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Convolvulus grandiflorus Jacq. has been treated as a synonym ofOperculina ventricosa andStictocardia tiliifolia. It is here accepted as identifiable withIpomoea (sect.Calonyction)macrantha which is the correct name for Jacquin’s taxon. Full synonymies ofIpomoea macrantha andOperculina ventricosa are given, along with a comment about a variant occurring in Micronesia.  相似文献   

A comparison of some genera of the Condaminecae (Rubiaceae) with a few taxa of closely related tribes (Rondeletieae, Calycophylleae, and Cinchoneae) revealed that some species ofChimarrhis (Condamineeae s. 1.),Bathysa (Rondeletieae), andCalycophyllum (Calycophylleae) are often misassigned to genera. The taxonomic significance of calycophylls is discussed; the generic boundaries ofChimarrhis, Bathysa, andCalycophyllum are reevaluated; and their similarities and differences are discussed. As a result, a new calycophyllous species ofChimarrhis from the Amazon,C. gentryana, is described, two of its species are transferred toBathysa (B. Bathysoides, B. perijaënsis), and one species ofBathysa (B. difformis) is reduced to synonymy underChimarrhis (C. turbinata).  相似文献   

José L. Panero 《Brittonia》1996,48(2):192-194
A new species ofPassiflora subgenusTacsonia from the province of Zamora-Chinchipe, Ecuador, is described. The species is illustrated and its affinities to other species within the subgenus are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species ofCroton,C. dissectistipulatus, is described from Amazonian Brazil. This species is superficially similar toC. timandroides from northeastern and southeastern Brazil, but differs in having petiolate leaves with glandular margins, persistent stipules, conspicuous racemose inflorescences, staminate flowers having externally glabrous sepals and 3 stamens, and pedicellate pistillate flowers. The systematic position ofC. dissectistipulatus relative to the sections ofCroton is discussed.  相似文献   

Two ancyrocephalid monogeneans collected in Cameroon are described:Enterogyrus crassus n. sp. from the stomach ofTilapia nyongana andE. amieti n. sp. from the stomach ofSarotherodon galilaeus sanagaensis. The simultaneous occurrence ofE. cichlidarum Paperna, 1963 in the stomach of these two host species is also reported. The specificity of the two new species is discussed along with the value of haptor morphology (cupped or tongue-shaped) as a specific character in the taxonomy of the genusEnterogyrus.  相似文献   

New information concerning the distribution and biology of anomalopid fishes is presented. There are five valid described species:Anomalops katoptron andPhotoblepharon palpebratus, widely distributed in the central and western Pacific Ocean;P. steinitzi from the Red Sea and Comoro Islands;Kryptophanaron alfredi from the Caribbean; andK. harveyi from Baja California.P. steinitzi differs fromP. palpebratus in coloration, head bone ornamentation, and pelvic ray number. The second known specimen ofK. harveyi is described in detail. The occurrence of large specimens ofAnomalops in deep water and small specimens in shallow water is discussed. Synonyms and a key to the species of anomalopids are provided.  相似文献   

Strains in the culture collection of the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures under the generic namesEndomyces andEndomycopsis were compared with related genera of filamentous and yeast-like fungi. The genusEndomyces is accepted for ascigerous states ofGeotrichum; 6 species are keyed out and discussed. The genus nameEndomycopsis is rejected as it is an obligate synonym ofSaccharomycopsis. ForEndomyces javanensis, Endomycopsis platypodis andSaccharomycopsis synnaedendra the new generaArthroascus, Hormoascus andBotryoascus are proposed; the genusGuilliermondella is reintroduced. Briefly discussed are the generaSchizosaccharomyces, Eremascus, Dipodascus, Ascoidea, Cephaloascus, Ambrosiozyma andCrebrothecium. A key is given for the genera of yeast-like “ascomycetes” with septate hyphae. Some species described asGeotrichum are transferred to other genera.  相似文献   

Xenomeris saccifolii is described from leaves ofSaccifolium bandeirae (Gentianales, Saccifoliaceae);Gibbera sphyrospermi is described from fruit ofSphyrospermum cordifolium (Ericales, Ericaceae). The anamorph ofG. sphyrospermi is presumed to be a species ofStigmina. The concept ofStigmina is expanded to include species with unicellular conidia produced on branched conidiophores.  相似文献   

Lacy L. Gaddy 《Brittonia》1986,38(1):82-85
Hexastylis rhombiformis, a new species from the North Fork of the French Broad River in Transylvania County, North Carolina, is described and illustrated. It can be separated from other species ofHexastylis by the distinctive shape of its flower (rhombic-ovate) and by the ridged reticulation of unusually high relief (1–2 mm) on the lower inside wall of the flower. Its distribution, relationship to other species ofHexastylis, and origin are discussed.  相似文献   

A partial skull from the upper Muschelkalk (mo3,praenodosus to lowernodosus Zone) of Wasselonne (Alsace, France) is described and identified as third specimen ofCyamodus kuhnschnyderi. The dentition of all species currently included in the genusCyamodus is discussed, and instances of individual variation are identified. In contrast to the type material, the new specimen ofCyamodus kuhnschnyderi has two pairs of premaxillary teeth, and thus adds incongruence to the stratophenetic trend of dental reduction previously identified within the genusCyamodus.  相似文献   

Laurence J. Dorr 《Brittonia》1996,48(2):213-216
Ayenia saligna from Colombia is described and illustrated. It is remarkable for having foliar nectaries, which now are known to occur in seven of the 75–80 species in the genus. The petals ofAyenia are structurally complex and the inconsistent use of terminology to describe their parts is noted. In addition, the relationship ofA. saligna to other species ofAyenia is discussed.  相似文献   

John J. Wurdack 《Brittonia》1981,33(3):304-308
Three new species ofTibouchina,T. barnebyana, T. lithuphila. andT. oreophila, all from Bahia, Brazil, are described and discussed.Tibouchina barnebyana and trichomes ofT. oreophila are illustrated.  相似文献   

New species ofBletia from Mexico are described and illustrated:B. concolor, B. similis, andB. urbana. The identity ofB. campanulata Llave & Lex. is discussed, andB. reflexa Lindl. is considered to be a distinct species. Several South American epithets are treated as synonyms ofB. campanulata. A key to the recognized species ofBletia is given.  相似文献   

Pentanchus profundicolus is an enigmatic shark, characterized by a single dorsal fin. The holotype, which was collected in 1909 from the Philippines, had remained the only known example of the species for 90 years. A second specimen, collected from the same waters, is re-described. The presence of a single dorsal fin remains equivocal in so far as it represents the normal condition for the species. Aspects of the species' relationship with the species ofApristurus are discussed.  相似文献   

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