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Sixteen phenolic compounds, 14 of which naturally occurring, were compared to the synthetic 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS) and violuric acid (VA) in terms of their ability to act as mediators/enhancers in: (1) laccase oxidation of veratryl alcohol as a lignin model compound, and (2) electrochemical oxidation of kraft and flax lignins. HPLC analysis revealed that the syringyl-type phenols methyl syringate and acetosyringone were the most efficient natural enhancers in the laccase oxidation of veratryl alcohol. Both compounds, though far from the performance of ABTS were able to generate veratraldehyde in amount similar to that obtained with VA. By contrast, the best performing phenolic enhancers for the electrochemical oxidation of lignins were sinapinaldehyde, vanillin, acetovanillone, and syringic acid. Catalytic efficiencies close to those achieved with ABTS and VA were calculated for these phenolic compounds.  相似文献   

The accumulation of oxidatively damaged proteins is a well-known hallmark of aging and several neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntigton's diseases. These highly oxidized protein aggregates are in general not degradable by the main intracellular proteolytic machinery, the proteasomal system. One possible strategy to reduce the accumulation of such oxidized protein aggregates is the prevention of the formation of oxidized protein derivatives or to reduce the protein oxidation to a degree that can be handled by the proteasome. To do so an antioxidative strategy might be successful. Therefore, we undertook the present study to test whether antioxidants are able to prevent the protein oxidation and to influence the proteasomal degradation of moderate oxidized proteins. As a model protein we choose ferritin. H2O2 induced a concentration dependent increase of protein oxidation accompanied by an increased proteolytic susceptibility. This increase of proteolytic susceptibility is limited to moderate hydrogen peroxide concentrations, whereas higher concentrations are accompanied by protein aggregate formation.

Protective effects of the vitamin E derivative Trolox, the pyridoindole derivative Stobadine and of the standardized extracts of flavonoids from bark of Pinus Pinaster Pycnogenol® and from leaves of Ginkgo biloba (EGb 761) were studied on moderate damaged ferritin.  相似文献   

The accumulation of oxidatively damaged proteins is a well-known hallmark of aging and several neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntigton's diseases. These highly oxidized protein aggregates are in general not degradable by the main intracellular proteolytic machinery, the proteasomal system. One possible strategy to reduce the accumulation of such oxidized protein aggregates is the prevention of the formation of oxidized protein derivatives or to reduce the protein oxidation to a degree that can be handled by the proteasome. To do so an antioxidative strategy might be successful. Therefore, we undertook the present study to test whether antioxidants are able to prevent the protein oxidation and to influence the proteasomal degradation of moderate oxidized proteins. As a model protein we choose ferritin. H2O2 induced a concentration dependent increase of protein oxidation accompanied by an increased proteolytic susceptibility. This increase of proteolytic susceptibility is limited to moderate hydrogen peroxide concentrations, whereas higher concentrations are accompanied by protein aggregate formation.

Protective effects of the vitamin E derivative Trolox, the pyridoindole derivative Stobadine and of the standardized extracts of flavonoids from bark of Pinus Pinaster Pycnogenol® and from leaves of Ginkgo biloba (EGb 761) were studied on moderate damaged ferritin.  相似文献   

A simple and sensitive electrochemical biosensor was used to detect tyrosine oxidation induced by hydroxyl radicals generated by Fenton reaction (Fe(2+)/H(2)O(2)). Poly(glu, tyr) (4:1) peptides were immobilized on indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode surface via layer-by-layer assembly technique, and Os(bpy)(3)(2+)-mediated tyrosine oxidation current was employed as the signal reporter of the biosensor. It was found that the electrochemical signal of the peptide decreased markedly after incubation with Fenton reagents. Interestingly, L-dopa, the oxidation product of tyrosine, was likely to form complexes with Fe(III), which could suppress the electro-oxidation of L-dopa and resulted in decrease of current response. Our results indicate that the peptide damage involved two steps and was a second-order reaction. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to quantitatively determine nitrogen elemental percentage on peptide-coated electrode surface, which eliminated the possibility that signal decrease was caused by peptide backbone cleavage. Moreover, the lowest concentration of Fenton reagents that could be detected was 10 μM Fe(2+) or H(2)O(2), similar to the level in vivo. We suggest that the biosensor can be used to detect protein damage induced by Fenton reaction.  相似文献   

Cholesterol is a molecule with a double bond in its structure and is therefore susceptible to oxidation leading to the formation of oxysterols. These oxidation products are found in many commonly-consumed foods and are formed during their manufacture and/or processing. Concern about oxysterols consumption arises from the potential cytotoxic, mutagenic, atherogenic, and possibly carcinogenic effects of some oxysterols. Eggs and egg-derived products are the main dietary sources of oxysterols. Thermally-processed milk and milk-derived products are another source of oxysterols in our diet. Foods fried in vegetable/animal oil, such as meats and French-fried potatoes, are major sources of oxysterols in the Western diet. Efforts to prevent or to reduce cholesterol oxidation are directed to the use of antioxidants of either synthetic or natural origin. Antioxidants are not only able to inhibit triglyceride oxidation, some of them can also inhibit cholesterol oxidation. Among synthetic antioxidants 2,6-ditertiarybutyl-4-methylphenol (BHT), and tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) can efficiently inhibit the thermal-induced oxidation of cholesterol. Some natural antioxidants, such as alpha- and gamma-tocopherol, rosemary oleoresin extract, and the flavonoid quercetin, show strong inhibitory action against cholesterol oxidation.  相似文献   

The nitrite anion (NO(-)(2)) has recently received much attention as an endogenous nitric oxide source that has the potential to be supplemented for therapeutic benefit. One major mechanism of nitrite reduction is the direct reaction between this anion and the ferrous heme group of deoxygenated hemoglobin. However, the reaction of nitrite with oxyhemoglobin (oxyHb) is well established and generates nitrate and methemoglobin (metHb). Several mechanisms have been proposed that involve the intermediacy of protein-free radicals, ferryl heme, nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)), and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) in an autocatalytic free radical chain reaction, which could potentially limit the usefulness of nitrite therapy. In this study we show that none of the previously published mechanisms is sufficient to fully explain the kinetics of the reaction of nitrite with oxyHb. Based on experimental data and kinetic simulation, we have modified previous models for this reaction mechanism and show that the new model proposed here is consistent with experimental data. The important feature of this model is that, whereas previously both H(2)O(2) and NO(2) were thought to be integral to both the initiation and propagation steps, H(2)O(2) now only plays a role as an initiator species, and NO(2) only plays a role as an autocatalytic propagatory species. The consequences of uncoupling the roles of H(2)O(2) and NO(2) in the reaction mechanism for the in vivo reactivity of nitrite are discussed.  相似文献   

Cis-regulatory sequences, such as enhancers and promoters, control development and physiology by regulating gene expression. Mutations that affect the function of these sequences contribute to phenotypic diversity within and between species. With many case studies implicating divergent cis-regulatory activity in phenotypic evolution, researchers have recently begun to elucidate the genetic and molecular mechanisms that are responsible for cis-regulatory divergence. Approaches include detailed functional analysis of individual cis-regulatory elements and comparing mechanisms of gene regulation among species using the latest genomic tools. Despite the limited number of mechanistic studies published to date, this work shows how cis-regulatory activity can diverge and how studies of cis-regulatory divergence can address long-standing questions about the genetic mechanisms of phenotypic evolution.  相似文献   

Visible absorption spectra and circular dichroism (CD) of the red absorption band of isolated photosystem II reaction centers were measured at room temperature during progressive bleaching by electrochemical oxidation, in comparison with aerobic photochemical destruction, and with anaerobic photooxidation in the presence of the artificial electron acceptor silicomolybdate. Initially, selective bleaching of peripheral chlorophylls absorbing at 672 nm was obtained by electrochemical oxidation at +0.9 V, whereas little selectivity was observed at higher potentials. Illumination in the presence of silicomolybdate did not cause a bleaching but a spectral broadening of the 672-nm band was observed, apparently in response to the oxidation of carotene. The 672-nm absorption band is shown to exhibit a positive CD, which accounts for the 674-nm shoulder in CD spectra at low temperature. The origin of this CD is discussed in view of the observation that all CD disappears with the 680-nm absorption band during aerobic photodestruction.  相似文献   

Visible absorption spectra and circular dichroism (CD) of the red absorption band of isolated photosystem II reaction centers were measured at room temperature during progressive bleaching by electrochemical oxidation, in comparison with aerobic photochemical destruction, and with anaerobic photooxidation in the presence of the artificial electron acceptor silicomolybdate. Initially, selective bleaching of peripheral chlorophylls absorbing at 672 nm was obtained by electrochemical oxidation at +0.9 V, whereas little selectivity was observed at higher potentials. Illumination in the presence of silicomolybdate did not cause a bleaching but a spectral broadening of the 672-nm band was observed, apparently in response to the oxidation of carotene. The 672-nm absorption band is shown to exhibit a positive CD, which accounts for the 674-nm shoulder in CD spectra at low temperature. The origin of this CD is discussed in view of the observation that all CD disappears with the 680-nm absorption band during aerobic photodestruction.  相似文献   

The most efficient steaming conditions below 200 degrees C for extracting antioxidants from used tea leaves and their reaction behavior during the steaming treatment were investigated. The antioxidative activity of the steamed extracts increased with increasing steaming temperature, and the yield of the ethyl acetate extract fraction from each steamed extract showing the greatest antioxidative activity also increased. Caffeine, (-)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, (-)-gallocatechin, (-)-epigallocatechin, (-)-catechin gallate, (-)-epicatechin gallate, (-)-gallocatechin gallate, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate and gallic acid were identified from the ethyl acetate extract fraction. Quantitative analyses demonstrated that the catechins with a 2,3-cis configuration decreased with increasing steaming temperature, whereas the corresponding epimers at the C-2 position increased. Each pair of epimers showed similar antioxidative activity to each other, indicating that the epimerization reaction did not contribute to the improved antioxidative activity. It is concluded from these results that the improvement in antioxidative activity at higher steaming temperatures was due to the increased yield of catechins and other antioxidants.  相似文献   

Insect duets: underlying mechanisms and their evolution   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract. Duetting between the sexes in insects involves the use of airborne acoustic signals, substrate vibration and bioluminescence. Unlike avian duets, in which females may initiate the interaction, among insects the duet starts with the male, and the female usually provides a brief reply. Insect duets are characterized by low variance in the reply latency of the female (the time between a key element in the male call and the onset of the female's response). Duetting is reviewed principally in Orthoptera but also in Plecoptera, Hemiptera, Neuroptera and bioluminescence in the Coleoptera. The mechanisms of the duet are examined first, followed by evolution and the associated change in searching strategies of each sex. As defined, the duet has distinct temporal characteristics and these are compared with acoustic interactions among males in those species that exhibit male–male synchrony and alternation. For insects, the key element of a duet for species' recognition is low variance in the reply latency of females. In cases in which the male's initiating signal is extremely short, reply latencies become indicators of species' recognition. However, in those species in which the initiating male call is under selection through female choice, the male call is predictably longer and occasionally more complex. Under these circumstances, reply latencies often increase, creating an opportunity for alternative male tactics. When alternative tactics exist in nature, males may decrease the intensity of their call, insert a trigger pulse that signals to the female the end of its complex call, or males may even add a masking signal that obscures the competing signal.  相似文献   

The products of the arachidonic acid dependent oxidation of benzo(a)pyrene by enzyme preparations from sheep seminal vesicles are the 1,6?, 3,6?, and 6,12? quinones. The metabolites were identified by high performance liquid chromatography and visible spectroscopy. The amount of benzo(a)pyrene converted to quinones by a Tween 20 solubilized preparation during a 15 min period is 43 μM/mg protein. The relative yields of the individual quinones are 1,6 – 25%, 3,6 – 30%, and 6,12 – 45%. Arachidonate dependent benzo(a)pyrene oxidation is strongly inhibited by butylated hydroxyanisole, vitamin E, and diethyldithiocarbamate and moderately inhibited by butylated hydroxytoluene and vitamin C. Epinephrine and lipoic acid are also inhibitors.  相似文献   

With increasing evidence that shows the involvement of active oxygen and nitrogen species in a variety of disorders, cancer, and aging, the role of antioxidant against oxidative stress has received renewed attention. In this review article, a rationale for design of lipophilic, radical-scavenging antioxidant is presented and the potency of a novel antioxidant, 2,3-dihydro-5-hydroxy-2,2-dipentyl-4, 6-di-tert-butylbenzofuran (BO-653), as an inhibitor of LDL oxidation was evaluated by considering various factors such as reactivity toward radicals, localization, and mobility in the lipoprotein, and fate of its radical. The anti-atherogenic activity of BO-653 was compared with those of alpha-tocopherol, probucol, and its metabolites. Furthermore, a novel function of phenolic antioxidants such as cell regulation and induction of phase II defense antioxidants are also discussed.  相似文献   

Acetonitrile as a solvent, excess of primary amines as general bases, and a reflux condition make the multi-component reactions of (2-cyanoacetyl) carbamate 1, ethyl orthoformate, and primary amines form 5-cyanouracils 4a-c feasibly. Mechanistic studies of the multi-component reaction were carried out by proton NMR spectrometer. Acetonitrile as a solvent makes the reaction of 1 with ethyl orthoformate produce E-ethyl (2-cyano-3-ethoxyacryloyl) carbamate E-2 without a catalyst of acetic anhydride. The reactions of E-2 with primary amines produce the corresponding Z-3a-c as the only stable isomers eventually in CDCl3 or CD3CN. General-base-catalyzed intramolecular cyclizations of Z-3a-c at a reflux condition in CD3CN generated the corresponding 5-cyanouracils 4a-c.  相似文献   

B Dujon 《Gene》1989,82(1):91-114
Group I introns form a structural and functional group of introns with widespread but irregular distribution among very diverse organisms and genetic systems. Evidence is now accumulating that several group I introns are mobile genetic elements with properties similar to those originally described for the omega system of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: mobile group I introns encode sequence-specific double-strand (ds) endoDNases, which recognize and cleave intronless genes to insert a copy of the intron by a ds-break repair mechanism. This mechanism results in: the efficient propagation of group I introns into their cognate sites; their maintenance at the site against spontaneous loss; and, perhaps, their transposition to different sites. The spontaneous loss of group I introns occurs with low frequency by an RNA-mediated mechanism. This mechanism eliminates introns defective for mobility and/or for RNA splicing. Mechanisms of intron acquisition and intron loss must create an equilibrium, which explains the irregular distribution of group I introns in various genetic systems. Furthermore, the observed distribution also predicts that horizontal transfer of intron sequences must occur between unrelated species, using vectors yet to be discovered.  相似文献   

Selected pyridinol analogues of the experimental neuroprotective drug idebenone have been synthesized and evaluated as antioxidants capable of preserving mitochondrial function. The compounds, having a different redox core but the same side chain as idebenone, exhibited a range of potencies, reflecting differences in their structures. The results obtained provide guidance in the design of such analogues with improved properties. Analogues were identified that have significantly improved antioxidant activity compared with idebenone in cultured lymphocytes, and which exhibit lesser inhibition of the electron transport chain.  相似文献   

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