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 The paternal sex ratio chromosome (PSR) is a paternally-inherited supernumerary chromosome found in some males of Nasonia vitripennis. PSR induces the loss of N. vitripennis’s paternal autosomes in early fertilized embryos. Previous examinations have not directly addressed the complication of PSR’s co-occurrence with Wolbachia. Wolbachia is the name assigned to a group of cytoplasmic bacteria which induce numerous reproductive alterations in their hosts. In Nasonia, Wolbachia cause cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) which also results in paternal chromosome loss. Here we address the question of whether PSR’s function (i.e. PSR’s transmission and/or ability to induce chromosome loss) depends upon or interacts with Wolbachia. A strain of PSR males is artificially cleared of Wolbachia. Test crosses and cytological observations of this strain demonstrate that PSR’s transmission and ability to induce chromosome loss is not dependent upon Wolbachia. Comparisons suggest an absence of interactions between PSR and Wolbachia when they co-occur. Fluorescent and confocal microscopy are used to examine and compare early embryos. Observations demonstrate that microtubule interactions with chromatin do not appear to cause the initial loss of the paternal chromosomes. Cytological observations presented here also differ from previous reports of PSR- and Wolbachia-induced chromosome loss. Received: 3 May 1996 / Accepted: 24 June 1996  相似文献   

A recently discovered B chromosome in the parasitoid wasp Trichogramma kaykai was found to be transmitted through males only. Shortly after fertilization, this chromosome eliminates the paternal chromosome set leaving the maternal chromosomes and itself intact. Consequently, the sex ratio in these wasps is changed in favour of males by modifying fertilized diploid eggs into male haploid offspring. In this study, we show that in fertilized eggs at the first mitosis the paternal sex ratio (PSR) chromosome condenses the paternal chromosomes into a so-called paternal chromatin mass (PCM). During this process, the PSR chromosome is morphologically unaffected and is incorporated into the nucleus containing the maternal chromosomes. In the first five mitotic divisions, 67% of the PCMs are associated with one of the nuclei in the embryo. Furthermore, in embryos with an unassociated PCM, all nuclei are at the same mitotic stage, whereas 68% of the PCM-associated nuclei are at a different mitotic phase than the other nuclei in the embryo. Our observations reveal an obvious similarity of the mode of action of the PSR chromosome in T. kaykai with that of the PSR-induced paternal genome loss in the unrelated wasp Nasonia vitripennis.  相似文献   

Renée Martin 《Chromosoma》1998,107(6-7):523-527
Our studies of human sperm karyotypes and interphase sperm analyzed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) have both yielded estimates of disomy frequencies of approximately 0.1% per chromosome with an overall aneuploidy frequency in human sperm of approximately 5%–6%. However, the distribution of aneuploidy in sperm is not even, as our data from sperm karyotypes and multicolour FISH analyses both demonstrate a significant increase in the frequency of aneuploidy for chromosome 21 and the sex chromosomes. We have studied men at increased risk of sperm chromosomal abnormalities including cancer patients and infertility patients. Testicular cancer patients were studied before and 2–13 years after chemotherapy (CT) with BEP (bleomycin, etoposide, cisplatin). Sperm karyotype analysis on 788 sperm demonstrated no significant difference in the frequency of numerical or structural chromosomal abnormalities post-CT vs pre-CT. Similarly, multicolour FISH analysis for chromosomes 1, 12, XX, YY and XY in 161,097 sperm did not detect any significant differences in the frequencies of disomy before and after treatment. However, recent evidence has suggested a significant increase in the frequency of disomy and diploidy during CT. We have found that infertile men, who would be candidates for intracytoplasmic sperm injection, have an increased frequency of chromosomally abnormal sperm karyotypes. Also, FISH analysis for chromosomes 1, 12, 13, 21, XX, YY and XY in 255,613 sperm demonstrated a significant increase in chromosomes 1, 13, 21, and XY disomy in infertile men compared with control donors. Received: 4 July 1998; in revised form: 7 September 1998 / Accepted: 8 September 1998  相似文献   

Human sperm chromosome complements after microinjection of hamster eggs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A technique was developed for microinjection of human spermatozoa into golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) eggs to obtain human pronuclear chromosome complements. Before microinjection the spermatozoa were treated by brief sonication or incubation in TEST-yolk buffer to reduce motility. Very few sperm chromosome complements developed after sperm treatment with sonication and the frequency of spermatozoa with structural chromosomal abnormalities was exceedingly high (91%). The majority of sperm chromosome complements analysed had multiple breaks and rearrangements. Sperm incubation in TEST-yolk buffer before microinjection provided more analysable sperm karyotypes with a significantly lower frequency of structural chromosomal abnormalities (39%, P less than 0.001). Our results therefore suggest that sonication induces structural chromosomal abnormalities in spermatozoa. Since the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities after microinjection was higher than after sperm fertilization of hamster eggs, it appears that microinjection per se may also increase the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in spermatozoa. These results are based on small numbers and must be confirmed on larger sample sizes, but our study suggests that microinjection of spermatozoa into eggs should not be recommended for clinical use until fully evaluated.  相似文献   

Progenitive sex ratio among functioning sperm cells.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

The paternal sex ratio (PSR) chromosome is a supernumerary chromosome that causes the destruction of the paternal chromosome set in the first mitosis in a fertilized egg. It is known from parasitoid wasps in the genera Nasonia and Trichogramma (Hymenoptera). In these haplodiploids, the egg fertilized by sperm carrying PSR matures as a haploid male that again carries, and is capable of transmitting, the PSR chromosome. Because of its unique transmission behavior, the PSR chromosome may be easily transmitted between species. This study tests whether the interspecific transmission of PSR between Trichogramma kaykai Pinto and Stouthamer and Trichogramma deion Pinto and Oatman (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) is affected by two types of postzygotic reproductive isolation, i.e., hybrid inviability and hybrid sterility. The results show that PSR can rescue fertilized eggs that would normally be inviable in the interspecific cross and the rescued eggs develop into male offspring that carry PSR. The results suggest that the two types of postzygotic reproductive isolation have no effect on the transmission of PSR between the two Trichogramma species.  相似文献   

This study uses molecular and cytogenetic methods to determine the origin of a B chromosome in some males of the wasp Trichogramma kaykai. This so-called paternal sex ratio (PSR) chromosome transmits only through sperm and shortly after fertilization triggers degeneration of the paternal genome, while keeping itself intact. The resulting embryos develop into haploid B-chromosome-carrying males. Another PSR chromosome with a very similar mode of action is found in the distantly related wasp Nasonia vitripennis and its origin was traced by transposon similarity to the genus Trichomalopsis, which is closely related to Nasonia. To determine whether both PSR chromosomes have a similar origin we aimed to reveal the origin of the Trichogramma PSR chromosome. Using fluorescent in situ hybridization, we discovered a major satellite repeat on the PSR chromosome, the 45S ribosomal DNA. Analysis of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of this repeat showed the presence of multiple ITS2 sequences on the PSR chromosome resembling either the ITS2 of T. oleae or of T. kaykai. We therefore conclude that the Trichogramma PSR chromosome originates from T. oleae or a T. oleae-like species. Our results are consistent with different origins for the PSR chromosomes in Trichogramma and Nasonia.  相似文献   

We studied the frequencies of X- and Y-chromosome-bearing sperm, diploidy and disomy for chromosomes 1, 12, X, and Y in sperm from 10 normal men aged 21-52 years, to determine whether there was any relationship between donor age and any of these variables. Multicolor FISH was used to control for lack of probe hybridization and to distinguish diploid sperm from disomic sperm. A minimum of 10,000 sperm per donor was evaluated for each chromosome, for a total of 225,846 sperm studied. Sperm were considered disomic if two fluorescent signals were separated by a minimal distance of one signal domain. The mean frequencies of X- and Y-bearing sperm were 50.1% and 49.0%, respectively; not significantly different from 50%. There was no correlation between paternal age and "sex ratio" in sperm. Similarly, there was no association between the frequency of diploid sperm (mean, .16%; range, .06-.42%) and donor age. For disomy frequencies, there was no relationship between donor age and disomy 12 (mean, .16%; range, .10%-.25%), XX (mean, .07%; range, .03%-.17%), and XY sperm (mean, .16%; range, .08%-.24%). There was a significant increase in the frequency of YY sperm (P = .04; mean, .18%; range, .10%-.43%) and disomy 1 sperm (P = .01; mean, .11%; range, .05%-.18%) with donor age. In summary, our results do not support a correlation between paternal age and sex ratio or diploidy.  相似文献   

Egg sex ratio and paternal traits: using within-individual comparisons   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
Empirical studies of sex ratios in birds have been limited dueto difficulties in determining offspring sex. Since molecularsexing techniques removed this constraint, the last 5 yearshas seen a great increase in studies of clutch sex ratio manipulationby female birds. Typically these studies investigate variationin clutch sex ratios across individuals in relation to environmentalcharacteristics or parental traits, and often they find no relationships. In this study we also found that clutch sex ratiosdid not vary in relation to a number of biological and environmentalfactors for 238 great tit Parus major nests. However, interestingsex ratio biases were revealed when variation in clutch sexratios was analyzed within individual females breeding in successiveyears. There was a significant positive relationship betweenthe change in sex ratio of a female's clutch from one yearto the next and the relative body condition of her partner.Females mating with males of higher body condition in yearx + 1 produced relatively male-biased sex ratios, and the oppositewas true for females mated with lower condition males. Within-individualanalysis also allowed investigations of sex ratio in relationto partner change. There was no change in sex ratios of femalespairing with the same male; however, females pairing with anew male produced clutches significantly more female biased. Comparisons of clutch sex ratios within individuals may be apowerful method for detecting sex ratio variation, and perhapsfemale birds may indeed manipulate egg sex but require personalcontextual experience for such decisions.  相似文献   

Testicular activity and semen characteristics of bulls carrying an X-autosome translocation t(Xp +;23q-) revealed all stages of spermatogenesis although their semen consisted of few and, exclusively, of malformed spermatozoa. Chromosome painting on metaphase spreads of their mother and synaptonemal complex analysis on these and normal bulls were carried out to test whether the location and meiotic pairing behaviour of the rearranged segments could have contributed to the sperm head malformation and oligospermia in our X-autosome translocation (X-AT) carrier bulls. Spermatocytes of X-AT carriers displayed the rearranged chromosomes in a univalent-trivalent association, with 23q- always remaining as a univalent and Xp + in synapsis with normal chromosome 23 and the Y chromosome. Chromosome painting studies to test whether the total absence of meiocytes showing a quadrivalent is due to the non-reciprocal nature of this translocation, identified Xp sequence homology with the distal end of 23q- confirming its relocation to the terminal segment of 23q-. Our synaptonemal complex analyses also confirmed that the bovine pseudo-autosomal region (PAR) is at the distal ends of Xq and Yp and further revealed that over 85% of spermatocytes of X-AT carriers (and up to 13% of spermatocytes of normal bulls) sustain a Y-axis break adjacent to the PAR. Although the exact cause of a Y-axis break in bovine spermatocytes is not known at present, we believe that the break and possible loss of Yq in such high proportions of spermatocytes of X-AT carriers could have contributed to the sperm head malformation and oligospermia in our X-AT carrier bulls.  相似文献   

Offspring sex ratio and age of parents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The human sperm/hamster egg fusion technique has been used to analyse 6,821 human sperm chromosome complements from 98 men to determine if all chromosomes are equally likely to be involved in aneuploid events or if some chromosomes are particularly susceptible to nondisjunction. The frequency of hypohaploidy and hyperhaploidy was compared among different chromosome groups and individual chromosomes. In general, hypohaploid sperm complements were more frequent than hyperhaploid complements. The distribution of chromosome loss in the hypohaploid complements indicated that significantly fewer of the large chromosomes and significantly more of the small chromosomes were lost, suggesting that technical loss predominantly affects small chromosomes. Among the autosomes, the observed frequency of hyperhaploid sperm equalled the expected frequency (assuming an equal frequency of nondisjunction for all chromosomes) for all chromosome groups. Among individual autosomes, only chromosome 9 showed an increased frequency of hyperhaploidy. The sex chromosomes also showed a significant increase in the frequency of hyperhaploidy. These results are consistent with studies of spontaneous abortions and liveborns demonstrating that aneuploidy for the sex chromosomes is caused by paternal meiotic error more commonly than aneuploidy for the autosomes.  相似文献   

S. A. Henderson 《Chromosoma》1988,96(5):376-381
A survey of natural populations of the British ladybird Exochomus quadripustulatus revealed the presence of a single large, acrocentric, supernumerary (B) chromosome in all sites visited. Studies were confined to male meiosis, where more than one B was never found to accompany the six bivalents and neo-XY sex pair. The percentage of males possessing B chromosomes varied from 6.4% to 28.6% in 14 different populations. The sex ratios present in these populations also varied. In some equal numbers of males and females were present, in others there were significant excesses of females. A linear regression was found between the percentage of B chromosomes and the percentages of males and females in those populations. It is suggested that the B chromosomes are not in themselves responsible for the sex ratio differences found for similar differences in sex ratio have been found in related neo-XY species lacking B chromosomes. It is more likely that those factors affecting sex ratio are also responsible for affecting the frequencies of B chromosomes in different populations.  相似文献   

Summary B chromosomes are often considered genomic parasites. Paternal sex ratio (PSR) is an extreme example of a parasitic B chromosome in the parasitoid waspNasonia vitripennis. PSR is transmitted through the sperm of carrier males and destroys the other paternal chromosomes in early fertilized eggs. PSR disrupts the normal haplodiploid sex determination in this wasp by converting diploid (female) eggs into haploid (male) eggs that bear PSR. In this study I compare a number of phenotypic fitness aspects of PSR and standard (non-PSR) males. In general, PSR males were as fit as standard males. No significant differences were found in longevity (with one exception), ability to compete for mates and sperm depletion rates. PSR males produced 11–22% larger family sizes and developed slightly faster than standard males. Under conditions of sperm competition, females who mated with both types of males fertilized a constant proportion of eggs with each sperm type over their lifetime. PSR males produced fewer offspring among progenies from double-inseminated females. Phenotypic fitness effects are believed to play a minor role in determining PSR frequencies in natural populations.  相似文献   

Human sperm chromosomes were studied in a man heterozygous for a pericentric inversion of chromosome (1)(p31q12). Q-banded pronuclear chromosomes were analyzed after in vitro penetration of golden hamster oocytes. A total of 159 sperm were examined: 54% bearing the inverted chromosome 1 and 46% the normal chromosome 1. These frequencies are not significantly different from the theoretical 11 ratio. There were no recombinant sperm with duplications or deficiencies, suggesting that a pairing loop failed to form or that crossing-over was suppressed. The frequency of abnormalities unrelated to the inversion was 5% for numerical, 8.8% for structural, 2.5% for numerical and structural, values not significantly different from control donors studied in our lab. The frequencies of X- and Y-bearing sperm were 46% and 54%, respectively, not significantly different from the expected value of 50%. This is the fifth pericentric inversion studied by human sperm chromosome analysis; recombinant chromosomes have been observed in two of the five cases. Some of the factors associated with an increased risk of recombinant sperm appear to be inversion size greater than 30% of the chromosome and chromosome breakpoints in G-light bands.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic organisms carry various genetic factors the so-called cytoplasmic genetic elements (CGEs), in their cytoplasm. Numerous examples are known in which CGEs possess the ability to control sex determination of their host organisms and cause sex ratio distortion (SRD). In general, CGEs are inherited maternally from female hosts, via egg cytoplasm to offspring. Thus, the elements tend to evolve abilities to avoid entrance into “dead-end” males. Previous theoretical studies have revealed that, as long as maternal transmission is perfect, CGEs evolve the highest levels of ability to cause SRD. However, it is recently reported that some CGEs transmit from male to offspring through infection to female in mating. This raises the question of how such a paternal contribution alters selective forces and SRD evolution. In the present study, the evolutionary process of SRD ability of CGEs was analyzed theoretically. The main finding is that paternal transmission results in evolution towards intermediate levels of SRD. Further, coexistence was observed of different CGEs inducing different levels of SRD. These results point to the importance of paternal transmission in the evolution of CGEs.  相似文献   

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