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Ronald  Sluys 《Journal of Zoology》1983,201(4):433-443
A new species of terrestrial planarian from Madeira, Kontikia bulbosa sp. nov. , is described. The genus Kontikia is redefined and its scope and status reviewed.  相似文献   

The anatomy of Kontikia andersoni sp. nov. is described, compared to other species of the genus, and its taxonomic position briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the cosmopolitan land planarian Bipalium kewense is briefly reviewed. A neotype and paraneotypes are designated. External morphology and internal anatomy of the species are redescribed. Karyological studies on B. kewense reveal a diploid chromosome complement of 16; one subtelocentric, three submetacentric and four metacentric chromosome pairs. Taxonomy of B. kewense is revised and full synonomy provided. New synonomies include Placocephalus isabellinus Geba and Bipalium costaricensis Hyman. Species that phenetically resemble B. kewense are divided into three groups primarily on the basis of stripe pattern and cutaneous musculature. A differential diagnosis distinguishing B. kewense from taxa in these groups is provided. Present distribution of the species is mapped. New records are reported from Barbados, Colombia, Costa-Rica, El Salvador, Indonesia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Tahiti, Taiwan and Zimbabwe. Worldwide B. kewense exhibits a disjunct distribution pattern. In Australia and in the United States a similar pattern of occurrence is evident. The species appears to be dispersed with rooted plants. The natural range of B. kewense extends from Vietnam to Kampuchea, possibly extending to Malaysia. Elsewhere it has been introduced by man. The bipaliid fauna of Vietnam, to which B. kewense belongs, appears to have closer phenetic affinities with the faunas of adjacent southern rather than northern regions.  相似文献   

Dugesia bengalensis was described by Kawakatsu (Kawakatsu et al., 1983) from specimens collected in West Bengal. We have been studying populations from many different localities in Santiniketan and adjoining areas of West Bengal and can provide additional biological information.The species is hermaphroditic, and its breeding season was found to occur usually between October and March when the winter temperature falls below 25 °C. Outside of the breeding season, D. bengalensis is capable of asexual reproduction by binary fission (Mahapatra et al., 1987).Development of the reproductive organs appeared to be from neoblasts and other mesenchymal cells and, therefore, to be like that typical of other triclads with the exception that some of the neoblasts used for the reproductive tissue appeared to be derived from the intestinal region (Ghosh, 1988; cf. Teshirogi, 1986).During copulation, the partners were oriented in the same direction and not in a head-to-tail position as has been reported (Hyman, 1945) for some planarians.The oval, stalked cocoons were laid in marshy places, and during the period of summer (usually from April to June) they lay dormant in the sandy soil until the onset of the monsoon rains. Then, typically three or four months after they were laid, the cocoons hatched to yield three or four young, a remarkably low number for freshwater triclads (cf Ball & Reynoldson, 1981).  相似文献   

Biodiversity conservation requires prioritization of areas for in situ conservation. In that perspective, the present study documents the global diversity of a component of the soil macrofauna, the land planarians, and concerns an exploratory analysis of their possible role as indicators of biodiversity. Diversity is described by three quantitative methods: (1) hotspots of species richness, selecting areas richest in species, (2) hotspots of range-size rarity, identifying areas richest in narrowly endemic species, and (3) complementarity, prioritizing areas according to their greatest combined species richness. The biodiversity measures of species richness and range-size rarity show a great correspondence in the identification of hotspots of diversity; both measures identify the following seven areas as the most biodiverse for land planarians: Sao Paulo, Florianopolis, western Java, Tasmania, Sri Lanka, North Island/New Zealand, and Sydney. It is discussed to what extent the results for the land planarians correspond with those obtained in other studies that assessed biodiversity hotspots for taxa on a global scale. It is noteworthy that land planarians identify a few global hotspots of diversity that generally do not feature, or only have low rankings, in other studies: New Zealand, southeastern Australia, and Tasmania.  相似文献   

A new species of freshwater triclad, Romankenkius libidinosus sp. nov. , is described from New South Wales, Australia. The species is characterized by a large adenodactyl and unique genito-intestinal connections, and represents the first record of the genus Romankenkius outside Tasmania. The taxonomic and phylogenetic implications of several morphological features of the new species are discussed in the light of a previous phylogenetic study.  相似文献   

The taxonomic and distributional statuses of the freshwater planarians of South America are imperfectly understood, and a comprehensive review is sorely needed. The species known from the vicinity of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was first described by Böhmig (1902) under the name Planaria dubia Borelli, 1895. Subsequent authors (Kenk, 1930, 1974; Cazzaniga & Curino, 1987) have cast doubt on this assignation. Some have assigned it to Dugesia anceps Kenk; Hyman (1959) was inclined to regard the Buenos Aires planarian as a geographical variant of Dugesia sanchezi Hyman. A comparison of D. sanchezi from the mountainous region of central Chile with specimens from Buenos Aires confirms that the Argentinian material is a distinct species.The differences between the two species are subtle. The Argentinian specimens are distinctive in their possession of infranucleate epithelia of the atria, penis, and bursal canal, as well as in their penial structure. In both species, the epithelia of the atria and bursal canal are glandular. Those of D. sanchezi are nucleate and their secretions are cyanophilous. In the Argentinian specimens, these same epithelia are infranucleate; but while the secretion of the bursal canal is indeed cyanophilous, that of the atrium is erythrophilous. The presence, in these same specimens, of cyanophilous glands opening into the penial vesicles, and of erythrophilous glands whose secretions contribute to a viscous plug in the ejaculatory duct, suggests a difference in the physiology of copulation.It is apparent that the Argentinian specimens are distinct from D. sanchezi Hyman, and probably they represent a new species, one to be described in detail elsewhere. In any case, Hyman's (1959) suggestion that D. sanchezi occurs near Buenos Aires is mistaken; so also is Cazzaniga's & Curino's (1987) identification of specimens from Buenos Aires as D. anceps.  相似文献   

Ogren  Robert E.  Sluys  Ronald 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):77-82
Preliminary analysis was made of 76 species in the monotypic family Bipaliidae, for which the copulatory apparatus has been described. Four characters from the copulatory organs were selected: profile of the female organ (three character states), approachment of the ovovitelline ducts to the female organ (two states), shape of the penial papilla (two states), and shape of the male antrum wall (three states). Data were scored for five preliminary ingroup taxa, viz., the restricted genus Placocephalus, and four other a priori defined subgroups within the family, viz., the genus Bipalium sensu stricto and three other informal taxonomic groupings. An artificial outgroup taxon was constructed on the basis of character states generalized from the Geoplanidae subfamilies Caenoplaninae, Pelmatoplaninae and Rhynchodemidae subfamily Microplaninae. Analysis of the data matrix resulted in a single most parsimonious tree with the following topology: (outgroup (Placocephalus (Bipalium, group A (group B1, group B2)))). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract. Although peptides similar to gonadotropin‐releasing hormone (GnRH) peptides have been reported in various taxa of invertebrates, no such evidence has yet been identified for platyhelminths. Antibodies raised against mammalian GnRH were used to investigate the distribution of GnRH immunoreactivity in specimens of the triclad turbellarian Bdelloura candida (Maricola, Bdellouridae). While no GnRH immunoreactivity was detected in the brain and nerve cords, both the putative subepidermal and submuscular nerve plexuses appeared to be immunoreactive. GnRH immunoreactivity was also present in epidermal mucous cells, in parenchymal cells, including cells surrounding the branches of the intestine, in putative neuroendocrine cells associated with the testes, and in the vitellogenic gland cells associated with the oviduct. These observations suggest that the GnRH‐like material found in specimens of B. candida may be involved in a variety of functions, including a possible pheromone‐like role for mucous cells and the control of specific reproductive activities.  相似文献   

An account is given of an unusual new species of freshwater planarian from the Hartz Mountains in Tasmania, Australia, Romankenkius flaccidus Sluys, sp. nov. The species is characterized, among other features, by an asymmetrical penis papilla, an extremely large, elongated copulatory bursa, and by the absence of testes in animals with fully developed male and female copulatory apparatus. Instigated by the sexual cycle of this new species, the study opportunely reviews whether planarian flatworms generally are simultaneous or sequential—in particular protandrous—hermaphrodites. It is concluded that real protandry does not occur in triclads and that even less extreme cases of sexual segregation, such as complete reduction of the testes or the more or less complete separation of male and female functionality as present in some species, have only sparsely and convergently evolved within the group of the triclad flatworms.  相似文献   


Artioposthia triangulata was originally described from New Zealand in 1895 but was subsequently found to have spread to Northern Ireland in 1963 and Scotland and England in 1965. It is now widespread in both Ireland and Scotland, where it has been shown to reduce earthworm numbers to below detectable levels. Ecoclimatic data were used in the computer program CLIMEX to estimate the potential spread of A. triangulata to Europe and the rest of the world. Results indicated it could establish in agricultural land in most of north‐western Europe, and persist in domestic gardens throughout much of central Europe, east and west North America, Australia, southern South America, and South Africa. It is difficult to assess either the extent to which earthworm numbers and diversity would be decreased or how far the effect of their loss to soil structure, nutrient cycling, or wildlife would be detrimental in these areas.  相似文献   

Polycladus gayi is a colourful and easily recognizable land planarian native to the temperate to cold rainforests of the west coast of southern South America, in Chile and Argentina; however, its ecology is poorly understood. Here, we describe the first records of P. gayi preying on a black snail Macrocyclis peruvianus in the wild. Two events were recorded, the first in a healthy forest in Llancahue Alto, Panguipulli, Chile, during the austral summer of 2023, and the second in a mature evergreen forest in the coastal range of La Union, Chile. These records expand our knowledge of the feeding habits and behaviour of P. gayi and add M. peruvianus to its prey list.  相似文献   

Fissiparous strains of freshwater triclads of the Dugesia gonocephala group were collected from 12 localities in Sardinia all situated not more than 5 kilometers from the coast. Some environmental factors and the sexual status of the specimens were noted at the time of collection. During the laboratory rearing 30% of individuals of each strain became sexual (ex-fissiparous individuals). All the examined strains showed common karyological and morphological characteristics suggestive of the species Dugesia sicula Lepori. The chromosome complement, which was a constant 27+2–3 B chromosomes, was classified as aneutriploid, due to its clearly documented characteristics. The fissiparous populations of D. sicula appear to have a high degree of tolerance to variations in environmental factors, especially temperature. Within the D. gonocephala group this species has the broadest distribution in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Sluys  Ronald  Timoshkin  Oleg A.  Kawakatsu  Masaharu 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):69-75
On the basis of newly collected material the subspecies Bdellocephala angarensis bathyalis Timoshkin & Porfirjeva, 1989 is raised to full species status, B. bathyalis Timoshkin & Porfirjeva, 1989. Specimens of this species have been collected in Lake Baikal from depths ranging between 610 and 1060 m. The species is characterized by a light, uniform brown pigmentation, absence of eyes, distinct atrial folds, and large size. It is suggested that two features may be useful in elucidating the phylogenetic relationships between dendrocoelid genera: pharynx musculature, and presence of an extra layer of circular muscle in the ventral subepidermal body musculature. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ten Artioposthia triangulata were kept without food at 5°C, 10°C, 15°C, 20°C and 23°C. Survival and weights were recorded weekly. All planarians died within one week at 23°C and within three weeks at 20°C. One individual survived for 60 wk at 5°C. A negative exponential equation was fitted to average survival times for planarians kept at 5°C, 10°C, 15°C and 20°C. Negative exponential models could also describe the pattern of degrowth by planarians deprived of food. The results are discussed in relation to possible survival of the planarian outdoors in Northern Ireland and the implications for earthworm populations.  相似文献   

In this paper we report a new species of Dugesia of the family Dugesiidae from Madagascar, representing the fourth species of freshwater planarian known from this global biodiversity hotspot. In some respects the new species is aberrant, when compared with its congeners, being characterized by a head with smoothly rounded auricles, a peculiar course of the oviducts, including the presence of a common posterior extension, and by the asymmetrical openings of the vasa deferentia at about halfway along the seminal vesicle. Further, it is characterized by a ventral course of the ejaculatory duct with a terminal opening, very long spermiducal vesicles and unstalked cocoons. Its diploid chromosome complement with 18 chromosomes represents an uncommon feature among fissiparous species of Dugesia.  相似文献   

Terrestrial flatworms, or Terricola, are sensitive to environmentalchanges and therefore might be excellent indicators of the conservation statusof natural habitats. The present study aimed to answer two main questions: (1)is terrestrial planarian diversity affected by human disturbances, and (2) isthere any species or group of species that indicates such disturbance? The studysite, National Forest of São Francisco de Paula, Brazil, was originallycovered by a mixed ombrophilous forest, but successive reforestations andselective logging have modified the original landscape. We studied Terricoladiversity in the four main habitats in the study area: mixed ombrophilous forest(NA), ombrophilous forest with selective Araucariaangustifolia logging (N), A. angustifoliareforestation (A), and reforestation of Pinus elliottii(P). According to an increasing degree of disturbance, the habitats might beordered as follows: (NA)<(N)<(A)<(P). We conducted 24 surveys in eachhabitat over a period of 1 year. Our results indicate that: (1)Terricola diversity is inversely related to the degree of habitat disturbance;(2) there are species (Geoplana franciscana,Geoplana sp. 5, and possibly Geoplanidae 3 andNotogynaphallia guaiana) that prefer habitats located onthe extreme right along the main axis of a detrended correspondence analysisordination and therefore can be considered as indicators of well preserved,natural habitats. On the other hand there are species(Xerapoa sp. 1, Choeradoplanaiheringi, G. marginata sensu Marcus andGeoplana sp. 2) preferring more disturbed habitats, whichmay form biological indicators of such disturbances.  相似文献   

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