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Conspicuousness to predators frequently has been invoked asa cost of sexually selected traits, but conspicuousness to preyhas not We tested for the latter using rubyspot damselflies(Hetaerina americana) as the predator. Previous work on thisspecies showed that the red spots on male wings are intrasexuallyselected and reduce survival. Since female wings lack red spots,we first compared male and female weight gain rates per unithunting time. Females gained weight significandy faster thanmales in both mg per hour and relative to body weight. We thencompared the weight gain rates of females painted with red wingspots to those of control females painted with clear ink ornot manipulated. Controls gained weight significandy fasterthan red-painted females. Behavioral observations revealed thatred females attempted to capture prey at normal rates and experiencednormal rates of agonistic interference from conspecifics ofboth sexes. Nevertheless, red females captured fewer prey perminute and per capture attempt than did sham-manipulated andunmanipulated controls. We infer that the red spots reducedfemale weight gain rates by increasing their visibility to prey.Close similarity between male and red female weight gain ratesrelative to unmanipulated females suggests that red spots mayalso be a hunting handicap for males. [Behav Ecol 7: 465–473(1996)]  相似文献   

An explanation for courting traits is that they convey information about the bearers condition to conspecifics, more specifically immune ability. Here we test a series of immune-based assumptions in the territorial damselfly Hetaerina americana, whose males bear wing pigmentation patterns, which are maintained via male–male competition. H. americana males emerge and take some time to mature sexually, after which, depending on their fat reserves, may start defending territories where females arrive at for copulation. Territorial males are eventually defeated and lose their territories. This loss is a consequence of a reduction in muscular fat reserves. We tested whether: (a) territorial males had more pigmented wings, more intense melanine-based immune response (encapsulation response to a nylon filament implant) and higher fat reserves than non-territorial males; (b) pigmentation is related to immunity and fat reserves; (c) the immune response held constant in two different episodes (3 days between each) in the same male during territorial tenure; and (d) immune response and fat reserves decreased after experimentally simulated fighting event. Our results agree with current views of immune ability and courting traits: (1) territorial males had more wing pigmentation, higher immune responses and fat reserves than non-territorial males; (2) pigmentation was also correlated with immunity and fat reserves; and (3) immune response was similarly intense in the two episodes during territorial tenure. However, this response and fat reserves were considerably lower after fighting compared to that of territorial males and non-territorial males. Our work points out a link between fat reserves and immune ability which agree with previous studies in insects. Given, however, that in this species the use of wing pigmentation via male–male competition is more likely to provide information about current fat reserves than immunity, it is suggested that immune ability is only indirectly selected and may not be the information that pigmentation would convey to conspecifics.  相似文献   

Habitat requirements and population persistence were investigated in three damselfly species, all coastal plain pond specialists: Enallagma recurvatum, E. laterale, and E. pictum. Because of geographic restriction, two are of special concern to conservation, E. recurvatum and E. laterale. We surveyed more than 70 ponds on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and collected adult presence-absence data during the summers of 1999 and 2000. We achieved a detection rate approaching 100% for each species by visiting each pond up to three times. We looked for relationships between the presence of each damselfly species and presence of specific aquatic vegetation, the presence of the other Enallagma species, and the number of ponds within various distances of the 72 surveyed ponds. Using stepwise logistic regression, we found the following significant associations: E. recurvatum with the rush Juncus militaris; E. laterale with water lilies (Nuphar variegatum and Brasenia schreberi) the damselfly E. pictum, and the number of ponds within 2 km; and E. pictum with the water lily Nymphaea odorata, the damselfly E. laterale, and the number of ponds within 1.5 km and 2.5 km. Presence-absence data were used to calculate turnover and local extinction rates for each species between the two years. E. recurvatum's turnover and local extinction rates (33.3% and 41% respectively) were much higher than either E. laterale (9.8%, 11.5%) or E. pictum (7.7%, 10%). These results suggest that E. recurvatum occurs in a metapopulation, and that patch colonization rates might be important to local population persistence.  相似文献   

Adult males of the American rubyspot ( Hetaerina americana ) dispute riverine territories where females arrive to mate. On the wing basis, these males bear a red pigmentation spot whose area correlates with territorial disputes and mating rate: males with larger spots are more successful. This is explained by the fact that spot size correlates with fat muscular reserves which fuel flight during territorial intrusions. To further our understanding of sexual selection acting on the spot, here we have examined possible differences in three spot colour properties (red chroma, hue and brightness) in three distinct adult male ages [young, middle-aged (when males are more likely to defend a territory) and old], social status (territorial and non-territorial in middle-aged males), and under two potentially, energetically and costly situations: when faced with an immune challenge [comparing a nylon-implanted male group vs. a non-implanted male group in two ages, teneral (previous to colour formation) and middle-aged] and low diet levels (comparing a male set of middle-aged animals that received food ad libitum vs. a male set that received no food). Our results indicate no change in colour properties across any of these comparisons. Taken together, these and previous results suggest that only spot size but not the spot characteristics we measured here, is sexually selected in males of this species at least in terms of pre-copulatory male–male competition. That some of these colour properties have been related to male condition in other calopterygid damselflies cannot be generalized to the American rubyspot.  相似文献   

Increased resource availability should favor higher animal density. It may also affect sex ratio, the male condition, and mating competition over access to females, although the direction of these variables is not straightforward to predict. Using a non-experimental approach, we carried out preliminary research using the territorial American rubyspot (Hetaerina americana) by comparing two spatially separated populations and the same population in two different seasons (each comparison with varying population densities). We first compared the sex ratio by counting males (using two categories, territorial and non-territorial) and females; relative foraging time (as an indicator of how much feeding resources each site provides); wing spot size (a sexual ornament), body size and immune melanization response (these two variables were used to assess male condition); and fighting time and contest number (to assess competition). For the seasonal comparison we used a third population in which we only compared male spot size and two indicators of condition and immune response, phenoloxidase (PO) and nitric oxide (NO) activity. The high-density population had higher values of non-territorial males (but similar sex ratio), relative foraging time, contest time and number, wing spot (but similar body size) and melanization response than the low-density population. According to season, at high density, males had higher values of wing spots, PO, and NO. Our results suggest that in a population where animals have more dietary resources, males reach a better condition despite the competition being more intense.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that sexual ornaments communicate pathogen resistance ability. We experimentally explored the relationship between the expression of a male ornamental trait (wing pigmentation) of the damselfly Hetaerina titia and survival after a bacterial challenge. We infected males with Serratia marcescens (a Gram-negative bacteria typical of insects) and compared survival against a group infected with dead bacteria and a noninfected group. Wing pigmentation was entered as a predictor of survival in this comparison. Our study indicated that wing pigmentation was not a good predictor of immune ability against bacteria. This result contradicts previous findings in the same and other calopterygid species in which wing pigmentation intensity inversely correlated with gregarine infection levels. It also contradicts the general idea that ornaments are honest indicators of pathogen defense.  相似文献   

Entomological Review - The ability to enter reproductive diapause was experimentally studied in females of the laboratory population of the predatory ladybird Cheilomenes sexmaculata originated...  相似文献   

杨扇舟蛾性引诱行为的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨扇舟蛾羽化高峰在19~21时,羽化后4小时左右性成熟,雌蛾分泌性外激素,对雄蛾产生性引诱;以羽化当日性引诱力最强;这种性行为直至交配或死亡为止。活雌蛾性外激素粗提液对雄蛾也有引诱力,但诱雄蛾效果不如活雌蛾。  相似文献   

Summary Pisilus tipuliformis females brooded over their egg batches until after hatching. They selected their own batches when offered a choice between these and other batches, the basis of recognition being the arrangement of the eggs within each batch. After one day's association with substitute batches, brooding females still preferred their own batches; after two or more day's association with substitute batches they showed no significant preference for either batch.
Zusammenfassung Nach der Eiablage bewachten die Weibchen der räuberischen Reduviide Pisilus tipuliformis F. ihr Eigelege fast ununterbrochen bis einige wenige Tage nach dem Schlüpfen. Dann blieben sie mit Unterbrechungen noch einige Wochen länger bei den verlassenen Eischalen. Wurden brütende Weibchen ihrer eigenen Eier beraubt, so versuchten sie sich in den Besitz anderer zu setzen.Weibchen, denen ihr eigenes Gelege und andere zur Wahl angeboten wurden, wählten ihre eigenen Gelege signifikant häufiger, solange die Eier noch nicht oder nicht mehr als 10 Tage zuvor geschlüpft waren. Wenn die Eier 20 bis 30 Tage zuvor geschlüpft waren, so erfolgte keine solche Selektion mehr und die Eigelege wurden dann oft nicht mehr erkannt.Wenn die Eier aus ihrer normalen fixierten Lage im Gelege abgelöst und in Unordnung gebracht wurden, vermochten ihre Mütter nicht mehr zwischen ihnen und fremden ungeordneten Eigelegen zu unterscheiden. Es wird daraus gefolgert, daß die Anordnung der Eier — die in den verschiedenen Gelegen beträchtlich variiert — die Grundlage für das Erkennen der Eigelege durch die Weibchen darstellt.Brütende Weibchen, die einen Tag nach der Ablage von ihrem eigenen Gelege entfernt und für einen Tag mit einem Ersatzgelege versehen worden waren, vermochten noch ihr eigenes Gelege vorzuziehen, wenn es ihnen mit anderen zur Wahl geboten wurde. Nach 2, 4 und 8 Tagen mit dem untergeschobenen Gelege zeigten die Weibchen weder für ihr eigenes noch für die untergeschobenen Gelege eine signifikante Bevorzugung.

The effects of powders from dry flower buds of Eugenia aromatica Baill., seeds of Piper guineense Schum and Thonn and fruits of Capsicum frutescens L. on adult behaviour, mortality and reproductive fitness of the cowpea seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) were investigated under ambient laboratory conditions. All experiments were carried out in glass Petri plates. All powders elicited aversion in adult beetles. The contact toxicity symptoms included restlessness, loss of coordination, knock down and eventual death of adult beetles. These behaviours were more pronounced with E. aromatica in which adult beetles died within 16 hours. P. guineense and C. frutescens powders did not cause 100% mortality of adult beetles, even after 24 hours. Each of the three powders significantly (P 〈 0.05) reduced the mating competition of adult males after sub-lethal exposure for one, two, and three hours, respectively. E. aromatica powder caused more reduction in male mating competition for females than any of the other two powders after each period of exposure. Receptiveness of treated females to courting males was also decreased by exposure to any of the three powders. Similarly, E. aromatica powder caused greater decreases in female receptiveness to males than any of the other two powders after each period of exposure. Exposure of either adult male or female C. maculatus to the powders for sub-lethal times of three, six and nine hours significantly reduced the fecundity of the beetles. E. aromatica powder caused the most reduction of eggs laid and also significantly reduced fertility of the eggs.  相似文献   

Summary Concentrically lamellate spherical bodies have been observed in the oocyte nuclei of the anisopterous dragonflyCordulia aenea. In their ultrastructure, these bodies resemble the cortical granules reported from the cytoplasm of the sea urchin oocytes. The lamellate bodies ofCordulia are compared with other lamellate systems known to exist in nuclei. It is suggested that the nuclear lamellate spheres ofCordulia may be homologous with the somewhat less regular lamellate bodies described from maize microspores.The competent help of MissRiitta Lallukka, M. A., is acknowledged with many thanks. We are grateful to ProfessorsESko Suomalainen andAntti Telkkä for helpful suggestions. Grants for the study have been received from the National Research Council for Sciences, from the University of Helsinki and from the Emil Aaltonen Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary The population structure of the endemic San Francisco Bay Area damselfly, Ischnura gemina, is examined using mark-recapture methods. Average daily movements, sex ratios, population size, maturation times, survivorship, and dispersion patterns, were recorded and calculated from two small (each less than one hectare) sites 150 m apart in Glen Canyon, San Francisco. Of 563 adults marked over 36 days, 412 (73%) were recaptured at least once. Average daily movements for males and females were less than 6 m, suggesting local movements. However, directional movements of 150 m were observed from one site to the other, indicating dispersal potential. One of the populations was a satellite composed entirely, of emigrating individuals from the other site; no larvae or teneral adults were found at the satellite area. Males were more aggregated than females at both sites. Both sexes were highly clumped at one site but were nearly randomly dispersed at the other site. Total population size for both sexes tended to be constant throughout the sampling period, at about 250. Adult population estimates showed more males were present than, females, but larval counts at one site indicated only a slight excess of males. Average life span estimates ranged from 6.5 days (females) to 23.3 days (males). One male lived at least 36 days. Maturation time for males was about 5–7 days, 7–10 days for females. A long life span and long flight season (March to November) are probably adaptations to the foggy San Francisco climate. All populations of I. gemina located to date are small, possibly originating from founders from nearby demes, and may be subject to different selection pressures. The dispersal potential of I. gemina may increase its chance of survival should small urban demes be threatened with destruction.  相似文献   

The Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is on the verge of extinction in Malaysia. At the Sumatran rhinoceros Conservation Centre in Sungai Dusun, the reproductive behaviour of two female and two male rhinoceroses were studied for 8-10 months during attempts to breed them in captivity. Due to the paucity of scientific information on the reproductive biology of the Sumatran rhinoceros, this study was conducted to obtain information on the reproductive behaviour of this species. The male rhino was introduced to a female rhino in the morning for 1-2 h daily in order to observe for behavioural oestrus. Observations were made on the signs of oestrus and mating behaviour. Oestrus was determined by receptivity towards the male and lasted about 24 h. Common signs of oestrus were an increase in frequency of urine spraying, tail raising or swinging, anogenital and other contacts. Although the males exhibited mounting, the inability of the male to achieve intromission was poor. The study demonstrated that the pattern of courtship and copulation of the captive Sumatran rhinos were comparable with those of other rhino species, reported previously by other scientists and flehmen reflex was also exhibited by the male Sumatran rhinos. In a captive breeding programme, it is recommended that only an oestral female is introduced into a male enclosure due to the male solitary behaviour and to avoid serious injuries inflicted onto the females.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythmicity in the behaviour of the marine prawn, Metapenaeus monoceros (Fab) and its substratum preference has been observed under laboratory conditions. In the morning at 9. a.m. 80% prawns remain buried and in the afternoon at 3 p.m. 60% burrowing was observed. A contrasting situation was observed in the night i.e. 17% burrowing at 9 p.m. and 30% burrowing at 3 a.m. was registered. In the second set of experiments juveniles were subjected to four types of substrata viz. mud, black fine sand, white coarse sand and stones. It was noted that M. monoceros showed more affinity towards the mud and less preference to other substrata. The obtained results are discussed to provide clues for prawn fishing.This work was supported by I.C.A.R., New Delhi through a project on Reprod. Endocr. Edible prawns.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the reproductive biology is critical for the development of management strategies of the species both in captivity and in the wild, and to address conservation concerns regarding the sustainable use of a species. The present report characterizes some aspects of the reproductive biology of the wild red brocket deer inhabiting the North-eastern Peruvian Amazon region, based on the anatomical and histological examination of the female reproductive organs of 89 wild adult females in different reproductive states. The red brocket deer female presented ovarian follicular waves involving the synchronous growth of a cohort of an average 25 follicles but only one follicle generally survived and continued development, reaching maturity at 4mm. Mean ovulation rate was 1.14 and litter size was 1 fetus. Females presented a low rate of reproductive wastage of 14.3% of embryos. Among the 89 adult females studied, 41 (46.1%) were pregnant and 48 (53.9%) were non-pregnant females. In the Northeastern Peruvian Amazon, conceptions occurred year-round in the red brocket deer but there were peaks in the rate of conception. Estimated yearly reproductive production was 0.76-0.82 young per adult female. Most pregnant females in advanced stage of pregnancy had at least one active CL, suggesting the persistence of CL throughout gestation.  相似文献   

The final stadium larva of Hetaerina rosea is here described and illustrated for the first time based on specimens collected in Corrientes and Buenos Aires provinces, Argentina.  相似文献   

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