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Paul Bernard 《Hydrobiologia》1984,108(2):197-199
Achlya radiosa Maurizio is reported from Algeria. This is the first record for the African continent. Culture methods and morphological and reproductive characters of the fungus are given.  相似文献   

Methanol extract, obtained from Tagetes patula plant, was assayed against three phytopathogenic fungi: Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium moniliforme and Pythium ultimum. The antifungal activity was tested both in the dark and in the light, using two different lighting systems. The data showed that the extract proved to have a dose-dependent activity on all the fungi with a marked difference between treatments in the light than in the dark. Good growth inhibition was observed in fungi only when these were treated with the highest dose of the extract and irradiated, whereas the same dose gave only a modest inhibition when the experiment was conducted in the dark. At 5 and 10 microg/ml in the dark, growth increased. The results indicated that the presence of a luminous source enhances the antifungal activity, with small differences between UV-A and solar spectrum light. SEM and TEM observations on Pythium ultimum revealed that the Tagetes patula extract induced alterations on cell fungal membranes with a photoactivation mechanism possibly involving the production of free radicals and leading to a premature aging of the mycelium.  相似文献   

Two biological control agents, Pythium nunn and Trichoderma harzianum isolate T-95, were combined to reduce Pythium damping-off of cucumber in greenhouse experiments lasting 3–4 weeks. T. harzianum T-95, a rhizosphere competent mutant, was applied to seeds and P. nunn was applied to pasteurized and raw soils naturally and artificially infested with Pythium ultimum. Some treatments were also amended with bean leaves to enhance the activity of P. nunn. The biological control of Pythium damping-off was evaluated in a Colorado soil (Nunn sandy loam) and an Oregon soil mix, which were replanted twice after 2 and 3 months. Interactions between P. nunn and T-95 were detected in the Colorado but not the Oregon soil. No consistent evidence of antagonism between P. nunn and T. harzianum was seen, and significant interactions were detected in the Colorado, but not the Oregon soil. In the first planting of some treatments, the combination of P. nunn and T. harzianum gave greater control of damping-off than either applied alone. P. nunn was most effective in soils that were pasteurized or amended with bean leaves. T. harzianum controlled Pythium damping-off in the Colorado, but not the Oregon soil. In both soils, disease declined over time in treatments amended with bean leaves but without P. nunn or T. harzianum added. This suppression was greater in the Colorado soil, which contained an indigenous population of P. nunn. This work demonstrates that two compatible biological control agents can be combined to give additional control of a soil-borne plant pathogen.  相似文献   

Nineteen species of aquatic and areo-aquatic conidial fungi were tested for their ability to produce extracellular enzymes which degrade cellulose, starch, lipids, proteins and tannic acid. The cellulolytic activity was determined by using both solid and liquid media. The activity of other enzymes was examined using solid media. Two-thirds of the species were able to hydrolyze soluble cellulose (CMC) incorporated in solid and liquid media with varying degrees of activity. Extracellular culture filtrates ofAegerita candida, Helicodendron giganteum andH. tubulosum contained a Cl-Cx enzyme complex that could degrade both soluble cellulose (CMC) and crystalline cellulose (filter paper). Lipase activity was demonstrated by 11 species. Fourteen of the species showed activity for amylase and protease, but only 11 of the 16 were capable of degrading tannic acid.  相似文献   

盐角草是一种耐盐植物,有重要的食用、药用价值.为研究盐角草的内生真菌及其活性次生代谢产物的多样性,该文对采集于广西北部湾沿海盐角草的内生真菌进行分离纯化,采用RAPD对内生真菌多样性进行分析,采用ITS基因序列对内生真菌进行鉴定,并对内生真菌提取物抑制等3种水产腐败细菌的活性进行筛选.结果表明:(1)从北部湾盐角草植物...  相似文献   

Pythium aquatile and P. macrosporum were isolated from the soil of a cultivated field in Gunma Prefecture and a forest in Nagano Prefecture for the first time in Japan. Their morphological characteristics are described, and their pathogenicity and taxonomy are discussed.  相似文献   

Four newly synthesized molecules derived from pyrazole-pyrimidine were assayed on Botrytis cinerea Micheli, Fusarium moniliforme Sheld and Pythium ultimum Trow. All proved effective in inhibiting the growth of the phytopathogens at all of the test concentrations (10, 20, 50, 100 μg/ml). The most effective compound was 1-(3)nitrophenyl - 6 - trifluoromethylpyrazolo[3,4 - d ]pyrimidine 4(5H)-thione (CF33). Ultrastructural studies on P. ultimum treated with CF33 revealed alterations in the normal hyphal shape and, at high concentration, plasmolysis and damage to the wall texture was observed. At 20 μg/ml different vesicles were seen in the cytoplasm: some appeared quite dense, and specific cytochemical reactions indicated that they were most likely peroxysomes; other vesicles seem to be vacuoles of varying content. In some cases there was disintegration of the nuclear envelope. The effects on membrane lipids and interference in protein synthesis are hypothesized as possible mechanism of action of the molecule.  相似文献   

The occurrence, distribution and seasonal periodicity of 49 species of aquatic fungi belonging to the orders Chytridiales, Lagenidiales, Blastocladiales, Saprolegniales and Peronosporales from two tanks of Kurukshetra, India, is described. Seasonal periodicity was found to be governed by temperature.  相似文献   

Forces exerted by hyphae of the phytopathogen Pythium graminicola and mammalian pathogen Pythium insidiosum were compared with the mechanical resistance of their hosts' tissues. Hyphal apices of both species exerted a mean force of 2 microN, corresponding to mean pressures of 0.19 microN microm(-2) (or MPa) for P. graminicola, and 0.14 microN microm(-2) for P. insidiosum. Experiments with glass microprobes showed that the epidermis of grass roots resisted penetration until the pressure applied at the probe tip reached 1-12 microN microm(-2). Previously published data show that mammalian skin offers even greater resistance (10-47 microN microm(-2)). Clearly, tissue strength exceeds the pressures exerted by hyphae of these pathogens, verifying that secreted enzymes must play a critical role in reducing the resistance of plant and animal tissues. It is presumed that hyphae are sufficiently powerful to bore through any obstacles remaining after enzyme action.  相似文献   

Six fungi isolated from plant materials in Japan are described. The first isPseudohalonectria aomoriensis sp. nov. (Lasiosphaeriaceae). It differs from other known species of the genusPseudohalonectria in the dimensions of its asci and ascospores. The second,Monodictys abuensis, is newly added to the mycoflora of Japan. Its host,Zelkova serrata, is also newly recorded. Three others found on new host plants areDictyochaeta simplex onQuercus myrsinaefolia andBladhia crispa, Colletotrichum dematium onAucuba japonica var.borealis, andNectria mammoidea var.rubi onCercidiphyllum japonicum. The sixth,Trochophora fasciculata, aDaphniphyllum sooty leaf spot fungus renamed by Goos fromT. simplex, is reported with a full list of synonyms.  相似文献   

[背景]广陈皮为药食同源中药材,在高温、高湿且贮存不当的条件下容易发霉,从而产生毒素,严重威胁陈皮的质量安全.[目的]分析广陈皮表面外源真菌的组成及其产生毒素的真菌.[方法]采用平板稀释法分离广陈皮表面外源真菌,利用分生孢子形态特征及DNA序列分析进行真菌鉴定,采用高效液相色谱-三重串联四极杆质谱联用技术对青霉属和曲霉...  相似文献   

Paul Bernard 《Hydrobiologia》1986,140(3):233-236
Pythium ramificatum n.sp. isolated from Algeria is described. It is a non-zoosporic fungus, reproducing asexually be means of hyphal bodies and sexually by oogonia with much branched antheridia. Its morphological and reproductive characters as well as it relationship with other species of Pythium of the same group are described.  相似文献   

In the third report of the present series, four new and noteworthy plant-inhabiting fungi are described and illustrated. Pseudodidymaria symplocarpi on Symplocarpus nipponicus is reported as a new species. Cheirospora botryospora and Exosporium mexicanum are new to Japan. Pittosporum tobira is a new host plant for Flosculomyces floridaensis.  相似文献   

The effects of two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (Glomus mosseae and G. claroideum) and a pathogenic fungus (Pythium ultimum) on the production of eight flavonoids in roots of two white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cultivars were evaluated. Quantification of AM and pathogenic fungi in the roots showed that the AM symbiosis significantly reduced P. ultimum biomass and in some cases prevented infection. The flavonoid productions in clover roots varied depending on the presence of beneficial and/or pathogenic fungi, fungal isolate or plant cultivar. Only plants colonized with G. claroideum showed detectable concentrations of either coumestrol or kaempferol (cultivar-dependant). In addition, inoculation with G. claroideum resulted in significantly higher concentrations of coumestrol in cv. Sonja and medicarpin in cv. Milo. A low production of coumestrol and kaempferol in mycorrhizal plants may be G. mosseae-specific. Only the concentrations of formononetin and daidzein increased in clover roots in response to infection with P. ultimum. These flavonoids are supposedly stress metabolites, synthesized or produced from glycosides in response to pathogen infection. However, the presence of one or both AMF significantly lowered the formononetin and daidzein concentrations, and overruled the inductive effect of P. ultimum. Therefore the antagonistic action of AM against the pathogen must take place through another mechanism.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the effects of riparian plant diversity (species number and identity) and temperature on microbially mediated leaf decomposition by assessing fungal biodiversity, fungal reproduction and leaf mass loss. 2. Leaves of five riparian plant species were first immersed in a stream to allow microbial colonisation and were then exposed, alone or in all possible combinations, at 16 or 24 °C in laboratory microcosms. 3. Fungal biodiversity was reduced by temperature but was not affected by litter diversity. Temperature altered fungal community composition with species of warmer climate, such as Lunulospora curvula, becoming dominant. 4. Fungal reproduction was affected by litter diversity, but not by temperature. Fungal reproduction in leaf mixtures did not differ or was lower than that expected from the weighted sum of fungal sporulation on individual leaf species. At the higher temperature, the negative effect of litter diversity on fungal reproduction decreased with the number of leaf species. 5. Leaf mass loss was affected by the identity of leaf mixtures (i.e. litter quality), but not by leaf species number. This was mainly explained by the negative correlation between leaf decomposition and initial lignin concentration of leaves. 6. At 24 °C, the negative effects of lignin on microbially mediated leaf decomposition diminished, suggesting that higher temperatures may weaken the effects of litter quality on plant litter decomposition in streams. 7. The reduction in the negative effects of lignin at the higher temperature resulted in an increased microbially mediated litter decomposition, which may favour invertebrate‐mediated litter decomposition leading to a depletion of litter stocks in streams.  相似文献   

为研究夹竹桃(Nerium oleander)内生真菌的多样性并评价其次生代谢产物的活性,该研究对广西夹竹桃(Nerium oleander)的内生真菌进行分离纯化,采用形态学和ITS序列分析结合的方法进行鉴定,以5种指示菌(其中有3种弧菌)对内生真菌提取物进行抑菌活性筛选。结果表明:(1)从广西夹竹桃中共得到19株内生真菌,这19株内生真菌都属于子囊菌门,涵盖5个目7个属,包括炭疽菌属(Colletotrichum)、球座菌属(Guignardia)、叶点霉属(Phyllosticta)、新壳梭孢属(Neofusicoccum)、曲霉属(Aspergillus)、隔孢壳科新属(Nothophoma)和间座壳属(Diaporthe),优势属为炭疽菌属(分离率为36.85%)和球座菌属(分离率为21.05%),其中炭疽菌属主要分布于茎,球座菌属全部来源于叶。(2)jing-117(Neofusicoccum sp.)和ye-130(Guignardia sp.)对坎氏弧菌有较为特异的抑菌效果,ye-136(Aspergillus sp.)能同时抑制蜡样芽孢杆菌和坎氏弧菌,ye-135(A...  相似文献   

Southern analysis of genomic DNA identified multiple-copy actin gene families in Lagenidium giganteum and Pythium irregulare (Oomycota). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocols were used to amplify members of these actin gene families. Sequence analysis of genomic coding regions demonstrated five unique actin sequences in L. giganteum (Lg-Ac 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and four unique actin sequences in P. irregulare (Pi-Acl, 2, 3, 4); none were interrupted by introns. Maximum parsimony analysis of the coding regions demonstrated a close phylogenetic relationship between oomycetes and the chromophyte alga Costaria costata. Three types of actin coding regions were identified in the chromophyte/oomycete lineage. The type 1 actin is the single-copy coding region found in C. costata. The type 2 and type 3 actins are found in the oomycetes and are the result of a gene duplication which occurred soon after the divergence of the oomycetes from the chromophyte algae. The type 2 coding regions are the single-copy sequence of Phytophthora megasperma, the Phytophthora infestans actB gene, Lg-Ac5 and Pi-Ac2. The type 3 coding regions are the single-copy sequence of Achlya bisexualis, the P. infestans actA gene, Lg-Ac1, 2, 3, 4 and Pi-Acl, 3, 4. Correspondence to: D. Bhattacharya  相似文献   

Trichoderma harzianum, isolate T 01-22, was cultured on either sorghum grains, ground mesocarp fibre of oil-palm or oil-palm shell, both amended with urea fertilizer (100:1, w/w). T. harzianum cultured on ground mesocarp fibre was then used to coat seeds of Chinese kale (Brassica alboglabra Bailey) to control damping-off of seedlings caused by Pythium aphanidermatum. Biomass of T. harzianum cultured on ground mesocarp fibre of oil-palm was more effective than Captan and Benomyl, but less effective than Metalaxyl, in controlling damping-off of Chinese kale seedlings. Viability of T. harzianum growing on sorghum grains was reduced significantly during 7 months storage, followed by that of T. harzianum cultured on ground mesocarp fibre and oil-palm shell, both amended with urea fertilizer (46-0-0) at 100:1 (w/w).  相似文献   

This survey is concerned only with filamentous fungi living in the soil layer. The observed diversity of soil fungi largely depends on the method used and the numbers of isolates obtained. Particle-plating usually yields higher numbers of taxa than dilution plating. The Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (CBS) preserves a great diversity of soil fungi. The CBS database contained 2,210 species of soil fungi in 2001, an estimated 70% of the known species available in culture. Thus, the current estimate for described culturable soil fungi is approximately 3,150 species, many of which have a cosmopolitan distribution. Adding the ca. 150 spp. of nonculturable Glomerales results in 3,300 species of currently known soil fungi. Molecular studies in such groups as Fusarium, Trichoderma, Penicillium, and Aspergillus are finding a number of more narrowly distributed cryptic species. Thus the number of species of soil fungi is expected to be considerably higher than the 3300 species currently known.  相似文献   

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