were maintained when a portion of the seed coat was removedand seeds were imbibed with the exposed cotyledon in contactwith moist filter paper. Imbibition of similarly treated seedsby immersion in polyethylene glycol solutions (1–4%) whichincreased the seed/solution wettability, had little effect onthe water uptake of coloured seeds compared to imbibition inwater whereas that of white seeds increased in the first 10mins imbibition. Poor wettability of the inner surface of colouredseed coats did not therefore explain the slow imbibition ofthese seeds. The white seed coats loosened rapidly during imbibitionwhilst the coloured seed coats remained closely associated withthe cotyledons suggesting that the adherence of the seed coatto the cotyledons and therefore the ease of access of waterbetween the testa and cotyledons determines the rate of imbibition.The rapid water uptake by white-coated seeds and the subsequentimbibition damage may explain the high incidence of infectionof these seeds by the soil-bome fungus Pythhan after 2 d insoil. Improved seed quality and emergence may therefore be achievedby breeding for seed coat characteristics leading to reducedrates of imbibition Pisum sativum, isogenic lines, A gene, seed coat colour, imbibition, imbibition damage, wettability, pollens gene, seed quality, grain legumes  相似文献   

The in vivo significance of turgor-dependent unloading was evaluated by examining assimilate transport to and within intact developing seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris (cv. Redland Pioneer) and Vicia faba (cv. Coles Prolific). The osmotic potentials of the seed apoplast were low. As a result, the osmotic gradients to the seed coat symplast were relatively small (i.e. 0.1 to 0.3 MPa). Sap concentrations of sucrose and potassium in the seed apoplast and coat symplast accounted for some 45 to 60% of the osmotic potentials of these compartments. Estimated turnover times of potassium and sucrose in the seed apoplast of < 1 h were some 5 to 13 times faster than the respective turnover times in the coat symplast pools. The small osmotic gradient between the seed apoplast and coat symplast combined with the relatively rapid turnover of solutes in the apoplast pool, confers the potential for a small change in assimilate uptake by the cotyledons to be rapidly translated into an amplified shift in the cell turgor of the seed coat. Observed adjustments in the osmotic potentials of solutions infused between the coat and cotyledons of intact seed were consistent with the in vivo operation of turgor-dependent unloading of solutes from the coat. Homeostatic regulation of turgor-dependent unloading was indicated by the maintenance of apoplast osmotic potentials of intact seeds when assimilate balance was manipulated by partial defoliation or elevating pod temperature. In contrast, osmotic potentials of the coat symplast adjusted upward to new steady values over a 2 to 4 h period. The resultant downward shift in coat cell turgor could serve to integrate phloem import into the seed coat with the new rates of efflux to the seed apoplast. Circumstantial evidence for this linkage was suggested by the approximate coincidence of the turgor changes with those in stem levels of 32P used to monitor phloem transport. The results obtained provide qualified support for the in vivo operation of a turgor homeostat mechanism. It is proposed that the homeostat functions to integrate assimilate demand by the cotyledons with efflux from and phloem import into the coats of developing legume seed.  相似文献   

Sucrose has been found in the apoplast of bean stems at a concentrationof 25–60 mM with an axial concentration gradient in theappropriate direction for Munch translocation. Removal of theepidermis from a 50 mm length of stem enabled the washout oflabelled photosynthate from the apoplast. The rate of labelwashout was strongly dependent on temperature, and the rateincreased on blockage of phloem pathways to the main sink forthat assimilate. Washout did not reduce when the bathed tissuewas plasmolyzed. We propose that sucrose is unloaded from thephloem into the apoplast, and a sucrose concentration is maintainedthere by a balance of sucrose uptake into sink tissue or reloadinginto the phloem. It is proposed that the apoplastic pool ofphotosynthate can act to buffer sudden changes in phloem contentswhen there are rapid changes in source-sink configuration. Key words: Sucrose, Phaseolus vulgaris, Apoplast, Phloem unloading  相似文献   

Apoplastic Phloem Unloading in the Stem of Bean   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sucrose has been found in the apoplast of bean stems at a concentrationof 25–60 mM with an axial concentration gradient in theappropriate direction for Munch translocation. Removal of theepidermis from a 50 mm length of stem enabled the washout oflabelled photosynthate from the apoplast. The rate of labelwashout was strongly dependent on temperature, and the rateincreased on blockage of phloem pathways to the main sink forthat assimilate. Washout did not reduce when the bathed tissuewas plasmolyzed. We propose that sucrose is unloaded from thephloem into the apoplast, and a sucrose concentration is maintainedthere by a balance of sucrose uptake into sink tissue or reloadinginto the phloem. It is proposed that the apoplastic pool ofphotosynthate can act to buffer sudden changes in phloem contentswhen there are rapid changes in source-sink configuration. Key words: Sucrose, Phaseolus vulgaris, Apoplast, Phloem unloading  相似文献   

A method for direct identification and quantitative measurementsof mixed or pure gases diffusing through seed coats was devisedto test the hypothesis that the dormancy of Xanthium pennsylvanicumseeds is caused by oxygen-impermeable seed coats. The diffusionof oxygen through seed coats of X. pennsylvanicum was shownto obey Fick's first law. Oxygen diffused through the lowerand upper seed coats at the same rate. Imbibed lower and upperseeds showed essentially equal oxygen uptake rates before radicleemergence. This uptake was lower than the rate at which oxygencan diffuse into the seed. Therefore upper seeds are not dormantbecause of seed coat restriction of oxygen diffusion. The relationshipsof oxygen with other factors involved in seed dormancy are discussed.  相似文献   

Liu YH  Cao JS  Li GJ  Wu XH  Wang BG  Xu P  Hu TT  Lu ZF  Patrick JW  Ruan YL 《Annals of botany》2012,109(7):1277-1284

Background and Aims

Coordination of sugar transport and metabolism between developing seeds and their enclosing fruit tissues is little understood. In this study the physiological mechanism is examined using two genotypes of asparagus bean (Vigna unguiculata ssp. sesquipedialis) differing in pod wall and seed growth rates. Pod growth dominates over seed growth in genotype ‘Zhijiang 121’ but not in ‘Zhijiang 282’ in which a ‘bulging pod’ phenotype is apparent from 8 d post-anthesis (dpa) onward.


Seed and pod wall growth rates and degree of pod-bulging were measured in the two genotypes together with assays of activities of sucrose-degrading enzymes and sugar content in pod wall and seed and evaluation of cellular pathways of phloem unloading in seed coat using a symplasmic fluorescent dye, 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (CF).

Key Results

Activities of cell wall, cytoplasmic and vacuolar invertases (CWIN, CIN and VIN) were significantly smaller in pod walls of ‘282’ than in ‘121’ at 10 dpa onwards. Low INV activities were associated with weak pod wall growth of ‘282’. In seed coats, CF was confined within the vasculature in ‘282’ but moved beyond the vasculature in ‘121’, indicating apoplasmic and symplasmic phloem unloading, respectively. Higher CWIN activity in ‘282’ seed coats at 6–8 dpa correlated with high hexose concentration in embryos and enhanced early seed growth. However, CWIN activity in ‘282’ decreased significantly compared with ‘121’ from 10 dpa onwards, coinciding with earlier commencement of nuclei endoreduplication in their embryos.


The study shows genotypic differences between ‘bulging pod’ and ‘non-bulging’ phenotypes of asparagus bean in sucrose metabolism in relation to the pathway of phloem unloading in developing seed coats, and to pod and seed growth. Low INV activity in pod wall corresponds to its shortened and weak growth period; by contrast, the apoplasmic path in the seed coat is associated with high CWIN activity and strong early seed growth.  相似文献   

Patrick, J. W., Jacobs, E., Offler, C. E. and Cram, W. J. 1986.Photosynthate unloading from seed coats of Phaseolus vulgarisL.—Nature and cellular location of turgor-sensitive unloading—J.exp. Bot. 37: 1006–1019. Unloading rates of 14C-Photosynthates from excised seed-coathalves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. plants were sharply increasedat cell turgor potentials in excess of 5 ? 105 Pa. Turgor-sensitiveunloading occurred in the absence of any change in the passivepermeability of, and active sucrose influx across, the plasmalemmaand tonoplast membranes. The proton ionophore CCCP, and lowtemperature significantly slowed turgor-sensitive unloadingwhile PCMBS, a non-permeating sulphydryl-modifying compound,was without effect. Turgor-sensitive unloading significantlydepressed the 14C-Photosynthate content of the ground and branchparenchyma, but had no effect on the 14C-Photosynthate levelsin the vascular tissues. Cycling of cell turgor potentials aboveand below 5 ? 105 Pa elicited reproducible responses in theunloading rate of 14C-Photosynthates. Increasing turgor above5 ? 105 Pa resulted in a burst of 14C-Photosynthate unloading.Reversal to turgors less than 5 ? 105 Pa caused a rapid depressionin unloading rate. It is proposed that turgor-sensitive unloadingis facilitated by a specific turgor-sensitive porter locatedon the plasmalemma of the ground and/or branch parenchyma cellsof bean seed coats. Key words: Bean, seed coat, turgor-sensitive unloading, phloem  相似文献   

Sugar and amino acid transport into empty ovules of Pisum sativum L. cv. Marzia was examined. In fruits containing 4–6 developing seeds, the embryo was removed from four ovules. After this surgical treatment, each empty seed coat was filled with a solution (pH 5.5) containing a low (0, 50 or 200 m M ), medium (350, 400 or 500 m M ) or high (0.7 or 1 M ) concentration of sucrose and/or mannitol. In pulse-labelling experiments with sucrose and α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB), transport of sucrose and AIB into an empty ovule filled with a solution containing a high sucrose concentration was the same as transport into an ovule filled with a mannitol solution of similar osmolarity, demonstrating that a high sucrose concentration in the seed coat apoplast affects phloem transport of sucrose and AIB into the seed coat only by the osmotic effect. The osmolarity of a given solution filling the seed coat cavity appeared to be important for phloem transport of sucrose and AIB into empty ovules.
In our experiments, 350 m M appeared to be the optimal concentration for sucrose and AIB transport into the cavity within an empty ovule, giving results comparable with transport into intact ovules. A lower osmolarity of the solution induced less transport. Very high sucrose or mannitol concentrations caused a strong inhibition of sucrose and AIB unloading from the seed coat, so that transport into the empty ovules was inhibited. A low (strongly negative) but not too low osmotic potential of the solution in the seed coat apoplast seems necessary to maintain a normal rate of phloem transport into developing seeds. Apparently, the "sink strength" of developing seeds is turgor-sensitive.  相似文献   

The seed coats of Digitalis purpurea L. cv. Gloxiniaflora werecultured for indigenous fungi. Alternaria alternata (Fries)was identified as the sole fungus on seeds freshly harvestedfrom unopened capsules, whereas A. alternata, Rhizopus arrhizus(Fischer), Penicillium sp. and other fungi appeared on storedseeds. The appearance of fungi in seed cultures was seasonal,being more frequent in winter and early spring than in summerand autumn. Alternaria grew well on autoclaved seeds, on dehiscentseed coats, or on seed coats separated from the embryos of ungerminatedseeds. Rhizopus did not grow on these but grew weakly on theculture medium from viable seeds. A. alternata appears to functionas a degradation agent for the seed coat subsequent to germination.Neither fungus was found to be essential to germination of Digitalisseeds. Bioassay of the culture medium from germinating seedsshowed that a fungistat effective against both Alternaria andRhizopus is produced coincident with germination. Based on chromatographicanalysis, the fungistat appears to be a cardenolide. Alternaria alternata (Fries), cardenolides, Digitalis purpurea L. cv, Gloxiniaflora, fungistats, germination, Rhizopus arrhizus (Fischer)  相似文献   

A technique has been developed which permits mechanistic studies of phloem unloading in developing seeds of soybean (Glycine max cv Clark) and other legumes. An opening is cut in the pod wall and the embryo surgically removed from the seedcoat without diminishing the capacity of that tissue for assimilate import, phloem unloading, or efflux. The sites of phloem unloading were accessible via the seedcoat apoplast and were challenged with inhibitors, solutes, buffers, etc., to characterize the unloading process.

Unloading is stimulated by divalent metal chelators and diethylstilbestrol, and inhibited by metabolic uncouplers and sulfhydryl group modifiers. Solutes released from the seed coat had a carbon/nitrogen ratio of 31 milligrams carbon per milligram nitrogen; sucrose represented 90% of the carbon present and various nitrogenous solutes contributed the remaining 10%. Unloading could be maintained for up 8 hours at rates of 0.5 to 1.0 micromoles per hour, providing a valid, convenient in vivo technique for studies of phloem unloading and seed growth mechanisms.


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