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Sets of sense and antisense P-element constructs controlled by a heat-shock-inducible promoter were tested for their ability to repress manifestations of P-element activity in vivo. As a group, the antisense constructs repressed pupal lethality, a somatic manifestation of P activity, and this repression was significantly enhanced by heat shock. Three of the 11 antisense constructs also repressed gonadal dysgenesis, a manifestation of P activity in the female germ line; however, none had any effect on P-element-mediated mutability in the male germ line. Among the 13 different heat-shock-inducible sense constructs that were tested, those containing the KP and DP elements were strong repressors of pupal lethality, gonadal dysgenesis and P-element-mediated mutability; however, individual lines carrying these constructs varied in their ability to repress each of these traits, presumably because of genomic position effects. With the exception of the sense construct that contained a complete P element, none of the sense or antisense constructs repressed a lacZ reporter gene driven by the P-element promoter. Overall, the experimental results suggest that in nature, P-element activity could be regulated by P-encoded polypeptides and by antisense P RNAs.  相似文献   

M. S. Jackson  D. M. Black    G. A. Dover 《Genetics》1988,120(4):1003-1013
Mobile P elements in Drosophila melanogaster cause hybrid dysgenesis if their mobility is not repressed. One type of repression, termed P cytotype, is a complex interaction between chromosomes carrying P elements and cytoplasm and is transmitted through the cytoplasm only of females. Another type of repression is found in worldwide M' strains that contain approximately 30 copies per individual of one particular P element deletion-derivative termed the KP element. This repression is transmitted equally through both sexes. In the present study we show that biparentally transmitted repression increases in magnitude together with a rapid increase in KP copy-number in genotypes starting with one or a few KP elements and no other deletion-derivatives. Such correlated increases in repression and KP number per genome occur only in the presence of complete P elements, supporting the interpretation that they are probably a consequence of the selective advantage enjoyed by flies carrying the highest numbers of KP elements. Analysis of Q strains also reveals the presence of qualitative differences in the way the repression of dysgenesis is transmitted. In general, Q strains not containing KP elements have the P cytotype mode of repression, whereas Q strains with KP elements transmit repression through both sexes. This difference among Q strains further supports the existence of at least two types of repression of P-induced hybrid dysgenesis in natural populations of D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

A Hybrid Dysgenesis Syndrome in Drosophila Virilis   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A new example of ``hybrid dysgenesis' has been demonstrated in the F(1) progeny of crosses between two different strains of Drosophila virilis. The dysgenic traits were observed only in hybrids obtained when wild-type females (of the Batumi strain 9 from Georgia, USSR) were crossed to males from a marker strain (the long-established laboratory strain, strain 160, carrying recessive markers on all its autosomes). The phenomena observed include high frequencies of male and female sterility, male recombination, chromosomal nondisjunction, transmission ratio distortion and the appearance of numerous visible mutations at different loci in the progeny of dysgenic crosses. The sterility demonstrated in the present study is similar to that of P-M dysgenesis in Drosophila melanogaster and apparently results from underdevelopment of the gonads in both sexes, this phenomenon being sensitive to developmental temperature. However, in contrast to the P-M and I-R dysgenic systems in D. melanogaster, in D. virilis the highest level of sterility (95-98%) occurs at 23-25°. Several of the mutations isolated from the progeny of dysgenic crosses (e.g., singed) proved to be unstable and reverted to wild type. We hypothesize that a mobile element (``Ulysses') which we have recently isolated from a dysgenically induced white eye mutation may be responsible for the phenomena observed.  相似文献   

Inbred lines derived from a strain called Sexi were analyzed for their abilities to repress P element-mediated gonadal dysgenesis. One line had high repression ability, four had intermediate ability and two had very low ability. The four intermediate lines also exhibited considerable within-line variation for this trait; furthermore, in at least two cases, this variation could not be attributed to recurring P element movement. Repression of gonadal dysgenesis in the hybrid offspring of all seven lines was due primarily to a maternal effect; there was no evidence for repression arising de novo in the hybrids themselves. In one of the lines, repression ability was inherited maternally, indicating the involvement of cytoplasmic factors. In three other lines, repression ability appeared to be determined by partially dominant or additive chromosomal factors; however, there was also evidence for a maternal effect that reduced the expression of these factors in at least two of the lines. In another line, repression ability seemed to be due to recessive chromosomal factors. All seven lines possessed numerous copies of a particular P element, called KP, which has been hypothesized to produce a polypeptide repressor of gonadal dysgenesis. This hypothesis, however, does not explain why the inbred Sexi lines varied so much in their repression abilities. It is suggested that some of this variation may be due to differences in the chromosomal position of the KP elements, or that other nonautonomous P elements are involved in the repression of hybrid dysgenesis in these lines.  相似文献   

S. B. Daniels  A. Chovnick    M. G. Kidwell 《Genetics》1989,121(2):281-291
The molecular and phenotypic analysis of several previously described P element-transformed lines of Drosophila simulans was extended in order to determine whether they had the potential to produce a syndrome of P-M hybrid dysgenesis analogous to the one in Drosophila melanogaster. The transformed line with the highest number of P elements at the beginning of the analysis, DsP pi-5C, developed strong P activity potential and P element regulation, properties characteristic of D. melanogaster P strains. The subsequent analysis of sublines derived from 34 single pair matings of DsP pi-5C revealed that they were heterogeneous with respect to both their P element complements and P activity potentials, but similar with respect to their regulatory capabilities. The subline with the highest P activity, DsP pi-5C-27, was subsequently used as a reference P strain in the genetic analysis of the D. simulans transformants. In these experiments, the reciprocal cross effect was observed with respect to both gonadal sterility and male recombination. As in D. melanogaster, the induction of gonadal sterility in D. simulans was shown to be temperature-dependent. Molecular analysis of DsP pi-5C-27 revealed that it has approximately 30 P elements per genome, at least some of which are defective. The number of potentially complete P elements in its genome is similar to the number in the D. melanogaster P strain, Harwich-77. Overall our analysis indicates that P-transformed lines of D. simulans are capable of expressing the major features of P-M hybrid dysgenesis previously demonstrated in D. melanogaster and that P elements appear to behave in a similar way in the two sibling species.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses involving chromosomes from seven inbred lines derived from a single M' strain were used to study the quantitative relationships between the incidence and severity of P-M hybrid dysgenesis and the number of genomic P elements. In four separate analyses, the mutability of snw, a P element-insertion mutation of the X-linked singed locus, was found to be inversely related to the number of autosomal P elements. Since snw mutability is caused by the action of the P transposase, this finding supports the hypothesis that genomic P elements titrate the transposase present within a cell. Other analyses demonstrated that autosomal transmission ratios were distorted by P element action. In these analyses, the amount of distortion against an autosome increased more or less linearly with the number of P elements carried by the autosome. Additional analyses showed that the magnitude of this distortion was reduced when a second P element-containing autosome was present in the genome. This reduction could adequately be explained by transposase titration; there was no evidence that it was due to repressor molecules binding to P elements and inhibiting their movement. The influence of genomic P elements on the incidence of gonadal dysgenesis was also investigated. Although no simple relationship between the number of P elements and the incidence of the trait could be discerned, it was clear that even a small number of elements could increase the incidence markedly. The failure to find a quantitative relationship between P element number and the incidence of gonadal dysgenesis probably reflects the complex etiology of this trait.  相似文献   

An inbred line of the M' strain Muller-5 Birmingham was studied for its abilities to affect P-M hybrid dysgenesis. This strain possesses 57 P elements, all of which are apparently defective in the production of the P transposase. In combination with transposase-producing elements, these nonautonomous elements can enhance or diminish the incidence of hybrid dysgenesis, depending on the trait that is studied. Dysgenic flies that have one or more paternally-derived chromosomes with these elements partially repress the instability of the P element insertion mutation, snw; however, such flies have elevated frequencies of another dysgenic trait, GD sterility, and also show distorted segregation ratios. An explanation is presented in which all of these phenomena are unified as manifestations of the kinetics of P element activation in the germ line. The progeny of Muller-5 Birmingham females exhibit partial repression of both snw instability and GD sterility. This repression appears to involve a factor that can be transmitted maternally through at least two generations. This mode of repression therefore conforms to the pattern of inheritance of the P cytotype, the condition that brings about nearly total repression of P element activity in some strains. Models in which this repression could arise from the nonautonomous P elements of Muller-5 Birmingham are discussed.  相似文献   

The mutagenic effect of low-dose gamma-irradiation was studied inDrosophila melanogaster systems of hybrid dysgenesis by estimating polytene chromosome rearrangements, recombination frequency, and viability at the embryonic and postembryonic developmental stages. A dose of gamma-irradiation which had no effect detectable by routine interstrain cross proved to significantly reduce the number of recombinants in the H–E and P–M systems and mortality at postembryonic stages. However, this combined effect was obtained if irradiation followed trasposition, i.e., it depended on the application sequence of the mutagenic factors. The reverse order of the mutagenic treatment led to summation of the effects: as compared to either control, the frequencies of the dominant lethal mutations as well as the larval and pupal mortality in F2 increased significantly (at the level of 99.9%). This allowed us to estimate the contribution of extremely low-dose gamma-irradiation into the mutagenic effect, which was impossible under routine conditions.  相似文献   

M. G. Kidwell  K. Kimura    D. M. Black 《Genetics》1988,119(4):815-828
P elements were introduced into M strain genomes by chromosomal contamination (transposition) from P strain chromosomes under conditions of P-M hybrid dysgenesis. A number of independently maintained contaminated lines were subsequently monitored for their ability to induce gonadal (GD) sterility in the progeny of reference crosses, over a period of 60 generations, in two experiments. The efficiency of chromosomal contamination was high; all tested lines acquired P elements following the association of M and P chromosomes in the same genome for a single generation. All the contaminated lines also sustained an initial unstable phase, marked by high frequencies of transposition and sterility within lines, in the absence of P element regulation. Subsequently, each of the lines rapidly evolved to one of three relatively stable strain types whose phenotypic and molecular properties correspond rather closely to those of the P, Q and M' strains that have previously been characterized. The numbers and structures of P elements and the presence or absence of P element regulation during the early generations appeared to be critical factors determining the subsequent course of evolution. On the basis of GD sterility frequencies, both the mean level of P activity, and the average capacity for P element regulation, were reduced in lines raised at 25 degrees, relative to those raised at 20 degrees, during the early generations. This latter result is consistent with the expectation that natural selection will tend to modify the manifestation of dysgenic traits, such as high temperature sterility, which cause a reduction of fitness. However, overall, stochastic factors appeared to predominate in determining the course of evolution of individual lines.  相似文献   

Individual P elements that were genetically isolated from wild-type strains were tested for their abilities to repress two aspects of hybrid dysgenesis: gonadal dysgenesis and mutability of a double-P element-insertion allele of the singed locus (sn(w)). These elements were also characterized by Southern blotting, polymerase chain reaction amplification and DNA sequencing. Three of the elements were 1.1-kb KP elements, one was a 1.2-kb element called D50, and one was a 0.5-kb element called SP. These three types of elements could encode polypeptides of 207, 204, and 14 amino acids, respectively. Gonadal dysgenesis was repressed by two of the KP elements (denoted KP(1) and KP(6)) and by SP, but not by the third KP element (KP(D)), nor by D50. Repression of gonadal dysgenesis was mediated by a maternal effect, or by a combination of zygotic and maternal effects generated by the P elements themselves. The mutability of sn(w) was repressed by the KP(1) and KP(6) elements, by D50 and by SP, but not by KP(D); however, the SP element repressed sn(w) mutability only when the transposase came from complete P elements and the D50 element repressed it only when the transposase came from the modified P element known as Δ2-3. In all cases, repression of sn(w) mutability appeared to be mediated by a zygotic effect of the isolated P element. Each of the isolated elements was also tested for its ability to suppress the phenotype of a P-insertion mutation of the vestigial locus (vg(21-3)). D50 was a moderate suppressor whereas SP and the three KP elements had little or no effect. These results indicate that each isolated P element had its own profile of repression and suppression abilities. It is suggested that these abilities may be mediated by P-encoded polypeptides or by antisense P RNAs initiated from external genomic promoters.  相似文献   

Epistasis in Measured Genotypes: Drosophila P-Element Insertions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A. G. Clark  L. Wang 《Genetics》1997,147(1):157-163
Transposon tagging provides an opportunity to construct large numbers of strains of organisms that differ by single insertional mutations. By scoring the phenotypes of these ``measured genotypes,' powerful tests of effects of mutations on phenotypic expression have been performed. Here we extend this approach by constructing with simple crosses all possible two-locus genotypes for each of eight pairs of P-element insertions. Analysis of metabolic phenotypes (fat and glycogen contents, enzyme activities, total protein, and body weight) of the resulting nine genotypes provides direct estimates of additive, dominance, and epistatic effects of the mutations. Nested two-way analysis of variance identified significant epistatic effects in 27% of the tests (35/128 of the trait X P-element combinations). Posterior contrasts were performed to partition the epistatic variance into the four orthogonal components of COCKERHAM, and the data exhibit a tendency toward additive X dominance and dominance X dominance epistasis. Mutations in this study have epistatic effects on metabolic traits that are on the same order of magnitude as main (additive and dominance) effects. Measured genotypes have been used in other contexts to quantify epistatic effects on phenotypic expression, and these results are also briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

The impact of hybrid dysgenesis on the chromosome structure of Drosophila melanogaster ovarian nurse cells was studied. In the examined lines and interlinear hybrids (including those yielded by dysgenic crosses in the P–M and I–R systems of hybrid dysgenesis), disturbed chromosome synapsis was revealed. The disturbance was somewhat similar to that observed in interspecific hybrids. Quantitative analysis showed that the mean frequency of nuclei with defective chromosome pairing ranged from 60.4 to 76%. FISH analysis of ovarian nurse chromosomes of Canton S × Berlin hybrids showed differences in the label localization in asynaptic homologs of arm 2L, which probably results in disrupted homolog pairing and reveal interlinear differences in localization of mobile genetic elements. Our results conform to Sved's model stating that hybrid dysgenesis is based on disorganization of the germline nuclear space.  相似文献   

Ogura K  Yamamoto MT 《Genetica》2003,119(3):229-235
The unstable white-S2 (wS2) allele of the white gene occurred spontaneously in the S2 strain of Drosophila simulans. This mutation was caused by insertion of the submariner element, a mariner-like element with an abnormal tandem duplication of the 5' inverted terminal repeat (ITR). Although it has an incomplete ITR, submariner excises efficiently. The rate of somatic reversion, estimated by the number of eye-color mosaic flies, was 79.9%, and the reversion frequency in the germline was 0.6%. The change to the 5' ITR contributes to make this transposon precise excision.  相似文献   

The Triplo-lethal locus (Tpl) is unique in its dosage sensitivity; no other locus in Drosophila has been identified that is lethal when present in three doses. Tpl is also haplo-lethal, and its function is still a mystery. Previous workers have found it nearly impossible to mutationally inactive Tpl other than by completely deleting the chromosomal region in which Tpl resides (83DE). We have utilized P-M hybrid dysgenesis in an effort to obtain new mutations of Tpl. We recovered 19 new duplications of Tpl, 15 hypomorphic mutations of Tpl (a previously rare class of mutation), and no null mutations. Surprisingly, 14 of the 15 hypomorphic alleles have no detectable P element sequences at the locus. The difficulty in recovering null mutations in Tpl suggests that it may be a complex locus, perhaps consisting of several genes with redundant functions. The relative ease with which we recovered hypomorphic alleles is in sharp contrast to previous attempts by others to mutagenize Tpl. A higher mutation rate with hybrid dysgenesis than with radiation or chemicals also suggests a peculiar genetic organization for the locus.  相似文献   

Torres FP  Fonte LF  Valente VL  Loreto EL 《Genetica》2006,126(1-2):101-110
The hobo transposable element can occur under three forms in the Drosophila genome: as a complete element (also called canonical), as internally deleted copies, or as hobo-related sequences (relics). Some evidence indicated that canonical elements and internally deleted copies are recent acquisitions of Drosophila genomes, while the “relics” are old components, normally degenerated and immobile. Here we present the characterization of a hobo-related sequence, found in the genome of a hypermutable strain of D. simulans, which insertion into the white locus raised a de novo white mutation. It is a shorter hobo related element presenting, overall, roughly 18% of divergence at the DNA level from the canonical hobo, with many indels that make clear this element is defective. However, its ITRs and flanking regions are extremely conserved. This is the first hobo “relic” showed to be mobilizable. We suggest, and point up some evidences, toward the idea that this sequence could have been mobilized by the canonical element. The presence of a similar “relic” element in D. sechellia allows us to suggest that these elements have been maintained mobilizable since the time of divergence between these species.  相似文献   

Wolbachia endosymbionts that are maternally inherited can spread rapidly in host populations through inducing sterility in uninfected females, but some Wolbachia infections do not influence host reproduction yet still persist. These infections are particularly interesting because they likely represent mutualistic endosymbionts, spreading by increasing host fitness. Here, we document such a spread in the wAu infection of Drosophila simulans. By establishing multiple replicate cage populations, we show that wAu consistently increased from an intermediate frequency to near fixation, representing an estimated fitness advantage of around 20% for infected females. The effective population size in the cages was estimated from SNP markers to be around a few thousand individuals, precluding large effects of genetic drift in the populations. The exact reasons for the fitness advantage are unclear but viral protection and nutritional benefits are two possibilities.  相似文献   

A type of intraspecific hybrid sterility, between two strains of Drosophila melanogaster, referred to as GD (gonadal dysgenesis) sterility, is observed when females from a type of strain called M are crossed with males from a second type called P. Absence of egg-laying is characteristic of female GD sterility and its manifestation is conditional on high developmental temperatures. Morphological and cytological studies of GD sterile females are described. These individuals were normal in body size and external appearance. No defects in sperm storage were observed. Both adult and larval ovaries were drastically reduced in size in comparison with control ovaries. This ovarian dysgenesis was sometimes unilateral, but more frequently it was bilateral, particularly in females developing at the highest test temperature. The ovarioles of dysgenic ovaries contained no vitellaria; the germaria lacked any cells resembling the cystocyte clusters of normal ovaries. It is concluded that sterility results from an early blockage in ovarian development, rather than from atrophy of previously developed structures. Possible mechanisms for this developmental arrest are discussed.  相似文献   

Kidwell MG  Novy JB 《Genetics》1979,92(4):1127-1140
Crosses between two types of strains, called P and M, characteristically give high frequencies of F(1) sterility and other aberrant traits. Previous studies indicated that, in addition to the direction of the parental cross, many factors influence the manifestation of this phenomenon known as "hybrid dysgenesis."-The present study is concerned with the characteristics of GD (gonadal dysgenesis) sterility associated with the P-M system and its temperature dependence. Female sterility is accompanied by a complete absence of egg-laying, and this is not attributable to an inability to mate. Thus, it seems likely that sterility results from a defect in gametogenesis of hybrid individuals. This conclusion is supported by the morphological and cytological observations presented in an accompanying paper (Schaefer, Kidwell and Fausto-Sterling 1979).-A narrow, critical, developmental temperature range was found in which both female and male sterility rose sharply from a low level to a high maximum. The critical range was 27 to 29 degrees for males, slightly higher than the range of 24 to 26 degrees for females. Two other dysgenic traits, male recombination and transmission ratio distortion, were affected by developmental temperature, but temperature response curves were quite different from those for sterility. The temperature-sensitive stage for female sterility occurs during embryonic and early larval development.-GD sterility is compared and contrasted with SF sterility, another specific type of non-Mendelian sterility resulting from a different interstrain dysgenic interaction.  相似文献   

Hybrid dysgenesis is a condition found in certain interstrain hybrids of Drosophila melanogaster caused by the interaction of chromosomal and cytoplasmic factors. Germ-line abnormalities, including sterility, high mutability and male recombination, appear in the affected individuals. There are at least two distinct systems of hybrid dysgenesis. We examined a Wisconsin wild population in two consecutive years to determine the distribution of the chromosomal P factor and the extrachromosomal M cytotype that together cause one kind of hybrid dysgenic sterility. The P factor was found to be very common in the population, with all three major chromosomes being polymorphic for it. This polymorphism was strongly correlated with variability for male recombination elements, suggesting that these two traits are part of the same system of hybrid dysgenesis. There was a slight tendency for the P factor to be lost in lines taken from this population and inbred in the laboratory for many generations. A large-scale search for the M cytotype, which causes susceptibility to the P factor, showed that it is present in the population at only very low frequencies. Further evidence that the population is mostly immune to the action of the P factor was our finding of a general lack of dysgenic sterility in the wild flies themselves. However, we were able to isolate several wild strains that consistently showed the M cytotype. In some cases, the frequency of the M cytotype could be maintained in these lines, but it could not usually be increased by artificial selection. Some possible consequences of hybrid dysgenesis for the evolutionary biology of Drosophila are suggested.  相似文献   

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