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The cochlea microphonics have two components; the first component is very sensitive to lack of oxygen and disappears immediately upon the death of the animal; the second component is the smaller fraction (5–25 %) but persists after the death of the animal, and is anaerobic. This paper gives a simple model which can be applied to the understandings of the later part of the microphonic potential.Both perilymph and endolymph in the inner ear may be electrolyte solutions which will behave like homogeneous liquids. If, however, the dynamical reactions are taken in account, these reactions will be different for ions of different masses. As a result, the motion, say of the positive ions, may differ from that of the negative ions. This means that periodically changing electric charge densities will accompany the sound waves. Theoretical approaches to the microphonics in the cochlea are presented.  相似文献   

Helicobacter Pylori is a gram negative rod shaped microaerophilic bacterium that colonizes the stomach of approximately half the world's population. Infection with c may cause chronic gastritis which via a quite well described process known as Correas cascade can progress through sequential development of atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia to gastric cancer. H. pylori is currently the only bacterium that is classified as a class 1 carcinogen by the WHO, although the exact mechanisms by which this bacterium contributes to gastric carcinogenesis are still poorly understood. Only a minority of H. pylori-infected patients will eventually develop gastric cancer, suggesting that host factors may be important in determining the outcome of H. pylori infection. This is supported by a growing body of evidence suggesting that the host genetic background contributes to risk of H. pylori infection and gastric carcinogenesis. In particular single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes that influence bacterial handling via pattern recognition receptors appear to be involved, further strengthening the link between host risk factors, H. pylori incidence and cancer. Many of these genes influence cellular pathways leading to inflammatory signaling, inflammasome formation and autophagy. In this review we summarize known carcinogenic effects of H. pylori, and discuss recent findings that implicate host genetic pattern recognition pathways in the development of gastric cancer and their relation with H. pylori.  相似文献   

Viral and host factors in human respiratory syncytial virus pathogenesis   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

The single-stranded RNA virus enterovirus 71 (EV71), which belongs to the Picornaviridae family, has caused epidemics worldwide, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region. Most EV71 infections result in mild clinical symptoms, including herpangina and hand, foot and mouth disease. However, serious pathological complications have also been reported, especially for young children. The mechanisms of EV71 disease progression remain unclear. The pathogenesis of adverse clinical outcomes may relate to many factors, including cell tropism, cell death and host immune responses. This article reviews the recent advances in the identification of factors determining EV71 cell tropism, the associated mechanisms of viral infection-induced cell death and the interplay between EV71 and immunity.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 and bovine herpesviruses 1 and 5 (BHV-1 and BHV-5) can use the same cellular receptor for entry, but only HSV is known to cause disease in mice. We hypothesized that components of either the innate or the adaptive immune system, or a combination of both, were responsible for curbing replication of BHVs in mice. Therefore, wild-type mice as well as mice with various combined genetic deficiencies in the alpha/beta interferon receptor or gamma interferon receptor and in the ability to produce mature B and T lymphocytes (RAG-2 deletion) were infected with BHV-1 and BHV-5 and monitored clinically, serologically, histopathologically, and virologically. A functional immune system protected the mice from disease and death due to BHV infection, and the immune response was Th1 like. BHV-5 was transported to the central nervous system by the axonal pathway, whereas viremia was required for this outcome with BHV-1. The alpha/beta interferon system was able to obstruct quantitative spread of the viruses in the infected organism. The gamma interferon system had a protective effect against BHV-1, even in mice with the RAG-2 deletion. In contrast, the same mice succumbed to neurological disease and death upon infection with BHV-5. Productively infected neurons were detected only in BHV-5-infected mice with an intact gamma interferon system. We conclude that the alpha/beta interferon system had a protective effect, while an intact gamma interferon system was required for efficient replication of BHV-5 in mouse neurons and for the development of neurological disease.  相似文献   

TCF transcription factors: molecular switches in carcinogenesis.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

Viral security proteins: counteracting host defences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interactions with host defences are key aspects of viral infection. Various viral proteins perform counter-defensive functions, but a distinct class, called security proteins, is dedicated specifically to counteracting host defences. Here, the properties of the picornavirus security proteins L and 2A are discussed. These proteins have well-defined positions in the viral polyprotein, flanking the capsid precursor, but they are structurally and biochemically unrelated. Here, we consider the impact of these two proteins, as well as that of a third security protein, L(*), on viral reproduction, pathogenicity and evolution. The concept of security proteins could serve as a paradigm for the dedicated counter-defensive proteins of other viruses.  相似文献   

Viral invasion and host defense: strategies and counter-strategies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The outcome of infection of plants by viruses is determined by the net effects of compatibility functions and defense responses. Recent advances reveal that viruses have the capacity to modulate host compatibility and defense functions by a variety of mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cellular targets and host genes in multistage carcinogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies indicate that although cellular DNA is the critical target in the action of initiating carcinogens, specific membrane-associated receptors mediate the actions of certain tumor promoters. A stereochemical model is presented to explain how three different types of tumor promoters (phorbol esters, indole alkaloids, and polyacetates) can interact with the same class of cellular receptors. Multistage chemical carcinogenesis might involve progressive alterations in the expression of cellular DNA sequences homologous to oncogenes and regulatory sequences in certain retroviruses. We found that the oncogene c-mos is not rearranged or expressed in a series of carcinogen-transformed murine C3H 10T112 cells. These cells do express, however, a unique set of poly(A)+ RNAs that contain sequences homologous to the Moloney leukemia virus long terminal repeat sequence. Studies are in progress to determine the significance of this finding with respect to the carcinogenic process.  相似文献   

Maturation in herpesviruses initiates in the nucleus of the infected cell, with encapsidation of viral DNA to form nucleocapsids, and concludes with envelopment in the cytoplasm to form infectious virions that egress the cell. The entire process of virus maturation is orchestrated by protein-protein interactions and enzymatic activities of viral and host origin. Viral tegument proteins play important roles in maintaining the structural stability of capsids and directing the acquisition of virus envelope. Envelopment occurs at modified host membranes and exploits host vesicular trafficking. In this review, we summarize current knowledge of and concepts in human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) maturation and their parallels in other herpesviruses, with an emphasis on viral and host factors that regulate this process.  相似文献   

Picornaviruses cause several diseases, not only in humans but also in various animal hosts. For instance, human enteroviruses can cause hand-foot-and-mouth disease, herpangina, myocarditis, acute flaccid paralysis, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, severe neurological complications, including brainstem encephalitis, meningitis and poliomyelitis, and even death. The interaction between the virus and the host is important for viral replication, virulence and pathogenicity. This article reviews studies of the functions of viral and host factors that are involved in the life cycle of picornavirus. The interactions of viral capsid proteins with host cell receptors is discussed first, and the mechanisms by which the viral and host cell factors are involved in viral replication, viral translation and the switch from translation to RNA replication are then addressed. Understanding how cellular proteins interact with viral RNA or viral proteins, as well as the roles of each in viral infection, will provide insights for the design of novel antiviral agents based on these interactions.  相似文献   

Active oxygen species as factors in multistage carcinogenesis.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Oxygen, a necessary element for the life of a cell, is also the source of active states of oxygen including radicals, which can disrupt cell structure and alter cell function. Increasing evidence indicates that active oxygen species are formed in response to tumor promoters and that the cellular consequences of their actions may play a role in the process of tumor promotion. This report summarizes work from our laboratory that implicates active oxygen species derived in part from phagocytic cells in the tumor promotion process by phorbol esters and other promoters in mouse skin. Work from other laboratories indicates that phorbol ester promoters stimulate the production of active states of oxygen in mouse skin epidermal cells in vivo and in vitro. Oxidative DNA damage in epidermal cells from mice treated topically with the potent promoter phorbol myristate acetate has also been reported. The production of active states of oxygen including free radicals is discussed in relation to the mode of action of complete, first, and second stage promoters in the multistage carcinogenesis model in mouse skin.  相似文献   

The human herpesviruses, herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), HSV-2, varicella zoster virus (VZV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), human herpesvirus 6A (HHV-6A), HHV-6B, HHV-7 and HHV-8, establish persistent infections with possible recurrence during immunosuppression. HCMV replication is inhibited by the nucleoside analogue ganciclovir (GCV), the compound of choice for the treatment of HCMV diseases and preemptive treatment of infections. The viral UL97 protein (pUL97) which shares homologies with protein kinases and bacterial phosphotransferases is able to monophosphorylate GCV. Homologues of pUL97 are found in HSV (UL13), VZV (ORF47), EBV (BGLF4), HHV-6 (U69), HHV-8 (ORF36) as well as in murine CMV (M97) or rat CMV (R97). Several indolocarbazoles have been reported to be specific inhibitors of pUL97. The protein is important for efficient replication of the virus. Autophosphorylation of pUL97 was observed using different experimental systems. Most recently, it has been shown that pUL97 interacts with the DNA polymerase processivity factor pUL44. Indolocarbazole protein kinase inhibitors are promising lead compounds for the development of more specific inhibitors of HCMV.  相似文献   

Oral and genital bovine herpesviruses.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

Recent studies have established that type I interferon modulates expression of large number of cellular genes. While the proteins encoded by some of these genes have a direct antiviral activity, the functions of the majority of the others have not yet been determined. One of the first identified IFN stimulated gene, encodes ubiquitin like protein ISG15 that is also expressed in response to different stress stimuli. Although it was shown that ISG15 functions as protein modifier, it has been only recently that the targets of ISG15 conjugation were identified. Recent studies have also revealed mechanism of ISG15 conjugation and its interaction with the ubiquitin conjugation pathway. This review is focused on the possible role of ISG15 in the antiviral response, regulation of cell growth and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

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