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人工巢箱条件下白眉姬鹟的繁殖参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005~2006年,在吉林省左家自然保护区的次生林中,对人工巢箱条件下白眉姬鹟(Ficedulazanthopygia)的繁殖参数开展了初步研究.结果表明,人工巢箱中自眉姬鹟的窝卵数为5~7枚,平均6.0枚;卵重平均为1.6 g.卵大小平均为17.0 mm×13.1 mm.孵化期平均为13.1 d,每巢平均出雏5.4只,育雏期平均为12.8 d,每巢平均出飞雏鸟5.3只.白眉姬鹟的营巢成功率为70.0%,繁殖成功率为81.3%.  相似文献   

<正>2011年12月9日,在湖南省长沙市橘子洲公园中部(28°11'35.8″N、112°21'21.3″E,海拔36m)拍摄到一组3只黑领椋鸟Sturnus nigricollis(Paykull)和1只紫翅椋鸟Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus的照片,周围有大群灰椋鸟Sturnus cineraceus和丝光椋鸟Sturnus sericeus活动。经鉴定,确定为黑领椋鸟和紫翅椋鸟北疆亚种Sturnus vulgaris poltaratskyi,隶属于雀形目Passeriformes椋鸟科  相似文献   

2017和2018年每年的4至8月在甘肃莲花山国家级自然保护区,对人工巢箱中黑冠山雀(Periparus rubidiventris)的繁殖生态进行了研究。共悬挂100个巢箱,两年共计招引到15巢黑冠山雀。此外,还记录到4个自然巢,分别位于干枯的糙皮桦(Betula utilise)树洞(1巢)、土坡的缝隙(1巢)和路边水泥护坡的出水管中(2巢)。黑冠山雀雌雄亲鸟共同筑巢,巢内壁为兽毛夹杂少量绒羽,外壁为草茎须根和苔藓。5月中下旬为黑冠山雀的产卵高峰期,清晨产卵,日产1枚,产下最后1枚卵后开始孵卵。平均窝卵数为6枚(4 ~ 7 枚,n = 15),平均卵重(1.12 ± 0.02)g,卵长径(15.30 ± 0.10)mm,卵短径(12.09 ± 0.11)mm(n = 86)。孵卵由雌鸟承担,孵卵期为15 d(14 ~ 16 d,n = 5)。产卵期,雌鸟离巢时有用巢材盖卵的行为,开始孵卵后则不再盖卵。双亲共同育雏,育雏期为16 d和17 d(n = 2)。所记录的18巢黑冠山雀的繁殖成功率为83.3%,人工巢箱(15巢)中繁殖成功率为86.7%,巢捕食者主要为鼠类。  相似文献   

2007~2009年每年5~7月对四川省绵阳地区黑卷尾Dicrurus macrocercus的繁殖生态进行了观察.结果 表明,在绵阳,黑卷尾5月初迁入,5月中旬开始筑巢,巢深(6.73±1.41)cm、巢位高(6.38±1.27)m,巢内径为(9.88±1.54) cm,外径为(12.87±2.75) cm;5月底6月初产卵, 窝卵数多为3~5枚,平均卵重4.61 g,平均卵长径24.4 mm,平均卵短径17.4 mm;孵卵期(16±1) d,育雏期15~17 d,在幼鸟8~12日龄亲鸟育雏频次最高,平均为(8.23±2.13) 次/d.  相似文献   

新疆哈密地区粉红椋鸟繁殖行为及招引对策的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粉红椋鸟(Sturnus roseus)是一种长距离迁徙鸟类,新疆是其在中国境内的繁殖区。本研究于2009年5~7月粉红椋鸟繁殖期内,在哈密巴里坤山前草原地带对其繁殖行为进行了系统的野外观察。结果表明,①粉红椋鸟多选择隐蔽的场所营巢,巢内、外径分别为(8.08±0.38)cm和(25.25±2.82)cm,巢高、深分别为(4.55±1.65)cm和(63.00±35.34)cm,n=8;②粉红椋鸟一年产一窝,窝卵数平均为(4.25±0.71)枚(n=8);孵化率为94.12%,雏鸟成活率为88.24%(n=34);③粉红椋鸟每日不同时段育雏次数差异极显著(P0.01),每日6:30~7:30、10:30~12:30时出现育雏高峰,平均(7.6±1.1)min育雏一次;④粉红椋鸟雏鸟生长发育呈S型曲线变化。研究结果可为提高粉红椋鸟人工招引率提供理论指导。  相似文献   

灰椋鸟的繁殖生态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1994年 3月至 7月在吉林省左家自然保护区对灰椋鸟的繁殖生态研究发现 ,在 1 2 2hm2 的面积内共有 36个灰椋鸟巢 ,繁殖密度为 0 32 1巢 hm2 。繁殖期由 4月 2 4日持续到 7月 1 1日共 79d。平均窝卵数为 5 89(SD =1 1 7,n =36 ) ,窝卵数同繁殖季节呈显著负相关 (r=-0 75 72 ,P <0 0 1 )。平均孵化期为1 3 6d ,平均育雏期 2 1 6d。平均每巢出飞 5 1只幼鸟。幼体 (卵、雏鸟 )死亡的最主要原因是人为干扰。  相似文献   

20 0 2年 5月~ 2 0 0 4年 8月 ,在湖北省巴东县沿渡河镇的东圩口、小溪、锯锯湾、两河口等 4个村 ,对寿带鸟 (Terpsiphoneparadisiincei)的繁殖生态进行了初步研究。研究结果显示 ,寿带鸟在湖北巴东的繁殖时间为 5月下旬~ 7月上旬 ,主要在农田居民区附近的阔叶树上营巢 ,巢材主要有青苔、草叶、草茎、细草根、棕丝、树耳、蜘蛛网等。筑巢工作主要由雌鸟承担 ,一般需要 5~ 7d即可完成。巢距离地面高度1 72~ 6 45m ,巢外径 6 0~ 8 8cm ,巢内径 4 9~ 6 4cm ,巢深 2 9~ 4 1cm ,巢高 6 3~ 9 5cm。雌鸟每天产 1枚卵 ,产卵时间均在清晨。窝卵数 4枚 (n =1 1 ) ,卵产齐后即开始孵化 ,雌雄鸟轮流孵卵 ,孵化期 1 3d。雏鸟晚成性 ,雌雄共同育雏 ,育雏期 9d。寿带鸟对不同的外界干扰反应明显不同 ,当有对其卵和雏鸟构成威胁的动物接近时 ,护巢行为表现十分强烈 ;而对其没有威胁的物种接近其巢时则无动于衷。面对同样的干扰 ,雌雄亲鸟的反应存在显著差异。  相似文献   

朱鹮的营巢、产卵、孵化和育雏   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
系统地总结了 1981~ 2 0 0 0年朱筑巢、产卵、孵化和育雏的情况 ,对朱的繁殖情况进行了全面的评价。在此期间 ,朱野生群体共计营巢 12 3窝 ,产卵 3 63枚 ,出壳 2 76只 ,离巢出飞幼鸟 2 16只。朱的平均窝卵数为 3 0 4枚 ,窝卵数在年际间无显著差异 ,孵化期为 2 8天 ,育雏期为 4 0~ 4 5天。在孵化过程中朱的每日晾卵次数和时间逐渐增加 ,在育幼过程中亲鸟的喂食量在育雏中期最多 ,雌雄亲鸟对后代的贡献没有显著差异。近年来朱营巢地的海拔高度逐渐降低。  相似文献   

杂色山雀的繁殖生态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004—2006年3—7月在辽宁省白石砬子国家级自然保护区对杂色山雀的繁殖生态进行了观察研究。结果表明:该鸟繁殖期为3—7月,筑巢地除了树洞之外,还见在墙缝、石缝、金腰燕旧巢及电柱孔洞中筑巢,筑巢主要由雌鸟完成,雄鸟从旁协助;产卵期为5~8d,日产1枚,窝卵数为(6.92±0.92)枚(n=13);产满窝卵数后即开始孵化;孵化由雌鸟单独完成,孵化期(14.00±0.00)d(n=10),坐巢时间(570.00±11.02)min.d-1(n=9)(不含夜间),平均坐巢时间(57.00±6.75)min.次-1(n=9),雄鸟担任警卫任务,孵化期较为敏感,受到干扰易弃巢;育雏期(17.50±0.58)d(n=4),由雌雄鸟共同喂雏,雏鸟出飞后先是在亲鸟的带领下在巢周活动,之后活动范围逐渐扩展,2~3d后基本离开巢区。  相似文献   

国内关于靴隼雕(Hieraaetus pennata)资料缺乏,仅有几例新纪录报道,无繁殖信息。本文报道2010~2016年间靴隼雕在新疆南部和北部的繁殖与分布状况。靴隼雕巢址选择开阔的地带,营巢于大树上(n=7),巢距地面高度在7~12 m,巢直径约74~102 cm。窝卵数2~3枚,孵卵期37~40 d,育雏期48~58 d,繁殖期持续4~5个月。育雏前期与后期亲鸟的行为变化较大。其巢区附近野生动物资源丰富,食物以鸟类为主,主要是水鸟的幼鸟(体重小于300 g);哺乳类包括草兔(Lepus capensis)、大耳猬(Hemiechinus auritus)、鼹形田鼠(Ellobius talpinus)等。在新疆和硕利用红外相机监测32 d,共收获77 894张图片。育雏期人工观察16 d,约248 h,同时拍下行为照片及录像作为辅助记录。育雏前期,雌鸟的陪护时间占88.43%,雄鸟只有3.26%。亲鸟育雏期的活动节律、投食次数呈现单峰型;续巢频次则为双峰型。在中亚,靴隼雕有明显"东扩"之趋势。通过野外观察靴隼雕的行为,了解繁殖状况,积累基础资料,对其种群保护和管理具有意义。  相似文献   

Male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) intermingle fresh herbs, preferably species rich in volatile compounds, into their dry nest material. In a field study, we investigated whether these herbs affect the mite and bacteria load of the nests and the condition of the nestlings either directly or via parasite control. We examined the amount of herbs and the number of plant species males carried into their nests, the variation of volatile compounds in the headspace air of the nest boxes and mite/bacteria load of the nests throughout the season. The amount of herb material and the number of plant species, the number of substances emanated by these plants and the infestation of the nests with bacteria and mites (Dermanyssus gallinae) increased with season. In a field experiment, we exchanged natural starling nests with experimental nests with or without herbs. We found that the herbs had no effect on the mites but fewer bacteria were sampled in nests with herbs than in nests without herbs. The body mass of the fledging was not related to the season or the mite/bacteria load of the nests. However, nestlings from nests with herbs fledged with higher body mass than nestlings from nests without herbs. Both bacteria and mite load were related to nestling mortality. In nests containing no herbs, the numbers of fledglings declined significantly with the increasing mite load while the mites had no effect on the number of fledglings in nests with herbs. Thus, the nest herbs counteracted the effect of the mites. In conclusion, it seems that volatile herbs can reduce bacterial but not mite infestation of the starling nests. The positive influence of herbs on nestling growth indicates that herbs either directly (perhaps as immunostimulants) improve the condition of the nestlings and help them cope with the harmful effects of mites, or they provide a nest environment beneficial for the nestlings‘ development by the reduction of germs.  相似文献   

Fisher RJ  Wiebe KL 《Oecologia》2006,147(4):744-753
To date, most studies of nest site selection have failed to take into account more than one source of nest loss (or have combined all sources in one analysis) when examining nest site characteristics, leaving us with an incomplete understanding of the potential trade-offs that individuals may face when selecting a nest site. Our objectives were to determine whether northern flickers (Colaptes auratus) may experience a trade-off in nest site selection in response to mammalian nest predation and nest loss to a cavity nest competitor (European starling, Sturnus vulgaris). We also document within-season temporal patterns of these two sources of nest loss with the hypothesis that flickers may also be constrained in the timing of reproduction under both predatory and competitive influence. Mammalian predators frequently depredated flicker nests that were: lower to the ground, less concealed by vegetation around the cavity entrance and at the base of the nest tree, closer to coniferous forest edges and in forest clumps with a high percentage of conifer content. Proximity to coniferous edges or coniferous trees increased the probability of nest predation, but nests near conifers were less likely to be lost to starlings. Flickers may thus face a trade-off in nest site selection with respect to safety from predators or competitors. Models suggested that peaks of nest predation and nest loss to eviction occurred at the same time, although a competing model suggested that the peak of nest loss to starlings occurred 5 days earlier than the peak of mammalian predation. Differences in peaks of mammalian predation and loss to starlings may constrain any adjustment in clutch initiation date by flickers to avoid one source of nest loss.  相似文献   


Ornithonyssus bursa (Berlese) (Dermanyssidae) is found in nests and neotboxes and on nestlings of the starling (Sturnus vulgaris L.), sometimes in large numbers, during the breeding season. During the non-breeding season the nestboxes and nest material are devoid of live mites. O. bursa overwinters ectoparasitically on starlings, and is present on approximately 25% of the population at the beginning of the breeding season. These nucleus populations build up rapidly in nest boxes during the breeding season.  相似文献   

We studied intraspecific nest parasitism in the grey starling (Sturnus cineraceus) in 1992 and 1993. We used three criteria to detect nest parasitism: (i) the appearance of more than one egg per day while the host was laying; (ii) the appearance of extra eggs after the host completed its clutch; and (iii) the appearance of eggs which were of a different shape, size and color to other eggs in the clutch. There were 290 nests (157 nests in 1992; 133 nests in 1993) in which the clutch was completed early (clutches initiated before May 10). Twenty-nine (1992) and 32 (1993) nests contained at least one parasitic egg. Parasitic eggs hatched if they were laid during the laying period and early in the incubation period of their host, and a few of them fledged. Fledging success of parasitic eggs was not different from that of eggs in non-parasitized nests if parasitic eggs were laid during the host's laying period. However, fledging success of all parasitic eggs was fewer than that of eggs in non-parasitized nests. By comparison, fledging success of parasitized nests was not a great as that of non-parasitized nests.  相似文献   

The strategy used by the intraspecific brood parasite, the grey starling, Sturnus cineraceus (Temminck) and the degree to which this strategy reflected the sources of mortality for parasite eggs were examined. Approximately 74% of all parasite eggs failed to produce young that survived to fledglings. Most of this mortality was due to two factors: (i) laying in a nest that had been deserted by a host during its nesting cycle (19%); and (ii) mismatched timing of laying in the hosts nesting cycle (38%). It is important for parasites to select a suitable host in order to avoid this mortality and increase their reproductive success. However, grey starlings did not select hosts on the basis of nest location, host characteristics, or laying date. Lack of attention to these factors implies a failure on the part of the grey starlings to recognize cues that could direct them to select host nests that would provide the best environment for their eggs. Although some egg loss and egg replacement occurred before clutch initiation by hosts, no evidence was found that parasitic birds removed host eggs after clutch initiation by hosts. These results suggest that parasites did not adopt a successful strategy for enhancing the survival rate of their own eggs.  相似文献   

Accumulation and effects of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in avian species were evaluated at a Superfund site located at Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge, Illinois, and seven criteria were used to assess whether there was a causal relationship between PCB exposure and observed reproductive effects. European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) were monitored at nest boxes constructed at each of two exposed and two reference sites. During the breeding season, starling productivity (number of chicks produced per nest) and adult nest attentiveness behavior (provisioning behavior) were monitored. At 15 days post-hatch, chicks were collected for contaminant and biomarker analyses. Chicks were necropsied, ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity measured in liver tissue, and PCB (Aroclor 1254) and 34 chlorinated biphenyl (CB) congener concentrations measured in carcasses using gas chromatography. PCB and CB concentrations also were measured in eggs that failed to hatch. Mean Aroclor 1254 and quantified CB concentrations were greater (P<0.001) in eggs that failed to hatch and 15-day-old chicks collected from PCB sites compared to those collected from reference sites. EROD activity was greater (P=0.005) in 15-day-old chicks collected from PCB sites and was correlated with carcass PCB concentrations. Reduced adult nest attentiveness behavior and decreased chick survival were observed at PCB sites. Six of the seven causal criteria evaluated provided evidence that observed reproductive effects resulted from exposure to PCBs. Using this weight-of-evidence approach provided a means for establishing the likely cause of effects and thus provided managers with information needed in decision-making processes.  相似文献   

Summary The use of green nesting material is widespred among birds. Recent evidence suggests that birds use secondary chemicals contained in green plants to control ectoparasites. We manipulated green nesting material and ectoparasites of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) to test two hypotheses: (1) ectoparasites adversely affect prefledging survival and morphometrics or postfledging survival, and (2) green nesting material ameliorates the effects of ectoparasites. We recorded fat score, numbers of scabs, tarsal length, body mass, and hematocrit level on each nestling 17 days after hatching. We also fitted each nestling with unique patagial tags and resighted the starlings for 6–8 weeks after fledging to estimate survival and sighting rates. Nests devoid of green nesting material and dusted with the insecticide, carbaryl, had fewer high ectoparasite infestations, and nestlings had significantly lower scab scores, and significantly higher body masses than nestlings in undusted boxes. However, there was no difference in postfledging survival between birds from carbaryl-treated and undusted nests. There also was no difference in prefledging survival and morphometrics or postfledging survival between nestlings from boxes with and without green nesting material. These results do not support the hypothesis that starlings use green nesting material to control nest ectoparasites. We suggest an alternative hypothesis; green nesting material is used for mate selection or pairbonding in the starling.  相似文献   

Undulated Antshrikes (Frederickena unduliger) inhabit dense lowland humid forest understory and, as with other species of antbirds, many aspects of their behavior and ecology are poorly known, especially their breeding biology. We provide the first detailed information about their breeding biology based on three nests monitored in the buffer zone of the Manu National Park, Madre de Dios, Peru, from August to December in 2012 and 2013. Nests (N = 3) were large cups woven to the crossing of two horizontal branches. Eggs were white with purplish hairlines and spots, and all three clutches consisted of two eggs. Both males and females incubated eggs and fed nestlings, but only females incubated eggs at night. Provisioning rates and time spent brooding nestlings did not differ between the sexes. Most aspects of the nesting behavior of Undulated Antshrikes in our study were similar to those reported for other species of antbirds, including placement and composition of nests, clutch size, and provisioning rate. However, incubating behavior and the duration of the nestling period of antbirds appear to be influenced by body mass, with larger species such as Undulated Antshrikes having greater nest attentiveness and longer nestling periods than smaller species. Additional studies of other species of antbirds are needed to better understand factors that might contribute to similarities and differences in the nesting behavior of thamnophilids.  相似文献   

Adjusting the composition of their nests, breeding birds can influence the environmental conditions that eggs and offspring experience. Birds often use feathers to build nests, presumably due to their insulating properties. The amount of feathers in nests is often associated with increased nestling survival and body condition. However, it is unclear whether these putative beneficial effects of adding feathers to nests are relevant in a wide range of environmental conditions. Here, we combine data on weather conditions and feathers in nests (i.e., nest composition) to investigate their relative contribution to reproductive success in the Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus). Specifically, we investigate whether the effect of weather conditions on breeding success is modulated by the amount of feathers added to the nest. We found a strong negative effect of rainfall on the number of nestlings that successfully fledged per breeding attempt, but this negative effect was not mitigated by the amount of feathers in nests. We also found that the amount of feathers in nests varied along the breeding season, with nests containing more feathers early in the breeding season, when temperatures were lower. Despite considerable variation in nest composition, our results do not suggest an important role of feathers in nests protecting eggs or nestling tree sparrows against fluctuations in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

European starlings ( Sturnus vulgaris ) introduced to North America compete with native cavity-nesting birds for nest sites. I examined whether natural selection could favour a strategy of delayed nesting in a population of northern flickers ( Colaptes auratus ), a native woodpecker, to reduce overlap in breeding phenology with starling competitors. I developed a mathematical model based on reproductive parameters for a population of flickers from central British Columbia, Canada. On average, 7% of flicker nests each year were usurped by starlings; daily probabilities of takeover declined through the season but were relatively low (1–2%). Flickers laid between 3 and 13 eggs and there was a negative correlation between clutch size and date. The probability of renesting after nest failure also declined during the season, but renesting intervals (2–19 days) were not associated with female age, or stage of nest loss. The model suggested that costs of delaying reproduction would outweigh benefits of an early start except when the probability of nest usurpation is very high (>75%) early in the season and declines rapidly through the summer. Thus, early laying dates should be favoured especially in northern latitudes where breeding seasons are short.  相似文献   

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