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P1 plasmid replication: replicon structure   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Bacteriophage P1 lysogenizes Escherichia coli as a unit-copy plasmid. We have undertaken to define the plasmid-encoded elements implicated in P1 plasmid maintenance. We show that a 2081 base-pair fragment of the 90,000 base P1 plasmid confers the capacity for controlled plasmid replication. DNA sequence analysis reveals several open reading frames in this fragment. The largest is shown to encode a 32,000 Mr protein required for plasmid replication. The corresponding gene, repA, has been identified genetically. A set of five 19 base-pair repeats is located upstream from repA; a set of nine similar repeats is located immediately downstream from repA. Each set of repeats, when cloned into pBR322, exerts incompatibility towards a P1 replicon. The upstream set, designated incC, consists of direct repeats that are spaced about two turns of the DNA helix apart; the downstream set, designated incA, consists of nine repeats arranged three in one orientation and six in the other. Spacing between incA repeats were three or four turns of the helix apart. The organization of the plasmid maintenance regions of P1 and the unit-copy sex factor plasmid, F, is strikingly similar. Although the DNA sequences of this region in the two plasmids exhibit little homology, a 9 base-pair sequence that appears four times in the origin region of members of the Enterobacteriaceae also occurs twice as direct repeats in similar positions in P1 and F. This sequence, where it occurs in E. coli, has been postulated to be the binding site for the essential replication protein determined by dnaA. The dnaA protein appears not to be essential for the replication of either plasmid; therefore, the function of the sequence in P1 and F may be regulatory.  相似文献   

J B Sweasy  M Chen    L A Loeb 《Journal of bacteriology》1995,177(10):2923-2925
We previously demonstrated that mammalian DNA polymerase beta can substitute for DNA polymerase I of Escherichia coli in DNA replication and in base excision repair. We have now obtained genetic evidence suggesting that DNA polymerase beta can substitute for E. coli DNA polymerase I in the initiation of replication of a plasmid containing a pMB1 origin of DNA replication. Specifically, we demonstrate that a plasmid with a pMB1 origin of replication can be maintained in an E. coli polA mutant in the presence of mammalian DNA polymerase beta. Our results suggest that mammalian DNA polymerase beta can substitute for E. coli DNA polymerase I by initiating DNA replication of this plasmid from the 3' OH terminus of the RNA-DNA hybrid at the origin of replication.  相似文献   

R Maas  C Wang    W K Maas 《Journal of bacteriology》1997,179(12):3823-3827
By studying the interaction of derivatives of RepFIC miniplasmids, we were able to demonstrate that under certain conditions the RepA1 initiator protein inhibits plasmid replication. An analysis of cloned derivatives whose replication is inhibited by the RepA1 protein revealed the existence of two areas of the RepFIC genome that interact with RepA1 in the inhibition reaction. One of these areas, which occurs in the origin region, was explored by in vivo methylation protection footprinting studies. The protected area was 200 bp long and showed a definite periodicity of protected and hypersensitive sites, suggesting that RepA1 promotes a topological change in the RepFIC genome. The significance of our results is discussed in the context of plasmid replication control.  相似文献   

DNA adenine methylation controls DNA replication of plasmids containing the prototypic REPI replicon by affecting protein recognition and by altering the helical stability of the origin. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis shows that adenine methylated origin DNA is more easily melted than unmethylated. However, because an added DNA adenine methylation (dam) site at the origin, whether in or out of phase with other helically aligned dam sites, actually prevents replication, we conclude that destabilization of the helix is not the exclusive function of adenine methylation in REPI replication. We find that the conformation and degree of methylation at the origin, features which are important for protein recognition, are essential for replication. In fact, RepI, a protein required for replication initiation at REPI replicons, contains a region homologous with a domain in proteins which specifically recognize and bind 5'-GATC-3'. We propose that the dam sites in the origin play a dual role: one is destabilization of the helix, and the other is protein recognition.  相似文献   

A functional map of Streptomyces coelicolor plasmid SCP2* was deduced from derivatives constructed by in vitro deletions. Functions were analyzed on bifunctional shuttle plasmids that contained pBR322 for selection and replication in Escherichia coli and fragments of SCP2* for replication in Streptomyces griseofuscus C581 and strains of Streptomyces lividans. The aph gene for neomycin resistance from Streptomyces fradiae and the tsr gene for thiostrepton resistance from Streptomyces azureus were incorporated as selectable antibiotic resistance markers in streptomycetes. An 11.8-kb sequence bounded by EcoRI and KpnI restriction sites contains the information for self-transfer and normal replication of the plasmid. A 5.9-kb EcoRI-SalI fragment contains all of the information for normal replication. Partial digestion generated a 2.2-kb Sau3A fragment that is sufficient for replication but it produces ten times higher plasmid copy number than the basic replicon. pHJL400 and PHJL401 are useful shuttle vectors containing the moderate-copy-number streptomycete plasmid combined with the E. coli plasmid pUC19. A 1.4-kb BclI-Sau3A fragment with an additional internal BclI site contains the minimal replicon but it produces 1000 times higher plasmid copy number than the basic replicon. pHJL302 is a useful shuttle vector containing the ultrahigh-copy-number streptomycete plasmid combined with the E. coli plasmid pUC19.  相似文献   

J Mendez  L Blanco    M Salas 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(9):2519-2527
Phage phi29 from Bacillus subtilis is a paradigm of the protein-primed replication mechanism, in which a single-subunit DNA polymerase is involved in both the specific protein-primed initiation step and normal DNA elongation. To start phi29 DNA replication, the viral DNA polymerase must interact with a free molecule of the viral terminal protein (TP), to prime DNA synthesis once at each phi29 DNA end. The results shown in this paper demonstrate that the DNA polymerase-primer TP heterodimer is not dissociated immediately after initiation. On the contrary, there is a transition stage in which the DNA polymerase synthesizes a five nucleotide-long DNA molecule while complexed with the primer TP, undergoes some structural change during replication of nucleotides 6-9, and finally dissociates from the primer protein when nucleotide 10 is inserted onto the nascent DNA chain. This behaviour probably reflects the polymerase requirement for a DNA primer of a minimum length to efficiently catalyze DNA elongation. The significance of such a limiting transition stage is supported by the finding of abortive replication products consisting of the primer TP linked up to eight nucleotides, detected during in vitro replication of phi29 TP-DNA particularly under conditions that decrease the strand-displacement capacity of phi29 DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Summary Replication of the non-conjugative plasmids ColE1, ColE2 and ColE3 has been examined in a number of DNA polymerase I-deficient strains, two of which contain the amber mutationpolA1 along with either of two temperature-sensitivesupF amber suppressors. These latter two strains produce reduced amounts of DNA polymerase I polymerizing activity of similar, if not identical properties to that produced bypolA+ strains. Our results indicate that the ColE plasmids require different amounts of DNA polymerase I for stable plasmid maintenance. Moreover whereas all three plasmids are maintained in a strain defective in the 53 exonuclease activity of DNA polymerase I, ColE2 and ColE3 are not stably maintained between 30° and 43° in a number of DNA polymerase I-deficient strains that are temperature-sensitive for ColE1 replication.  相似文献   

Magnoni F  Sala C  Forti F  Dehò G  Ghisotti D 《Plasmid》2006,56(3):216-222
The genetic element P4 propagates in its host Escherichia coli both as a satellite phage and as a plasmid. Two partially overlapping replicons coexist, namely replicon I and replicon II. The former is composed of two sites, ori1 and crr, and depends on P4 alpha gene product for replication. The P4 alpha protein has primase and helicase activities, and binds specifically to both ori1 and crr. Replicon II is composed of two sites, ori2 and crr, and its replication also depends on P4 alpha primase and helicase activities. In replicon II, the alpha protein binds only crr. Here we show that for replicon II the relative orientation of ori2 and crr is essential for replication to occur. Furthermore we delimit ori2 to a 22 bp region (6234-6255), internal to the alpha gene, sufficient for replicon II replication. We mutagenized this region and identified two mutants, which carry one and two base substitutions, respectively, that prevent replicon II replication. In electrophoretic mobility shift experiments of ori2, ori1, and crr DNA fragments with E. coli extracts, ori2 was not shifted, whereas both ori1 and crr were specifically bound, suggesting that other host protein(s), beside P4 alpha, are able to bind to these cis essential regions. Apparently, no binding to ori2 could be identified, thus suggesting that neither alpha nor other bacterial proteins specifically bind to this region.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus plasmid pT181 is thought to replicate via an asymmetric rolling-circle mechanism. By studying pulse labeled replicative intermediates, here we report that pT181 replication involves: (1) a post-replicative hypersupercoiled monomer and (2) a partially replicated intermediate which lacks superhelicity but is unlike a typical rolling-circle intermediate in that only nascent strands of less than unit length are released by alkali denaturation. A model for pT181 replication is proposed to accommodate this apparent discrepancy.  相似文献   

P1 plasmid replication requires methylated DNA.   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Plasmids driven by the plasmid replication origin of bacteriophage P1 cannot be established in Escherichia coli strains that are defective for the DNA adenine methylase (dam). Using a composite plasmid that has two origins, we show that the P1 origin cannot function even in a plasmid that is already established in a dam strain. An in vitro replication system for the P1 origin was developed that uses as a substrate M13 replicative-form DNA containing the minimal P1 origin. The reaction mixture contains a crude extract of E. coli and purified P1 RepA protein. In addition to being RepA dependent, synthesis was shown to be dependent on methylation of the dam methylase-sensitive sites of the substrate DNA. As the P1 origin contains five such sites in a small region known to be critical for origin function, it can be concluded that methylation of these sites is a requirement for initiation. This suggests that the postreplicational methylation of the origin may control reinitiation and contribute to the accuracy of the highly stringent copy-number control of the origin in vivo.  相似文献   

A purified fragment of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that determines resistance to kanamycin and is incapable of self-replication was used to select a self-replicating fragment from an EcoRI endonuclease digest of the sex factor F'lac. This F'lac fragment, exhibiting a molecular weight of 6 X 10(6), carries the genes essential for maintenance of the F replicon in Escherichia coli cells. The constructed mini-F'km plasmid also retains the incompatibility properties of the parent F'lac plasmid. Large amounts of the kanamycin resistance fragment of a molecular weight of 4.5 X 10(6) with an EcoRI-cleaved, self-replicating derivative of colicinogenic plasmid E1 that has a molecular weight of 2.2 X 10(6), The recombinant plasmid is able to replicate extensively in E. coli in medium containing chloramphenicol, and, therefore, large quantities of this plasmid DNA can be obtained. The substantial difference in size between the two fragments in the recombinant plasmid greatly facilitates their separation by preparative agarose gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Rolling circle replication of single-stranded DNA plasmid pC194.   总被引:39,自引:5,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
M F Gros  H te Riele    S D Ehrlich 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(12):3863-3869
A group of small Staphylococcus aureus/Bacillus subtilis plasmids was recently found to replicate via a circular single-stranded DNA intermediate (te Riele et al., 1986a). We show here that a 55 bp region of one such plasmid, pC194, has origin activity when complemented in trans by the plasmid replication protein. This region contains two palindromes, 5 and 14 bp long, and a site nicked by the replication protein. DNA synthesis presumably initiated at the nick in the replication origin can be terminated at an 18 bp sequence homologous to the site of initiation, deriving from another plasmid, pUB110, or synthesized in vitro. This result suggests that, similar to the Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA phages, pC194 replicates as a rolling circle. Interestingly, there is homology between replication origins and replication proteins of pC194 and the phage phi mX174.  相似文献   

A pUC-derived replicon inducible by oxygen limitation was designed and tested in fed-batch cultures of Escherichia coli. It included the addition of a second inducible copy of rnaII, the positive replication control element. The rnaII gene was expressed from Ptrc and cloned into pUC18 to test the hypothesis that the ratio of the positive control molecule RNAII to the negative control element, RNAI, was the determinant of plasmid copy number per chromosome (PCN). The construct was evaluated in several E. coli strains. Evaluations of the RNAII/RNAI ratio, PCN and plasmid yield normalized to biomass (YpDNA/X) were performed and the initial hypothesis was probed. Furthermore, in high cell-density cultures in shake flasks, an outstanding amount of 126 mg/L of plasmid was produced. The microaerobically inducible plasmid was obtained by cloning the rnaII gene under the control of the oxygen-responsive Vitreoscilla stercoraria hemoglobin promoter. For this plasmid, but not for pUC18, the RNAII/RNAI ratio, PCN and YpDNA/X efficiently increased after the shift to the microaerobic regime in fed-batch cultures in a 1 L bioreactor. The YpDNA/X of the inducible plasmid reached 12 mg/g at the end of the fed-batch but the original pUC18 only reached ca. 6 mg/g. The proposed plasmid is a valuable alternative for the operation and scale-up of plasmid DNA production processes in which mass transfer limitations will not represent an issue.  相似文献   

Lindner SE  Sugden B 《Plasmid》2007,58(1):1-12
The genome of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and plasmid derivatives of it are among the most efficient extrachromosomal replicons in mammalian cells. The latent origin of plasmid replication (oriP), when supplied with the viral Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen 1 (EBNA1) in trans, provides efficient duplication, partitioning and maintenance of plasmids bearing it. In this review, we detail what is known about the viral cis and trans elements required for plasmid replication. In addition, we describe how the cellular factors that EBV usurps are used to complement the functions of the viral constituents. Finally, we propose a model for the sequential assembly of an EBNA1-dependent origin of DNA synthesis into a pre-Replicative Complex (pre-RC), which functions by making use only of cellular enzymatic activities to carry out the replication of the viral plasmid.  相似文献   

Mechanism of plasmid pT181 DNA replication   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The origin of replication of plasmid pT181 is nicked by the plasmid-encoded RepC protein. This nick presumably serves as the start-site of pT181 replication by extension synthesis. In vitro replication of pT181 was found to generate single-stranded DNA in addition to the supercoiled, double-stranded DNA. The single-stranded DNA was circular and corresponded to the pT181 leading strand. In vitro replication of a recombinant plasmid carrying two pT181 origins in direct orientation was shown to generate circular, single-stranded DNA that corresponded to initiation of replication at one origin sequence and termination at the other origin. These results demonstrate that the origin of pT181 leading-strand DNA replication also serves as the site for termination of replication. Interestingly, the presence of two PT181 origins in inverted orientation resulted in initiation of replication at one origin and stalling of the replisome at the other origin. These data are consistent with the replication of pT181 by a rolling circle mechanism and indicate that single-stranded DNA is an intermediate in pT181 replication.  相似文献   

Mammalian DNA polymerase beta is the smallest known eukaryotic polymerase and is expressed as an active protein in Escherichia coli harboring a plasmid containing its cDNA. Since some catalytic functions of DNA polymerase beta and E. coli DNA polymerase I are similar, we wished to determine if DNA polymerase beta could substitute for DNA polymerase I in bacteria. We found that the expression of mammalian DNA polymerase beta in E. coli restored growth in a DNA polymerase I-defective bacterial mutant. Sucrose density gradient analysis revealed that DNA polymerase beta complements the replication defect in the mutant by increasing the rate of joining of Okazaki fragments. These findings demonstrate that DNA polymerase beta, believed to function in DNA repair in mammalian cells, can also function in DNA replication. Moreover, this complementation system will permit study of the in vivo function of altered species of DNA polymerase beta, an analysis currently precluded by the difficulty in isolating mutants in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The polymerase activity of DNA polymerase I is important for the establishment of the pLS1 replicon by reconstitutive assembly in Streptococcus pneumoniae after uptake of exogenous pLS1 plasmid DNA. In polA mutants lacking the polymerase domain, such establishment was reduced at least 10-fold in frequency. Chromosomally facilitated establishment of pLS1-based plasmids carrying DNA homologous to the host chromosome was not so affected. However, both types of plasmid transfer gave mostly small colonies on initial selection, which was indicative of a defect in replication and filling of the plasmid pool. Once established, the pLS1-based plasmids replicated in polA mutants, but they showed segregational instability. This defect was not observed in strains with the wild-type enzyme or in an S. pneumoniae strain that encodes the polymerase and exonuclease domains of the enzyme on separate fragments. The role of DNA polymerase I in stably maintaining the plasmids depends on its polymerizing function in three separate steps of rolling-circle replication, as indicated by the accumulation of different replication intermediate forms in polA mutants. Furthermore, examination of the segregational stability of the pLS1 replicon in an Escherichia coli mutant system indicated that both the polymerase and the 5′-to-3′ exonuclease activities of DNA polymerase I function in plasmid replication.  相似文献   

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