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Diurnal changes of xylem pressure in the lianaTetrastigma voinierianum have been measured under greenhouse conditions by means of the recently developed xylem pressure probe. During the early morning hours, tensions in the vessels developed more or less rapidly with time, depending on light intensity. On sunny days, absolute negative pressures down to about -0.4 MPa (atmospheric = 0.1 MPa) were recorded around noon in petiolar or stem xylem vessels, whereas on rainy or cloudy days the xylem pressure remained in the positive sub-atmospheric or slightly negative pressure range. Towards the evening the tension in the vessels always decreased, i.e. the xylem pressure shifted to about atmospheric, or even above-atmospheric, values during the night. Simultaneous xylem pressure recordings at heights of 1 and 5 m frequently yielded either no gradient in tension at all, or far less than expected from the Cohesion Theory. Occasionally, tension gradients were even opposite to those predicted by this theory. Stem-toleaves pressure gradients in accord with the Cohesion Theory were recorded only when tension had been developed during sunny days in the upper branches of the liana, because increases in tension were not immediately propagated to the xylem of the leaves at ground level, as would be expected from a strictly coupled hydraulic system. Parallel recordings of the xylem tension using the pressure chamber yielded rather variable values ranging from 0.1 to 1 MPa; diurnal pressure changes could not be detected at all. The data are discussed on the basis of the equation for the chemical activity of water. They strongly suggest that the xylem tension induced by transpiration is not the sole force for water ascent. Other forces, such as osmotic pressure or convectional and interfacial forces, which to a remarkable extent have already been postulated for decades, seem to be equally important.Abbreviation R.H. relative humidity The authors are very grateful to Professor D. Fürnkranz, Institut für Botanik der Universität Salzburg, for his interest and help with the greenhouse facility, to Walter Gigerl for expert technical assistance, to Heike Schneider and Notburga Gierlinger for the petiolestaining experiments. This work was supported by a grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to U.Z. (NMR-Graduiertenkolleg Ha 1232/8-1).  相似文献   

Mass fragmentography employing a deuterated internal standard was used to make quantitative analyses of indole-3-acetic acid in xylem sap collected from Ricinus communis L. When contamination of the sap by microorganisms was reduced by frequent collection, levels of IAA were found to be less than 0.5 ng ml-1. It is therefore proposed that the transpiration stream does not play a significant role in the transport of IAA within the plant.Abbreviations IAA indole-3-acetic acid - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - BSTFA bis-Trimethylsilytrifluoroacetamide - TMCS trimethylchlorosilane - BSA bis-Trimethylsilylacetamide - TMS2-IAA bis-trimethylsilyl derivative of IAA  相似文献   

Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth and Atriplex hortensis (L.) were grown on quartz sand or in liquid culture in the presence of varied concentrations of NaCl. Xylem sap was collected as (a) root pressure exudate, in L. fusca even at 100 mM NaCl, (b) by applying pressure to excised roots of L. fusca and (c) from leaves of the whole plant growing in quartz sand by pressurizing the root system. The latter procedure failed in L. fusca due to the passage of air and soil solution into the leaves. This was caused by an extensive aerenchyma in root cortex. In Atriplex hortensis remarkably high pressures were required to induce a flow of sap. The mineral cation and anion and the amino acid composition of the xylem sap obtained by the different methods was measured and is examined in view of using it for determining the flows of minerals in the whole plant and in relation to the effects of salinity. The spacious aerenchyma in roots of L. fusca has been found to persist also after prolonged exposure to dry air.Presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Structure and Function of Roots, Starà lesna, Slovak Republic. See also PLSO 167/1 (1994).  相似文献   

We describe a method for perfusing the xylem in the stele of excised onion roots with solutions of known composition under a pressure gradient. Tracer studies using [14C] polyethylene glycol 4000 and the fluorescent dye, Tinopal CBSX, indicated that perfusing solutions passed exclusively through the xylem vessels. The conductance of the xylem was small over the apical 100 mm of the root axis but increased markedly between 100 and 200 mm. Unbuffered perfusion solutions supplied in the range pH 3.7–7.8 emerged after passage through the xylem adjusted to pH 5.2–6.0, indicating the presence of mechanisms for absorbing or releasing protons. This adjustment continued over many hours with net proton fluxes apparently determined by the disparity between the pH of the perfusion solution and the usual xylem sap pH of about 5.5. Mild acidification of the xylem sap by buffered perfusion solutions increased the release of 86Rb (K+) and 35SO4 2- from the stelar tissue into the xylem stream. The ion-transporting properties of onion roots seemed little changed by excision from the bulbs, or by removal of the apical zones of the root axis. The pH of sap produced by root pressure resembles that found in the outflow solutions of perfused root segments.  相似文献   

Summary Root growth and morphology were compared between seven week old maize plants grown in the greenhouse and in the field. The plants were similar in shoot dry weight and the partioning of N and dry matter to roots were similar except for the field grown plants in 1983. Field grown plants had greater root mass per length and greater calculated diameter than greenhouse plants. Nitrogen fertilization decreased N and dry matter partitioning to the root system in all three environments.  相似文献   

Summary A strategy to obtain fractions enriched in mucilages secreted by root caps or produced by the rhizodermis of axenicallygrown maize seedlings is proposed. It involves a two-step procedure allowing the successive collection of root exudates and surface extracts from the same set of intact, sterile maize plants. Cytological controls were performed at each phase of collection. Whereas root cap mucilage is easily collected in water after one day's extraction, under conditions favouring secretory activity, rhizodermal mucilage remains tightly adherent to the root surface. It can be better extracted using neutral saline buffer assisted by gentle shaking at low temperature. Acidic saline buffer is unsuitable as it induces cell lysis and release of cell wall components.Biochemical analyses confirm that fractions enriched in root cap mucilage contain very high levels of fucose and galactose, high levels of arabinose, xylose and glucose and trace amounts of mannose. Fractions enriched in rhizodermal mucilage contain large amounts of glucose, moderate amounts of arabinose, xylose, mannose and galactose and trace levels of fucose. Isoelectric focusing and SDS-PAGE indicate that there are numerous similarities in the protein composition of materials enriched in root cap mucilages from root exudates or aqueous root surface extracts. However, specific protein bands that could be characteristic of rhizodermal mucilage are obtained using neutral saline buffer extracts. According to these biochemical data, the two-step procedure used in the present study appears to be useful for further biochemical characterization of both types of mucilages.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - BSTFA N,O-bis (trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide - DTT dithiothreitol - i. d. internal diameter - MW molecular weight - PATAg periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver proteinate - PVPP polyvinylpolypyrrolidone - RE root exudates - RSE root surface extracts - TMCS trimethylchlorosilane - TMS trimethylsilyl  相似文献   

Determination of the pressure in the water-conducting vessels of intactNicotiana rustica L. plants showed that the pressure probe technique gave less-negative values than the Scholander-bomb method. Even though absolute values of the order of −0.1 MPa could be directly recorded in the xylem by means of the pressure probe, pressures between zero and atmospheric were also frequently found. The data obtained by the pressure probe for excised leaves showed that the Scholander bomb apparently did not read the actual tension in the xylem vessles ofNicotiana plants. The possibility that the pressure probe gave false readings was excluded by several experimental controls. In addition, cavitation and leaks either during the insertion of the microcapillary of the pressure probe, or else during the measurements were easily recognized when they occurred because of the sudden increase of the absolute xylem tension to that of water vapour or to atmospheric, respectively. Tension values of the same order could also be measured by means of the pressure probe in the xylem vessels of pieces of stem cut from leaves and roots under water and clamped at both ends. The magnitude of the absolute tension depended on the osmolarity of the bathing solution which was adjusted by addition of appropriate concentrations of polyethylene glycol. Partial and uniform pressurisation of plant tissues or organs, or of entire plants (by means of the Scholander bomb or of a hyperbaric chamber, respectively) and simultaneous recording of the xylem tension using the pressure probe showed that a 1∶1 response in xylem pressure only occurred under a few circumstances. A 1∶1 response required that the xylem vessels were in direct contact with an external water reservoir and/or that the tissue was (pre-)infiltrated with water. Corresponding pressure-probe measurements in isolated vascular bundles ofPlantago major L. orP. lanceolata L. plants attached to a Hepp-type osmometer indicated that the magnitude of the tension in the xylem vessels was determined by the external osmotic pressure of the reservoir. These and other experiments, as well as analysis of the data using classical thermodynamics, indicated that the turgor and the internal osmotic pressure of the accessory cells along the xylem vessels play an important role in the maintenance of a constant xylem tension. This conclusion is consistent with the cohesion theory. In agreement with the literature (P.E. Weatherley, 1976, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. B23, 435–444; 1982, Encyclopedia of plant physiology, vol. 12B, 79-109), it was found that the tension in the xylem of intact plants under normal and elevated ambient pressure (as measured with the pressure probe) under quasi-stationary conditions was independent of the transpiration rate over a large range, indicating that the conductance of the flow path must be flow-dependent.  相似文献   

Nancy Kerk  L. Feldman 《Protoplasma》1994,183(1-4):100-106
Summary Using roots of maize, we tested the hypothesis that the origin and maintenance of the quiescent center (QC) are a consequence of polar auxin supply. Exposing roots to the polar auxin transport inhibitor 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), or to low temperature (4 °C, with subsequent return to 24 °C), enhances mitotic frequency within the QC. In both treatments, the QC most typically is activated at its distal face, and the protoderm/dermatogen undergoes several periclinal divisions. As a result, the root body penetrates and ruptures the root cap junction and the characteristic closed apical organization changes to open. A QC persists during these changes in apical organization, but it is diminished in size. The data from the TIBA-treated roots suggest a role for auxin in the origin and maintenance of the QC, and further, that alterations in QC dimensions are a consequence of polar auxin supply. We hypothesize that the root cap, and specifically the root cap initials, are important in regulating polar auxin movements towards the root apex, and hence are important in determining the status of the QC.Abbreviations QC quiescent center - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid Dedicated to the memory of Professor John G. Torrey  相似文献   

Xylem sap and foliar compositions (P, Cu, Zn, Mn) were examined over 4 months in control and P-fertilized maritime pine in a 7-year-old plantation. The absorption of copper, zinc, and boron appears to be reduced by phosphate fertilization. Manganese concentrations are positively related to P-supply increase. Foliar analysis and sap provides the same type of information in terms of antagonism or synergism between elements but the response to treatment is more often significant with sap throughout the seasons and is completely non-existent on a single classical autumn diagnosis with foliar concentration (i.e. Zn and Cu). In consequence foliar analysis is not sensitive enough for copper or zinc deficiency diagnoses in young plantations where nutritional growth disorders appear in a short period of spring, and xylem chemistry appears to be a convenient tool in monitoring micronutrient disorders in pine plantations.  相似文献   

Summary Tree transpiration was determined by xylem sap flow and eddy correlation measurements in a temperate broad-leaved forest of Nothofagus in New Zealand (tree height: up to 36 m, one-sided leaf area index: 7). Measurements were carried out on a plot which had similar stem circumference and basal area per ground area as the stand. Plot sap flux density agreed with tree canopy transpiration rate determined by the difference between above-canopy eddy correlation and forest floor lysimeter evaporation measurements. Daily sap flux varied by an order of magnitude among trees (2 to 87 kg day–1 tree–1). Over 50% of plot sap flux density originated from 3 of 14 trees which emerged 2 to 5 m above the canopy. Maximum tree transpiration rate was significantly correlated with tree height, stem sapwood area, and stem circumference. Use of water stored in the trees was minimal. It is estimated that during growth and crown development, Nothofagus allocates about 0.06 m of circumference of main tree trunk or 0.01 m2 of sapwood per kg of water transpired over one hour.Maximum total conductance for water vapour transfer (including canopy and aerodynamic conductance) of emergent trees, calculated from sap flux density and humidity measurements, was 9.5 mm s–1 that is equivalent to 112 mmol m–2 s–1 at the scale of the leaf. Artificially illuminated shoots measured in the stand with gas exchange chambers had maximum stomatal conductances of 280 mmol m–2 s–1 at the top and 150 mmol m–2 s–1 at the bottom of the canopy. The difference between canopy and leaf-level measurements is discussed with respect to effects of transpiration on humidity within the canopy. Maximum total conductance was significantly correlated with leaf nitrogen content. Mean carbon isotope ratio was –27.76±0.27 (average ±s.e.) indicating a moist environment. The effects of interactions between the canopy and the atmosphere on forest water use dynamics are shown by a fourfold variation in coupling of the tree canopy air saturation deficit to that of the overhead atmosphere on a typical fine day due to changes in stomatal conductance.This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. O.L. Lange on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

We observed the release of the benzoxazinoids defense molecules on the surface of the primary root and the coleoptilar node in Zea mays during the emergence of lateral- and crown-roots, respectively. At later stages of crown root and lateral root development, benzoxazinoids around the emerged roots were no longer observed. Specific mutants revealed that the developmental status of the emerged roots was not important for the release of benzoxazinoids, but the breakage of the epidermis by emerging roots was. This is the first report of benzoxazinoid-release during normal development controlled by endogenous developmental programs. Release of benzoxazinoids around the emerging roots supports the idea that defense molecules accumulate at the site of root emergence in order to reduce pathogenic infections. We discuss possible explanations for the evolution of two different developmental mechanisms of root emergence.  相似文献   

The cohesion theory explains water transport in trees by the evaporation of water in the leaves (transpiration), which in turn generates the tension required for sap ascent, i.e. the flow of pure water from the soil through the root system and the non-living cells of the tree (xylem tracheids) up to the leaves. Only a small part of this water flow entering the leaves is used in photosynthesis to produce sugar solution, which is transported from the leaves through the living cells (phloem) to everywhere in the tree where it is needed and used. The phloem sieves are connected to the xylem tracheids by water transparent membranes, which means that the upflow of pure water and downflow of sugar solution interact with each other, causing the osmotic pressure in the sugar solution (Münch model). In this paper we analyse this interaction with a thermodynamic approach and we show that some open questions in the cohesion theory can then perhaps be better understood. For example, why under a quite high tension the water can flow in the xylem mostly without any notable cavitation, and how the suction force itself depends on the cavitation. Minimizing Gibbs energy of the system of xylem and phloem, we derive extended vapor pressure and osmotic pressure equations, which include gas bubbles in the xylem conduits as well as the cellulose-air-water interface term. With the aid of the vapor pressure equation derived here, we estimate the suction force that the cavitation controlled by the phloem sugar solution can generate at high moisture contents. We also estimate the suction force that the transpiration can generate by moisture gradient at low moisture contents. From the general osmotic pressure equation we derive an equation for calculating the degree of cavitation with different sugar solution concentrations and we show the conditions under which the cavitation in the xylem is totally avoided. Using recent field measurement results for a Scotch pine, the theory is demonstrated by showing its predictions for possible amounts of cavitation or embolism from morning hours to late afternoon.  相似文献   

Usually the presence of the quiescent centre in roots is demonstrated by the absence of labelled nuclei following treatment of the root with appropriate radioactive markers. By modification of the pulselabelling technique, a negative image of the quiescent center, showing more intense labelling from [3H]thymidine than the surrounding area, was obtained in regenerating root apices of Zea mays L.  相似文献   

Summary This study clarifies the relationships between the root mucilage and the epidermal cell-wall in axenically grown maize roots. Mucilage appears to overlay the epidermal cell-wall which has two distinct layers. This mucilage is well preserved after cationized ferritin fixation and PATAg staining. It extends all over the entire root epidermis.  相似文献   

Maize plants grown in field conditions were used to describe the histological organisation of the nodal roots, those of their laterals, and also to test the presence of critical stages where the subsequent capability for growth and development of young laterals was determined irreversibly. The absence of undeveloped primordia, which stop their development before boring through the nodal mother-root epidermis, proved that the number of laterals could not be regulated between the differentiation and the emission stage. Cross sections performed on nodal roots beared by the internodes 2, 4 and 6 and their long (>3 cm) and short (<3 cm) laterals showed that: u  相似文献   

Summary Using a heterologous myosin antibody raised against the whole molecule of bovine muscle myosin, we have identified a myosin-like protein in maize. Immunoblots of subcellular fractions isolated from roots identified one distinct band at about 210 kDa in the microsomal protein fraction and one band at about 180 kDa in the soluble protein fraction. Indirect immunofluorescence was performed using maize root apex sections to reveal endocellular distributions of the myosin-like protein. Both diffuse and particulate labelling patterns were observed throughout the cytoplasm of all root cells. In mitotic cells, myosin-like protein was excluded from spindle regions. Amyloplast surfaces were labelled prominently in cells of the root cap statenchyma and in all root cortex cells. On the other hand, myosin-like protein was prominently enriched at cellular peripheries in cells of the pericycle and outer stele in the form of continuous peripheral labelling. From all root apex tissues, phloem elements showed the most abundant presence of myosinlike protein.Abbreviations AFs actin filaments - MTs microtubules Dedicated to Professor Walter Gustav Url on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Potassium (K) has major biophysical and biochemical functions in plant physiology. However, plant responses to K deficiency at the whole plant level are not always clearly related to these well-known functions of K at the cellular level. The objective of this study was to investigate the morphological response of maize to increasing K deficiency and test to what extent this morphological response can be interpreted in the light of the simple model proposed by Leigh and Wyn Jones, suggesting that biophysical functions are affected first. Maize was grown in a greenhouse under hydroponic conditions. For half of the plants, K was removed from the nutrient solution from the 4th visible leaf stage. The K content in the starved plants dropped from 100 to 30 mM, and was not fully compensated by an increase in other cations. Leaf elongation rates were reduced on K-deprived plants, whereas axile root elongation rates were slightly increased between 45°C days and 75°C days after starvation, and reduced thereafter. During the first part of the starvation period, i.e. under moderate K deficiency (K concentration above 40 mM), all measured variables suggest that the whole plant response may be interpreted as the consequence of the reduced leaf growth, probably due to insufficient turgor pressure or cell-wall extensibility. This general pattern of response is in agreement with the model of Leigh and Wyn Jones. However, during the second part of the starvation period, i.e. under more severe K deficiency (K concentration below 40 mM), malfunction of additional physiological processes (mostly related to biochemical functions like photosynthetic processes) must be considered to explain the plant morphological response.  相似文献   

Summary Long-term xylem pressure measurements were performed on the lianaTetrastigma voinierianum (grown in a tropical greenhouse) between heights of 1 m and 9.5 m during the summer and autumn seasons with the xylem pressure probe. Simultaneously, the light intensity, the temperature, and the relative humidity were recorded at the measuring points. Parallel to the xylem pressure measurements, the diurnal changes in the cell turgor and the osmotic pressure of leaf cells at heights of 1 m and 5 m (partly also at a height of 9.5 m) were recorded. The results showed that tensions (and height-varying tension gradients) developed during the day time in the vessels mainly due to an increase in the local light intensity (at a maximum 0.4 MPa). The decrease of the local xylem pressure from positive, subatmospheric or slightly above-atmospheric values (established during the night) to negative values after daybreak was associated with an almost 1 1 decrease in the cell turgor pressure of the mesophyll cells (on average from about 0.4 to 0.5 MPa down to 0.08 MPa). Similarly, in the afternoon the increase of the xylem pressure towards more positive values correlated with an increase in the cell turgor pressure (ratio of about 1 1). The cell osmotic pressure remained nearly constant during the day and was about 0.75–0.85 MPa between 1 m and 9.5 m (within the limits of accuracy). These findings indicate that the turgor pressure primarily determines the corresponding pressure in the vessels (and vice versa) due to the tight hydraulic connection and thus due to the water equilibrium between both compartments. An increase in the transpiration rate (due to an increase in light intensity) results in very rapid establishment of a new equilibrium state by an equivalent decrease in the xylem and cell turgor pressure. From the xylem, cell turgor, and cell osmotic pressure data the osmotic pressure (or more accurately the water activity) of the xylem sap was calculated to be about 0.35–0.45 MPa; this value was apparently not subject to diurnal changes. Considering that the xylem pressure is determined by the turgor pressure (and vice versa), the xylem pressure of the liana could not drop to — in agreement with the experimental results — less than -0.4 MPa, because this pressure corresponds to zero turgor pressure.  相似文献   

The phloem sap of Ricinus seedlings was analyzed for cytokinins and the concentration was compared with that in cotyledons and xylem sap. The dominant cytokinin in the phloem sap was isopentenyladenine (70 nM) when the endosperm was attached to the cotyledons; zeatin, dihydrozeatin and cytokinin-ribosides were present at relatively low concentrations (1–2 nM). Removal of the endosperm and incubation of the cotyledons in buffer led to a sharp decrease in the level of isopentenyladenine in the phloem sap, down to the value for zeatin, namely 1–2 nM. Similar low cytokinin concentrations were found in the xylem sap, too, whereas in the cotyledons the cytokinin content was at least 10-fold higher. Incubation of the cotyledons with various cytokinins (isopentenyladenine, zeatin and their ribosides) led to an increase of each of the applied cytokinins in the phloem sap, including also the metabolically closely related cytokinins. Zeatin was especially well loaded. It is concluded that the phloem translocates most free bases and ribosides of the various cytokinin species, if they are offered to the phloem. The data also show that the cytokinin levels in the phloem, which may be far higher than in the xylem, are subject to strong fluctuations depending on the physiological situation.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 137). The experimental assistance by P. Geigenberger and the help in cytokinin analysis by Dr. A. Fußeder, Dr. B. Wagner, W. Peters (all Bayreuth) and by Prof. E. Weiler (Bochum) is gratefully acknowledged. Also the constructive discussions with Profs. E. Weiler (Bochum) and E. Beck (Bayreuth) are much appreciated.  相似文献   

The loading of amino acids and nitrate into the xylem was investigated by collection and analysis of root-pressure exudate from the cut hypocotyl stumps of seedlings of Ricinus communis L. Glutamine was found to be the dominant amino acid in the exudate and also to be the amino acid which is transferred to the xylem most rapidly and accumulated to the greatest extent. The comparison between uptake and xylem loading showed significant differences in specificity between these two transport reactions, indicating a different set of transport systems. Nitrate is transferred to the xylem at a higher relative rate than any amino acid despite the great nitrate-storage capacity of the root system. Thus the supply of nitrate to Ricinus plants leads to enhanced nitrogen allocation to the shoots.  相似文献   

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