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We have studied the effects by cysteamine in vitro and in vivo on hormone production and islet cell metabolism in isolated pancreatic islets and perfused pancreas of the rat. In isolated islets, cysteamine dose-dependently depleted somatostatin immunoreactivity by 50% after 60 min exposure to 1 mmol/l of the compound. This effect appeared to be independent of interaction of the drug with secretion of somatostatin from the pancreatic D-cells. Cysteamine, however, interacted acutely not only with the D-cells, but also markedly suppressed glucose-induced insulin release. Moreover, cysteamine inhibited islet glucose oxidation, an effect which reflects interference with the metabolism mainly of the B-cells. The effect of cysteamine on glucose-induced insulin release was prolonged, since it was still observed in the isolated rat pancreas perfused 24 h after in vivo treatment with cysteamine. In contrast to the effects on glucose-induced insulin release, the response to glibenclamide remained unaffected by a previous exposure to cysteamine in vivo. However, both glucose- and glibenclamide-induced somatostatin secretion was reduced by 50%, whereas basal glucagon secretion was significantly enhanced in pancreata from cysteamine-treated rats vs. control rats. We conclude that (1) cysteamine does not specifically affect the D-cells of the islets, and (2) the multiple effects by cysteamine on islet cell function, particularly on B-cell metabolism and secretion, renders the compound unsuitable for the study of paracrine interactions in the islets.  相似文献   

Interactions between the endocrine and immune systems in locusts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The prophenoloxidase cascade in the haemolymph of mature adult Locusta migratoria migratorioides (R & F) is activated in response to injection of laminarin, a β‐1,3 glucan. Co‐injection of adipokinetic hormone‐I (Lom‐AKH‐I) and laminarin prolongs the activation of the enzyme in a dose‐dependent manner. However, injections of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) do not activate prophenoloxidase unless AKH is co‐injected, when there is a dose‐dependent increase in the level of phenoloxidase that persists in the haemolymph for several hours. Even when AKH is co‐injected, the highest levels of phenoloxidase activity are always greater after injection of laminarin than after LPS, and these two immunogens must activate the prophenoloxidase cascade by quite distinct pathways. In the present study, interactions between the endocrine and immune systems were examined with respect to activation of prophenoloxidase and the formation of nodules: injection of LPS induces nodule formation in adult locusts. With LPS from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, nodules form exclusively in dense accumulations in the anterior portion of the abdomen on either side of the dorsal blood vessel associated with the dorsal diaphragm. However, with LPS from Escherichia coli, fewer nodules are formed but with a similar distribution, except that occasionally some nodules are aligned additionally on either side of the ventral nerve cord. Co‐injection of Lom‐AKH‐I with LPS from either bacteria stimulates greater numbers of nodules to be formed. This effect of coinjection of AKH on nodule formation is seen at low doses of hormone with only 0.3 or 0.4 pmol of Lom‐AKH‐1, respectively, increasing the number of nodules by 50%. Injections of octopamine or 5‐hydroxytryptamine do not mimic either of the actions of Lom‐AKH‐I described here. Co‐injection of an angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril, reduces nodule formation in response to injections of LPS but has no effect on the activation of phenoloxidase. Co‐injection of an inhibitor of eicosanoid synthesis, dexamethasone, with LPS influences nodule formation (with or without AKH) in different ways according to the dose of dexamethasone used, but does not affect activation of prophenoloxidase. Eicosanoid synthesis is important for nodule formation, but not for the activation of the prophenoloxidase cascade in locust haemolymph.  相似文献   

The development of the immune system begins during embryogenesis, continues throughout fetal life, and completes its maturation during infancy. Exposure to immune-toxic compounds at levels producing limited/transient effects in adults, results in long-lasting or permanent immune deficits when it occurs during perinatal life. Potentially harmful radiofrequency (RF) exposure has been investigated mainly in adult animals or with cells from adult subjects, with most of the studies showing no effects. Is the developing immune system more susceptible to the effects of RF exposure? To address this question, newborn mice were exposed to WiFi signals at constant specific absorption rates (SAR) of 0.08 or 4 W/kg, 2 h/day, 5 days/week, for 5 consecutive weeks, starting the day after birth. The experiments were performed with a blind procedure using sham-exposed groups as controls. No differences in body weight and development among the groups were found in mice of both sexes. For the immunological analyses, results on female and male newborn mice exposed during early post-natal life did not show any effects on all the investigated parameters with one exception: a reduced IFN-γ production in spleen cells from microwaves (MW)-exposed (SAR 4 W/kg) male (not in female) mice compared with sham-exposed mice. Altogether our findings do not support the hypothesis that early post-natal life exposure to WiFi signals induces detrimental effects on the developing immune system.  相似文献   

A single exposure to severe stressors has been shown to cause anorexia in the next 24 h, but the duration of such alterations is not known. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to different stressors, and food intake was measured for several days after stress. In experiment 1, 2 h of immobilization (Imo) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration (1,000 microgram/kg) caused a marked anorexia in the 24 h after stress, which persisted on poststress day 3. In experiment 2, changes in food intake after LPS and Imo were followed until total recovery. As in experiment 1, LPS caused initially a greater degree of anorexia than Imo, but normal food intake recovered much faster (poststress day 3 vs. poststress day 9). Changing the period of exposure to Imo between 20 min and 6 h (experiment 3) only slightly modified the pattern of response to the stressor. When different doses of LPS (50, 250, and 1,000 microgram/kg) were tested in experiment 4, a dose-dependent effect on food intake was observed, the greatest doses causing the most marked and lasting effect. The present results showed stressor-specific lasting changes in food intake caused by a single exposure to some stressors, the effect of a severe psychological stressor such as Imo being more lasting than that of LPS, despite a lower initial anorexia. A severe psychological stressor and a physical stressor such as LPS appear to change food intake in different ways.  相似文献   

C Kordon  C Bihoreau 《Hormone research》1989,31(1-2):100-104
Several data accumulated over recent years on the mechanisms underlying the interactions between the brain, hormones and the immune system. These data concern two major avenues of research: the evidence that brain-controlled, behavioral parameters can modulate the response of immunocompetent cells, and an increasing awareness that a number of chemical signals - neurotransmitters, hormones or mediators of immunity - are not, as previously believed, specific of given sets of tissues or of functions, but that, on the contrary, they can be produced and recognized by cellular elements belonging to any of those three systems. There is indeed evidence to indicate that signaling molecules involved in cellular communication are 'banalized': that means that their receptors are liable to be expressed in almost any tissue by a wide variety of cells. This statement, together with the discovery that intercellular regulation is multifactorial - that is, depends at any given time upon messages built up by combinations of signal molecules rather than by isolated transmitters - raises a certain number of theoretical problems as to the manner by which cells extract messages out of an important background noise. In the present paper, some of those theoretical problems will be presented in a summarized form, and their relevance for the interpretation of neuroendocrine or neuroimmunological interactions will be discussed.  相似文献   

Continuous inutero and postpartum exposure of SH and WKY rats to naloxone results in a significant increase in their systolic blood pressure relative to respective control animals. After six weeks of age, however, naloxone was no longer effective in sustaining this increase in blood pressure. Chronic exposure to naloxone beginning at three weeks of age failed to produce any significant differences in blood pressure between treated and control animals. Although naloxone has been shown to elevate blood pressure in hypotensive states, this report represents the first example of an increase produced by the narcotic antagonist in the normotensive state.  相似文献   

For the first ten days of gestation, rats received daily intraperitoneal injections of 10-40 mg/kg of caffeine. Open field behavior of their fostered offspring was observed 61, 145 and 188 days after birth. While there were no obvious physical effects of the prenatal experience, at 61 days caffeine exposure led to an increase in the number of times seen walking for males only and increased ambulation (distance travelled) for both sexes. At 145 days occupancy of centre squares of the apparatus and latencies of emergence from a dark box into an illuminated arena were higher for caffeine-exposed males only. When 188 days old, rats exposed to 20 mg/kg of caffeine tended to exhibit less locomotor activity and more grooming behavior while spending more time in corners of the apparatus. Male rats prenatally exposed to 20 mg/kg of caffeine avoided the centre squares of the apparatus. It was concluded that prenatal caffeine had modified the development of mechanisms controlling voluntary motor activity in the youngest rats. However, at older ages, the prenatal effect was probably manifested as increased timidity or emotional reactivity. Males were often affected differently from females by the prenatal treatment.  相似文献   

Ifosfamide is an alkylating chemotherapeutic agent that exhibits activity against a wide range of tumors. Exposure to such agent just prior to mating (preconception period) may have adverse effects on developing embryos. I investigated the rate of apoptosis and the histological changes in both placenta and developing fetal tissues after exposure to ifosfamide of young female rats before mating. I clarified the roles of the drug and the placenta in causing fetal developmental toxicity. Rats were divided into four groups: (1) untreated controls, (2) rats administered saline, (3 and 4) rats administered 25 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg ifosfamide, respectively. After treatment of females with ifosfamide, the treated females were allowed to mate with normal untreated males. All pregnant animals were sacrificed on day 18 of gestation. Treatment with high doses of ifosfamide caused small placentas, fewer viable fetuses, greater post-implantation losses and more resorbed fetuses. Reduced progesterone and increased prolactin levels also were found. Immunohistochemical staining, the TUNEL technique and histological studies showed increased apoptotic cells and many histological changes in the placenta, and in fetal brain, liver and kidney tissues. Ifosfamide treatment increased apoptosis and caused hypoplasia of placental basal and labyrinth zones, which resulted in pathological changes in developing fetal tissue.  相似文献   

In previous studies we have demonstrated that 50 Hz, 100 μT magnetic field (MF) exposure of female Sprague-Dawley rats for 13 weeks significantly enhances the development and growth of mammary tumors in a breast cancer model. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that, at least in part, the tumor (co)promoting effect of MF exposure is due to MF effects on the immune surveillance system, which is of critical importance in protecting an organism against the development and growth of tumors. For this purpose, female Sprague-Dawley rats of the same age as in the mammary tumor experiments were continuously exposed for different periods (2, 4, 8, and 13 weeks) to a 50 Hz, 100 μT MF. Control groups were sham-exposed simultaneously. Following the different exposure periods, splenic lymphocytes were cultured and the proliferative responses to the T-cell-selective mitogen concanavalin A (Con A) and the B-cell-selective pokeweed mitogen (PWM) were determined. Furthermore, the production of interleukin-1 (IL-1) was determined in the splenocyte cultures. The mitogenic responsiveness of T cells was markedly enhanced after 2 weeks of MF exposure, suggesting a co-mitogenic action of MF. A significant, but less marked increase in T-cell mitogenesis was seen after 4 weeks of MF exposure, whereas no difference from sham controls was determined after 8 weeks, indicating adaptation or tolerance to this effect of MF exposure. Following 13 weeks of MF exposure, a significant decrease in the mitogenic responsiveness of lymphocytes to Con A was obtained. This triphasic alteration in T-cell function (i.e., activation, tolerance, and suppression) during prolonged MF exposure resembles alterations observed during chronic administration of mild stressors, substantiating the hypothesis that cells respond to MF in the same way as they do to other environmental stresses. In contrast to T cells, the mitogenic responsiveness of B cells and IL-1 production of PWM-stimulated cells were not altered during MF exposure. The data demonstrate that MF in vivo exposure of female rats induces complex effects on the mitogenic responsiveness of T cells, which may lead to impaired immune surveillance after long-term exposure. Bioelectromagnetics 19:259–270, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Outbred female CD-1 mice were treated with genistein (Gen), the primary phytoestrogen in soy, by s.c. injections on Neonatal Days 1-5 at doses of 0.5, 5, or 50 mg/kg per day (Gen-0.5, Gen-5, and Gen-50). The day of vaginal opening was observed in mice treated with Gen and compared with controls, and although there were some differences, they were not statistically significant. Gen-treated mice had prolonged estrous cycles with a dose- and age-related increase in severity of abnormal cycles. Females treated with Gen-0.5 or Gen-5 bred to control males at 2, 4, and 6 mo showed statistically significant decreases in the number of live pups over time with increasing dose; at 6 mo, 60% of the females in the Gen-0.5 group and 40% in the Gen-5 group delivered live pups compared with 100% of controls. Mice treated with Gen-50 did not deliver live pups. At 2 mo, >60% of the mice treated with Gen-50 were fertile as determined by uterine implantation sites, but pregnancy was not maintained; pregnancy loss was characterized by fewer, smaller implantation sites and increased reabsorptions. Mice treated with lower doses of Gen had increased numbers of corpora lutea compared with controls, while mice treated with the highest dose had decreased numbers; however, superovulation with eCG/hCG yielded similar numbers of oocytes as controls. Serum levels of progesterone, estradiol, and testosterone were similar between Gen-treated and control mice when measured before puberty and during pregnancy. In summary, neonatal treatment with Gen caused abnormal estrous cycles, altered ovarian function, early reproductive senescence, and subfertility/infertility at environmentally relevant doses.  相似文献   



a decline in immune and endocrine function occurs with aging. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of long-term endurance training on the immune and endocrine system of elderly men. The possible interaction between these systems was also analysed.  相似文献   

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a highly infectious Gram-positive pathogen known to cause severe diseases such as endocarditis, food poisoning, pneumonia, osteomyelitis, and septicemia. MRSA is a major public health issue. Among these, osteomyelitis is inflammation of the bone caused by the invasion of the bacterial pathogen in the bones. Its prominent symptoms include fever, pain, and redness of bones. In the case of children, it affects the long bones of arms and legs, whereas in the case of adults it affects the hip, feet, and spine. Bacterial osteomyelitis can trigger pathological remodeling of bones and hence causes substantial morbidity and mortality. The present study aims to evaluate the isoflavone genistein's (5,7-dihydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)−4H-1-benzopyran-4-one,4′,5,7 trihydroxyisoflavone) antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects against osteomyelitis induced by MRSA in male Wistar rats. Classification of the animals was into the following: sham (Group I), osteomyelitis (Group II, control), genistein (25 mg/kg body weight, Group III), and genistein (50 mg/kg body weight, Group IV). The rats did not receive any treatment for 4 weeks after bacterial inoculation. Genistein was then administered twice daily for 2 weeks. Bacterial growth, mean body weight bone infection status, and side effects of genistein treatment were assessed. Furthermore, lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase, glutathione (GSH) peroxidase, catalase, reduced GSH, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and interleukin (IL)-6 were also determined. Two days after treatment, it was found that genistein significantly suppressed bacterial growth and reduced serum pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-6. Therefore, the study suggests that genistein could be a promising lead against MRSA-induced osteomyelitis.  相似文献   

免疫反应产物对神经及内分泌系统功能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

This study was conducted to assess effects of aluminum (Al) exposure on allergic responsive reactions and humoral immune function in rats. Forty male Wistar rats (5 weeks old) weighed 110?C120 g were randomly allocated into four groups and were orally exposed to 0, 64.18, 128.36, and 256.72 mg/kg body weight aluminum trichloride in drinking water for 120 days. The levels of immunoglobulin (Ig) G, IgA, IgM, IgE, Complement factor (C)3, and C4 in serum were determined by ELISA and nephelometric assays at the end of experiment. The results showed that the levels of IgM, C3, and C4 were lowered, and the levels of IgG, IgA, and IgE were increased in an Al-dose dependent manner. The increased in IgE level and the decreased in C3 and C4 levels indicate that Al induces allergic responses in rats; while the increased levels in IgG and IgA and the decreased level in IgM suggest that Al disorders the humoral immune function in rats.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether combined treatments with genistein dosage and moderate resistance exercise would exhibit synergistically preventive effects on bone loss following the onset of menopause. Forty-one 12 wk-old female SD rats were assigned to five groups: 1) Sham operated (Sham); 2) ovariectomized (OVX-Cont); 3) OVX received genistein (OVX-GEN); 4) OVX exercised (OVX-EXE); and 5) OVX treated with both genistein and exercise (OVX-GEN-EXE). All rats were fed a low Ca (0.1%) diet ad libitum. Daily genistein dosage was 12 mg/kg body weight. Exercising rats took 40 sets of 1-min run interspersed with 1-min rest with a 100 g weight on the back on an uphill treadmill at 20 m/min. The experimental duration consisted of the adaptation and treatment periods of 4 weeks each. Uterine weight in OVX-Cont, OVX-GEN, OVX-EXE and OVX-GEN-EXE decreased to about 15% of that in Sham (p < 0.001). The femoral BMD (mg/cm2; mean +/- SE), assessed by DEXA (Lunar), of OVX-Cont was significantly lowered to 206 +/- 5 by -9%, as compared to 226 +/- 2 of Sham (p < 0.001). The BMD of OVX-GEN, OVX-EXE and OVX-GEN-EXE were 217 +/- 2, 217 +/- 2 and 222 +/- 2, respectively, and genistein dosage and resistance exercise equally increased the BMD of OVX rats by 5% (p < 0.01). Combined treatment of genistein and exercise more successfully recovered their decreased BMD by 8% (p < 0.001). BMD of the fourth lumbar vertebrae in OVX-Cont was declined to 191 +/- 7 by -15%, as compared to 225 +/- 4 in Sham (p < 0.001). OVX-EXE and OVX-GEN-EXE gained the BMD by 6% to 205 +/- 4 and 203 +/- 3, respectively, as compared to that of OVX-Cont (p < 0.01). These results suggest the possibility that the combined treatment of genistein dosage and resistance exercise have more beneficial effects by acting rather independently than their separate trials on the prevention of ovx-induced bone loss in femurs.  相似文献   

Cadmium represents one of the most toxic pollutants in plant ecosystems: at high concentrations it can cause severe effects, such as plant growth inhibition, decrease in photosynthesis and changes in plant basal metabolism. Changes in pigments’ content, RubisCO large subunit, and D1 protein indicated a severe reduction in photosynthetic efficiency. Furthermore, the decrease of nitrate reductase activity and changes in free amino acids levels show a general stress condition of nitrogen assimilation. Cadmium increased the activities of ROS scavenging enzymes; among these, ascorbate peroxidase rate was the most noticeably increased. It is worth noting that glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH; EC, showed changes in both activities and occurrence during cadmium stress. Interestingly, our data suggest that G6PDH would modulate redox homeostasis under metal exposure, and possibly satisfy the increased request of reductants to counteract the oxidative burst induced by cadmium. Therefore, the results suggest that APX and G6PDH may play a pivotal role to counteract the oxidative stress induced by cadmium in young barley plants.  相似文献   

Male rats and pregnant and nonpregnant female rats of the Wistar strain were sham-exposed or exposed to static (0.49 T) or to extremely low frequency (50 Hz) magnetic fields (0.018 T) 2 h per day for 20 consecutive days. Measures of irritability, exploratory activity, and locomotion were made in that order before and after the 4th, 10th, and 17th 2-h exposures. A reliable decrease in the irritability of rats after repeated exposure to a static or undulating field was found. No significant effects of treatment conditions on open-field behavior and locomotor activity were observed. Pregnancy had no influence on the behavioral end points. These results indicate that irritability of rats may be used as a simple behavioral indicant of mammalian sensitivity to magnetic fields. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

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