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The Middle Miocene climatic cooling (MCC) is a global event recorded synchronously in the marine and continental realms by several geo- and bioindicators around 15-13.5 Ma. The temporal distribution of European plants and ectothermic vertebrates indicates a similar response to the MCC around 15-13.5 Ma. According to the existing correlations of the European mammalian biochronological time scale to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS), a cenogram analysis revealed an important reorganisation of the Middle Miocene European terrestrial mammalian faunas that seems to take place later, around 11.5-11 Ma. This discrepancy between the timing of faunal changes can be solved by considering the recent biochronological and magnetostratigraphic data leading to reinterpretations of the debated ages of several Middle Miocene localities that need to be placed before the MCC event.  相似文献   

Wadi Moghara, Egypt, is an early Miocene fossil locality with a mammalian fauna that includes Prohylobates tandyi, one of the earliest known representatives of the Cercopithecoidea. Faunal correlations were conducted between Moghara, Gebel Zelten (Libya) and a series of East African fossil sites with established radiometric dates in order to estimate the age of the Moghara mammals, including P. tandyi. Results confirm hypotheses proposed in some previous studies that: (1) Moghara is about 18-17 Ma, approximately the same age as the Hiwegi fauna from Rusinga Island (Kenya); (2) Moghara is slightly older than Gebel Zelten (Libya) (17-15 Ma); and (3) the cercopithecoid tooth presently identified as Victoriapithecus sp. from Napak V (ca. 19 Ma) is currently the oldest known record of a fossil Old World monkey, followed by P. tandyi from Moghara (Egypt) (18-17 Ma) and Prohylobates sp. from Buluk (Kenya) (>17.2 Ma), P. simonsi from Gebel Zelten (Libya) (ca. 17-15 Ma), and V. macinnesi from Maboko (Kenya) (ca. 16-14.7 Ma).  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(7):825-836
The Latest Miocene succession of the Baccinello-Cinigiano Basin in southern Tuscany (Italy) recorded a faunal turnover documenting the extinction of an older, insular, endemic faunal complex characterised by the extinct ape Oreopithecus bambolii and the setting of a new, continental, European faunal complex including the colobine monkey Mesopithecus. A similar turnover pattern (Late Miocene ape/Latest Miocene Cercopithecidae) is generally observed in Late Miocene continental successions of Eurasia, from Spain to central Europe, Southwest Europe, the near East, and Southwest Asia. Abundant literature reports that the Late Miocene Eurasian hominoid primate distribution closely tracks the climatic/environmental changes occurring during the 12–9 Ma interval, until their extinction in western Europe. In the primate record, the dispersion of Cercopithecidae and the contraction of hominids is interpreted as an event depicting a pattern of “continentalisation” in the Old World. The sedimentary succession of the Baccinello-Cinigiano basin, one of the longest continuous vertebrate-bearing continental successions in the Neogene Italian record, contributes to the debate on this hypothesis. This paper provides an overview of the main characteristics of the sedimentary succession, the chronological constraints (biochronology, radiometric datings, magnetostratigraphy), and the palaeoenvironmental evolution as derived from palaeobiological approaches and from the study of stable carbon and oxygen isotope contents along the entire sedimentary succession. The 2 myr geological history of the Baccinello Cinigiano Basin, which documents the evolutionary history of Oreopithecus and associated faunas, does not have a direct relation with the event of the Messinian Salinity Crisis. The evolutionary history of Baccinello-Cinigiano Basin and its palaeontological record have been mainly driven by the regional tectonism and palaeogeographic changes that affected the northern Tyrrhenian regions in Late Miocene (Latest Tortonian–Messinian) times.  相似文献   

The Middle Awash paleontological study area, located in the Afar Rift of Ethiopia, has yielded fossils spanning the last six million years. The geology and geochronology of the Mio-Pliocene sites of the study area have been refined and a reliable chronostratigraphy has been established by 40Ar/39Ar radiometric dating. The latest Miocene Adu-Asa Formation is divided into four members distinguished from each other by silicic and basaltic tuff marker horizons, most of which are dated basaltic tuffs. Radiometric dating has constrained the age of the Adu-Asa Formation to between 5.2-5.8 Ma. These dates are also supported by paleomagnetic results and biochronology. More than 2,000 fossil specimens were collected from the Adu-Asa Formation between 1992 and 2000. These fossils document 64 mammalian species belonging to 32 genera, 23 families, and 8 orders. This assemblage includes a number of new taxa. Included in the assemblage are First and Last Appearance Datums (FADs and LADs) of some groups, including the earliest record of the hominid genus Ardipithecus. Most of the taxa indicate a predominance of mesic and wooded habitat during the deposition of the Adu-Asa Formation. In these deposits, colobines, viverrids, mustelids, bovines, boselaphines, and tragelaphines are abundant, whereas alcelaphines are absent. Quantitative analyses of biogeographic relationships of the Middle Awash Late Miocene (MALM) mammalian fauna indicate stronger relationships with other African sites than with faunas from Eurasian sites. The MALM deposits have generated a critical dataset for analytic work on past environments, biogeographic relationships, and African vertebrate evolution. Moreover, the geographic position of the Middle Awash, coupled with its precise calibration and chronological span, make it a key section for interpreting latest Miocene faunal interchanges between Africa and Eurasia.  相似文献   

The time interval between 3 Ma and 2 Ma marks several important transitions in human evolution, including the extinction of Australopithecus afarensis, the origin of the genus Homo, and the appearance of concentrated stone tool assemblages forming recognizable archaeological sites. The period also marks important changes in Earth’s climatic history, with the onset of northern hemisphere glaciation starting sometime between 2.8 Ma and 2.5 Ma, and it remains an unresolved question in paleoanthropology whether or not the global climatic events influenced in whole or in part, local terrestrial paleoenvironments in Africa and, through this, the course of human evolution.Changes in the terrestrial mammalian faunas of East Africa during this time interval are an important source of data about terrestrial paleoenvironments, and it has been argued that during this time period the mammalian faunas of Africa experienced a sudden pulse in the extinction and origination of taxa. The data corroborating this Turnover Pulse Hypothesis derive from both large mammal and micromammal data, though the fossil record of the former is much more abundant in this interval. New micromammal fossils recovered from ca. 2.4 Ma deposits at locality A.L. 894, low in the Busidima Formation in the Hadar study area of the Afar region, Ethiopia, reveal a significant faunal turnover when compared with previously published material from older 3.2 Ma micromammal assemblages from the Hadar Formation deposits. The results support the hypothesis of a major faunal transition, but larger sample sizes and more extensive temporal sampling are needed to refine the time and rate of change within this interval at Hadar.  相似文献   

Recently a discussion is taking place about the Scontrone (l’Aquila) and Gargano (Apulia, Italy) mammal faunas and the age of their immigration. Mazza and Rustioni (2008) dated the Scontrone mammal fossils as Tortonian on the basis of their position in the Lithothamnium Limestone and came to the conclusion that some elements of the Scontrone and Gargano faunas must have colonised the area in Oligocene or Early Miocene times. Van den Hoek Ostende et al. (2009) disagreed with this interpretation and suggested a Late Miocene (10 Ma) age for the time of immigration. We think the arguments to place Scontrone in the Tortonian are not convincing. An analysis of the potential ancestors of each of the Gargano faunal components shows that a Messinian age for the immigration is fully compatible with the distribution of these ancestors in the European Miocene.  相似文献   

1931-1932年博格·步林在甘肃省西部塔奔布鲁克地区(又名党河地区,位于肃北县城西南)首次发现丰富的新生代哺乳动物化石。步林在塔奔布鲁克盆地中部燕丹图沟中找到三个小哺乳动物化石异常丰富的层位。三个层位紧靠在一起,其中产出的哺乳动物群被命名为燕丹图动物群。步林明确指出燕丹图动物群为晚渐新世。该动物群以后成为晚渐新世塔奔布鲁克哺乳动物期的典型动物群并沿用至今。  相似文献   

The Lesvos Petrified Forest (western Lesvos, Greece) has long been famous for its plant fossils. Recently, one proboscidean (from the Gavathas locality) and seven micromammalian species (from the Lapsarna locality) were described; these were the first animals to be found in the Early Miocene subtropical forest. For the first time, a fauna of gastropods and ectothermic vertebrates from the Lapsarna locality is now available. This fauna derives from lacustrine sediments under the pyroclastic material that contains the petrified plants. Based on fragmented mollusc remains, isolated fish pharyngeal teeth and utricular otoliths (lapilli), fragmented amphibian vertebrae and a tooth-bearing element, and reptile fragmented dentaries, teeth, osteoderms and vertebrae, the presence of eight freshwater and three terrestrial gastropod species, three freshwater cyprinid species, and two amphibian and five reptile taxa has been confirmed. Stratigraphical and radiometric data suggest an age older than 18.4 ± 0.5 Ma (latest Early Miocene), in good agreement with the faunal composition. This paper is the first report of the concurrent presence of three cyprinid fish species in a Greek Early Miocene locality, as well as the first documentation of an Early Miocene proteid amphibian in southeastern Europe. The present findings represent one of the best-documented Early Miocene gastropod and fish faunas in the Aegean/southern Balkans, thus adding to our knowledge of Early Miocene amphibians and reptiles from that region and providing valuable information on the local subtropical ecosystem.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse the diversity dynamics of Miocene mammalian faunas in the Iberian Peninsula in order to determine whether the patterns are related to the dispersal of taxa from other areas into this region. Location Mainly the Iberian Peninsula, but two close geographical areas (Central Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean) are also considered in some of our calculations. Methods Genus‐level faunal lists for a total of 299 localities from the Iberian Peninsula, covering 10 successive biochronological units [Mammal Neogene (MN) zones] that span from the latest Early Miocene to the early Pliocene (about 17–4 Ma), were compiled. The dataset was expanded with a further 331 localities in Central Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean for the same time span. Next, a taxonomically standardized database was used to create composite faunal lists of micro‐ and macromammalian genera present during each MN zone. Separate genera‐by‐MN‐zone matrices for both micro‐ and macromammals were built for each region. Mean standing diversity as well as origination and extinction rates were calculated for the Iberian Peninsula, and their correlation with preservation rates is discussed. Simpson’s coefficient of faunal similarity with Central Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean was calculated in order to evaluate whether diversity patterns were related to changes in the affinity of the Iberian mammalian faunas with those of other regions. Results Diversity changes in the Iberian macromammalian faunas coincide with periods of increased faunal similarity with other regions, suggesting a relationship to the expansions and contractions of the geographical ranges of the constituent taxa. This pattern is not recognized for micromammals; that is, their diversity trends are not related to changes in geographical ranges. Main conclusions Climatic shifts result in expansions or contractions in the geographical ranges of macromammals, owing to changes in the distribution of their preferred habitats. The lower dispersal ability of micromammals results in a higher extinction risk when habitat fragmentation confines their populations to relatively small environmental patches. Hence, they are more severely affected by climatic changes. Our results thus emphasize the role of climatic forcing in mammalian biogeography and diversity.  相似文献   

The Whistler Squat Quarry (TMM 41372) of the lower Devil’s Graveyard Formation in Trans-Pecos Texas is a middle Eocene fossil locality attributed to Uintan biochronological zone Ui1b. Specimens from the Whistler Squat Quarry were collected immediately above a volcanic tuff with prior K/Ar ages ranging from ∼47–50 Ma and below a tuff previously dated to ∼44 Ma. New 40Ar/39Ar analyses of both of the original tuff samples provide statistically indistinguishable ages of 44.88±0.04 Ma for the lower tuff and 45.04±0.10 Ma for the upper tuff. These dates are compatible with magnetically reversed sediments at the site attributable to C20r (43.505–45.942 Ma) and a stratigraphic position above a basalt dated to 46.80 Ma. Our reanalysis of mammalian specimens from the Whistler Squat Quarry and a stratigraphically equivalent locality significantly revises their faunal lists, confirms the early Uintan designation for the sites, and highlights several biogeographic and biochronological differences when compared to stratotypes in the Bridger and Uinta Formations. Previous suggestions of regional endemism in the early Uintan are supported by the recognition of six endemic taxa (26% of mammalian taxa) from the Whistler Squat Quarry alone, including three new taxa. The revised faunal list for the Whistler Squat Quarry also extends the biostratigraphic ranges of nine non-endemic mammalian taxa to Ui1b.  相似文献   

Fifty-eight species of elongate, cylindrical benthic foraminifera (here referred to as the Extinction Group) belonging to genera that became extinct during the mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition (MPT), were documented (~ 50 kyr resolution) through the early middle Miocene (15–13 Ma) in two sites on opposite sides of the subtropical Pacific Ocean (ODP Sites 1146, South China Sea; ODP Site 1237, southeast Pacific). The study was undertaken to investigate the response of the Extinction Group (Ext. Gp) to the major cooling during the middle Miocene Climate Transition (MCT) to look for clues that might explain the causes of the extinction during the glacials of the mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition. Ext. Gp faunal differences between the two sites (attributed to regional and bathymetric differences in food supply to the seafloor) are greater than those that occurred through the 2 myr time span at either site. The middle Miocene Climate Transition was not an interval of enhanced species turnover or a decline in Ext. Gp abundance, in contrast to the major extinctions that occurred during the mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition. Distinct changes in the composition of the Ext. Gp faunas did occur through this time (more pronounced in Site 1237). At both sites the pre-middle Miocene Climate Transition faunas were transformed into their post-middle Miocene Climate Transition composition during the period of major cooling (14.0–13.7 Ma). During this transition interval the faunal composition swung back and forth between the two end member faunas. These faunal changes are attributed to changes in productivity (decrease in South China Sea, increase in southeast Pacific), brought about by major changes in global climate and continental aridity.  相似文献   

The authors of this note met to discuss the chronology of certain Miocene biologic events and their implications concerning palaeogeographic reconstructions. Two topics in particular were examined. The first was that the collision of the Afro-Arabian Plate into mainland Asia appears to have had a gradual effect on the mammalian and marine faunas. The marine evidence suggests a progressive diminution in exchanges between the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean from the Chattian/Aquitanian boundary onwards (Adams et alii 1983) whereas the continental mammalian faunas do not indicate the occurrence of faunal interchanges prior to the Burdigalian. The period between 18 and 20 Ma seems to be the key moment for the establishment of intercontinental pathways permitting faunal exchanges between the two land masses.The second subject examined concerned the «Hippariondatum. Analysis of available geochronological evidence and biostratigraphical correlations do not confirm the date of 12.5 Ma attributed to the earliest known Mediterranean Hipparions. On the contrary, it seems that the radiometric dates obtained from tuffs at Höwenegg (Germany) and Bou Hanifia (Algeria) on which this early date was founded, are not closely associated with the fossils they purport to date. New radiometric dates allied with magneto- and biostratigraphy allow us to suggest an age about 11.5 Ma to the earliest records of Hipparion in Europe and North Africa.  相似文献   

The arrival of hipparionine horses in the eastern Mediterranean region around 11 Ma was traditionally thought to mark the simultaneous westward expansion of savanna vegetation across Eurasia. However, recent paleoecological reconstructions based on tooth wear, carbon isotopes, and functional morphology indicate that grasses played a minor role in Late Miocene ecosystems of the eastern Mediterranean, which were more likely dry woodlands or forests. The scarcity of grass macrofossils and pollen in Miocene floras of Europe and Asia Minor has been used to support this interpretation. Based on the combined evidence, it has therefore been suggested that Late Miocene ungulate faunal change in the eastern Mediterranean signals increased aridity and landscape openness, but not necessarily the development of grass-dominated habitats.

To shed new light on the Miocene evolution of eastern Mediterranean ecosystems, we used phytolith assemblages preserved in direct association with faunas as a proxy for paleovegetation structure (grassland vs. forest). We extracted phytoliths and other biogenic silica from sediment samples from well-known Early to Late Miocene ( 20–7 Ma) faunal localities in Greece, Turkey, and Iran. In addition, a Middle Eocene sample from Turkey yielded phytoliths and served as a baseline comparison for vegetation inference.

Phytolith analysis showed that the Middle Eocene assemblage consists of abundant grass phytoliths (grass silica short cells) interpreted as deriving from bambusoid grasses, as well as diverse forest indicator phytoliths from dicotyledonous angiosperms and palms, pointing to the presence of a woodland or forest with abundant bamboos. In contrast, the Miocene assemblages are dominated by diverse silica short cells typical of pooid open-habitat grasses. Forest indicator phytoliths are also present, but are rare in the Late Miocene (9–7 Ma) assemblages. Our analysis of the Miocene grass community composition is consistent with evidence from stable carbon isotopes from paleosols and ungulate tooth enamel, showing that C4 grasses were rare in the Mediterranean throughout the Miocene. These data indicate that relatively open habitats had become common in Turkey and surrounding areas by at least the Early Miocene ( 20 Ma), > 7 million years before hipparionine horses reached Europe and arid conditions ensued, as judged by faunal data.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(8):487-497
The Middle Miocene Muruyur Formation (ca 14.5 Ma), Tugen Hills, Kenya, has yielded a huge creodont and a variety of carnivores ranging in size from mongoose-sized viverrids and herpestids to lion-sized amphicyonids. The fauna partly fills what used to be a major gap in our knowledge of Neogene African carnivores, spanning the period between the better known Early Miocene assemblages of western Kenya and eastern Uganda, and the Late Miocene and Plio–Pleistocene faunas of East Africa. Present in the deposits are Megistotherium, two species of Hecubides, one species of Agnotherium, Herpestes, Vishnuictis, and one or two undetermined felids.  相似文献   

Pre-Aptian mid-Mesozoic terrestrial vertebrates from the African continent are still very poorly known. In Niger, the Tiouaren Formation in the Iullemmeden Basin has yielded dinosaur and other vertebrate remains, and this unit has been dated as Early Cretaceous, most probably pre-Aptian, on the basis of its fish fauna and geological relations to other units in the basin. A review of the fish fauna and invertebrates from this formation does not provide any evidence for such an age, and the geological relations only help to constrain the upper limit for the age of the formation (Aptian). In contrast, the described dinosaur taxa are phylogenetically nested with late Middle Jurassic to Early Late Jurassic taxa from other localities, and thus indicate a pre-Kimmeridgian, probably late Middle Jurassic age for the Tiouaren Formation. Under the assumption of such an age, the dinosaur fauna of this formation provides new insights into dinosaur faunal provincialism during the latest Middle Jurassic. Northern Gondwanan faunas of that time seem to have been different from southern Gondwanan faunas, and show closer affinities to Eurasian faunas than to the latter. A possible explanation for this might be a climatically controlled geographic barrier due to pronounced arid conditions and thus desert environments in central Gondwana during this time.  相似文献   

During the 1998–2003 field seasons of the Uganda Palaeontology Expedition, dental remains of three catarrhine species were recovered from Moroto II, Uganda. Micromammals from the locality indicate a late Early Miocene to basal Middle Miocene (ca 17.5–17 Ma) age, younger than Rusinga (17.8 Ma), but similar in age to Buluk (17.2 Ma) and Kalodirr (17.2 Ma). This paper describes and interprets new catarrhines from the site, one of which is a victoriapithecid monkey, the second a new genus and species of small-bodied ape, and the third a large hominoid. A fourth species collected in the 1960's is attibuted to Afropithecus turkanensis. To cite this article: M. Pickford et al., C. R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

Miocene to Pleistocene fossiliferous sediments in the Tugen Hills span the time period from at least 15.5 Ma to 0.25 Ma, including time periods unknown or little known elsewhere in Africa. Consequently, the Tugen Hills deposits hold the potential to inform us about crucial phylogenetic events in African faunal evolution and about long-term environmental change. Among the specimens collected from this region are a number of discoveries already important to the understanding of primate evolution. Here, we describe additional cercopithecoid material from the Miocene deposits in the Tugen Hills sequence, including those from securely dated sites in the Muruyur Beds (16-13.4 Ma), the Mpesida Beds (7-6.2 Ma) and the Lukeino Formation (∼6.2-5.7 Ma). We also evaluate previously described material from the Ngorora Formation (13-8.8 Ma). Identified taxa include Victoriapithecidae gen. et sp. indet., cf. Parapapio lothagamensis, and at least two colobines. Specimens attributed to cf. Pp. lothagamensis would extend the species’ geographic range beyond its type locality. In addition, we describe specimens sharing derived characters with modern African colobines (Tribe: Colobina), a finding that is congruent with previous molecular estimates of colobine divergence dates. These colobine specimens represent some of the earliest known members of the modern African colobine radiation and, in contrast to previous hypotheses, suggest that early African colobines were mainly arboreal and that semi-terrestrial Late Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene colobine taxa were secondarily derived in their locomotor adaptations.  相似文献   

自 2 0世纪 60年代 ,陕西蓝田地区就以连续的晚新生代地层及丰富的哺乳动物化石而成为研究中国晚新生代哺乳动物与地层划分对比的经典地区之一。李传夔等 ( 1 984)根据灞河组发现的哺乳动物化石建立了灞河期 ,并与欧洲的Vallesian期对比。邱占祥等( 1 990 ,1 995)认为化石证据不充分 ,而将其与保德期合并。近年来 ,黄土高原三趾马红粘土大量的年代学资料表明 ,红粘土沉积最早可能开始于约 8Ma前。因此 ,狭义的保德期可能只代表了晚中新世晚期 ,晚中新世哺乳动物分期的再划分问题又重新被提出。自 1 997年以来 ,我们课题组在蓝田地区共发现 52个化石地点 ,其中的 2 6个含有哺乳动物化石 ,大哺乳动物化石标本共计 1 666件。经过详细野外地层测量 ,绘制了综合地层剖面 ,并将主要含哺乳动物化石的地点对比标定到综合地层剖面上。经过对各门类化石的初步研究 ,以及对已有化石材料的初步修订 ,到目前为止 ,陕西蓝田灞河组共计发现哺乳动物化石 45种 ,蓝田组 2 0种。新的化石证据表明 ,灞河组发现的哺乳动物化石组合完全不同于典型意义上的保德三趾马动物群。大哺乳动物化石以灞河三趾马与贾氏三趾马为代表 ,牛科化石组合在种级甚至属级上有明显的区别。大量的陕西转角羚羊 ,小型的Protoryx、Dorcadoryx以及Ga  相似文献   

Before the formation of the Central American Isthmus, there was a Central American Peninsula. Here we show that southern Central America existed as a peninsula as early as 19 Ma, based on new lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and strontium chemostratigraphic analyses of the formations exposed along the Gaillard Cut of the Panama Canal. Land mammals found in the Miocene Cucaracha Formation have similar body sizes to conspecific taxa in North America, indicating that there existed a terrestrial connection with North America that allowed gene flow between populations during this time. How long did this peninsula last? The answer hinges on the outcome of a stratigraphic dispute: To wit, is the terrestrial Cucaracha Formation older or younger than the marine La Boca Formation? Previous stratigraphic studies of the Panama Canal Basin have suggested that the Cucaracha Formation lies stratigraphically between the shallow-marine Culebra Formation and the shallow-to-upper-bathyal La Boca Formation, the latter containing the Emperador Limestone. If the La Boca Formation is younger than the Cucaracha Formation, as many think, then the peninsula was short-lived (1–2 m.y.), having been submerged in part by the transgression represented by the overlying La Boca Formation. On the other hand, our data support the view that the La Boca Formation is older than the Cucaracha Formation. Strontium dating shows that the La Boca Formation is older (23.07 to 20.62 Ma) than both the Culebra (19.83–19.12 Ma) and Cucaracha (Hemingfordian to Barstovian North American Land Mammal Ages; 19–14 Ma) formations. The Emperador Limestone is also older (21.24–20.99 Ma) than the Culebra and Cucaracha formations. What has been called the “La Boca Formation” (with the Emperador Limestone), is re-interpreted here as being the lower part of the Culebra Formation. Our new data sets demonstrate that the main axis of the volcanic arc in southern Central America more than likely existed as a peninsula connected to northern Central America and North America for much of the Miocene, which has profound implications for our understanding of the tectonic, climatic, oceanographic and biogeographic history related to the formation of the Isthmus of Panama.  相似文献   

Recent studies of mammal faunas from the Vienna and Pannonian Basins—in particular the assemblage from Kohfidisch in Burgenland (Austria)—provide new data on the faunal turnover at the Vallesian—Turolian transition. They demonstrated a considerable influence of the faunal exchanges between Greco-Iranian, Eastern European and Central European faunal provinces on renewal of mammal communities in Central Europe, particularly at MN10/MN11 boundary around 8.7 Ma. Five new comers from the Balkano-Iranian region (Gazella aff. pigrimi, ?Nisidorcas, Tragoportax gaudryi, Protoryx and Palaeoryx) coexisted in the Early Turolian of Central Europe with the Middle Miocene autochthonous (Orygotherium, Dorcatherium naui, Micromeryx, Euprox, Amphiprox anocerus and Miotragocerus pannoniae) and Late Miocene invaders from Eastern Europe (Procapreolus and Cervavitus). Dispersal events were close related to palaeoenvironmental and climatic changes.  相似文献   

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