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Growth in volume of common dentex Dentex dentex and turbot Psetta maxima during larval development was studied by means of a quantitative histological method. A two‐phase pattern of volume increase was recorded for both species, turbot volume being always higher than dentex volume. During the first phase, the increase was small but during the second phase volume rose sharply from 22 days post hatch (dph) and 17 dph onwards in dentex and turbot, respectively. In dentex, the specific growth rate ( G ) of the whole larva as well as that of all the structures studied (nervous tissue, trunk musculature, digestive tract, liver, pancreas, spleen and thymus) was always higher during the second phase, whereas in turbot, only total volume of the larva, trunk musculature and nervous tissue had a higher G during the same period. The pattern of allometric growth of digestive organs was similar for both species. These organs showed an initial positive allometric growth that later became near‐isometric (digestive tract and liver) or negative (pancreas). In dentex, nervous tissue and trunk musculature showed near‐isometry throughout the period studied. In turbot, nervous tissue exhibited negative allometry and trunk musculature changed from negative to positive allometry. In both species studied, the highest allometry coefficients were recorded for digestive organs before the larva switched to strict exotrophy. This would indicate the importance of the development of these organs for survival.  相似文献   

Levantine scraper, Capoeta damascina is a candidate species for future stock assessments, conservation studies, and hatchery efforts. Herein, we documented embryonic and early larval development, from egg activation to the exogenous feeding period, using morphological and histological landmarks. Embryos were obtained by in vitro fertilization from hormonally induced wild-caught broodstock, and subsequent development was monitored at temperatures coinciding with native conditions. Embryonic development from fertilization to hatch lasted ~105–110 hr. Larvae emerged with unpigmented eyes and body morphology, as well as an undifferentiated digestive tract. The mouth was closed at hatch by the oropharyngeal membrane and opened by the early endogenous feeding period. Trabeculae cartilage, quadrate bone, and Meckel's cartilage of the endoskeleton were present during the endogenous feeding period. During this period, the larvae underwent considerable changes in craniofacial morphology, locomotion, and organogenesis of the digestive tract. The cartilaginous floor of the neurocranium developed and the first four ceratobranchials appeared simultaneously at the end of endogenous feeding period. The digestive tract was differentiated into buccopharynx, esophagus, and small intestine during the endogenous feeding period. The intestinal valve and numerous longitudinal folds at the posterior region of the intestine formed together by the endo–exogenous feeding period. Major developmental events in retinogenesis occurred during the endogenous feeding period. When larvae entered exogenous feeding the mouth was fully-functional. Additionally, liver size and eye diameter increased. Our analysis of embryonic and early larval development in Levantine scraper aligned with other freshwater fishes.  相似文献   

We investigated muscle development in the Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus, focusing primarily on the cranial muscles, using a whole mount immunohistochemical staining method. It is well established that during the very early stages of morphogenesis, until 4 days post hatching (dph), muscles required for feeding develop. Later, between 8 and 16 dph, the muscle composition in the dorsal branchial arches changes to the adult form. We discovered the presence of larval‐specific muscles in this ontogenetic period, termed the larval branchial levators 2 and 3, located in the dorsal branchial arches. The larval branchial levators 2 and 3 disappear during the course of development, whereas the others remain as levator internus 1 and levator posterior, which have also been described in adult fish. In place of these regressed muscles, the levatores externi and levator internus 2 develop and regulate the branchial arches. In addition, we found that the levator posterior, which is thought to represent the fifth levator externus, and the levatores externi exhibit different origins. We also found that at least a part of the caudal fin musculature develops from the trunk myotome. J. Morphol. 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Blood sugar is an essential energy source for growth and development and is maintained at a constant level through precise regulation of formation and utilization. Sugars are produced from dietary carbohydrates by enzymatic hydrolysis in the digestive tract, which are under the homeostatic control of paracrine and prandial mechanisms in mammals. Here, we show that dietary carbohydrates hydrolyzing activity of the digestive tract is developmentally regulated by the steroid hormone ecdysone in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. The dietary carbohydrates hydrolyzing activity remained high throughout the last larval period and then decreased to negligible levels until the pupal period. However, dietary carbohydrates digestive activities were constitutively high when the steroidogenic organ, prothoracic glands were ablated. The prothoracic glands produced and released a large amount of ecdysone at the end of the larval period, suggesting that ecdysone is responsible for the decrease in dietary carbohydrates hydrolyzing activity. In fact, ecdysone decreased the activity to negligible levels in silkworms lacking the prothoracic glands. The present results indicate that the dietary carbohydrates hydrolyzing activity is regulated by ecdysone and that an increase in ecdysone titer decreases that activity at the end of the larval period, suggesting that ecdysone is essential for metabolic coordination during development.  相似文献   

The developmental stages of Oreochromis niloticus are similar to those described in other mouth-breeding tilapias except that, as in zebrafish, no cavity was found in the blastula. Variation in the rate of development of the embryo and larva of O. niloticus was found within a clutch of eggs as well as between clutches. Hatching glands are described for the first time in tilapias. They are widely distributed within the ectoderm covering the head, body, tail, and surface of the yolk sac near its attachment to the embryo. Timing of larval development is similar to that in other mouthbrooding tilapias, but is slower than that found in substrate-spawning tilapias. A pneumatic duct connects the swimbladder to the digestive tract and swimbladder inflation and initiation of feeding occurs at about the same time. The digestive tract of the larva 8 and 9 days after fertilization is similar to that found in the adult, except that there are no digestive glands. An endocrine pancreatic islet was first seen 76 h after fertilization. A prominent thymus gland is present at 100 h. Hematopoietic tissue develops in the vicinity of the pronephros during early larval development. A spleen develops later, 7 days after fertilization.  相似文献   

In this work, histological and histochemical features of the larval digestive system of Argentine anchovy Engraulis anchoita were described. Structural changes during ontogenetic development were also characterized, and comparisons between the beginning and the end of larval development were made. Histological sections of larvae were subjected to histochemical and routine histological techniques to localize and differentiate glycoproteins (GPs). Both at an early and a late larval stage, the oesophageal goblet cells reacted more intensely than those of the rest of the digestive tract, and only the oesophagus exhibited metachromasia with toluidine blue techniques at different pHs, thus revealing diverse GPs at different concentrations. The GPs histochemical composition in the intestine varied with the developmental stage and the intestinal zone. The absence of goblet cells characterized the foregut; however, they started differentiation at an advanced stage in the midgut. These cells could be detected in the hindgut both at the beginning and at the end of development. The attached glands showed a varied glycoprotein composition. The digestive tract of E. anchoita presented a high level of complexity, related to the multiple functions of mucus in the digestive tract, such as lubrication, protection, antimicrobial function and ionic and osmotic regulation.  相似文献   

The midgut epithelium of feeding nymph is represented by the digestive cells of larval phase. Digestion of the main part of feed is performed by the one generation of digestive cells of nymphal phase after detachment, during moult. This period precedes the apolysis. The generation of secretory cells is absent on the nymphal phase. Secretory vacuoles are formed in the digestive cells of larval phase. All functioning cells form a peritrophic matrix on their apical surface. The replacement of the digestive cells of larval phase by the digestive cells of nymphal phase proceeds gradually, during the first 5-10 days after detachment. The beginning of the accumulation of digestive inclusions in the young digestive cells of nymphal phase takes place in the 10-15 days after detachment.  相似文献   

The effect of starvation on the feeding rate of larval Chaoborus(Diptera. Chaoboridae) was investigated using Daphnia roseaas prey. The starvation period varied from 12 h to 22 days.The starved Chaoborus were individually incubated with 10 Daphniaunder controlled light and temperature conditions. Observationswere made on prey mortality every 2 h for the first 12 h andonce after 24 h. Feeding rates gradually increased to a maximumbetween 7–11 days of starvation. After this period, feedingrates declined to previous low levels. Generally, feeding rateswere significantly higher during the first 2–4 h of feeding.Thereafter, feeding rates were lower and exhibited no consistentpattems with length of feeding time.  相似文献   

Using histological techniques and computer‐aided three‐dimensional reconstructions of histological serial sections, we studied the development of the olfactory and vomeronasal organs in the discoglossid frog Discoglossus pictus. The olfactory epithelium in larval D. pictus represents one continuous unit of tissue not divided into two separate portions. However, a small pouch of olfactory epithelium (the “ventromedial diverticulum”) is embedded into the roof of the buccal cavity, anteromedial to the internal naris. The lateral appendix is present in D. pictus through the entire larval period and disappears during the onset of metamorphosis. The disappearance of the lateral appendix at this time suggests that it is a typical larval organ related to aquatic life. The vomeronasal organ develops during hindlimb development, which is comparatively late for anurans. The development of the vomeronasal organ in D. pictus follows the same general developmental pattern recognized for neobatrachians. As with most anurans, the vomeronasal glands appear later than the vomeronasal organ. After metamorphosis, the olfactory organ of adult D. pictus is composed of a series of three interconnected chambers: the cavum principale, cavum medium, and cavum inferius. We suggest that the ventromedial diverticulum at the anterior border of the internal naris of larval D. pictus might be homologous with the ventral olfactory epithelium of bufonids and with the similar diverticulum of Alytes. J. Morphol. 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Nearly all vertebrates possess an olfactory organ but the vomeronasal organ is a synapomorphy for tetrapods. Nevertheless, it has been lost in several groups of tetrapods, including aquatic and marine animals. The present study examines the development of the olfactory and vomeronasal organs in two terrestrial anurans that exhibit different developmental modes. This study compares the development of the olfactory and vomeronasal organs in metamorphic anurans that exhibit an aquatic larva (Bufo americanus) and directly developing anurans that have eliminated the tadpole (Eleutherodactylus coqui). The olfactory epithelium in larval B. americanus is divided into dorsal and ventral branches in the rostral and mid-nasal regions. The larval olfactory pattern in E. coqui has been eliminated. Ontogeny of the olfactory system in E. coqui embryos starts to vary substantially from the larval pattern around the time of operculum development, the temporal period when the larval stage is hypothesized to have been eliminated. The nasal anatomy of the two frogs does not appear morphologically similar until the late stages of embryogenesis in E. coqui and the terminal portion of metamorphosis in B. americanus. Both species and their respective developing offspring, aquatic tadpoles and terrestrial egg/embryos, possess a vomeronasal organ. The vomeronasal organ develops at mid-embryogenesis in E. coqui and during the middle of the larval period in B. americanus, which is relatively late for neobatrachians. Development of the vomeronasal organ in both frogs is linked to the developmental pattern of the olfactory system. This study supports the hypothesis that the most recent common ancestor of tetrapods possessed a vomeronasal organ and was aquatic, and that the vomeronasal organ was retained in the Amphibia, but lost in some other groups of tetrapods, including aquatic and marine animals.  相似文献   

The larval trunk morphology including chaetotaxy, locomotory structures, and trunk musculature of Heterobathmia pseuderiocrania, Eriocrania cicatricella, and Acanthopteroctetes unifascia is described using conventional light, polarization, and scanning electron microscopy. The ground plan morphology of the lepidopteran larva and neolepidopteran caterpillar is discussed in light of the life history succession from free soil dwelling organism to endophagous and finally to a primarily free living, angiosperm associated organism. I suggest that the larval morphology is argued to be strongly influenced by the shift in number of surfaces present in the larval environment. Especially the environment of the endophagous species, where the upper surface of the leaf mine is linked to the presence of dorsal locomotory structures such as the retractable calli and dorsal friction patches is proposed to have had a significant impact on the morphology and locomotory mechnism of the lepidopteran caterpillar. The chaetotaxy of the lepidopteran ground plan is found to be simple, consisting only of primary and secondary tactile setae and segmental proprioceptors. The presumption of Gerasimov ([1935] Zool Anz 112:177–194) that MXD1 of the prothorax is a shifted mesothoracic MD setae is supported. I suggest that the serial arrangement of the proprioceptors MD1, present on all trunk segments except the prothorax, and a trisetous MV group on all the thoracic segments is part of the lepidopteran larval ground plan. The absence of apodeme structures associated with trunk musculature in the nonglossatans suggests that this is an autapomorphic character of the Lepidoptera and it is further found to have been influential in the evolution of the typical caterpillar trunk. The attachments of the thoracic muscles directly to the trunk integument, suggest that the apodemal structures ancestral to the Amphiesmenoptera have been reduced in the Lepidoptera. Within the non‐Neolepidoptera, the lifehistory shift may have resulted in reduction of the dorsal locomotory structures, such as calli. The abdominal musculature and structural similarities further suggest that the ventral calli are structural predecessors to the crotchet bearing proleg of the “typical caterpillar.” J. Morphol. 274:1239–1262, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The organogenesis of the digestive system was described in the Amazonian pimelodid catfish species Pseudoplatystoma punctifer from hatching (3.5 mm total length, TL) to 41 days post-fertilization (dpf) (58.1 mm TL) reared at 28°C. Newly hatched larvae showed a simple digestive tract, which appeared as a straight undifferentiated and unfolded tube lined by a single layer of columnar epithelial cells (future enterocytes). During the endogenous feeding period, comprised between 20 and 96 h post-fertilization (3.5 to 6.1 mm TL), the larval digestive system experienced a fast transformation with the almost complete development and differentiation of most of digestive organs (buccopahrynx, oesophagus, intestine, liver and exocrine pancreas). Yolk reserves were not completely depleted at the onset of exogenous feeding (4 dpf, 6.1 mm TL), and a period of mixed nutrition was observed up to 6 to 7 dpf (6.8 to 7.3 mm TL) when yolk was definitively exhausted. The stomach was the organ that latest achieved its complete differentiation, characterized by the development of abundant gastric glands in the fundic stomach between 10 and 15 dpf (10.9 to 15.8 mm TL) and the formation of the pyloric sphincter at the junction of the pyloric stomach and the anterior intestine at 15 dpf (15.8 mm TL). The above-mentioned morphological and histological features observed suggested the achievement of a digestive system characteristic of P. punctifer juveniles and adults. The ontogeny of the digestive system in P. punctifer followed the same general pattern as in most Siluriform species so far, although some species-specific differences in the timing of differentiation of several digestive structures were noted, which might be related to different reproductive guilds, egg and larval size or even different larval rearing practices. According to present findings on the histological development of the digestive system in P. punctifer, some recommendations regarding the rearing practices of this species are also provided in order to improve the actual larval rearing techniques of this fast-growing Neotropical catfish species.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of different hydrolytic enzymes and the localization of the hormones which regulate glucose metabolism during development of the digestive tract of the sea bream, Sparus aurata L., were studied. The yolk sac contains trypsin, glucose-6-phosphatase, ATPases and acid and alkaline phosphatase activities. Positive insulin, glucagon and somatostatin cells were observed in the pancreas and in the lumen of the intestinal tract during endogenous feeding. From hatching until 3 days later, the digestive tract of sea bream larvae shows no enzymatic activities. During exogenous feeding, the activities of the phosphatases and trypsin generally increase, as do the amounts of the hydrolytic enzymes and trypsin, as well as the pancreatic and intestinal hormones. The enzymatic activities gradually decrease from the anterior part towards the posterior part of the digestive tract.  相似文献   

A one-dimensionsal (z, t) plankton model incorporating mixedlayer dynamics suggests die following: wind events can be detrimentalto larval northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, which need tofeed on concentrations of plankton localized within the watercolumn. Wind mixing dissipates vertical structure in prey distributions.Interacting biological and physical processes determine thetime interval before high concentrations of prey are re-established,i.e. the starvation period endured by the anchovy larvae. Phytoplanktongrowth, herbivore grazing and reproduction, and plankton verticalmigration govern the rate of re-establishment of vertical structurein plankton distributions, once wind conditions allow turbulencein the upper water column to dissipate. If there is a net nutrientflux into the euphotic zone, local concentrations of prey afterthe wind event may be higher than before the event. This mayenhance larval anchovy survival, providing the starvation periodis not too long.  相似文献   

Structural differences and functional wear of the radula inthree species of the gastropod Fissurella from Isla de Margarita,Venezuela, were examined using light and electron microscopy.Wear patterns indicate between 6 and 9 transverse rows of teethare comonly used during feeding. Mechanical wear was most noticeableon the cusps of the outer lateral tooth; this wear varied fromrounding (F. nimbosa) to blunting (F. barbadensis) to squaring(F. nodosa) of the cusps. Morphological changes were additionallycharacterized by a significant decrease in the cusp length ofmarginal cusps in F. nodosa and breakage of the central toothand inner lateral teeth in F. barbadensis. Interspecific differencesin wear patterns suggest that the rhipidoglossate radula maybe used differently by congeneric Fissurella. Despite considerable variation, rasping rates while feedingon the same substrate were comparable among species; however,food passage rates through the digestive system differed amongspecies studied. Fissurella barbadensis requires 12 hours topass its food through the digestive tract, taking almost twiceas much time as F. nodosa and F. nimbosa. These data highlightdifferences in the feeding ecology of Fissurella species andcorrelate well with individual activity patterns and grazinghabits. *Present address: La Salle University, Department of Biology,20th Street at Olney Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19141, USA. (Received 4 October 1988; accepted 16 February 1989)  相似文献   

We investigated the development of dorsoventral and longitudinalmusculature in all postembryonic stages of the kinorhynch Pycnophyeskielensis. Although the earliest stages have only 8 externallyseparated trunk segments, they already possess dorsoventralmuscles for 10 (prospective) trunk segments. The last, 11th,pair is added in the third juvenile stage. Longitudinal musculature,in contrast, is slower to develop and reaches its full lengthonly in the adult. In several juvenile individuals, single fibersproject from the longitudinal musculature into the followingsegments. In all juvenile stages, longitudinal muscles are continuousbetween segments, whereas in adults they are segmentally separatedfrom each other. Such late occurrence of a segmental patternin the longitudinal musculature is in contrast to patterns ofmuscle development in arthropods and annelids.  相似文献   

Recent studies have described the giant tadpole, delayed metamorphic transformations, and absence of postmetamorphic growth of the skeleton of Pseudis Platensis. These features address questions about derived patterns of life cycles and the role of the heterochrony during the metamorphosis in anurans. Using anatomical methods, we provide new data on the development of reproductive, digestive and integument systems, and age inference obtained from ontogenetic series of Pseudis platensis. Our results indicate that at the end of metamorphosis, the adult skin is completely differentiated, including the calcified dermal layer; the testis has seminiferous tubules with spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids; ovarian sacs present previtellogenic ova; and the adult digestive tract is fully formed. The froglets differ from adults only in being unable to reproduce. The entire life cycle of P. platensis can occur in 4 years. In the first year, larval development, growth to adult size, and gonad differentiation are completed. Long larval development rather than size of the tadpoles seems to be involved in the absence of juvenile stages. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An atlas of the naupliar development of the cirripede Balanus improvisus Darwin, 1854 using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is provided. Existing spikes on the hindbody increase in number with each moult and are an applicable character for identification of the different nauplius stages, as is the setation pattern of the first antennae. The naupliar musculature of B. improvisus was stained with phalloidin to visualise F-actin, followed by analysis using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) with subsequent application of 3D imaging software. The larval musculature is already fully established in the first nauplius stage and remains largely unchanged during all the six nauplius stages. The musculature associated with the feeding apparatus is highly elaborated and the labrum possesses lateral muscles and distal F-actin-positive structures. The alimentary tract is entirely surrounded by circular muscles. The extrinsic limb musculature comprises muscles originating from the dorsal and the ventral sides of the head shield, respectively. The hindbody shows very prominent postero-lateral muscles that insert on the dorso-lateral side of the head shield and bend towards ventro-posterior. We conclude that the key features of the naupliar gross anatomy and muscular architecture of B. improvisus are important characters for phylogenetic inferences if analysed in a comparative evolutionary framework.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the digestive tract was studied histologically and histochemically in sharpsnout sea bream Diplodus puntazzo from hatching (0 DAH, Days After Hatching) until day 57 (57 DAH). At hatching, the digestive tract appeared as a histologically undifferentiated straight tube lying dorsally to the yolk sac. When the mouth opened at 3 DAH, the digestive tract was differentiated into buccopharynx, oesophagus, incipient stomach and intestine. The pancreas, liver and gall bladder were also differentiated at this stage and both the bile and pancreatic duct had opened into the anterior intestine. Active feeding began in 50% of larvae at 4 DAH, although permanence of yolk reserves until 7 DAH suggests a period of both endogenous and exogenous feeding. Nutrient absorption was first visible from 5 DAH, as colourless supra- and infranuclear vacuoles in the anterior intestinal mucosa, suggesting a lipid content, as well as supranuclear, eosinophilic vacuoles, containing protein, in the posterior intestinal mucosa. Early caecal development could be detected from 10 DAH, whereas gastric glands appeared at 30 DAH, indicating the transition from larval to juvenile stage and the acquisition of an adult mode of digestion. Goblet cells appeared in the digestive tract of sharpsnout sea bream larvae shortly after first feeding. The mucus content of goblet cells varied with the digestive region and, in the buccal cavity and oesophagus, also with the developmental phase. This study provides knowledge for better husbandry practices in the aquaculture industry, as well as for the implementation of future nutritional studies.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of serotonin- and FMRF-amide-bearing neuronal elements in the scaphopod Antalis entalis was investigated by means of antibody staining and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Nervous system development starts with the establishment of two initial, flask-like, serotonergic central cells of the larval apical organ. Slightly later, the apical organ contains four serotonergic central cells which are interconnected with two lateral serotonergic cells via lateral nerve projections. At the same time the anlage of the adult FMRF-amide-positive cerebral nervous system starts at the base of the apical organ. Subsequently, the entire neuronal complex migrates behind the prototroch and the six larval serotonergic cells lose transmitter expression prior to metamorphic competence. There are no strictly larval FMRF-amide-positive neuronal structures. The development of major adult FMRF-amide-containing components such as the cerebral system, the visceral loop, and the buccal nerve cords, however, starts before the onset of metamorphosis. The anlage of the putative cerebral system is the only site of adult serotonin expression in Antalis larvae. Establishment of the adult FMRF-amidergic and serotonergic neuronal bauplan proceeds rapidly after metamorphosis. Neurogenesis reflects the general observation that the larval phase and the expression of distinct larval morphological features are less pronounced in Scaphopoda than in Gastropoda or Bivalvia. The degeneration of the entire larval apical organ before metamorphic competence argues against an involvement of this sensory system in scaphopod metamorphosis. The lack of data on the neurogenesis in the aplacophoran taxa prevent a final conclusion regarding the plesiomorphic condition in the Mollusca. Nevertheless, the results presented herein shed doubts on general theories regarding possible functions of larval "apical organs" of Lophotrochozoa or even Metazoa.  相似文献   

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