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We consider stochastically modeled chemical reaction systems with mass-action kinetics and prove that a product-form stationary distribution exists for each closed, irreducible subset of the state space if an analogous deterministically modeled system with mass-action kinetics admits a complex balanced equilibrium. Feinberg’s deficiency zero theorem then implies that such a distribution exists so long as the corresponding chemical network is weakly reversible and has a deficiency of zero. The main parameter of the stationary distribution for the stochastically modeled system is a complex balanced equilibrium value for the corresponding deterministically modeled system. We also generalize our main result to some non-mass-action kinetics.  相似文献   

The persistence conjecture is a long-standing open problem in chemical reaction network theory. It concerns the behavior of solutions to coupled ODE systems that arise from applying mass-action kinetics to a network of chemical reactions. The idea is that if all reactions are reversible in a weak sense, then no species can go extinct. A notion that has been found useful in thinking about persistence is that of “critical siphon.” We explore the combinatorics of critical siphons, with a view toward the persistence conjecture. We introduce the notions of “drainable” and “self-replicable” (or autocatalytic) siphons. We show that: Every minimal critical siphon is either drainable or self-replicable; reaction networks without drainable siphons are persistent; and nonautocatalytic weakly reversible networks are persistent. Our results clarify that the difficulties in proving the persistence conjecture are essentially due to competition between drainable and self-replicable siphons.  相似文献   

Behaviour of chemical networks that are described by systems of ordinary differential equations can be analysed via the associated graph structures. This paper deals with observations based on the interaction graph which is defined by the signs of the Jacobian matrix entries. Some of the important graph structures linked to network dynamics are signed circuits and the nucleus (or Hamiltonian hooping). We use mass-action chemical reaction networks as an example to showcase interesting observations about the aforementioned interaction graph structures. We show that positive circuits and specific nucleus structures (associated to multistationarity) are always present in a great generic class of mass-action chemical and biological networks. The theory of negative circuits remains poorly understood, but there is some evidence that they are indicators of stable periodicity. Here we introduce the concept of non-isolated circuits which indicate the presence of a negative circuit.  相似文献   

Reaction networks are useful for analyzing reaction systems occurring in chemistry, systems biology, or Earth system science. Despite the importance of thermodynamic disequilibrium for many of those systems, the general thermodynamic properties of reaction networks are poorly understood. To circumvent the problem of sparse thermodynamic data, we generate artificial reaction networks and investigate their non-equilibrium steady state for various boundary fluxes. We generate linear and nonlinear networks using four different complex network models (Erdős-Rényi, Barabási-Albert, Watts-Strogatz, Pan-Sinha) and compare their topological properties with real reaction networks. For similar boundary conditions the steady state flow through the linear networks is about one order of magnitude higher than the flow through comparable nonlinear networks. In all networks, the flow decreases with the distance between the inflow and outflow boundary species, with Watts-Strogatz networks showing a significantly smaller slope compared to the three other network types. The distribution of entropy production of the individual reactions inside the network follows a power law in the intermediate region with an exponent of circa −1.5 for linear and −1.66 for nonlinear networks. An elevated entropy production rate is found in reactions associated with weakly connected species. This effect is stronger in nonlinear networks than in the linear ones. Increasing the flow through the nonlinear networks also increases the number of cycles and leads to a narrower distribution of chemical potentials. We conclude that the relation between distribution of dissipation, network topology and strength of disequilibrium is nontrivial and can be studied systematically by artificial reaction networks.  相似文献   

Antagonism and bistability in protein interaction networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A protein interaction network (PIN) is a set of proteins that modulate one another's activities by regulated synthesis and degradation, by reversible binding to form complexes, and by catalytic reactions (e.g., phosphorylation and dephosphorylation). Most PINs are so complex that their dynamical characteristics cannot be deduced accurately by intuitive reasoning alone. To predict the properties of such networks, many research groups have turned to mathematical models (differential equations based on standard biochemical rate laws, e.g., mass-action, Michaelis-Menten, Hill). When using Michaelis-Menten rate expressions to model PINs, care must be exercised to avoid making inconsistent assumptions about enzyme-substrate complexes. We show that an appealingly simple model of a PIN that functions as a bistable switch is compromised by neglecting enzyme-substrate intermediates. When the neglected intermediates are put back into the model, bistability of the switch is lost. The theory of chemical reaction networks predicts that bistability can be recovered by adding specific reaction channels to the molecular mechanism. We explore two very different routes to recover bistability. In both cases, we show how to convert the original 'phenomenological' model into a consistent set of mass-action rate laws that retains the desired bistability properties. Once an equivalent model is formulated in terms of elementary chemical reactions, it can be simulated accurately either by deterministic differential equations or by Gillespie's stochastic simulation algorithm.  相似文献   

Many biochemical and industrial applications involve complicated networks of simultaneously occurring chemical reactions. Under the assumption of mass action kinetics, the dynamics of these chemical reaction networks are governed by systems of polynomial ordinary differential equations. The steady states of these mass action systems have been analyzed via a variety of techniques, including stoichiometric network analysis, deficiency theory, and algebraic techniques (e.g., Gröbner bases). In this paper, we present a novel method for characterizing the steady states of mass action systems. Our method explicitly links a network’s capacity to permit a particular class of steady states, called toric steady states, to topological properties of a generalized network called a translated chemical reaction network. These networks share their reaction vectors with their source network but are permitted to have different complex stoichiometries and different network topologies. We apply the results to examples drawn from the biochemical literature.  相似文献   

A chemical mechanism is a model of a chemical reaction network consisting of a set of elementary reactions that express how molecules react with each other. In classical mass-action kinetics, a mechanism implies a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) which govern the time evolution of the concentrations. In this article, ODE models of chemical kinetics that have the potential for multiple positive equilibria or oscillations are studied. We begin by considering some methods of stability analysis based on the digraph of the Jacobian matrix. We then prove two theorems originally given by A. N. Ivanova which correlate the bifurcation structure of a mass-action model to the properties of a bipartite graph with nodes representing chemical species and reactions. We provide several examples of the application of these theorems.  相似文献   

Identifying the reactions that govern a dynamical biological system is a crucial but challenging task in systems biology. In this work, we present a data-driven method to infer the underlying biochemical reaction system governing a set of observed species concentrations over time. We formulate the problem as a regression over a large, but limited, mass-action constrained reaction space and utilize sparse Bayesian inference via the regularized horseshoe prior to produce robust, interpretable biochemical reaction networks, along with uncertainty estimates of parameters. The resulting systems of chemical reactions and posteriors inform the biologist of potentially several reaction systems that can be further investigated. We demonstrate the method on two examples of recovering the dynamics of an unknown reaction system, to illustrate the benefits of improved accuracy and information obtained.  相似文献   

In two earlier papers, means were provided to decide the capacity of complex chemical reaction networks, taken with mass-action kinetics, to admit multiple equilibria in the context of the isothermal homogeneous continuous flow stirred tank reactor (CFSTR). In such a reactor, all species are deemed to be in the outflow, a fact which has an important bearing on the nature of the governing equations. In contrast, one can imagine CFSTR-like models of the cell in which certain large molecules (e.g., enzymes) remain entrapped within the cell, whereas smaller ones (e.g., metabolites) are free to diffuse through the cell boundary. Although such models bear a strong physical resemblance to the classical CFSTR picture, there are substantive differences in the corresponding mathematics. Without a presumption of mass-action kinetics, this research is intended to indicate a general way in which results about uniqueness of equilibria in the classical CFSTR context extend to entrapped species models.  相似文献   

Reaction networks are systems in which the populations of a finite number of species evolve through predefined interactions. Such networks are found as modeling tools in many biological disciplines such as biochemistry, ecology, epidemiology, immunology, systems biology and synthetic biology. It is now well-established that, for small population sizes, stochastic models for biochemical reaction networks are necessary to capture randomness in the interactions. The tools for analyzing such models, however, still lag far behind their deterministic counterparts. In this paper, we bridge this gap by developing a constructive framework for examining the long-term behavior and stability properties of the reaction dynamics in a stochastic setting. In particular, we address the problems of determining ergodicity of the reaction dynamics, which is analogous to having a globally attracting fixed point for deterministic dynamics. We also examine when the statistical moments of the underlying process remain bounded with time and when they converge to their steady state values. The framework we develop relies on a blend of ideas from probability theory, linear algebra and optimization theory. We demonstrate that the stability properties of a wide class of biological networks can be assessed from our sufficient theoretical conditions that can be recast as efficient and scalable linear programs, well-known for their tractability. It is notably shown that the computational complexity is often linear in the number of species. We illustrate the validity, the efficiency and the wide applicability of our results on several reaction networks arising in biochemistry, systems biology, epidemiology and ecology. The biological implications of the results as well as an example of a non-ergodic biological network are also discussed.  相似文献   

Biochemical reaction networks grow bigger and bigger, fed by the high-throughput data provided by biologists and bred in open repositories of models allowing merging and evolution. Nevertheless, since the available data is still very far from permitting the identification of the increasing number of kinetic parameters of such models, the necessity of structural analyses for describing the dynamics of chemical networks appears stronger every day. Using the structural information, notably from the stoichiometric matrix, of a biochemical reaction system, we state a more strict version of the famous Thomas’ necessary condition for multistationarity. In particular, the obvious cases where Thomas’ condition was trivially satisfied, mutual inhibition due to a multimolecular reaction and mutual activation due to a reversible reaction, can now easily be ruled out. This more strict condition shall not be seen as some version of Thomas’ circuit functionality for the continuous case but rather as related and complementary to the whole domain of the structural analysis of (bio)chemical reaction systems, as pioneered by the chemical reaction network theory.  相似文献   

Contact patterns in populations fundamentally influence the spread of infectious diseases. Current mathematical methods for epidemiological forecasting on networks largely assume that contacts between individuals are fixed, at least for the duration of an outbreak. In reality, contact patterns may be quite fluid, with individuals frequently making and breaking social or sexual relationships. Here, we develop a mathematical approach to predicting disease transmission on dynamic networks in which each individual has a characteristic behaviour (typical contact number), but the identities of their contacts change in time. We show that dynamic contact patterns shape epidemiological dynamics in ways that cannot be adequately captured in static network models or mass-action models. Our new model interpolates smoothly between static network models and mass-action models using a mixing parameter, thereby providing a bridge between disparate classes of epidemiological models. Using epidemiological and sexual contact data from an Atlanta high school, we demonstrate the application of this method for forecasting and controlling sexually transmitted disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Stochastic biochemical reaction networks are commonly modelled by the chemical master equation, and can be simulated as first order linear differential equations through a finite state projection. Due to the very high state space dimension of these equations, numerical simulations are computationally expensive. This is a particular problem for analysis tasks requiring repeated simulations for different parameter values. Such tasks are computationally expensive to the point of infeasibility with the chemical master equation. RESULTS: In this article, we apply parametric model order reduction techniques in order to construct accurate low-dimensional parametric models of the chemical master equation. These surrogate models can be used in various parametric analysis task such as identifiability analysis, parameter estimation, or sensitivity analysis. As biological examples, we consider two models for gene regulation networks, a bistable switch and a network displaying stochastic oscillations. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the parametric model reduction yields efficient models of stochastic biochemical reaction networks, and that these models can be useful for systems biology applications involving parametric analysis problems such as parameter exploration, optimization, estimation or sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

Certain mass‐action kinetics models of biochemical reaction networks, although described by nonlinear differential equations, may be partially viewed as state‐dependent linear time‐varying systems, which in turn may be modeled by convex compact valued positive linear differential inclusions. A result is provided on asymptotic stability of such inclusions, and applied to a ubiquitous biochemical reaction network with inflows and outflows, known as the futile cycle. We also provide a characterization of exponential stability of general homogeneous switched systems which is not only of interest in itself, but also plays a role in the analysis of the futile cycle. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Reaction networks are commonly used to model the dynamics of populations subject to transformations that follow an imposed stoichiometry. This paper focuses on the efficient characterisation of dynamical properties of Discrete Reaction Networks (DRNs). DRNs can be seen as modeling the underlying discrete nondeterministic transitions of stochastic models of reaction networks. In that sense, a proof of non-reachability in a given DRN has immediate implications for any concrete stochastic model based on that DRN, independent of the choice of kinetic laws and constants. Moreover, if we assume that stochastic kinetic rates are given by the mass-action law (or any other kinetic law that gives non-vanishing probability to each reaction if the required number of interacting substrates is present), then reachability properties are equivalent in the two settings. The analysis of two types of global dynamical properties of DRNs is addressed: irreducibility, i.e., the ability to reach any discrete state from any other state; and recurrence, i.e., the ability to return to any initial state. Our results consider both the verification of such properties when species are present in a large copy number, and in the general case. The necessary and sufficient conditions obtained involve algebraic conditions on the network reactions which in most cases can be verified using linear programming. Finally, the relationship of DRN irreducibility and recurrence with dynamical properties of stochastic and continuous models of reaction networks is discussed.  相似文献   

Stochastic effects from correlated noise non-trivially modulate the kinetics of non-linear chemical reaction networks. This is especially important in systems where reactions are confined to small volumes and reactants are delivered in bursts. We characterise how the two noise sources confinement and burst modulate the relaxation kinetics of a non-linear reaction network around a non-equilibrium steady state. We find that the lifetimes of species change with burst input and confinement. Confinement increases the lifetimes of all species that are involved in any non-linear reaction as a reactant. Burst monotonically increases or decreases lifetimes. Competition between burst-induced and confinement-induced modulation may hence lead to a non-monotonic modulation. We quantify lifetime as the integral of the time autocorrelation function (ACF) of concentration fluctuations around a non-equilibrium steady state of the reaction network. Furthermore, we look at the first and second derivatives of the ACF, each of which is affected in opposite ways by burst and confinement. This allows discriminating between these two noise sources. We analytically derive the ACF from the linear Fokker-Planck approximation of the chemical master equation in order to establish a baseline for the burst-induced modulation at low confinement. Effects of higher confinement are then studied using a partial-propensity stochastic simulation algorithm. The results presented here may help understand the mechanisms that deviate stochastic kinetics from its deterministic counterpart. In addition, they may be instrumental when using fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) or fluorescence-correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to measure confinement and burst in systems with known reaction rates, or, alternatively, to correct for the effects of confinement and burst when experimentally measuring reaction rates.  相似文献   

Bistability is a nonlinear phenomenon widely observed in nature including in biochemical reaction networks. Deterministic chemical kinetics studied in the past has shown that bistability occurs in systems with strong (cubic) nonlinearity. For certain mesoscopic, weakly nonlinear (quadratic) biochemical reaction systems in a small volume, however, stochasticity can induce bistability and bifurcation that have no macroscopic counterpart. We report the simplest yet known reactions involving driven phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle kinetics with autocatalytic kinase. We show that the noise-induced phenomenon is correlated with free energy dissipation and thus conforms with the open-chemical system theory. A previous reported noise-induced bistability in futile cycles is found to have originated from the kinase synchronization in a bistable system with slow transitions, as reported here.  相似文献   

Central functions in the cell are often linked to complex dynamic behaviours, such as sustained oscillations and multistability, in a biochemical reaction network. Determination of the specific mechanisms underlying such behaviours is important, e.g. to determine sensitivity, robustness, and modelling requirements of given cell functions. In this work we adopt a systems approach to the analysis of complex behaviours in intracellular reaction networks, described by ordinary differential equations with known kinetic parameters. We propose to decompose the overall system into a number of low complexity subsystems, and consider the importance of interactions between these in generating specific behaviours. Rather than analysing the network in a state corresponding to the complex non-linear behaviour, we move the system to the underlying unstable steady state, and focus on the mechanisms causing destabilisation of this steady state. This is motivated by the fact that all complex behaviours in unforced systems can be traced to destabilisation (bifurcation) of some steady state, and hence enables us to use tools from linear system theory to qualitatively analyse the sources of given network behaviours. One important objective of the present study is to see how far one can come with a relatively simple approach to the analysis of highly complex biochemical networks. The proposed method is demonstrated by application to a model of mitotic control in Xenopus frog eggs, and to a model of circadian oscillations in Drosophila. In both examples we are able to identify the subsystems, and the related interactions, which are instrumental in generating the observed complex non-linear behaviours.  相似文献   

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