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The surface features of seed coat, hilum and strophiole, histologicalaspects of hilum and strophiole, and mechanism of seed dormancyinVigna minima, V. umbellata, V. dalzelliana and V. calcarataauct. pi. have been investigated. Scanning electron microscopyhas revealed a substantial variability in seed coat microtopography,hilum and strophiole, which is of taxonomic and evolutionarysignificance. The histology of the hilum is uniform in all fourtaxa, but the structure of the strophiole shows differencesbetween wild and cultivated species. All four taxa have hardseeds; those ofV. umbellata have no dormancy but those of wildspecies have water-impermeable dormancy. Seed germination experimentsusing araldite-coated, and hilum-micropyle- and strophiole-pluggedhard seeds of V. umbellata and water-impermeable seeds of V.minima, which were pin-pricked through the strophiolar groove,demonstrate that the zone of weakness to the permeability ofwater in hard seeds of these species is the strophiolar region,and not the seed coat, hilum or micropyle. The parenchymatoustissue of the strophiolar plug in the seeds ofV. umbellataisassociated with the lack of dormancy, whereas the sclerenchymatoustissue of the strophiolar plug in the seeds ofV. minima is responsiblefor the water-impermeable seed dormancy. Under natural conditions,the water-impermeable dormancy of wild species breaks down asa result of the degradation of the hard seed coat, by microbialaction, at the strophiolar groove.  相似文献   

This paper presents the karyotype, DNA content and meiotic behaviourof five species ofViciafrom Argentina (V. macrogramineaBurk.,V.gramineaSM.,V. epetiolarisBurk.,V. pampicolaBurk. andV. nanaVog.).All the species have the same chromosome number and karyotypeformula (2n=14; 6m+4st+4t). Each species, however, displaysa characteristic number and position of the nucleolar organizerregion (NOR) and different sizes of the respective satellites,confirmed by Ag-NOR banding. Moreover, significant differenceswere found in the total chromosome volume (TCV) and DNA contentof the species. Positive correlations between DNA content andTCV, and between DNA content and type of life cycle were alsofound. TCV and DNA content are lower inV. nana(annual) and higherinV. macrograminea(biennial–perennial). The material displayedmarked karyotypic orthoselection, with similar karyotypes inall studied species, even when the overall chromosome size varied.Evolutionary changes in DNA amount are proportional to the relativelength of each chromosome arm, maintaining karyotypic uniformity.Significant differences were found between the meiotic behaviourofV. gramineaand that of the other species.V. gramineahas alower frequency of ring bivalents and chiasmata per cell, andalso has a lower interstitial chiasma frequency. In general,the results are congruent with the morphological data reportedfor these species.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company. Viciaspecies, karyotype, orthoselection, nuclear DNA content, NOR banding, meiotic behaviour.  相似文献   

The influence of bracteoles on the germination response of asalt marsh annual, Atriplex prostrata, and a salt desert perennial,A. griffithii, was determined. Attached bracteoles did not inhibitgermination of A. prostrata but completely inhibited germinationof A. griffithii seeds. Germination of seeds ofA. griffithiiwas also somewhat inhibited in the presence of detached bracteoles.The osmotic potential of dissolved substances in water-saturatedbracteoles was -4.8 ± 0.05 MPa for A. griffithii and-2.4 ± 0.15 MPa for A. prostrata. Ash content of bracteoleson a dry weight basis was 28.7 ± 0.37% for A. prostrataand 30.0 ± 0.29% for A. griffithii. The presence of relativelyhigh concentrations of dissolved salts in bracteoles may explainthe reduced germination of A. griffithii. Germination of seedsof the perennial A. griffithii may also be inhibited mechanicallyby the presence of persistent bracteoles, whereas the annualA. prostrata has ephemeral bracteoles that may serve to limitgermination in the autumn but are not present during the normalspring germination period. Bracteoles could affect the dispersalof seeds by water since some fruiting structures of A. griffithiiand A. prostrata are able to float in 1.0% NaCl solutions for5 and >30 d, respectively, compared with a maximum of 4 and3 d for seeds without bracteoles. Fruiting structures of A.prostrata floated for longer over a range of salinities thandid those ofA. griffithii ; this may play a significant rolein the dispersal of this salt marsh species. Copyright 2001Annals of Botany Company Atriplex, bracteoles, dispersal, flotation, germination, salinity, temperature  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Seed physiological dormancy (PD) limits the use and conservationof some of Queensland's (Qld) native forb species. It was hypothesisedthat optimum dormancy-alleviating treatments would reflect environmentalconditions that seeds experience in situ, and this premise wastested for PD seeds of four species native to south-west Qld. Methods: High temperatures and increased rainfall during summer are characteristicof this semi-arid tropical environment. Ex situ treatments weredesigned to mimic conditions that seeds dispersed in springexperience during the summer months before germinating in coolerautumn temperatures. Seeds received between 4 and 20 weeks ofa dry after-ripening (DAR), warm stratification or dry/wet cyclingtreatment (DAR interspersed with short periods of warm stratification),in darkness, before being transferred to germination test conditions.In addition, natural dormancy alleviation of one of the Goodeniaceaespecies was investigated in situ. Key Results: Dry/wet cycling resulted in higher levels of germination ofActinobole uliginosum (Asteraceae), Goodenia cycloptera andVelleia glabrata (Goodeniaceae) when compared with constantDAR or stratification, while Goodenia fascicularis (Goodeniaceae)responded better to short durations of warm stratification.Long durations of DAR partially alleviated PD of A. uliginosum;however, stratification induced and maintained dormancy of thisspecies. Modifications to the dry/wet cycling treatment andgermination test conditions based on data collected in situenabled germination of G. cycloptera and V. glabrata to be furtherimproved. Conclusions: Treatments designed using temperature, relative humidity andrainfall data for the period between natural seed dispersaland germination can successfully alleviate PD. Differences betweenthe four species in conditions that resulted in maximum germinationindicate that, in addition to responding to broad-scale climatepatterns, species may be adapted to particular microsites and/orseasonal conditions.  相似文献   

Nineteen accessions ofVigna luteola,five ofV. marinassp.oblonga,and two ofV. marinassp.marinawere analysed using variation ofisozymes and RAPD markers to obtain better insight into geneticrelationships within and between these taxonomic entities. Thirteenputative isozyme loci were scored, seven of which were polymorphic.Both species showed very low genetic diversity indices and mostof the variation was detected among populations. Pairwise Nei'sgenetic distances based on allozyme frequencies were also verylow and the accessions ofV. marinassp.marinawere the least relatedto the others. RAPD analysis was more discriminating and 66bands out of a total of 85 were polymorphic. Based on the presenceor absence of bands, Jaccard's similarity index was calculated.Similarity ranged from 0.476 to 0.98. Matrices derived fromboth isozyme and RAPD data were used to construct UPGMA dendrograms.In the tree obtained from Nei's genetic distance, based on allozymefrequencies, accessions belonging toV. marinassp.oblongaweremixed withV. luteolaaccessions; on the other hand, the twoV.marinassp.marinaclustered separately, with oneV. luteola.Thedendrogram derived from RAPD data showed three main groups correspondingto the three taxa analysed. Moreover, according to these data,V.marinassp.oblongais more closely related toV. luteolathan toV.marinassp.marina.Copyright 1997 Annals of Botany Company Vigna luteola(Jacq.) Benth.; Vigna marina(Burm.) Merrill; isozymes; RAPDs; genetic relationships; genetic variation  相似文献   

Shell shape and growth of two unionacean species, Villosa villosaand Elliptio icterina, are analyzed with univariate and multivariatetechniques. The relationship of shape variables to size variablesis examined. Under the lognormal assumption, parametric testsof these allometric relationships are valid. Variables describingthe ventro-posterior region of the shell are shown to be thebest of those tested for discriminating between the sexes ofboth species regardless of statistical method. Neither speciesexhibits size sexual dimorphism. Shape sexual dimorphism ofV. villosa is constant during adult growth, but the more subtledimorphism of E. icterina changes as adults continue to grow. (Received 20 January 1986;  相似文献   

A carrot gene homologous to the ABI3 gene of Arabidopsis wasisolated from a carrot somatic embryo cDNA library and designatedC-ABI3. The sequence of C-ABI3 was very similar to those ofABI3 of Arabidopsis and VP1 of maize in certain conserved regions.The expression of C-ABI3 was detected specifically in embryogeniccells, somatic embryos and developing seeds. Thus, expressionof C-ABI3 was limited to tissues that acquired desiccation tolerancein response to endogenous or exogenous abscisic acid (ABA).Endogenous levels of ABA in seeds increased transiently andthen desiccation of seeds started. The expression of C-ABI3in developing seeds was observed prior to the increase in levelsof endogenous ABA that was followed by desiccation of seeds.In transgenic mature leaves in which C-ABI3 was ectopicallyexpressed, expression of ECP31, ECP63 and ECP40 was inducedby treatment with ABA, which indicates that the expression ofECP genes was controlled by the pathway(s) that involved C-ABI3and ABA. This suggests that C-ABI3 has the same function asVP1/ABI3 factor in carrot somatic embryos. (Received March 4, 1998; Accepted September 4, 1998)  相似文献   

To analyse the status and phylogeny of the genusPhyllocladus,seedsof all seven species of the genus were studied. The complexof features of thePhyllocladusreproductive system point to theisolated position of the genus within the conifers. Relationswith Podocarpaceae s. l., Taxaceae s. l. and Cephalotaxaceaeappeared to be remote because a complex of features clearlydistinguishesPhyllocladusfrom the afore-mentioned taxa. We findit advisable to circumscribe the family Phyllocladaceae as Bessey(1907) did, and place it into the order Taxales Knobl. in Warming(1890). From investigations of the seeds it appears the genusPhyllocladusconsistsof seven species, forming five groups. There is a significanttendency for transformation of the female reproductive structureswithin the generic boundaries ofPhyllocladus—seeds, originallysolitary, tending to aggregate in various kinds of compact clusters.Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company PhyllocladusL. C. & A. Rich, ex Mirb., seed anatomy, seed morphology, systematics, phylogenetic relationships, Phyllocladaceae, Podocarpaceae s. str., Acmopyleaceae, Nageiaceae, Austrotaxaceae, Amentotaxaceae, Torreyaceae, Taxaceae, s. str., Cephalotaxaceae, Taxales.  相似文献   

Root tip mitotic and tapetal polytene cells ofVigna unguiculataandPhaseolus coccineus were hybridized with a ribosomal DNA(rDNA) probe. While the number of rDNA sites were as expectedforP. coccineus, it was surprisingly higher inV. unguiculatawhere ten rDNA sites were found in both tissues. A sequentialbanding technique on mitotic chromosomes ofV. unguiculata wasused to map the positions of the rDNA sites more accurately.In mitotic cells eight of the rDNA hybridization sites weresimilar in size while the remaining sites were smaller. In contrast,the hybridization sites were more variable in size in polytenecells with no more than six sites being relatively large. Thedifferences in size of the hybridization sites between the twotissues suggest differential amplification of the rDNA sequences.InP. coccineus six hybridization sites were found in both tissuetypes. The relative sizes of the sites were similar in bothtissue. The presence of speckled signal surrounding four ofthe six sites suggested that at least four of the rDNA siteswere transcribed. rDNA; in situ ; Vigna ; Phaseolus ; polytene; tapetal; Leguminosae  相似文献   

HICKS  P. J. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(3):335-343
Nutrient and salt (NaCI) levels were examined in fruits of twostrand species, Cakile maritima and Arctotheca populifolia,collected near Perth, Western Australia. Nutrient levels inseeds of C. maritima and achenes of A. populifolia were relativelyhigh when compared to those in seeds of Australian native speciesor introduced crop plants, despite the very low nutrient statusof the strand habitat. The high levels of organic and essentialinorganic nutrients in seeds would be of especial value in seedlingestablishment. The upper seed of the two-segmented fruit ofCakile was heavier than the lower seed, but both seeds had verysimilar levels of nutrients. Concentrations of N, P, and micronutrientswere very much higher in seeds of Cakile and Arctotheca thanin other parts of the fruit. Cakile leaves had similar levelsof N and P to seeds, but higher levels of micronutrients, especiallyNa and Cl. In Cakile, concentration ratios for Na levels inleaves, silicule and seeds were 359: 74: 1 respectively, thosefor Cl were 200: 30: 1, suggesting very restricted loading ofNa and Cl into the phloem stream destined for fruits, and selectiveuptake by developing embryos. Cakile seeds germinate within their fruit segments, and levelsof NaCl in recently-matured fruits would be high enough to suppressgermination. The top segment of the fruit had a higher concentrationof NaCl than the bottom, and it is likely that this is responsiblefor the lower germination of seeds within top segments. Theliterature on seed dormancy in Cakile is reviewed briefly, andit is concluded that salt levels in the fruit wall and strandsoil are the major determinants of dormancy in Cakile seeds. Cakile maritima, Arctotheca populifolia, germination, sodium chloride, mineral nutrient levels, micronutrients, macronutrients  相似文献   

The rate of change in dormancy level and light requirement,induced during stratification at 3.2 °C, was investigatedin seeds ofStellaria media, Cerastium fontanum, Veronica agrestisandTaraxacumofficinale.Two stratification environments, soil and wet filterpaper in petri-dishes, were used. On nine occasions during a6 week stratification period, germination was tested under threelight conditions at 3.5/18.5 °C: (1) darkness; (2) light;and (3) short-term light exposure followed by darkness. Priorto stratification, germination in all species was 89% in lightand 53% in darkness. Within 2 weeks of stratification, germinabilityinV. agrestisandS. mediaseeds decreased in all treatments. InC.fontanumandT. officinaleseeds, germinability also decreasedafter 2 weeks but only in the dark treatment, indicating inductionof a light requirement. After two more weeks of stratification,the induced dormancy inS. mediaseeds stratified in soil becameweaker and the light requirement inT. officinaleseeds was lost.Differences between the two stratification environments and/orinteractions between light conditions, stratification environmentsand time were found for all species. These results suggest that:(1) the dormancy level and the light requirement of seeds maychange dramatically over relatively short-time periods duringstratification; and (2) germinability depends on the stratificationenvironment experienced by the seeds. Predicting the dormancylevel or light requirement in a seed batch is difficult andrequires a thorough knowledge of the effect of the stratificationconditions used.Copyright 1997 Annals of Botany Company Burial; Cerastium fontanumBaumg.; chickweed; cold stratification; common mouse-ear; dandelion; dormancy; light requirement; seed; Stellaria media(L.) Vill.; speedwell; Taraxacum officinalegroup; Veronica agrestisL.; weed  相似文献   

The foraging behavior of a predator species is thought to bethe cause of short-term apparent competition among those preyspecies that share the predator. Short-term apparent competitionis the negative indirect effect that one prey species has onanother prey species via its effects on predator foraging behavior.In theory, the density-dependent foraging behavior of granivorousrodents and their preference for certain seeds are capable of inducing short-term apparent competition among seed species.In this study, I examined the foraging behavior of two heteromyidrodent species (family Heteromyidae), Merriam's kangaroo rats(Dipodomys merriami) and little pocket mice (Perognathus longimembris).In one experiment I tested the preferences of both rodent speciesfor the seeds of eight plant species. Both rodent species exhibiteddistinct but variable preferences for some seeds and avoidanceof others. However, the differences in preference appearedto have only an occasional effect on the strength of the short-term apparent competition detected in a field experiment. In anotherexperiment, I found that captive individuals of both rodentspecies had approximately equal foraging effort (i.e., timespent foraging) in patches that contained a highly preferredseed type (Oryzopsis hymenoides) regardless of seed density and the presence of a less preferred seed type (Astragalus cicer)in the patches. The rodents also harvested a large proportionof O. hymenoides seeds regardless of initial seed density;this precluded a negative indirect effect of A. cicer on O.hymenoides. But there was a negative indirect effect of O.hymenoides on A. cicer caused by rodents having a lower foragingeffort in patches that only contained A. cicer seeds than inpatches that contained A. cicer and O. hymenoides seeds. Theindirect interaction between O. hymenoides and A. cicer thusrepresented a case of short-term apparent competition thatwas non-reciprocal. Most importantly, it was caused by theforaging behavior of the rodents.  相似文献   

A morphological and anatomical study of fruits of 24 taxa ofLinaria Miller from south-west Spain has been made. Followingexamination of these species, by scanning electron and lightmicroscopy, five morphological types are established relatingto hair types, symmetry and dehiscence of capsules. A key tothe different species or groups of species is provided. Finally,dehiscence mechanisms are discussed briefly. Copyright 1999Annals of Botany Company Pericarp, hairs, dehiscence, SEM, Antirrhineae.  相似文献   

A quantitative cytochemical analysis of glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase activity of deeply dormant seeds of Avena fatuashowed that although the enzyme activity is present in mostcell types of the embryo and seed, it is only in the embryothat activity is increased on treatment with GA3 to break dormancy.This would appear to happen prior to any measurable embryonicaxis growth, and supports the idea that activation of the pentosephosphate pathway is an early event in dormancy break. A similar,though less marked, change occurred in less dormant seeds ofA. fatua, but could not be detected in dormant seeds of Lactucasaliva. Dry seeds of L. sativa and weakly dormant A. fatua containedtwice the activity seen in seeds imbibed with either water orGA3, indicating that this might be a marker of low levels ofdormancy. Avena fatua, Lactuca sativa, seeds, dormancy, pentose phosphate pathway, cytochemistry, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase  相似文献   

Patterns of crown spread and branch retention of two shade-intolerantspecies (Betula platyphyllaandB. maximowicziana) were comparedwith three more tolerant species (Quercus mongolica,Acer sieboldianumandMagnoliaobovata). Branching height (height of the lowest living branch)rose more rapidly with age for the twoBetulaspecies than forthe shade tolerant species. Branching heights ofA. sieboldianumandM.obovatawere similar, irrespective of tree height and age, andlarger trees tended to produce wider crowns than theBetulaspecieswhen trees of similar height were compared. In all species,the branch basal area (cross-sectional area of a branch at itsbase) and the leaf area per branch generally increased as thebranch position on a stem became lower. Therefore, retaininglarger branches contributed significantly to the support ofa larger leaf area per tree. The number of larger branches (branchbasal area >80 cm2) for bothBetulaspecies was significantlysmaller than that of the shade tolerant species. The branchretention pattern ofBetulaspecies was probably a consequenceof intolerance of the leaves to shade. The decline ofBetulaspecieswith forest succession is likely to occur through their inabilityto retain branches with a large base area in closed forests.Copyright1997 Annals of Botany Company Shade tolerance; crown spread; branch retention; branch size; broad-leaved woody species; leaf area index per tree  相似文献   

GEIS  J. W. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(5):1119-1129
Particulate biogenic opaline silica is concentrated in cellwalls, intercellular deposits and cell lumina of all portionsof the above-ground plant body of three species of PanicoidGramineae,Andropogon gerardi, Sorgastrum nutans and Panicumvirgatum. Morphologically distinct opal phytoliths form notonly in long cells, short cells, trichomes, stomatal elementsand bulliform cells of the epidermis but also within the cellularstructure of mesophyll, vascular, and sclerenchyma tissues.Roots and rhizomes contain measurable quantities of opalinesilica, and phytoliths develop in epidermal long cells, saddle-shapedshort cells, vascular cells, and intercellular deposits. A morphologicallyunique plate-phytolith, formed by silicification of the innertangential wall of the endodermis, is present in the roots ofall three species. Differences in the quantity of opaline silicaoccur between species and between parts of the same species.The amount of opal deposited in the soil annually by root systemsand above-ground parts is approximately equal in magnitud Andropogon gerardi, Sorgastrum nutans, Panicum virgatum, opaline silica deposition  相似文献   

Variation in fruit-set, cone crop, seed viability and seedlingvigour ofAbies pinsapoBoiss. were recorded at two differentstand densities during four consecutive years (1990–1993).In this period only two cone crops were observed (1991 and 1992).Extreme differences were found in response to density. In thelow density stand trees had a greater seed-cone production andfruit-set in each of the two crop years. Also, significant differenceswere recorded in the seed crop viability: in the low densityzone average seed viability was only 21% whereas in the highdensity one it was 82%. Other important differences such ascone size, number of seeds per cone and seedling vigour wererecorded at different densities. The results suggest that bothpollen availability and pollen origin in low density standsinfluence the frequency and quality of filled seeds. The resultshave practical implications for the management ofA. pinsapoforseed production and subsequent reforestation. Abies pinsapo; inbreeding; mating system; plant density; cone crop; seed viability; seedling vigour; Mediterranean fir  相似文献   

Seeds of eight species ofSilene s. str. in Korea were examined with a dissecting stereomicroscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to evaluate the systematic significance of seed coat microstructure. The seeds ofSilene s. str. were characterized by triangular or reniform shape, planed or concave dorsal surface in outline, tuberculate or colliculate testa, and sinuated cell margin. Based on the degree of grooves and invagination at dorsal surface, the seeds of the examined taxa ofSilene s. str. fall into two distinct groups: (I) dorsal grooves inconspicuous, surface planed (Silene jenisseensis andS. repens), (II) dorsal grooves conspicuous, surface concave (six remaining taxa). Within each group, seeds of all species may be further distinguished based on shape, size, and testa surface sculpturing. A key to the different species or groups of species is provided, and the systematic significance between/among the taxa is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

林氏果蝇线粒体DNA分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
温硕洋  谢力 《昆虫学报》1997,40(3):225-230
本文对Tamura(1988)提纯mtDNA的方法进行改进,建立了林氏果蝇Drosophila lini 线粒体DNA大量制备的方法;对采自原产地台湾省的单雌晶系TAW3146.1的线粒体DNA用10种限制性内切酶进行了酶切,得出了林氏果蝇mtDNA的分子量大小为16.3kb;用双酶切法制作了林氏果蝇线粒体DNA酶切图谱,并与属于同一复合种组的D.Kikkawai的酶切图谱进行比较。所用的内切酶有XbaI、AvaI、EcoRV、ScaI、SacI、EcoR I、HindIII、PvuⅡ、BamHI、PstⅡ。  相似文献   

The morphology of seeds and achenes of the British members ofthe Plantaginaceae has been examined. Keys to the identificationof seeds in the genera Plantago and Littorella are presented.Quantitative data on size and weight, as well as informationabout shape, colour and surface features of the seeds are givenfor: Plantago major L., P. media L., P. lanceolata L., P. martimaL., P. coronopus L., P. indica L., P. sempervirens Crantz, andLittorella uniflora (L.) Aschers. A representative sample ofeach seed is illustrated.  相似文献   

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