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For almost 2 centuries it has been disputed whether Tuber aestivum and Tuber uncinatum constitute two different species of truffles. Molecular markers have been applied previously to contribute to resolving this question, coming to different conclusions. In this study, we address this question by analyzing the genetic structure of truffles assigned to either of the two putative species from a geographically broad sampling across Europe. We used an approach involving multigene phylogenies and coalescent analyses of nine regions from five genes. All tests conducted supported the conspecificity of Tuber aestivum and Tuber uncinatum.  相似文献   

The genus Langeronia parasitizing the intestine of several species of anurans is distributed from North to Central America. We identified Langeronia macrocirra and Langeronia cf. parva from the same host and localities, and present here new data not applicable about their tegumental surface by scanning electron microscopy. We compared sequences of the rDNA ITS2 region and mtDNA cox1 gene for the two morphotypes. ITS2 exhibited a high degree of conservation. Phylogenetic reconstruction using cox1 revealed three clades (I, II, and III), which did not correspond to a previous identification or host. Little divergence was found within clades: sequences were identical in clade I, whereas clade II had 0.27% and clade III had 1.08%. Inter-clade divergence reached 8.69% (I vs. III). This pattern of genetic divergence indicated that both taxa probably belong to the same species, so we posit that the morphological changes could be correlated with development. Increasing sample size and geographical coverage will contribute to the taxonomy of the genus based on morphological and molecular evidence, and will open tracks toward the use of DNA barcodes to the genus in Mexico.  相似文献   

Mueller's clawed frog Xenopus muelleri (Peters 1844) occupies two non-contiguous ranges in east and west Africa. The phylogenetic relationship between the two populations is unclear and it has been proposed that the western population represents a separate species. Peptidomic analysis of norepinephrine-stimulated skin secretions from X. muelleri from the eastern range resulted in the identification of five antimicrobial peptides structurally related to the magainins (magainin-M1 and -M2), xenopsin-precursor fragments (XPF-M1) and caerulein-precursor fragments (CPF-M1 and -M2) previously found in skin secretions of other Xenopus species. A cyclic peptide (WCPPMIPLCSRF.NH2) containing the RFamide motif was also isolated that shows limited structural similarity to the tigerinins, previously identified only in frogs of the Dicroglossidae family. The components identified in skin secretions from X. muelleri from the western range comprised one magainin (magainin-MW1), one XPF peptide (XPF-MW1), two peptides glycine-leucine amide (PGLa-MW1 and -MW2), and three CPF peptides (CPF-MW1, -MW2 and -MW3). Comparison of the primary structures of these peptides suggest that western population of X. muelleri is more closely related to X. borealis than to X. muelleri consistent with its proposed designation as a separate species. The CPF peptides showed potent, broad-spectrum activity against reference strains of bacteria (MIC 3-25 μM), but were hemolytic against human erythrocytes.  相似文献   

An alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) null mutant of Drosophila melanogaster (AdhnLA405) originally recovered following X-ray irradiation of mature sperm (Aaron, 979) is analyzed by Southern blotting, Western blotting, and DNA sequencing. The genetic, immunologic, and nucleic acid sequence data are consistent with the hypothesis that a cross-over event, independent of X-irradiation, between parental chromosomes is responsible for the ADH null phenotype of AdhnLA405. By DNA-sequence analysis we show that molecular cloning of this locus (i.e., propagation in prokaryotic hosts) apparently does not introduce any spurious changes (substitutions, additions, deletions, or rearrangements) within the DNA.  相似文献   

An alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) null mutant of Drosophila melanogaster (AdhnLA405) originally recovered following X-ray irradiation of mature sperm (Aaron, 979) is analyzed by Southern blotting, Western blotting, and DNA sequencing. The genetic, immunologic, and nucleic acid sequence data are consistent with the hypothesis that a cross-over event, independent of X-irradiation, between parental chromosomes is responsible for the ADH null phenotype of AdhnLA405. By DNA-sequence analysis we show that molecular cloning of this locus (i.e., propagation in prokaryotic hosts) apparently does not introduce any spurious changes (substitutions, additions, deletions, or rearrangements) within the DNA.  相似文献   

Termites are instantly recognizable mound-builders and house-eaters: their complex social lifestyles have made them incredibly successful throughout the tropics. Although known as 'white ants', they are not ants and their relationships with other insects remain unclear. Our molecular phylogenetic analyses, the most comprehensive yet attempted, show that termites are social cockroaches, no longer meriting being classified as a separate order (Isoptera) from the cockroaches (Blattodea). Instead, we propose that they should be treated as a family (Termitidae) of cockroaches. It is surprising to find that a group of wood-feeding cockroaches has evolved full sociality, as other ecologically dominant fully social insects (e.g. ants, social bees and social wasps) have evolved from solitary predatory wasps.  相似文献   



The King Island Emu (Dromaius ater) of Australia is one of several extinct emu taxa whose taxonomic relationship to the modern Emu (D. novaehollandiae) is unclear. King Island Emu were mainly distinguished by their much smaller size and a reported darker colour compared to modern Emu.

Methodology and Results

We investigated the evolutionary relationships between the King Island and modern Emu by the recovery of both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences from sub-fossil remains. The complete mitochondrial control (1,094 bp) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) region (1,544 bp), as well as a region of the melanocortin 1 receptor gene (57 bp) were sequenced using a multiplex PCR approach. The results show that haplotypes for King Island Emu fall within the diversity of modern Emu.


These data show the close relationship of these emu when compared to other congeneric bird species and indicate that the King Island and modern Emu share a recent common ancestor. King Island emu possibly underwent insular dwarfism as a result of phenotypic plasticity. The close relationship between the King Island and the modern Emu suggests it is most appropriate that the former should be considered a subspecies of the latter. Although both taxa show a close genetic relationship they differ drastically in size. This study also suggests that rates of morphological and neutral molecular evolution are decoupled.  相似文献   

DNA sequences of ITS-1 and ITS-2 of rDNA were determined for 16 individual adult males each of Ostertagia gruehneri and Ostertagia arctica from Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) and Eurasian tundra reindeer (R. t. tarandus). Each ITS was virtually identical in O. gruehneri and O. arctica and the three mixed bases detected were shared by both species. Our results strongly suggest that O. gruehneri and O. arctica are dimorphic males of the same species.  相似文献   

Kidner C  Sundaresan V  Roberts K  Dolan L 《Planta》2000,211(2):191-199
 The cellular organization of the Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. root meristem suggests that a regular pattern of cell divisions occurs in the root tip. Deviations from this pattern of division might be expected to disrupt the organization of cells and tissues in the root. A clonal analysis of the 3-d-old primary root meristem was carried out to determine if there is variability in division patterns, and if so to discover their effect on cellular organization in the root. Clones induced in the seedling meristem largely confirmed the predicted pattern of cell divisions. However, the cellular initials that normally give rise to the different cell files in the root were shown to exhibit some instability. For example, it was calculated that a lateral root cap/epidermal initial is displaced every 13 d. Furthermore, the existence of large marked clones that included more than two adjacent cell layers suggests that intrusive growth followed by cell division may occur at low frequency, perhaps in response to local cell deaths in the meristem. These findings support the view that even in plant organs with stereotypical cell division patterns, positional information is still the key determinant of cell fate. Received: 27 August 1999 / Accepted: 4 December 1999  相似文献   

Callitrichid hepatitis is an infection of New World primates caused by an arenavirus, currently referred to as callitrichid hepatitis virus, that is closely related to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). We have cloned and sequenced the GP-C gene of callitrichid hepatitis virus and found that the cDNA sequence is 84 to 86% identical to those of the GP-C genes of LCMV strains Armstrong and WE, while the deduced amino acid sequence is 95 to 96% identical to those of the GP-C gene products of the same strains. This high degree of similarity indicates that the etiologic agent of callitrichid hepatitis is in fact LCMV. The wide geographic distribution of callitrichid hepatitis outbreaks in the United States serves as a reminder that LCMV is also a human pathogen whose public health implications are not well understood.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to test the hypothesis that experts recognize repair of erosions and, if so, to determine which, if any, morphologic features permitted them to recognize the repair. We also tested whether scoring by a standard method detected repair. Seven experienced readers of radiographs in rheumatoid arthritis were presented with 64 sets of single joints-of-interest at two time points, randomized and blinded for the correct sequence. The readers assessed which joint was better, and recorded whether any of six specific features were seen. Two independent readers, experienced in scoring by the van der Heijde-modified Sharp method who were not on the expert panel, then scored the complete films that included the joint-of-interest. The panel agreed very well on which of two joints was better, and, even though they did not know the true sequence, the panel accurately assigned a sequence slightly better than chance alone (58%) but worse than their agreement on which image was 'better or worse' (78%). The readers therefore indirectly assigned repair by choosing the second film as the best. Putative repair features were seen in cases of both repair and progression, and were not discriminatory. Similar results were obtained when the experts were presented with the entire hand or foot containing the joint-of-interest. In the third repair exercise, two independent readers who scored whole hands and feet using a standard method found a mean negative score in 22/60 joints-of-interest. All 22 joints were also scored as repair by the panel. Repair was detected reliably by a majority of the panel on viewing paired images based on a better/worse decision and assigning sequence in a set of images that were blinded for sequence by an independent project manager. In this test set of images, repair was manifested by a reduction in the size of erosion in many cases. Size was one feature that aided the experts to detect repair but cannot be the only one; the experts had to find other features to determine whether a smaller erosion was the first in a sequence of radiographs in a patient with progressive damage or was the second film in a patient exhibiting repair. The change in size of erosion was also picked up by independent readers applying the van der Heijde-modified Sharp scoring method and was reflected in their scores.  相似文献   

Microsporidian parasites infect almost all invertebrate and vertebrate hosts and have significant effects on individual and population fitness. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that the phylum is highly divergent and that some lineages show strong associations with host taxa. We here examine the diversity and distribution of parasites in gastropod molluscs to test for host-parasite co-association. 16 populations representing 10 species of freshwater snails were screened using microsporidian specific small subunit rDNA primers. Four novel microsporidian parasite sequences were detected within populations of three host species from the genera Bulinus, Biomphalaria and Planorbis. Prevalence ranged from 5 to 84%. Phylogenetic analysis of these novel sequences reveals that they group together as a paraphyletic assemblage in the microsporidian tree basal to the two lineages containing the genera Encephalitozoon and Nosema. Preliminary observation of one microsporidian infection, show parasites distributed in all tissue systems of Bulinus globosus. However, infection is most prevalent in the digestive gland while also in the egg sacs, suggesting that the microsporidium is using a mixed strategy of horizontal and vertical transmission in this population.  相似文献   

The genus Elminia has had a jumbled taxonomic history, being placed among ‘old world flycatchers’ or ‘monarch flycatchers’, where it was for a long time lumped with Trochocercus. It was recently suggested that it might represent a deep clade in the large sylvioid radiation. Using one mitochondrial protein‐coding gene (ND2, 1041 bp) and one nuclear intron (myoglobin intron 2, 700 bp) DNA sequences, we obtained robust evidence for the phylogenetic placement of Elminia in the new family Stenostiridae, which is strongly supported by a synapomorphic insertion of one base in the nuclear myoglobin intron 2 sequence. Our analyses confirm the monophyly of Elminia and resolve relationships within this genus, but cannot confidently identify its sister‐taxon within the stenostirid clade. Two clades were strongly supported within the genus Elminia: one with the two fairy blue flycatchers and another with the three white‐tailed crested‐flycatchers. Within the first clade, Elminia longicauda appears non‐monophyletic but remains strongly related to E. albicauda. In the second clade, E. albiventris is sister to E. albonotata while the Dusky Crested Flycatcher (E. nigromitrata) appears in a basal position within this clade. According to our molecular dating, several geological events in western Africa and the Albertine Rift area seem to be related to the historical distribution of Elminia. Thus, the differentiation between E. albonotata and E. albiventris could be directly related to the tectonic history of these two regions. According to our molecular dating, at least one intercontinental dispersal event involving Culicicapa took place within the Stenostiridae clade at a time when the Middle East was forested.  相似文献   

Microscopic and cytological evidence suggest that many dinoflagellates possess a haploid nuclear phase. However, the ploidy of a number of dinoflagellates remains unknown, and molecular genetic support for haploidy in this group has been lacking. To elucidate the ploidy of symbiotic dinoflagellates belonging to the genus Symbiodinium, we used five polymorphic microsatellites to examine populations harbored by the Caribbean gorgonians Plexaura kuna and Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae; we also studied a series of Symbiodinium cultures. In 690 out of 728 Symbiodinium samples in hospite (95% of the cases) and in all 45 Symbiodinium cultures, only a single allele was recovered per locus. Statistical testing of the Symbiodinium populations harbored by P. elisabethae revealed that the observed genotype frequencies deviate significantly from those expected under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Taken together, our results confirm that, in the vegetative life stage, members of Symbiodinium, both cultured and in hospite, are haploid. Furthermore, based on the phylogenetics of the dinoflagellates, haploidy in vegetative cells appears to be an ancestral trait that extends to all 2,000 extant species of these important unicellular protists.  相似文献   

Advances in the phenology of organisms are often attributed to climate change, but alternatively, may reflect a publication bias towards advances and may be caused by environmental factors unrelated to climate change. Both factors are investigated using the breeding dates of 25 long-term studied populations of Ficedula flycatchers across Europe. Trends in spring temperature varied markedly between study sites, and across populations the advancement of laying date was stronger in areas where the spring temperatures increased more, giving support to the theory that climate change causally affects breeding date advancement.  相似文献   

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