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Summary Secondary side branching in Salvinia molesta plants grown in nutrient solution was dependent on the availability of nitrogen. The compensatory response of S. molesta to damage by complete manual disbudding was the production of extensive secondary side branching at nitrogen levels below those required for this type of branching in undamaged plants. After 28 days damaged plants had the same number of ramets as undamaged plants but the dry weight was considerably reduced.After 7 days there was no change in dry weight with partial or complete disbudding. However completely disbudded plants had no new ramets and plants with all terminal buds removed had numbers of ramets significantly reduced. The concentration of nitrogen in the tissue of new growth was higher in damaged than undamaged plants. The results are discussed in relation to the biological control of S. molesta by the bud-eating weevil, Cyrtobagous salviniae.  相似文献   

Seasonal growth characteristics and biomass yield potential of 4 small-leaf, floating, aquatic macrophytes cultured in nutrient nonlimiting conditions were evaluated for central Florida’s climatic conditions. Biomass yields were found to be 10.6, 11.3, 16.1, and 32.1 t (dry wt) har?1 yr?1, respectively, for azolla (Azolla caroliniana), giant duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza), common duckweed (Lemna minor), and salvinia (Salvinia rotundifolia). Operational plant density was in the range of 10–80 g dry wt m?2 for azolla, 10–88 g dry wt m?2 for giant duckweed, 10–120 g dry wt m?2 for common duckweed, and 35–240 g dry wt m?2 for salvinia. Specific growth rate (% increase per day) was maximum at low plant densities and decreased as the plant density increased. Results suggest that small-leaf, floating plants may not be suitable in monoculture biomass production systems because of low biomass yields, but they may be suitable for inclusion in poly culture systems with larger aquatic plants. The high N content (crude protein = 20–33%) of small-leaf,floating plants suggests the use of biomass as animal feed.  相似文献   

镉在槐叶苹叶片中的蓄积及其生态毒理学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以分布广泛的浮水蕨类植物--槐叶苹为研究对象,用含不同浓度Cd(2.5,5,7.5 mg/L和10 mg/L)的10% Hoagland营养液培养7d,旨在分析Cd在蕨类植物中的蓄积及其诱导产生的毒理学作用.随着培养液中Cd浓度的增加,(1) 槐叶苹叶片中Cd含量极显著上升;(2) Cd处理造成槐叶苹叶片产生明显的矿质营养失衡症状,主要表现为显著增加了对Ca和降低了对P,K和Na的吸收;(3)叶绿素含量和叶绿素荧光Fv/Fm比值都逐渐降低;(4)抗氧化防御系统活性或含量紊乱,其中超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)活性下降最突出,过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)、抗坏血酸(AsA)和类胡萝卜素(Car)也都先升后降,膜脂过氧化产物MDA含量则显著增多;(5)可溶性蛋白含量一直下降;(6)透射电镜观察发现细胞超微结构损伤明显,主要为叶绿体膨胀和解体、线粒体嵴突减少和空泡化、细胞核核仁解体、核膜破裂、核质消失,并有晶体出现.结果表明槐叶苹虽然对水体Cd有一定的净化作用,但Cd浓度与毒害之间的剂量-效应关系明显;MDA含量的明显上升以及叶绿素和可溶性蛋白含量的显著下降标志着槐叶苹遭受到明显的氧化损伤;Cd破坏了槐叶苹进行正常生理活动所必需的生理和结构基础;SOD可以作为Cd诱导产生氧化压力的分子生物标志物和水体Cd污染的灵敏生态毒理学指标,Cd的半效应浓度为2.41mg/L,最大允许浓度为0.241mg/L.  相似文献   


To understand the mechanism of how Phragmites australis makes valuable floating mat biotopes under oligotrophic conditions, we investigated the environmental (water chemistry) and vegetational characteristics (growth, plant species richness, and floristic composition) of a floating mat consisting of three main mat-forming species with a zonal distribution (P. australis on the land side of the floating mat, Zizania latifolia on the middle area, and Typha angustifolia on the water side). Although they showed relatively low growth in the floating mat, compared to those in land-based wetlands, P. australis grew better than other mat-forming species in terms of shoot height and biomass production. Specifically, P. australis made more below-ground parts (593?±?38 g/m2) than other mat-forming species (Z. latifolia, 100?±?10 g/m2; T. angustifolia, 167?±?8 g/m2) and more companion species were found in P. australis-dominated plots (8.5?±?1.0 species/m2) than other plots (Z. latifolia-dominated plots, 2.7?±?0.6 species/m2; T. angustifolia-dominated plots, 1.0?±?0.0 species/m2). The larger amount of below-ground P. australis parts could contribute to thicker and denser mat structures, possibly providing more favorable habitats for neighboring plant species, thus facilitating more companion species within the P. australis-dominated area of the mat.


Diversity and activity of aquatic fungi under low oxygen conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The objective was to test whether a decrease in oxygen concentration in streams affects the diversity and activity of aquatic hyphomycetes and consequently leaf litter decomposition. 2. Senescent leaves of Alnus glutinosa were immersed for 7 days in a reference stream, for fungal colonization, and then incubated for 18 days in microcosms at five oxygen concentrations (4%, 26%, 54%, 76% and 94% saturation). Leaf decomposition (as loss of leaf toughness), fungal diversity, reproduction (as spore production) and biomass (ergosterol content) were determined. 3. Leaf toughness decreased by 70% in leaves exposed to the highest O2 concentration, whereas the decrease was substantially less (from 25% to 45%) in treatments with lower O2. Fungal biomass decreased from 99 to 12 mg fungi g−1 ash‐free dry mass on exposure to 94% and 4% O2 respectively. Sporulation was strongly inhibited by reduction of dissolved O2 in water (3.1 × 104 versus 1.3 × 103 spores per microcosms) for 94% and 4% saturation respectively. 4. A total of 20 species of aquatic hyphomycetes were identified on leaves exposed to 94% O2, whereas only 12 species were found in the treatment with 4% O2 saturation. Multidimensional scaling revealed that fungal assemblages exposed to 4% O2 were separated from all the others. Articulospora tetracladia, Cylindrocarpon sp. and Flagellospora curta were the dominant species in microcosms with 4% O2, while Flagellospora curvula and Anguillospora filiformis were dominant at higher O2 concentrations. 5. Overall results suggest that the functional role of aquatic hyphomycetes as decomposers of leaf litter is limited when the concentration of dissolved oxygen in streams is low.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Long-term experiments could provide valuable information to determine the effects of an agronomic practice on agro-ecosystem productivity and stability. This study evaluated the long-term (18-year) impact of different tillage systems on faba bean (Vicia faba L.) productivity, including weed and broomrape incidence, and N2 fixation.


The experiment was carried out on a Vertisol under rainfed Mediterranean conditions. It was set up as a strip-plot design. The tillage systems were: conventional tillage (CT) with moldboard plow, reduced tillage (RT) with chisel plow, and no tillage (NT). Nitrogen fixation was estimated over 2?years in the final phase of the experiment using the 15N isotope dilution technique.


On average, grain yield was 31?% and 23?% higher under NT than under CT and RT, respectively; however, the effect of tillage varied by year. The yield advantage of NT over CT was pronounced when rainfall was scarce. Average broomrape infestation was lower under NT than under CT, but a reduction in tillage intensity resulted in an increase in weed biomass. Tillage had no effect on weed richness, but the use of the NT technique progressively altered the weed composition by determining conditions conducive to the growth of a few weed species that are hard to control. Nitrogen fixation was strongly influenced by tillage, being higher under NT than under CT.


The results suggest that NT is a valuable option in the rainfed cereal–legume rotation systems of Mediterranean environments; however, the success of NT technique depends on the use of effective weed control strategies.  相似文献   

稻田水面漂浮的杂草种子种类及动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示杂草种子的漂浮动态,并为探寻生态控草方法提供理论依据,我们于2005年6-11月,在南京沧波门稻作区调查了水稻种植前及生长后期田问杂草群落以及稻田灌水期间水面漂浮的杂草种子的种类及漂浮时间.结果表明,在水稻种植前及生长后期田间出现有15科24种杂草;可漂浮于水面的杂草种子有17科26种,与田间发生的杂草种类相同的共有18种,占所有32种杂草的56.25%.这些杂草主要隶属于禾本科、蓼科、毛茛科、报春花科、莎草科、菊科和雨久花科.田埂附近漂浮的杂草种类及种子数量均高于田中间;各类杂草种子的漂浮能力不一,其中菵草(Beckmannia syzigachne)、泽珍珠菜(Lysimachia candida)、茴茴蒜(Ranunculus chinensis)、齿果酸模(Rumex dentatus)、蛇床(Cnidium monnieri)、鳢肠(Eclipta prostrata)和看麦娘(Alopecurus aequalis)等在田间水面漂浮能力较强.漂浮期间杂草种子除多集中于田埂附近,也附着于稻稞周围,并有互相结联的趋势.从整体上看,杂草种子漂浮2天后骤降,8天后基本全部沉降.显然,稻田生境的杂草种子大多可以漂浮于水面传播扩散.因此在灌水早期采取过滤或清除水上漂浮杂草种子可以减少杂草种子的输入和加速杂草种子从田间输出,减少杂草发生基数.  相似文献   

The effciency of denitrification, or anaerobic respiration, in Pseudomonas denitrificans was investigated, using growth yield as an index. Glutamate was mainly used as the sole source of energy and carbon. In batch culture, the growth yield per mole of electrons transported through the respiratory system under denitrifying conditions was about half that under aerobic conditions. Similar figures were also obtained in chemostat cultures under glutamate-limited conditions. The decrease in growth yield under denitrifying conditions could be due to the restriction of phosphorylation associated with nitrate reduction to nitrogen gas.  相似文献   

In two laboratory experiments, the effects of temperature and food availability on the growth of 10- to 23-mm high specimens of the bivalveArctica islandica were estimated. Each experimental set-up consisted of 5 treatments in which either the food supply or the temperature differed. It was demonstrated thatArctica is able to grow at temperatures as low as 1°C. A tenfold increase of shell growth was observed at temperatures between 1° and 12°C. The greatest change in growth rate took place between 1° and 6°C. Average instantaneous shell growth varies between 0.0003 at 1°C to 0.0032/day at 12°C. The results suggest that temperature hardly affects the time spent in filtration, whereas particle density strongly influences that response. Starved animals at 9°C have their siphons open during only 12% of the time, whereas the siphons of optimally fed animals were open on average during 76% of the observations. Increased siphon activity corresponded to high shell and tissue growth. At 9°C, average shell growth at the optimum cell density of 20×106 cell/l was 3.1 mm corresponding to an instantaneous rate of 0.0026/day. An algal cell density (Isochrysis galbana, Dunaliella marina) ranging between 5 and 7×106 cell/l is just enough to keep shells alive at 9°C. Carbon conversion efficiency at 9°C is estimated to vary between 11 and 14%.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to characterize ultrastructural damage to human corneas cryopreserved by a standard protocol. The materials used were seven human corneas that were unsuitable for transplantation due to the presence of positive bacteriological cultures; they were cryopreserved according the standard procedure. After freezing and thawing, samples were obtained for scanning and transmission electron microscopy studies. Marked damage was observed in keratocytes with signs of apoptotic cellular injury. However our observations have shown that apoptosis contribute less significantly than necrosis to cellular death in keratocytes of human corneas and although the control of apoptosis is clearly desirable, in order to improve the success of cryopreserved corneas for transplant, we need to continue our investigation to reduce the effects of the necrotic process. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Zhao Y  Lin YH 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(14):1151-1154
Saccharomyces cerevisiae was grown in a chemostat under high glucose conditions (up to 300 g l–1). The results support the view that higher glucose feed favors higher ethanol production regardless of the existence of osmotic stress. A low glucose utilization and yield coefficient provides an opportunity to improve continuous fermentation performance in the fuel alcohol industry. The possibility exists of reusing yeast cells and subsequently lower operating costs, and by using an optimal glucose feeding concentration between 100 and 200 g l–1.  相似文献   

Abstract In the field, the population density (n) of crowded, living ramets of Salvinia molesta ranged from 2500 m ?2 in nutrient-poor water to more than 30 000 m?2 in nutrient-rich water. Biomass of living shoots (B) in some localities exceeded 600 gm?2 dry weight (150 tonnes ha?1 fresh weight) and shoots plus roots of living and floating dead material exceeded 1600 gm?2 dry weight (400 tonnes ha?1 fresh weight). The ultimate limit B= 105n0.5 suggested by previous authors was not exceeded. The highest n and smallest ramets occurred in nutrient-rich water and B was a linear function of n. Field experiments confirmed no effect of n, but a strong effect of nutrient availability, on ramet weight. In a glasshouse experiment, ramet populations did not ‘self-thin’ along the log log B-n trajectory of slope -0.5, which has been suggested for aclonal plants, but followed trajectories having slopes closer to +1.0 before halting at the ambient B-n limit. Nutrient concentrations in the plants increased during the experiment, causing ramet size to decrease and slopes of log log B-n trajectories to depart from +1.0 by amounts which reflected the degree to which nutrient concentration had changed. Under constant conditions, mean ramet size is expected to remain constant and log log B-n trajectories to travel in a straight line of slope +1.0 to the ambient B-n limit. This behaviour of salvinia, whose ramets consist of a single structural module, is contrasted with that expected of clonal plants whose ramets are made up of multiple structural modules. A logistic model explained the increases in n and biomass of living and dead ramets when ramets were assumed to have constant longevity, constant time to decay, and when both the B-n limit and size of ramets were dependent on nitrogen content of the plant. There was no indication that physiological integration within phenets halted production of new ramets when carrying capacity was reached and new ramets continued to be produced on top of older ramets. Rates of ramet mortality were equal to, and dependent on, rates of ramet natality.  相似文献   

Polyesteramides based on ɛ-caprolactam and ɛ-caprolactone differing in the content of ester-amide structural units were subjected to biodegradation — composting in a big compost pile under controlled conditions (controlled composting) and in small composters at a steady temperature of 60 °C (isothermal composting). Both types of composting resulted in degradation of the polyesteramides depending on copolymer composition, isothermal composting being more robust. The contribution of abiotic hydrolysis to the degradation of polyesteramides was studied at 60 °C in buffer solutions with pH 5.4, 7.4 and 8.4. The prevailing effect of abiotic hydrolysis over biological one was shown at 60 °C. Ester bonds in polyestramide chains were preferentially cleaved; therefore, the scope of degradation increased with the content of ester units in the copolymer.  相似文献   

The state of marine and estuary organisms living in the polluted coastal zone of Peter the Great Bay in the Sea of Japan has been estimated using molecular biomarkers of oxidative stress and biotransformation that characterize changes in animal metabolism under the effect of pollutants. The integral biochemical indices were calculated and graphically represented for mussels Crenomytilus grayanus collected at marine stations with different degrees of pollution and for the Japanese mitten crab Eriocheir japonica from the estuaries of rivers flowing into Peter the Great Bay, based on statistical processing of the results. It has been noted that the values of the indices correspond to the degree of pollution of animal sampling areas.  相似文献   

Eichhornia crassipes or water hyacinth is a free-floating plant, growing plentifully in the tropical water bodies. This invasive weed poses multiple hazards ranging from ecological and economical to social. It tends to endanger biodiversity, cause eutrophication, shelter pests, clog fresh waterways, affect agriculture and aquaculture, hamper shipping and recreational activities. Existing control methods have been insufficient to contain its aggressive propagation. Recently, it has been envisaged that successful utilization of this weed can solve the associated problems associated with them. It is being speculated that the huge biomass can be used in waste water treatment, heavy metal and dye remediation, as substrate for bioethanol and biogas production, electricity generation, industrial uses, human food and antioxidants, medicines, feed, agriculture and sustainable development. Towards this quest many approaches have been undertaken and partial success is achieved. If harnessed properly, this weed-based green technology can solve many of the issues our society faces now. In this context, the papers published in recent years have been reviewed, with the objective of creating public awareness and bolstering management and utilization of this cumbersome invasive weed.  相似文献   

We measured the rate of consumption of oxygen by alligators in a dry metabolic chamber and in a tank of water where they were free to dive and surface at will at 10-35 degrees C, a range spanning most of the body temperatures experienced by alligators in nature. Neither the standard metabolic rate nor the rate of oxygen consumption during one hour of sustained, voluntary activity varied with body mass, month of the year, duration of fasting before measurement, or experimental condition (terrestrial vs aquatic). Voluntary diving is not accompanied by any reduction in standard metabolic rate; these results and those of others suggest that the "diving reflex" of alligators is probably employed only in emergencies. Spontaneous activity for one hour is accompanied by a 1.9-4.4 fold rise in oxygen consumption; this factorial increase is less than that for other reptiles induced to maximal activity for brief intervals. Both standard and active oxygen consumption rise significantly with body temperature.  相似文献   

In the present work, the trivalent and hexavalent chromium phytoaccumulation by three living free floating aquatic macrophytes Salvinia auriculata, Pistia stratiotes, and Eicchornia crassipes was investigated in greenhouse. These plants were grown in hydroponic solutions supplied with non-toxic Cr3+ and Cr6+ chromium concentrations, performing six collections of nutrient media and plants in time from a batch system. The total chromium concentrations into Cr-doped hydroponic media and dry roots and aerial parts were assayed, by using the Synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence technique. The aquatic plant-based chromium removal data were described by using a nonstructural kinetic model, obtaining different bioaccumulation rate, ranging from 0.015 to 0.837 l mg−1 d−1. The Cr3+ removal efficiency was about 90%, 50%, and 90% for the Ecrassipes, Pstratiotes, and Sauriculata, respectively; while it was rather different for Cr6+ one, with values about 50%, 70%, and 90% for the Ecrassipes, Pstratiotes, and Sauriculata.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of mechanical agitation on hybridoma cell growth was examined in laboratory scale vessels. At an agitation rate four times that required to keep the cells in suspension, both growth rate and growth extent were reduced. However, using the minimum agitation rate required to suspend cells, no adverse effect on cell growth was observed even with a turbine agitator.  相似文献   

Cryopreserved allograft valves are increasingly being used as valvular replacements. This study was conducted to characterize the ultrastructural damage on the allograft valves obtained by a current standard protocol of valve procurement, antibiotic exposure, and cryopreservation, as a basis for future studies on allograft valve preservation. Materials used were seven aortic and seven pulmonary fresh porcine valves, which were cryopreserved according to the requirements of the American and European Associations of Tissue Banks. The samples were randomly assigned into four groups: (1) fresh, untreated; (2) fresh, treated with antibiotics for 24 h.; (3) treated with antibiotics and exposed to dimethyl sulfoxide (without freezing); and (4) treated with antibiotics, exposed to dimethyl sulfoxide, and then cryopreserved and stored until the study. All tissue samples were processed simultaneously for routine light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Fresh-untreated, antibiotic-treated, and dimethyl sulfoxide-exposed valves showed adequate preservation of cellular components. However, after cryopreservation significant damage was observed in fibroblasts with signs of apoptotic cellular injury. Our observation suggests that apoptosis occurs during valve processing. This apoptotic process may be related to various factors, including chemical injury or hypoxia.  相似文献   

The Shire River drains from Lake Malawi to the Lower Zambezi River. Annual flow is dependent mainly on lake level, partially controlled by the operation of a barrage at Liwonde to regulate flows for hydroelectricity generation in the escarpment reaches of the river. Downstream of the escarpment, the floodplains of the Lower Shire River support important subsistence fisheries that yielded on average 5 100 t y?1 between 1977 and 1993. Catches from the major fishery area, the Elephant Marsh, were positively correlated with mean annual flow for the same year. Since the target fish species (mainly clariid catfishes) were mostly caught in their second and third year, improved recruitment through higher breeding success at higher flow levels is less likely to explain interannual variation in catches than is greater upstream migration of fish from the Lower Zambezi River in high-flow years. In 1978 a sudden closure of Liwonde Barrage resulted in rapid drainage of stagnant water from the Elephant Marsh floodplain vegetation into the river, causing a mass fish mortality and thus a marked decline in catches from 1979, followed by gradual recovery by 1981. The delay in recovery contrasts with the annual direct catch/flow relationship, and raises questions about the most important influences on Lower Shire catch rates.  相似文献   

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