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Cryptonemia specimens collected in Bermuda over the past two decades were analysed using gene sequences encoding the large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and the large subunit of RuBisCO as genetic markers to elucidate their phylogenetic positions. They were additionally subjected to morphological assessment and compared with historical collections from the islands. Six species are presently found in the flora including C. bermudensis comb. nov., based on Halymenia bermudensis, and the following five new species: C. abyssalis, C. antricola, C. atrocostalis, C. lacunicola and C. perparva. Of the eight species known in the western Atlantic flora prior to this study, none is found in Bermuda. Specimens reported in the islands in the 1900s attributed to C. crenulata and C. luxurians are representative of the new species, C. antricola and C. atrocostalis, respectively.  相似文献   

Haplodontium zangii X.R.Wang &; J.C.Zhao, a new moss species from Xizang, China, is described and illustrated. Previously, specimens of H. zangii have been identified as Mielichhoferia himalayana Mitt. However, H. zangii is distinctly different from M. himalayana in having excurrent costae with short awns (vs long denticulate awns), short-pyriform capsules, 0.8–1?mm (vs long-pyriform capsules, 2.5–3?mm), and densely papillose exostome teeth (vs smooth or vertically striped exostome teeth). Haplodontium zangii is similar to H. macrocarpum (Hook.) J.R.Spence, which was traditionally placed in Mielichhoferia Nees &; Hornsch. as M. macrocarpa (Hook.) Bruch &; Schimp. The main differences between H. zangii and H. macrocarpum are in the morphology of the leaves, capsules, guide cells, and stomata. Mielichhoferia himalayana and another Chinese species of Mielichhoferia, M. sinensis Dix., are also transferred to Haplodontium Hampe, a new genus in the bryoflora of China, as H. himalayanum (Mitt.) X.R.Wang &; J.C.Zhao and H. sinensis (Dix.) X.R.Wang &; J.C.Zhao. A morphological comparison and a key to the three species of Haplodontium in China as well as to H. macrocarpum, a species that is likely to be found in China, are provided.  相似文献   

Antithamnion cruciatum (C. Agardh) Nägeli var. scandinavicum var. nov. is described from material collected on the Danish and Swedish coasts. The variety was found growing on small stones, shells and on Zostera at depths between 0.5 to ca. 10m. A comparative study was made with var. cruciatum , var. radicans (J. Agardh) Collins et Hervey and Antithamnion tenuissimum (Hauck) Schiffner, including examination of type material and laboratory cultures of isolates from the Mediterranean and the Swedish west coast. Variety scandinavicum differs from the other varieties mainly by absence or rare development of gland cells, and sparsely branched whorl-branches. A. tenuissimum is distinguished from A. cruciatum by its shorter thallus, a sympodial type of branching, apparent absence of gland cells and adaxial-monostichous branchlets. Asexual reproduction was found to occur commonly in culture in the two species and their varieties, the morphology of which is discussed.  相似文献   

A new orthotrichaceous species, Lewinskya transcaucasica Eckstein, Garilleti & F.Lara, is described, based on several samples collected in the Georgian territories of Greater Caucasus and Lesser Caucasus. The species is best differentiated by its sporophytic characteristics. Its capsules are long ovoid to cup-shaped and smooth and show no differentiation of the longitudinal bands of the exothecial cells. The capsules vary from emerging fully from the perichaetial leaves to having a shortly exserted position. The peristome is double, with an exostome of eight pairs of orange to crimson teeth whose tips are variably cancellated and fenestrated and recurved when dry, and an endostome of eight segments that occasionally alternate with reduced intermediate segments. All of these segments are yellowish to pale orange, mainly linear, uniseriate or partially biseriate, and strongly ornamented on the inner side. The new moss is illustrated and compared with similar taxa around the world.  相似文献   

Litsea rotundifolia var.oblongifolia(Nees)Allen作为豺皮樟学名被广泛使用,而lozoste rotundifolia var.oblongi-folia Nees则长期被认为是其基名,经研究发现Litsea rotundifolia var.oblongifolia(Nees)Allen的基名是Actinodaphne chinensis var.oblongifolia Nees。  相似文献   

The genusArgyranthemum (Asteraceae: Anthemideae) comprises 38 taxa and is restricted to the archipelagos of the Canaries, Selvagens, Madeira, and Desertas in the Macaronesian biogeographic region. An electrophoretic study, including 17 enzyme loci and at least one population of each of the described taxa, was carried out. High identity (low distance) values between taxa (mean of 0.893) were obtained despite the old age of the islands, their close proximity to the African continent, and the fact thatArgyranthemum is the most species-rich and variable genus in Macaronesia. These results suggest that the genus is monophyletic and that it has evolved very rapidly in these islands. There is little correspondence between taxonomy and neighbor-joining analysis based on Roger's genetic distances, but in several instances populations from the same islands cluster together despite being from different species or even different sections. It is suggested that repeated genetic bottlenecks associated with the founding of new populations during radiation of the genus resulted in lineage sorting of ancestral allozyme polymorphisms. Because every population has a high average identity with all other populations, lineage sorting could result in populations of different taxa being slightly more similar than populations of the same taxon. Gene flow between different species on the same island could account for some populations clustering by island of origin rather than taxonomic disposition. Average allozyme diversity within populations (0.098) is 50% higher than the mean total diversity for species endemic to oceanic islands.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):121-128

An overview of the genus Fallaciella is provided, including reasons for its placement in the Lembophyllaceae. A new species, Fallaciella robusta sp. nov., is described from South Island, New Zealand. The differences between the two known species of Fallaciella are outlined and the main points summarized in a key. Illustrations are provided for both species, and a distribution map is provided for F. robusta.  相似文献   

ADactylella isolate obtained from soil in the Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands, Japan is described and illustrated as a new species,D. chichisimensis. The fungus is characterized by single terminal multiseptate clavate or ellipsoidal conidia at the apex of simple conidiophores and mycelium that forms chlamydospores and sclerotia. A key is provided for sixDactylella species that produce primary clavate or ellipsoidal conidia at the apex of simple conidiophores.  相似文献   

湖南紫菀属(菊科)一新变种--垂茎三脉紫菀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了湖南紫菀属Aster一新变种——垂茎三脉紫菀A.ageratoides var.pendulus W.P.Li&G X.Chen。新变种与宽伞三蔓脉紫菀A.ageratoides var.laticorymbus(Vant.)Hand.-Mazz.最为接近,但以如下特征与之相区别:茎下垂,基生叶和茎下部叶背面常为紫色,茎生叶常条形,叶上面被糙毛,总苞片较宽。新变种因叶常条形和舌状花白色而与小花三脉紫菀A.ageratoides var.microanthus Ling相似,但总苞片顶端旱绿色,1.25-1.75mm宽,具明显横走地下茎而不同。  相似文献   

Aster ageratoides var. pendulus W. P. Li & G. X. Chen, a new variety of Aster (Asteraceae) from Shimen County, northwestern Hunan, China, is described. The variety is similar to A. ageratoides var. laticorymbus (Vant.) Hand.-Mazz., from which it differs by having pendent stem, basal leaves and lower stem leaves purple beneath, stem leaves linear, hispid above, and broader phyllaries. The new variety is also possibly similar to A. ageratoides var. micranthus Ling in the linear leaves and white ligules, but differs by having the phyllaries green at apex, 1.25–1.75 mm wide, and the obvious creeping underground rhizomes.  相似文献   

We have undertaken a comprehensive, molecular‐assisted alpha‐taxonomic examination of the rhodophyte family Liagoraceae sensu lato, a group that has not previously been targeted for molecular studies in the western Atlantic. Sequence data from three molecular markers indicate that in Bermuda alone there are 10 species in nine different genera. These include the addition of three genera to the flora — Hommersandiophycus, Trichogloeopsis, and Yamadaella. Liagora pectinata, a species with a type locality in Bermuda, is phylogenetically allied with Indo‐Pacific species of Hommersandiophycus, and the species historically reported as L. ceranoides for the islands is morphologically and genetically distinct from that taxon, and is herein described as L. nesophila sp. nov. Molecular sequence data have also uncovered the Indo‐Pacific L. mannarensis in Bermuda, a long‐distance new western Atlantic record. DNA sequences of Trichogloeopsis pedicellata from the type locality (Bahamas) match with local specimens demonstrating its presence in Bermuda. We described Yamadaella grassyi sp. nov. from Bermuda, a species phylogenetically and morphologically distinct from the generitype, Y. caenomyce of the Indo‐Pacific. Our data also indicated a single species each of Ganonema, Gloiocallis, Helminthocladia, Titanophycus, and Trichogloea in the flora.  相似文献   

Thecadinium inclinatum Balech and four new marine sand‐dwelling species of the dinoflagellate genus Thecadinium are described from the sandy beaches along the coast of Shikoku, Japan. Thecadinium inclinatum is thecate, bilaterally flattened, elliptical in shape, non‐photosynthetic, and measures 55–75 μ in length and 43–59 μ in depth. The epi‐ and hypotheca theca are semielliptical and the thecal surface is smooth with small pores. The plate formula is Po (pore plate), 3′, 7″,?c,?s, 5″′1″′.Thecadinium ovatum sp. nov. is thecate, non‐photosynthetic, bilaterally flattened and almost oval in lateral view. The cell measures 40–50 μm in length and 33–40 μm in depth. The hypotheca has two or three strong antapical spines. The plate formula is 3′, 6″,6c, 5s?, 5″′, 1″′. Thecadinium striatum sp. nov. is thecate, non‐photosynthetic, bilaterally flattened and somewhat elliptical in lateral view. The cell is 33–41 μm long and 23–30 μm deep. Several striae are present on the hypotheca. The plate formula is 3′, 6″, 6c, 5s?, 5″′, 1″″. Thecadinium yashimaense sp. nov. is bilaterally flattened, photosynthetic and elliptical in ventral view. The cell is 44–65 μm long and 23–36 μm wide. The thecal surface is smooth with small pores. he cingulum forms a steep left–handed spiral. The plate formula is Po, 3′, la, 6″, 5c, 4s, 5″′, 1″′. Thecadinium arenarium sp. nov. is somewhat wedge‐shaped in ventral view, photosynthetic with brownish chloroplasts and almost rounded in cross section. The cingulum forms a steep left‐handed spiral. The cell measures 35–41 μm in length and 25–30 μm in width. The thecal surface is weakly reticulated with small pores. The hypotheca is conical. The plate formula is Po, 3′, la, 6″, 5c, 4s, 5″′, 1″″.  相似文献   

A morphometric evaluation of second-stage juveniles (J2), males, females, cysts, and eggs of several isolates of the tobacco cyst nematode (TCN) complex, Globodera tabacum tabacum (GTT), G. t. virginiae (GTV), and G. t. solanacearum (GTS) is presented. Morphometrics of eggs, J2, and males are considerably less variable than of females and cysts. No measurements of eggs and J2 are useful for identification of the three subspecies. Distance from the median bulb and excretory pore to the head end in J2 and males is quite stable. Stylet knob width of males is useful for identifying GTV isolates and tail length in separating males of GTT isolates from GTV and GTS. Body length/width (L/W) ratio of females and cysts discriminates GTT from GTV and GTS; stylet knob width is an auxiliary character for identifying GTV. This subspecies complex has a continuum of values for the other characters. Data suggest a close relationship between GTV and GTS, which also occur in close proximity in Virginia.  相似文献   

Two species of Dasya in the Dasyaceae (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) are reported from Bonin Islands, southern Japan. Dasya murrayana Abbott et Millar, new to Japan, is characterized by the following set of features: the tufted habit (up to 30 erect axes developing from a basal disc), small‐sized (6–10 mm high and 350–500 μm in diameter in the middle region), thinly but completely corticated axes, rigid and incurved pseudolaterals forming corymbose heads at the apices of axes and branches, the absence of adventitious monosiphonous filaments, a large number of tetrasporangial stichidia and spermatangial branches per fertile pseudolateral and slender spermatangial branches (35–45 μm in diameter). Dasya boninensis Masuda, Kurihara et Kogame, sp. nov. is characterized by short but thick (10–30 mm high and 600–1000 μm in diameter at the middle portion), heavily corticated axes, indistinct pericentral cells except for the upper portion in transverse sections, soft, straight pseudolaterals and adventitious monosiphonous filaments densely covering the axis and branches, a small number of tetrasporangial stichidia and spermatangial branches per fertile pseudolateral, thick spermatangial branches (65–90 μm in diameter), and short‐necked cystocarps. A dichotomous key to the taxa found in Japanese waters is given.  相似文献   

Pseudochirita guangxiensis (S. Z. Huang) W. T. Wang var. glauca Y. G. Wei & Yan Liu, a new variety of the Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China, is described. It differs from the typical one, var. guangxiensis by having leaves subentire or with only inconspicuous obtuse serrations, stem and leaves densely adpressed tomentose, and corolla sparsely glandular puberulous outside.  相似文献   

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