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Rapid kinetic studies of histrionicotoxin interactions with membrane-bound acetylcholine-receptor showed a conformational change in the receptor-histironicotoxin complex as reflected by a decrease in fluorescence intensity of the extrinsic probe ethidium. The simplest kinetic mechanism consistent with the observed data is one in which a rapid preequiliibrium exists between receptor and toxin (K = 3.33 micrometers), followed by a slow conformational change (k1 congruent to 2 X 10(-2) s-1 and k-1 congruent to 1.5 X 10(-3) s-1). The overall equilibrium constant (Kov) determined from a fit of the amplitude dependence on toxin concentration had a value of 0.25 micrometer. The data preclude kinetic mechanisms where histrionicotoxin acts as an effector, shifting equilibria between preexisting, discrete, and slowly interconverting receptor forms.  相似文献   

The kinetics of cholinergic ligand binding to membrane-bound acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica have been followed in a stopped-flow photometer, by using the fluorescent probe ethidium. The overall reaction amplitude, as a function of ligand concentration, can be fit to the law of mass action for both agonist and antagonists. All agonists show at least biphasic kinetics, and the concentration dependence of the kinetic parameters is fit by a common mechanism involving sequential binding of ligands with increasingly lower affinity. The receptor-ligand precomplexes isomerize to different noninterconvertible final complexes depending on the number of ligands bound. In contrast, the kinetics observed with antagonists cannot be fit to a common model. These kinetics are always much slower than those observed with agonists, and the relaxation rates depend only weakly on antagonist concentration.  相似文献   

A time-dependent increase in ligand affinity has been studied in cholinergic ligand binding to Torpedocalifornica acetylcholine receptor by inhibition of the kinetics of of [125I]-alpha-bungarotoxin-receptor complex formation. The conversion of the acetylcholine receptor from low to high affinity form was induced by both agonists and antagonists of acetylcholine and was reversible upon removal of the ligand. The slow ligand induced affinity change in vitro resembled electrophysiological desensitization observed at the neuromuscular junction and described by a two-state model (Katz, B., & Thesleff, S. (1957) J. Physiol. 138, 63). A quantitative treatment of the rate and equilibrium constants determined for binding of the agonist carbamoylcholine to membrane bound acetylcholine receptor indicated that the two-state model is not compatible with the in vitro results.  相似文献   

We have studied the binding equilibria of the membrane-bound acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo marmorata with representative cholinergic ligands by means of two fluorescence and a rapid centrifugation assay. Based on the established mechanism of acetylcholine binding to the receptor (Fels, G., Wolff, E. K., and Maelicke, A. (1982) Eur. J. Biochem. 127, 31-38), the obtained binding and competition data were analyzed assuming two classes of interacting sites for all ligands studied. The experimental data were consistent with this assumption and, based on the obtained KD values, suggest weak positively cooperative interactions of binding sites when occupied by agonists but independent (or negatively cooperative interacting) sites when occupied by antagonists. Based on the fluorescence binding assay employed, agonists and antagonists induce different conformational states of the liganded receptor. These states seem to be similar for all antagonists tested but differ for the different agonists tested. The existence of ligand-specific conformational states suggests a close link of these states with receptor function.  相似文献   

Review: ethidium fluorescence assays. Part 1. Physicochemical studies.   总被引:10,自引:13,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
DNA and RNA can be assayed rapidly and very sensitively by exploiting the enhanced fluorescence of ethidium intercalated into duplex regions. By assaying at different pHs and introducing a heating/cooling cycle, a great many physicochemical aspects of DNA and RNA can be studied avoiding the use of radiolabels, and often giving information not otherwise readily obtainable. Studies are described on duplex DNA which involve measurement of extinction coefficients, cross-linking by chemicals, Cot curve analysis as well as estimation of drug-DNA binding constants. The assays can be adapted to investigate multi-stranded nucleic acid structures. The use of covalently closed circular DNA also allows rapid and extremely sensitive measurements of nicking caused by irradiation or drugs.  相似文献   

We investigated the differential repair of DNA lesions induced by bifunctional mitomycin C, monofunctional decarbamoyl mitomycin C and ultraviolet irradiation in normal human, Xeroderma pigmentosum and Fanconi's anemia cells using assays for the survival of clone-forming ability, alkaline sucrose sedimentation and hydroxyapatite chromatography of DNA. Four FA cell lines exhibited about 5 to 15 times higher sensitivity to MC killing, despite normal resistance to u.v. and DMC, than did normal human cells. The XP cells, however, were highly sensitive to u.v. and DMC killings due to their deficiency in excision repair, but the cells unexpectedly had an almost normal capacity for surviving MC and repairing the MC interstrand cross-links.In experiments to determine the sedimentation velocity of the DNA in alkaline sucrose gradients, normal and XP cells showed evidence for single-strand cutting following MC treatment. The sedimentation velocity of the DNA covalently cross-linked by MC in an FA strain was 2.5 times faster than that of the untreated control, and remained unaltered during post-incubation due to the lack of half-excision4 of cross-links. However, FA cells, but not XP cells, had the normal ability to incise DNA with the DMC monoadducts. Hydroxyapatite chromatography revealed the reversibly bihelical property of MC cross-linked DNA after denaturation. Normal and XP cells lost such reversibility during post-MC incubation as the result of cross-link removal with first-order kinetics (half-life = 2 h). The three FA lines studied exhibited two- to eightfold reduced rates of cross-link removal than normal and XP cells, indicating a difference in the repair deficiency of the FA strain. Thus we have been led to conclude that FA cells may have different levels of deficiency in half-excision repair of interstrand cross-links induced by MC, despite having normal mechanisms for repair of u.v.-induced pyrimidine dimers and DMC monoadducts, and vice versa in XP cells.  相似文献   

The real time dynamics of vanilloid-induced cytotoxicity and the specific deletion of nociceptive neurons expressing the wild-type vanilloid receptor (VR1) were investigated. VR1 was C-terminally tagged with either the 27-kDa enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) or a 12-amino acid epsilon-epitope. Upon exposure to resiniferatoxin, VR1eGFP- or VR1epsilon-expressing cells exhibited pharmacological responses similar to those of cells expressing the untagged VR1. Within seconds of vanilloid exposure, the intracellular free calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) was elevated in cells expressing VR1. A functional pool of VR1 also was localized to the endoplasmic reticulum that, in the absence of extracellular calcium, also was capable of releasing calcium upon agonist treatment. Confocal imaging disclosed that resiniferatoxin treatment induced vesiculation of the mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum ( approximately 1 min), nuclear membrane disruption (5-10 min), and cell lysis (1-2 h). Nociceptive primary sensory neurons endogenously express VR1, and resiniferatoxin treatment induced a sudden increase in [Ca(2+)](i) and mitochondrial disruption which was cell-selective, as glia and non-VR1-expressing neurons were unaffected. Early hallmarks of cytotoxicity were followed by specific deletion of VR1-expressing cells. These data demonstrate that vanilloids disrupt vital organelles within the cell body and, if administered to sensory ganglia, may be employed to rapidly and selectively delete nociceptive neurons.  相似文献   

The interaction of the ethidium cation with calf thymus DNA is investigated in solutions of different ionic strength and temperature by observation of the enhancement of fluorescence of ethidium upon intercalation in the duplex structure. The quantum yield of the fluorescence of the intercalated dye is found to increase either upon lowering the Na+ concentration or upon increasing the temperature. The existence of a correlation between the geometry of the intercalation complex and the features of the secondary structure of DNA is suggested. Binding isotherms under corresponding environmental conditions are also quantitated by fluorescence enhancement and interpreted in terms of the neighbor exclusion model. Large contributions from change in hydration to the thermodynamics of binding are demonstrated by the temperature dependences of the equilibrium constants. The neighbor exclusion range is found to be practically independent of the salt concentration but its value increases from an average of 2.4 around room temperature to 4-5 at 80 degrees C, as inferred from the binding curves in 0.15 and 0.5 M [Na+] or from the DNA hypochromism vs temperature profiles of complexes at 10(-3) M [Na+]. All the data point to a possible sequence-conformation specificity in the intercalation of ethidium which in heterogeneous DNA is mediated by environmental changes.  相似文献   

The acetylcholine receptor protein (AChR) from the electric organ of Torpedo marmorata is studied in its membrane-bound form by electron microscopy and single-particle image averaging. About half the molecule protrudes from the membrane surface by approximately 5 nm. The low-resolution 3-D structure of this hydrated portion, including its handedness, can be deduced from averaged axial and lateral projections and from freeze-etched membrane surfaces. In native membrane fragments, a dimeric form of the AChR is observed and the relative orientation of the AChR monomers within the dimer is established. The dimers disappear upon disulfide reduction of the membrane preparations, whereas the average axial projections of the AChR monomer remain unaffected. Since the existence of disulfide bonds linking AChR monomers between their respective delta-subunits is well documented, the approximate position of the delta-subunit within the low-resolution structure of the AChR molecule can be deduced from the structure of the dimers.  相似文献   

Site-directed spin labeling (SDSL), the site-specific incorporation of nitroxide spin-labels into a protein, has allowed us to investigate ligand-induced conformational changes in the ligand-binding domain of human estrogen receptor alpha (hERalpha-LBD). EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopy of the nitroxide probe attached to ER produces different spectra depending upon the identity of the bound ligand; these differences are indicative of changes in the type and degree of motional character of the spin-label induced by different ligand-induced conformations of labeled ER. Visual inspection of EPR spectra, construction of B versus C cross-correlation plots, and cross-comparison of spectral pairs using a relative squared difference (RSD) calculation allowed receptor-ligand complexes to be profiled according to their conformational character. Plotting B and C parameters allowed us to evaluate the liganded receptor according to the motional characteristics of the attached spin-label, and they were particularly illustrative for the receptor labeled at position 530, which had motion between the fast and intermediate regimes. RSD analysis allowed us to directly compare the similarity or difference between two different spectra, and these comparisons produced groupings that paralleled those seen in B versus C cross-correlation plots, again relating meaningfully with the pharmacological nature of the bound ligand. RSD analysis was also particularly useful for qualifying differences seen with the receptor labeled at position 417, which had motion between the intermediate and slow motional regimes. This work demonstrates that B and C formulas from EPR line shape theory are useful for qualitative analysis of spectra with differences subtler than those that are often analyzed by EPR spectroscopists. This work also provides evidence that the ER can exist in a range of conformations, with specific conformations resulting from preferential stabilization of ER by the bound ligand. Furthermore, it documents the complexity and uniqueness of the ligand-receptor structure, and highlights the fact that structural differences exist between the receptor bound with ligands of different pharmacological character that, nevertheless, produce similar crystal structures.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine receptor from Narke japonica electroplax exhibits a fluorescence change upon binding of snake neurotoxins. This fluorescence change primarily arises from the conformational change of the acetylcholine receptor and reflects the binding process of the toxin with the receptor. The time dependence of the fluorescence change has been monitored for 28 short neurotoxins and 8 long neurotoxins by using a stopped-flow technique. The steady-state fluorescence change is of the same order of magnitude for the short neurotoxins but varies among the long neurotoxins. Nha 10, a short neurotoxin with weak neurotoxicity, causes no fluorescence change in the receptor but can still bind to the receptor with sufficiently high affinity. The substitution of the conserved residue Asp-31 to Gly-31 in Nha is probably responsible for the reduced neurotoxicity. The rate constants for the binding of the neurotoxins to the receptor have been obtained by analyzing the transient fluorescence change. The rate constants show surprisingly a wide range of distribution: (1.0-20.5) X 10(6) M-1 s-1 for short neurotoxins and (0.26-1.9) X 10(6) M-1 s-1 for long neurotoxins. Examination of the relationship between the rate constants of fluorescence change of the short neurotoxins and their amino acid sequences, thermal stability, hydrogen-deuterium exchange behavior, overall net charge, etc. reveals the following. Positive charges on the side chains of residues 27 and 30 and overall net charge of the neurotoxin govern the magnitude of the binding rate of the neurotoxin with the receptor.  相似文献   

The stopped-flow technique has been applied to observe the time dependence of a tryptophanyl fluorescence change upon binding of postsynaptic snake neurotoxins to nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (Narke japonica). Examination of the kinetics of the fluorescence change reflecting a conformational change in the receptor in the process of binding of 28 short neurotoxins and 8 long neurotoxins to the receptor has revealed the following. Short neurotoxins associate with the receptor more rapidly than do long neurotoxins. A positive charge on the side chains of residues 27 and 30 and the overall net charge of the toxin molecule governs the magnitude of the binding rates of toxins to the receptor. The invariant residue Asp-31 is important for neurotoxicity, but is not critical for binding ability with the receptor.This article was presented during the proceedings of the International Conference on Macromolecular Structure and Function, held at the National Defence Medical College, Tokorozawa, Japan, December 1985.  相似文献   

Almost all DNA and RNA metabolizing enzymes can be assayed rapidly and very sensitively by exploiting the enhanced fluorescence of ethidium intercalated into duplex DNA or RNA. Denatured DNA and natural RNAs contain duplex regions due to intramolecular hydrogen-bonding and can also be sensitively measured. Where the product is truly single-stranded (e.g. dTn) it can be assayed by adding the appropriate complementary strand (e.g. dAn or rAn). Some of the assays described provide information not readily obtained by other assay procedures. Among the enzymes readily assayed are DNA and RNA polymerases, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferases, nucleases of all varieties (e.g. single-strand specific, endonucleases including for example AP endonucleases, exonucleases, RNase H, etc.), ligases, topoisomerases including gyrases, and indirectly enzymes such as proteases and superoxide dismutase. DNA binding proteins such as histones and helix destablizing proteins can also be quantitatively assayed.  相似文献   

The specific and irreversible reaction of a snake neurotoxin, α-bungarotoxin, with the acetylcholine receptor of electroplax membrane preparations from Electrophorus electricus proceeds by an initial fast phase followed by a slower one. The fraction of the reaction in the fast phase increases with increasing initial toxin concentrations, while the fraction going slowly decreases correspondingly. Both phases are affected by compounds which initiate or inhibit nerve impulse transmissions. The time course of the reaction can be fitted to the sum of two exponentials. The dependence on initial toxin concentration of the two exponentials, and of the fraction of reaction governed by the exponentials, can be fitted to a minimum reaction mechanism which involves at least two types of toxin binding sites with different dissociation constants and ligand-induced conversion of one type of site into the other. The mechanism is consistent with our previous data which showed that activators and inhibitors of membrane electrical potential changes occupy separate sites, only half of which interact. This type of mechanism has been seen in a number of allosteric regulatory enzymes.  相似文献   

Thermal perturbation techniques have been used to probe structural features of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AcChR). The information obtained from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) of AcChR membranes (M.C. Farach and M. Martinez-Carrion (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 4176) in the absence and in the presence of cholinergic ligands and local anesthetics, is comparable to that obtained from a simpler technique of heat inactivation of the alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-Bgt) binding sites on the AcChR protein in similar samples. When AcChR membranes are heated at approximately 1 degree C/min, heat inactivation of toxin binding sites has a characteristic T50 value (temperature at which 50% of the initial capacity to bind alpha-Bgt remains) of approximately 60 degrees C. When heated at a constant temperature during increasing periods of time, the rate at which heat inactivation occurs is also characteristic of the temperature chosen for the experiment. The above thermal parameters are also sensitive to perturbation of the AcChR membrane matrix by the presence of subsolubilizing concentrations of detergents. Moreover, elimination of detergents by dialysis allows us to evaluate the reversibility or irreversibility of AcChR thermal destabilization induced by detergents or other membrane perturbants. Under the experimental conditions used, structural destabilization induced by octylglucoside or cholate can be fully reversed by detergent dialysis, while that exerted by deoxycholate cannot. "Thermal gel" analysis of the aggregation of AcChR subunits induced by heat (G. Soler, J. R. Mattingly, and M. Martinez-Carrion (1984) Biochemistry 23, 4630) has also been used to assess the effects of detergent presence on the AcChR protein. When deoxycholate is used as the perturbing agent, there is a particularly effective sulfhydryl-mediated aggregation of the gamma-delta subunit group, which appears to correlate with the irreversible destabilization of alpha-Bgt binding sites induced by that detergent.  相似文献   

Antibodies, raised against affinity column-purified acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica, were used as a basis for immunospecific identification of the receptor in membrane fragments. Rabbit and goat anti-receptor antibodies were coupled directly or indirectly via goat anti-rabbit antibody to colloidal gold spheres or to ferritin. The labeled membranes were visualized by negative stain electron microscopy, and show that the receptor corresponds to the 85 Å diameter rosette seen in membranes derived from electroplaques.Electron micrographs of immunospecifically labeled receptor, in the plane perpendicular to the membrane surface, confirm and extend our previous conclusions based on X-ray diffraction analysis, that the molecule extends above the extracellular membrane surface by approximately 55 Å, and little on the cytoplasmic side. Calculated molecular volumes based on X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy indicate that the membrane receptor has a molecular weight in the range of 250,000 to 310,000, a range consistent with current estimates of detergent-solubilized monomer molecular weight.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine receptor (AChR) from Torpedo electric organ in its membrane-bound or solubilized form is phosphorylated by the Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (PKC). The subunit specificity for PKC is different from that observed for cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Whereas PKC phosphorylates predominantly the delta subunit and the phosphorylation of the gamma subunit by this enzyme is very low, PKA phosphorylates both subunits to a similar high extent. We have extended our phosphorylation studies to a synthetic peptide from the gamma subunit, corresponding to residues 346-359, which contains a consensus PKA phosphorylation site. This synthetic peptide is phosphorylated by both PKA and PKC, suggesting that in the intact receptor both kinases may phosphorylate the gamma subunit at a similar site, as has been previously demonstrated by us for the delta subunit [Safran, A., et al. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 10506-10510]. The diverse pattern of phosphorylation of AChR by PKA and PKC may play a role in the regulation of its function.  相似文献   

Interactions between two alpha-toxins and the synthetic peptides alpha 179-191 from both calf and human acetylcholine receptor alpha-subunit sequences have been studied by measurements of quenching of intrinsic fluorescence after toxin addition. Dissociation constants of approx. 5 x 10(-8) M for binding of calf peptide by both alpha-cobratoxin and erabutoxin a have been estimated. The binding of alpha-cobratoxin to calf peptide, which leads to marked quenching of fluorescence intensity, is inhibited by a 10(4) molar excess of acetylcholine. The human alpha 179-191 peptide binds to alpha-cobratoxin, but not, under comparable conditions, to erabutoxin a.  相似文献   

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