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Studies on the distribution of isotopieally labeled ribosomal subunits between free and membrane-bound ribosomes from rat liver showed that, upon release of nascent polypeptides in vitro, the small subunits of membrane-bound ribosomes could exchange with small subunits derived from free polysomes. However, under the same conditions, the large subunits of membrane-bound ribosomes did not exchange efficiently with large subunits derived either from free or bound polysomes; instead, the addition of large subunits caused a transfer of microsomal small subunits into a newly formed pool of free monomers.The small subunit exchange required a macromolecular fraction of the cell sap, was stimulated by ATP or GTP, and occurred at low concentrations of magnesium ions.Sodium dodecyl sulfate, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed close similarities between the protein complement of subunits from free and membrane-bound ribosomes, with the exception of one protein band which was more intense in free large subunits.  相似文献   

Free- and EF-2-bound 80 S ribosomes, within the high-affinity complex with the non-hydrolysable GTP analog: guanylylmethylenediphosphonate (GuoPP(CH2)P), and the low-affinity complex with GDP, were treated with trypsin under conditions that modified neither their protein synthesis ability nor their sedimentation constant nor the bound EF-2 itself. Proteins extracted from trypsin-digested ribosomes were unambiguously identified using three different two-dimensional gel electrophoresis systems and 5 S RNA release was checked by submitting directly free- and EF-2-bound 80 S ribosomes, incubated with trypsin, to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Our results indicate that the binding of (EF-2)-GuoPP[CH2]P to 80 S ribosomes modified the behavior of a cluster of five proteins which were trypsin-resistant within free 80 S ribosomes and trypsin-sensitive within the high-affinity complex (proteins: L3, L10, L13a, L26, L27a). As for the binding of (EF-2)-GDP to 80 S ribosomes, it induced an intermediate conformational change of ribosomes, unshielding only protein L13a and L27a. Quantitative release of free intact 5 S RNA which occurred in the first case but not in the second one, should be related to the trypsinolysis of protein(s) L3 and/or L10 and/or L26. Results were discussed in relation to structural and functional data available on the ribosomal proteins we found to be modified by EF-2 binding.  相似文献   

The in vitro binding of total ribosomal proteins with rough endoplasmic membranes, from which 70% of ribosomes are eliminated by EDTA (ME) is studied. It is found that in conditions of specific interaction of ribosomes with membranes about 75% of total ribosomal proteins are bound with ME. Membranes, heterogenous in their content (different protein/lipid ratio), became homogenous in their buyoant density after the binding with proteins. The ability of membrane-ribosomal protein complex to bind ribosomes is not decreased, as it can be expected, but is considerablly increased, thus indicating on a non-specific character of ribosome binding. Ribosomal subunits lacking about half of structural protein are capable to bind with ribosome-binding membrane receptors and with some additional sites. This binding is also non-specific, because the binding efficiency of large and small subunits is the same.  相似文献   

1. The distribution of membrane-bound and free ribosomes was investigated in stationary as well as in growing yeast cells. the relative amount of free ribosomes varies with the growth phase of the cell culture. During the duplication phases of the cell, relative maxima of free ribosomes can be found. However, the absolute amount of free ribosomes is fairly constant during the growth of the cells. 2. Membrane-bound ribosomes show lower polypeptide synthesis activity in a cell-free, poly (U)-dependent system than free ribosomes. 3. There is no difference in the distribution pattern of free and membrane-bound ribosomes in growing yeast cells of different ploidy. 4. A turnover between free and membrane-bound ribosomes is suggested to be in agreement with the hypothesis of Branes and Pogo ((1975) Eur. J. Biochem. 54, 317-328).  相似文献   

A cell fractionation procedure is described which allowed, by use of MOPC 21 (P3K) mouse plasmocytoma cells in culture, the separation of the cytoplasmic free and membrane-bound ribosomes in fractions devoid of mutual cross-contamination, and in which the polyribosomal structure was entirely preserved. This was achieved by sedimentation on a discontinuous sucrose density gradient in which the two ribosome populations migrate in opposite directions. A variety of controls (electron microscopy, labeling of membrane lipids, further repurification of the isolated fractions) provided no evidence of cross- contamination of these populations. However, when an excess of free 60S or 40S subunits, labeled with a different isotope, was added to the cytoplasmic extract before fractionation, the possibility of a small amount of trapping and/or adsorption of free ribosomal particles by the membrane fraction was detected, especially in the case of the 60S subunits; this could be entirely prevented by the use of sucrose gradients containing 0.15 M KC1. EDTA treatment of the membrane fraction detached almost all the 40S subunits, and about 70% of the 60S subunits. 0.5 M KC1 detached only 10% of the ribosomal particles, which consist of the native 60S subunits and the monoribosomes, i.e. the bound particles inactive in protein synthesis. Analysis in CsC1 buoyant density gradients of the free and membrane-bound polyribosomes and of their derived 60S and 40S ribosomal subunits showed that the free and membrane-bound ribosomal particles have similar densities.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of free ribosomal RNA and ribosomes were made with two probes, Mg++ ions and ethidium bromide, which interact with RNA in different ways. Mg++. E. coli 16 S rRNA and 30 S ribosomes were equilibrated with four different buffers. Equilibration required several days at 4 degrees and several hours at 37 degrees. In all buffers ribosomes bound more Mg than free rRNA, the difference sometimes reaching 20--30%. Ribosomes were more resistant than free rRNA to heat denaturation and their denaturation was more highly cooperative. Ribosomes that bound more Mg++ had higher denaturation temperatures. Ethidium bromide. Fluorescence enhancement studies of ethidium intercalation showed the free 16 S rRNA to have 50--80 binding sites per molecule. A large fraction of these sites were present and accessible in the ribosome, but their ethidium-binding constants were reduced by an order of magnitude. In addition, free rRNA contained a small number of very strong binding sites that were virtually absent in the ribosomes.  相似文献   

A major difficulty in studying quantitative changes in free and membrane-bound ribosomes in a tissue under different physiological conditions is that membrane-bound ribosomes are not usually recovered quantitatively in a conventional microsomal fraction. This problem was resolved for developing chick liver by determining the conditions for the isolation of a microsomal fraction containing the highest practicable yield of rough vesicles, and then separating it into free-ribosome- and rough-vesicle-containing fractions. With the aid of a marker enzyme for the microsomal membranes and the RNA content of the recovered membrane-bound ribosomes, it was possible to correct for the recovery of rough vesicles and hence to determine the concentration of membrane-bound ribosomes in the homogenate. Despite the fact that morphological studies have suggested that most of the cellular ribosomes are not bound to membrane in chick liver cells at the earliest developmental age studied (6 days of egg incubation), 49% of the total ribosomes were found to be membrane-bound by using the new fractionation technique. This fraction increased (to 66%) during development. The discrepancy between the cell-fractionation and morphological approaches could not be attributed to artifacts of the separation method but rather to difficulties inherent in the morphological approach.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, it is generally accepted that protein synthesis is compartmentalized; soluble proteins are synthesized on free ribosomes, whereas secretory and membrane proteins are synthesized on endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-bound ribosomes. The partitioning of mRNAs that accompanies such compartmentalization arises early in protein synthesis, when ribosomes engaged in the translation of mRNAs encoding signal-sequence-bearing proteins are targeted to the ER. In this report, we use multiple cell fractionation protocols, in combination with cDNA microarray, nuclease protection, and Northern blot analyses, to assess the distribution of mRNAs between free and ER-bound ribosomes. We find a broad representation of mRNAs encoding soluble proteins in the ER fraction, with a subset of such mRNAs displaying substantial ER partitioning. In addition, we present evidence that membrane-bound ribosomes engage in the translation of mRNAs encoding soluble proteins. Single-cell in situ hybridization analysis of the subcellular distribution of mRNAs encoding ER-localized and soluble proteins identify two overall patterns of mRNA distribution in the cell-endoplasmic reticular and cytosolic. However, both partitioning patterns include a distinct perinuclear component. These results identify previously unappreciated roles for membrane-bound ribosomes in the subcellular compartmentalization of protein synthesis and indicate possible functions for the perinuclear membrane domain in mRNA sorting in the cell.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of ribosomes: free ribosomal protein pools in Escherichia coli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Proteins from ribosomal subunits (30 s and 50 s) have been fractionated into split (SP-30 and SP-50) and core (core-30 and eore-50) proteins. Antisera prepared in rabbit against them are shown to be highly group-specific as judged by the Ouchterlony (1967) double diffusion test and by precipitin reaction in solution. Various parameters which influence the immuno-precipitation of these proteins by specific antisera have been investigated. It is demonstrated that under controlled conditions this provides a sensitive and reliable method for characterization and quantitative estimation of free ribosomal proteins. The technique has been successfully applied in the investigations of various properties of free ribosomal protein pools existing in Escherichia coli. It is concluded that free ribosomal proteins in E. coli may constitute 8 to 14% of total soluble proteins under different growth conditions. Relative pool sizes of four classes of proteins expressed as a percentage of the total soluble proteins in bacteria grown in L broth (doubling period, 30 min) are estimated to be core-30, 2.1; core-50, 3.4; SP-30, 3.6; SP-50, 5.0. From the studies on bacteria grown in different media (doubling period, 30, 42 and 60 min), we further conclude that the amount of free proteins increases with the growth rate so as to constitute a constant fraction (7 to 9%) of total ribosomal proteins. Relative pool-sizes corresponding to four classes of ribosomal proteins, however, remain unaltered by different growth rate.  相似文献   

Summary The accessibility of each of the proteins on the E. coli 30S ribosomal subunit was established by investigating whether or not immunoglobulins (IgG's) and their monovalent papain fragments (Fab's), specific for each of the 21 single ribosomal proteins, bind to the 30S subunit. The interpretation of the results of five different experimental approaches, namely Ouchterlony double diffusion and immunological sandwich methods, sucrose gradient and analytical ultracentrifugation, and functional inhibition tests, indicate that all 21 proteins of the 30S subunit have determinants available for antibody binding. There were quantitative differences between the degree of accessibility of the different ribosomal proteins. An attempt was made to correlate the results with the protein stoichiometric data of the small subunit proteins.  相似文献   

In the posterior silk gland of Bombyx mori, ribosomal protein S1, homologous to S6 in mammals, is partially phosphorylated in a normally fed animal. Before the first meal of the fifth larval instar, S1 is completely dephosphorylated. Likewise, starvation induces rapid dephosphorylation of the protein in both free and membrane-bound ribosomes. Upon refeeding after 48 h of starvation, S1 becomes phosphorylated again, first on membrane-bound ribosomes, then on free ribosomes, with a lag time of about 3 h. Following 48 h of refeeding, the most highly phosphorylated form of S1 predominates in both populations of ribosomes. These variations in phosphorylation are correlated with the level of protein synthesis in the posterior silk gland, 70% of the ribosomes occurring in polysomes upon feeding and only 30% upon starvation [Prudhomme, J.-C. & Couble, P. (1979) Biochimie (Paris) 61, 215-227]. After in vivo 32P labelling, the phosphopeptides of S1 from free and membrane-bound ribosomes were found to be identical and phosphoserine (only) was found in each S1. These results suggest the involvement of S1 phosphorylation in the regulation of protein synthesis at the translational level and the existence of at least two different pathways controlling this phosphorylation: one for the free ribosomes, the other for the membrane-bound ribosomes.  相似文献   

1. Rates of RNA and protein synthesis were measured in rat cerebral-cortex slices, and compared with amino acid incorporation into protein by membrane-bound and free ribosomes from the same tissue, in the first 3 weeks of life. 2. A rapid age-dependent decline in the incorporation of labelled precursors into both RNA and protein was observed, which was more marked for amino acid incorporation into protein. 3. Although membrane-bound ribosomes comprise only a small fraction of total ribosomes, they were more active in incorporating amino acids into protein than were free ribosomes, especially immediately after birth. The decline in activity with age was more marked in the membrane-bound fraction than in free ribosomes. This loss of activity was largely independent of alterations in soluble factors or endogenous mRNA content and appeared to involve some alteration of the function of the ribosome itself, with relatively small alterations in the ratio of membrane-bound to free ribosomes. 4. Thyroidectomy, performed soon after birth, had no effect on the incorporation of radioactive precursors into RNA or protein by either slices or the cell-free preparations during the first 3-4 weeks of life.  相似文献   

1. Methods for the separation of membrane-bound and free ribosomes from rat brain (cortex) and skeletal muscle were described and the preparations characterized by chemical analysis and electron microscopy. The attachment of ribosomes to membranes is not an artifact of the separation procedure. 2. The rate of incorporation of l-[(14)C]leucine into protein in vitro by the membrane-bound and free ribosomes from these two predominantly non-protein-secreting tissues is compared with that by similar preparations from rat liver. With all three tissues the initial rate was higher for the membrane-bound preparations. 3. By using the technique of discharging nascent polypeptide chains by incubation with puromycin followed by treatment with sodium deoxycholate (Redman & Sabatini, 1966), a major difference was observed for the vectorial discharge of nascent protein synthesized both in vivo and in vitro on membrane-bound ribosomes from liver, on the one hand, and brain and muscle, on the other. Whereas a large part of nascent protein synthesized on membrane-bound liver ribosomes was discharged into the membranous vesicles (presumably destined for export from the cell), almost all nascent protein from membrane-bound ribosomes from brain and muscle was released directly into the supernatant. Incorporation of [(3)H]puromycin into peptidyl-[(3)H]puromycin confirmed these findings. There was thus no difference between membrane-bound and free ribosomes from brain on the one hand, and from free polyribosomes from liver on the other, as far as the vectorial release of newly synthesized protein was concerned. 4. Incubation with puromycin also showed that the nascent chains, pre-formed in vivo and in vitro, are not involved in the attachment of ribosomes to membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum. 5. The differences in vectorial discharge from membrane-bound ribosomes from liver as compared with brain and muscle are not due to the different types of messenger RNA in the different tissues. Polyphenylalanine synthesized on incubation with polyuridylic acid was handled in the same way as polypeptides synthesized with endogenous messenger. 6. It is concluded that there is a major difference in the attachment of ribosomes to the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum of secretory and non-secretory tissues, which results in a tissue-specific difference in the vectorial discharge of nascent proteins.  相似文献   

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