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Ambudkar SV  Kim IW  Xia D  Sauna ZE 《FEBS letters》2006,580(4):1049-1055
ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters represent one of the largest families of proteins, and transport a variety of substrates ranging from ions to amphipathic anticancer drugs. The functional unit of an ABC transporter is comprised of two transmembrane domains and two cytoplasmic ABC ATPase domains. The energy of the binding and hydrolysis of ATP is used to transport the substrates across membranes. An ABC domain consists of conserved regions, the Walker A and B motifs, the signature (or C) region and the D, H and Q loops. We recently described the A-loop (Aromatic residue interacting with the Adenine ring of ATP), a highly conserved aromatic residue approximately 25 amino acids upstream of the Walker A motif that is essential for ATP-binding. Here, we review the mutational analysis of this subdomain in human P-glycoprotein as well as homology modeling, structural and data mining studies that provide evidence for a functional role of the A-loop in ATP-binding in most members of the superfamily of ABC transporters.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins constitute one of the widest families in all organisms, whose P-glycoprotein involved in resistance of cancer cells to chemotherapy is an archetype member. Although three-dimensional structures of several nucleotide-binding domains of ABC proteins are now available, the catalytic mechanism triggering the functioning of these proteins still remains elusive. In particular, it has been postulated that ATP hydrolysis proceeds via an acid-base mechanism catalyzed by the Glu residue adjacent to the Walker-B motif (Geourjon, C., Orelle, C., Steinfels, E., Blanchet, C., Deléage, G., Di Pietro, A., and Jault, J. M. (2001) Trends Biochem. Sci. 26, 539-544), but the involvement of such residue as the catalytic base in ABC transporters was recently questioned (Sauna, Z. E., Muller, M., Peng, X. H., and Ambudkar, S. V. (2002) Biochemistry, 41, 13989-14000). The equivalent glutamate residue (Glu504) of a half-ABC transporter involved in multidrug resistance in Bacillus subtilis, BmrA (formerly known as YvcC), was therefore mutated to Asp, Ala, Gln, Ser, and Cys residues. All these mutants were fully devoid of ATPase activity, yet they showed a high level of vanadate-independent trapping of 8-N3-alpha-32P-labeled nucleotide(s), following preincubation with 8-N3-[alpha-32P]ATP. However, and in contrast to the wild-type enzyme, the use of 8-N3-[gamma-32P]ATP unequivocally showed that all the mutants trapped exclusively the triphosphate form of the analogue, suggesting that they were not able to perform even a single hydrolytic turnover. These results demonstrate that Glu504 is the catalytic base for ATP hydrolysis in BmrA, and it is proposed that equivalent glutamate residues in other ABC transporters play the same role.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis was used to investigate the functional role of six pairs of aspartate and glutamate residues (D450/D1093, E482/E1125, E552/E1197, D558/D1203, D592/D1237, and E604/E1249) that are highly conserved in the nucleotide binding sites of P-glycoprotein (Mdr3) and of other ABC transporters. Removal of the charge in E552Q/E1197Q and D558N/D1203N produced proteins with severely impaired biological activity when the proteins were analyzed in yeast cells for cellular resistance to FK506 and restoration of mating in a ste6Delta mutant. Mutations at other acidic residues had no apparent effect in the same assays. These four mutants were expressed in Pichia pastoris, purified to homogeneity, and biochemically characterized with respect to ATPase activity. Studies with purified proteins showed that mutants D558N and D1203N retained 14 and 30% of the drug-stimulated ATPase activity of wild-type (WT) Mdr3, respectively, and vanadate trapping of 8-azido[alpha-(32)P]nucleotide confirmed slower basal and drug-stimulated 8-azido-ATP hydrolysis compared to that for WT Mdr3. The E552Q and E1197Q mutants showed no drug-stimulated ATPase activity. Surprisingly, drugs did stimulate vanadate trapping of 8-azido[alpha-(32)P]nucleotide in E552Q and E1197Q at a level similar to that of WT Mdr3. This suggests that formation of the catalytic transition state can occur in these mutants, and that the bond between the beta- and gamma-phosphates is hydrolyzed. In addition, photolabeling by 8-azido[alpha-(32)P]nucleotide in the presence or absence of drug was also detected in the absence of vanadate in these mutants. These results suggest that steps after the transition state, possibly involved in release of MgADP, are severely impaired in these mutant enzymes.  相似文献   

CvaB, a member of the ATP-binding cassette transporter superfamily, is the central membrane transporter of the colicin V secretion system in Escherichia coli. Cys32 and His105 in the N-terminal domain of CvaB were identified as critical residues for both colicin V secretion and cysteine proteolytic activity. By inhibiting degradation with N-ethylmaleimide and a mixture of protease inhibitors, a stable wild-type N-terminal domain (which showed cysteine protease activity when activated) was purified. Such protease activity was Ca2+- and concentration-dependent and could be inhibited by antipain, N-ethylmaleimide, EDTA, and EGTA. At low concentrations, the Ca2+ analogs Tb3+ and La3+ (but not Fe3+) significantly enhanced proteolytic activity, suggesting that the size of the cations is important for activity. Together with comparisons of the sequences of members of the cysteine protease family, these results indicate that Cys32 and His105 are the critical residues in the CvaB N-terminal domain for the calcium-dependent cysteine protease activity and secretion of colicin V.  相似文献   

Many substrates for P-glycoprotein, an ABC transporter that mediates multidrug resistance in mammalian cells, have been shown to stimulate its ATPase activity in vitro. In the present study, we used this property as a criterion to search for natural and artificial substrates and/or allosteric regulators of ABCR, the rod photoreceptor-specific ABC transporter responsible for Stargardt disease, an early onset macular degeneration. ABCR was immunoaffinity purified to apparent homogeneity from bovine rod outer segments and reconstituted into liposomes. All-trans-retinal, a candidate ligand, stimulates the ATPase activity of ABCR 3-4-fold, with a half-maximal effect at 10-15 microM. 11-cis- and 13-cis-retinal show similar activity. All-trans-retinal stimulates the ATPase activity of ABCR with Michaelis-Menten behavior indicative of simple noncooperative binding that is associated with a rate-limiting enzyme-substrate intermediate in the pathway of ATP hydrolysis. Among 37 structurally diverse non-retinoid compounds, including nine previously characterized substrates or sensitizers of P-glycoprotein, only four show significant ATPase stimulation when tested at 20 microM. The dose-response curves of these four compounds are indicative of multiple binding sites and/or modes of interaction with ABCR. Two of these compounds, amiodarone and digitonin, can act synergistically with all-trans-retinal, implying that they interact with a site or sites on ABCR different from the one with which all-trans-retinal interacts. Unlike retinal, amiodarone appears to interact with both free and ATP-bound ABCR. Together with clinical observations on Stargardt disease and the localization of ABCR to rod outer segment disc membranes, these data suggest that retinoids, and most likely retinal, are the natural substrates for transport by ABCR in rod outer segments. These observations have significant implications for understanding the visual cycle and the pathogenesis of Stargardt disease and for the identification of compounds that could modify the natural history of Stargardt disease or other retinopathies associated with impaired ABCR function.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli K-12, the RecA- and transposase-independent precise excision of transposons is thought to be mediated by the slippage of the DNA polymerase between the two short direct repeats that flank the transposon. Inactivation of the uup gene, encoding an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) ATPase, led to an important increase in the frequency of precise excision of transposons Tn10 and Tn5 and a defective growth of bacteriophage Mu. To provide insight into the mechanism of Uup in transposon excision, we purified this protein, and we demonstrated that it is a cytosolic ABC protein. Purified recombinant Uup binds and hydrolyzes ATP and undergoes a large conformational change in the presence of this nucleotide. This change affects a carboxyl-terminal domain of the protein that displays predicted structural homology with the socalled little finger domain of Y family DNA polymerases. In these enzymes, this domain is involved in DNA binding and in the processivity of replication. We show that Uup binds to DNA and that this binding is in part dependent on its carboxyl-terminal domain. Analysis of Walker motif B mutants suggests that ATP hydrolysis at the two ABC domains is strictly coordinated and is essential for the function of Uup in vivo.  相似文献   

Sauna ZE  Müller M  Peng XH  Ambudkar SV 《Biochemistry》2002,41(47):13989-14000
The human MDR1 (ABCB1) gene product, P-glycoprotein (Pgp), functions as an ATP-dependent efflux pump for a variety of chemotherapeutic drugs. In this study, we assessed the role of conserved glutamate residues in the Walker B domain of the two ATP sites (E556 and E1201, respectively) during the catalytic cycle of human Pgp. The mutant Pgps (E556Q, E556A, E1201Q, E1201A, E556/1201Q, and E556/1201A) were characterized using a vaccinia virus based expression system. Although steady-state ATP hydrolysis and drug transport activities were abrogated in both E556Q and E1201Q mutant Pgps, [alpha-(32)P]-8-azidoADP was trapped in the presence of vanadate (Vi), and the release of trapped [alpha-(32)P]-8-azidoADP occurred to a similar extent as in wild-type Pgp. This indicates that these mutations do not affect either the first hydrolysis event or the ADP release step. Similar results were also obtained when Glu residues were replaced with Ala (E556A and E1201A). Following the first hydrolysis event and release of [alpha-(32)P]-8-azidoADP, both E556Q and E1201Q mutant Pgps failed to undergo another cycle of Vi-induced [alpha-(32)P]-8-azidoADP trapping. Interestingly, the double mutants E556/1201Q and E556/1201A trapped [alpha-(32)P]-8-azidoADP even in the absence of Vi, and the occluded nucleotide was not released after incubation at 37 degrees C for an extended period. In addition, the properties of transition state conformation of the double mutants generated in the absence of Vi were found to be similar to that of the wild-type protein trapped in the presence of Vi (Pgp x [alpha-(32)P]-8-azidoADP xVi). Thus, in contrast to the single mutants, the double mutants appear to be defective in the ADP release step. In aggregate, these data suggest that E556 and E1201 residues in the Walker B domains may not be critical as catalytic carboxylates for the cleavage of the bond between the gamma-P and the beta-P of ATP during hydrolysis but are essential for the second ATP hydrolysis step and completion of the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Two species-invariant tryptophan residues at positions 109 and 250 of tobacco Rubisco activase were identified by site-directed mutagenesis as being responsible for the increase in intrinsic fluorescence upon addition of ATP, which has been previously attributed to increased self-association. Substitution of W109, which is immediately prior to a ‘P-loop’ sequence in the ATP catalytic motif, with aromatic residues (Tyr or Phe), Cys or Lys eliminated both ATP hydrolysis and the intrinsic fluorescence enhancement. Although the W109 mutants bound ATP, ATP did not provide a partial protection against proteolysis by trypsin that was observed with the recombinant wild-type enzyme. In contrast, substitution of W250 with Tyr or Phe abolished about half (44%) of the increase in intrinsic fluorescence with ATP, but had little effect on ATP hydrolysis, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activation or proteolytic protection with ATP. The substitution of the other tryptophan residues, W16 and W305, with phenylalanine did not significantly alter the change in intrinsic fluorescence upon addition of ATP. Therefore, W109 and W250 are the residues reporting the conformational change that increases the intrinsic fluorescence.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein 2 (MRP2) belongs to the ATP binding cassette family of transporters. Its substrates include organic anions and anticancer drugs. We have used transport assays with vesicles derived from Sf9 insect cells overproducing MRP2 to study the interactions of drugs, organic anions, and bile acids with three MRP2 substrates: estradiol-17-beta-d-glucuronide (E217betaG), methotrexate, and glutathione-S-dinitrophenol. Complex inhibition and stimulation patterns were obtained, different from those observed with the related transporters MRP1 and MRP3. In contrast to a previous report, we found that the rate of E217betaG transport by MRP2 increases sigmoidally with substrate concentration indicative of homotropic cooperativity. Half-maximal transport was obtained at 120 microm E217betaG, in contrast to values < 20 microm for MRP1 and 3. MRP2 stimulators, such as indomethacin and sulfanitran, strongly increased the affinity of MRP2 for E217betaG (half-maximal transport rates at 65 and 16 microm E217betaG, respectively) and shifted the sigmoidal dependence of transport rate on substrate concentration to a more hyperbolic one, without substantially affecting the maximal transport rate. Sulfanitran also stimulated MRP2 activity in cells, i.e. the transport of saquinavir through monolayers of Madin-Darby canine kidney II cells. Some compounds that stimulate E217betaG transport, such as penicillin G or pantoprazole, are not detectably transported by MRP2, suggesting that they allosterically stimulate transport without being cotransported with E217betaG. We propose that MRP2 contains two similar but nonidentical ligand binding sites: one site from which substrate is transported and a second site that regulates the affinity of the transport site for the substrate.  相似文献   

The guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs) form a group of interferon-gamma inducible GTP-binding proteins which belong to the family of dynamin-related proteins. Like other members of this family, human guanylate-binding protein 1 (hGBP1) shows nucleotide-dependent oligomerisation that stimulates the GTPase activity of the protein. A unique feature of the GBPs is their ability to hydrolyse GTP to GDP and GMP. In order to elucidate the relationship between these findings, we designed point mutants in the phosphate-binding loop (P-loop) as well as in the switch I and switch II regions of the protein based on the crystal structure of hGBP1. These mutant proteins were analysed for their interaction with guanine nucleotides labeled with a fluorescence dye and for their ability to hydrolyse GTP in a cooperative manner. We identified mutations of amino acid residues that decrease GTPase activity by orders of magnitude a part of which are conserved in GTP-binding proteins. In addition, mutants in the P-loop were characterized that strongly impair binding of nucleotide. In consequence, together with altered GTPase activity and given cellular nucleotide concentrations this results in hGBP1 mutants prevailingly resting in the nucleotide-free (K51A and S52N) or the GTP bound form (R48A), respectively. Using size-exclusion chromatography and analytical ultracentrifugation we addressed the impact on protein oligomerisation. In summary, mutants of hGBP1 were identified and biochemically characterized providing hGBP1 locked in defined states in order to investigate their functional role in future cell biology studies.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (Pgp) is a plasma membrane protein whose overexpression confers multidrug resistance to tumor cells by extruding amphipathic natural product cytotoxic drugs using the energy of ATP. An elucidation of the catalytic cycle of Pgp would help design rational strategies to combat multidrug resistance and to further our understanding of the mechanism of ATP-binding cassette transporters. We have recently reported (Sauna, Z. E., and Ambudkar, S. V. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 97, 2515-2520) that there are two independent ATP hydrolysis events in a single catalytic cycle of Pgp. In this study we exploit the vanadate (Vi)-induced transition state conformation of Pgp (Pgp.ADP.Vi) to address the question of what are the effects of ATP hydrolysis on the nucleotide-binding site. We find that at the end of the first hydrolysis event there is a drastic decrease in the affinity of nucleotide for Pgp coincident with decreased substrate binding. Release of occluded dinucleotide is adequate for the next hydrolysis event to occur but is not sufficient for the recovery of substrate binding. Whereas the two hydrolysis events have different functional outcomes vis à vis the substrate, they show comparable t(12) for both incorporation and release of nucleotide, and the affinities for [alpha-(32)P]8-azido-ATP during Vi-induced trapping are identical. In addition, the incorporation of [alpha-(32)P]8-azido-ADP in two ATP sites during both hydrolysis events is also similar. These data demonstrate that during individual hydrolysis events, the ATP sites are recruited in a random manner, and only one site is utilized at any given time because of the conformational change in the catalytic site that drastically reduces the affinity of the second ATP site for nucleotide binding. In aggregate, these findings provide an explanation for the alternate catalysis of ATP hydrolysis and offer a mechanistic framework to elucidate events at both the substrate- and nucleotide-binding sites in the catalytic cycle of Pgp.  相似文献   

Human growth hormone (hGH) binds lactogenic or somatotrophic receptors, creating active heterotrimeric complexes. Comparison of hGH structures, either free or bound to a single lactogenic or somatotrophic receptor, shows binding is associated with structural changes. Changes in hGH structure are unique when binding either lactogenic or somatotrophic receptors and they influence the spatial arrangement of residues constituting the second receptor-binding site. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we identified a contiguous set of largely hydrophobic residues that forms a motif communicating between the two receptor-binding sites of hGH. The residues are external to the receptor-binding epitopes and were identified when their mutation reduced site 2 function without changing site 1 function. The motif includes Phe44, Leu93, Tyr160, Leu163, and Tyr164, located in two hydrophobic clusters between the receptor-binding sites. Their mutation to Glu disrupts hydrophobic interactions and reduces lactogenic activity between 4.7- and 85-fold with little effect on somatotrophic activity or spectroscopic properties. These differential effects indicate that loss of lactogenic activity is not a result of global mis-folding. We propose the loss of lactogenic activity results from disruption of specific hydrophobic clusters that disables the site 1 binding-induced structuring of the second receptor-binding site.  相似文献   

Loo TW  Bartlett MC  Clarke DM 《Biochemistry》2007,46(32):9328-9336
P-Glycoprotein (P-gp, ABCB1) transports a variety of structurally unrelated cytotoxic compounds out of the cell. Each homologous half of P-gp has a transmembrane (TM) domain containing six TM segments and a nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) and is joined by a linker region. It has been postulated that binding of two ATP molecules at the NBD interface to form a "nucleotide sandwich" induces drug efflux by altering packing of the TM segments that make up the drug-binding pocket. To test if ATP binding alone could alter packing of the TM segments, we introduced catalytic carboxylate mutations (E556Q in NBD1 and E1201Q in NBD2) into double-cysteine mutants that exhibited ATP-dependent cross-linking so that the mutants could bind but not hydrolyze ATP. It was found that ATP binding alone could alter disulfide cross-linking between the TM segments. For example, ATP inhibited cross-linking of mutant L339C(TM6)/V982C(TM12)/E556Q(NBD1)/E1201Q(NBD2) but promoted cross-linking of mutant F343C(TM6)/V982C(TM12)/E556Q(NBD1)/E1201Q(NBD2). Cross-linking of some mutants, however, appeared to require ATP hydrolysis as introduction of the catalytic carboxylate mutations into mutant L332C(TM6)/L975C(TM12) inhibited ATP-dependent cross-linking. Cross-linking between cysteines in the TM segments also could be altered via introduction of a single catalytic carboxylate mutation into mutant L332C(TM6)/L975C(TM12) or by using the nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue, AMP.PNP. The results show that the TM segments are quite sensitive to changes within the ATP-binding sites because different conformations could be detected in the presence of ATP, AMP.PNP, during ATP hydrolysis or through mutation of the catalytic carboxylates.  相似文献   

Cardiolipin in eukaryotes is found in the mitochondrial inner membrane, where it interacts with membrane proteins and, although not essential, is necessary for the optimal activity of a number of proteins. One of them is the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier, which imports ADP into the mitochondrion and exports ATP. In the crystal structures, cardiolipin is bound to three equivalent sites of the ADP/ATP carrier, but its role is unresolved. Conservation of residues at these cardiolipin binding sites across other members of the mitochondrial carrier superfamily indicates cardiolipin binding is likely to be important for the function of all mitochondrial carriers. Multiscale simulations were performed in a cardiolipin-containing membrane to investigate the dynamics of cardiolipin around the yeast and bovine ADP/ATP carriers in a lipid bilayer and the properties of the cardiolipin-binding sites. In coarse-grain simulations, cardiolipin molecules bound to the carriers for longer periods of time than phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine lipids—with timescales in the tens of microseconds. Three long-lived cardiolipin binding sites overlapped with those in the crystal structures of the carriers. Other shorter-lived cardiolipin interaction sites were identified in both membrane leaflets. However, the timescales of the interactions were of the same order as phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, suggesting that these sites are not specific for cardiolipin binding. The calculation of lipid binding times and the overlap of the cardiolipin binding sites between the structures and simulations demonstrate the potential of multiscale simulations to investigate the dynamics and behavior of lipids interacting with membrane proteins.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein mutants S430A/T and S1073A/T, affecting conserved Walker A Ser residues, were characterized to elucidate molecular roles of the Ser and functioning of the two P-glycoprotein catalytic sites. Results showed the Ser-OH is critical for MgATPase activity and formation of the normal transition state, although not for initial MgATP binding. Mutation to Ala in either catalytic site abolished MgATPase and transition state formation in both sites, whereas Thr mutants had similar MgATPase to wild-type. Trapping of 1 mol of MgADP/mol of P-glycoprotein by vanadate, shown here with pure protein, yielded full inhibition of ATPase. Thus, congruent with previous work, both sites must be intact and must interact for catalysis. Equivalent mutations (Ala or Thr) in the two catalytic sites had identical effects on a wide range of activities, emphasizing that the two catalytic sites function symmetrically. The role of the Ser-OH is to coordinate Mg(2+) in MgATP, but only at the stage of the transition state are its effects tangible. Initial substrate binding is apparently to an "open" catalytic site conformation, where the Ser-OH is dispensable. This changes to a "closed" conformation required to attain the transition state, in which the Ser-OH is a critical ligand. Formation of the latter conformation requires both sites; both sites may provide direct ligands to the transition state.  相似文献   

Fung E  Bouet JY  Funnell BE 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(17):4901-4911
The ParA family of proteins is involved in partition of a variety of plasmid and bacterial chromosomes. P1 ParA plays two roles in partition: it acts as a repressor of the par operon and has an undefined yet indispensable role in P1 plasmid localization. We constructed seven mutations in three putative ATP-binding motifs of ParA. Three classes of phenotypes resulted, each represented by mutations in more than one motif. Three mutations created 'super-repressors', in which repressor activity was much stronger than in wild-type ParA, while the remainder damaged repressor activity. All mutations eliminated partition activities, but two showed a plasmid stability defect that was worse than that of a null mutation. Four mutant ParAs, two super-repressors and two weak repressors, were analyzed biochemically, and all exhibited damaged ATPase activity. The super-repressors bound site-specifically to the par operator sequence, and this activity was strongly stimulated by ATP and ADP. These results support the proposal that ATP binding is essential but hydrolysis is inhibitory for ParA's repressor activity and suggest that ATP hydrolysis is essential for plasmid localization.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the MJ0796 ATP-binding cassette, a member of the o228/LolD transporter family, has been determined at 2.7-A resolution with MgADP bound at its active site. Comparing this structure with that of the ATP-bound form of the HisP ATP-binding cassette (Hung, L. W., Wang, I. X., Nikaido, K., Liu, P. Q., Ames, G. F., and Kim, S. H. (1998) Nature 396, 703-707) shows a 5-A withdrawal of a phylogenetically invariant glutamine residue from contact with the gamma-phosphate of ATP in the active site. This glutamine is located in a protein segment that links the rigid F(1)-type ATP-binding core of the enzyme to an ABC transporter-specific alpha-helical subdomain that moves substantially away from the active site in the MgADP-bound structure of MJ0796 compared with the ATP-bound structure of HisP. A similar conformational effect is observed in the MgADP-bound structure of MJ1267 (Karpowich, N., et al. (2001) Structure, in press), establishing the withdrawal of the glutamine and the coupled outward rotation of the alpha-helical subdomain as consistent consequences of gamma-phosphate release from the active site of the transporter. Considering this subdomain movement in the context of a leading model for the physiological dimer of cassettes present in ABC transporters indicates that it produces a modest mechanical change that is likely to play a role in facilitating nucleotide exchange out of the ATPase active site. Finally, it is noteworthy that one of the intersubunit packing interactions in the MJ0796 crystal involves antiparallel beta-type hydrogen bonding interactions between the outermost beta-strands in the two core beta-sheets, leading to their fusion into a single extended beta-sheet, a type of structural interaction that has been proposed to play a role in mediating the aggregation of beta-sheet-containing proteins.  相似文献   

The 70-kDa peroxisomal membrane protein (PMP70) and the adrenoleukodystrophy protein (ALDP) are half ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters in the peroxisome membrane. Mutations in the ALD gene encoding ALDP result in the X-linked neurodegenerative disorder adrenoleukodystrophy. Plausible models exist to show a role for ATP hydrolysis in peroxisomal ABC transporter functions. Here, we describe the first measurements of the rate of ATP binding and hydrolysis by purified nucleotide binding fold (NBF) fusion proteins of PMP70 and ALDP. Both proteins act as an ATP specific binding subunit releasing ADP after ATP hydrolysis; they did not exhibit GTPase activity. Mutations in conserved residues of the nucleotidases (PMP70: G478R, S572I; ALDP: G512S, S606L) altered ATPase activity. Furthermore, our results indicate that these mutations do not influence homodimerization or heterodimerization of ALDP or PMP70. The study provides evidence that peroxisomal ABC transporters utilize ATP to become a functional transporter.  相似文献   

Sauna ZE  Kim IW  Nandigama K  Kopp S  Chiba P  Ambudkar SV 《Biochemistry》2007,46(48):13787-13799
Structural and biochemical studies of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters suggest that an ATP-driven dimerization of the nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) is an important reaction intermediate of the transport cycle. Moreover, an asymmetric occlusion of ATP at one of the two ATP sites of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) may follow the formation of the symmetric dimer. It has also been postulated that ADP drives the dissociation of the dimer. In this study, we show that the E.S conformation of Pgp (previously demonstrated in the E556Q/E1201Q mutant Pgp) can be obtained with the wild-type protein by use of the nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue ATP-gamma-S. ATP-gamma-S is occluded into the Pgp NBDs at 34 degrees C but not at 4 degrees C, whereas ATP is not occluded at either temperature. Using purified Pgp incorporated into proteoliposomes and ATP-gamma-35S, we demonstrate that the occlusion of ATP-gamma-35S has an Eact of 60 kJ/mol and the stoichiometry of ATP-gamma-35S:Pgp is 1:1 (mol/mol). Additionally, in the conserved Walker B mutant (E556Q/E1201Q) of Pgp, we find occlusion of the nucleoside triphosphate but not the nucleoside diphosphate. Furthermore, Pgp in the occluded nucleotide conformation has reduced affinity for transport substrates. These data provide evidence for the ATP-driven dimerization and ADP-driven dissociation of the NBDs, and although two ATP molecules may initiate dimerization, only one is driven to an occluded pre-hydrolysis intermediate state. Thus, in a full-length ABC transporter like Pgp, it is unlikely that there is complete association and disassociation of NBDs and the occluded nucleotide conformation at one of the NBDs provides the power-stroke at the transport-substrate site.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) cell entry involves interaction between the viral envelope glycoprotein E2 and the cell surface receptor CD81. Knowledge of conserved E2 determinants important for successful binding will facilitate development of entry inhibitors designed to block this interaction. Previous studies have assigned the CD81 binding function to a number of discontinuous regions of E2. To better define specific residues involved in receptor binding, a panel of mutants of HCV envelope proteins was generated, where conserved residues within putative CD81 binding regions were sequentially mutated to alanine. Mutant proteins were tested for binding to a panel of monoclonal antibodies and CD81 and for their ability to form noncovalent heterodimers and confer infectivity in the retroviral pseudoparticle (HCVpp) assay. Detection by conformation-sensitive monoclonal antibodies indicated that the mutant proteins were correctly folded. Mutant proteins fell into three groups: those that bound CD81 and conferred HCVpp infectivity, those that abrogated both CD81 binding and HCVpp infectivity, and a final group containing mutants that were able to bind CD81 but were noninfectious in the HCVpp assay. Specific amino acids conserved across all genotypes that were critical for CD81 binding were W420, Y527, W529, G530, and D535. These data significantly increase our understanding of the CD81 receptor-E2 binding process.  相似文献   

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