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A M Wu  J H Wu  Y Y Chen  S C Song  E A Kabat 《Glycobiology》1999,9(11):1161-1170
Bandeiraea (Griffonia) simplicifolia lectin-I, isolectin A(4)(GS I-A(4)), which is cytotoxic to the human colon cancer cell lines, is one of two lectin families derived from its seed extract. It contains only a homo-oligomer of subunit A, and is most specific for GalNAcalpha1-->. In order to elucidate the GS I-A(4)-glycoconjugate interactions in greater detail, the combining site of this lectin was further characterized by enzyme linked lectino-sorbent assay (ELLSA) and by inhibition of lectin-glycoprotein interactions. This study has demonstrated that the Tn-containing glycoproteins tested, consisting of mammalian salivary glycoproteins (armadillo, asialo-hamster sublingual, asialo-ovine, -bovine, and -porcine submandibular), are bound strongly by GS I-A(4.)Among monovalent inhibitors so far tested, p-NO2-phenylalphaGalNAc is the most potent, suggesting that hydrophobic forces are important in the interaction of this lectin. GS I-A(4)is able to accommodate the monosaccharide GalNAc at the nonreducing end of oligosaccharides. This suggests that the combining site of the lectin is a shallow cavity. Among oligosaccharides and monosaccharides tested as inhibitors of the binding of GS I-A(4), the hierarchy of potencies are: GalNAcalpha1-->3GalNAcbeta1-->3Galalpha1-->4Galbeta 1-->4Glc (Forssman pentasaccharide) > GalNAcalpha1-->3(LFucalpha1-->2)Gal (blood group A)()> GalNAc > Galalpha1-->4Gal > Galalpha1-->3Gal (blood group B-like)> Gal.  相似文献   

Glycoconjugates with terminal Galalpha1-3Galbeta1-4GlcNAc sequences (alpha-galactosyl epitopes, natural xenoreactive antigens) are present on various tissues in pigs and are recognized by human anti-alphagalactosyl (alphaGal) antibodies1. Hence xenotransplantation (pig-to-human) would trigger immune reactions involving complement activation and lead to the hyperactute rejection of the graft. Xenoreactive antigens are often studied by using the lectin Griffonia simplicifolia 1 isolectin B4 (GS1 B4), which shows high affinity to galactose. We here estimate the specificity of GS1 B4 for detecting various galactosyl epitopes by measuring lectin binding to neoglycoproteins, thyroglobulin and pig skeletal muscle. Enzyme linked lectin assays confirmed that GS1 B4 was highly specific to alpha-galactosylated neoglycoproteins while the lectin did not detect a beta-galactosylated ligand. The length of the sugar chains influenced the lectin-carbohydrate interaction. A monosaccharide linked to serum albumin showed higher lectin affinity than did neoglycoproteins with di- and tri-alpha-galactosyl epitopes. When the carbohydrate was extended, as in the xenoreactive pentasaccharide (Galalpha1-3Galbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta1-3Galbeta1-4Glc), the carbohydrate- lectin interaction was meagre. Not only the terminal, but also the subterminal sugar affected the lectin binding because the GS1 B4 affinity to Galalpha1-3Gal was much stronger than to Galalpha1-3GalNAc. In bovine and porcine thyroglobulin most alphaGal epitopes appear to be cryptic, but are unmasked by a heat denaturation. In pig skeletal muscle there was lectin reaction not only in the muscle capillaries, but also in the connective tissue and intracellularly in muscle fibres. In Western blots of isolated proteins from pig muscle at least three bands were strongly stained after incubation with lectin.  相似文献   

Seeds from the African legume shrub Griffonia simplicifolia contain several lectins. Among them the tetrameric lectin GS I-B(4) has strict specificity for terminal alpha Gal residues, whereas the closely related lectin GS I-A(4) can also bind to alpha GalNAc. These two lectins are commonly used as markers in histology or for research in xenotransplantation. To elucidate the basis for the fine difference in specificity, the amino acid sequences of both lectins have been determined and show 89% identity. The crystal structure of GS I-B(4), determined at 2.5-A resolution, reveals a new quaternary structure that has never been observed in other legume lectins. An unexpected loss of both Ca(2+) and Mn(2+) ions, which are necessary for carbohydrate binding in legume lectins, may be related to a particular amino acid sequence Pro-Glu-Pro in the metal binding loop. Comparison with demetallized concanavalin A reveals a different process for the loss of metal ions and for the subsequent loss of carbohydrate binding activity. The GS I-A x alpha GalNAc and GS I-B x alpha Gal complexes were constructed using homology modeling and docking approaches. The unusual presence of an aromatic amino acid at position 47 (Tyr in I-A and Trp in I-B) explains the strong preference for alpha-anomeric sugars in both isolectins. Alteration at one amino acid position, Ala(106) in I-A versus Glu(106) in I-B, is the basis for the observed specificities toward alpha GalNAc and alpha Gal.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of lentil lectin in complex with -d-glucopyranose has been determined by molecular replacement and refined to anR-value of 0.20 at 3.0 Å resolution. The glucose interacts with the protein in a manner similar to that found in the mannose complexes of concanavalin A, pea lectin and isolectin I fromLathyrus ochrus. The complex is stabilized by a network of hydrogen bonds involving the carbohydrate oxygens O6, O4, O3 and O5. In addition, the -d-glucopyranose residue makes van der Waals contacts with the protein, involving the phenyl ring of Phe123. The overall structure of lentil lectin, at this resolution, does not differ significantly from the highly refined structures of the uncomplexed lectin.Molecular docking studies were performed with mannose and its 2-O and 3-O-m-nitro-benzyl derivatives to explain their high affinity binding. The interactions of the modelled mannose with lentil lectin agree well with those observed experimentally for the protein-carbohydrate complex. The highly flexible Me-2-O-(m-nitro-benzyl)--d-mannopyranoside and Me-3-O-(m-nitro-benzyl)--d-mannopyranoside become conformationally restricted upon binding to lentil lectin. For best orientations of the two substrates in the combining site, the loss of entropy is accompanied by the formation of a strong hydrogen bond between the nitro group and one amino acid, Gly97 and Asn125, respectively, along with the establishment of van der Waals interactions between the benzyl group and the aromatic amino acids Tyr100 and Trp128.RL and FC are joint first authors.  相似文献   

Griffonia simplicifolia lectin II (GSII) is a plant defensive protein that significantly delays development of the cowpea bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus (F.). Previous structure/function analysis by site-directed mutagenesis indicated that carbohydrate binding and resistance to insect gut proteolysis are required for the anti-insect activity of this lectin. However, whether there is a causal link between carbohydrate binding and resistance to insect metabolism remains unknown. Two proteases principally responsible for digestive proteolysis in third and fourth instar larvae of C. maculatus were purified by activated thiol sepharose chromatography and resolved as cathepsin L-like proteases, based on N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis. Digestion of bacterially expressed recombinant GSII (rGSII) and its mutant protein variants with the purified gut proteases indicates that carbohydrate binding, presumably to a target ligand in insect gut, and proteolytic resistance are independent properties of rGSII, and that both facilitate its efficacy as a plant defensive molecule.  相似文献   

Ym1, a secretory protein synthesized by activated murine peritoneal macrophages, is a novel mammalian lectin with a binding specificity to GlcN. Lectins are responsible for carbohydrate recognition and for mediating cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions in microbes, plants, and animals. Glycosaminoglycan heparin/heparan sulfate binding ability was also detected in Ym1. We report here the three-dimensional structure of Ym1 at 2.5-A resolution by x-ray crystallography. The crystal structure of Ym1 consists of two globular domains, a beta/alpha triose-phosphate isomerase barrel domain and a small alpha + beta folding domain. A notable electron density of sugar is detected in the Ym1 crystal structure. The saccharide is located inside the triose-phosphate isomerase domain at the COOH terminal end of the beta-strands. Both hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions are noted in the sugar-binding site in Ym1. Despite the fact that Ym1 is not a chitinase, structurally, Ym1 shares significant homology with chitinase A of Serratia marcescens. Ym1 and chitinase A have a similar carbohydrate binding cleft. This study provides new structure information, which will lead to better understanding of the biological significance of Ym1 and its putative gene members.  相似文献   

We compared lectin staining patterns to cell population densities, as determined by morphological criteria in rat airways. Eight lectins were studied: Griffonia simplicifolia I isolectin B4 (GSI-B4), Arachis hypogaea (PNA), Wisteria floribunda (WFA), Glycine maximus (SBA), Dolichos biflorus (DBA), Helix pomatia (HPA), Ulex europaeus (UEA-1), and Maclura pomifera (MPA). Two of the lectins strongly stained morphologically distinct cell subpopulations. GSI-B4 stained basal cells, and MPA stained non-ciliated bronchiolar (Clara) cells. The specificity and sensitivity of GSI-B4 as a marker for basal cells was examined. In the trachea, 35% of all cells were GSI-B4 positive; 84% of these were basal cells, 7% were unidentified cells, 5% were serous/mucous cells, and 4% were ciliated, brush, or inflammatory cells. Comparison to cell population density data strongly suggested that all basal cells were GSI-B4 positive. The segmental bronchus was a transitional area; GSI-B4 positive basal cells were present in the region closest to the lobar bronchus but were absent in the distal region; instead, MPA-positive Clara cells appeared. When dissociated tracheal cells were obtained by pronase digestion, 43% were GSI-B4 positive. These results show that GSI-B4 is a sensitive and relatively specific marker for basal cells in the rat trachea which can be used to study dissociated epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The lectins Griffonia simplicifolia I and Lycopersicon esculentum were used to assess the presence of endothelium-specific glycoproteins in the microvasculature of the rat myocardium, diaphragm and superficial cerebral cortex. Organs fixed by intravascular perfusion were processed to obtain semithin (0.5 micron) and thin (less than 0.1 micron) frozen sections that were reacted with biotinylated lectin followed by streptavidin conjugated to Texas Red, for semithin sections, or by streptavidin conjugated to 5-nm colloidal gold particles, for thin sections. Lycopersicon esculentum lectin exclusively labeled the endothelium of all small vessels in all three microvascular beds; it did not bind to components of either the parenchyma or the extracellular matrix. Griffonia simplicifolia I lectin exclusively labeled the endothelium of the entire microvasculature in the myocardium and diaphragm, but marked primarily pericytes in the cerebral microvasculature. It did not label any parenchymal or interstitial organ component. At the electron microscope level, the lectin Griffonia simplicifolia I labeling was associated with the plasmalemma proper and especially with plasmalemmal vesicles and their introits, and Lycopersicon esculentum lectin bound primarily to the luminal plasmalemma in the microvascular beds of the myocardium and diaphragm. In the cerebral cortex, labeling of the microvasculature was clearly different: Griffonia simplicifolia I bound primarily to pericytes and vascular smooth muscle cells whereas Lycopersicon esculentum labeled only the microvascular endothelium. Lysates prepared from the myocardium, diaphragm and cerebral cortex were processed through Griffonia simplicifolia I lectin affinity separation followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis of the fraction obtained. A number of putative endothelium-specific glycoproteins was detected and found to differ qualitatively and quantitatively from organ to organ. The most prominent polypeptide, approximately 97 kDa, was present in substantial amounts in the myocardium and diaphragm, but in considerably lower concentration in the cerebral cortex. The reverse applied for a approximately 55 kDa protein. The preferential distribution of the approximately 97 kDa protein parallels differences in Griffonia simplicifolia I lectin binding by fluorescence and electron microscopy on sections of the corresponding organs. The results provide further evidence for the existence of endothelial glycoproteins specific for different microvascular beds and possibly connected with local functional differentiations.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL-1)alpha and IL-1beta are important mediators of inflammation. The binding of IL-1 to interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R) type 1 is the initial step in IL-1 signal transduction and therefore is a tempting target for anti-inflammatory therapeutics. To advance our understanding of IL-1R1 binding interactions, we have determined the structure of the extracellular domains of IL-1R1 bound to a 21-amino acid IL-1 antagonist peptide at 3.0-A resolution. The antagonist peptide binds to the domain 1/2 junction of the receptor, which is a conserved binding site for IL-1beta and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra). This co-crystal structure also reveals that considerable flexibility is present in IL-1R1 because the carboxyl-terminal domain of the receptor is rotated almost 170 degrees relative to the first two domains of the receptor compared with the previously solved IL-1R1.ligand structures. The structure shows an unexpected binding mode for the peptide and may contribute to the design of smaller IL-1R antagonists.  相似文献   

The amino-pyrazole 2,6-dichloro-N-ethyl benzamide 1 is a selective GR agonist with dexamethasone-like in vitro potency. Its X-ray crystal structure in the GR LBD (Glucocorticoid ligand-binding domain) is described and compared to other reported structures of steroidal GR agonists in the GR LBD (3E7C).  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of the DNA decamer d(GACCGCGGTC), containing half the human papilloma virus E2 binding site, has been solved from two crystals grown at different ionic conditions (50 mM MgCl2and 50 mM spermine or 1.56 mM MgCl2and 1.56 mM spermine). Despite the variation in salt concentration, the two DNA structures are in a very similar, A-type DNA conformation, with helical axes curving towards the major groove. Although the salt concentrations do not effect the helical parameters or hydration to a large degree, there is a change in the overall helical curvature; 18 degrees and 31 degrees for the low and high salt structures, respectively. This curvature appears to be sequence specific and biologically relevant when compared with similar DNA structures, including the E2 binding site of a protein-DNA complex.  相似文献   

Aminoglycoside antibiotics that bind to 16S ribosomal RNA in the aminoacyl-tRNA site (A site) cause misreading of the genetic code and inhibit translocation. Structures of an A site RNA oligonucleotide free in solution and bound to the aminoglycosides paromomycin or gentamicin C1a have been determined by NMR. Recently, the X-ray crystal structure of the entire 30S subunit has been determined, free and bound to paromomycin. Distinct differences were observed in the crystal structure, particularly at A1493. Here, the NMR structure of the oligonucleotide-paromomycin complex was determined with higher precision and is compared with the X-ray crystal structure of the 30S subunit complex. The comparison shows the validity of both structures in identifying critical interactions that affect ribosome function.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of n-dodecylphosphorylcholine (n-C12PC)–bovine pancreas phospholipase A2 (PLA2) complex provided the following structural.characteristics: (1) the dodecyl chain of n-C12PC was located at the PLA2 N -terminal helical region by hydrophobic interactions, which corresponds to the binding pocket of 2-acyl fatty acid chain (β-chain) of the substrate phospholipid, (2) the region from Lys-53 to Lys-56 creates a cholinereceiving pocket of n-C12PC and (3) the N-termillal group of Ala-1 shifts significantly toward the Tyr-52 OH group by the binding of the n-C12PC inhibitor. Since the accuracy of the X-ray analysis (R = 0.275 at 2.3 Å resolution) was insufficient to establish these important X-ray insights, the complex structure was further investigated through the molecular dynamics (M D) simulation, assuming a system in aqueous solution at 310K. The M D simulation covering 176 ps showed that the structural characteristics observed by X-ray analysis are intrinsic and also stable in the dynamic state. Furthermore, the M D simulation made clear that the PLA2 binding pocket is large enough to permit the conformational fluctuation of the n-C12PC hydrocarbon chain. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human cyclophilin A (165 residues) has peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity. Here we report a high-resolution three-dimensional X-ray structure of a substrate, ac-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ala-amc (ac. acetyl: amc. amidomethylcoumarin) bound to the active-site of cyclophilin. The structure consisting of a dimer of complexes and 135 water molecules was refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 17.7% for all data in the range 8 Å-2.3 Å.  相似文献   

2-Dansylamino-2-deoxy-D-galactose (GalNDns) is a useful fluorescent probe to study the interaction of non-fluorescent sugars with the B4 lectin from Vicia villosa seeds (VVLB4). Binding of the lectin to GalNDns leads to a 5.2-fold increase in Dansyl fluorescence with a concomitant 10 nm blue shift in its emission maximum. The strong binding of GalNDns (Ka = 7.33 x 10(4) M-1 at 20 degrees C) is due to a favourable entropic contribution to the association process. Among the other sugars studied, GalNAc alpha 1-O-Ser followed by Me alpha GalNAc are the best ligands. 2-Deoxygalactose, galactosamine and galactose are 2013, 469 and 130 times weaker ligands, respectively, as compared to GalNAc, whereas GalNDns is about 2.44 times more potent than GalNAc, indicating that substitutions at the C-2 position of GalNAc have a considerable influence on the binding affinities. Equatorial orientation of the hydroxyl group at C-3 and axial orientation at C-4 as in galactose are important for the interaction with VVLB4. The C-6 hydroxyl group is not indispensable. The binding site of the lectin is directed exclusively towards monosaccharides alone. Interestingly enough, despite its preference for Me alpha GalNAc over Me beta GalNAc, in oligosaccharides, the lectin prefers terminal beta-linked GalNAc as compared to the alpha-linked one.  相似文献   

O-alpha-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1---4)-D-galactopyranose, C12H22O11, Mr = 342.30, crystallises in the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), and has alpha = 5.826(1), b = 13.904(3), c = 17.772(4) A, Z = 4, and Dx = 1.579 g.cm-3. Intensity data were collected with a CAD4 diffractometer. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.063 and Rw = 0.084 for 2758 independent reflections. The glycosidic linkage is of the type 1-axial-4-axial with torsion angles phi O-5' (O-5'-C-1'-O-1'-C-4) = 98.1(2) degrees, psi C-3 (C-3-C-4-O-1'-C-1') = -81.9(3) degrees, phi H (H-1'-C-1'-O-1'-C-4) = -18 degrees, and psi H (H-4-C-4-O-1'-C-1') = 35 degrees. The conformation is stabilised by an O-3 . . . O-5' intramolecular hydrogen-bond with length 2.787(3) A and O-3-H . . . O-5' = 162 degrees. The glycosidic linkage causes a folding of the molecule with an angle of 117 degrees between the least-square planes through the pyranosidic rings. The crystal investigated contained 56(1)% of alpha- and 44(1)% of beta-galabiose as well as approximately 70% of the gauche-trans and approximately 30% of the trans-gauche conformers about the exocyclic C-5'-C-6' and C-5-C-6 bonds. The crystal packing is governed by hydrogen bonding that engages all oxygen atoms except the intramolecular acceptor O-5' and the glycosidic O-1' oxygen atoms.  相似文献   

Purified 125I-labeled lectins from Datura stramonium, Evonymus europaea, and Griffonia simplicifolia (I-B4 isolectin) were used to analyze changes in the expression of carbohydrates on the surface of resident (PC) and thioglycollate-stimulated murine (C57B/6J) peritoneal exudate cells (PEC). The lectins from D. stramonium, E. europaea, and G. simplicifolia I-B4 bind specifically to PEC with relatively high affinity (Kd = 5.65 +/- 1.08 X 10(-7) M, 1.08 +/- 0.12 X 10(-8) M, and 1.33 +/- 0.15 X 10(-7) M, respectively). Assuming a single lectin molecule binds to each cell surface saccharide, the number of receptor sites per cell ranged for different cell samples from 22.3 to 50.0 X 10(6), from 3.8 to 4.8 X 10(6), and from 2.0 to 16.8 X 10(6) for D. stramonium, E. europaea, and G. simplicifolia I-B4 lectins, respectively. There were approximately 3- to 7-fold, 16- to 20-fold, and 2- to 20-fold increases in binding capacity for D. stramonium, E. europaea and G. simplicifolia I-B4, respectively, compared to the binding to resident, peritoneal cells. Scatchard plots of the binding of all three lectins to PEC were linear, suggesting that the receptor sites for these lectins are homogeneous and noninteracting. The binding capacity of these lectins to PEC was unchanged after trypsin digestion of cells. The expression of carbohydrates on the surface of PEC was also monitored by an agglutination assay. PEC were agglutinated by all three lectins whereas PC either were not agglutinated or were agglutinated only at high lectin concentrations. On the basis of our knowledge of the carbohydrate binding specificity of the D. stramonium and G. simplicifolia I-B4 lectins, we postulate that, parallel with thioglycolate stimulation, there is an increase in the number of N-acetyllactosamine residues and terminal alpha-D-galactosyl end groups. The blood group B, and H type 1 determinants--DGa1 alpha 1,3[LFuc alpha 1,2]DGa1 beta 1,3(or 4)DGlcNAc and LFuc alpha 1,2DGa1 beta 1,3DG1cNAc, respectively, as well as DGa1 alpha 1,3DGa1 beta 1,3(or 4)DGlcNAc--may be considered to be possible receptors for the E. europaea lectin. These glycoconjugates, present on the surface of peritoneal exudate cells, provide new chemical markers for studying the differentiation of resident peritoneal cells.  相似文献   

The zinc-dependent Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) found within the extracellular matrix (ECM) of vertebrates are linked to pathological processes such as arthritis, skin ulceration and cancer. Although a general backbone proteolytic mechanism is understood, crystallographic data continue to suggest an active site that is too narrow to encompass the respective substrate. We present a fully parameterised Molecular Dynamics (MD) study of the structural properties of an MMP-1-collagen crystallographic structure (Protein Data Bank – 4AUO), followed by an exploration of the free energy surface of a collagen polypeptide chain entering the active site, using a combined meta-dynamics and umbrella sampling (MDUS) approach. We conclude that the interactions between MMP-1 and the collagen substrate are in good agreement with a number of experimental studies. As such, our unrestrained MD simulations and our MDUS results, which indicate an energetic barrier for a local uncoiling and insertion event, can inform future investigations of the collagen-peptide non-bonded association steps with the active site prior to proteolytic mechanisms. The elucidation of such free energy barriers provides a better understanding of the role of the enzyme in the ECM and is important in the design of future MMP inhibitors.  相似文献   

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