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为了提高福氏志贺菌免疫的群7因子的血清效价和优化免疫方法,以两种免疫原成分,按两种浓度、剂量免疫动物后定期采集血清。用凝集试验检测血清抗体效价,比较新法和传统方法免疫家兔体内的抗体水平。结果显示,传统方法免疫的家兔所产生的抗体1∶1280,而新法免疫中高剂量组可使福氏志贺群7因子血清效价达到1∶2560的水平,完全可以用于常规生产。  相似文献   

志贺氏菌引起的细菌性痢疾为一种全球性的肠道传染病。据估计,全世界每年感染的人数超过两亿,由该病引起的死亡人数有65万左右[1]。该菌的致病性是由体内含有230kb的毒性大质粒决定的,而大质粒上一个31kb的片段所编码的侵袭质粒抗原(IInvasion plasmid antigen,Ipa)是致病所必需的[2,3]。近年来,国内外有关学者在原核生物中对ipaB基因克隆及功能进行了较广泛的研究[4,5],但在酵母细胞中这方面的研究未见报导。从志贺痢疾杆菌中克隆了ipaB基因,并在酵母细胞中得到了融合表达,为将IpaB应用于双杂交系统研究其在侵袭过程中的分子机制打下了基础。  相似文献   

对福氏志贺菌(Shigella flexneri)5型及志贺氏志贺菌(Shigella dysenteriae)1型两株与刚果红结合突变菌株的大质粒pSF5及pSD1进行了全基因组测序及分析. pSF5全长136694 bp, 包含165个ORFs, 其中133个功能明确, 32个功能未知. pSD1全长182726 bp, 共有224个ORFs, 其中181个功能明确, 43个功能未知. pSF5中IS序列为53787 bp, pSD1中为49616 bp, 分别占整个基因组的39.3%, 27.2%. 二者中共有22种不同类型的IS出现, 其中ISEc8, ISSbo6在志贺菌大质粒中为首次报道. 与pCP301相比, pSF5和pSD1都发生了大范围基因缺失, 并在多处发生基因片段倒置等现象. pSF5中除与侵袭相关ipa-mxi-spa基因岛完全缺失外, 与O-抗原生物合成密切相关的shf-rfbU-msbB基因也部分缺失, 而在pSD1中上述基因则完整存在, 但pSD1中与侵袭基因表达调控相关的virF基因缺失. 结果表明, 在pSF5和pSD1中与侵袭相关的调控因子及侵袭基因的缺失是导致刚果红结合突变的原因之一, 但是否是唯一的原因还需进一步的验证.  相似文献   

目的 产超广谱β-内酰胺酶( extended-spectrum β-lactamases,ESBLs)福氏志贺菌的耐药性及其基因型.方法 K-B法检测福氏志贺菌对抗菌药物的敏感性,改良三维试验检测菌株是否产生ESBLs,ESBLs的基因型通过PCR扩增、DNA测序的方法进行.结果 148株福氏志贺菌检测出6株产ESBLs,其基因型为CTX-M-3和CTX-M-14;产ESBLs福氏志贺菌对氨苄西林、头孢噻肟、复方新诺明、四环素均耐药,对头孢西丁、亚胺培南、环丙沙星敏感.结论 应加强对福氏志贺菌的耐药性监测,合理使用抗生素,防止产ESBLs福氏志贺菌的流行和传播.  相似文献   

类鼻疽菌血清分型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
类鼻疽假单胞菌根据不耐热抗原的有无分为血清I型和II型。在没有标准血清情况下,用吸收试验,选出产不耐热抗原较好的菌株,用scphadex G—200纯化抗原制备I型血清,用该血清对我国分离的68株及引进6株菌以琼脂扩散法,进行血清学分型。结果表明:68株为血清I型,3株为血清II型菌,3株不稳定。上述结果与文献报道的一致。即血清I型菌多存在于亚洲,血清型与菌株来源(环境、动物)无关,但与地理分布有关。  相似文献   

痢疾杆菌的分型工作,国内外报告很多,湘西土家族苗族自治州少数民族地区这方面的资料很少,现将我站在1964年由凤凰、花垣、州人民医院化验科收集的,以及我站工作组深入现场采集患者大便分离的痢疾菌株,进行鉴定与分型后报告如下。实验方法是按国内所采用的一般方法,进行生化反应观察及血清凝集试验,所用之痢疾诊断分型血清系兰州生物制品研究所供应的。实验结果一共分离出46株痢疾杆菌。  相似文献   

目的:构建福氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株argT基因缺失突变体和ArgT蛋白非降解突变体,以进行后续ArgT功能研究。方法:根据福氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株基因组全序列,采用λ-Red重组系统对argT基因进行缺失,并经PCR验证;采用定点突变的方法构建ArgT非降解株,并经SDS-PAGE验证;对野生株、argT缺失突变株和ArgT非降解突变株37℃时的生长曲线及生化反应进行比较研究。结果:构建了2457T的argT缺失突变株和ArgT非降解突变株;2种突变株初始生长均较慢,但最终和野生株状态一致;2种突变株利用甘露醇的能力都比野生株强,而利用葡萄糖的能力降低。结论:获得了福氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株argT基因缺失突变体和ArgT蛋白非降解突变体。  相似文献   

针对在低拷贝自杀质粒pCVD442中难以进行基因操作的缺陷,本研究将Gateway技术应用在了基因敲除前期的重组质粒构建过程。应用这一改进的系统构建了福氏2a志贺氏菌301株转铁相关基因sitC的插入突变体MTS。对突变体分别在培养基、细胞和动物实验水平进行了功能检测,并利用芯片技术进行了限铁条件下突变体和野生型菌株的表达谱比较。结果显示,添加150 µM铁螯合剂DIP(2,2’-dipyridyl)条件下,MTS生长水平明显低于野生株,补加铁离子或锰离子可使突变株生长回复到丰富培养基条件下的生长水平;在HeLa细胞和U937细胞的胞内存活增殖能力和胞间扩散能力以及豚鼠角膜结膜炎实验中,MTS没有显现出明显的毒力改变,但在HeLa细胞侵袭过程中添加65 µM的DIP,MTS的胞内存活增殖能力和Sf301相比下降了51.6%。限铁条件下的表达谱结果表明,整体上MTS对缺铁变化比Sf301更敏感,上调的基因比野生株多106个,主要涉及膜转运、氨基酸代谢和功能未分类基因,而下调基因中参与能量代谢和碳水化合物代谢的较多。缺铁条件下,已知的转铁相关基因普遍上调,且MTS中上调的基因数目及上调幅度要高于Sf301。此结果再次证实了Sit铁转运系统对志贺氏菌生长的重要性。  相似文献   

目的:筛选、鉴定与福氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株ArgT相互作用的蛋白,以进一步研究ArgT在福氏2a志贺氏菌致病过程中发挥的作用。方法:将ArgT与GST融合表达,通过体外GST沉降实验和MALDI-TOF MS技术,筛选并鉴定与福氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株ArgT相互作用的蛋白。结果:筛选并鉴定到与福氏2a志贺氏菌2457TArgT相互作用的蛋白OmpR。结论:OmpR与ArgT存在体外相互作用。  相似文献   

The Shigella flexneri phage Sf6 has an isometric head with hexagonal symmetry 53nm in diameter. The noncontractile tails in 16 nm long and terminates with a base plate containing six spikes. Sf6 is typical of the C phages in the morphological classification of Bradley. Phage Sf6 processes alpha-1,3-endorhamnosidase activity as demonstrated by methylation and reducing end group sugar analyses of the products obtained on interaction with the O-polysaccharide chain of S.flexneri strains which have the O-group 3,4 antigen. The major end product was an octasaccharide with the following structure: Rha III-GlcNAc-Rha I-Rha II-Rha III-GlcNAc-Rha I-Rha II. Acetylation of 0-2 of rhamnose III of the O-polysaccharide chain, either brought about by Sf6 lysogenization or found in wild-type S. flexneri (3b) strains, prevented enzymatic hydrolysis. O-deacetylation of the polysaccharide chain again made it susceptible to the S6f endorhamnosidase.  相似文献   

Blood and serum group typings in Koreans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Peak area matching and linear regression were used to quantify eight chlorinated pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (as Aroclor 1260) in human serum. There are no statistically significant differences in data obtained by these two quantifying techniques which were indicated by the paired t-test. For chlorinated pesticides, p = 0.053-0.62, and for polychlorinated biphenyls (as Aroclor 1260), p = 0.64. Analyte residues for the chlorinated pesticides ranged from 0.5 ppb for hexachlorobenzene (HCB) to 186 ppb for dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE). Analyte residues for the polychlorinated biphenyls (as Aroclor 1260) ranged from 5-114 ppb. The absolute mean percent difference between the two quantifying techniques ranged from 0.06% for DDE to 8.06% for dieldrin (HEOD) among the chlorinated pesticides. The absolute mean percent difference between the two quantifying techniques for the polychlorinated biphenyls (as Aroclor 1260) was 3.4%. Peak area matching and linear regression were found to be comparable for quantifying these environmental residues in serum when the following conditions apply: 1) the concentration of the chlorinated pesticides is greater than or equal to 0.5 ppb (e.g., HCB, hexachlorocyclohexane (HCCH), oxychlordane (OC), heptachlor epoxide (HE), transnonachlor (TN), HEOD, and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT); 2) the concentration of the chlorinated pesticide is greater than or equal to 3 ppb (e.g., DDE); and 3) the total concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls (e.g., as Aroclor 1260) is greater than or equal to 5 ppb.  相似文献   

Normal human serum is strongly bactericidal for all studied Shigella sonnei phase II (10 strains). The studied bacteria were sensitive to two alternative mechanisms of the bactericidal activity of serum factors. The first mechanism involves the action of serum in which complement (C) is activated by the studied bacteria via the classical pathway. Lysozyme did not participate in this reaction. The second mechanism involves the combined action of two factors: C activated via the alternative pathway and lysozyme.  相似文献   

The AA. have tested 50 serum samples for immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM) with two different methods: laser-nephelometry (LN) and radial immunodiffusion (RID). Mean values of IgG and IgA are almost the same in the two tested methods and there is a good correlation between LN and RID (IgG: r = 0,98; IgA: = 0,96). Also IgM have showed a good correlation (r = 0,987) but mean values obtained with LN are just a few lower than those obtained with RID. Regression lines, calculated for all the Ig, confirm these conclusions. The AA. conclude affirming that the obtained difference for IgM is due to the different standards used for LN and RID determinations.  相似文献   

Chlorogenic acid (CA) is a well-known ester of caffeic acid present in some food. It is also an active component in traditional Chinese medicines which are used to treat various diseases, but the molecular basis of CA is not clear. In the present work, the proton selective relaxation rate and the affinity index were used to investigate the interaction of CA with human serum albumin and bovine serum albumin under the same buffer conditions. The results indicated that the binding affinity of chlorogenic acid to BSA was stronger than that to HSA. The binding site of the ligand-protein complex was elucidated by molecular docking, and the specific interaction was observed from those hydrogen bonds formed by the ligand and active residues. Using a combination of TR-NOE detection, the optimal ligand conformation was illustrated. Further conformational analysis of the complex revealed that the ability of hydrogen bond formation by polar side chain residues in the binding site of BSA might contribute to the greater binding affinity. The results provide a better understanding of CA binding and should contribute towards the design of modifications of CA for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

As an enteric pathogen and Gram negative bacte-rium, Shigella possesses high infectivity and leads to serious illness. Since its discovery in 1898 by Shiga, Shigella species have been studied widely. These studies have elucidated the Shigella pathogenicit…  相似文献   

We determined and analyzed the Shigella flexneri serotype 5 (pSF5) and S. dysenteriae serotype 1 (pSD1) virulence plasmid genomes. The total length of pSF5 is 136513 bp, including 165 open reading frames (ORFs). Of these ORFs, 133 were identified and 32 of those had no significant homology to proteins with known functions. The length of pSD1 is 182545 bp, including 224 ORFs, of which we identified 181. The remaining 43 ORFs were not significantly homologous to proteins with known functions. The insertion sequence (IS) elements are 53787 bp in pSF5, and 49616 bp in pSD1, which represents 39.4% and 27.1% of the genome, respectively. There are 22 IS element types in pSF5 and pSD1, among which we report ISEc8 and ISSbo6 for the first time in the Shigella virulence plasmid. Compared to pCP301, there are a large number of deleted genes and gene inversions in both pSF5 and pSD1. The ipa-mxi-spa locus in pSF5 is completely absent, and the genes related to the O-antigen biosynthesis are partially missing. In contrast, the above genes in pSD1 are integral, with the exception of virF. The whole genome analysis of the two plasmids shows that the loss of genes related to gene invasion or regulation also obliterates the ability of pPF5 and pSD1 to bind Congo red (Crb). Whether these genes determine the Crb function requires continued investigation. These authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

We determined and analyzed the Shigella flexneri serotype 5 (pSF5) and S. dysenteriae serotype 1 (pSD1) virulence plasmid genomes. The total length of pSF5 is 136513 bp, including 165 open reading frames (ORFs). Of these ORFs, 133 were identified and 32 of those had no significant homology to proteins with known functions. The length of pSD1 is 182545 bp, including 224 ORFs, of which we identified 181. The remaining 43 ORFs were not significantly homologous to proteins with known functions. The insertion sequence (IS) elements are 53787 bp in pSF5, and 49616 bp in pSD1, which represents 39.4% and 27.1% of the genome, respectively. There are 22 IS element types in pSF5 and pSD1, among which we report ISEc8 and ISSbo6 for the first time in the Shigella virulence plasmid. Compared to pCP301, there are a large number of deleted genes and gene inversions in both pSF5 and pSD1. The ipa-mxi-spa locus in pSF5 is completely absent, and the genes related to the O-antigen biosynthesis are partially missing. In contrast, the above genes in pSD1 are integral, with the exception of virF. The whole genome analysis of the two plasmids shows that the loss of genes related to gene invasion or regulation also obliterates the ability of pPF5 and pSD1 to bind Congo red (Crb). Whether these genes determine the Crb function requires continued investigation.  相似文献   

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