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Understanding the selective constraints of partner specificity in mutually beneficial symbiosis is a significant, yet largely unexplored, prospect of evolutionary biology. These selective constraints can be explored through the study of nucleotide polymorphism at loci controlling specificity. The membrane-anchored receptor NORK (nodulation receptor kinase) of the legume Medicago truncatula controls early steps of root infection by two symbiotic microorganisms: nitrogen-fixing bacteria (rhizobia) and endomycorrhizal fungi (Glomales). We analyzed the diversity of the gene NORK by sequencing 4 kilobases in 28 inbred lines sampled from natural populations. We detected 33 polymorphic sites with only one nonsynonymous change. Analysis based on Tajima’s D and Fay and Wu’s H summary statistics revealed no departure from the neutral model. We analyzed divergence using sequences from the closely related species M. coerulea. The McDonald-Kreitman test indicated a significant excess of nonsynonymous changes contributing to this divergence. Furthermore, maximum-likelihood analysis of a molecular phylogeny of a few legume species indicated that a number of amino acid sites, likely located in the receptor domain of the protein, evolved under the regime of positive selection. Further research should focus on the rate and direction of molecular coevolution between microorganisms’ signaling molecules and legumes’ receptors. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Deborah Charlesworth] Sequence data were deposited in the GenBank database under accession nos. AY676428 to AY676457 and AJ884582.  相似文献   

We report the cloning and characterization of two lectin genes from Medicago truncatula, designated Mtlec1 and Mtlec2. The two genes show a high degree of homology and apparently belong to a small multigene family. Mtlec1 appears to encode a functional lectin with 277 amino acids, whereas Mtlec2 is probably non-functional, since a frameshift mutation (insertion of two nucleotides) leads to premature translation termination after only 98 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of the polypeptide MtLEC1 suggests that this lectin is a metalloprotein with Glc/Man specificity.  相似文献   

The effects of sewage sludges were investigated on the symbiotic interactions between the model plant Medicago truncatula and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae or the rhizobial bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti. By comparison to a control sludge showing positive effects on plant growth and root symbioses, sludges enriched with polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons or heavy metals were deleterious. Symbiosis-related proteins were detected and identified by two-dimensional electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry, and image analysis was used to study the effects of sewage sludges on M. truncatula symbiotic proteome.  相似文献   

Morandi D  Prado E  Sagan M  Duc G 《Mycorrhiza》2005,15(4):283-289
From a pool of Medicago truncatula mutants—obtained by gamma-irradiation or ethyl methanesulfonate mutagenesis—impaired in symbiosis with the N-fixing bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti, new mutants are described and genetically analysed, and for already reported mutants, complementary data are given on their phenotypic and genetic analysis. Phenotypic data relate to nodulation and mycorrhizal phenotypes. Among the five new mutants, three were classified as [Nod+ Fix Myc+] and the mutations were ascribed to two loci, Mtsym20 (TRV43, TRV54) and Mtsym21 (TRV49). For the two other new mutants, one was classified as [Nod–/+ Myc+] with a mutation ascribed to gene Mtsym15 (TRV48), and the other as [Nod Myc-/+] with a mutation ascribed to gene Mtsym16 (TRV58). Genetic analysis of three previously described mutants has shown that [Nod–/+ Myc+] TR74 mutant can be ascribed to gene Mtsym14, and that [Nod–/+ Myc–/+] TR89 and TRV9 mutants are ascribed to gene Mtsym2 (dmi2). Using a detailed analysis of mycorrhizal phenotype, we have observed a delayed typical arbuscular mycorrhizal formation on some mutants that present thick lens-shaped appressoria. This phenotype was called [Myc–/+] and mutants TR25, TR26, TR89, TRV9, P1 and Y6 were reclassified as [Myc–/+]. Mutant P1 was reclassified as [Nod–/+] because of a late nodulation observed on roots of this mutant.  相似文献   

The symbiosis between legumes and rhizobia results in the development of a new plant organ, the nodule. A role for polar auxin transport in nodule development in Medicago truncatula has been demonstrated using molecular genetic tools. The expression of a DR5::GUS auxin-responsive promoter in uninoculated M. truncatula roots mirrored that reported in Arabidopsis, and expression of the construct in nodulating roots confirmed results reported in white clover. The localization of a root-specific PIN protein (MtPIN2) in normal roots, developing lateral roots and nodules provided the first evidence that a PIN protein is expressed in nodules. Reduced levels of MtPIN2, MtPIN3, and MtPIN4 mRNAs via RNA interference demonstrated that plants with reduced expression of various MtPINs display a reduced number of nodules. The reported results show that in M. truncatula, PIN proteins play an important role in nodule development, and that nodules and lateral roots share some early auxin responses in common, but they rapidly differentiate with respect to auxin and MtPIN2 protein distribution.  相似文献   

Embryo induction and regeneration from suspension culture of two Medicago truncatula cvs. (cv. R 108 1 and cv. Jemalong) have been studied. The influence of osmotic pre-treatment (1 M solution of sucrose for 48 h and 72 h) of roots as an initial explant, on embryogenic efficiency of the suspension culture was assessed. In comparison to the control, the level of abscisic acid (ABA) increased significantly after osmotic stress. The increased ABA level did not correlate with the induction of embryogenesis neither with the improved embryogenic potential of cv. R 108 1. The shortest regeneration period and the highest percent of conversion to plants were found in cv. R 108 1 after 72-h pre-treatment of roots. The efficiency of somatic embryo conversion was less after 48-h pre-treatment and much less for the untreated control. Osmotic stress did not positively affect the process of embryogenesis from root explants of cv. Jemalong, confirming its cultivar dependence. A single cell suspension fraction was produced in both Medicago trunacatula cvs. during the somatic embryo maturation stage. A higher embryogenic potential than the initial suspension culture was established only for the cell suspension originating from 72-h pre-treated roots of cv. R 108 1. The data confirms that the process of somatic embryo induction and embryo conversion from root explants of cv. R 108 1 could be promoted by osmotic stress pre-treatment.  相似文献   

Medicago truncatula has all the characteristics required for a concerted analysis of nitrogen-fixing symbiosis withRhizobium using the tools of molecular biology, cellular biology and genetics.M. truncatula is a diploid and autogamous plant has a relatively small genome, and preliminary molecular analysis suggests that allelic heterozygosity is minimal compared with the cross-fertilising tetraploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa). TheM. truncatula cultivar Jemalong is nodulated by theRhizobium meliloti strain 2011, which has already served to define many of the bacterial genes involved in symbiosis with alfalfa. A genotype of Jemalong has been identified which can be regenerated after transformation byAgrobacterium, thus allowing the analysis ofin-vitro-modified genes in an homologous transgenic system. Finally, by virtue of the diploid, self-fertilising and genetically homogeneous character ofM. truncatula, it should be relatively straightforward to screen for recessive mutations in symbiotic genes, to carry out genetic analysis, and to construct an RFLP map for this plant.  相似文献   

The crop legume pea (Pisum sativum) is genetically well characterized. However, due to its large genome it is not amenable to efficient positional cloning strategies. The purpose of this study was to determine if the model legume Medicago truncatula, which is a close relative of pea, could be used as a reference genome to facilitate the cloning of genes identified based on phenotypic and genetic criteria in pea. To this end, we studied the level of microsynteny between the SYM2 region of pea and the orthologous region in M. truncatula. Initially, a marker tightly linked to SYM2 was isolated by performing differential RNA display on near-isogenic pea lines. This marker served as the starting point for construction of a BAC physical map in M. truncatula. A fine-structure genetic map, based on eight markers from the M. truncatula physical map, indicates that the two genomes in this region share a conserved gene content. Importantly, this fine structure genetic map clearly delimits the SYM2-containing region in pea and the SYM2-orthologous region in M. truncatula, and should provide the basis for cloning SYM2. The utility of the physical and genetic tools in M. truncatula to dissect the SYM2 region of pea should have important implications for other gene cloning experiments in pea, in particular where the two genomes are highly syntenic within the region of interest.  相似文献   

The diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining technique was used to examine the accumulation of H2O2 in parts of roots of Medicago truncatula Gaertn. colonized by the arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM)-forming fungus Glomus intraradices Schenk and Smith. At the cellular level, the combination of bright-field and fluorescence microscopy revealed that a brownish stain, indicative of H2O2 accumulation was present within cortical root cells in the space occupied by arbuscules. Accumulation of H2O2 was especially pronounced in cells containing arbuscules that were clumped and less branched. Moreover, H2O2 accumulated around hyphal tips attempting to penetrate a host cell. In contrast, no H2O2 accumulation was observed in hyphal tips growing along the middle lamella, or in appressoria or vesicles. On the basis of these findings we suggest that a locally restricted oxidative burst is involved in the temporal and spatial control of the intracellular colonization of M. truncatula cells by the AM-forming fungus G. intraradices. Received: 1 October 1998 / Accepted: 22 December 1998  相似文献   

The microtubular cytoskeleton plays an important role in the development of tip-growing plant cells, but knowledge about its dynamics is incomplete. In this study, root hairs of the legume Medicago truncatula have been chosen for a detailed analysis of microtubular cytoskeleton dynamics using GFP-MBD and EB1-YFP as markers and 4D imaging. The microtubular cytoskeleton appears mainly to be composed of bundles which form tracks along which new microtubules polymerise. Polymerisation rates of microtubules are highest in the tip of growing root hairs. Treatment of root hairs with Nod factor and latrunculin B result in a twofold decrease in polymerisation rate. Nonetheless, no direct, physical interaction between the actin filament cytoskeleton and microtubules could be observed. A new picture of how the plant cytoskeleton is organised in apically growing root hairs emerges from these observations, revealing similarities with the organisation in other, non-plant, tip-growing cells.  相似文献   

Phytostabilization strategies may be suitable to reduce the dispersion of uranium (U) and the overall environmental risks of U-contaminated soils. The role of Glomus intraradices, an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus, in such phytostabilization of U was investigated with a compartmented plant cultivation system facilitating the specific measurement of U uptake by roots, AM roots and extraradical hyphae of AM fungi and the measurement of U partitioning between root and shoot. A soil-filled plastic pot constituted the main root compartment (CA) which contained a plastic vial filled with U-contaminated soil amended with 0, 50 or 200 mg KH2PO4−P kg–1soil (CB). The vial was sealed by coarse or fine nylon mesh, permitting the penetration of both roots and hyphae or of just hyphae. Medicago truncatula plants grown in CA were inoculated with G. intraradices or remained uninoculated. Dry weight of shoots and roots in CA was significantly increased by G. intraradices, but was unaffected by mesh size or by P application in CB. The P amendments decreased root colonization in CB, and increased P content and dry weight of those roots. Glomus intraradices increased root U concentration and content in CA, but decreased shoot U concentrations. Root U concentrations and contents were significantly higher when only hyphae could access U inside CB than when roots could also directly access this U pool. The proportion of plant U content partitioned to shoots was decreased by root exclusion from CB and by mycorrhizas (M) in the order: no M, roots in CB > no M, no roots in CB > M, roots in CB > M, no roots in CB. Such mycorrhiza-induced retention of U in plant roots may contribute to the phytostabilization of U contaminated environments.  相似文献   

Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH), expression profiling and EST sequencing identified 12 plant genes and six fungal genes that are expressed in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis between Medicago truncatula and Glomus mosseae. All the plant genes and three of the fungal genes were up-regulated in symbiotic tissues. Expression of 15 of the genes is described for the first time in mycorrhizal roots and two are novel sequences. Six M. truncatula genes were also activated during appressorium formation at the root surface, suggesting a role in this early stage of mycorrhiza establishment, whilst the other six plant genes were only induced in the late stages of mycorrhization and could be involved in the development or functioning of the symbiosis. Phosphate fertilization had no significant influence on expression of any of the plant genes. Expression profiling of G. mosseae genes indicated that two of them may be associated with appressorium development on roots and one with arbuscule formation or function. The other three fungal genes were expressed throughout the life-cycle of G. mosseae.  相似文献   

Medicago truncatula, a model for legume genomics, can be regenerated by somatic embryogensis by the use of a suitable genotype and an auxin plus cytokinin. The stress response induced by explant wounding and culture is increasingly recognized as an important component of somatic embryo induction. We have cloned and investigated the stress kinase gene MtSK1 in relation to somatic embryogenesis in M. truncatula, using the highly embryogenic mutant Jemalong 2HA (2HA) and its progenitor Jemalong. The main features of the MtSK1 protein of 351 amino acids are an N-terminal kinase domain and a C-terminal glutamic acid-rich region, which is predicted to be a coiled-coil. MtSK1 is a member of the SnRK2 subgroup of the SnRK group of plant kinases. Members of the SnRK2 kinases play a role in stress responses of plants. MtSKI expression is induced by wounding in the cultured tissue independent of auxin or cytokinin. However, in both 2HA and Jemalong, as the callus develops in response to auxin plus cytokinin, MtSK1 expression continues to increase. MtSK1 responds to salt stress in vivo, consistent with its role as a stress kinase. The likely role of MtSK1 in stress-induced signaling will facilitate the relating of stress–response pathways to auxin and cytokinin-induced signaling in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the induction of somatic embryogenesis in M. truncatula.  相似文献   

Here we present a Zn transporter cDNA named MtZIP2 from the model legume Medicago truncatula. MtZIP2 encodes a putative 37 kDa protein with 8-membrane spanning domains and has moderate amino acid identity with the Arabidopsis thaliana Zn transporter AtZIP2p. MtZIP2 complemented a Zn-uptake mutant of yeast implying that the protein encoded by this gene can transport Zn across the yeast's plasma membrane. The product of a MtZIP2-GFP fusion construct introduced into onion cells by particle bombardment likewise localized to the plasma membrane. The MtZIP2 gene was expressed in roots and stems, but not in leaves of M. truncatula and, in contrast to all other plant Zn transporters characterized thus far, MtZIP2 was up-regulated in roots by Zn fertilization. Expression was highest in roots exposed to a toxic level of Zn. MtZIP2 expression was also examined in the roots of M. truncatula when colonized by the obligate plant symbiont, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, since AM fungi are renowned for their ability to supply plants with mineral nutrients, including Zn. Expression was down-regulated in the roots of the mycorrhizal plants and was associated with a reduced level of Zn within the host plant tissues.  相似文献   

A floral organ mutant was observed in transgenic Medicago truncatula Gaertn. plants that had two separate stigmas borne on two separate styles that emerged from a single superior carpel primordium. We propose the name bi-pistil, bip for the mutation. We believe this is the first report of such a mutation in this species. Genetic and molecular analyses of the mutant were conducted. The mutant plant was crossed to a mtapetala plant with a wild-type pistil. Expression of the mutant trait in the F1 and F2 generations indicates that the bi-pistil trait is under the control of a single recessive gene. Other modifying genes may influence its expression. The mutation was associated with the presence of a T-DNA insert consisting of the Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) coat protein gene in antisense orientation and the nptII selectable marker gene. It is suggested that the mutation is due to gene disruption because multiple copies of the T-DNA were observed in the mutant. The bi-pistil gene was found to be independent of the male-sterile gene, tap. This novel mutant may assist in understanding pistil development in legumes.  相似文献   

Lotus japonicus and Medicago truncatula model legumes, which form determined and indeterminate nodules, respectively, provide a convenient system to study plant-Rhizobium interaction and to establish differences between the two types of nodules under salt stress conditions. We examined the effects of 25 and 50mM NaCl doses on growth and nitrogen fixation parameters, as well as carbohydrate content and carbon metabolism of M. truncatula and L. japonicus nodules. The leghemoglobin (Lb) content and nitrogen fixation rate (NFR) were approximately 10.0 and 2.0 times higher, respectively, in nodules of L. japonicus when compared with M. truncatula. Plant growth parameters and nitrogenase activity decreased with NaCl treatments in both legumes. Sucrose was the predominant sugar quantified in nodules of both legumes, showing a decrease in concentration in response to salt stress. The content of trehalose was low (less than 2.5% of total soluble sugars (TSS)) to act as an osmolyte in nodules, despite its concentration being increased under saline conditions. Nodule enzyme activities of trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) and trehalase (TRE) decreased with salinity. L. japonicus nodule carbon metabolism proved to be less sensitive to salinity than in M. truncatula, as enzymatic activities responsible for the carbon supply to the bacteroids to fuel nitrogen fixation, such as sucrose synthase (SS), alkaline invertase (AI), malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), were less affected by salt than the corresponding activities in barrel medics. However, nitrogenase activity was only inhibited by salinity in L. japonicus nodules.  相似文献   

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