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When thymidine kinase-deficient mouse cells "transformed" by in activated herpes simplex virus and expressing the viral thymidine kinase (TK) are grown in nonselective medium, there is an exponential decay in the proportion of cells that continue to express the viral enzyme. However, the viral TK can be reactivated at a frequency of approximately 1 cell in 10(6) in every population that has lost TK activity. When cells in which the viral TK has been reactivated are grown in nonselective medium, a decay in the expression of the viral enzyme occurs again at the same rate as in the initial transformed population. Studies on the reactivation of viral TK indicate that reappearance of the enzyme is not induced by the selective medium (HAT) used to detect cells in which the enzyme has reappeared. Furthermore, treatments known to induce latent viruses in other systems--eg, exposure of the cells to mutagens or cell fusion--do not affect the frequency with which viral TK is reactivated.  相似文献   

Pricking, a new injection method developed by Yamamoto et al. (1981), can be used to introduce DNA into cultured cells with high efficiency. Closed circular plasmid DNA containing the cloned HSV-TK gene (pTK-1) was introduced by this method and the structure of DNA in stable transformants was examined. In most clones, the introduced DNA was integrated into the mouse genome in a tandemly repeated form. The possibility of multiple integration via mouse middle repetitive sequences was also examined using the chimeric plasmid with TK genes and middle repetitive sequences (pMRTK-1). Digestion with restriction enzymes showed that the middle repetitive sequence used in this experiment had no effect on the efficiency of transformation, suggesting that this sequence is unable to mediate homologous recombination with mouse genomes.  相似文献   

The ability of nuclei preparations of Chinese hamster cell lines Don-C and B14I50 (the latter having greatly reduced thymidine kinase activity) to incorporate radioactive thymidine into DNA was measured. By placing the nuclei of one cell line in the cytoplasmic extract of the other cell, we were able to demonstrate that the thymidine kinase activity was largely restricted to the cytoplasm of the Don-C cells. The kinetics of isotope incorporation also suggested that the B14I50 nuclei contained a greatly reduced pool of thymidine triphosphate, compared with the Don-C nuclei.  相似文献   

Summary Two plasmids containing either the complete thymidine kinase gene of Herpes simplex virus type I (pSK2) or the gene without the remote control sequence (pSK1) just behind the lac promoter and the first codons of the lacZ gene were constructed. Both plasmids efficiently transform mouse Ltk- cells as well as E. coli tk- cells to the Tk+ phenotype and are well suited for plasmid rescue from transformed mouse cells by direct functional selection for tk expression using a tk - mutant of E. coli C600.  相似文献   

Summary New type of plasmids named pEdHCG1 and pEdHC.were constructed. A combination of two plasmids containing the amplified gene product for the variable region of the antibody (Ab) heavy or light chains by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was co-transfected into COS cells to transiently express and in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells to constitutively express chimeric Ab composed of the mouse-derived variable region and human-derived constant region.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive cell lines were obtained by DNA-mediated transfer of the thymidine kinase (TK) gene from a mutant, ts1117, of herpes simplex virus type 1. The cells died at 39 degrees C in selective medium which contained low levels (1 microgram/ml) of thymidine. In this lethal condition, no revertants were detected among 10(8) cells. It was shown by in vitro analysis of the TK activity that the temperature-sensitive cell line contains an enzyme whose activity is temperature sensitive and relatively unaffected by dTTP. The viral enzyme has these properties. The effect of the lethal growth conditions in the cell line was characterized by cell cycle analysis and rescue experiments which involved a shift to the permissive conditions. The successful transfer of the mutant viral TK activity to cells provides an additional selective marker for gene transfer.  相似文献   

A mouse cell line (LP1-1) was established from the murine L cells deficient in thymidine kinase (L-M(TK )) by prolonged selective culture on the hypoxanthine-aminopterine-thymidine (HAT) medium following transfection with the thymidine kinase gene of herpes simplex virus type-I (HSVTK). Southern blot analysis has shown that the viral TK gene was integrated into one of the chromosomal loci by a single copy. From this established cell line, the 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) resistant revertant was brought out at a frequency of 1×10–6 and from these BrdU resistant revertants (LP1BU), one out of 1×105 cells could return to the HAT-resistant phenotype. The established LP1-1 cell line showed a typical biphasic nature of DNA synthesis as determined by the 3H-thymidine incorporation test. The activity of thymidine kinase was shown to be equivalent to that of the DNA polymerase- when the whole nuclear fraction or the nuclear matrix were used for examination. These results indicate that the transfected viral TK gene can be expressed under the normal cell-cycle regulation and its gene product can act as a component of the multienzyme complex which is responsible for DNA replication.  相似文献   

A Pellicer  M Wigler  R Axel  S Silverstein 《Cell》1978,14(1):133-141
Treatment of mutant mouse cells (Ltk-) deficient in thymidine kinase with Bam I restriction endonuclease-cleaved HSV-1 DNA results in the appearance of numerous surviving colonies which stably express thte tk+ phenotype. Through a series of electrophoretic fractionations in concert with transfection assays, we isolated a 3.4 kb fragment which contains the thymidine kinase gene and which alone is competent in the biochemical transformation of Ltk- cells. In this report, we have examined the distribution of tk sequences in the DNA of several transformed clones following stable gene transfer. A series of complementary experiments involving reassociation kinetics in solution and annealings with tk DNA to restriction-cleaved cellular DNA following electrophoresis and transfer to filters allow us to make the following general conclusions concerning the fate of the tk gene in all clones examined: the tk gene is present in all cells at a frequency of one copy per chromosomal complement; the tk gene is stably integrated in the DNA of all transformants; and integration is not site-specific and occurs at different loci in the DNA of all transformants examined. The existence of a single active tk gene in tk+ transformants now facilitates an analysis of the sequence organization of tk- mutant cells and provides a useful model system for studies on the transfer of cellular genes.  相似文献   

We have constructed a chimeric thymidine kinase (TK) minigene, pHe delta 6Ha, which combines the complete coding and 3' noncoding regions of a Chinese hamster TK cDNA with the promoter region and 5' untranslated region of the TK gene of herpes simplex virus type 1. We have transformed rat 4 cells to Tk+ with this gene and analyzed the pattern of TK gene expression in these transformants under various conditions of in vitro cell culture. We find that TK gene expression in these Tk+ transformants is growth phase dependent, responsive to adenovirus 5 infection, and indistinguishable in character under a variety of cell culture conditions from the pattern of TK gene expression in rat 4 cells transformed to Tk+ with the genomic Chinese hamster TK gene clone lambda HaTK.5. We are led to the conclusion that the genetic elements which mediate growth phase-dependent TK gene expression are contained entirely within the sequences of the mature cytoplasmic hamster TK mRNA.  相似文献   

Transfer of purified herpes virus thymidine kinase gene to cultured mouse cells.   总被引:342,自引:0,他引:342  
Treatment of Ltk?, mouse L cells deficient in thymidine kinase (tk), with Bam I restriction endonuclease cleaved DNA from herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) produced tk+ clones with a frequency of 10?6/2 μg of HSV-1 DNA. Untreated cells or cells treated with Eco RI restriction endonuclease fragments produced no tk+ clones under the same conditions. The thymidine kinase activities of four independently derived clones were characterized by biochemical and serological techniques. By these criteria, the tk activities were found to be identical to HSV-1 tk and different from host wildtype tk. The tk+ phenotype was stable over several hundred cell generations, although the rate of reversion to the tk? phenotype, as judged by cloning efficiency in the presence of bromodeoxyuridine, was high (1–5 × 10?3). HSV-1 DNA Bam restriction fragments were separated by gel electrophoresis, and virtually all activity, as assayed by transfection, was found to reside in a 3.4 kb fragment. Transformation efficiency with the isolated fragment is 20 fold higher per gene equivalent than with the unfractionated total Bam digest. These results prove the usefulness of transfection assays as a means for the bioassay and isolation of restriction fragments carrying specific genetic information. Cells expressing HSV-1 tk may also provide a useful model system for the detailed analysis of eucaryotic and viral gene regulation.  相似文献   

A cDNA containing the entire coding region of the human thymidine kinase gene has been molecularly cloned. The cDNA is under the control of a simian virus 40 promoter and is expressible in mammalian cells. The complete nucleotide sequence of the human thymidine kinase cDNA has been determined. The cDNA is 1,421 base pairs in length and has a large open reading frame of 702 base pairs capable of specifying a protein with a molecular weight of 25,504. Genomic Southern blotting experiments show that sequences homologous to the human thymidine kinase cDNA are conserved among many vertebrates, including prosimians (lemur), tree shrews, rats, mice, and chickens. Direct comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the human thymidine kinase cDNA and the chicken thymidine kinase gene reveals ca. 70% overall homology. This homology is extended further at the amino acid sequence level, with greater than 74% amino acid residues matched between the human and chicken thymidine kinase proteins.  相似文献   

刘宏迪  曹旭 《微生物学报》1990,30(2):98-104
A new system for selection of transformed Aspergillus foetidus was reported. In this system, TK- A. foetidus which were constructed by homologous recombination of mutated TK gene of vaccinia virus with TK gene of A. foetidus were screened by adding BUdR in agar plates. Conditions for screen of TK+ A. foetidus strain, transformation of A. foetidus and selection of transformed TK- A. foetidus have been studied. By using this system, several transformed A. foetidus which contained HBsAg gene derived bf a promoter H8 cloned from genomic DNA of A. foetidus were isolated. It was demonstrated that HBsAg gene was integrated into the chromosome DNA of A. foetidus by Southern blot after many passages of spores. ELISA showed that HBsAg was positive in the growth medium (p/n = 20). The 22 nm particles which were very similar to the HBsAg particles in human serum were found in the growth medium by immunoelectromicroscope. Western blot also gave the specific bands. All these data showed that HBsAg gene was expressed in A. foetidus and the products were secreted into the growth medium. The selection system using TK gene as marker could generally be used to study the expression of foreign gene in A. foetidus.  相似文献   

Structure and expression of the Chinese hamster thymidine kinase gene.   总被引:18,自引:8,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
My colleagues and I have cloned a nearly full-length Chinese hamster thymidine kinase (TK) cDNA in a lambda gt10 vector and characterized this cDNA by nucleotide sequencing. The hamster TK protein is encoded in this cDNA by a 702-base-pair open reading frame which specifies a 25,625-dalton protein closely homologous to the previously described human and chicken TK proteins. Using cDNA nucleotide sequence data in conjunction with sequence data derived from selected subclones of the hamster TK gene recombinant phage lambda HaTK.5, we have resolved the structure of the TK gene, finding the 1,219 base pairs of the cDNA sequence to be distributed through 11.2 kilobases of genomic DNA in at least seven exon segments. In addition, we have constructed a variety of Chinese hamster TK minigenes and exonuclease III-S1 derivatives of these genes which have permitted us to define the limits of the Chinese hamster TK gene promoter and demonstrate that efficient TK transformation of Ltk- cells by TK minigenes depends on the presence of both TK intervening sequences and sequences 3' to the site of mRNA polyadenylation.  相似文献   

Gene expression reporter systems, in which a promoter of interest is cloned upstream of a readily assayed reporter gene, have been developed and used extensively to study gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Unfortunately, most of these systems cannot be used to assay gene expression in nonsuperficial tissues in living organisms. This study examines a novel reporter gene system based on the gene encoding Escherichia coli polyphosphate kinase (PPK), which can be used to monitor gene expression in mammalian cells. PPK catalyzes the synthesis of inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) from ATP, and because mammalian cells do not contain detectable levels of polyP, PPK activity can be measured in mammalian cells using 31P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy or 31P-magnetic resonance imaging. The ppk reporter gene system described here is noninvasive, does not require an exogenous substrate, and can potentially be used in internal tissues of living organisms.  相似文献   

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