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《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(5):338-348
Given the importance of red deer Cervus elaphus for hunting and conservation purposes, understanding the interactions between this species and its habitats in the Mediterranean region is a crucial step for the sustainable management of this species. Aiming to compare pellet group counts and direct observations methods to study the habitat use and selection by red deer, the results obtained by both methods were compared, and their advantages and disadvantages were discussed. To understand the temporal patterns of habitat use and selection, the survey was conducted at three different seasons, birth period, rut season and winter. The habitat use and selection were studied in relation to land cover, watercourse, roads, ecotone zones and other topographic features (altitude, slope and aspect), using generalized linear models and selection ratios. The similarity of the results provided by pellet group counts and direct observations indicate that both methods may constitute useful tools to study the habitat use and selection by red deer. Globally, red deer seemed to select habitats that provide simultaneously food and some cover, as shown by its preference for shrublands, independently of the sampling season. The positive selection of ecotone zones embodies the need for open spaces. Males and females showed a similar use of shrubland, but selected patches with different characteristics therein. The spatial and temporal patterns exhibited by our results suggest that red deer balance their habitat requirements in respect to each phase of their reproductive cycle. Pellet group counts and direct observations seem to be useful methods to analyze habitat use and selection, and may provide helpful knowledge to the management and conservation of red deer.  相似文献   

An area of research that has recently gained more attention is to understand how species respond to environmental change such as the landscape structure and fragmentation. Movement is crucial to select habitats but the landscape structure influences the movement patterns of animals. Characterising the movement characteristics, utilisation distribution (UD) and habitat selection of a single species in different landscapes can provide important insights into species response to changes in the landscape. We investigate these three fields in female red deer (Cervus elaphus) in southern Sweden, in order to understand how landscape structure influences their movement and feeding patterns. Movements are compared between two regions, one dominated by a fragmented agriculture–forest mosaic and the other by managed homogenous forest. Red deer in the agriculture-dominated landscape had larger UDs compared to those in the forest-dominated area, moved larger distances between feeding and resting and left cover later in the day but used a similar duration for their movements, suggesting faster travelling speeds between resting and feeding locations. The habitat selection patterns of red deer indicate a trade-off between forage and cover, selecting for habitats that provide shelter during the day and forage by night. However, the level of trade-off, mediated through movement and space use patterns, is influenced by the landscape structure. Our approach provides further understanding of the link between individual animal space use and changing landscapes and can be applied to many species able to carry tracking devices.  相似文献   

Understanding how habitat selection changes with population density is a key concept in population regulation, community composition and managing impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. At low density, it is expected that individuals select habitats in terms of their preference, but as population density increases, the availability of resources per individual declines on preferred habitats, leading to competition which forces some individuals to exploit less preferred habitats. Using spatial information of Scottish red deer (Cervus elaphus) winter counts, carried out in 110 areas across Scotland between 1961 and 2004 (a total of 1,206,495 deer observations), we showed how winter habitat niche breadth in red deer has widened with increasing population density. Heather moorland and montane habitats were most and least preferred for deer, respectively. Increasing density favoured the selection of grassland, to the detriment of the selection of heather moorland. The selection of heather and grassland decreased when temperature increased, while the selection of montane and peatland habitats increased. These findings are important for understanding how habitat use, density and population are likely to be affected by weather, and allow us to predict habitat impacts by large mammal herbivory and climate.  相似文献   

Artificial barriers such as wire fences constitute a common conservation management practice to protect vegetation from the browsing impact of large herbivores. Apart from protecting the fenced area, these barriers may affect the use of adjacent areas by animals. For example, they may interrupt major movement routes. We studied the effect of fences on an area used by red deer in Doñana National Park (Andalucía, south west Spain). We used an observational approach to study the effect of existing permanent barriers, and an experimental approach to investigate the effect of new barriers placed between the main areas through which animals moved from resting to foraging sites. Our study was carried out during the mating season, so we could also observe the effects on the distribution of females among harems. We found that “shadow areas”, where projection lines of the movement from resting to foraging areas were interrupted by the barrier, were used less by deer. In agreement with this result, grasses in shadow areas tended to be longer than in other areas, indicating unequal use of resources depending on the placement of barriers. Also, permanent barriers appeared to have negative, long-term effects on the maintenance of meadows as denoted by a higher proportion of rushes in meadows within shadow areas. Experimental barriers supported the cause-effect relationship by decreasing the number of deer using the experimental shadow areas. Our results demonstrated unexpected ecological effects of small barriers on the landscape, mediated by modification of the spatial behaviour of red deer.  相似文献   

The southernmost subspecies of pampas deer Ozotocerus bezoarticus celer is an endemic and endangered cervid of the Argentine Pampas. The aim of our study was to describe the habitat use of this deer on the coast of Samborombón Bay. Twelve adult pampas deer (seven female and five male) were radiotracked and their home-range sizes and habitat selection studied from 1995 to 2001. The mean home-range size was 898±181 ha, and the core area was concentrated in 22% of their range. The home-range size of males was three times larger than that of females (1422 vs. 523 ha). Deer home ranges overlapped extensively. No sex differences were found regarding habitat selection. Celtis tala forests and Spartina densiflora grasslands were used more than expected by their availability, while wetlands, coastal grasslands and Salicornia ambigua beaches were avoided. Their habitat selection was affected by cattle presence, suggesting avoidance: they tended to use areas free of cattle, and their home ranges were larger when cattle were absent. An action plan for this endangered population of pampas deer should include initiatives involving private landowners in pampas deer conservation, the use of fire and cattle grazing management tools to improve deer habitat, and studies to provide biological and health data related to pampas deer coexistence with cattle.  相似文献   

Ungulate behavior is often characterized as balancing selection for forage and avoidance of predation risk. Within partially migratory ungulate populations, this balancing occurs across multiple spatial scales, potentially resulting in different exposure to costs and benefits between migrants and residents. We assessed how availability and selection of forage and risk from predators varied between summer ranges of migrant and resident mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus; a species in which individual migratory strategies are generally fixed for life) in 3 study areas in western Montana, USA, during summers 2017–2019. We hypothesized that mule deer would face a tradeoff between selecting forage and avoiding predation risk, and that migration and residency would pose contrasting availability of forage and risk at a broad (summer range) spatial scale. We hypothesized deer exposed to lower forage at a given spatial scale would compensate for reduced availability by increasing selection of forage at the cost of reduced avoidance of predators, a mechanism whereby migrants and residents could potentially achieve similar exposure to forage despite disparate availability. We compared the availability of forage (kcal/m2) and predation risk from wolves (Canis lupus) and mountain lions (Puma concolor) between summer ranges of each migratory strategy, then assessed how selection for those factors at the home range (second order) and within-home range (third order) scales varied using resource selection functions (RSFs). As forage availability increased among mule deer summer ranges and individual home ranges, selection for forage decreased at the second-order (P = 0.052) and third-order (P = 0.081) scales, respectively, but avoidance of predators varied weakly. In 1 study area, summer range of residents contained lower forage and higher risk than summer range of migrants, but residents compensated for this disadvantage through stronger selection of forage and avoidance of risk at finer spatial scales. In the other 2 study areas, summer range of migrants contained lower forage and higher risk than residents, but migrants did not compensate through stronger selection for beneficial resources. The majority of mule deer in our study system were migratory, though the benefits of migration were unclear, suggesting partial migration may persist in populations even when exposure to forage and predation risk appears unequal between strategies.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of red deer populations is under strong influence of human activities such as game management and habitat fragmentation. Using multilocus genotypes from 193 geo-referenced individuals, we evaluated the population genetic structure of three red deer populations in Croatia. The effect of habitat fragmentation on genetic structure was tested using Bayesian non-spatial and spatial clustering methods. Our results indicate levels of genetic diversity similar to the ones previously reported by other authors for stable and appropriately managed populations within all populations analyzed. The spatial clustering model was able to detect the effect of habitat fragmentation on population differentiation, supporting the use of spatially explicit methods in landscape genetics, and giving important guidelines for future road planning.  相似文献   

In non-territorial species, individuals can move freely and should be distributed in an ideal free manner between habitats and areas with respect to resources that influence lifetime reproductive success (LRS). Consequently, no relationship between diet quality and LRS should be expected. However, there have been no attempts to test this prediction. The present paper investigates the relationship between forage habitat use and LRS in red deer (Cervus elaphus) hinds within three neighbouring areas on the Isle of Rum which differed in their amounts of high-quality-forage habitat. Within areas, hinds move widely and have access to the same resources. We found no correlation between LRS of individual hinds and their use of high-quality-forage habitat (i.e. short Agrostis/Festuca grassland). Our analysis suggests that high hind densities on short Agrostis/Festuca grassland offset any advantages of increased access to preferred forage. These results support the hypothesis that red deer hinds are distributed in an ideal free manner with respect to the use of high-quality-forage habitat. However, hinds rarely leave areas where they are born, and the analysis suggests that constraints in changing areas hindered an ideal free distribution on a larger spatial scale. Consequently, mean LRS was not the same within the three investigated areas: one area, with a low amount of short Agrostis/Festuca grassland and a low hind density, contributed more male offspring (and more total offspring) per hind to the population than the other two areas. Received: 11 September 1998 / Accepted: 15 March 1999  相似文献   

Roads affect wildlife in many direct and indirect ways. For ungulates, roads may inhibit seasonal migration and may cause an effective loss of habitat due to avoidance. On the other hand, roadsides and associated agricultural lands offer high quality forage that may attract ungulates and increase the frequency of car accidents. Mitigating actions require detailed knowledge on space use in relation to roads. Using data from 67 global positioning system (GPS)-marked red deer in Norway, we quantified 1) scale of avoidance of roads, 2) crossing frequency, and 3) selection of crossing sites. Red deer avoided roads only on a very local scale and only during daytime, with minor influence of variation in road size (traffic burden). Marked red deer crossed roads, on average, 2 times per day. Females crossed more frequently than males and crossings were most frequent during autumn and winter and during night. Deer selected forested crossing sites close to agricultural pastures, reflecting that roads are crossed most often on nightly feeding excursions. Our findings imply that red deer in our study area have adjusted to exploit feeding habitat close to roads at times of low traffic burden. The high frequency of crossings suggests a limited influence on seasonal migration patterns. The frequency at which red deer cross highways suggests that mitigation measures to reduce road mortality may be effective if targeted in the right areas. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Extraction of oil and natural gas (hydrocarbons) from shale is increasing rapidly in North America, with documented impacts to native species and ecosystems. With shale oil and gas resources on nearly every continent, this development is set to become a major driver of global land‐use change. It is increasingly critical to quantify spatial habitat loss driven by this development to implement effective mitigation strategies and develop habitat offsets. Habitat selection is a fundamental ecological process, influencing both individual fitness and population‐level distribution on the landscape. Examinations of habitat selection provide a natural means for understanding spatial impacts. We examined the impact of natural gas development on habitat selection patterns of mule deer on their winter range in Colorado. We fit resource selection functions in a Bayesian hierarchical framework, with habitat availability defined using a movement‐based modeling approach. Energy development drove considerable alterations to deer habitat selection patterns, with the most substantial impacts manifested as avoidance of well pads with active drilling to a distance of at least 800 m. Deer displayed more nuanced responses to other infrastructure, avoiding pads with active production and roads to a greater degree during the day than night. In aggregate, these responses equate to alteration of behavior by human development in over 50% of the critical winter range in our study area during the day and over 25% at night. Compared to other regions, the topographic and vegetative diversity in the study area appear to provide refugia that allow deer to behaviorally mediate some of the impacts of development. This study, and the methods we employed, provides a template for quantifying spatial take by industrial activities in natural areas and the results offer guidance for policy makers, mangers, and industry when attempting to mitigate habitat loss due to energy development.  相似文献   

In sexually dimorphic mammals, high population density is commonly associated with increased mortality of males relative to females and with female-biased adult sex ratios. This paper investigates the consequences of these changes on the distribution of male breeding success, the intensity of competition for females and the opportunity for sexual selection. After the red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) population of the North Block of Rum (Inner Hebrides) was released from culling, female numbers rose and male numbers declined, leading to an adult sex ratio of around one male to two females. This change was the result of increased mortality of males relative to females during the first two years of life; of increased emigration rates by young males; and of reduced immigration by males from outside the study area. The increasing bias in the adult sex ratio affected the timing of breeding as well as the distribution of mating success in males. As the adult sex ratio became increasingly biased towards females, the degree of skew in mating success (calculated across all harem-holders) increased, but mature males defended harems for shorter periods and a higher proportion of males held harems. In addition, a higher proportion of calves were fathered by immigrant males and the proportion fathered by males born in the study area declined. These results support the contention that, where high population density is associated with a female-biased adult sex ratio, competition for mates is likely to decline.  相似文献   

In red deer, variation in winter and spring weather conditions encountered by the mothers during pregnancy and during the first year of life are a main determinant for individual life-history as well as population dynamics. We tested the hypothesis that supplementary feeding which provides constant food supply throughout winter removes the selective pressure of winter harshness on nutrition-mediated phenotypic traits. We analysed cohort variation in body weight in calves in October, before their first winter, and in yearlings in June, after their first winter, in a food-supplemented population in the Eastern Austrian Alps. Over eleven years, cohort body weight varied between years in calves and yearlings. Contrary to studies on non-supplemented red deer populations we found neither short- nor long-term effects of winter weather on body weight. In calves, autumn body weight was negatively related to April–May and June temperatures, suggesting that cool weather during the main growth period retarded plant senescence and thereby prolonged the period of high protein content of summer forage. In yearlings, variation in June body weight, shortly after the end of the feeding period, was lower after a wet April–May, suggesting a negative effect of a prolonged period of supplemental feeding. For both calves and yearlings intra-cohort variation in body weight was higher, inter-cohort variation was lower as compared to non-supplemented red deer, suggesting that in their first year of life supplemented red deer are under reduced natural selection pressure.  相似文献   

Van Tienderen recently published a method that links selection gradients between a phenotypic trait and multiple fitness components with the effects of these fitness components on the population growth rate (mean absolute fitness). The method allows selection to be simultaneously estimated across multiple fitness components in a population dynamic framework. In this paper we apply the method to a population of red deer living in the North Block of the Isle of Rum, Scotland. We show that (1) selection on birth date and birth weight can operate through multiple fitness components simultaneously; (2) our estimates of the response to selection are consistent with the observed change in trait values that we cannot explain with environmental and phenotypic covariates; (3) selection on both traits has fluctuated over the course of the study; (4) selection operates through different fitness components in different years; and (5) no environmental covariates correlate with selection because different fitness components respond to density and climatic variation in contrasting ways.  相似文献   

Use of a seaweed habitat by red deer (Cervus elaphus L.)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Management of game ungulates alters population structure and habitat features, with potential effects on genetic structure. Here, we study 26 red deer (Cervus elaphus) populations in Spain. We used census data and habitat features as well as genetic information at 11 microsatellite markers from 717 individuals. We found that metapopulations presented a distribution associated with forest interruptions. Within metapopulations, fences did not have a significant effect on red deer genetic structure. The metapopulations we studied presented similar population structure, but they differed in habitat features and genetic structure. The metapopulation with higher resource availability showed a genetic structure pattern in which genetic relatedness between geographically close individuals was high while relatedness between geographically distant individuals was low. Contrarily, the metapopulation with lower resource availability presented a genetic structure pattern in which the genetic relatedness between individuals of different populations was independent of the geographic distance. We discuss the possible connection between resource availability and genetic structure. Finally, we did not find any population or environmental variable related to genetic differentiation within metapopulations.  相似文献   

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