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The Glacidorbidae, a family restricted to the Gondwanan realm (Tasmania, southeastern and southwestern Australia, and southern Argentina and Chile), previously included five genera with 20 identified species; 19 of them are Australian, with one genus and species, Gondwanorbis magallanicus (Meier-Brook & Smith, 1976 Meier-Brook, K. & Smith, B.J. (1976) Glacidorbis Iredale, 1943, a genus of freshwater prosobranchs with a Tasmanian-Southeast Australian-South Andean distribution. Archive für Molluskenkunde 106, 191198. [Google Scholar]), from South America. Here we describe two new species of Gondwanorbis: Gondwanorbis fueguensis n. sp. from the freshwater gastropods province of Southern Patagonia (Argentina) and Gondwanorbis tricarinatus n. sp. from Chile, and a new genus and species from the freshwater gastropods province of northern Patagonia (Argentina), Patagonorbis nahuelhuapensis n. sp and n. gen.

http://www./zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:62EA0972-3AEF-4188-8E6D-F10895CE2BEF  相似文献   


Trichostomum schlimii Müll.Hal., a neglected Colombian taxon, is transferred to the genus Pseudosymblepharis Broth. as Pseudosymblepharis schlimii (Müll.Hal.) comb. nov. The species, known only from the type locality in Santa Marta, Colombia, is newly reported for the moss floras of Bolivia, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guiana, Peru, and Venezuela. It is described, lectotypified, illustrated, and mapped. Diagnostic characters, and distinction from one closely related American species within the genus are discussed. Trichostomum mollissimum (Broth. ex E.B.Bartram) H.A.Crum and Pseudosymblepharis guatemalensis (E.B.Bartram) B.H.Allen are reduced to the synonymy of Pseudosymblepharis schlimii.  相似文献   

Didymodon kunlunensis D.P.Zhao, S.Mamtimin & S.He is described as a new species found in Xinjiang, China. The new species is characterised by a combination of the following characters: ovate leaves with laminal cells always smooth, red colour in KOH, recurved leaf margins from base to apex, a percurrent costa without dorsal and ventral stereid bands in cross section, a distinct stem central strand and the presence of gemmae in the leaf axils. Light microscope photographs of the significant characters are provided and its distinctions from closely related taxa are discussed. A key to Chinese Didymodon species with smooth laminal cell is provided.  相似文献   


Barbula munyensis R.S.Williams, a neglected moss species known only from the type material collected in central Peru in 1923, is newly reported for the moss floras of Argentina and Bolivia. The species is described, illustrated, mapped, and its habitat preferences are provided. Diagnostic characters and differentiation from some closely related South American taxa, with which it may be confused, are discussed. Barbula orizabensis Müll.Hal., a similar taxon, is excluded from the South American moss flora.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):304-306

A new species of Crossidium (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta), C. karoo, is described for South Africa. It uniquely differs from congeners in tight encapsulation of the photosynthetic filaments by the clasping upper lamina.  相似文献   

Except for a robust habit, two specimens ofAloina collected in northern Argentina are morphologically similar and are tentatively attributed toA. rigida (Hedw.) Limpr. This represents an addition to the moss flora of Argentina. In addition, two specimens ofAloinella represent significant findings: one shows features that agree with those given in the protologue forA. galeata (Müll. Hal.) Broth. and is treated here asA. galeata var.galeata to show the relationship toA. galeta var.andina (Delgad.) Delgadillo & Schiavone stat. nov.; the other belongs inA. cucullifera (Mitt.) Steere, a new record for Argentina. A key to the known species ofAloinella with updated ranges is included.  相似文献   

The spores of Syntrichia ruralis (Hedw.) F. Weber and D. Mohr., S. princeps (De Not.) Mitt., S. subulata (Hedw.) F.Weber and D.Mohr var. subulata, S. subulata (Hedw.) F.Weber and D.Mohr var. angustata (Schimp.) J.J. Amann and S. subulata (Hedw.) F.Weber and D.Mohr var. graeffii Warnst. were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy for the first time. The apertural region consists of a leptoma in all spores. All taxa of the family are uniform in their spore morphology. The spores of the five taxa are of granuloid type. The spore wall of the Pottiaceae family includes sclerine (the distinction between exine and perine may be difficult to define) and intine. The taxonomy of the genus Syntrichia is discussed on the basis of its spore morphology.  相似文献   

13 species of the lichen genusCatapyrenium are reported from South America. Five species (C. analogicum, C. andicolum, C. exaratum, C. lachneoides, andC. podolepis) are described as new. A key to the species known from South America is presented. Remarks on taxonomy, ecology and distribution of the species are given.Studies on the lichen genusCatapyrenium (Verrucariaceae) III. For second part seeBreuss (1991).  相似文献   

C. C. Berg 《Brittonia》2004,56(3):255-259
Two new species ofPourouma are described, illustrated, and keyed out;P. cordata from Peru and Brazil, andP. montana from Peru.  相似文献   

Kerry Barringer 《Brittonia》1985,37(4):352-354
The suffruticoseAgalinis chaparensis is a Bolivian species distinguished by its scabrous, ovate leaves and long, glabrous pedicels. The herbaceousAgalinis pennellii from Cuzco, Peru, is distinguished by its erect habit and long-acuminate calyx lobes.  相似文献   

Two new species ofBejaria,B. zamorae from Ecuador andB. infundibula from Peru, are described, illustrated, and compared with other species of the genus.  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Notobaetis penai, n. gen., n. sp., of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera), is described based upon reared specimens collected from the Cordoba Province of Argentina. This new genus appears to be phenetically intermediate between Baetis Leach and Centroptilum Eaton while possessing a unique combination of characters and one autapomorphic character.  相似文献   

Ophiocaryon barnebyanum from the Serra da Neblina (Venezuelan-Brazilian border) andO. neillii from southern Ecuador are described and illustrated, and their morphological relationships with allied spcies are discussed.Ophiocaryon barnebyanum is morphologically similar toO. duckei, but it differs by its larger leaves, leaflets, petioles, petiolules, and inflorescences, the higher number of secondary veins, and the ciliate sepals.Ophiocaryon neillii is a small tree related toO. klugii but differs by its smaller leaflets, petiolules and inflorescences, fewer secondary veins, lanceolate-acuminate sepals, and orbicular staminodes. An updated key to the species ofOphiocaryon is provided.  相似文献   

Stelis duckei, of the Crocodeilanthe group, is described from the state of Ceará, Brazil. The new species is morphologically similar to S. speciosa, but can be distinguished by its longer ramicauls, wider leaves, and obtuse lip with a ridge-like callus at the base. The new combination Stelis speciosa is also provided here.  相似文献   

Beauveria velata sp. nov. was found on Lepidoptera larvae in Ecuador and is characterized by ellipsoid conidia covered with a distinct mucilaginous layer. Another Beauveria species, commonly encountered on Coleoptera in Brazil proved to be identical with Isaria amorpha Höhn., originally described from a cicada in Indonesia. The new combination Beauveria amorpha is proposed. Details of the occurrence and ecology of both species are described.  相似文献   

A new species, Chenia zanderi C.Feng & J.Kou, from Xishan Forest Park in Yunnan Province, China is described and illustrated. Particularly distinctive features of the new species are the fragile stems and leaves fragile along their insertions, narrow leaves usually constricted near the middle, broadly rounded leaf apices with a long apiculus, large distal laminal cells with numerous solid and bifurcate papillae, a narrow groove on the distal ventral surface of the costa, and absence of a costal stereid band. A key for the species recognised in Chenia R.H.Zander is also provided.  相似文献   

Two new species of Yushania (Poaceae, Bambusoideae, Arundinarieae) are described and illustrated from Hunan, China. Yushania longshanensis D.Z. Li & X.Y. Ye is distinguished from related species (Y. confusa, Y. angustifolia and Y. pachyclada) by having a thinner culm (0.2–0.3 cm in diameter), glabrous sheath scar, no oral setae, a large glabrous leaf blade (10–20 × 0.9–1.3 cm) and 3–4 pairs of secondary veins. Yushania stoloniforma D.Z. Li & X.Y. Ye has a distinctive scrambling habit, which differs from its putative close allies. Both of these two new species have a solitary branch at the basal nodes and can be assigned to Yushania sect. Yushania based on morphological features. Additionally, we treated Yushania gigantea T.P. Yi & L. Yang as a new synonym of Y. elevata T.P. Yi and renamed Y. microphylla T.P. Yi & L. Yang as Y. weiningensis D.Z. Li & X.Y. Ye.  相似文献   

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