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心力衰竭状态下的动脉压力感受器反射   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Wang W  Zhu GQ  Gao L  Tan W  Qian ZM 《生理学报》2004,56(3):269-281
心力衰竭是以心脏泵血功能降低(心输出量减少)为始动因素的临床综合征。心输出量降低首先引起动脉压力感受性反射失负荷,进而通过迷走-交感机制加快心率;同时,支配血管床的交感传出活动增强,进而增加总外周阻力。本文主要论述在心力衰竭状态下压力感受性反射在循环功能异常调控中的作用机制。本综述及我们近年的研究表明:(1)在心力衰竭状态下压力感受性反射功能明显减弱;(2)中枢血管紧张素Ⅱ和活性氧在压力感受性反射功能失调中发挥关键作用;(3)心交感传入刺激和化学感受性反射能抑制压力感受性反射;(4)适当的运动可以部分纠正异常的心血管反射活动。  相似文献   

In this work there is shown a variability of heart rate and time delay of pulse wave of main arteries in schoolchildren.There is used the function of ordinary coherence of HR and DPW (time delay of pulse wave). This function reflects the rate of statistical linear relation of two processes in heart and blood vessels. A high tone of sympathetic part of vegetative nervous activity in schoolchildren increases CO (cardeiac out), shortens the hard connection phase of HR and DPW and results in a new system characteristic--arterial rigidity. There are presented results of passive orthostatic test and pharmacological tests on activation of sympathetic part of vegetative nervous activity in schoolchildren with heart rate problems.  相似文献   

The heart rate (HR) variability and pulse wave delay (PWD) in the major arteries of schoolchildren were studied. The function of ordinary coherence of the HR and PWD was used, which reflects the linear relationship between the two processes in the heart and vessels. The high tone of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in schoolchildren causes an increase in heart performance and decreases the shift in the phase of association between HR and PWD, which leads to the appearance of a new characteristic of the system, arterial rigidity. The results of the physiological activation of the sympathetic part of ANS during passive orthostasis and pharmacological trials with blockers of ANS receptors in schoolchildren with heart arrhythmia at rest are presented.  相似文献   

Endogenous angiotensin (ANG) II and ANG-(1-7) act at the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) to differentially modulate neural control of the circulation. The role of these peptides endogenous to NTS on cardiovascular reflex function was investigated in transgenic rats with low brain angiotensinogen (Aogen) due to glial overexpression of an antisense to Aogen (ASrAOGEN) and in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Arterial baroreceptor reflex sensitivity (BRS) for control of heart rate (HR) in response to increases in mean arterial pressure (MAP) was tested before and after bilateral microinjection of the angiotensin type 1 (AT(1)) receptor blocker candesartan or the ANG-(1-7) receptor blocker (d-Ala(7))-ANG-(1-7) into the NTS of urethane-chloralose-anesthetized ASrAOGEN and SD rats. Baseline MAP was higher in ASrAOGEN than in SD rats under anesthesia (P < 0.01). Injection of candesartan or (d-Ala(7))-ANG-(1-7) decreased MAP (P < 0.01) and HR (P < 0.05) in ASrAOGEN, but not SD, rats. The BRS at baseline was similar in ASrAOGEN and SD rats. Candesartan increased BRS by 41% in SD rats (P < 0.01) but was without effect in ASrAOGEN rats. In contrast, the reduction in BRS after (d-Ala(7))-ANG-(1-7) administration was comparable in SD (31%) and ASrAOGEN rats (34%). These findings indicate that the absence of glia-derived Aogen is associated with 1) an increase in MAP under anesthesia mediated via AT(1) and ANG-(1-7) receptors within the NTS, 2) the absence of an endogenous ANG II contribution to tonic inhibition of BRS, and 3) a continued contribution of endogenous ANG-(1-7) to tonic enhancement of BRS.  相似文献   

Observations on temporal variation in monosynaptic reflex response in the acutely decapitate cat indicate the following: 1. Frequency distribution of response amplitude has a nearly normal form often with some degree of negative skewness. Response variation differs only moderately in form and magnitude from one preparation to another. 2. Temporal variation remains essentially constant at different levels of drive above that level required to complete the zone of variation. 3. The role of response variation in the determination of mean response amplitude is considered. 4. One of the major sources of excitability fluctuation in the "resting" cord is variation in background activity of interneurons.  相似文献   

Intraventricular administration of muscimol (25–100 ng) and intravenously applied aminooxyacetic acid (2.5–10 mg/kg) depressed the crossed extensor reflex response in a dose-dependent manner. The inhibitory effects of both drugs were clearly antagonized by a subconvulsive dose of bicuculline. A very small dose of bicuculline (10–40 μg/kg, i.v.) produced a dose-related enhancement of the crossed extensor reflex response without any sign of convulsion. These results suggest that the crossed extensor reflex response is very sensitive to GABAergic drugs and central GABAergic mechanisms play a role in the modulation of the crossed extensor reflex response.  相似文献   

The function of the arterial baroreflex has traditionally been assessed by measurement of reflex changes in heart rate (HR) or sympathetic nerve activity resulting from experimenter-induced manipulation of arterial blood pressure (the Oxford method, also termed the pharmacological method). However, logistical and flexibility limitations of this technique have promoted the development of new methods for assessing baroreflex function such as the evaluation of changes in spontaneous arterial pressure and HR. Although this new spontaneous method has been validated in dogs and humans, it has not been rigorously tested in rats. In the present study, the method of correlating spontaneous changes in systolic blood pressure and HR was evaluated in resting, normotensive Sprague-Dawley rats. This technique was found to be neither reliable nor valid under the conditions employed in the present protocol. We also tested a variation of the spontaneous method that evaluates particular sequences of data during which arterial pressure and pulse interval are changing in the same direction for at least three consecutive heartbeats (the sequence method). The sequence method did not provide extra reliability or validity over the spontaneous method. We conclude that due to the restricted range of variability obtained by measuring spontaneous blood pressure fluctuations, the spontaneous and sequence techniques do not provide data that are comparable to the traditional method of assessing HR changes triggered by arterial blood pressure increases and decreases induced by vasoactive drugs. However, it is possible that surgical stress obscured the relationship between blood pressure and HR, and therefore additional studies are needed to determine whether the spontaneous and sequence methods can be applied to rats during different behavioral states.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to investigate the role of reflex and reflex time delay in muscle recruitment and spinal stability. A dynamic biomechanical model of the musculoskeletal spine with reflex response was implemented to investigate the relationship between reflex gain, co-contraction, and stability in the spine. The first aim of the study was to investigate how reflex gain affected co-contraction predicted in the model. It was found that reflexes allowed the model to stabilize with less antagonistic co-contraction and hence lower metabolic power than when limited to intrinsic stiffness alone. In fact, without reflexes there was no feasible recruitment pattern that could maintain spinal stability when the torso was loaded with 200N external load. Reflex delay is manifest in the paraspinal muscles and represents the time from a perturbation to the onset of reflex activation. The second aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between reflex delay and the maximum tolerable reflex gain. The maximum acceptable upper bound on reflex gain decreased logarithmically with reflex delay. Thus, increased reflex delay and reduced reflex gain requires greater antagonistic co-contraction to maintain spinal stability. Results of this study may help understanding of how patients with retarded reflex delay utilize reflex for stability, and may explain why some patients preferentially recruit more intrinsic stiffness than healthy subjects.  相似文献   

A study has been made of conditions that support monosynaptic reflex transmission from afferent fibers of one part of a synergic muscle mass to motoneurons of another part. Heteronymous response so called can be brought on by prior tetanization of the afferent pathway and by asphyxiation to a critical stage. The response is facilitated by cooling and may appear in the cold preparation without need for prior tetanization. By appropriate asymmetrical subdivision of a monosynaptic reflex system an afferent inflow can be obtained that is sufficiently powerful to secure heteronymous transmission without the need for prior tetanization or cooling. Each junction between a monosynaptic afferent fiber and a motoneuron possesses some degree of potentiality for transmitting. Transmitter potentiality of an afferent fiber at its several junctions with motoneurons varies widely. Reasons are advanced for supposing the variation to be graded rather than stepwise, and quantitative rather than qualitative.  相似文献   

The effects of heating and cooling the skin of the thigh and leg on the character of changes in monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflexes and of the first negative wave (N`) of the dorsal cord potential was studied in acute experiments on lightly anesthetized cats. During cooling of the skin the amplitude of the monosynaptic reflex and N1-wave was increased while the polysynaptic reflex was inhibited; during heating the amplitude of the monosynaptic reflex and N1-wave was reduced while the polysynaptic reflex was increased. After de-efferentation the cooling effect was reduced, and after division of the spinal cord responses to cooling of the skin were considerably inhibited. The mechanism of the selective action of cooling and heating of the skin on monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflexes are discussed.Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 181–185, March–April, 1973.  相似文献   

The splenorenal reflex induces changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and renal function. We hypothesized that, in addition to spinal pathways previously identified, these effects are also mediated through central pathways. We investigated the effect of elevated splenic venous pressure on central neural activation in intact, renal-denervated, and renal + splenic-denervated rats. Fos-labeled neurons were quantified in the nucleus of the tractus solitarius (NTS), paraventricular nucleus (PVN), supraoptic nucleus (SON), and subfornical organ (SFO) after 1-h partial splenic vein occlusion (SVO) in conscious rats bearing balloon occluders around the splenic vein, telemetric pressure transducers in the gastric vein (splenic venous pressure), and abdominal aorta catheters (MAP). SVO stimulated Fos expression in the PVN and SON, but not NTS or SFO of intact rats. Renal denervation abolished this response in the parvocellular PVN, while renal + splenic denervation abolished activation in the magnocellular PVN and the SON. In renal-denervated animals, SVO depressed Fos expression in the NTS and increased expression in the SFO, responses that were abolished by renal + splenic denervation. In intact rats, SVO also induced a fall in right atrial pressure, an increase in renal afferent nerve activity, and an increase in MAP. We conclude that elevated splenic venous pressure does induce hypothalamic activation and that this is mediated through both splenic and renal afferent nerves. However, in the absence of renal afferent input, SVO depressed NTS activation, probably as a result of the accompanying fall in cardiac preload and reduced afferent signaling from the cardiopulmonary receptors.  相似文献   

Altered cardiovascular reflex responses during positive pressure breathing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cardiovascular responses during hyperinflation produced by positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) are considered to be reflexly influenced by pulmonary mechanoreceptors. Numerous studies have indicated heart and vascular effects attributed to mechanical events and cardiopulmonary mechanoreflexes. Yet interactions of these modalities with the systemic baroreflexes are not clear. We examined aspects of these modulatory interactions by distinguishing changes in pulmonary, heart, and vascular responses during PEEP-hyperinflation before and after progressive elimination of chemo-, mechano-, and baroreflex influences in the closed-chest anesthetized rabbit. During respiratory alkalosis PEEP was imposed in increments of 2.5 cm H2O (range 0.0 to 7.5 cm H2O) before and during control of carotid intrasinus pressure and following aortic denervation and vagotomy. Heart rate responses during PEEP increased prior to aortic denervation, decreased following elimination of baroreflexes, and were abolished after vagotomy. The fall in mean arterial pressure (MAP) during PEEP was accentuated during elimination of the baroreflexes and ameliorated following vagotomy. Mean right atrial (MRAP), intrapleural (MIP), and right atrial transmural pressure increased during PEEP prior to vagotomy. Regression analyses of MAP versus MRAP and MAP versus MIP suggest that vagally receptors reflexly influence venous as well as systemic arterial vascular pressure. Conclusion indicate that when superimposed on mechanical events, cardiopulmonary mechanoreceptors and arterial baroreceptors effect conflicting facilitory reflex influences on heart and vascular responses during PEEP-hyperinflation.  相似文献   

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