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Arabidopsis APETALA2 (AP2) controls seed mass maternally, with ap2 mutants producing larger seeds than wild type. Here, we show that AP2 influences development of the three major seed compartments: embryo, endosperm, and seed coat. AP2 appears to have a significant effect on endosperm development. ap2 mutant seeds undergo an extended period of rapid endosperm growth early in development relative to wild type. This early expanded growth period in ap2 seeds is associated with delayed endosperm cellularization and overgrowth of the endosperm central vacuole. The subsequent period of moderate endosperm growth is also extended in ap2 seeds largely due to persistent cell divisions at the endosperm periphery. The effect of AP2 on endosperm development is mediated by different mechanisms than parent-of-origin effects on seed size observed in interploidy crosses. Seed coat development is affected; integument cells of ap2 mutants are more elongated than wild type. We conclude that endosperm overgrowth and/or integument cell elongation create a larger postfertilization embryo sac into which the ap2 embryo can grow. Morphological development of the embryo is initially delayed in ap2 compared with wild-type seeds, but ap2 embryos become larger than wild type after the bent-cotyledon stage of development. ap2 embryos are able to fill the enlarged postfertilization embryo sac, because they undergo extended periods of cell proliferation and seed filling. We discuss potential mechanisms by which maternally acting AP2 influences development of the zygotic embryo and endosperm to repress seed size.  相似文献   

In some plant species, including Arabidopsis, fertilization induces the epidermal cells of the outer ovule integument to differentiate into a specialized seed coat cell type with a unique morphology and containing large quantities of polysaccharide mucilage (pectin). Such seed coat mucilage cells are necessary for neither viability nor germination under normal laboratory conditions. Thus, the Arabidopsis seed coat offers a unique system with which to use genetics to identify genes controlling cell morphogenesis and complex polysaccharide biosynthesis and secretion. As a first step in the application of this system, we have used microscopy to investigate the structure and differentiation of Arabidopsis seed coat mucilage cells, including cell morphogenesis and the synthesis, secretion, and extrusion of mucilage. During seed coat development in Arabidopsis, the epidermal cells of the outer ovule integument grow and differentiate into cells that produce large quantities of mucilage between the primary cell wall and plasma membrane. Concurrent with mucilage production, the cytoplasm is shaped into a column in the center of the cell. Following mucilage secretion the cytoplasmic column is surrounded by a secondary cell wall to form a structure known as the columella. Thus, differentiation of the seed coat mucilage cells involves a highly regulated series of events including growth, morphogenesis, mucilage biosynthesis and secretion, and secondary cell wall synthesis.  相似文献   

Seed oligosaccharides (OSs) and especially raffinose series OSs (RSOs) are hypothesized to play an important role in the acquisition of desiccation tolerance and consequently in seed storability. In the present work we analyzed the seed-soluble OS (sucrose, raffinose, and stachyose) content of several Arabidopsis accessions and thus identified the genotype Cape Verde Islands having a very low RSO content. By performing quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping in a recombinant inbred line population, we found one major QTL responsible for the practically monogenic segregation of seed stachyose content. This locus also affected the content of the two other OSs, sucrose, and raffinose. Two candidate genes encoding respectively for galactinol synthase and raffinose synthase were located within the genomic region around this major QTL. In addition, three smaller-effect QTL were identified, each one specifically affecting the content of an individual OS. Seed storability was analyzed in the same recombinant inbred line population by measuring viability (germination) under two different seed aging assays: after natural aging during 4 years of dry storage at room temperature and after artificial aging induced by a controlled deterioration test. Thus, four QTL responsible for the variation of this trait were mapped. Comparison of the QTL genetic positions showed that the genomic region containing the major OS locus did not significantly affect the seed storability. We concluded that in the studied material neither RSOs nor sucrose content had a specific effect on seed storability.  相似文献   

同源异型域-亮氨酸拉链(homedomain-leucine zipper,HD-Zip)转录因子广泛参与植物的生长发育和抗胁迫过程。该研究通过生物信息学方法对青稞HD-Zip基因家族进行全基因组分析鉴定,并采用qRT-PCR技术分析非生物胁迫下该基因的表达特性,为深入探讨青稞HD-Zip转录因子的生物学功能及其在高原作物抗逆育种中的应用奠定基础。结果表明:(1)成功从青稞基因组中共鉴定出41个HD-Zip基因家族成员,依次命名为i>HvvHD-ZipⅠ-1~Ⅳ-13,且这些基因在7条染色体上呈不均匀分布。(2)理化性质分析发现,HvvHD-Zip蛋白包含197~885个不等的氨基酸残基;分子量范围在19 914.36~94 014.87 Da;亚细胞定位表明HvvHD-Zip蛋白都位于细胞核。(3)根据多序列比对、系统进化、基因结构和保守基序差异将其聚为4个亚家族,各亚家族分类特征与系统聚类结果一致。(4)顺式作用元件预测分析发现,i>HvvHD-Zip基因启动子中含有11种植物激素和胁迫响应元件。(5)qRT-PCR结果显示,HvvHD-Zip Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ亚家族基因对各胁迫响应明显;与根组织相比,多数i>HvvHD-Zip基因在叶组织中响应明显(上调或下调);与冷和盐胁迫相比,i>HvvHD-Zip各基因对旱胁迫响应较强。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Hourglass cells (HGCs) are prominent cells in the soybean seed coat, and have potential use as ‘phytofactories’ to produce specific proteins of interest. Previous studies have shown that HGCs initiate differentiation at about 9 d post-anthesis (dpa), assuming their characteristic morphology by 18 dpa. This study aims to document the structural changes in HGCs during this critical period, and to relate these changes to the concurrent development of a specific soybean peroxidase (SBP) encoded by the Ep gene.


Pods were collected from plants at specific growth stages. Fresh material was processed for analysis of Ep peroxidase activity. Tissues were processed for scanning and transmission electron microscopy, as well as extracted for western blotting. A null variety lacking expression of Ep peroxidase was grown as a control.

Key Results and Conclusions

At 9 dpa, HGCs are typical undifferentiated plant cells, but from 12–18 dpa they undergo rapid changes in their internal and external structure. By 18 dpa, they have assumed the characteristic hourglass shape with thick cell walls, intercellular air spaces and large central vacuoles. By 45 dpa, all organelles in HGCs have been degraded. Additional observations indicate that plasmodesmata connect all cell types. SBP activity and SBP protein are detectable in the HGC before they are fully differentiated (approx. 18 dpa). In very early stages, SBP activity appears localized in a vacuole as previously predicted. These results increase our understanding of the structure and development of the HGC and will be valuable for future studies aimed at protein targeting to components of the HGC endomembrane systems.  相似文献   

Genetic differences in seed longevity of various Arabidopsis mutants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Seeds gradually lose their viability during dry storage. The damage that occurs at the biochemical level can alter the seed physiological status and is affected by the storage conditions of the seeds. Although these environmental conditions controlling loss of viability have been investigated frequently, little information is available on the genetics of seed longevity. Using Arabidopsis mutants in defined developmental or biochemical pathways such as those affected in seed coat composition, seed dormancy, hormone function and control of oxidative stress, we tried to gain insight into the genes and mechanisms controlling viability of stored seeds. Mutations like abscisic acid insensitive3 ( abi3 ) as well as abscisic acid deficient1 ( aba1 ) show reduced longevity, which may be partially related to the seed dormancy phenotype of these mutants. Mutants with seed coat alterations, especially aberrant tests shape ( ats ), showed a stronger reduction in germination percentage after storage, indicating the importance of a 'functional' seed coat for seed longevity. A specific emphasis was placed on mutants affected in dealing with Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Because several pathways are involved in protection against ROS and because gene redundancy is a common feature in Arabidopsis , 'double' mutants were generated. These 'double' mutants and the corresponding single mutants were subjected to a controlled deterioration test (CDT) and a germination assay on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) after prolonged storage at two relative humidities. CDT and germination on H2O2 affected all genotypes, although it appears that other effects like genetic background are more important than the deficiencies in the ROS scavenging pathway. Explanations for this limited effect of mutations affecting ROS scavenging are discussed.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of seed dormancy in Arabidopsis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The mechanisms controlling seed dormancy in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) have been characterized by proteomics using the dormant (D) accession Cvi originating from the Cape Verde Islands. Comparative studies carried out with freshly harvested dormant and after-ripened non-dormant (ND) seeds revealed a specific differential accumulation of 32 proteins. The data suggested that proteins associated with metabolic functions potentially involved in germination can accumulate during after-ripening in the dry state leading to dormancy release. Exogenous application of abscisic acid (ABA) to ND seeds strongly impeded their germination, which physiologically mimicked the behavior of D imbibed seeds. This application resulted in an alteration of the accumulation pattern of 71 proteins. There was a strong down-accumulation of a major part (90%) of these proteins, which were involved mainly in energetic and protein metabolisms. This feature suggested that exogenous ABA triggers proteolytic mechanisms in imbibed seeds. An analysis of de novo protein synthesis by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in the presence of [(35)S]-methionine disclosed that exogenous ABA does not impede protein biosynthesis during imbibition. Furthermore, imbibed D seeds proved competent for de novo protein synthesis, demonstrating that impediment of protein translation was not the cause of the observed block of seed germination. However, the two-dimensional protein profiles were markedly different from those obtained with the ND seeds imbibed in ABA. Altogether, the data showed that the mechanisms blocking germination of the ND seeds by ABA application are different from those preventing germination of the D seeds imbibed in basal medium.  相似文献   

A mutant of Arabidopsis that accumulates a high level of red pigments within the seed coat has been isolated from a population of T-DNA-transformed plants. Genetic analysis revealed that the mutation is recessive and affects maternal seed tissues only. Due to the color of the immature seeds, this mutation was named banyuls ( ban ). Pigments accumulated continuously from early seed development to the desiccation stage in the seed coat of the mutant. The phenotype of the double mutant banyuls/transparent testa confirmed the flavonoid nature of the pigments and enabled assignment of the regulatory TT ( Transparent Testa ) genes to two groups according to their epistatic relationship to ban . The flavonoid content of germinated ban and wild-type seedlings was similar. Plants harbouring the ban mutation had a normal formation of trichomes and root hairs and were not affected in their responses to light. The seeds of ban plants exhibited reduced germination compared to wild-type which may be a direct consequence of the high level of pigments. These results suggest that BANYULS functions as a negative regulator of flavonoid biosynthesis that prevents accumulation of pigments in the seed coat during early embryogenesis in Arabidopsis .  相似文献   

As sessile organisms, plants have evolved a multitude of developmental responses to cope with the ever-changing environmental conditions that challenge the plant throughout its life cycle. Of the many environmental cues that regulate plant development, light is probably the most important. From determining the developmental pattern of the emerging seedling, to influencing the organization of organelles to best maximize energy available for photosynthesis, light has dramatic effects on development during all stages of plant life. In plants, three classes of photoreceptors that mediate light perception have been characterized at the molecular level. The phytochromes recognize light in the red portion of the spectrum, while cryptochromes and phototropins perceive blue and UVA light. In this review, we discuss the different aspects of development that are regulated by these photoreceptors in the model plant species Arabidopsis thaliana and how the phytochromes, cryptochromes, and phototropins bring about changes in development seen in the growing plant.  相似文献   

Summary The R gene of soybean is involved in anthocyanin synthesis in the seed coat, and its r-m allele conditions a variegated distribution of black spots and/or concentric rings of pigment superimposed on an otherwise brown seed coat. We describe an unusual feature of r-m that causes expression at the R locus to switch between active and inactive phases both somatically and germinally. Non-heritable somatic changes of the allele produce single plants containing mixtures of seed with different coat colors (black+striped or brown+striped). Heritable changes of the r-m allele are manifested in progeny plants which produce all black seed or all brown seed. Surprisingly, subsequent generations from revertant sublines show continued instability of the allele such that brown revertants (r*/r*) or homozygous black seed revertants (R*/R*) can give rise to striped or striped+black-seeded plants. Thus, the revertants produced by the r-m allele are not stable but interconvert between all three forms (R*, r*, and r-m) at detectable frequencies. Mutability of the r-m allele in a different genetic background has also been found after inter-crossing various soybean genotypes.  相似文献   

Diversity of TITAN functions in Arabidopsis seed development.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The titan mutants of Arabidopsis exhibit striking defects in seed development. The defining feature is the presence of abnormal endosperm with giant polyploid nuclei. Several TTN genes encode structural maintenance of chromosome proteins (condensins and cohesins) required for chromosome function at mitosis. Another TTN gene product (TTN5) is related to the ARL2 class of GTP-binding proteins. Here, we identify four additional TTN genes and present a general model for the titan phenotype. TTN1 was cloned after two tagged alleles were identified through a large-scale screen of T-DNA insertion lines. The predicted gene product is related to tubulin-folding cofactor D, which interacts with ARL2 in fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) and humans to regulate tubulin dynamics. We propose that TTN5 and TTN1 function in a similar manner to regulate microtubule function in seed development. The titan phenotype can therefore result from disruption of chromosome dynamics (ttn3, ttn7, and ttn8) or microtubule function (ttn1 and ttn5). Three other genes have been identified that affect endosperm nuclear morphology. TTN4 and TTN9 appear to encode plant-specific proteins of unknown function. TTN6 is related to the isopeptidase T class of deubiquitinating enzymes that recycle polyubiquitin chains following protein degradation. Disruption of this gene may reduce the stability of the structural maintenance of chromosome complex. Further analysis of the TITAN network should help to elucidate the regulation of microtubule function and chromosome dynamics in seed development.  相似文献   

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