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Summary Mutant cultures of yeast defective at the generad 3 show increased sensitivity to the lethal effects of UV light. The order of UV sensitivity shown by haploid and homoallelic diploid cultures carrying the variousrad 3 alleles was duplicated by their sensitivity to the action of nitrous acid. In contrast, after treatment with the alkylating agents ethyl-methane sulphonate and methylmethane sulphonate therad 3 cultures showed only small differences in sensitivity compared with the wild-typeRAD culture. These small differences in sensitivity appear to result from variation in the metabolic condition of the cultures when treated with alkylating agents.The results indicate that the product of therad 3 gene in yeast is involved in the repair of UV induced pyrimidine dimers and deaminated bases produced by nitrous acid but does not participate in the repair of single strand DNA breaks produced by alkylating agents.  相似文献   

Summary Relative frequencies of visible mutations (egg colour mutants) induced by two similar mutagenic agents of the mustard group, nitromine (methyl-bis--chloroethyl-amine N-oxide) and N. M.-alanine (N-bis--chloroethyl-alanine), have been studied in the silkworm. The solution of either agents was injected into the wild male moths, which were then mated to double recessivepere/pere female moths. (Normal eggs are black,pere/pere andpe/pe eggs are white andre/re eggs, red.) Eggs produced from these matings were examined for their colour and the mutation rates were estimated by the ratio of uncoverings at the marked loci to the total pigmented eggs.Analysis of the results has revealed that the ratio of the mutation rates at thepe-locus to those at there-locus varies markedly according to whether nitromine or N. M.-alanine is injected. When nitromine was used the ratios ofpe-aberrants tore-aberrants were 1.06 and 1.58, while in the case of N. M.-alanine the ratios were 0.59 and 0.60. In many other experiments in which moths were treated with nitromine, thepe/pe ratio was consistently greater than 1 and often as high as 2. The same was true for experiments with irradiated male moths. These results have been discussed in relation to possible specific interactions between chemical mutagens and chromosome loci.  相似文献   

The use of tetrad analysis and complementation tests indicates that the groups of UV-sensitive mutants assigned the labels radI and rad3 are alleles of two single genes involved in the process of cellular repair of UV-induced damage in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Two UV-sensitive mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae rad 3 and rad 6 were tested for sensitivity to X-rays, MMS, EMS, HNO2 and DEB. Rad 3 mutant is more sensitive than the wild type strain only to HNO2 and DEB, while rad 6 is cross sensitive both to X-rays and all chemicals tested. Liquid holding recovery (LHR) was studied by comparison of cell survival immediately after mutagen treatment and after 5 days of storage in phosphate buffer. LH greatly increases cell survival of rad 3 mutant after DEB and slightly after EMS, MMS and HNO2, while after UV treatment LH significantly decreases survival of this mutant. LH increases survival of rad 6 mutant after exposure to UV, MMS and HNO2, but decreases survival of DEB-treated cells. Exposure of wild type strain to LH results in an increase of survival after UV, and DEB but not after MMS and HNO2. The results suggest that LHR is a strain- and mutagen-specific phenomenon and cannot be explained within the present knowledge of repair processes in yeast.  相似文献   

By means of centrifugation, two groups of cells of the determined relative age were isolated: (1) a group of cells without bud scars, nonhomogeneous in size, not synchronous after isolation, (2) a group of cells with a higher number of bud scars synchronous after isolation. The cells with a higher number of bud scars affect the synchrony of the culture positively. The difference between the cells in the category with 1 ton bud scars is smaller than between those in the category without bud scars. The group of cells without bud scars affects the synchrony of the culture negatively. By a shift in nutrition, these cells complete their development which results in synchronous growth.  相似文献   

Reversibility of the respiration-deficient locuspet23 and auxotrophic locuslys2 was followed in the standard (RAD1) and UV sensitive (rad1–2) strains ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae, both after identical doses of UV radiation and at identical survival. When comparing the reversibility after the treatment with identical doses of UV radiation a much higher reversibility of both loci in strainrad1–2 could be detected. When comparing the reversibility of the loci in question at identical survival of both strains it could be found that the reversibility of thepet23 locus is again much higher in strainrad1–2, whereas the reversibility of thelys2 locus is roughly identical in the two strains. Thus, the function of geneRAD1 in repair processes is apparently associated with the “error-free” repair, both at low and high doses of ultraviolet radiation.  相似文献   

Isogenic diploid cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are more sensitive to hyperthermic treatment (50 degrees C) than haploid ones, the posthyperthermical recovery efficiency being the same for both the cell types. In contrast to this, thermosensitivity of haploid and diploid cells of Pichia pinus does not practically differ, the posthyperthermic recovery efficiency for both the cell types being also the same. It is shown that diploid cells of P. pinus in the logarithmic phase of their growth are incapable of recovering after hyperthermal treatment, which is largely the reason for their higher sensitivity to such a treatment as compared with cells in the stationary phase of growth.  相似文献   

The difference in lethality to cycloheximide between actively dividing and non-dividing cells was exploited to enhance detection of auxotrophic and UV-sensitive mutants in the fungi Schizophyllum commune and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae were negatively stained with ammonium molybdate. Extensive headpiece-stalk projections were observed lining the disrupted mitochondrial membranes. These observations represent the first clear demonstration of headpiecestalk particles on yeast mitochondrial membranes. Phosphotungstic acid was somewhat less satisfactory than ammonium molybdate in the visualization of the headpiece-stalk particles. Mitochondria isolated from glucose-repressed cells and oligomycin-resistant mutant cells were also examined by negative staining and found to show numerous headpiecestalk elements. Gross differences in the morphology of mitochondria from normal, glucose-repressed and oligomycin-resistant cells, as examined by negative staining, were not apparent in the present studies. The nature and expression of the oligomycin mutation is discussed in terms of possible changes in membrane protein and phospholipid.  相似文献   

Savina NV  Kuzhir TD 《Genetika》2003,39(12):1634-1643
The effect of the yellow (y) locus on germ cell sensitivity to the alkylating agent ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) has been studied in Drosophila. Since DNA repair is one of the most important factors that control cell sensitivity to mutagens, the approaches used in our experiments aimed at evaluating the relationship between germ-cell mutability and activity of DNA repair. Germ-cell mutability and repair activity were assessed using several parameters, the most important of which was the frequency of the recessive sex-linked lethal mutations (RSLLM). In one series of experiments, the adult males of various genotypes (Berlin wild; y; y ct v; y mei-9a) were treated by mutagenic agents and then crossed to Basc females. Comparative analysis of germ-cell mutability as dependent on genotype and the stage of spermatogenesis showed that the yellow mutation significantly enhanced the premeiotic cell sensitivity to EMS, presumably, due to the effect on DNA repair. In the second series of experiments, the effect of the maternal DNA repair was studied and, accordingly, mutagen-treated Basc males were crossed to females of various genotypes including y and y mei-9a ones. The crosses involving y females yielded F1 progeny with high spontaneous lethality, whereas in F2, the frequency of spontaneous mutations was twice higher. The germ cell response to EMS depended also on female genotype: the effect of yellow resulted in increased embryonic and postembryonic lethality, whereas the RSLLM frequency decreased insignificantly. The latter result may be explained by elimination of some mutations due to 50% mortality of the progeny. The results obtained using the above two approaches suggest that the yellow locus has a pleiotropic effect on the DNA repair systems in both males and females of Drosophila.  相似文献   

R Korona 《Genetics》1999,151(1):77-85
Mutator strains of yeast were used to accumulate random point mutations. Most of the observed changes in fitness were negative and relatively small, although major decreases and increases were also present. The average fitness of haploid strains was lowered by approximately 25% due to the accumulated genetic load. The impact of the load remained basically unchanged when a homozygous diploid was compared with the haploid from which it was derived. In other experiments a heterozygous diploid was compared with the two different loaded haploids from which it was obtained. The fitness of such a loaded diploid was much less reduced and did not correlate with the average fitness of the two haploids. There was a fitness correlation, however, when genetically related heterozygous diploids were compared, indicating that the fitness effects of the new alleles were not entirely lost in the heterozygotes. It is argued here that to explain the observed pattern of fitness transitions it is necessary to invoke nonadditive genetic interactions that go beyond the uniform masking effect of wild-type alleles. Thus, the results gathered with haploids and homozygotes should be extrapolated to heterozygotes with caution when multiple loci contribute to the genetic load.  相似文献   

Summary A number of radiation sensitive mutants of yeast were examined for their sensitivity to the inactivating agents, ultraviolet light (UV), gamma irradiation, ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) and heat treatment (52° and 37°).A mutant of the gene rad-3, isolated on the basis of its primary sensitivity to UV showed sensitivity only to UV. In contrast the five X-ray sensitive mutants were sensitive to all four inactivating treatments. Considerable variation was observed in the response of the mutants to liquid holding treatment in non-nutrient solution.The data concerning the heat sensitivity of the X-ray sensitive mutants confirms the correlation between heat and X-ray sensitivity observed in bacteria by Bridges (1969).The results indicate that at least two separable pathways of cellular repair exist in yeast, one effective in the repair of UV damage and the other effective in the repair of ionising radiation, alkylating agents, heat and a fraction of UV damage.  相似文献   

A plasmid containing the denV gene from bacteriophage T4, under the control of the yeast alcohol dehydrogenase I (ADC1) promoter, conferred a substantial increase in UV resistance in the UV-sensitive Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants rad1-2 and rad3-2. The UV resistance of the denV+ yeast cells was cell cycle dependent and correlated well with the level of the denV gene product as measured by immunoblotting and by a photoreversal assay for pyrimidine dimer-DNA glycosylase activity.  相似文献   

Mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in which one or both of the genes encoding the two isoforms of NAD-dependent glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase had been deleted, were studied in aerobic batch cultures and in aerobic-anaerobic step change experiments. The respirofermentative growth rates under aerobic conditions with semisynthetic medium (20 g of glucose per liter) of two single mutants, gpd1 delta and gpd2 delta, and the parental strain (mu = 0.5 h-1) were almost identical, whereas the growth rate of a double mutant, gpd1 delta gpd2 delta, was approximately half that of the parental strain. Upon a step change from aerobic to anaerobic conditions in the exponential growth phase, the specific carbon dioxide evolution rates (CER) of the wild-type strain and the gpd1 delta strain were almost unchanged. The gpd2 delta mutant showed an immediate, large (> 50%) decrease in CER upon a change to anaerobic conditions. However, after about 45 min the CER increased again, although not to the same level as under aerobic conditions. The gpd1 delta gpd2 delta mutant showed a drastic fermentation rate decrease upon a transition to anaerobic conditions. However, the CER values increased to and even exceeded the aerobic levels after the addition of acetoin. High-pressure liquid chromatographic analyses demonstrated that the added acetoin served as an acceptor of reducing equivalents by being reduced to butanediol. The results clearly show the necessity of glycerol formation as a redox sink for S. cerevisiae under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Dry seeds of rice varieties T(N)1, IR 8 and Sona, with stabilised moisture content and presoaked in distilled water, were treated with chemical mutagens MMS, dMS, dEMS and dES with the purpose of evaluating chlorophyll mutation frequency and spectrum. In the M2 generation, mutants occurred in 24 lines of 'T(N)1; 94 lines of IR 8 but only in six of Sona. They include albino, viridis, xantha and other categories of which viridis was predominant. dES was found to be most effective of all mutagens used in all the three varieties and varietal differences were observed.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic mobility of diploid cells, haploid cellsof different mating types, their cell walls, asci, and ascosporesof Saccharomyces cerevisiae was measured with a free-flow electrophoreticapparatus. Haploid -cells and ascospores exhibited higher mobilitythan diploid cells, haploid -cells, and asci. Similar differencesin mobility were found with isolated cell walls of the haploidand diploid cells. 2 Present address: Lederle (Japan) Ltd., Kyobashi, Tokyo 104,Japan. (Received December 24, 1976; )  相似文献   

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