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Chloroflexus aurantiacus, gen. and sp. n., is a filamentous phototrophic bacterium of hot springs. On an agar surface, holotype strain J-10-fl glides at 0.01–0.04 μm/sec. The filaments are 0.6–0.7 μm in width and indeterminate in length. Pigments include bacteriochlorophyll c and bacteriochlorophyll a (identified by spectrophotometry) in addition to β and γ-carotene and glycosides of the latter. Chlorobium vesicles are present. Photoheterotrophic growth occurs under anaerobic conditions. Aerobic chemoheterotrophic growth also occurs in darkness or light. Bacteriochlorophyll syntheses cease under aerobic conditions but some types of carotenoids continue to be made. The filament coloration is orange under all except anaerobic conditions in low light intensity where it is dull green. The pH optimum is near 8, the temperature optimum between 52° and 60°C. The DNA base composition for strain J-10-fl is 54.9 ± 1.0 moles % guanine + cytosine. Chloroflexus is unique in that there have been no previous reports of filamentous or gliding phototrophic bacteria. The combinations of bacteriochlorophylls a and c and the presence of chlorobium vesicles in a photoheterotroph and in an organism capable of aerobic growth are also unique. This metabolically versatile organism extends the taxonomic and phylogenetic limits of the “green line” of phototrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

Comparison of Chloroflexus aurantiacus J-10-fl cells by freeze-fracture electron microscopy showed that cell shape and dimensions did not depend on oxygen tension or light intensity during growth. The major morphological difference between cells cultured anaerobically in the light and aerobically in the dark was the absence of chlorosomes in aerobically grown cells. C. aurantiacus cells cultured aerobically in the dark began bacteriochlorophyll synthesis immediately when shifted to either phototrophic or semiaerobic conditions. Cells adapting to phototrophic conditions grew to the same density and synthesized as much bacteriochlorophyll as nonadapting phototrophic cultures grown at the same light intensity. Cells adapting to reduced oxygen tension (semiaerobic conditions) in the dark entered an 8- to 12-h growth lag during which the bacteriochlorophyll content increased significantly. Despite variations in the initial bacteriochlorophyll content and in the length of the growth lag, the amounts of bacteriochlorophyll a and c were constant at the end of the semiaerobic growth lag. At later times during adaptation to semiaerobic conditions, after growth resumed, variations in the ratio of bacteriochlorophyll c/bacteriochlorophyll a were observed and suggested independent regulation of the two bacteriochlorophylls.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture electron microscopy was used to study further the changes in chlorosome structure during the development of the photosynthetic apparatus in Chloroflexus aurantiacus J-10-fl. During development, in response to decreased light intensity or lower oxygen tension, the number of chlorosomes per cell increased. The same conditions also led to a general thickening of chlorosomes but did not affect their length or width. The thickening of the chlorosomes paralleled increases in the bacteriochlorophyll c/bacteriochlorophyll a ratio. Semiaerobic induction of the photosynthetic apparatus did not produce a synchronous assembly of chlorosomes in all cells of a given culture. Even adjacent cells of a single filament showed great variations in the rate and extent of response. Parallel appearance of (i) approximately 5-nm particles (in a lattice configuration) in the membrane attachment site, (ii) the crystalline baseplate material (with a periodicity of approximately 6 nm) adjacent to the membrane attachment site, and (iii) the chlorosome envelope layer preceded addition of longitudinally oriented, rodlike elements (diameter, congruent to 6 m) to the chlorosome core. It is estimated that each chlorosome can funnel energy into approximately 100 reaction centers. Chlorosomes could be isolated by a simple density gradient procedure only from cells grown at low light intensity. A bacteriochlorophyll a species absorbing at 790 nm was associated with isolated chlorosomes. Lithium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of chlorosomes showed only a few low-molecular-weight polypeptides (less than 15,000).  相似文献   

The mechanism of primary photochemistry has been investigated in purified cytoplasmic membranes and isolated reaction centers of Chloroflexus aurantiacus. Redox titrations on the cytoplasmic membranes indicate that the midpoint redox potential of P870, the primary electron donor bacteriochlorophyll, is +362 mV. An early electron acceptor, presumably menaquinone has Em 8.1 = -50 mV, and a tightly bound photooxidizable cytochrome c554 has Em 8.1 = +245 mV. The isolated reaction center has a bacteriochlorophyll to bacteriopheophytin ratio of 0.94:1. A two-quinone acceptor system is present, and is inhibited by o-phenanthroline. Picosecond transient absorption and kinetic measurements indicate the bacteriopheophytin and bacteriochlorophyll form an earlier electron acceptor complex.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase from the thermophilic anoxygenic photosynthetic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus was cloned, purified, and characterized. This protein is in the manganese- and iron-containing family of superoxide dismutases and is able to use both manganese and iron catalytically. This appears to be the only soluble superoxide dismutase in C. aurantiacus. Iron and manganese cofactors were identified by using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and were quantified by atomic absorption spectroscopy. By metal enrichment of growth media and by performing metal fidelity studies, the enzyme was found to be most efficient with manganese incorporated, yet up to 30% of the activity was retained with iron. Assimilation of iron or manganese ions into superoxide dismutase was also found to be affected by the growth conditions. This enzyme was also found to be remarkably thermostable and was resistant to H2O2 at concentrations up to 80 mM. Reactive oxygen defense mechanisms have not been previously characterized in the organisms belonging to the phylum Chloroflexi. These systems are of interest in C. aurantiacus since this bacterium lives in a hyperoxic environment and is subject to high UV radiation fluxes.  相似文献   

Mutants deficient in the production of bacteriochlorophyll c (Bchl c) and one mutant lacking colored carotenoids were isolated from the filamentous gliding bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus. Mutagenesis was achieved by using UV radiation or N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Several clones were isolated that were deficient in Bchl c synthesis. All reverted. One double mutant deficient both in Bchl c synthesis and in the synthesis of colored carotenoids under anaerobic conditions was isolated. Isolation of a revertant in Bchl c synthesis from this double mutant produced a mutant strain of Chloroflexus that grew photosynthetically under anaerobic conditions and lacked colored carotenoids. Analysis of pigment contents and growth rates of the mutants revealed a positive association between growth rate and content of Bchl c under light-limiting conditions.  相似文献   

We have studied the pigment arrangement in purified cytoplasmic membranes of the thermophilic green bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus. The membranes contain 30–35 antenna bacteriochlorophyll a molecules per reaction center; these are organized in the B808–866 light-harvesting complex, together with carotenoids in a 2:1 molar ratio. Measurements of linear dichroism in a pressed polyacrylamide gel permitted the accurate determination of the orientation of the optical transition dipole moments with respect to the membrane plane. Combination of linear dichroism and low temperature fluorescence polarization data shows that the Qy transitions of the BChl 866 molecules all lie almost perfectly parallel to the membrane plane, but have no preferred orientation within the plane. The BChl 808 Qy transitions make an average angle of about 44° with this plane. This demonstrates that there are clear structural differences between the B808–866 complex of C. aurantiacus and the B800–850 complex of purple bacteria. Excitation energy transfer from carotenoid to BChl a proceeds with about 40% efficiency, while the efficiency of energy transfer from BChl 808 to BChl 866 approaches 100%. From the minimal energy transfer rate between the two spectral forms of BChl a, obtained by analysis of low temperature fluorescence emission spectra, a maximal distance between BChl 808 and BChl 866 of 23 was derived.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - BPheo bacteriopheophytin - CD circular dichroism - LD linear dichroism - Tris Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

The arrangement of core antenna complexes (B808-866-RC) in the cytoplasmic membrane of filamentous phototrophic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus was studied by electron microscopy in cultures from different light conditions. A typical nearest-neighbor center-to-center distance of ~18 nm was found, implying less protein crowding compared to membranes of purple bacteria. A mean RC:chlorosome ratio of 11 was estimated for the occupancy of the membrane directly underneath each chlorosome, based on analysis of chlorosome dimensions and core complex distribution. Also presented are results of single-particle analysis of core complexes embedded in the native membrane.  相似文献   

The transfer of excitation energy and the pigment arrangement in isolated chlorosomes of the thermophilic green bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus were studied by means of absorption, fluorescence and linear dichroism spectroscopy, both at room temperature and at 4 K. The low temperature absorption spectrum shows bands of the main antenna pigments BChl c and carotenoid, in addition to which bands of BChl a are present at 798 and 613 nm. Fluorescence measurements showed that excitation energy from BChl c and carotenoid is transferred to BChl a, which presumably functions as an intermediate in energy transfer from the chlorosome to the cytoplasmic membrane. Measurements of fluorescence polarization and the use of two different orientation techniques for linear dichroism experiments enabled us to determine the orientation of several transition dipole moments with respect to each other and to the three principal axes of the chlorosome. The Qy transition of BChl a is oriented almost perfectly perpendicular to the long axis of the chlorosome. The Qy transition of BChl c and the -carotene transition dipole are almost parallel to each other. They make an angle of about 40° with the long axis and of about 70° with the short axis of the chlorosome; the angle between these transitions and the BChl a Qy transition is close to the magic angle (55°).Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - CD circular dichroism - LD linear dichroism Dedicated to Prof. L.N.M. Duysens on the occasion of his retirement.  相似文献   

Abstract Some properties of the citrate synthase from Chloroflexus aurantiacus have been examined in crude cell-free extracts and partially purified preparations. The enzyme had an approximate native molecular size of 140 000, was not inhibited by NADH or 2-oxoglutarate but was inhibited by ATP (about 50% at 5 mM). The K m for acetyl CoA at pH 8.2 in the presence of 0.5 mM oxaloacetate was determined to be 25 μM.
These properties are characteristic of the 'small' size class of citrate synthases normally associated with gram-positive eubacteria, despite the fact that Chloroflexus stains gram-negatively.  相似文献   

The photochemical reaction center in the green bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus is similar to that found in purple phototrophic bacteria and interacts with a multiheme membrane-bound cytochrome. We have examined the kinetics of reduction of the pure solubilized reaction center cytochrome by laser flash photolysis of solutions containing lumiflavin or FMN. Reduction by lumiflavin semiquinone followed single exponential kinetics and the observed rate constant (kobs) was linearly dependent on protein concentration (k = 1.8 X 10(7) M-1s-1 heme-1). This result suggests either that the four hemes have similar reduction rate constants which cannot be resolved or that there are large differences in rate constant and only the most reactive heme (or hemes) was observed under these conditions. To determine the relative reactivities of the four hemes, we varied the extent of heme reduction at a single total protein concentration. As the hemes were progressively reduced by steady-state illumination prior to laser flash photolysis, kobs for the reaction with fully reduced lumiflavin decreased nonlinearly. Second-order rate constants for the four hemes were assigned by nonlinear least-squares analysis of kobs vs oxidized heme concentration data. The second-order rate constants obtained in this way for the highest and lowest potential hemes differed by a factor of about 20, which is larger than expected for c-type cytochromes based on redox potential alone (a factor of about 3 would be expected). This is interpreted as being due to differences in steric accessibility. Relative to the highest potential heme, which is as reactive as a typical c-type cytochrome, we estimated a steric effect of approximately twofold for heme 2, and steric effects of approximately fivefold for hemes 3 and 4. Using fully reduced FMN as reductant of oxidized cytochrome, ionic strength effects indicate a minus-minus interaction, with approximately a -2 charge near the site of reduction of the highest potential heme.  相似文献   

The lipopolysaccharide of Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata was obtained by the phenol-water procedure. It contained a 3-O-methyl-hexose, glucose, galacturonic and glucuronic acids. The finding of d-glycero-d-mannoheptose and 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate (tentatively identified) suggested a core-structure. The lipid fraction of the lipopolysaccharide contained phosphate and both, 2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxy-d-glucose and d-glucosamine. The major fatty acids were amine-bound 3-OH-10:0 and 3-OH-12:0 and esterbound 14:0 and 16:0 Sodium deoxycholate gel-electrophoresis, showing a single band only, indicated R-type character of the lipopolysaccharide of Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata.Abbreviations DOC sodium deoxycholate - GC/MS combined gasliquid chromatography - PAGE polyacrylamide gel-electrophoresis  相似文献   

Chloroflexus, a newly described genus of filamentous, photosynthetic, gliding bacteria, oxidizes sulfide anaerobically under photoautotrophic or photoheterotrophic growh conditions and deposits elemental sulfur outside the cell. The formation of sulfur granules outside the cell supports the idea that this organism is related to the green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobiaceae).  相似文献   

A method was developed which allows the isolation and purification of cytoplasmic membranes and chlorosomes from cells of Chloroflexus aurantiacus grown under different light conditions. The dipolar ionic detergent Deriphat (0.08%) and a sodium iodide gradient centrifugation were used in isolating cytoplasmic membranes. Chlorosomes were prepared with 0.16% of the dipolar ionic detergent Miranol and purified by a sucrose gradient centrifugation. Cytoplasmic membrane fractions prepared from either high- (3,000 W m-2), medium-(200 W m-2) or low- (7 W m-2) light-grown cells had near infrared absorption bands at 866, 808, and 755 nm in a constant characteristic absorbance ratio of 6:3.8:1. In all cytoplasmic membrane preparations, the amount of bacteriochlorophyll a (Bchl a) per cytochrome, the amount of Bchl a per reaction center, and reaction center per milligram of cytoplasmic membrane protein was found to be constant. No Bchl c was present. Five respiratory enzyme activities have been measured in the cytoplasmic membrane fraction. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of denatured cytoplasmic membrane showed many bands, but a major polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 8,000. In contrast, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of purified chlorosomes did not contain the 8,000-molecular-weight band but revealed only three distinct protein bands with molecular weights of 15,000, 12,000, and 6,000. Isolated chlorosomes contained Bchl c and a small, yet constant, amount of Bchl a (absorbing at 790 nm) in a molar ratio of 25:1. The data indicated that the components of the photosynthetic apparatus in the cytoplasmic membrane of Chloroflexus aurantiacus remained constant and only the amount of antenna Bchl c varied with light conditions.  相似文献   

To assess the effects related to known and proposed biosynthetic pathways on the (13)C content of lipids and storage products of the photoautotrophic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus, the isotopic compositions of bulk cell material, alkyl and isoprenoid lipids, and storage products such as glycogen and polyhydroxyalkanoic acids have been investigated. The bulk cell material was 13 per thousand depleted in (13)C relative to the dissolved inorganic carbon. Evidently, inorganic carbon fixation by the main carboxylating enzymes used by C. aurantiacus, which are assumed to use bicarbonate rather than CO(2), results in a relatively small carbon isotopic fractionation compared with CO(2) fixation by the Calvin cycle. Even carbon numbered fatty acids, odd carbon numbered fatty acids, and isoprenoid lipids were 14, 15, and 17-18 per thousand depleted in (13)C relative to the carbon source, respectively. Based on the (13)C contents of alkyl and isoprenoid lipids, a 40 per thousand difference in (13)C content between the carboxyl and methyl carbon from acetyl-coenzyme A has been calculated. Both sugars and polyhydroxyalkanoic acid were enriched in (13)C relative to the alkyl and isoprenoid lipids. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report in which the stable carbon isotopic composition of a large range of biosynthetic products in a photoautotrophic organism has been investigated and interpreted based on previously proposed inorganic carbon fixation and biosynthetic pathways. Our results indicate that compound-specific stable carbon isotope analysis may provide a rapid screening tool for carbon fixation pathways.  相似文献   

Energy transfers within the B808-866 BChl a antenna in chlorosome-membrane complexes from the green photosynthetic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus were studied in two-color pump-probe experiments at room temperature. The steady-state spectroscopy and protein sequence of the B808-866 complex are reminiscent of well-studied LH2 antennas from purple bacteria. B808-->B866 energy transfers occur with approximately 2 ps kinetics; this is slower by a factor of approximately 2 than B800-->B850 energy transfers in LH2 complexes from Rhodopseudomonas acidophila or Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Anisotropy studies show no evidence for intra-B808 energy transfers before the B808-->B866 step; intra-B866 processes are reflected in 350-550 fs anisotropy decays. Two-color anisotropies under 808 nm excitation suggest the presence of a B808-->B866 channel arising either from direct laser excitation of upper B866 exciton components that overlap the B808 absorption band or from excitation of B866 vibronic bands in nontotally symmetric modes.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the cytochrome c-554 gene from the green photosynthetic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus has been determined. The derived amino acid sequence showed that the cytochrome precursor protein consists of 414 residues and contains 4-Cys-X-X-Cys-His- heme binding motifs. The only regions of the cytochrome c-554 sequence that were found to be significantly similar to the sequences of cytochromes from other organisms were the heme binding sites. The highest similarity was found with the heme binding segments in the four-heme reaction center cytochrome subunit from the purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis. The importance of this similarity for the evolutionary relationship between Chloroflexus and the purple bacteria is discussed.  相似文献   

The protein assumed to be associated with bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) a in chlorosomes from the photosynthetic green filamentous bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus was investigated by alkaline treatment, proteolytic digestion and a new treatment using 1-hexanol, sodium cholate and Triton X-100. Upon alkaline treatment, only the 5.7 kDa CsmA protein was removed from the chlorosomes among six proteins detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis, concomitantly with the disappearance of BChl a absorption at 795 nm. Trypsin treatment removed two proteins with molecular masses of 11 and 18 kDa (CsmN and CmsM), whereas the spectral properties of BChl a and BChl c were not changed. By the new hexanol-detergent (HD) treatment, most BChl c and all of the detected proteins except CsmA were removed from the chlorosomes without changing the BChl a spectral properties. Subsequent proteinase K treatment of these HD-treated chlorosomes caused digestion of CsmA and a simultaneous decrease of the BChl a absorption band. Based on these results, we suggest that CsmA is associated with BChl a in the chlorosomes. This suggestion was supported by the measured stoichiometric ratio of BChl a to CsmA in isolated chlorosomes, which was estimated to be between 1.2 and 2.7 by amino acid analysis of the SDS-PAGE-resolved protein bands.  相似文献   

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