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The present investigation addresses the extent of tail-suspension effects on the long bones of mice. The effects are explored in both sexes, in both forelimb and hindlimb bones, and in both diaphyseal and metaphyseal/epiphyseal bones. Two weeks of suspension provided unloading of the femora and tibiae and an altered loading of the humeri. Whole-bone effects included lower mass (approximately 10%) and length (approximately 4%) in the bones of suspended mice compared to controls. The geometric and material properties of the femora were considered along the entire length of the diaphysis and in the metaphysis/epiphysis portions as a unit. Geometric effects included lower cross-sectional cortical area (16%), cortical thickness (25%) and moment of inertia (21%) in the femora of suspended mice; these differences were observed in both distal and proximal portions of the femur diaphysis. The relative amount of bone comprising the middle 8 mm of the diaphysis was greater (3%) in the control mice than in the suspended mice. Significant mass differences between the group in the metaphysis/epiphysis were not observed. Material effects included lower %ash (approximately 2%) in the femora and tibiae as well as in the humeri of suspended mice compared to controls. With respect to the measured physical and material properties, suspension produced similar bone responses in male and female mice. The effects of suspension are manifested largely through geometric rather than through material changes.  相似文献   

Long‐bone scaling has been analyzed in a large number of terrestrial mammals for which body masses were known. Earlier proposals that geometric or elastic similarity are suitable as explanations for long‐bone scaling across a large size range are not supported. Differential scaling is present, and large mammals on average scale with lower regression slopes than small mammals. Large mammals tend to reduce bending stress during locomotion by having shorter limb bones than predicted rather than by having very thick diaphyses, as is usually assumed. The choice of regression model used to describe data samples in analyses of scaling becomes increasingly important as correlation coefficients decrease, and theoretical models supported by one analysis may not be supported when applying another statistical model to the same data. Differences in limb posture and locomotor performance have profound influence on the amount of stress set up in the appendicular bones during rigorous physical activity and make it unlikely that scaling of long bones across a large size range of terrestrial mammals can be satisfactorily explained by any one power function. J. Morphol. 239:167–190, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Simple spring-damper-mass models have been widely used to simulate human locomotion. However, most previous models have not accounted for the effect of non-rigid masses (wobbling masses) on impact forces. A simple mechanical model of the human body developed in this study included the upper and lower bodies with each part represented by a rigid and a wobbling mass. Spring-damper units connected different masses to represent the stiffness and damping between the upper and lower bodies, and between the rigid and wobbling masses. The simulated impact forces were comparable to experimentally measured impact forces. Trends in changes of the impact forces due to changes in touch-down velocity reported in previous studies could be reproduced with the model. Simulated results showed that the impact force peaks increased with increasing rigid or wobbling masses of the lower body. The ratio of mass distribution between the rigid and wobbling mass in the lower body was also shown to affect the impact force peak, for example, the impact force peak increased with increasing rigid contribution. The variation in the masses of upper body was shown to have a minimum effect on the impact force peak, but a great effect on the active force peak (the second peak in the ground reaction force). Future studies on the dynamics and neuro-muscular control of human running are required to take into consideration the influence of individual variation in lower body masses and mass distribution.  相似文献   

We have utilized in vivo drug metabolism for detecting the mutagenicity of known indirectly-acting chemical mutagens. Exponentially growing Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were incubated with plasma derived from treated rats containing active metabolites of the test chemicals. The genotoxicity was assessed by the 18 of tested chemical mutagens. Plasma from rats treated with known non-mutagens did not increase the frequencies of SCEs. The results indicate that this method could be useful for the demonstration of genotoxicity of chemicals which need metabolic activation to be effective, and especially those which are not effective, when in vitro activation conditions (S9 mixture) are used.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of sequences lying downstream of the conserved AAUAAA hexanucleotide in pre-mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation, deletions or substitutions were constructed in polyadenylation signals from simian virus 40 and adenovirus, and their effects were assayed in both crude and fractionated HeLa cell nuclear extracts. As expected, these sequences influenced the efficiency of both cleavage and polyadenylation as well as the accuracy of the cleavage reaction. Sequences near or upstream of the actual site of poly(A) addition appeared to specify a unique cleavage site, since their deletion resulted, in some cases, in heterogeneous cleavage. Furthermore, the sequences that allowed the simian virus 40 late pre-RNA to be cleaved preferentially by partially purified cleavage activity were also those at the cleavage site itself. Interestingly, sequences downstream of the cleavage site interacted with factors not directly involved in catalyzing cleavage and polyadenylation, since the effects of deletions were substantially diminished when partially purified components were used in assays. In addition, these sequences contained elements that could affect 3'-end formation both positively and negatively.  相似文献   

The incidence of pneumatization in avian long bones was studied, by direct observation, in a large sample of species. Only proximal bones (humerus and femur) presented pneumatization in the sample studied. The incidence obtained was related to the variation of the maximum cortical thickness and mechanical properties, such as bending strength and flexural Young's modulus. Cortical thickness, bending strength and flexural Young's modulus were significantly lower in pneumatized bones than in marrow-filled bones. Furthermore, some congruence was found between pneumatization and systematic groups when compared. In this sense, Charadriformes was the only order studied with total absence of long bone pneumatization. Results on cortical thickness appear to be in agreement with modelling predictions previously made and with results obtained on other groups of flying vertebrates. The possible selective advantage of reduction in cortical thickness in relation to flying is suggested.  相似文献   

It is generally presumed that compensation for the reduction of bone strength by progressive endosteal bone loss in adults is provided by continuing periosteal apposition (CPA) of new lamellar bone. However, the appropriate magnitude of compensatory bone growth, and the parameters that operate to determine that magnitude, are unknown. This paper examines the mechanical compensation hypothesis in a series of right-circular tubular bone analogues. Under this hypothesis, the stated objective of CPA is maintenance of the cross-sectional geometric properties of the element. These include the second and polar moments of area, as well as the cortical area of the section (I, J, and CA, respectively). This study assumes that, as resorption and apposition proceed, geometric change is isometric (shape preserving). The analysis suggests that for a given rate of endosteal bone loss (the stimulus), the magnitude of periosteal growth (the response) required to maintain geometric strength is determined by the maximum ratio (CT0) of the radial distances from the section centroid to the endosteal and periosteal surfaces (i.e., cortical thickness prior to the onset of progressive endosteal bone loss, or peak bone mass). The analysis also indicates that, for any given individual, the amount of compensatory periosteal gain required may be very small. This is particularly true for individuals having a large CT0 and for whom the magnitude of dynamic loading imparted to the skeleton declines with advancing age. This finding is illustrated in a model that relates concepts of bone surface remodeling equilibria and age-related activity differentials.  相似文献   

The causal relationships among CD4 cell depletion, HIV replication, and immune activation are not well understood. HIV-2 infection, "nature's experiment" with inherently attenuated HIV disease, provides additional insights into this issue. We report the finding that in HIV-2 and HIV-1 patients with a comparable degree of CD4 depletion the imbalance in the relative sizes of the naive and memory T cell populations and the up-regulation of CD4 and CD8 cell activation markers (HLA-DR, CD38, CD69, Fas molecules) are similar, even though the viral load in the plasma of HIV-2-infected patients is two orders of magnitude lower than in HIV-1 patients and HIV-2 patients are known to have slower rates of CD4 T cell decline and a better clinical prognosis. Moreover, we found a similar increase in the frequency of cycling CD4 T cells (Ki67+), which was in strong correlation with the expression of activation markers. Finally, the level of T cell anergy, as assessed by the proliferative responses to CD3 stimulation and to a panel of microbial Ags, proved to be comparable in HIV-1 and HIV-2 patients with a similar degree of CD4 depletion despite large differences in viral load. Our data are consistent with a direct causal relationship between immune activation and CD4 cell depletion in HIV disease and an only indirect relation of these parameters to the virus replication rate. Invoking the concept of proximal immune activation and virus transmission, which links efficient transmission of virus to local cell activation and proliferation in response to Ags and inflammation, we propose an integrative interpretation of the data and suggest that strongly elevated immune activation induces CD4 cell depletion and not vice versa, with potential implications for the choice of treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Armadillos were submitted to an experimental condition in which their head and thorax were covered by a layer of soil 30 cm high. In this condition the electrical activity of the neocortex and of the olfactory bulbs was studied. Neocortical activity did not show signs of damage remaining without gross changes before, during and after the covering with soil. The olfactory bulbs showed a great decrease of bursting sinusoidal activity which almost instantaneously reversed when the soil was removed. The mechanisms of these changes are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of heat treatment on the chemical composition of Eucalyptus saligna and Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis woods to understand its role in wood processing. E. saligna and P. caribaea var. hondurensis woods were treated in a laboratorial electric furnace at 120, 140, 160 and 180 degrees C to induce their heat treatment. The chemical composition of the resulting products and those from original wood were determined by gas chromatography. Eucalyptus and Pinus showed a significant reduction in arabinose, manose, galactose and xylose contents when submitted to increasing temperatures. No significant alteration in glucose content was observed. Lignin content, however, increased during the heat process. There was a significant reduction in extractive content for Eucalyptus. On the other hand, a slight increase in extractive content has been determined for the Pinus wood, and that only for the highest temperature. These different behaviors can be explained by differences in chemical constituents between softwoods and hardwoods. The results obtained in this study provide important information for future research and utilization of thermally modified wood.  相似文献   

Electromyographic (EMG) activity is associated with several tasks prior to landing in walking and running including positioning the leg, developing joint stiffness and possibly control of soft tissue compartment vibrations. The concept of muscle tuning suggests one reason for changes in muscle activity pattern in response to small changes in impact conditions, if the frequency content of the impact is close to the natural frequency of the soft tissue compartments, is to minimize the magnitude of soft tissue compartment vibrations. The mechanical properties of the soft tissue compartments depend in part on muscle activations and thus it was hypothesized that changes in the muscle activation pattern associated with different impact conditions would result in a change in the acceleration transmissibility to the soft tissue compartments. A pendulum apparatus was used to systematically administer impacts to the heel of shod male participants. Wall reaction forces, EMG of selected leg muscles, soft tissue compartment and shoe heel cup accelerations were quantified for two different impact conditions. The transmissibility of the impact acceleration to the soft tissue compartments was determined for each subject/soft tissue compartment/shoe combination. For this controlled impact situation it was shown that changes in the damping properties of the soft tissue compartments were related to changes in the EMG intensity and/or mean frequency of related muscles in response to a change in the impact interface conditions. These results provide support for the muscle tuning idea--that one reason for the changes in muscle activity in response to small changes in the impact conditions may be to minimize vibrations of the soft tissue compartments that are initiated at heel-strike.  相似文献   

Sepsis is a common cause of acute kidney injury (AKI) and acute lung injury. Oxidative stress plays as important role in such injury. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects that the potent antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has on renal and pulmonary function in rats with sepsis. Rats, treated or not with NAC (4.8 g/l in drinking water), underwent cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) 2 days after the initiation of NAC treatment, which was maintained throughout the study. At 24 h post-CLP, renal and pulmonary function were studied in four groups: control, control + NAC, CLP, and CLP + NAC. All animals were submitted to low-tidal-volume mechanical ventilation. We evaluated respiratory mechanics, the sodium cotransporters Na-K-2Cl (NKCC1) and the α-subunit of the epithelial sodium channel (α-ENaC), polymorphonuclear neutrophils, the edema index, oxidative stress (plasma thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and lung tissue 8-isoprostane), and glomerular filtration rate. The CLP rats developed AKI, which was ameliorated in the CLP + NAC rats. Sepsis-induced alterations in respiratory mechanics were also ameliorated by NAC. Edema indexes were lower in the CLP + NAC group, as was the wet-to-dry lung weight ratio. In CLP + NAC rats, α-ENaC expression was upregulated, whereas that of NKCC1 was downregulated, although the difference was not significant. In the CLP + NAC group, oxidative stress was significantly lower and survival rates were significantly higher than in the CLP group. The protective effects of NAC (against kidney and lung injury) are likely attributable to the decrease in oxidative stress, suggesting that NAC can be useful in the treatment of sepsis.  相似文献   

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