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It is now well established that all metazoan phyla derived from one common ancestor, the hypothetical Urmetazoa. Due to the basal position of Porifera (Demospongiae) in the phylogenetic tree of Metazoa, studies on the mechanisms controlling the development of these animals can provide clues on the understanding of the origin of multicellular animals and on how the first organization of the body plan evolved. In this report we describe the isolation and genomic characterization of two T-box genes from the siliceous sponge Suberites domuncula. The phylogenetic analysis classifies one into the subfamily of Brachyury, Sd-Bra, and the second into the Tbx2 subfamily, Sd-Tbx2. Analyses of the Sd-Bra and Sd-Tbx2 sequences and their intron-exon structures demonstrate their basal position in the phylogeny of the T-box family, and allows us to hypothesize a model of the phylogenetic evolution of all T-box genes. Furthermore, we report the presence of two different products of alternative splicing of Sd-Bra, and demonstrate that they exist in different phosphorylation and glycosylation states in the sponge tissue. Sd-Bra expression in tissue and 3D-cell aggregates (primmorphs) is analyzed, suggesting that Sd-Bra might also have a role in Porifera morphogenesis.Edited by N. SatohThe sequences from Suberites domuncula reported here are deposited in the EMBL/GenBank data base: the cDNA of Brachyury (Sd-Bra; accession number AJ544242) as well as the second T-box gene Sd-Tbx2 (AJ544241).  相似文献   

The Xenopus Brachyury-like Xbra3 gene is a novel T-box gene that is closely associated with Xenopus Brachyury. The expression pattern of Xbra3 during development is similar to that of Xbra. During gastrulation Xbra3 is expressed in the marginal zone, with a gradient of increasing expression from ventral to dorsal. In the early neurula stage Xbra3 is expressed in the notochord and posterior mesoderm, but by the tailbud stage its expression is restricted to the forming tailbud and the posterior portion of the notochord.  相似文献   

The presence of two sets of paired appendages is one of the defining features of jawed vertebrates. We are interested in identifying genetic systems that could have been responsible for the origin of the first set of such appendages, for their subsequent duplication at a different axial level, and/or for the generation of their distinct identities. It has been hypothesized that four genes of the T-box gene family (Tbx2Tbx5) played important roles in the course of vertebrate limb evolution. To test this idea, we characterized the orthologs of tetrapod limb-expressed T-box genes from a teleost, Danio rerio. Here we report isolation of three of these genes, tbx2, tbx4, and tbx5. We found that their expression patterns are remarkably similar to those of their tetrapod counterparts. In particular, expression of tbx5 and tbx4 is restricted to pectoral and pelvic fin buds, respectively, while tbx2 can be detected at the anterior and posterior margins of the outgrowing fin buds. This, in combination with conserved expression patterns in other tissues, suggests that the last common ancestor of teleosts and tetrapods possessed all four of these limb-expressed T-box genes (Tbx2Tbx5), and that these genes had already acquired, and have subsequently maintained, their gene-specific functions. Furthermore, this evidence provides molecular support for the notion that teleost pectoral and pelvic fins and tetrapod fore- and hindlimbs, respectively, are homologous structures, as suggested by comparative morphological analyses. Received: 14 July 1999 / Accepted: 4 September 1999  相似文献   

Numb is an evolutionary conserved protein that plays critical roles in cell fate determination. Mammalian Numb displays a higher degree of structural complexity compared to the Drosophila homolog based on the number of encoding genes (Numb and Numb-like) and of alternative spliced isoforms. Accordingly, Numb proteins display a complex pattern of functions such as the control of asymmetric cell division and cell fate choice, endocytosis, cell adhesion, cell migration, ubiquitination of specific substrates and a number of signaling pathways (i.e. Notch, Hedgehog, p53). Recent findings indicate that, besides controlling such physiologic developmental processes, subversion of the above Numb-dependent events plays a critical role in disease (e.g. cancer). We will review here the multiple functions of mNumb and their underlying molecular mechanisms in development and disease.  相似文献   

 We report on a new zebrafish T-box-containing gene, tbx16. It encodes a message that is first detected throughout the blastoderm soon after the initiation of zygotic gene expression. Following gastrulation, expression becomes restricted to paraxial mesoderm and later primarily to the developing tail bud. To gain an evolutionary prospective on the potential function of this gene, we have analyzed its phylogenetic relationships to known T-box genes from other species. Zebrafish tbx16 is likely orthologous to the chicken Tbx6L and Xenopus Xombi/Antipodean/Brat/VegT genes. Our analysis also shows that zebrafish tbx6 and mouse Tbx6 genes are paralogous to zebrafish tbx16. We present evidence which argues, that despite the same name and similar expression, zebrafish tbx6 and mouse Tbx6 genes are not orthologous to each other but instead represent relatively distant paralogs. The expression patterns of all genes are discussed in the light of their evolutionary relationships. Received: 27 November 1997 / Accepted: 27 January 1998  相似文献   

Martinelli C  Spring J 《FEBS letters》2005,579(22):5024-5028
Most animals are classified as Bilateria and only four phyla are still extant as outgroups, namely Porifera, Placozoa, Cnidaria and Ctenophora. These non-bilaterians were not considered to have a mesoderm and hence mesoderm-specific genes. However, the T-box gene Brachyury could be isolated from sponges, placozoans and cnidarians. Here, we describe the first Brachyury and a Tbx2/3 homologue from a ctenophore. In addition, analysing T-box and homeobox genes under comparable conditions in all four basal phyla lead to the discovery of novel T-box genes in sponges and cnidarians and a Tlx homeobox gene in the ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus. The conservation of the T-box and the homeobox genes suggest that distinct subfamilies with different roles in bilaterians were already split in non-bilaterians.  相似文献   

Trophoblast cell differentiation is crucial to the morphogenesis of the placenta and thus the establishment of pregnancy and the growth and development of the embryo/fetus. In the present review, we discuss current evidence for the existence of regulatory genes crucial to trophoblast cell differentiation and placental morphogenesis. The elucidation of regulatory pathways controlling normal differentiation of trophoblast cells will facilitate the identification of sensitive junctures in the regulatory pathways leading to various developmental disorders, including those associated with the initiation of pregnancy, fetal growth retardation and gestational trophoblast disease.  相似文献   

How do ‘unicellular’ organisms in which cytokinesis and karyokinesis may be uncoupled spatially delimit regions which are structurally and functionally distinct? Developmentally arrested (da) phenotypes fail to complete development and morphologically altered (ma) phenotypes ofAcetabularia acetabulummake body parts in the wrong proportions or places. When grafted to wild type, mildmadefects phenoconvert body parts of the graft partner toma. Strongmadefects convert one body part into another on their own body. These defects may tell us how the body plan of organisms which lack obvious internal partitions are established and maintained during development.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability, due to partial or complete triplication of chromosome 21. DS subjects are characterized by a number of abnormalities including premature aging and development of Alzheimer disease (AD) neuropathology after approximately 40 years of age. Several studies show that oxidative stress plays a crucial role in the development of neurodegeneration in the DS population. Increased lipid peroxidation is one of the main events causing redox imbalance within cells through the formation of toxic aldehydes that easily react with DNA, lipids, and proteins. In this study we used a redox proteomics approach to identify specific targets of 4-hydroxynonenal modifications in the frontal cortex from DS cases with and without AD pathology. We suggest that a group of identified proteins followed a specific pattern of oxidation in DS vs young controls, probably indicating characteristic features of the DS phenotype; a second group of identified proteins showed increased oxidation in DS/AD vs DS, thus possibly playing a role in the development of AD. The third group of comparison, DS/AD vs old controls, identified proteins that may be considered specific markers of AD pathology. All the identified proteins are involved in important biological functions including intracellular quality control systems, cytoskeleton network, energy metabolism, and antioxidant response. Our results demonstrate that oxidative damage is an early event in DS, as well as dysfunctions of protein-degradation systems and cellular protective pathways, suggesting that DS subjects are more vulnerable to oxidative damage accumulation that might contribute to AD development. Further, considering that the majority of proteins have been already demonstrated to be oxidized in AD brain, our results strongly support similarities with AD in DS.  相似文献   

The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an evolutionarily conserved sensor of cellular energy status, and recent data demonstrate that it also plays a critical role in systemic energy balance. AMPK integrates nutritional and hormonal signals in peripheral tissues and the hypothalamus. It mediates effects of adipokines (leptin, adiponectin, and possibly resistin) in regulating food intake, body weight, and glucose and lipid homeostasis. AMPK is regulated by upstream kinases of which the tumor suppressor, LKB1, is the first to be identified. Complex signaling networks suggest that AMPK may prevent insulin resistance, in part by inhibiting pathways that antagonize insulin signaling. Through signaling, metabolic, and gene expression effects, AMPK enhances insulin sensitivity and fosters a metabolic milieu that may reduce the risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Various endodermal sites posterior to the caudal-most somite were marked in ovo with the vital dye Dil, and the fate of marked endoderm was analyzed after 2 or 3 days' reincubation. The endoderm in this area became gut epithelium posterior to the caudal jejunum and yolk sac. The area occupied by the cells that were to contribute to the dorsal part of the digestive tube lay centrally around the area overlaid by axial and paraxial mesoderm, with the preventral digestive area lying outside with considerable overlapping, which was surrounded by the preyolk sac area. During the formation of the posterior digestive tube, the endoderm was elongated anteroposteriorly to a considerable degree. Cells that contributed to the cloaca and those that produced descendants in the large intestine occupied similar areas posterior to the center of the sinus rhomboidalis, which were included in the pre-ileal area extending more anteriorly. Prejejunal cells generally localized in a more anterior position than pre-ileal cells. Pre-allantoic cells were located in a rather small area around the posterior primitive streak.  相似文献   

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