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The dynamics of Antarctic coastal marine bacterioplankton has been studied over a 2-year period. Two field stations were sampled between one and three times a week in 1989 and 1991 in the “Terre Adélie” area. The survey included physicochemical (temperature and particulate organic matter) and bacteriological (total and heterotrophic counts, cell volume and frequency of dividing cells estimation) measurements. The results suggest that a strong interannual variability affects the total bacterial abundance, the mean cell volume, the percentage of free living cells and, to a lesser extent. the culturable saprophytic bacterial communities. The observed variability could be partly explained by a large deficit of solar irradiance during the 2nd year of study that may have affected sea ice and seawater primary production.  相似文献   

D. Delille 《Polar Biology》1993,13(7):463-470
During a 1-year period, systematic observations of the Antarctic coastal marine bacterioplankton were recorded. Three field stations were sampled weekly in 1989 in Terre Adélie area. The survey included physicochemical (temperature and particulate organic matter) and bacteriological (total and heterotrophic counts, estimation of bacterial production) measurements. The bacterial community structure was investigated by carrying out 27 morphological and biochemical tests on 254 strains isolated during each season. Gram-negative non-fermentative rods were always dominant. However, an obvious difference exists between the communities inhabiting ice-free and ice-covered seawater. The potential metabolic abilities which were relatively significant in the summer community were severely reduced in the winter community. A general increase in bacterial biomass and production was observed in surface water after sea ice formation. The results suggest a close coupling between heterotrophic bacterioplankton and the input of allochthonous organic carbon, for example from the overlying sea-ice communities or from nearby penguin rookeries.  相似文献   

Five ciliates, Chlamydonella prostomata nov. sp., Paractedoctema acruosa nov. gen., nov. sp., Urocyclon ovatum nov. gen., nov. sp., Porpostoma grassei (Corliss and Snyder 1986) and Cytharoides balechi Tuffrau 1974, collected from sea ice in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica were morphologically and taxonomically investigated. The new genus Paractedoctema is characterized as: Cyclidiidae with naked snout-like apical end and three well-developed membranelles which are multi-rowed in structure and closely apposed one to another; paroral membrane extending anteriorly to about mid-level of M1; one caudal cilium; and silverline system Cyclidium-like. Since Urocyclon Small and Lynn 1985 is a nomen nudum because no type species has been fixed, we re-establish the genus and give a revised definition: uronematids mostly with inverted pear-shaped body and subequatorially positioned cytostome; apical plate dominant; membranelle 1 highly reduced; and paroral membrane extending anteriorly to about mid-level of membrane 2. Based on this new definition, a new combination is suggested: Homalogastra cymruensis (Pérez-Uz and Hope 1997) comb. nov. (formerly Urocyclon cymruensis Pérez-Uz and Hope 1997). For the well-known genus Chlamydonella, an improved diagnosis has been given according to our observations and the data obtained: Lynchellidae without plasmatic protrusions on ventral side; several to many somatic kineties making no noticeable naked gap between left and right areas; perioral kineties continuous or slightly fragmented with leftmost rows parallel to each other, which are arched transversely; and cytopharyngeal rods (nematodesmata) toothed. Macronucleus usually dimorphic. Regarding the related genus Lynchella Kahl 1933, we suggest that the original diagnosis by Kahl should be maintained. Thus, the genus diagnosis is re-provided: Lynchellidae with plasmatic protrusions on ventral side; several to many somatic kineties making no noticeable naked gap between left and right areas; perioral kineties continuous or fragmented with some rows parallel to each other; cytopharyngeal rods toothed; macronucleus generally dimorphic. In the light of the redefinition, a new combination has been made: Chlamydonella nordica (Jankowski 1968) comb. nov. (formerly Lynchella nordica Jankowski 1968). Accepted: 10 October 1999  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in planktonic bacterial assemblages of two Ohio streams   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Monthly water samples were collected from two Ohio streams (Bixon and Mahoning) for 14 months to assess the extent of seasonal changes in the bacterial assemblage and in a population within the assemblage. At the assemblage level, abundances of total bacteria and colony forming units (CFUs) were measured. Populations of Burkholderia ( Pseudomonas ) cepacia were quantified by colony hybridization using a species-specific rDNA probe.
2. Total bacterial numbers were highest in early winter and were lowest during summer and when the streams were covered with ice. Changes in the number of CFUs were more variable than changes in total number, but did not exhibit a clear seasonal pattern.
3. B. cepacia was not detected during summer, but up to 8000 ml–1 were present in November. Seasonal changes in assemblage-level measurements were dissimilar to population-level changes in B. cepacia abundance.
4. The temporal changes observed in this study suggest that populations of stream bacteria, such as B. cepacia , exhibit seasonal blooms that are undetected by assemblage level measurements.  相似文献   

Summary Heterotrophic activity in the bottom few cm of annual sea ice in the Canadian Arctic was measured throughout the spring bloom of ice algae, using tritium-labelled thymidine and glucose. Experiments with chloramphenicol and cyclohexamide indicated that thymidine assimilation was due to procaryotic microbes but that about half of the glucose assimilation was due to eucaryotic organisms. Glucose and thymidine assimilation rates increased with salinity, from 10 ppt to 30 ppt. Thymidine assimilation rates increased from 1.16 to 4.94·10–21mol·cell–1·h–1 during the latter half of the algal bloom, while the exponential growth rate of the in situ populations decreased from 0.058 to 0.025 d–1. Bacterial production and specific growth rates calculated from thymidine assimilation were 149mgC·m–2 and 0.25 d–1 or less respectively over the 50 day observation period, compared with net primary production of 5,500 mgC·m–2. Thymidine assimilation rates suggested that about half of the bacterial production may be consumed or lost from the ice during the bloom.  相似文献   

The bacterioplankton assemblages of eight maritime Antarctic lakes with a wide range of trophic status and geographic span (six lakes from Hope Bay, Antarctic Peninsula and two from Potter Peninsula, King George Island) were described using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and band sequencing during two consecutive austral summers (2003–2004). Analyses of the gels identified a total of 230 bands spread across 57 different positions. Among those bands, 14 were shared between lakes from Hope Bay and Potter Peninsula, 17 were observed only in particular lakes, and 17 were registered both years in the same lake. We successfully reamplified and sequenced 43 bands located in 36 different positions belonging to Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Betaproteobacteria and Cyanobacteria. The closest matches for 63% of the sequenced bands were from Antarctic or from other cold environment clones and sequences already in the databases, suggesting the widespread dominance of microbial communities adapted to cold habitats. The results of the multivariate analyses (Cluster Analysis and CCA) indicated that the nutrient status of the lake influences the bacterioplankton assemblages. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The influence of diesel fuel and “Arabian light” crude oil contamination were investigated on the land fast ice located in the continental shelf of Terre Adélie, Antarctica, during the austral winter 1993. Autotrophic biomass exhibited a clear seasonal pattern. In uncontaminated sea ice, chlorophyll a concentration showed two maxima, one in April (50 mg m−3) during sea-ice formation, and the second one in spring just before the ice thaw (20 mg m−3). The crude oil and diesel fuel contamination induced a negative effect on ice-microalgae biomass, which remained at a weak level throughout the ice-covered period. However, the inhibitory effect of diesel contamination was immediate while the crude oil effect occurred after the autumn phytoplankton bloom. Addition of fertilizer (Inipol EAP-22) to diesel and crude oil had a clear favourable effect on ice-microalgae. Chlorophyll a biomass exhibited the same seasonal pattern in fertilized and uncontaminated areas. Accepted: 10 November 1998  相似文献   

The role of sea ice in structuring Antarctic ecosystems   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
Summary This paper focusses on the links between growth, persistence and decay of sea ice and the structure of Antarctic marine ecosystems on different spatial and temporal scales. Sea-ice growth may divide an oceanic ecosystem into two dissimilar compartments: (1) the water column, with primary production controlled by the reduction of irradiative fluxes due to the snow-laden sea-ice cover and thermo-haline convection, and (2) the pore space within the ice with incorporated organisms switching from a planktonic to a kryohaline mode of life. In the ice, physical boundary conditions are set by (1) the irradiance which is controlled by the optical properties of snow and ice and (2) the ambient temperature which controls salinity and brine volume. Partly due to the high levels of biomass within the sea-ice system, interaction between different groups of organisms concentrates on the planar environment predefined by the ice cover. As a result of regional structuring of ecosystems, four sea-ice regimes may be recognized: seasonal pack ice, coastal zone, perennial pack ice, and marginal ice zone. These regimes are interwoven through the temporal structuring of ecosystems brought about by ice-cover seasonality and ice drift. In comparison with open-water pelagic ecosystems, sea ice appears of particular importance as it partly inverts the ecosystem structure and enhances the degree of ecological variability.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

Summary Pack ice surrounding Antarctica supports rich and varied populations of microbial organisms. As part of the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem Research in the Ice Edge Zone (AMERIEZ) studies, we have examined this community during the late spring, autumn, and winter. Although organisms are found throughout the ice, the richest concentrations often occur in the surface layer. The ice flora consists of diatoms and flagellates. Chrysophyte cysts (archaeomonads) of unknown affinity and dinoflagellate cysts are abundant and may serve as overwintering stages in ice. The ice fauna includes a variety of heterotrophic flagellates, ciliates, and micrometazoa. The abundance of heterotrophs indicates an active food web within the ice community. Ice may serve as a temporary habitat or refuge for many of the microbial forms and some of these appear to provide an inoculum for planktonic populations when ice melts. Larger consumers, such as copepods and the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba are often found on the underside of ice floes and within weathered floes. The importance of the ice biota as a food resource for these pelagic consumers is unknown.  相似文献   

Proposed terminology and reporting units for sea ice algal assemblages   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Summary Many terms and units are used to describe the algae associated with sea ice. Most of these terms are open to misinterpretation and have been frequently misused. The use of a number of different units when reporting on experimental studies makes it difficul, if not impossible, to compare studies done by different investigators. In an attempt to avoid these ambiguities and to make comparisons easier, we here suggest some standard terms and repoting units that should be used when discussing ice algal assemblages.  相似文献   

An ice-binding protein from an Antarctic sea ice bacterium   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An Antarctic sea ice bacterium of the Gram-negative genus Colwellia, strain SLW05, produces an extracellular substance that changes the morphology of growing ice. The active substance was identified as a approximately 25-kDa protein that was purified through its affinity for ice. The full gene sequence was determined and was found to encode a 253-amino acid protein with a calculated molecular mass of 26,350 Da. The predicted amino acid sequence is similar to predicted sequences of ice-binding proteins recently found in two species of sea ice diatoms and a species of snow mold. A recombinant ice-binding protein showed ice-binding activity and ice recrystallization inhibition activity. The protein is much smaller than bacterial ice-nucleating proteins and antifreeze proteins that have been previously described. The function of the protein is unknown but it may act as an ice recrystallization inhibitor to protect membranes in the frozen state.  相似文献   

Thomas Mock 《Hydrobiologia》2002,470(1-3):127-132
An in situ incubation technique used successfully to measure the photosynthetic carbon assimilation of internal algal assemblages within thick multiyear Arctic ice was developed and improved to measure the photosynthetic carbon assimilation within young sea ice only 50 cm thick (Eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica). The light transmission was improved by the construction of a cylindrical frame instead of using a transparent acrylic-glass barrel. The new device enabled some of the first precise measurements of in situ photosynthetic carbon assimilation in newly formed Antarctic sea ice, which is an important component in the sea ice ecosystem of the Antarctic Ocean. The rates of carbon assimilation of the interior algal assemblage (top to 5 cm from bottom) was 0.25 mg C m–2 d–1 whereas the bottom algal community (lowest 5 cm) attained only 0.02 mg C m–2 d–1. Chl a specific production rates (PChl) for bottom algae (0.020 – 0.056 g C g chl a –1 h–1) revealed strong light limitation, whereas the interior algae (PChl = 0.7 – 1.2 g C g chl a –1 h–1) were probably more limited by low temperatures (< –5 °C) and high brine salinities.  相似文献   

Viral abundance, burst sizes, lytic production and temperate phage were investigated in land-fast ice at two sites in Prydz Bay Antarctica (68°S, 77°E) between April and November 2008. Both ice cores and brine were collected. There was no seasonal pattern in viral or bacterial numbers. Across the two sites virus abundances ranged between 0.5 × 105 and 5.1 × 105 viruses ml−1 in melted ice cores and 0.6 × 105–3.5 × 105 viruses ml−1 in brine, and bacterial abundances between 2.7 × 104 and 17.3 × 104 cells ml−1 in melted ice cores and 3.9 × 104–32.5 × 104 cells ml−1 in brine. Virus to bacterium ratios (VBR) showed a clear seasonal pattern in ice cores with lowest values in winter (range 1.2–20.8), while VBRs in brine were lower (0.2–4.9). Lytic viral production range from undetectable to 2.0 × 104 viruses ml−1 h−1 in ice cores with maximum rates in September and November. In brine maximum, lytic viral production occurred in November (1.18 × 104 viruses ml−1 h−1). Low burst sizes were typical (3.94–4.03 viruses per bacterium in ice cores and 3.16–4.0 viruses per bacterium in brine) with unusually high levels of visibly infected cells—range 40–50%. This long-term investigation revealed that viral activity was apparent within the sea ice throughout its annual cycle. The findings are discussed within the context of limited data available on viruses in sea ice.  相似文献   

The bacterial populations associated with sea ice sampled from Antarctic coastal areas were investigated by use of a phenotypic approach and a phylogenetic approach based on genes encoding 16S rRNA (16S rDNA). The diversity of bacteria associated with sea ice was also compared with the bacterial diversity of seawater underlying sea ice. Psychrophilic (optimal growth temperature, < or = 15 degrees C; no growth occurring at 20 degrees C) bacterial diversity was found to be significantly enriched in sea ice samples possessing platelet and bottom ice diatom assemblages, with 2 to 9 distinct (average, 5.6 +/- 1.8) psychrophilic taxa isolated per sample. Substantially fewer psychrophilic isolates were recovered from ice cores with a low or negligible population of ice diatoms or from under-ice seawater samples (less than one distinct taxon isolated per sample). In addition, psychrophilic taxa that were isolated from under-ice seawater samples were in general phylogenetically distinct from psychrophilic taxa isolated from sea ice cores. The taxonomic distributions of psychrotrophic bacterial isolates (optimal growth temperature, > 20 degrees C; growth can occur at approximately 4 degrees C) isolated from sea ice cores and under-ice seawater were quite similar. Overall, bacterial isolates from Antarctic sea ice were found to belong to four phylogenetic groups, the alpha and gamma subdivisions of the Proteobacteria, the gram-positive branch, and the Flexibacter-Bacteroides-Cytophaga phylum. Most of the sea ice strains examined appeared to be novel taxa based on phylogenetic comparisons, with 45% of the strains being psychrophilic. 16S rDNA sequence analysis revealed that psychrophilic strains belonged to the genera Colwellia, Shewanella, Marinobacter, Planococcus, and novel phylogenetic lineages adjacent to Colwellia and Alteromonas and within the Flexibacter-Bacteroides-Cytophaga phylum. Psychrotrophic strains were found to be members of the genera Pseudoalteromonas, Psychrobacter, Halomonas, Pseudomonas, Hyphomonas, Sphingomonas, Arthrobacter, Planococcus, and Halobacillus. From this survey, it is proposed that ice diatom assemblages provide niches conducive to the proliferation of a diverse array of psychrophilic bacterial species.  相似文献   

Release of an ice-active substance by Antarctic sea ice diatoms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Interstitial water from the diatom-rich ice platelet layer in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica contains a macromolecular, ice-active substance (IAS) that, at in situ concentrations, causes dense pitting on the basal surfaces of growing ice platelets. In this respect, it resembles several fish antifreezes that also cause pitting on ice surfaces, but unlike the antifreezes, it does not lower the freezing point. The IAS appeared to be released by diatoms, as extracts from the diatoms contained IAS, while seawater from a diatom-free area did not. No evidence of IAS was found in several species of temperate water diatoms. The ice-pitting activity of the IAS was destroyed by proteases and by incubation at 40° C, but not by periodate oxidation, or by incubation with galactosidase or endonuclease. Thus, activity appears to arise from a protein or protein component, and not from carbohydrate or nucleic acids. Potential roles of the IAS in the sea ice community are discussed.  相似文献   

Production of exopolysaccharides by Antarctic marine bacterial isolates   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
AIMS: This study was undertaken to examine and characterize Antarctic marine bacterial isolates and the exopolysaccharides (EPS) they produce in laboratory culture. METHODS AND RESULTS: Two EPS-producing bacterial strains CAM025 and CAM036 were isolated from particulate material sampled from seawater and sea ice in the southern ocean. Analyses of 16S rDNA sequences placed these isolates in the genus Pseudoalteromonas. In batch culture, both strains produced EPS. The yield of EPS produced by CAM025 was 30-fold higher at -2 and 10 degrees C than at 20 degrees C. Crude chemical analyses showed that these EPS were composed primarily of neutral sugars and uronic acids with sulphates. Gas chromatographic analysis of monosaccharides confirmed these gross compositional findings and molar ratios of monosaccharides revealed differences between the two EPS. CONCLUSIONS: The EPS produced by Antarctic bacterial isolates examined in this study appeared to be polyanionic and, therefore, 'sticky' with respect to cations such as trace metals. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: As the availability of iron as a trace metal is of critical importance in the southern ocean where it is know to limit primary production, the role of these bacterial EPS in the Antarctic marine environment has important ecological implications.  相似文献   

Field studies to examine the in situ assimilation and production of ammonium (NH4 +) by bacterial assemblages were conducted in the northern Gerlache Strait region of the Antarctic Peninsula. Short term incubations of surface waters containing 15N-NH4 + as a tracer showed the bacterial population taking up 0.041–0.128 g-atoms Nl–1d–1, which was 8–25% of total NH4 + uptake rates. The large bacterial uptake of NH4 + occurred even at low bacterial abundance during a rich phytoplankton bloom. Estimates of bacterial production using 3H-leucine and -adenine were l.0gCl–1 d–1 before the bloom and 16.2 g Cl–1 d–1 at the bloom peak. After converting bacterial carbon production to an estimate of nitrogen demand, NH4 + was found to supply 35–60% of bacterial nitrogen requirements. Bacterial nitrogen demand was also supported by dissolved organic nitrogen, generally in the form of amino acids. It was estimated, however, that 20–50% of the total amino acids taken up were mineralized to NH4 +. Bacterial production of NH4 + was occurring simultaneously to its uptake and contributed 27–55% of total regenerated NH4 + in surface waters. Using a variety of 15N-labelled amino acids it was found that the bacteria metabolized each amino acid differently. With their large mineralization of amino acids and their relatively low sinking rates, bacteria appear to be responsible for a large portion of organic matter recycling in the upper surface waters of the coastal Antarctic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Marine bacterioplankton studies over the annual cycle in polar systems are limited due to logistic constraints in site access and support. Here, we conducted a comparative study of marine bacterioplankton sampled at several time points over the annual cycle (12 occasions each) at sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands (KI) and Antarctic Peninsula (AP) coastal sites in order to establish a better understanding of the extent and nature of variation in diversity and community structure at these different latitudes (49-64S). Molecular methods targeting the 16S rRNA gene (DGGE, CE-SSCP and tag pyrosequencing) suggest a strong seasonal pattern with higher richness in winter and a clear influence of phytoplankton bloom events on bacterioplankton community structure and diversity in both locations. The distribution of sequence tags within Gammaproteobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria and Bacteriodetes differed between the two regions. At both sites, several abundant Rhodobacteraceae, uncultivated Gammaproteobacteria and Bacteriodetes-associated tags displayed intense seasonal variation often with similar trends at both sites. This enhanced understanding of variability in dominant groups of bacterioplankton over the annual cycle contributes to an expanding baseline to understand climate change impacts in the coastal zone of polar oceans and provides a foundation for comparison with open ocean polar systems.  相似文献   

Notes on the biology of sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sea ice which covers large areas of the polar regions plays a major role in the marine ecosystem of both the Arctic and Southern Oceans. Not only do warmblooded animals depend on sea ice as a platform, but the sympagic organisms living internally within the sea ice or at the interfaces ice/snow and ice/water provide a substantial part of the total primary production of the ice covered regions. In addition sea ice organisms are an important food source for a variety of pelagic animals and may initiate phytoplankton spring blooms after ice melt by seeding effects.Sea ice organisms often are enriched by some orders of magnitude if the same volume of melted ice is compared to that of the underlying water column. Three hypotheses try to explain this discrepancy and are discussed. Investigations on the nutrient chemistry within the sea ice system and in-situ observations still are rare. Intense growth of sympagic organisms can result in nutrient deficiencies, at least in selected habitats. Advances in endoscopie methods may lead to a better understanding of the life within the sea ice.Paper presented at the Symposium on Polar regions: the challenge for biological and ecological research organised by the Swiss Committee for Polar Research, Basel on 2 October 1992  相似文献   

Psychrophilic, gas vacuolate, heterotrophic bacteria indigenous to sea ice communities in Antarctica have been isolated. Phylogenetic analysis of representative members of these bacteria shows that they belong to the alpha, beta, and gamma Proteobacteria and the Flavobacteria-Cytophaga group. This is the first report of gas vacuolate bacteria from the beta Proteobacteria and the Flavobacteria-Cytophaga groups.  相似文献   

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