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Nucleotide sequence variation of mitochondrial DNA COI and nuclear rRNA gene regions was used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships for the red-snow-crab species complex, including the red snow crab, Chionoecetes japonicus, its nominal subspecies, C. japonicus pacificus, and the triangle tanner crab, C. angulatus. The topologies of the Bayesian and neighbor-joining (NJ) trees of the COI and of NJ trees of rRNA sequences placed C. japonicus and C. angulatus in a single clade. The net sequence divergence between these taxa was d(net) = 0.000 in COI, and strongly suggests that these taxa represent a single species. In contrast, haplotypes in C. j. pacificus clustered separately from the C. japonicus - C. angulatus clade. Net sequence divergence from C. japonicus - C. angulatus to C. j. pacificus was d(net) = 0.026 in COI, indicating that C. j. pacificus should be elevated to a separate species, C. pacificus. A 165 bp insert appeared in the rRNA gene of C. j. pacificus, but was absent in the remaining species of Chionoecetes. This autapomorphic condition in C. j. pacificus adds support for an independent evolution of this taxon. Evolutionary divergences between these taxa may reflect contrasting evolutionary process influenced by ocean bathymetry.  相似文献   

Regardless of the well-documented virilis species group, most groups of the Drosophila virilis section have not been completely studied at molecular level since it was suggested. Therefore, phylogenetic relationships among and within species groups of the virilis section are generally unknown. In present paper, the complete mitochondrial ND2 gene and fragment of COI gene in combination with a nuclear gene, Adh coding region, were used to derive the most extensive molecular phylogeny to date for the Drosophila virilis section. A total of 111 individuals covering 61 species were sampled in this study. Novel phylogenetic findings included (1) support for the paraphyly of the melanica and robusta species group and at least two subgroups of the robusta species group, the lacertosa and okadai subgroups, were distinguished as paraphyletic taxa. In addition, (2) present results revealed the sister relationship between D. moriwakii and the robusta subgroup, conflicting with current taxonomy regarding D. moriwakii, which was shifted from the robusta species group to the melanica group. (3) In contrast to the robusta and melanica species groups, monophyly of the polychaeta species group, the angor group and the virilis group was confirmed, respectively. However, the monophyletic quadrisetata species group was resolved with uncertainty. (4) Our analyses of combined data set suggested close relationship between the quadrisetata species group and the unpublished clefta group, and the okadai subgroup is sister to the clade comprising of the quadrisetata and clefta species groups. Within the virilis section, D. fluvialis and three tropical species groups, the polychaeta group, the angor group and the repleta group, are found to branch off earlier than other ingroup taxa. This suggests that the virilis section might have originated in the Old World tropics. Besides, the derived status of the close affinities of the quadrisetata group, the clefta group, and the melanica and robusta groups is probably the result of their adaptation to forests between subtropical and cool-temperate climate. Based on the consideration of the phylogenetic placement of the species of the virilis section, we suggest that at least five independent migrations occurred from the Old World to the New World.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of representative species of Chinese ranids was reconstructed using two nuclear (tyrosinase and rhodopsin) and two mitochondrial (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA) DNA fragments. Maximum parsimony, Bayesian, and maximum likelihood analyses were employed. In comparison with the results from nuclear and mitochondrial data, we used nuclear gene data as our preferred phylogenetic hypothesis. We proposed two families (Ranidae, Dicroglossidae) for Chinese ranids, with the exception of genus Ingerana. Within Dicroglossidae, four tribes were supported including Dicroglossini, Paini, Limnonectini, and Occidozygini. A broader sampling strategy and evidence from additional molecular markers are required to decisively evaluate the evolutionary history of Chinese ranids.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences from two nuclear loci, alcohol dehydrogenase and internal transcribed spacer-1 of the nuclear ribosomal DNA repeats, and two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome oxidase I and cytochrome oxidase II, were determined from nine species in the Drosophila saltans species group. The partition homogeneity test and partitioned Bremer support were used to measure incongruence between phylogenetic hypotheses generated from individual partitions. Individual loci were generally congruent with each other and consistent with the previously proposed morphological hypothesis, although they differed in level of resolution. Since extreme conflict between partitions did not exist, the data were combined and analyzed simultaneously. The total evidence method gave a more resolved and highly supported phylogeny, as indicated by bootstrap proportions and decay indices, than did any of the individual analyses. The cordata and elliptica subgroups, considered to have diverged early in the history of the D. saltans group, were sister taxa to the remainder of the saltans group. The sturtevanti subgroup, represented by D. milleri and D. sturtevanti, occupies an intermediate position in this phylogeny. The saltans and parasaltans subgroups are sister clades and occupy the most recently derived portion of the phylogeny. As with previous morphological studies, phylogenetic relationships within the saltans subgroup were not satisfactorily resolved by the molecular data.   相似文献   

The taxonomy of clupeiforms has been extensively studied, yet phylogenetic relationships among component taxa remain controversial or unresolved. Here we test current and new hypotheses of relationships among clupeiforms using mitochondrial rRNA genes (12S and 16S) and nuclear RAG1 and RAG2 sequences (total of 4749bp) for 37 clupeiform taxa representing all five extant families and all subfamilies of Clupeiformes, except Pristigasterinae, plus seven outgroups. Our results, based on maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses of these data, show that some traditional hypotheses are supported. These include the monophyly of the families Engraulidae, consisting of two monophyletic subfamilies, Engraulinae (Engraulis and Anchoa) and Coilinae (Coilia and Setipinna), and Pristigasteridae (here represented only by Ilisha and Pellona). The basal position of Denticeps among clupeiforms is consistent with the molecular data when base compositional biases are accounted for. However, the monophyly of Clupeidae was not supported. Some clupeids were more closely related to taxa assigned to Pristigasteridae and Chirocentridae (Chirocentrus). These results suggest that a major revision in the classification of clupeiform fishes may be necessary, but should await a more complete taxonomic sampling and additional data.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny of Drosophila based on ribosomal RNA sequences   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nucleotide sequences of 72 species of Drosophilidae were determined for divergent D1 and D2 domains (representing 200 and 341 nucleotides respectively in D. melanogaster) of large ribosomal RNA, using the rRNA direct sequencing method. Molecular phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using both distance and parsimony methods and the robustness of the nodes was evaluated by the bootstrap procedure. The trees obtained by these methods revealed four main lineages or clades which do not correspond to the taxonomical hierarchy. In our results, the genus Chymomyza is associated with the subgenus Scaptodrosophila of the genus Drosophila and their cluster constitutes the most ancient clade. The two other clades are constituted of groups belonging to the subgenus Sophophora of the genus Drosophila: the so-called Neotropical clade including the willistoni and saltans groups and the obscura-melanogaster clade itself split into three lineages: (1) obscura group + ananassae subgroup, (2) montium subgroup, and (3) melanogaster + Oriental subgroups. The fourth clade, the Drosophila one, contains three lineages. D. polychaeta, D. iri, and D. fraburu are branched together and constitute the most ancient lineage; the second lineage includes the annulimana, bromeliae, dreyfusi, melanica, mesophragmatica, repleta, robusta, and virilis groups. The third lineage is composed of the immigrans and the cardini, funebris, guaramunu, guarani, histrio, pallidipennis, quinaria, and tripunctata groups. The genera Samoaia, Scaptomyza, and Zaprionus are branched within the Drosophila clade. Although these four clades appear regularly in almost all tree calculations, additional sequencing will be necessary to determine their precise relationships.Correspondence to: M. Pelandakis  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the Pedetidae, represented by a single species Pedetes capensis, is controversial, reflecting in part the retention of both Hystricomorphous and Sciurognathous characteristics in this rodent. In an attempt to clarify the species evolutionary relationships, mtDNA gene sequences from 10 rodent species (representing seven families) were analyzed using phenetic, parsimony, and maximum-likelihood methods of phylogenetic inference; the rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (Order Lagomorpha), and cow, Bos taurus (Order Artiodactyla), were used as outgroups. Investigation of 714 base pairs of the protein-coding cytochrome b gene indicate strong base bias at the third codon position with significant rate heterogeneity evident between the three structural domains of this gene. Similar analyses conducted on 816 base pairs of the 12S rRNA gene revealed a transversion bias in the loop sections of all taxa. The cytochrome b gene sequences proved useful in resolving associations between closely related species but failed to produce consistent tree topologies at the family level. In contrast, phylogenetic analysis of the 12S rRNA gene resulted in strong support for the clustering of Pedetidae/Heteromyidae/Geomyidae and Muridae in one clade to the exclusion of the Hystricidae/Thryonomyidae and Sciuridae, a finding which is concordant with studies of rodent fetal membranes as well as reproductive and other anatomical features.   相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Phytophthora was performed, 113 isolates from 48 Phytophthora species were included in this analysis. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on regions of mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1; NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1) and nuclear gene sequences (translation elongation factor 1alpha; beta-tubulin) and comparisons made to test for incongruence between the mitochondrial and nuclear data sets. The genus Phytophthora was confirmed to be monophyletic. In addition, results confirm that the classical taxonomic grouping as described by [Waterhouse (1963)] does not reflect true phylogenetic relations. Phytophthora species were redistributed into 8 clades, providing a more accurate representation of phylogenetic relationships within the genus Phytophthora. The evolution and transition of morphological, pathogenic, and reproductive traits was inferred from the cladogram generated in this study. Mating system was inferred to be a homoplasious trait, with at least eight independent transitions from homothallism to heterothallism observed.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among medaka fishes of 2 genera, Oryzias and Xenopoecilus, were studied using the nuclear tyrosinase and mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes. Of the 23 species currently described for these genera, 13 species of Oryzias and 2 species of Xenopoecilus were examined. The tree topologies obtained from the nuclear and mitochondrial data were consistent, indicating that Xenopoecilus is a polyphyletic genus nested within Oryzias. This result suggested the necessity for a systematic study and taxonomic revision of Xenopoecilus. The combined data analysis of all data partitions resulted in a well-resolved tree, with most internal branches supported by high statistical values. Based on our combined data phylogeny, we divided the Oryzias species into three major species groups, namely the latipes, javanicus, and celebensis groups. These three groups corresponded to the three chromosomal groups (biarmed, monoarmed, and fused chromosome groups) previously proposed from karyological analyses. The phylogeographic pattern suggests historical vicariance between Sulawesi Island and the continental shelf.  相似文献   

The phylogeny and evolutionary history of the rice tribe (Oryzeae) were explored using sequences of five DNA fragments (matK, trnL, nad1, Adh2, and GPA1) from chloroplast, mitochondrial, and nuclear genomes. Results indicate that (1) Oryzeae is monophyletic and falls into two main clades corresponding to the traditionally recognized subtribes; (2) previous recognition of three monotypic genera (Hydrochloa, Porteresia, and Prosphytochloa) is not justified; and (3) close affinities of the monoecious genera are not supported, suggesting the possibility of multiple origins of unisexual florets. Based on the magnitude of matK and GPA1 sequence divergence, we suggest that Oryza and Leersia branched off from the remaining genera of Oryzeae ~20 million years ago (mya), and separated from each other ~14 mya. A divergence time of ~9 mya is obtained for the most basal split within Oryza. These estimates suggest that Oryzeae diverged during the Miocene, and thus imply that long-distance dispersal appears to be one of the important factors in the diversification of the tribe.  相似文献   

The molecular phylogeny of 36 specimens of JapaneseAmanita species was studied based on nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The phylogenetic tree obtained supported the traditional classification systems of Bas (1969) and Singer (1986), which are based on morphological characters, in the division of the genusAmanita is divided into subgeneraAmanita andLepidella by the amyloidity of basidiospores. However, at section-level, we suggest that subgenusAmanita should be divided into three sections (Amanita, Vaginatae, andCaesareae). Our results also showed the necessity to modify the taxonomic treatments at section-level in the subgenusLepidella. It appears that the establishment ofA. muscaria andA. pantherina from a common ancestral species might be a very recent event, or these might be lower taxa of same species. As for three subspecies ofA. hemibapha and three varieties ofA. vaginata, it is necessary to grade up their taxonomical ranks from subspecies/variety to species. A new combination,A. javanica, is proposed forA. hemibapha subsp.javanica.  相似文献   

The phylogenies of all eight European species of Philaenus were estimated from cytochrome oxidase subunit I, cytochrome B and internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) fragments of DNA using phylogenetic reconstruction methods: maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) analyses. Based on the topologies of all obtained phylogenetic trees, the monophyly of Philaenus is well supported, being congruent with morphological, ecological and chromosomal data. Three phylogenetic lineages were distinguished in the mitochondrial and combined (mtDNA with ITS2) trees. The first lineage is represented by only one species, Philaenus maghresignus, which inhabits Maghreb and southern Spain. Clade A includes three species: P. tarifa (Southern Iberia), P. italosignus (Sicily and Southern Italy) and P. signatus (the Balkans and Middle East). In clade B two subclades were recognized: B1 represented by P. loukasi (Southern Balkans) and P. arslani (Middle East), and B2 comprising P. spumarus (the most widespread Palaearctic species) and P. tesselatus (from Southern Iberia and Maghreb). These clades were also retrieved in trees reconstructed from nuclear sequences. However, four species (P. maghresignus, P. tarifa, P. italosignus and P. signatus) showed unresolved polytomy at the base of the nuclear tree. Clade A together with P. maghresignus clustered with the ‘signatus’ group defined from morphology, and clade B with the ‘spumarius’ group; these might be considered separate subgenera. Genetic distances in mitochondrial DNA between ingroup species ranged from 14.0% between P. signatus and P. spumarius to 2.4% between P. tesselatus and P. spumarius. By contrast, genetic divergence of ITS2 between ingroup species was very low, at most 2.1%. The divergence of Philaenus species is estimated to have occcurred between 7.9 and 0.6 Ma. Possibly three main speciation events occurred: the first at the Miocene/Pliocene boundary (c. 5.5 Ma) for deeper splits; the second between 4.2 and 2.5 Ma in the Pliocene, when pairs of more closely related species diverged; and the most recent during the Pleistocene glaciations, when the separation of P. tesselatus and P. spumarius took place. The species status of all Philaenus species is confirmed except for P. tesselatus.  相似文献   

Cheirogaleidae currently comprises five genera whose relationships remain contentious. The taxonomic status and phylogenetic position of both Mirza coquereli and Allocebus trichotis are still unclear. The taxonomic status of the recently discovered Microcebus ravelobensis (a sympatric sibling species of Microcebus murinus) and its phylogenetic position also require further examination. A approximately 2.4-kb mitochondrial DNA sequence including part of the COIII gene, complete ND3, ND4L, and ND4 genes, and 5 tRNAs was used to clarify relationships among cheirogaleids. Mirza and Microcebus form a clade representing the sister group of Allocebus, with a clade containing Cheirogaleus major and Cheirogaleus medius diverging first. M. ravelobensis and Microcebus rufus form a subclade within Microcebus, with M. murinus as its sister group. The molecular data support the generic status of Mirza coquereli and species-level divergence of M. ravelobensis. Furthermore, "M. rufus" may well represent more than one species.  相似文献   

DNA sequences from the first intron of the nuclear gene rhodopsin (RDP1) and from the mitochondrial gene ND2 were used to construct a phylogeny of the avian family Megapodiidae. RDP1 sequences evolved about six times more slowly than ND2 and showed less homoplasy, substitution bias, and rate heterogeneity across sites. Analysis of RDP1 produced a phylogeny that was well resolved at the genus level, but RDP1 did not evolve rapidly enough for intrageneric comparisons. The ND2 phylogeny resolved intrageneric relationships and was congruent with the RDP1 phylogeny except for a single node: this node was the only aspect of tree topology sensitive to weighting in parsimony analyses. Despite differences in sequence evolution, RDP1 and ND2 contained congruent phylogenetic signal and were combined to produce a phylogeny that reflects the resolving power of both genes. This phylogeny shows an early split within the megapodes, leading to two major clades: (1) Macrocephalon and the mound-building genera Talegalla, Leipoa, Aepypodius, and Alectura, and (2) Eulipoa and Megapodius. It differs significantly from previous hypotheses based on morphology but is consistent with affiliations suggested by a recent study of parasitic chewing lice.  相似文献   

Times of divergence among the three tribes included within the subfamily Phyllostominae were estimated using a Bayesian approach to infer dates of divergence based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. The subfamily Phyllostominae is particularly attractive for such analysis, as it is one of the few groups of bats to have fossil specimens. Our molecular time analyses suggest that diversification among tribes and genera of phyllostomine bats occurred during the Early to Mid-Miocene, and was coincident with diversification events in two co distributed taxa: Caviomorph rodents and New World monkeys.  相似文献   

The genusCheirolophus has an interesting western Mediterranean and Macaronesian distribution. Here we investigate the delimitation of the genus and its exclusion from the large genusCentaurea, the systematic position of the related genusPaleocyanus, the delimitation of some species and the phylogeny of the group. We have carried out a phylogenetic analysis of the PCR-generated sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and ITS-2) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. The results suggest that the genus, includingPaleocyanus crassifolius is monophyletic; thus, a new combination of this species underCheirolophus is proposed. The Macaronesian group of species is also monophyletic, indicating a single colonization of the archipelago. The poor resolution of microspecies in the Macaronesian group reinforces the hypothesis of a very recent differentiation of the group.  相似文献   

Prosimians (tarsiers and strepsirrhini) represent the basal lineages in primates and have a close bearing on the origin of primates. Although major lineages among anthropoidea (humans, apes and monkeys) are well represented by complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data, only one complete mtDNA sequence from a representative of each of the infraorders in prosimians has been described until quite recently, and therefore we newly determined complete mtDNA sequences from 5 lemurs, 4 lorises, one tarsier and one platyrrhini. These sequences were provided to phylogenetic analyses in combination with the sequences from the 15 primates species reported to the database. The position of tarsiers among primates could not be resolved by the maximum likelihood (ML) and neighbor-joining (NJ) analyses with several data sets. As to the position of tarsiers, any of the three alternative topologies (monophyly of haplorhini, monophyly of prosimians, and tarsiers being basal in primates) was not rejected at the significance level of 5%, neither at the nucleotide nor at the amino acid level. In addition, the significant variations of C and T compositions were observed across primates species. Furthermore, we used AGY data sets for phylogenetic analyses in order to remove the effect of different C/T composition bias across species. The analyses of AGY data sets provided a medium support for the monophyly of haplorhini, which might have been screened by the variation in base composition of mtDNA across species. To estimates the speciation dates within primates, we analyzed the amino acid sequences of mt-proteins with a Bayesian method of Thorne and Kishino. Divergence dates were estimated as follows for the crown groups: about 35.4 million years ago (mya) for lorisiformes, 55.3 mya for lemuriformes, 64.5 mya for strepsirrhini, 70.1 mya for haplorhini and 76.0 mya for primates. Furthermore, we reexamined the biogeographic scenarios which have been proposed for the origin of strepsirrhini (lemuriformes and lorisiformes) and for the dispersal of the lemuriformes and lorisiformes.  相似文献   

This study investigates the molecular phylogeny of seven lionfishes of the genera Dendrochirus and Pterois. MP, ML, and NJ phylogenetic analysis based on 964 bp of partial mitochondrial DNA sequences (cytochrome b and 16S rDNA) revealed two main clades: (1) "Pterois" clade (Pterois miles and Pterois volitans), and (2) "Pteropterus-Dendrochirus" clade (remainder of the sampled species). The position of Dendrochirus brachypterus either basal to the main clades or in the "Pteropterus-Dendrochirus" clade cannot be resolved. However, the molecular phylogeny did not support the current separation of the genera Pterois and Dendrochirus. The siblings P. miles and P. volitans are clearly separated and our results support the proposed allopatric or parapatric distribution in the Indian and Pacific Ocean. However, the present analysis cannot reveal if P. miles and P. volitans are separate species or two populations of a single species, because the observed separation in different clades can be either explained by speciation or lineage sorting. Molecular clock estimates for the siblings P. miles and P. volitans suggest a divergence time of 2.4-8.3 mya, which coincide with geological events that created vicariance between populations of the Indian and Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

We analyzed the 896 base-pair (bp) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences for seven gibbons, representative of three out of four subgenera. The result from our molecular analysis is consistent with previous studies as to the monophyly of subgenus Hylobates species, yet the relationship among subgenera remains slightly ambiguous. A striking result of the analysis is the phylogenetic location of Kloss's gibbon (H. klossii). Kloss's gibbon has been considered to be an initial off-shoot of the subgenus Hylobates because of its morphological primitiveness. However, our molecular data strongly suggest that Kloss's gibbon speciated most recently within the subgenus Hylobates. Correspondence to: S. Horai  相似文献   

Fragments of mitochondrial (COI and rRNA 16S) and nuclear (Tmo-4C4) genes were sequenced to evaluate the phylogenetic relationships among 15 genera of the western South Atlantic Sciaenidae, two freshwater genera and the northwest Pacific Larimichthys crocea.Our results suggest a great diversification for the western Atlantic assemblage; the monophyly of Macrodon, Menticirrhus and Plagioscion genera; the distinctiveness of Bardiella, Stellifer and Ophioscion as belonging to the same clade; the possible existence of two distinct groups in Stellifer; the closer relationship between Lonchurus and Paralonchurus; the non-monophyly of Cynoscion; and the remarkable diversification of Larimus breviceps populations in the Brazilian coast. This is the most comprehensive study evaluating the phylogenetic relationships of the western Atlantic sciaenid and provides a guide for future studies within this family.  相似文献   

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