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Aromatase and cyclooxygenases: enzymes in breast cancer   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Aromatase (estrogen synthase) is the cytochrome P450 enzyme complex that converts C19 androgens to C18 estrogens. Aromatase activity has been demonstrated in breast tissue in vitro, and expression of aromatase is highest in or near breast tumor sites. Thus, local regulation of aromatase by both endogenous factors as well as exogenous medicinal agents will influence the levels of estrogen available for breast cancer growth. The prostaglandin PGE2 increases intracellular cAMP levels and stimulates estrogen biosynthesis, and previous studies in our laboratories have shown a strong linear association between aromatase (CYP19) expression and expression of the cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2) in breast cancer specimens. To further investigate the pathways regulating COX and CYP19 gene expression, studies were performed in normal breast stromal cells, in breast cancer cells from patients, and in breast cancer cell lines using selective pharmacological agents. Enhanced COX enzyme levels results in increased production of prostaglandins, such as PGE2. This prostaglandin increased aromatase activity in breast stromal cells, and studies with selective agonists and antagonists showed that this regulation of signaling pathways occurs through the EP1 and EP2 receptor subtypes. COX-2 gene expression was enhanced in breast cancer cell lines by ligands for the various peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), and differential regulation was observed between hormone-dependent and -independent breast cancer cells. Thus, the regulation of both enzymes in breast cancer involves complex paracrine interactions, resulting in significant consequences on the pathogenesis of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Aromatase (estrogen synthase) is the cytochrome P450 enzyme complex that converts C19 androgens to C18 estrogens. Aromatase activity has been demonstrated in breast tissue in vitro, and expression of aromatase is highest in or near breast tumor sites. Thus, local regulation of aromatase by both endogenous factors as well as exogenous medicinal agents will influence the levels of estrogen available for breast cancer growth. The prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) increases intracellular cAMP levels and stimulates estrogen biosynthesis, and our recent studies have shown a strong linear association between CYP19 expression and the sum of COX-1 and COX-2 expression in breast cancer specimens. PGE2 can bind to four receptor subtypes, EP1–EP4, which are coupled to different intracellular signaling pathways. In primary human breast stromal cell cultures, aromatase activity was significantly induced by PGE2, dexamethasone, and agonists for the EP1 and EP2 receptor subtypes. An EP1 antagonist, SC-19220, inhibited the induction of enzyme activity by PGE2 or 17-phenyltrinor-PGE2, an EP1 agonist. Sulprostone, an EP3 agonist, did not alter aromatase activity levels. Investigations are also underway on the regulation of aromatase by exogenous medicinal agents. Selective steroidal and nonsteroidal agents are effective in inhibiting breast tissue aromatase. The benzopyranone ring system is a molecular scaffold of considerable interest, and this scaffold is found in certain flavonoid natural products that have weak aromatase inhibitory activity. Our novel synthetic route for benzopyranones utilizes readily available salicylic acids and terminal alkynes as starting materials. The synthesis of flavones with diversity on the benzopyranone moiety and at the C-2 position occurs with good to excellent yields using these reaction conditions, resulting in an initial benzopyranone library of thirty compounds exhibiting enhanced and differential aromatase inhibition. Current medicinal chemistry efforts focus on diversifying the benzopyranone scaffold and utilizing combinatorial chemistry approaches to construct small benzopyranone libraries as potential aromatase inhibitors.  相似文献   

In patients with hormone receptor positive DCIS tamoxifen reduces recurrence rates by almost 50%. Few data are available with aromatase inhibitors from randomised studies. In the ATAC study there were three DCIS lesions in the anastrozole arm and four in the tamoxifen arm in the women with ER positive invasive cancer. In the MA17 study which randomised patients to up to 5 years of letrozole or placebo there was only one DCIS event in the contralateral breast in patients taking letrozole and five on placebo. There were also four patients in this study who had DCIS in the conserved breast on placebo and none in the letrozole treated group. The few clinical data that are available therefore suggest the aromatase inhibitors are likely to be effective in DCIS. A histological review of a study of 206 postmenopausal women with invasive oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer who were randomised as part of a 14 day preoperative study to receive 2.5 mg of letrozole or 1 mg of anastrozole identified 27 patients with 28 pairs of tumours in whom there was sufficient ER positive DCIS in invasive cancer in the initial core biopsy and in the subsequent surgery specimen, to evaluate for PgR activity and proliferation. Within the DCIS both aromatase inhibitors significantly reduced PgR expression and both drugs also produced a significant fall in proliferation. There was a moderate degree of agreement between the fall in PgR in both the invasive cancer and DCIS (Kappa = 0.5; p = 0.0013) and between the fall in proliferation and between the invasive and in situ components (correlation coefficient = 0.68; p < 0.001). This study has shown significant effects of aromatase inhibitors on DCIS indicating that these agents are therapeutically active in this condition.  相似文献   

Ingle JN 《Steroids》2011,76(8):765-767
The third-generation aromatase inhibitors are an important class of drugs for use in adjuvant therapy for postmenopausal women with resected estrogen receptor positive breast cancer. Multiple large prospective randomized trials have established their value in this setting and provided guidance for their use in clinical management. This review will outline the trials that have provided evidence on the value of the aromatase inhibitors in the adjuvant setting as well as the ongoing trials that will expand our knowledge of how to use them most effectively.  相似文献   

Local endocrine effects of aromatase inhibitors within the breast   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
To determine the effects of aromatase inhibitors on oestrogen uptake, in situ aromatase activity and endogenous oestrogens in the breast, postmenopausal women with large primary ER-rich breast cancers have been treated neoadjuvantly for 3 months with either letrozole (2.5 or 10 mg daily) or anastrozole (1 or 10 mg daily) or exemestane (25 mg daily). Patients were given an infusion of 3H-androstenedione and 14C-oestrone for 18 h before and at the end of the study period. Blood, tumour and non-malignant breast were taken immediately after each infusion; oestrogens were extracted and purified. Tumour volume was measured before and during treatment at monthly intervals so that endocrinological changes could be related to clinical response. Treatment with each of the aromatase inhibitors was associated with a profound reduction in peripheral aromatase (as monitored by the level of plasma 3H-oestrone). There was no consistent effect on uptake of radioactively labelled oestrogen into breast tumours but a tendency for levels to increase after treatment in non-malignant breast. Conversely, therapy was associated with a marked inhibition of in situ oestrogen synthesis in both tumour and non-malignant breast (in occasional tissues, inhibitors appeared to be less effective but the effect was not related to clinical or pathological responses). Similar decreases were apparent in endogenous levels of oestrone and oestradiol. The absence of in situ aromatase activity tended to be associated with lack of clinical response to aromatase inhibition but the relationship was not absolute, limiting the utility of measurements of tumour aromatase as a predictive indices. Ex vivo studies of tissue aromatase indicated that such measurements consistently underestimate the inhibitory potential of reversible non-steroidal agents (and occasionally paradoxical in vitro increases in aromatase activity were seen with treatment). However, in situ assays demonstrate that new aromatase inhibitors such as anastrozole, exemestane and letrozole have profound effects on the local endocrinology within the postmenopausal breast, these being compatible with the clinico-pathological changes which occur with treatment.  相似文献   

A summary of second-line randomized studies of aromatase inhibitors   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The new generation of selective aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole, letrozole and exemestane) offer a significant efficacy and safety advantage over both older agents in this class (aminoglutethimide) and the progestins (megestrol acetate (MA)), as second-line treatment for postmenopausal women with advanced hormone-dependent breast cancer who have failed on tamoxifen therapy. Exemestane, a steroidal aromatase inhibitor, has been shown to have activity after failure with the non-steroidal aromatase inhibitors, anastrozole and letrozole, and could be used as third-line treatment. Although the newer aromatase inhibitors belong to the same class and appear, from indirect comparisons, to have similar efficacy compared with the older therapies, they have different pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles, suggesting the potential for clinical differences. Compared with exemestane and letrozole, anastrozole shows greater selectivity for aromatase, as it lacks any evidence of an effect on adrenal steroidogenesis and has no androgenic effects. Therefore, it is clear that these agents should not be considered to be similar in all respects. In summary, the introduction of the aromatase inhibitors represents a significant step forward in the treatment of advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Studies in the adjuvant setting will ultimately determine whether the differences in pharmacokinetics and phamacodynamics will be of clinical relevance.  相似文献   

Estrogens and their metabolites have been implicated in both the initiation and the prevention of breast cancer. The reduction in breast cancer incidence seen in the tamoxifen arms of the four prospective trials to date has established the proof of principle that antagonizing estrogen is a potential means of reducing breast cancer risk. However, the areas to improve on these results include: (a) enhanced efficacy, (b) reduction in the incidence of receptor-negative tumors, (c) improved overall and endocrinological side effects, and (d) improved function on end-organs other than the breast. The aromatase inhibitors offer the potential to achieve these goals in part in the following ways: (a) greater reduction in risk of disease as evidenced by superior efficacy in advanced breast cancer and by inhibition of both initiation and promotion of breast cancer, (b) reduction in receptor-negative tumors by synergy with COX-2 inhibitors resulting in growth factor inhibition, anti-angiogenesis and inhibition of tumor-associated aromatase expression, (c) fewer vasomotor and urogenital abnormalities, and (d) reduced thromboembolism and cardiovascular complications and satisfactory effects on bone metabolism. Important differences may exist between non-steroidal reversible inhibitors and steroidal irreversible inactivators in particular related to the androgenic/anabolic effects of the steroidal inactivators. Pilot studies of aromatase inhibitors described elsewhere in this session have begun in healthy women with dense mammography, or a high-risk genetic and/or histocytopathologic profile, to determine potential efficacy, as well as effects on end-organ function. A number of phase three trials with aromatase inhibitors are also underway or in planning. Among these are the BRCA 1 and 2 study of exemestane versus placebo in unaffected postmenopausal carriers, the International Breast Intervention Study 2 (IBIS 2) of anastrozole versus placebo in women with a high-risk profile, and the National Cancer Institute of Canada’s Clinical Trial Group (NCIC CTG) study of exemestane with or without celecoxib versus placebo in women at risk of the disease. For premenopausal women, combination strategies of gonadotrophin agonists and aromatase inhibitors are being investigated. The potential of using low doses of aromatase inhibitors to lower “in breast” estrogen levels without unduly perturbing plasma concentrations is also being explored. The potential of the aromatase gene functioning as an oncogene within the breast may be tied to breast density which in turn may represent both a selection tool for elevated risk and an intermediate marker of prevention. The strong link between postmenopausal estrogen levels and breast cancer risk suggests the possibility that plasma estrogen levels may be a useful intermediate marker of prevention. The aromatase inhibitors offer us the first ever tool to render women virtually free of estrogen and are potentially an exciting tool for the prevention of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Aromatase inhibitors have now been approved as first-line treatment options for hormone-dependent advanced breast cancer. When compared to tamoxifen, these aromatase inhibitors provide significant survival and tolerability advantages. However, the optimal use of an aromatase inhibitor and tamoxifen remains to be established. To date, the intratumoral aromatase xenograft model has proved accurate in predicting the outcome of clinical trials. Utilizing this model, we performed long-term studies with tamoxifen and letrozole to determine time to disease progression with each of the treatment regimens. Aromatase-transfected MCF-7Ca human breast cancer cells were grown as tumor xenografts in female ovariectomized athymic nude mice in which androstenedione was converted to estrogen and stimulated tumor growth. When tumor volumes were approximately 300 mm3, the animals were grouped for continued supplementation with androstenedione only (control) or for treatment with letrozole 10 μg per day (long-term), tamoxifen 100 μg per day (long-term), letrozole alternating to tamoxifen (4-week rotation), tamoxifen alternating to letrozole (4-week rotation), or a combination of the two drugs. Tumors of control mice had doubled in volume in 3–4 weeks. In mice treated with tamoxifen and the combination, tumor doubling time was significantly shorter (16 and 18 weeks, respectively) than with letrozole (34 weeks). Furthermore, alternating letrozole and tamoxifen treatment every 4 weeks was less effective than letrozole alone. Tumors doubled in 17–18 weeks when the starting treatment was tamoxifen and in 22 weeks when the starting treatment was letrozole. Tumors progressing on tamoxifen remained sensitive to second-line therapy with letrozole (10 μg per day). However, when mice with letrozole-resistant tumors were switched to antiestrogen treatment, tumors did not respond to tamoxifen (100 μg per day) or faslodex (1 mg per day). This suggests that advanced breast cancers treated with letrozole may be insensitive to subsequent second-line hormonal agents. Thus, although letrozole was determined to be an effective second-line treatment option for tumors progressing on tamoxifen, antiestrogen therapy does not appear to be effective for tumors progressing on letrozole. However, response to second-line treatment was observed in a model where tumors that had progressed on letrozole were transplanted to new mice. These tumors had been allowed to grow in the presence of supplemented androstenedione but absence of letrozole. This suggests that resistance to letrozole may be reversible, allowing tumors to respond to subsequent antiestrogens and letrozole.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase-2 and chemoprevention of breast cancer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This article discusses the role of cycclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in the aetiology and progression of breast cancer. Renewed interest in chemoprevention using non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) has come from observations that regular NSAID use is associated with a reduced incidence of some cancers including that of the breast. There is an increasing body of evidence supporting a role for COX-2 in breast cancer development and progression via effects on angiogenesis and apoptosis as well as via effects on intratumoural aromatase. New selective inhibitors of COX-2 are currently licensed for use in the treatment of arthritis and more recently in the chemoprevention of familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). Large clinical chemoprevention studies with COX-2 inhibitors are already underway in colorectal cancer. Their role in breast cancer prevention and treatment has yet to be fully characterised, but merits further investigation.  相似文献   

Postmenopausal women with large primary oestrogen receptor-rich (>20 fmol/mg protein or 80 histoscore) breast cancers have been treated neoadjuvantly with either letrozole (2.5 or 10 mg daily n=12 in each case) or anastrozole (1 or 10 mg daily n=12 and 11, respectively). Tumour was available for analysis before treatment (wedge biopsy) and 3 months later at definitive surgery (wide local excision or mastectomy). Clinical response to treatment was assessed by sequential measurements of tumour volume based on caliper assessment, ultrasound and mammography. Results showed that in these selected groups of patients a reduction in tumour volume with treatment was observed in 43 of 47 cases (91%). Pathological responses, i.e. clear decrease in tumour cellularity or increased fibrosis was evident in 32 cases (68%). Furthermore, there was a decrease with therapy in immunohistochemical staining for Ki67 in all tumours. Staining for progesterone receptor (PgR) was reduced in all 21 PgR-positive cancers treated with letrozole and in 16 of 17 positive cancers treated with anastrozole. These effects are at least as great as those seen in a non-randomised group of patients treated with tamoxifen over the same time period (additionally tamoxifen treatment was often associated with an increase in PgR staining). The results suggest that potent specific aromatase inhibitors will be valuable in treating hormone-dependent cancers.  相似文献   

Banerjee S 《Steroids》2011,76(8):807-811
Despite effective treatments for oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancers, drug resistance is common and remains a significant clinical challenge. Targeting tumour vasculature by blockade of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has proved successful in a variety of cancers. Phase III clinical trials of bevacizumab in combination with chemotherapy showed some efficacy in breast cancer. Concomitant targeting of the VEGF and oestrogen signalling pathways has the potential to provide enhanced therapeutic benefit in oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancer, and this strategy is under evaluation in clinical trials. This article summarises the rationale for this approach and clinical studies so far.  相似文献   

In contrast to aromatase inhibitors, which are now in clinical use, the development of steroid sulphatase (STS) inhibitors for breast cancer therapy is still at an early stage. STS regulates the formation of oestrone from oestrone sulphate (E1S) but also controls the hydrolysis of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-S). DHEA can be reduced to 5-androstenediol (Adiol), a steroid with potent oestrogenic properties. The active pharmacophore for potent STS inhibitors has now been identified, i.e. a sulphamate ester group linked to an aryl ring. This has led to the development of a number of STS inhibitors, some of which are due to enter Phase I trials in the near future. Such first generation inhibitors include the tricyclic coumarin-based 667 COUMATE. Aryl sulphamates, such as 667 COUMATE, are taken up by red blood cells (rbc), binding to carbonic anhydrase II (CA II), and transit the liver without undergoing first-pass inactivation. 667 COUMATE is also a potent inhibitor of CA II activity with an IC50 of 17 nM. Second generation STS inhibitors, such as 2-methoxyoestradiol bis-sulphamate (2-MeOE2bisMATE), in addition to inhibiting STS activity, also inhibit the growth of oestrogen receptor negative (ER) tumours in mice and are anti-angiogenic. As the active pharmacaphores for the inhibition of aromatase and STS are now known it may be possible to develop third generation inhibitors that are capable of inhibiting the activities of both enzymes. Whilst exploring the potential of such a strategy it was discovered that 667 COUMATE possessed weak aromatase inhibitory properties with an IC50 of 300 nM in JEG-3 cells. The identification of potent STS inhibitors will allow the therapeutic potential of this new class of drug to be explored in post-menopausal women with hormone-dependent breast cancer. Second generation inhibitors, such as 2-MeOE2bisMATE, which also inhibit the growth of ER tumours should be active against a wide range of cancers.  相似文献   

Despite the dramatic fall in plasma estrogen levels at menopause, only minor differences in breast tissue estrogen levels have been reported comparing pre- and postmenopausal women. Thus, postmenopausal breast tissue has the ability to maintain concentrations of estrone (E1) and estradiol (E2) that are 2–10- and 10–20-fold higher than the corresponding plasma estrogen levels. This finding may be explained by uptake of estrogens from the circulation and/or local estrogen production. Local aromatase activity in breast tissue seems to be of crucial importance for the local estrogen production in some patients while uptake from the circulation may be more important in other patients. Beside aromatase, breast tissue expresses estrogen sulfotransferase and sulfatase as well as dehydrogenase activity, allowing estrogen storage and release in the cells as well as conversions between estrone and estradiol. The activity of the enzyme network in breast cancer tissue is modified by a variety of factors like growth factors and cytokines. Aromatase inhibitors have been used for more than two decades in the treatment of postmenopausal metastatic breast cancer and are currently investigated in the adjuvant treatment and even prevention of breast cancer. Novel aromatase inhibitors and inactivators have been shown to suppress plasma estrogen levels effectively in postmenopausal breast cancer patients. However, knowledge about the influence of these drugs on estrogen levels in breast cancer tissue is limited. Using a novel HPLC-RIA method developed for the determination of breast tissue estrogen concentrations, we measured tissue E1, E2 and estrone sulfate (E1S) levels in postmenopausal breast cancer patients before and during treatment with anastrozole. Our findings revealed high breast tumor tissue estrogen concentrations that were effectively decreased by anastrozole. While E1S was the dominating estrogen fraction in the plasma, estradiol was the estrogen fraction with the highest concentration in tumor tissue. Moreover, plasma estrogen levels did not correlate with tissue estrogen concentrations. The overall experience with aromatase inhibitors and inactivators concerning their influences on breast tissue estrogen concentrations is summarized.  相似文献   

The utilization of computer modeling, site-directed mutagenesis, inhibition kinetic analysis and reaction metabolite analysis allows us to better understand the structure–function relationship between aromatase and its inhibitors. Our results have helped in determining how steroidal and nonsteriodal aromatase inhibitors bind to the active site of the enzyme. This information has also aided in the understanding of the reaction mechanism of aromatase. Furthermore, our structure–function studies of aromatase have generated important information for predicting how environmental chemicals interact with the enzyme. During the last 2 years, a new aromatase computer model based on the X-ray structure of rabbit cytochrome P450 2C5 has been generated and used to evaluate the results obtained from new aromatase mutants produced in this laboratory. In addition, we have succeeded in the expression and purification of functionally active aromatase using an Escherichia coli expression method. The catalytic properties of this recombinant aromatase are similar to those properties exhibited by the human placental aromatase preparation and the mammalian cell-expressed enzyme. The E. coli expressed aromatase will be very useful for further structure–function studies of aromatase. Our laboratory has also evaluated the growth-inhibiting activity of aromatase inhibitors in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer using three-dimensional cell cultures of aromatase-over expressing MCF-7 and T-47D cell lines (i.e. MCF-7aro and T-47Daro). Our results demonstrate that these three-dimensional cultures are valuable approaches to assess the growth-inhibiting activity of aromatase inhibitors. Finally, we have identified several phytochemicals to be potent inhibitors of aromatase. To demonstrate the impact of the phytochemicals on estrogen formation in vivo, we showed that the intake of anti-aromatase chemicals from red wine was capable of suppressing MCF-7aro-mediated tumor formation in nude mice and aromatase-induced hyperplasia in a transgenic mouse model in which aromatase is over-expressed in the mammary tissue.  相似文献   

Aromatase and COX-2 expression in human breast cancers   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have investigated aromatase and the inducible cyclooxygenase COX-2 expression using immunocytochemistry in tumors of a series of patients with advanced breast cancer treated with aromatase inhibitors. Aromatase was expressed in 58/102 breast cancers. This is similar to the percentage previously reported for aromatase activity. Interestingly, aromatase was expressed in a variety of cell types, including tumor, stromal, adipose, and endothelial cells. Since prostaglandin E2 is known to regulate aromatase gene expression and is the product of COX-2, an enzyme frequently overexpressed in tumors, immunocytochemistry was performed on the tissue sections using a polyclonal antibody to COX-2. Aromatase was strongly correlated (P<0.001) with COX-2 expression. These results suggest that PGE2 produced by COX-2 in the tumor may be important in stimulating estrogen synthesis in the tumor and surrounding tissue. No correlation was observed between aromatase or COX-2 expression and the response of the patients to aromatase inhibitor treatment. However, only 13 patients responded. Nine of these patients were aromatase positive. Although similar to responses in other studies, this low response rate to second line treatment suggests that tumors of most patients were no longer sensitive to the effects of estrogen. Recent clinical studies suggest that greater responses occur when aromatase inhibitors are used as first line treatment. In the intratumoral aromatase mouse model, expression of aromatase in tumors is highly correlated with increased tumor growth. First line treatment with letrozole was effective in all animals treated and was more effective than tamoxifen in suppressing tumor growth. Letrozole was also effective in tumors failing to respond to tamoxifen, consistent with clinical findings. In addition, the duration of response was significantly longer with the aromatase inhibitor than with tamoxifen, suggesting that aromatase inhibitors may offer better control of tumor growth than this antiestrogen.  相似文献   

Aromatase inhibitors (AI) block the last enzymatic step of estrogen production, the aromatization of the A-cycle of aromatizable androgens and particularly, androstenedione (Δ4) and testosterone (T). Molecules designed for interfering with aromatase activity have existed for many years. Yet the activity of products of the aminogluthetimide era was unspecific and these substances carried too many side effects for being used clinically. Newer third generation AIs, however, are highly specific and essentially devoid of side effects. These molecules have recently been approved for treating breast cancer in postmenopausal women either, in advanced forms or, as part of adjuvant therapy.

In women whose ovaries are active, a temporary inhibition of E2 production will raise gonadotropins and in turn, stimulate follicular growth. In cancer patients, this property precludes the use of AIs in women whose ovaries are still active, unless gonadotropins are blocked. But in infertility patients, this property of AIs has been put to play for inducing ovulation. AIs have been used both in women who do not ovulate but whose hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis is active (oligo-anovulators of PCOD type) and those who ovulate regularly but in whom multiple ovulation is sought for treating unexplained infertility or as part of IVF. Like clomiphene citrate (CC), AIs are not usable in women whose gonadotropins are suppressed, as in the case of hypothalamic amenorrhea.

The sum of data available on the use of AI for inducing ovulation remains however meager to this date and is mainly constituted of pilot and non-randomized trials. Yet mounting evidence tends to support AIs’ advantages over CC for induction of ovulation. Hence, we think that the likelihood that these drugs will play a key role in induction of ovulation in the future is high. AIs appear particularly interesting for treating unexplained infertility because AI-FSH/hMG regimens are lighter than FSH-only regimens while retaining the high pregnancy rates of these latter treatments.  相似文献   

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