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Previously we demonstrated that proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) causes a five-fold increase in cellular uptake of biotin; this increase is mediated by an increased number of biotin transporters on the PBMC surface. In the present study, we investigated the specificity of this phenomenon by determining whether the cellular uptake of riboflavin also increases in proliferating PBMC and whether the increase is also mediated by an increased number of transporters per cell. We characterized [3H]riboflavin uptake in both quiescent and proliferating PBMC. In quiescent PBMC, [3H]riboflavin uptake exhibited saturation kinetics and was reduced by addition of unlabeled riboflavin (P < 0.05) or lumichrome (P < 0.01). These observations are consistent with transporter-mediated uptake. [3H]Riboflavin uptake was reduced at 4 degrees C compared with 37 degrees C (P < 0.01) and by 2, 4-dinitrophenol (P < 0.05) but not by ouabain or incubation in sodium-free medium. These data provide evidence for an energy-dependent but sodium-independent transporter. Proliferating PBMC accumulated approximately four times more [3H]riboflavin than quiescent PBMC (P < 0.05). Because both transporter affinity and transporter number per cell (as judged by maximal transport rate) were similar in quiescent and proliferating PBMC, we hypothesize that the increased riboflavin uptake by proliferating PBMC reflects only increased cellular volume. To test this hypothesis, PBMC volume was reduced using hyperosmolar medium; [3H]riboflavin uptake decreased to about 50% of isotonic controls (P < 0.01). Thus we conclude that proliferating PBMC increase cellular content of riboflavin and biotin by two different mechanisms.  相似文献   

The correlation between an increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and an enhanced calcium entry in primed neutrophils stimulated with fMLP suggests that endogenous ROS could serve as an agonist to reinforce calcium signaling by positive feedback. This work shows that exogenous H2O2 produced a rapid influx of Mn2+ and an increase of intracellular calcium. The H2O2 was insufficient to produce significant changes in the absence of extracellular calcium but addition of Ca2+ to H2O2-treated cells suspended in a free Ca2+/EGTA buffer resulted in a great increase in [Ca2+]i reflecting influx of Ca2+ across the cell membrane. The increase of intracellular calcium was inhibited by Ni2+, La3+, and hyperosmotic solutions of mannitol and other osmolytes. This raises the possibility that the secretion of H2O2 by activated neutrophils could act as an autocrine regulator of neutrophil function through the activation of calcium entry.  相似文献   

The basal (45)Ca(2+) influx in human red blood cells (RBC) into intact RBC was measured. (45)Ca(2+) was equilibrated with cells with t(1/2)=15-20 s and the influx reached the steady state value in about 90-100 s and the steady state level was 1.5+/-0.2 micromol/l(packed cells) (n=6) at 37 degrees C. The average value of the Ca(2+) influx rate was 43.2+/-8.9 micromol/l(packed cells) hour. The rate of the basal influx was pH-dependent with a pH optimum at pH 7.0 and on the temperature with the temperature optimum at 25 degrees C. The basal Ca(2+) influx was saturable with Ca(2+) up to 5 mmol/l but at higher extracellular Ca(2+) concentrations caused further increase of basal Ca(2+) influx. The (45)Ca(2+) influx was stimulated by addition of submicromolar concentrations of phorbol esters (phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) and phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu)) and forskolin. Uncoupler (3,3',4',5-tetrachloro-salicylanilide (TCS) 10(-6)-10(-5) mol/l) inhibited in part the Ca(2+) influx. The results show that the basal Ca(2+) influx is mediated by a carrier and is under control of intracellular regulatory circuits. The effect of uncoupler shows that the Ca(2+) influx is in part driven by the proton-motive force and indicates that the influx and efflux of Ca(2+) are coupled via the RBC H(+) homeostasis.  相似文献   

The basal 45Ca2+ influx in human red blood cells (RBC) into intact RBC was measured. 45Ca2+ was equilibrated with cells with t1/2=15-20 s and the influx reached the steady state value in about 90-100 s and the steady state level was 1.5±0.2 μmol/lpacked cells (n=6) at 37 °C. The average value of the Ca2+ influx rate was 43.2±8.9 μmol/lpacked cells hour. The rate of the basal influx was pH-dependent with a pH optimum at pH 7.0 and on the temperature with the temperature optimum at 25 °C. The basal Ca2+ influx was saturable with Ca2+ up to 5 mmol/l but at higher extracellular Ca2+ concentrations caused further increase of basal Ca2+ influx. The 45Ca2+ influx was stimulated by addition of submicromolar concentrations of phorbol esters (phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) and phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu)) and forskolin. Uncoupler (3,3′,4′,5-tetrachloro-salicylanilide (TCS) 10−6-10−5 mol/l) inhibited in part the Ca2+ influx. The results show that the basal Ca2+ influx is mediated by a carrier and is under control of intracellular regulatory circuits. The effect of uncoupler shows that the Ca2+ influx is in part driven by the proton-motive force and indicates that the influx and efflux of Ca2+ are coupled via the RBC H+ homeostasis.  相似文献   

DNA molecules are constantly damaged during mitosis and by oxygen-free radicals produced by either cellular metabolism or by external factors. Populations at risk include patients with cancer-prone disease, patients under enhanced oxidative stress, and those treated with immunosuppressive/cytotoxic therapy. The DNA repair process is crucial in maintaining the genomal DNA integrity. The aim of this study was to evaluate spontaneous DNA repair capacity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from normal blood donors. PBMC DNA repair ability represents DNA repair by other tissues as well. It is shown in the present study that in vitro incorporation of [3H]thymidine in non-stimulated PBMC expresses the ability of the cells to repair DNA damage. This method was validated by double-stranded DNA measurements. Both catalase and Fe2+ increased DNA repair, the former by preventing re-breakage of newly repaired DNA and the latter by introducing additional DNA damage, which enhanced DNA repair. Better understanding of DNA repair processes will enable to minimize DNA damage induced by oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The carotenoid lycopene has been reported to possess anti-metastatic activity which may be associated with immunomodulation. However, the anti-angiogenic effects and mechanisms of action of lycopene have not been reported. In this study, we investigated the immunomodulatory effect on in vitro and ex vivo angiogenesis of lycopene. We found that the proliferation, migration and the matrigel tube formation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) was remarkably inhibited by conditioned medium (CM) of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNC-CM) stimulated with various dose (1-10 μmol/L) of lycopene (LP-MNC-CM). LP-MNC-CM treatment inhibited ex vivo angiogenesis, as revealed by chicken egg chorioallantoic membrane assay. We further examined the effects of lycopene stimulation on cytokine levels in MNC and showed that, as compared to the control, lycopene (10 μmol/L) significantly (P<.001) up-regulated interleukin (IL)-12 by 163% and interferon (IFN)-γ by 531%. Furthermore, pre-treatment of HUVECs with dexamethasone, an IL-12 inhibitor, blocked the anti-angiogenic effects of LP-MNC-CM in parallel with inhibition of IL-12 and IFN-γ induction in MNC. These results demonstrate that lycopene has a potent anti-angiogenic effect and that these effect may be associated with its up-regulation of IL-12 and IFN-γ.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the response of the toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) signaling pathway to an acute bout of eccentric exercise, and to assess whether eccentric training attenuated the effects induced by acute eccentric exercise. Twenty men (22.4 ± 0.5 yr) were divided into a control group (CG, n = 8) and a training group (TG, n = 12). Both groups performed two acute eccentric bouts on a squat machine in a 9-wk interval. During this time, TG followed a 6-wk eccentric training program (3 session/wk; 3-5 sets of 10 repetitions with loads ranging between the 40 and 50% of maximal isometric voluntary contraction). CD14, TLR4, and TNF-α mRNA levels, and CD14, TLR4, myeloid differentiation factor 88, tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6, TIR-domain-containing adapter-inducing interferon-β, phospho-IκB kinases, phospho-IκB, phospho-ERK-1/2, and TNF-α protein concentration were measured in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, before, immediately, and 2 h after each eccentric bout. The first acute eccentric bout triggered a proinflammatory response mediated by an upregulation of all of the factors measured within the TLR4 signaling pathway. Following the training period and after the second acute bout, CG showed a similar proinflammatory response than that seen after the first bout. However, the eccentric training intervention decreased significantly the protein concentration of all factors analyzed in TG compared with results obtained after the first bout. These results suggest that the TLR4-signaling pathway plays a critical role in the proinflammatory response seen after acute eccentric exercise. This response was attenuated after an eccentric training program through myeloid differentiation factor 88-dependent and -independent pathways.  相似文献   

Chlamydia pneumoniae is a common cause of pulmonary infection, with serum positivity in at least 50% of the general population. In this study, we report that human PBMCs exposed to C. pneumoniae are resistant to apoptosis induced by the potent photoactivated chemotherapeutic agents 8-methoxypsoralen and hypericin. In contrast, PBMCs treated with a heat-inactivated inoculum exhibit normal susceptibility to apoptosis. We also observed that human PBMCs are responsive to C. pneumoniae infection by secretion of key immune regulatory cytokines, including IL-12 and IL-10. While IL-12 may play an important role in limiting C. pneumoniae proliferation within cells, IL-10 serves an anti-inflammatory function by down-regulating proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-12 and TNF-alpha. Depletion of endogenous IL-10, but not of IL-12, abolished the apoptosis resistance of C. pneumoniae-infected PBMCs. Furthermore, addition of exogenous IL-10, but not IL-12, significantly increased the resistance of control inoculum-treated PBMCs to photoactivated 8-methoxypsoralen- and hypericin-induced apoptosis. Therefore, we conclude that C. pneumoniae possesses an antiapoptotic mechanism. The resistance to apoptosis observed in PBMCs exposed to C. pneumoniae is due, at least partially, to the IL-10 induced during C. pneumoniae infection.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNCs) are accessible through blood collection and represent a useful source for investigations on disease mechanisms and treatment response. Aiming to build a reference proteome database, we generated three proteome data sets from MNCs using a combination of SDS‐PAGE and nanoflow LC‐MS. Experiments were performed in triplicates and 514 unique proteins were identified by at least two non‐redundant peptides with 95% confidence for all replicates. Identified proteins are associated with a range of dermatologic, inflammatory and neurological conditions as well as molecular processes, such as free radical scavenging and cellular growth and proliferation. Mapping the MNC proteome provides a valuable resource for studies on disease pathogenesis and the identification of therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is expressed in a wide range of cell types including peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) where it may restrict intracellular accumulation of substrates like antineoplastic agents, HIV protease inhibitors, or rhodamine123. P-gp is known to be located in membrane microdomains, whose structure and function are susceptible to cholesterol alterations. This study evaluated the effect of cholesterol alteration in human PBMCs on P-gp activity. Whereas cholesterol depletion had no effect, cholesterol repletion of depleted cells significantly decreased intracellular rhodamine123 concentrations in lymphocytes to 32.2%+/-2.7 (p<0.001) and to 41.9%+/-3.5 (p<0.001) in monocytes. After cholesterol saturation of native cells intracellular rhodamine123 fluorescence decreased to 12.4%+/-1.6 (p<0.001) in lymphocytes and 12.9%+/-3.5 (p<0.001) in monocytes. These data demonstrate that elevated cellular cholesterol levels can markedly increase P-gp activity in human PBMCs.  相似文献   

Data that support a differential regulation of the interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) alpha-(p55 or Tac) and beta-chain (p70) expression by IL-4 are presented. Cytofluorometric analysis performed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells, some of which had been nylon wool passed (enriched for T-cells), in the presence or absence of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or OKT3, demonstrated that IL-4 has a dose-dependent capacity to inhibit beta-chain IL-2R expression, whereas the alpha-chain is nearly unaffected. We could also, as a consequence of the decreased p70 expression, detect a slight increase in the amounts of IL-2 obtained from PHA-stimulated cultures, when IL-4 was present. Further, the proliferative response, especially to IL-2, but also to PHA alone, was depressed in the presence of IL-4. These data thus give further support to the idea that not only the IL-2R complex as such, but also the two individual IL-2R chains, can be independently regulated.  相似文献   

Human and bovine colostrum (BC) contain a remarkable amount of bioactive substances, including antibodies towards many common pathogens of the intestinal and respiratory tract as well as growth factors, vitamins, cytokines and other proteic, lipidic and glucidic factors. In this study we investigated whether BC had any immunomodulatory effect on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy donors. To this aim we focused on the production of IL-12 and IFN-gamma, cytokines involved in the Th1 polarization required for a successful immune response towards intracellular pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses. BC induced a dose-dependent production of IL-12 by CD14+ monocytes, but was unable to induce IFN-gamma production. However, BC differentially affected stimuli-induced IFN-gamma production: it enhanced IFN-gamma in response to weak antigenic stimulation and it inhibited IFN-gamma in response to strong antigenic stimulation. These effects were not dose-dependent. We also measured PBMC proliferation, which was substantially unaffected by BC. Our data suggest that the Th1-promoting activity of BC could contribute, together with the antibodies, to the protective effect of BC on the offspring. BC could also represent an inexpensive therapeutic tool in prevention and treatment of several human microbial infections, including influenza.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PMBCs) are readily available for sampling and are a useful model for studying biotin metabolism in human cells. To better understand biotin handling by PMBCs, we investigated the mechanism(s) and kinetics of biotin efflux from PMBCs. Human PMBCs were incubated with [(3)H]biotin at 475 pmol/L to load the cells. The [(3)H]biotin-loaded cells were then harvested and incubated in [(3)H]biotin-free media for up to 20 hours. At various intervals, aliquots of the PMBC suspensions were collected and analyzed for intracellular [(3)H]biotin. [(3)H]Biotin efflux from cells at 37 degrees C was fast and triphasic; the half-lives for the three elimination phases were 0.2 +/- 0.02 hours, 1.2 +/- 0.1 hours, and 21.9 +/- 13.6 hours. Such a triphasic [(3)H]biotin efflux could reflect (1) rapid efflux of free biotin, (2) slower release of biotin bound to intracellular molecules, and (3) even slower release from carboxylases in cellular organelles. Incubation at 4 degrees C rather than 37 degrees C increased the [(3)H]biotin retained at 20 hours from 27% to 85%. This observation is consistent with transporter-mediated efflux. When cellular glucose utilization was reduced by 2-deoxy-d-glucose and sodium fluoride, [(3)H]biotin efflux was similar to controls, suggesting that biotin efflux does not directly require metabolic energy. When [(3)H]biotin-loaded cells were incubated in external medium containing unlabeled biotin analogs, [(3)H]biotin efflux was accelerated approximately two times compared with incubation in a biotin-free medium. This observation suggests that biotin efflux is mediated by the same transporter that mediates biotin uptake from the extracellular medium (i.e., classic countertransport).  相似文献   

Piperine, an amide isolated from Piper species (Piperaceae), has been reported to exhibit central nervous system depression, anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory activity. Immunomodulatory and anti-tumor activity of piperine has been demonstrated in mouse carcinomas. However, there is little information available concerning the effect of piperine on humans. We evaluated the immunopharmacological activity of this compound in human immune cells. Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were exposed to piperine, and cell proliferation was determined by the MTS assay. Piperine significantly inhibited phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human PBMC proliferation after exposure for 72 h. This compound inhibited PBMC activity, with an IC(50) of 100.73 ± 11.16 μg/mL. Production of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ) was measured using an ELISA assay and RT-PCR. Piperine inhibited IL-2 and IFN-γ production in the PBMCs. RT-PCR data indicated that IL-2 and IFN-γ mRNA expression in PBMCs is suppressed by piperine. This compound significantly inhibited the production of these two cytokines by activated PBMCs in a dose-dependent manner. In conclusion, piperine appears to have potential as an immunomodulatory agent for immune system suppression.  相似文献   

Interleukin-4 receptors on human blood mononuclear cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have studied regulation of the expression of the interleukin-4 receptor (IL-4R) on human blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) using both 125I-IL-4 binding assay and flow cytometric analysis of biotinylated IL-4 (B-IL-4) binding. PBMC express approximately 300 high-affinity IL-4R per cell (Kd = 25-100 pM). Activation of PBMC for 60-80 hr by phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or concanavalin A (Con A) results in a 2- to 4.5-fold increase of IL-4R number without alteration of IL-4R affinity for IL-4. Binding of B-IL-4 showed that IL-4R expression is upregulated on virtually all PHA-stimulated PBMC, whereas it mostly concerns larger cells among Con A-activated PBMC. Reculture of PHA-blasts with 1 nM IL-4 further upregulates IL-4R expression to a level approximately 10-fold higher than observed on freshly isolated PBMC. Interestingly, IL-4 is able to reinduce high IL-4R levels on cells that have been deprived of IL-4 for 20 hr and IL-2 is almost as efficient. Finally, SDS-PAGE analysis of IL-4-binding molecules on unstimulated, PHA- and PHA/IL-4-activated PBMC revealed the same three peptides of MW 140-130, 80-75, and 70-65 kDa, as shown on human cell lines.  相似文献   

Heavy metals, including gold, induce severe contact hypersensitivity and autoimmune disorders, which develop through an initial Th2-independent process followed by a Th2-dependent process. It has been shown that mast cell activation plays a role in the Th2-independent process and that gold stimulates histamine release in vitro. However, the mechanisms of the gold-induced mast cell activation remain largely unclear. Here we report that gold directly activates mast cells in a Ca2+-dependent manner. HAuCl4 [Au(III)] at nontoxic concentrations (≤50 μM) induced substantial degranulation and leukotriene C4 secretion in an extracellular Ca2+-dependent manner. Au(III) induced a robust Ca2+ influx but not Ca2+ mobilization from internal stores. Au(III) also stimulated intracellular production of reactive oxygen species, including H2O2, and blockade of the production abolished the mediator release and Ca2+ influx. Au(III) induced Ca2+ influx through multiple store-independent Ca2+ channels, including Cav1.2 L-type Ca2+ channels (LTCCs) and 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB)-sensitive Ca2+ channels. The 2-APB-sensitive channel seemed to mediate Au(III)-induced degranulation. Our results indicate that gold stimulates Ca2+ influx and mediator release in mast cells through multiple H2O2-sensitive Ca2+ channels including LTCCs and 2-APB-sensitive Ca2+ channels. These findings provide insight into the roles of these Ca2+ channels in the Th2-independent process of gold-induced immunological disorders.  相似文献   

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