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Two brewer's yeasts and one baker's yeast grew with 95% (w/w) pure maltotriose as carbon source in the presence of antimycin A to block respiration. Biomass yields (0.15 and 0.24 g dry yeast g–1 sugar, respectively, with and without antimycin A) were similar for growth on maltose and maltotriose, and yields of ethanol were 80% of stoichiometric. Yeasts harvested during growth on glucose and containing low maltose transport activity did not begin to use maltotriose in the presence of antimycin A until after a long lag phase (up to 50 h), but yeast harvested during growth on maltose, and containing high maltose transport activity, began to use maltotriose after about 25 h. Much shorter lags were observed before growth started in the absence of antimycin A.  相似文献   

以1株能够直接利用菊糖产乙醇的酿酒酵母L610为出发菌株,对其利用菊糖生产乙醇的发酵条件进行了一系列研究。结果表明,L610最适乙醇发酵温度为37℃,且40℃高温发酵对其产乙醇能力无显著影响;L610对酸性发酵环境有良好的耐受性,当发酵液p H值降至3.5时,其糖醇转化率及乙醇产量仍保持较高水平;以0.025~0.10 vvm的通气量通气12 h有利于L610发酵菊糖产乙醇;L610对350 g/L的高浓度菊糖有良好的转化率,乙醇浓度和生产强度分别达到129 g/L和1.35 g/(L·h);当直接以300 g/L菊芋粗粉为唯一底物进行发酵时,L610发酵产乙醇浓度达到89.6 g/L,为理论产量的78.1%。本研究所取得的成果为酿酒酵母一步法发酵菊芋生产乙醇的工业化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

白逢彦 《微生物学报》2022,62(11):4188-4201
采用低温底层发酵的拉格(lager)啤酒15世纪开始在德国巴伐利亚地区出现,19世纪初流行至全世界,目前已成为全球产量最高的酒精饮料。目前已阐明,拉格啤酒发酵酵母为巴斯德酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces pastorianus),该种是一个杂交种,由艾尔(ale)啤酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)与野生真贝氏酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces eubayanus)杂交而成,后者赋予了拉格啤酒酵母的耐低温能力。近年的群体遗传学和群体基因组学研究表明,拉格啤酒酵母的野生亲本S.eubayanus起源于青藏高原,可能通过丝绸之路传播到了欧洲。比较基因组学研究表明,拉格啤酒酵母包含2个株系,即Ⅰ系/Saaz系和Ⅱ系/Frohberg系,早期分别流行于中欧和西欧地区。前者为近似异源3倍体,后者为近似异源4倍体。2个株系在耐低温、麦芽三糖利用和风味物质产生能力等方面具有明显差异。在中国普通微生物菌种保藏管理中心(China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center,CGMCC)保藏的S.pastorianus...  相似文献   

Summary A comparative study has been made of different laboratory and industrial wild-type strains ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae in relation to their flocculation behavior. All strains were inhibited by mannose and only one by maltose. In regard to the stability of these characters in the presence of proteases and high salt concentrations, a relevant degree of variation was found among the strains. This was to such an extent that it did not allow their inclusion in the Flol or NewFlo phenotypes. Genetic characterization of one wild-type strain revealed that the flocculation-governing gene was allelic toFLO1 found in genetic strains.This paper is dedicated to Professor Herman Jan Phaff in honor of his 50 years of active research which still continues.  相似文献   

葡萄酒酿酒酵母果糖利用能力与酒精发酵中止和发酵不彻底密切相关,其果糖利用分子机制的研究备受关注。以高果糖利用葡萄酒酿酒酵母菌EC1118为试验材料,利用重组技术获得了HXT3基因敲除菌,通过酶切和基因测序鉴定,首次发现EC1118具有2个不同的HXT3等位基因,并研究了不同HXT3等位基因缺失对菌体发酵过程中葡萄糖、果糖利用的影响。结果表明,突变的HXT3-champ基因对保证菌体发酵后期高果糖利用能力起到了重要的作用,对筛选和构建高果糖利用优良葡萄酒酿酒酵母研究具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

Summary The fitness distribution of new mutations inSaccharomyces cerevisiae strain Montrachet was determined for cells on agar irradiated for four periods of time with ultraviolet light. The fitness distributions were obtained by converting a large number of colony diameters into relative fitnesses. The distributions were then used to perform a computer simulation with the purpose of predicting the potential of a stock culture to increase in general fitness through selection, given a frequency and magnitude of mutations.  相似文献   

【目的】比较CRISPR-Cas9系统与maz F法这两种酿酒酵母染色体大片段删减方法。【方法】分别用上述两种方法删减了酿酒酵母长度为26.5 kb的染色体大片段YKL072W-YKL061W,并比较了两种方法的转化效率、敲除成功率。【结果】利用CRISPR-Cas9系统平均得到5个转化子,但正确率为100%;maz F法得到约100个转化子,正确率略低于前者,为93%。【结论】两种方法均能高效删减酿酒酵母染色体大片段,CRISPR-Cas9系统正确率较高,操作简便省时;maz F法相对稳定,对目的基因无PAM位点要求。  相似文献   

Lehmann AR  Fuchs RP 《DNA Repair》2006,5(12):1495-1498
Most current models for replication past damaged lesions envisage that translesion synthesis occurs at the replication fork. However older models suggested that gaps were left opposite lesions to allow the replication fork to proceed, and these gaps were subsequently sealed behind the replication fork. Two recent articles lend support to the idea that bypass of the damage occurs behind the fork. In the first paper, electron micrographs of DNA replicated in UV-irradiated yeast cells show regions of single-stranded DNA both at the replication forks and behind the fork, the latter being consistent with the presence of gaps in the daughter-strands opposite lesions. The second paper describes an in vitro DNA replication system reconstituted from purified bacterial proteins. Repriming of synthesis downstream from a blocked fork occurred not only on the lagging strand as expected, but also on the leading strand, demonstrating that contrary to widely accepted beliefs, leading strand synthesis does not need to be continuous.  相似文献   

Many variables and their interactions can affect a biotechnological process. Testing a large number of variables and all their possible interactions is a cumbersome task and its cost can be prohibitive. Several screening strategies, with a relatively low number of experiments, can be used to find which variables have the largest impact on the process and estimate the magnitude of their effect. One approach for process screening is the use of experimental designs, among which fractional factorial and Plackett–Burman designs are frequent choices. Other screening strategies involve the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs). The advantage of ANNs is that they have fewer assumptions than experimental designs, but they render black-box models (i.e., little information can be extracted about the process mechanics). In this paper, we simulate a biotechnological process (fed-batch growth of bakers yeast) to analyze and compare the effect of random experimental errors of different magnitudes and statistical distributions on experimental designs and ANNs. Except for the situation in which the error has a normal distribution and the standard deviation is constant, it was not possible to determine a clear-cut rule for favoring one screening strategy over the other. Instead, we found that the data can be better analyzed using both strategies simultaneously.  相似文献   

Summary We describe here a new method for the introduction of non-selectable alleles into Saccharomyces cerevisiae, gene replacement by donation. This method only requires the availability of an autonomously replicating, selectable plasmid containing the allele to be introduced into yeast. The plasmid is digested at a restriction site (or sites) within this allele, and introduced into yeast by transformation. In the course of double-strand break repair, the entering plasmid donates genetic information to the chromosome, replacing the chromosomal allele in a gene conversion-like event. Gene replacement events are identified by a phenotypic screen of the transformants. When necessary, the transforming plasmid may be subsequently lost by segregation during permissive growth. We have studied several parameters affecting the utility of this protocol as a method of gene replacement. Together with our previous results, the results show gene replacement by donation to be a useful, facile method, yielding gene replacement in up to 1.5% of transformants.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an ascomycetous yeast, that is traditionally used in wine bread and beer production. Vaginitis caused by S. cerevisiae is rare.The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of S. cerevisiae isolation from the vagina in two groups of women and determined the in vitro susceptibility of this fungus.

Subjects and methods

Vaginal samples were collected from a total of262 (asymptomaticandsymptomatic) women with vaginitis attending the centre of family planning of General hospital ofPiraeus. All blastomycetes that isolated from the vaginal samples were examined for microscopic morphological tests and identified by conventional methods: By API 20 C AUX and ID 32 C (Biomerieux). Antifungal susceptility testing for amphotericin B,fluconazole itraconazole,voriconazole, posaconazole and caspofungin was performed by E -test (Ab BIODIKS SWEDEN) against S. cerevisiae.


A total of 16 isolates of S. cerevisiae derived from vaginal sample of the referred women, average 6.10%. Susceptibility of 16 isolates of S. cerevisiae to a variety of antimycotic agents were obtained. So all isolates of S. cerevisiae were resistant to fluconazole, posaconazole and intraconazole, but they were sensitive to voriconazole caspofungin and Amphotericin B which were found sensitive (except 1/16 strains). None of the 16 patients had a history of occupational domestic use of baker’s yeast.


Vaginitis caused by S. cerevisiae occur, is rising and cannot be ignored. Treatment of Saccharomyces vaginitis constitutes a major challenge and may require selected and often prolonged therapy.  相似文献   

Genitourinary infections caused by non-Candida yeasts are uncommon, and especially due to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We describe the cases of two adult females with vulvovaginal infections caused by itraconazole-resistant S. cerevisiae who made a full recovery after oral fluconazole therapy. We also provide a concise review of recently published studies on this topic.  相似文献   

Predicted protein sequences of fungal chitin synthases can be divided into a non-homologous N-terminal region and a C-terminal region that shows significant homology among the various synthases. We have explored the function of these domains by constructing a series of nested deletions, extending from either end, in theCHS1 andCHS2 genes ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae. In both cases, most or all of the sequences encoding the non-homologous N-terminal region (one-third of the protein for Chs1p and about one-fourth for Chs2p) could be excised, with little effect on the enzymatic activity in vitro of the corresponding synthase or on its function in vivo. However, further small deletions (20–25 amino acids) into the homologous region were deleterious to enzymatic activity and function, and often led to changes in the zymogenic character of the enzymes. Similarly, relatively small (about 75 amino acids) deletions from the C-terminus resulted in loss of enzymatic activity and function of both synthases. Thus, it appears that all the information necessary for membrane localization, enzymatic activity and function resides in the homologous regions of Chs1p and Chs2p, a situation that may also apply to other chitin synthases.These authors contributed equally to this paper  相似文献   

Summary A plant proteinase gene naturally occuring in the Kiwi fruit plant (Actinidia chinensis) has been expressed in a yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Different gene constructions consisting of different portions of the whole actinidin-encoding gene have been created and expressed using an expression-secretion yeast vector. It was observed that the amino- and carboxy-terminal extensions of the actinidin-encoding gene were required for the correct expression of the gene in yeast. A gene construction lacking both amino- and C-terminal extensions did not result in a detectable protein product. Similarly, a gene construction consisting of the amino-terminal extension plus mature actinidin-encoding DNA did not result in a detectable expression. However, intracellular expression was observed when a gene construction consisting of mature actinidin-encoding DNA plus C-terminal extension portion was employed. The expressed polypeptide was found however not to be correctly processed as it had a bigger size than the native actinidin. The correctly processed polypeptide was expressed intracellularly when the full-length actinidin cDNA was expressed in a vacuolar protease-proficient yeast strain. However, when a vacuolar protease-deficient yeast strain was employed, it was found that the precursor protein was not correctly processed, suggesting that the actinidin precursor had entered the vacuole and undergone proteolytic processing. The full-length actinidin cDNA consisted of the amino-terminal extension DNA, mature actinidin-encoding DNA, and C-terminal extension DNA. The results thus suggested that both amino- and C-terminal extensions were required for correct expression and processing of actinidin in yeast. The intracellular expression also suggested that the actinidin-encoding sequences contain intracellular targeting sequences which override the secretion signal included in the expression-secretion vector.  相似文献   

Representative conditional yeast secretory mutants, blocked in transport of secretory and plasma membrane proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (sec 18), from the Golgi body (sec 7) and in transport of secretory vesicles (sec 1), accumulated exoglucanase, a constitutive yeast activity, when incubated at the restrictive temperature (37°C). Different proportions of the accumulated activity were released by mutant cells under permissive conditions. The presence or absence of cycloheximide during the secretion period made no differences in the results. More than 90% of the internal activity was bound to membrane in wild type cells. However, only the soluble pool underwent changes during the accumulation or secretion periods. The bulk of secretory invertase accumulated by sec 1 was also soluble. By contrast sec 7 and sec 18 accumulated membrane-bound as well as soluble invertase forms and both were secreted in similar proportions in each mutant. More than 90% of the accumulated invertase was secreted at the permissive temperature in sec 18 cells. That percentage was significantly lower for exoglucanase (<65%). Concomitantly, invertase accumulated by this mutant exited from the cells with a lower half time (t 1/2=150 min). These results may be interpreted assuming that exoglucanase is exported by a passive flow of the soluble pool.Non-standard abbreviations p-NPG p-nitrophenyl--d-glucopyranoside - Con A concanavalin A - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)-amino-methane  相似文献   

Summary The fidelity of translation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is controlled by a number of gene products. We have begun a molecular analysis of such genes and here describe the cloning and analysis of one of these genes, SAL3. Mutations at this locus, and at least four other unlinked loci (designated SAL1-SAL5), increase the efficiency of the tRNA ochre suppressor SUQ5, and are thus termed allosuppressors. We have cloned the SAL3 gene from a yeast genomic library by complementation of a sal3 mutation. Integration of the cloned sequence into the yeast chromosome was used to confirm that the SAL3 gene had been cloned. SAL3 gene is present in a single copy in the yeast genome, is transcribed into a 2.3-kb polyadenylated mRNA and encodes a protein of Mr 80 000. The size of the SAL3 gene product strongly suggests that it is not a ribosomal protein.  相似文献   

The wall of mature ascospores ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae showed in sections under the electron microscope a dark outer layer and a lighter inner layer. The latter was composed of a greyish inner part and a light outer part. During germination, the spore grew out at one side and the dark outer layer was broken. Of the light inner layer, the inner greyish part became the wall of the vegetative cell, but the extented part of the cell had a new wall.  相似文献   

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