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The effect of Ca2+ on steroid production was examined in electropermeabilized bovine adrenal zona glomerulosa and fasciculata cells. The cells were superfused with a medium mimicking cytosolic ionic content but deprived of Ca2+. The permeabilized glomerulosa cells produced aldosterone at a low basal rate. Upon addition of NADP+ to the medium, a transient and concentration-dependent (EC50 = 6 microM) peak of aldosterone production occurred. When the superfusion medium was supplemented with buffered Ca2+ at submicromolar concentrations, a concentration-dependent and sustained increase of aldosterone output was observed. The maximal response (2-3 times the basal secretion rate) was achieved with 1-2 microM ambient free Ca2+, and the EC50 for Ca2+ was 0.5 microM. The continuous presence of NADP+ was found to be necessary for a Ca2+ effect. The Ca2+-induced aldosterone response was entirely blocked by ruthenium red (1 microM), an inhibitor of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake, and by W-7 (5 microM), a calmodulin inhibitor. Qualitatively and quantitatively similar results were obtained for corticosterone production in adrenal fasciculata cells. These results show that permeabilized adrenal cortical cells retain the ability to produce steroids. Moreover, Ca2+ influx into the mitochondria and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent reactions appear to be critical steps in the activation of steroidogenesis. These studies provide a further direct link between cytosolic free calcium concentration and biological responses induced by steroidogenic, calcium-mobilizing stimulators in the adrenal cortex.  相似文献   

In isolated bovine adrenal zona fasciculata cells, the use of adenosine deaminase to remove endogenous adenosine had no effect on basal or angiotensin II-stimulated steroidogenesis but enhanced ACTH1-24-stimulated steroidogenesis over the entire dose response range without appreciable change in potency of ACTH1-24. 8-Phenyl-theophylline, an adenosine antagonist, mimicked all of the actions of adenosine deaminase. High concentrations (greater than 1 microM) of N6-phenylisopropyl-adenosine (PIA) increased basal, angiotensin II and cyclic AMP-stimulated steroidogenesis, whilst inhibiting the ACTH1-24-stimulated condition. PIA also increased the potency of angiotensin II approx 20-fold. These observations are consistent with the possibility that adenosine exerts effects on two different signalling systems within zona fasciculata cells.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of serum and lipoproteins on the function of cultured adrenal cells from 115-127-day-old ovine fetuses and from newborn lambs. On day 1 of culture, corticosteroid output was similar in medium containing 2% horse serum or in serum-free medium, both for fetal and neonatal cells. However, on day 5, cells cultured in the absence of serum produced smaller amounts of these steroids than cells maintained in medium containing serum; the difference was more marked under ACTH1-24 stimulation. Conversely, cAMP production was never lower in the absence than in the presence of serum. When stimulated by ACTH1-24 on day 2 of culture, fetal or neonatal adrenal cells incubated in the presence of a saturating concentration of ovine LDL produced more corticosteroids than cells incubated in serum-free medium; HDL also enhanced ACTH1-24-induced steroidogenesis, but to a lesser extent. VLDL was effective only with neonatal cells. In fetal and neonatal cells cultured for 6 days in ACTH-free medium, VLDL and LDL increased ACTH-induced steroidogenesis, but HDL did not. On the other hand, when cells were cultured in the presence of ACTH1-24, LDL and HDL were equipotent in supporting ACTH1-24-induced steroid output. Three major lipoprotein fractions were observed in serum of fetal and newborn lambs. The concentration of cholesterol was very low in the VLDL fraction of fetuses, but it was similar to that of newborns in LDL. Conversely, 4 times more cholesterol was present in HDL of newborns than in HDL of fetuses. These results suggest that: (i) after several days of cell culture, cholesterol availability is an important limiting factor for the steroidogenesis of cells maintained under serum-free conditions; (ii) both an "LDL pathway" and an "HDL pathway" are operating in adrenal cells from fetal as well as newborn sheep; (iii) LDL and HDL are important physiological sources of cholesterol to support steroidogenesis by fetal and neonatal adrenal cells.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of peptides derived from the non-ACTH part of proopiomelanocortin (POMC), of met-enkephalin and of forskolin, alone or in combination with ACTH-(1-24), on the development of the ability of ovine fetal adrenal cells to produce both cAMP and corticosteroids in culture. N-POMC-(1-61) amide, gamma 2-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) and gamma 3-MSH behaved similarly in our system: 1) they increased slightly corticosterone (B) and cortisol (F) production without modification of cAMP output when added alone to the incubation medium, but this effect was observed only after 3 days in culture; 2) they potentiated the steroidogenic response to 10(-11) M ACTH-(1-24) but again only from Day 3 onwards; and 3) a 5-day treatment with the peptides induced fetal adrenal cell maturation resulting in the same enhancement of the B + F production stimulated by 10(-8) M ACTH-(1-24) without modification of the response in both cAMP and pregnenolone (P5). N-POMC-(1-80) and beta-lipotropic hormone (LPH) shared several common features in that, 1) the stimulation of B + F production by each of them alone was always significant and higher than that obtained with the other POMC-derived peptides [except ACTH-(1-24]; 2) they did not potentiate the steroidogenic action of 10(-11) M ACTH-(1-24); and 3) when cells were cultured in their presence for 5 days it resulted in an enhancement of the response to ACTH-(1-24), not only in B + F production but also in cAMP and P5 outputs. No effect of met-enkephalin was observed. The development of cAMP and B + F responses to ACTH-(1-24) provoked by forskolin was very close to that induced by the hormone itself, but forskolin, as opposed to ACTH-(1-24), was unable to induce a desensitization of the cAMP response. These data show that N-POMC-derived peptides can potentiate the acute steroidogenic activity of ACTH-(1-24) on ovine fetal adrenal cells after several days in culture.  相似文献   

The possible influence of an activator of protein kinase C, the tumor-promoting phorbol ester, PMA (phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate), upon small bovine luteal cell steroidogenesis was investigated in vitro, PMA had no significant effect on basal and dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP)-stimulated progesterone production but markedly modulated the LH-stimulated progesterone and cAMP productions. PMA potentiated the LH-stimulated cAMP accumulation whatever the dose of LH used. It also potentiated the LH-induced progesterone production in the presence of low doses of LH. Paradoxically, in the presence of maximal or submaximal effective doses of LH, PMA exerted a time- and dose-dependent inhibition of progesterone synthesis. Diacylglycerol was able to mimic the effects of PMA on LH-induced steroidogenesis. These observations suggest that the Ca2+- and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase C can modulate the regulation by LH of small bovine luteal cell steroidogenesis at a step before the synthesis of cAMP. They also suggest that the interaction between LH and its receptor is able to trigger a negative regulatory signal which would be only expressed for high doses of LH and in the presence of an activator of PKC.  相似文献   

The plant lectins, concanavalin A (conA), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulate steroidogenesis in cultured adrenal tumor cells. ConA maximally stimulated steroidogenesis at 100 μg/ml following an approximate 4 h lag phase. ConA stimulation was completely inhibited by α-methyl-d-mannopyranoside and the WGA effect was prevented by N-acetyl-d-glucosamine. It was also found that conA alone did not cause a measurable increase in either intra- or extracellular cyclic adenosine 3′5′-monophosphate (cAMP) production. In addition, conA when added simultaneously with adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) doubled the intra- and extracellular cAMP production over controls treated with ACTH alone. This enhancement effect was dose dependent. When Y-1 cells were preincubated with conA and then treated with either ACTH or cholera enterotoxin (CT) there was a dose- and time-dependent inhibition of induced cAMP production. In the case of CT, the inhibitory effect occurred even with simultaneous addition of conA and CT. This effect was reversed by addition of both α-methyl-d-mannopyranoside and washing with Eagle's minimal essential medium (MEM) 1 h after CT had bound to its receptor. This reversal was not apparent for the inhibitory effect of conA on ACTH-induced cAMP production which occurred after 2 h of preincubation with conA. These results demonstrate that conA, as well as the other plant lectins, interact with specific membrane receptors to reversibly stimulate steroid production as well as enhancing or inhibiting ligand-induced cAMP production in cultured adrenal tumor cells.  相似文献   

Normal human pituitaries were extracted in boiling water and acetic acid, and the alpha-amidated peptide products of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha MSH), gamma-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (gamma 1MSH), and amidated hinge peptide (HP-N), as well as their glycine-extended precursors, were characterized by sequence-specific radioimmunoassays, gel-chromatography, h.p.l.c. and amino acid sequencing. alpha MSH and gamma 1MSH constituted 0.27-1.32% and 0.10-5.10%, respectively, of the POMC-derived products [calculated as the sum of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-(1-39), ACTH-(1-14) and alpha MSH immunoreactivity]. alpha MSH and ACTH-(1-14) were only present in non- or mono-acetylated forms. Only large forms of gamma 1MSH and gamma 2MSH were present in partly glycosylated states. The hinge peptides were amidated to an extent two to three orders of magnitude greater than alpha MSH and gamma 1MSH. Most (99%) of the HP-N was of low molecular mass and consisted mainly of HP-N-30. The remaining part was high-molecular-mass HP-N, probably HP-N-108, although the presence of HP-N-44 could not be completely excluded. These results show that all the possible amidated POMC-related peptides are present in normal human pituitary. It also shows that cleavage in vivo at all dibasic amino acids but one, takes place at the N-terminal POMC region; the exception is at the POMC-(49-50) N-terminal of the gamma MSH sequence. The pattern of peptides produced suggests that the generation of amidated peptides is mainly regulated at the endopeptidase level.  相似文献   

Harmer SC  Bicknell AB 《Peptides》2005,26(10):1944-1951
Alpha-, beta- and gamma-melanocyte stimulating hormones (MSHs) are peptides derived from the ACTH precursor, pro-opiomelanocortin. All three peptides have been highly conserved throughout evolution but their exact biological function in mammals is still largely obscure. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in alpha-MSH and its role in the regulation of feeding. Gamma-MSH by contrast has been shown to be involved in the regulation of adrenal steroidogenesis and also has effects on the cardiovascular and renal systems. This review will provide an overview of the role that gamma-MSH peptides play in the regulation of adrenal steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

In a primary culture of bovine adrenal zona glomerulosa cells, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I)/somatomedin C stimulated DNA synthesis, as measured by [3H] thymidine uptake, at concentrations of 10(-9) and 10(-7) M. IGF-I also prevented ACTH-induced suppression of [3H] thymidine uptake. IGF-I in no way affected aldosterone secretion during short-term exposure to cultured cells, however. Our findings suggest that IGF-I plays an important role in the proliferation of adrenal zona glomerulosa cells.  相似文献   

In a sensitive ACTH bioassay system using isolated rat adrenal cells, we tested the effect of gamma-MSH related peptides on ACTH-induced steroidogenesis. Peptides, including synthetic gamma1-, gamma2-, gamma3- and Lys-gamma3-MSH, exerted no effect in augmenting ACTH-induced steroidogenesis. None of the 16 kilodalton fragment of ACTH/beta-lipotropin precursor and its cleaved fragment had such an activity. The results are in contrast with previous reports concerning ACTH-potentiating activity of gamma-MSH related peptides and, therefore, indicate the necessity of further investigation of the principle involved in this unique biological activity.  相似文献   

Effects of prostaglandins on adrenal steroidogenesis in the rat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To elucidate the role of prostaglandins in adrenal steroidogenesis, we studied aldosterone and corticosterone responses to 3 x 10(-8) M--3 x 10(-4) M of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha), prostacyclin (PGI2), and arachidonic acid (AA) in collagenase dispersed rat adrenal capsular and decapsular cells. Whereas adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and angiotensin II (AII) stimulated aldosterone production in capsular cells and ACTH stimulated corticosterone production in decapsular cells in a dose dependent fashion, aldosterone and corticosterone production were not stimulated significantly by PGE2, PGF2 alpha, PGI2, and AA. Although preincubation of dispersed adrenal cells with indomethacin (3 x 10(-5) M) markedly inhibited PGE2 synthesis, ACTH- and AII-stimulated aldosterone production and ACTH-stimulated corticosterone production were not attenuated despite prostaglandin blockade. These results indicate that prostaglandins are unlikely to play an important role in adrenal steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

The effects of cyproterone acetate (CA) on steroidogenesis in isolated guinea-pig adrenal cells have been investigated by measuring the production of cortisol, its immediate precursors (11-deoxycortisol and 17-hydroxyprogesterone), and adrenal androgens (delta 4-androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone). Used at a dose of 2 micrograms/ml, CA provoked a sharp drop in the production of cortisol, aldosterone and 11-deoxycortisol. By contrast, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, delta 4-androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone were increased, which suggests that 21-hydroxylase activity is inhibited. With concentrations above 2 micrograms/ml CA, it would seem to be the 3-beta-ol-dehydrogenase-delta 4,5-isomerase complex that is affected, since dehydroepiandrosterone exhibited a sudden increase, whereas 17-hydroxyprogesterone and delta 4-androstenedione showed a relative decrease. The enzymatic system or systems involved therefore appear to be linked to the concentration of CA used but, whatever the case, the drop in cortisol production is accompanied by a decrease in aldosterone and an increase in adrenal androgen levels.  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of prostaglandins in adrenal steroidogenesis, we studied aldosterone and corticosterone responses to
of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), prostaglandin F (PGF), prostacyclin (PGI2), and arachidonic acid (AA) in collagenase dispersed rat adrenal capsular and decapsular cells. Whereas adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and angiotensin II (AII) stimulated aldosterone production in capsular cells and ACTH stimulated corticosterone production in decapsular cells in a dose dependent fashion, aldosterone and corticosterone production were not stimulated significantly by PGE2, PGF, PGI2, and AA. Although preincubation of dispersed adrenal cells with indomethacin ( ) markedly inhibited PGE2 synthesis, ACTH- and AII-stimulated aldosterone production and ACTH-stimulated corticosterone production were not attenuated despite prostaglandin blockade. These results indicate that prostaglandins are unlikely to play an important role in adrenal steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

Des-, mono-, and diacetylated melanotropin (des-, mono-, and di-Ac MSH, respectively) were compared for their dose-related effects on content of adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cAMP) and tyrosinase activity in the Cloudman S91 mouse melanoma tumor. Des-Ac MSH was more potent than the acetylated forms of MSH at increasing cellular levels of cAMP; mono- and di-Ac MSHs, however, were more potent than des-Ac MSH at elevating the activity of the enzyme, tyrosinase. Lysine-gamma1 MSH, a melanotropin from the amino terminus of pro-opiomelanocortin, exhibited slight stimulatory effects on tyrosinase and these actions were less than additive to those of mono-Ac MSH. Unlike their actions on amphibian skin-darkening or in mammalian behavior, neither beta-endorphin1-31 nor its derivatives, N-Ac-beta-endorphin1-27 or beta-endorphin30-31 (glycylglutamine), exhibited any influence on tyrosinase activity evoked by mono-Ac MSH in the tumor cells.  相似文献   

Tributyltin, an environmental pollutant, affected adrenal steroid hormone biosynthesis by two modes of action. Treatment of bovine adrenal cultured cells with 10-100 nM tributyltin for 48 h suppressed cortisol and androstenedione secretion, but induced the accumulation of 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and deoxycortisol, indicating that the P450(C21) and P450(11beta) activities were specifically suppressed. Direct inhibition of the enzymatic activities due to tributyltin was not observed in isolated organelles of untreated cells at concentrations less than 10 microM. Western blotting experiments using specific antibodies against steroidogenic enzymes showed that treatment with 1-100 nM tributyltin caused a decrease in cellular P450(C21) and P450(11beta) protein levels, and real-time PCR experiments showed that the decrease in protein content was attributable to decreases in mRNA of the enzymes. Tributyltin at concentrations higher than 100 nM suppressed all steroid biosynthesis in the adrenal cells. This suppression was closely correlated to the decrease in steroidogenic acute regulatory protein. Since nanomolar concentrations of tributyltin disturbed steroidogenesis in mammalian cells, there is the possibility that steroid hormone synthesis in polluted wild animals is affected by this compound.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine was found t acutely stimulate cortisol production by bovine fasciculata adrenocortical cell suspensions. This effect was maximal at 10?4 M acetylcholine concentration, resulted in a 5-fold increase in cortisol production over the control after 1 h incubation, and represented about one fifth of the ACTH maximal stimulation under the same conditions. Acetylcholine-stimulated steroidogenesis was concentration-dependent (10?8–10?5 M), propotional to the cell numbe (5 · 105–2 · 106) and reached a plateau after 30 min incubation. Use of various cholinergic specific agonists and antagonists showed that thet steroidogenic action of acetylcholine was a typical muscarinic effect. This character is in agreement with the previously demonstrated presence of muscarinic receptors in bovine adrenocortical tissue. The steroidogenic effect of acetylcholine required the presence of extracellular calcium in the medium and was impaired upon addition of tetracaine and procaine. No change in cyclic AMP nor cyclic GMP levels could be detected in the system under acetylcholine stimulation. Acetylcholine appeared to exhibit a synergistic in combination with ACTH, and exogenous cyclic AMP; these observations suggest a different mechanism of action for acetylcholine and ACTH and point to a possible cholinergic participation in the regulation of adrenocortical differentiated functions in vivo.  相似文献   

Adrenal glucocorticoid synthesis is stimulated by ACTH or its nitrophenylsulphenyl derivative, NPS-ACTH. Acute stimulation of steroid hormone biosynthesis is highly dependent on the expression of steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein. To determine the regulatory mechanism of StAR expression in bovine fasciculata/reticularis cells, we analyzed the second messenger systems involved in StAR protein expression using cultured cells activated by ACTH and NPS-ACTH. We concluded that cAMP is not the essential second messenger for StAR protein expression, since NPS-ACTH activated StAR protein expression more than ACTH without increase in cellular cAMP. A 15-lipoxygenase metabolite(s) of arachidonic acid stimulated steroidogenesis without increase in StAR protein expression, since AA-861, a lipoxygenase inhibitor, inhibited steroidogenesis without affecting StAR protein expression. Stimulation of StAR protein expression and the corresponding increase in the steroidogenesis were inhibited by nicardipine in cells treated with ACTH or NPS-ACTH. These data indicate that the dominant second messenger for the stimulation of StAR protein expression is Ca2+. Calmodulin-dependent kinase II inhibitors KN-93 and KN-62 suppressed steroidogenic activity without affecting StAR expression. The protein kinase C inhibitor Ro 31-8220 did not show any effects on StAR expression and steroidogenesis. Calmodulin-dependent kinase II and protein kinase C can therefore be concluded not to be involved in StAR protein expression in bovine cells.  相似文献   

Control of steroidogenesis in small and large bovine luteal cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evidence was cited to show that: (1) prostacyclin (PGI2) plays a luteotrophic role in the bovine corpus luteum and that products of the lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism, especially 5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid play luteolytic roles; (2) oxytocin of luteal cell origin plays a role in development, and possibly in regression, of the bovine corpus luteum; and (3) luteal cells arise from two sources; the characteristic small luteal cells at all stages of the oestrous cycle and pregnancy are of theca cell origin; the large cells are of granulosa cell origin early in the cycle, but a population of theca-derived large cells appears later in the cycle. Results of in vitro studies with total dispersed cells and essentially pure preparations of large and small luteal cells indicate that: (1) the recently described Ca2+-polyphosphoinositol-protein kinase C second messenger system is involved in progesterone synthesis in the bovine corpus luteum; (2) activation of protein kinase C is stimulatory to progesterone synthesis in the small luteal cells; (3) activation of protein kinase C has no effect on progesterone synthesis in the large luteal cells; and (4) protein kinase C exerts its luteotrophic effect in total cell preparations, in part at least, by stimulating the production of prostacyclin. The protein kinase C system may cause down regulation of LH receptors in the large cells.  相似文献   

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