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Introduction. Cheilolejeunea morganii Bever. & Glenny, a new species of Cheilolejeunea from a lowland forest habitat in eastern Taranaki in the North Island of New Zealand, is described and illustrated.

Methods. DNA sequences were extracted from recently collected material at two locations and compared with those for species in a published phylogeny of the genus to establish the position of C. morganii. Photographic images were obtained of key features of the species for the preparation of illustrations for publication.

Key results. Cheilolejeunea morganii does not match any species described for New Zealand or Australia. The sequencing results indicate its position in the phylogeny is close to Section Paroicae. A key to the New Zealand species of Cheilolejeunea is provided.

Conclusions. In the Australasian flora, C. morganii is distinguished from other species by its combination of monoicy, pycnolejeuneoid gynoecial innovations, lobule length less than 50% lobe length and a multicellular second lobule tooth with 3–4 cells uniseriate. A case is presented for the recognition of the species as a New Zealand endemic.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):268-276

Two little known species of Cheilolejeunea, C. microscypha (Hook.f. & Taylor) M.Wigginton, comb. nov. (a reinstated St Helena liverwort), and C. rotalis (Hook.f. & Taylor) M.Wigginton comb. nov., endemic to St Helena, South Atlantic Ocean, are described and illustrated, and oil bodies of C. ascensionis (Hook.f. & Taylor) Grolle are newly described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Introduction. During a recent floristic survey of liverworts from Western Ghats, India, two interesting liverworts of genus Cololejeunea were collected from forests in Mahabaleshwar in the state of Maharashtra.

Methods. After critical investigation, they have been described as new to science and both species, C. ghatensis G.Asthana & A.Srivastava sp. nov. and C. mehrana G.Asthana & A.Srivastava sp. nov. are illustrated and described here.

Key results. Cololejeunea ghatensis is an epiphyllous species growing on angiosperm leaves and has been collected near Chinaman Waterfall, Robbers Cave, Connaught Peak and Polo Ground area. Cololejeunea mehrana has been collected near Monkey point and the latter has an interesting habitat as it was found growing on moss leaves. Cololejeunea ghatensis is monoicous and C. mehrana is dioicous.  相似文献   

Haloarchaea are known to produce antimicrobial proteins, halocins which are generally stable at extreme conditions suggesting their potential biotechnological applications. Here, we report a halocin-producing haloarchaeon isolated from salt lake and identified as Haloferax larsenii HA4 using partial 16S rDNA sequence and biochemical properties. Whole-cell methanolysate showed ether-linked lipids, which is a characteristic feature of haloarchaea. Strain HA4 was able to grow at pH 6·0–10·0 and 15–30% NaCl. The growth response was normal but antimicrobial activity was detected only during the log-phase. Crude halocin HA4 was active in the pH range of pH 2·0–10·0 with stability up to 100°C. Cell-free supernatant (CFS) was also stable in different organic solvents and detergents tested. However, halocin activity was reduced after treatment with proteinase K suggesting the proteinaceous nature of the active compound. Concentrated CFS showed the presence of several proteins from 6·5–66 kDa but bioassay suggested ~14 kDa protein as halocin. Crude halocin preparation showed cytocidal activity against indicator strain, H. larsenii HA10 and inhibited the growth of other related strains such as H. larsenii HA3, HA8, HA9 and HA10.  相似文献   

Two new species of Rutaceae, Conchocarpus hamadryadicus Pirani & Kallunki and C. minutiflorus Groppo & Pirani are described and illustrated. Both are known so far only from small remnants of forests, the former in the caatinga dominium in Bahia, the latter in moist forests near Santa Teresa, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Their main diagnostic features are delineated, and their relationships to other species of Conchocarpus are discussed. Because Rauia racemosa Nees & Mart. can no longer be recognised as a synonym of Conchocarpus fontanesianus (A. St.-Hil.) Kallunki & Pirani, a new combination, C. racemosus (Nees & Mart.) Kallunki & Pirani, is provided, with comments.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):169-174

Cheilolejeunea celata M.Renner & Glenny sp. nov., a minute species from high elevation (generally >600 m), high rainfall forests on the wetter, western side of New Zealand, is described and illustrated. It is similar to Cheilolejeunea novaezelandiae R.M. Schust. in its dome-shaped papillae on the lobe surface and its autoicous state, but differs in bearing papillae over the entire lobe surface and on the underleaves, in having narrower underleaves that are never imbricate and have a narrow sinus, and in growing primarily in forest, on the stems of other bryophyte species. In its combination of oblique lobes, strongly inflated keel, and bifid underleaves, the species provides further support for the recent merger of Cyrtolejeunea into Cheilolejeunea.  相似文献   

描述了产自广西木兰科一新种:靖西长喙木兰(Lirianthe jingxiensis Y. H. Tong&N. H. Xia)。本种形态上与绢毛木兰[L. albosericea(Chun&C. H. Tsoong)N. H. Xia&C. Y. Wu]接近,但区别在于该种植株较矮,幼枝、叶柄和幼叶被黄棕色绢毛,叶柄较宽,叶片较宽,倒卵形或倒卵状椭圆形,先端钝或短渐尖,花被片较大,心皮数目较多,被黄棕色绢毛。  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):781-785

Cheilolejeunea oncophylla (Ångstr.) Grolle & Reiner comb. nov. (basionym: Lejeunea oncophylla Ångstr.) is described and illustrated. Trachylejeunea dominicensis Steph. and Harpalejeunea verrucosa Herzog are shown to be synon):'ms.  相似文献   

Two new species of Anthurium from Bahia, eastern Brazil, are described and illustrated. Both species belong to sect. Urospadix Engl. and are so far only known from the type locality, Serra do Teimoso, although they are common locally. Anthurium teimosoanum E. G. Gon?. & J. G. Jardim is known from the lowermost altitudinal zone of this upland area, whereas A. molle E. G. Gon?. & J. G. Jardim was only collected near the summit.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):403-409

Gradsteinia torrenticola Ochyra, Schmidt & Bültmann sp. nov. (Donrichardsiaceae), known from a single locality in a waterfall on Tenerife in the Canary Islands, is described and illustrated. This aquatic moss is primarily characterized by its irregularly bi- to unistratose laminae with scattered 3–4 stratose ridges and crests giving the leaf surface an uneven and rough appearance, the single but mostly forked and spurred costa, and the leaf margin with frequent polystratose limbidia of varying degrees of completeness. An assessment of the relationships of this new species is troublesome due to the sterile condition of the plants. Because of the structure of the leaf laminae, it is included in the genus Gradsteinia Ochyra which, so far, is known only from the Colombian Andes.  相似文献   

描述并绘制了越南唇形科一新属及新种:日轮果属(Heliacria Bo Li,C.L.Xiang,T.S.Hoang&Nuraliev)和日轮果(H. maritima Bo Li,C.L.Xiang,T.S.Hoang&Nuraliev)。日轮果属因具攀援藤本习性,花大且花冠为纯白色,花萼近辐射对称、5深裂、裂片长且在果期增大并开展,果实顶端具放射状的瘤状突起等特征而明显区别于黄芩亚科的其他5属。目前,该属仅发现于越南东南部沿海的平定省、富安省、庆和省和宁顺省,常生于海岸边干旱的低地矮林中。  相似文献   

A new coprophilous species, Coprinellus radicellus, is presented and described on the basis of morphological characters and a species phylogeny inferred from ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 and beta-tubulin gene sequences. The species is characterized by lageniform pileo- and caulocystidia, 8- to 11-μm long ellipsoid basidiospores with a central germ-pore, globose cheilocystidia, an often rooting stipe, the lack of pleurocystidia and velar elements. These characters distinguish C. radicellus from all other described species in subsection Setulosi. It comes closest to C. brevisetulosus (Arnolds) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo and C. pellucidus (P. Karst.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo both morphologically and phylogenetically, but is distinct from both. Another five representatives of morphologically recognizable groups of subsection Setulosi were included in the phylogenetic analyses and found were distinct from C. radicellus, both morphologically and phylogenetically. To date, this new species is known only from Scandinavia, which is surprising in view of the uniform geographical distributions of most setulose Coprinellus species. A key to coprophilous taxa of Coprinellus with pileo- and caulocystidia is presented. Three new combinations are proposed.  相似文献   

Data on the whitefly parasitoid species known from the Macaronesian archipelagos of the Canary Islands, Madeira and the Azores are presented, based largely on recently collected material. A total of 26 species are treated, including six new species, six new records for the Canary Islands, two new records for Madeira, and two new records for the Azores. All species are fully described and illustrated. New species described are: Encarsia atlantica Polaszek & Hernández; Encarsia levadicola Polaszek & Hernández; Encarsia melanostoma Polaszek & Hernández; Encarsia noahi Polaszek & Hernández; Euderomphale gomer LaSalle & Hernández; Euderomphale insularis LaSalle & Hernández. A fully illustrated identification key based on females is provided for recognition of whitefly parasitoids in these archipelagos. Data on the known distribution and hosts are provided, as well as references to biology and use in biological control.  相似文献   

Aspidistra lingyunensis C. R. Lin & L. F. Guo (Asparagaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from limestone areas in northwestern Guangxi, China. It resembles A. obconica C. R. Lin & Yan Liu in leaf size and its obconical and purplish red pistil, but differs by having a yellowish white perianth, with lobes oblong, explanate, 6–7 mm long, subequal to tube and a white stigma surface, ca 3 mm in diameter. The new species is rare, currently known only from northwestern Guangxi.  相似文献   

Two new species of Lonchocarpus from Brazil, assigned to sect. Laxiflori Benth., are described and illustrated and their affinities, geographical distribution and conservation status are discussed. Lonchocarpus laticiferus from arboreal caatinga vegetation of Bahia State, and deciduous forest of Minas Gerais State is related to L. montanus A. M. G. Azevedo ex M. J. Silva & A. M. G. Azevedo. Lonchocarpus graciliflorus, known only from the rain forest of Paraná, is morphologically similar to L. longiunguiculatus M. J. Silva & A. M. G. Azevedo.  相似文献   

报道了广西石灰岩地区苦苣苔科报春苣苔属(Primulina Hance)1新种——北流报春苣苔(P. beiliuensis B. Pan & S. X. Huang)。该新种在形态上与黄花牛耳朵[P. lutea(Yan Liu & Y. G. Wei)Mich. Möller & A. Weber]较近,但叶宽卵形,叶基部近心形,叶缘具浅钝齿或呈浅波状齿,花冠紫色,花冠、花序梗、花梗、苞片及花萼均被紫色短柔毛而区别与后者; 分子生物学证据表明,在系统发育上与桂林小花苣苔[P. repanda var. guilinensis(W. T. Wang)Mich. Möller & A. Weber]近缘,但两者在形态学上相差较远。  相似文献   

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