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The range and extent of nature conservation interests on land owned by the National Trust are reviewed and the high level of protection which can be afforded to such features is stressed. Some of the threats to such interests are examined and possible conflicts between management for nature conservation and for other Trust objectives are considered. The importance of survey and monitoring are emphasized. It is argued that nature conservationists need to adopt a view of plant communities which recognises their dynamic nature and which accepts the possibility of change. Evidence is reviewed which supports the non-equilibrium state of some communities, the impact of rare events and the importance of life history phenomena. Some possible future directions of nature conservation in the Trust are discussed.  相似文献   

英国城市自然保护   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
D.A.Goode 《生态学报》1990,10(1):96-108

The National Trust is of paramount importance in the conservation of butterflies in the UK on account of the scale of its land holding and its ability to manage habitats beneficially. Fifty two of the fifty four species currently regarded as resident in Britain occur on Trust land. The Trust has major responsibilities for the conservation of all bar one of the British rarities, and is of special significance in the conservation of the high brown fritillary and heath fritillary, two protected species. The Trust owns some 35 areas (many of which are large) of national importance for butterflies, plus much other property where the butterfly fauna is of regional importance. The Trust is implementing many dynamic projects aimed at conserving rare species, maintains a butterfly site data base and is developing a butterfly population monitoring programme. It is well placed to address the key issue of butterfly conservation on a metapopulation scale. To do this, it must work in partnership with other conservation organizations.  相似文献   

Stock grazing is essential in many habitats owned by the National Trust if their nature conservation interests are to be maintained or enhanced. In this review, the benefits of grazing cattle, sheep and other livestock in different habitat types are described, together with constraints imposed by tenancy agreements and difficulties in obtaining the most appropriate animal. The majority of upland heaths, calcareous grasslands and lowland/coastal heaths on Trust land are being grazed satisfactorily. However, the nature conservation interest of parklands is currently being eroded in part because of inappropriate grazing regimes. It is argued that the best use of stock in the future is in extensive grazing regimes.  相似文献   

深圳福田红树林鸟类自然保护区管理策略初探   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
位于深圳经济特区的福田红树林鸟类自然保护区,是城市边缘一块不可多得的生物多样性宝地。面对经济建设的快速发展和市区的不断扩张,福田自然保护区正承受着来自各方面的巨大压力。如何在积极推动保护区立法的同时,通过开放式生物多样性保护管理,主动参与地方经济建设,实现与周边社区、地方政府和各相关社会利益集团结成合作伙伴关系,是本文探讨的重点。  相似文献   

何思源  苏杨  闵庆文 《生态学报》2019,39(4):1318-1329
作为生态文明制度改革的具体实现方式和前沿阵地,国家公园体制建设旨在对我国多样化的保护地体系进行重组管理,实现高效合理的国土空间规划、自然资本的保护和全民公益。研究对我国自然保护区和风景名胜区这两类法定保护地的边界和区划的理论基础和实践的技术手段的发展进行梳理,并对我国国家公园体制试点进展进行总结。在此基础上提出,中国国家公园在保护地个体的边界和内部分区上应以实现保护目标为原则,借鉴自然保护区功能分区的基本原则,根据管理目标细化功能分区,借鉴风景名胜区规划实践,注重景观价值,考虑社会经济条件特别是土地权属及土地开发利用可能和方式,进而考虑气候变化和区域长期发展目标等自然和社会经济动态,形成完整的边界和分区理论体系,从而满足全民公益,实现社区经济发展。在区划理论上,一个可行的切入点是考虑空间上生态系统服务功能的差异,根据实现保护目标的管理需求和满足社区生计发展的利用需求,在土地权属和其他限制条件上实现不同组合的生态系统服务功能的空间规划,利用保护地役权来分离土地所有权、使用权和收益权,限制特定土地利用方式,进行利益相关方资源利用管理。  相似文献   

中国生物多样性就地保护的研究与实践   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
马建章  戎可  程鲲 《生物多样性》2012,20(5):551-558
中国是世界上生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,但面临着较大的生态衰退风险。中国生物多样性受到的威胁来自包括人口众多、经济发展模式单一落后、工业化进程加快、气候变化和外来物种入侵等多种因素。生物多样性的就地保护对于维护国家生态安全具有重要意义,同时也是中国可持续发展的需要。本文就中国生物多样性就地保护的研究成果和保护成就进行了回顾,提出了未来应该着重加强的研究领域。中国生物多样性的就地保护研究与实践主要集中在生物多样性资源调查、濒危物种管理和自然保护区建设等方面。中国政府在生物多样性就地保护领域开展了大量卓有成效的工作,发布实施了一系列的保护行动规划,不断提高了生物多样性的保护水平。中国的生物多样性就地保护经过了由数量发展到质量发展的阶段后,未来的研究重点应该集中在生物多样性形成与维持机制、生物多样性受胁原因与响应机制、生物多样性长期监测与评估、自然保护区有效管理和自然保护区立法等方面。  相似文献   

Two conservation strategies have been put in place in Europe to address precipitous population declines of wading birds that breed on lowland wet grasslands. These are site protection and agri‐environment schemes (AESs) and the two are rarely compared, or their synergy assessed. Increasingly, efforts to recover populations of previously widespread species follow a landscape‐scale approach whereby habitat improvement takes place at key sites through partially overlapping protected area management and AESs. To investigate whether site protection and AESs improve the conservation status of breeding waders and how these interact, we partially repeated a 2002 survey of breeding waders on protected areas (nature reserves and Sites of Special Scientific Interest) and sites with wader‐specific AES options in England in 2009 and 2010. We then assessed the individual and combined effects of these delivery mechanisms on field occupancy, breeding density and population change of four species of declining wader (Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago, Eurasian Curlew Arquata numenius and Common Redshank Tringa totanus). Although results for Curlew differed from the other species, in general field occupancy was positively influenced by conservation delivery mechanisms, with the highest occupancy and breeding densities on land where site protection was combined with wader‐specific AES options. Field occupancy varied between different types of AES, with higher occupancy associated with higher‐level options in fields, particularly those on nature reserves. Outside nature reserves, the history of AES management did not influence wader populations, but within nature reserves and on fields that gained AES management between 2002 and 2009–2010, populations of Curlew and Snipe were more likely to have persisted and population change in Snipe and Lapwing was more positive. We conclude that the conservation of breeding waders will be most effective when site protection and AES management are combined on the same land. Using limited AES money to support management for breeding waders on, around and between the existing network of protected sites will protect remaining populations while presenting opportunities for population expansion in future.  相似文献   

自然保护区学说与麦克阿瑟-威尔逊理论   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
邬建国 《生态学报》1990,10(2):187-191
全球正两临着一场物种灭绝的大危机,自然保护己成为人类面临的重大课题,自然保护区的建立是减缓物种灭绝速率、保护生物多样性的重要途径。岛屿生物地理学为自然保护区理论的产生起了重要的作用。然而,许多研究表明,该学科尚未成熟,尤其在自然保护区方面的应用颇为有限,无疑,现代自然保护区理论应是多学科研究的综合产物。本文概述了岛屿生物地理学的基本内容及其在自然保护方面的影响,并对种群脆性分析和景观生态学途径在自然保护区理论中的作用进行讨论。  相似文献   

Human livelihood needs and nature conservation often contradict. Yet, healthy ecosystems are crucial for human livelihood quality. The semi-arid regions of East Africa suffer under demographic pressure and soil depletion. Ecosystem degradation becomes particularly visible along rivers in semiarid regions of south-east Kenya, where former pristine riparian forests have been transformed into agricultural fields and settlements with negative effects on ecosystem services. In this study, we aim to understand how local smallholders perceive the challenges for the riparian ecosystems and what factors affect their engagement in environmental conservation. We surveyed about 200 farmers and performed expert interviews with representatives from governmental institutions from the field of land- and resource management along Nzeeu River in south-east Kenya. We assessed the level of education, land use practices, environmental knowledge, attitudes and the willingness to contribute to nature conservation. We tested for spatial bias to understand smallholders’ perceptions on environmental challenges. Our data show that land division due to inheritance is not perceived as a problem by the farmers. However, owners holding?<?1 ha of land property are less willing to spare some of their land for conservation, as opposed to those holding land plots above this size. Despite a high level of general willingness to conserve ecosystems, our data underline that local people hardly actively engage in conservation action. Furthermore, our data indicate a communication gap between local smallholders and regional governmental officers as well as overconfidence in mass media through the radio which can contradict successful adoption of pro-environment behavior. Sustainable land management in our study area is not a matter of education, but depends from the size of land property. There is an urgent need to bridge this communication gap, as a prerequisite to improve sustainable land management.  相似文献   

建立自然保护区是对生物多样性及其生境最直接、最有效的保护措施,构建一套科学、完整的国家级自然保护区保护成效评估指标体系,对促进国家级自然保护区的有效管理和宏观决策具有重要的意义。截止2014年3月,我国已建立407个国家级自然保护区,其中野生动物类型105个。尽管国家已投入大量的人力、物力和财力,但目前仍不清楚这些国家级自然保护区的保护成效如何,故很有必要对国家级自然保护区保护成效开展评估。基于保护目标物种,以10a为时间尺度,采用集成分析法、专家咨询法和示范研究法,率先构建了我国候鸟类型国家级自然保护区(第一保护对象为候鸟的野生动物类型国家级自然保护区)保护成效评估框架和指标体系,并用层次分析法(AHP)法对指标进行赋分。评估框架包含1个目标层、2个系统层(生态有效性评估,分值占60%;管理有效性评估,分值占40%)、9个因素层、36个指标层,另增加人为影响赋分区(-12分—+8分)。其中,生态有效性评估包含代表性、适宜性、稀有性、多样性、完整性共5个因素层及15个指标层;管理有效性评估包含管理对象、管理行动、管理保障、管理效果共4个因素层及21个指标层。为进一步验证与完善评估指标体系的科学性和可操作性,我们以青海湖国家级自然保护区和湖南东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区为案例进行了研究。结果表明:该评估指标体系具有良好的科学性和可操作性。近10年,青海湖国家级自然保护区在针对保护目标物种种群动态与生境的科研监测、宣传教育、野外巡护、社区共管方面的保护成效较好,但快速发展的生态旅游对候鸟的活动造成了一定的影响,建议加强生态旅游管理;湖南东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区在针对候鸟的宣传教育、野外巡护方面的保护成效较好,但土地管理权属的混乱使候鸟的生境遭到一定的破坏,建议进一步争取土地所有权和落实管理权,并通过发展生态旅游来提高当地居民收入,达到减少人为影响与恢复候鸟生境的目的。  相似文献   

马克明  白雪 《生物多样性》2006,14(3):265-273
生物保护研究已经从保护生物学发展到保护生态学,在社会经济因素对自然保护影响日益广泛深刻的今天,我们应该更加主动地从经济学角度进行生物多样性保护。建立自然保护区是生物多样性就地保护的重要措施之一。目前的自然保护区管理研究基本上是以生物学和生态学为主,缺乏系统的经济学考虑,导致一些自然保护区的管理效果不理想,可持续性受到威胁。本文在回顾生物保护的相关经济学研究的同时,提出保护经济学的概念和研究框架,以期为自然保护区的经济管理提供一种新思路,为管理部门的保护投资决策提供支持。  相似文献   

Summary For the 70% of New Zealand under private ownership, native biodiversity conservation has to occur within a landscape that must also provide a productive return to land owners. Recent New Zealand legislation, especially the Resource Management Act 1991, promotes sustainable management on private land by allowing for the economic and cultural well-being of local communities while providing for the protection of natural resources including native biodiversity. We suggest that, to effectively conserve native biodiversity in rural landscapes, we need to consider four key issues: (i) what might be realistic goals for native biodiversity conservation; (ii) how might we better arrange different land uses to meet both native biodiversity and production goals; (iii) what is the optimum arrangement of native biodiversity; and (iv) how native biodiversity conservation can improve productive returns to land managers. Options to enhance native biodiversity conservation include a variety of incentives (e.g. management agreements, financial incentives and regulatory systems) and onsite management options (e.g. remnant management, restoration plantings, weed and pest control, use of native species for commercial and amenity purposes, use of exotic species to facilitate native biodiversity). The importance of taking a landscape-based rather than a paddock-based approach to management is emphasized.  相似文献   

A preliminary analysis of the use by bats of National Trust properties revealed that all 14 resident species have been recorded. Comparison with a national database of records for Britain managed by English Nature (NCC Bat database) showed that the scarcer species are better represented roosting in buildings on Trust properties than in other buildings. In addition, survey of Trust properties has shown that a high proportion of buildings are used by bats. Bats provide unusual wildlife links between buildings, gardens and countryside through which the Trust can promote nature conservation, and resolve conflicts between building or landscape restoration and the bat habitat requirements. The role of the County Bat Groups in survey and promotion of bats on Trust properties is becoming increasingly important, especially if we are able to identify key properties for bats.  相似文献   

With the single exception of Norfolk, the Conservation Trust movement originated in the spate of conservation developments following the Second World War. After a hesitant start it grew rapidly after 1960 and covered the whole of Britian within a few years. At the same time the Royal Society for Nature Conservation (formerly the Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves) became the national association of the Trusts, a role which it has increasingly developed. The movement also enjoyed from the outset the support and encouragement of the Nature Conservancy. Intensification of land use in the post-war years caused increasing loss of sites of scientific interest, and the Trusts concentrated their efforts on establishing and managing nature reserves. Their policies and achievements in this respect are described. Increasingly, however, they have sought to influence land use planning and practices in the interests of conservation in the wider countryside and in the urban environment. They have also continued to expand their equally important role in promoting the understanding and enjoyment of nature and the advancement of conservation as a community concern.  相似文献   

In 1986 the paths of two men crossed – one who had started a Trust fund to purchase land for conservation and the other who was looking for land to test his hunches about forest regeneration. The two joined forces and the subsequent 30 years saw a growth in both the Trust and the forest such that today it is a 1,500 ha regrowth rainforest with a network of indefatigable supporters.  相似文献   

Abstract. A landscape-based characterization of vegetation has been developed for southwestern California using satellite imagery, air photos, existing vegetation maps, and field data. Distribution maps of nine dominant coastal scrub species and 13 species assemblages that were identified by divisive information analysis have been analyzed to quantify spatial patterns of species co-occurrence. Three general distribution patterns are identified that suggest the Diegan, Ventaran and Riversidian Associations identified by other workers. Vegetation data have also been related to land ownership and management to assess the conservation status of upland plant communities. A large proportion of the mapped distribution of species and vegetation types is on private land, and several taxa show less than 4 % of mapped distribution in nature reserves. The analysis highlights the need to extend current conservation planning efforts into the northern part of the region to encompass areas where Salvia leucophylla is a frequent community dominant.  相似文献   

Buffer zones around reserves are often suggested, but have rarely been evaluated. We examined their design for small forest reserves (5–225 ha), where buffer zones (200 m wide) would protect the reserves and reduce negative edge effects. The potential buffer zones could be partly protected, but remain as private land. Alternatively, the state may buy land outside reserves (to be included in reserves). To consider opinions of forest owners, we interviewed 33 private forest owners in potential buffer zones of reserves. The respondents were weakly positive to conservation, but disliked a state reserve on their land, or a buffer zone where 50% of the forest would be protected without compensation; however, with compensation the majority of them were neutral or positive to such a buffer zone. In a choice between buffer zone or reserve bought by the state, the great majority of the respondents chose the buffer zone (compensation paid, land still private). We found no relationships between opinions of respondents and conservation values of their forests (densities of old and dead trees), but older owners had forests of higher value. The forest in the potential buffer zones had higher conservation value than other non-protected forests in southern Sweden. Thus, buffer zones may be valuable, and we suggest they are created in cooperation with local residents where this is possible.  相似文献   

程绍文  张捷  徐菲菲 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6487-6494
居民的自然保护态度对自然旅游地的自然保护与旅游可持续发展至关重要,自然旅游地居民自然保护态度的影响因子及影响方式,已经成为自然旅游地管理的重要内容,但相关研究薄弱。以中国九寨沟和英国新森林国家公园(New Forest National Park,NF)为例,根据实地问卷调查数据,从两地居民的人口属性、旅游环保期望、旅游环境影响感知及旅游环境伦理观与其自然保护态度关系的角度,进行定量比较研究。研究发现:(1)两地居民的自然保护态度受不同因子的影响,存在明显的中外差异;(2)人口属性特征如性别、年龄、居住年限、教育水平及旅游业参与情况对新森林国家公园社区居民的自然保护态度没有影响;但性别、旅游业参与情况却影响九寨沟居民的自然保护态度,女性及旅游业参与者更支持对九寨沟进行自然保护;(3)新森林国家公园居民的自然保护态度受其旅游环保期望及旅游环境伦理观的影响:旅游环保期望较高、持保护主义环境伦理观的新森林国家公园居民,更有可能支持对新森林国家公园进行自然保护;(4)九寨沟居民的自然保护态度不受其旅游环保期望及旅游环境伦理的影响,但受其旅游环境影响感知的影响;居民的旅游环境影响感知越消极,越支持对九寨沟进行自然保护。  相似文献   

建立自然保护区是生物多样性保护的根本措施, 而且自然保护区对减缓和适应气候变化具有重要的作用。生物多样性保护的压力在气候变化的胁迫下不断加剧, 因此, 有效的自然保护区管理必须考虑气候变化的影响。发展应对气候变化威胁的适应性管理技术以提高自然保护区管理有效性是自然保护区管理的迫切需求。但目前全球范围内还没有针对减缓和适应气候变化的自然保护区管理有效性评估工具。近半个世纪来广西气温持续升高且极端气候事件频次增加, 对广西各类生物生境产生了重要的影响。本文基于世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)的自然保护区减缓和适应气候变化管理框架和管理有效性评估框架, 在管理有效性跟踪工具(mangement effectiveness tracking tool, METT)基础上提出了自然保护区减缓和适应气候变化管理有效性评估工具(management effectiveness assessment tool of mitigation and adaptation on climate change, MEATMACC), 并使用该工具和METT对广西12个典型自然保护区进行了调查分析。结果表明: 国家级自然保护区的METT得分、MEATMACC得分分别比非国家级自然保护区高28.98%和43.91%; 国家级与非国家级自然保护区的METT得分无显著差异, 但MEATMACC得分差异极显著; 两个管理有效性评估工具得分率呈线性相关但差异不显著; 两个评估工具中背景、规划与影响3个要素得分率存在极显著差异。研究结果表明, 对于自然保护区减缓和适应气候变化的政策和技术支持仍需加强。  相似文献   

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