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V Litwin  W Jackson    C Grose 《Journal of virology》1992,66(6):3643-3651
The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) genome contains 70 reading frames (ORF), 5 of which encode the glycoproteins gpI, gpII, gpIII, gpIV, and gpV. ORF 67 and 68 lie adjacent to each other in the unique short region of the VZV genome and code for gpIV and gpI, respectively. These two genes, which are contained within the HindIII C fragment of the VZV genome, were subcloned in the correct orientation downstream from the promoter regions of the eukaryotic expression vectors pCMV5 and pBJ. After transfection, 5 to 20% of the Cos cells bound antibody specific for the given glycoprotein. In this study, it was shown that only the cells transfected with the gpI construct bound to the Fc fragment of human immunoglobulin G. Neither the transfected gpIV gene product nor the vector only bound to the Fc fragment. Thus, VZV gpI is confirmed to be the VZV-encoded Fc-binding glycoprotein. Like the wild-type form of gpI expressed in VZV-infected cells, gpI precipitated from transfected cells contained both N-linked and O-linked glycans and was heavily sialated. In addition, the transfected gpI gene product was phosphorylated both in cell culture and in protein kinase assays by mammalian casein kinases I and II. Extensive computer-assisted analyses of the VZV gpI sequence, as well as those of alphaherpesviral homolog glycoproteins, disclosed properties similar to those of other cell surface receptors; these included (i) exocytoplasmic regions rich in cysteine residues, (ii) membrane-proximal regions with potential O-linked glycosylation sites, and (iii) cytoplasmic domains with consensus phosphorylation sites.  相似文献   

Alphaherpesviruses spread rapidly through dermal tissues and within synaptically connected neuronal circuitry. Spread of virus particles in epithelial tissues involves movement across cell junctions. Herpes simplex virus (HSV), varicella-zoster virus (VZV), and pseudorabies virus (PRV) all utilize a complex of two glycoproteins, gE and gI, to move from cell to cell. HSV gE/gI appears to function primarily, if not exclusively, in polarized cells such as epithelial cells and neurons and not in nonpolarized cells or cells that form less extensive cell junctions. Here, we show that HSV particles are specifically sorted to cell junctions and few virions reach the apical surfaces of polarized epithelial cells. gE/gI participates in this sorting. Mutant HSV virions lacking gE or just the cytoplasmic domain of gE were rarely found at cell junctions; instead, they were found on apical surfaces and in cell culture fluids and accumulated in the cytoplasm. A component of the AP-1 clathrin adapter complexes, mu1B, that is involved in sorting of proteins to basolateral surfaces was involved in targeting of PRV particles to lateral surfaces. These results are related to recent observations that (i) HSV gE/gI localizes specifically to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) during early phases of infection but moves out to cell junctions at intermediate to late times (T. McMillan and D. C. Johnson, J. Virol., in press) and (ii) PRV gE/gI participates in envelopment of nucleocapsids into cytoplasmic membrane vesicles (A. R. Brack, B. G. Klupp, H. Granzow, R. Tirabassi, L. W. Enquist, and T. C. Mettenleiter, J. Virol. 74:4004-4016, 2000). Therefore, interactions between the cytoplasmic domains of gE/gI and the AP-1 cellular sorting machinery cause glycoprotein accumulation and envelopment into specific TGN compartments that are sorted to lateral cell surfaces. Delivery of virus particles to cell junctions would be expected to enhance virus spread and enable viruses to avoid host immune defenses.  相似文献   

Following reactivation from latency, alphaherpesviruses replicate in sensory neurons and assemble capsids that are transported in the anterograde direction toward axon termini for spread to epithelial tissues. Two models currently describe this transport. The Separate model suggests that capsids are transported in axons independently from viral envelope glycoproteins. The Married model holds that fully assembled enveloped virions are transported in axons. The herpes simplex virus (HSV) membrane glycoprotein heterodimer gE/gI and the US9 protein are important for virus anterograde spread in the nervous systems of animal models. It was not clear whether gE/gI and US9 contribute to the axonal transport of HSV capsids, the transport of membrane proteins, or both. Here, we report that the efficient axonal transport of HSV requires both gE/gI and US9. The transport of both capsids and glycoproteins was dramatically reduced, especially in more distal regions of axons, with gE(-), gI(-), and US9-null mutants. An HSV mutant lacking just the gE cytoplasmic (CT) domain displayed an intermediate reduction in capsid and glycoprotein transport. We concluded that HSV gE/gI and US9 promote the separate transport of both capsids and glycoproteins. gE/gI was transported in association with other HSV glycoproteins, gB and gD, but not with capsids. In contrast, US9 colocalized with capsids and not with membrane glycoproteins. Our observations suggest that gE/gI and US9 function in the neuron cell body to promote the loading of capsids and glycoprotein-containing vesicles onto microtubule motors that ferry HSV structural components toward axon tips.  相似文献   

The late stages of assembly of herpes simplex virus (HSV) and other herpesviruses are not well understood. Acquisition of the final virion envelope apparently involves interactions between viral nucleocapsids coated with tegument proteins and the cytoplasmic domains of membrane glycoproteins. This promotes budding of virus particles into cytoplasmic vesicles derived from the trans-Golgi network or endosomes. The identities of viral membrane glycoproteins and tegument proteins involved in these processes are not well known. Here, we report that HSV mutants lacking two viral glycoproteins, gD and gE, accumulated large numbers of unenveloped nucleocapsids in the cytoplasm. These aggregated capsids were immersed in an electron-dense layer that appeared to be tegument. Few or no enveloped virions were observed. More subtle defects were observed with an HSV unable to express gD and gI. A triple mutant lacking gD, gE, and gI exhibited more severe defects in envelopment. We concluded that HSV gD and the gE/gI heterodimeric complex act in a redundant fashion to anchor the virion envelope onto tegument-coated capsids. In the absence of either one of these HSV glycoproteins, envelopment proceeds; however, without both gD and gE, or gE/gI, there is profound inhibition of cytoplasmic envelopment.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein gE functions as an immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fc receptor (FcgammaR) that promotes immune evasion. When an IgG antibody binds by the F(ab')(2) domain to an HSV antigen, the Fc domain of some of the same antibody molecules binds to the FcgammaR, which blocks Fc-mediated functions. gE is a type 1 membrane glycoprotein with a large ectodomain that is expressed on the virion envelope and infected-cell surface. Our goal was to determine if immunizing with gE protein fragments could produce antibodies that bind by the F(ab')(2) domain to gE and block the FcgammaR, as measured by competitively inhibiting nonimmune human IgG binding to the FcgammaR. Three gE peptides were constructed in baculovirus spanning almost the entire ectodomain and used to immunize mice and rabbits. Two fragments were highly effective at producing antibodies that bind by the F(ab')(2) domain and block the FcgammaR. The most potent of these two antibodies was far more effective at blocking the FcgammaR than antibodies that are only capable of binding by the Fc domains to the FcgammaR, including anti-gC, anti-gD, and nonimmune IgG. These results suggest that immunizing with gE fragments has potential for preventing immune evasion by blocking activities mediated by the HSV-1 FcgammaR.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-1) virions and HSV-1-infected cells bind to human immunoglobulin G (hIgG) via its Fc region. A complex of two surface glycoproteins encoded by HSV-1, gE and gI, is responsible for Fc binding. We have co-expressed soluble truncated forms of gE and gI in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Soluble gE-gI complexes can be purified from transfected cell supernatants using a purification scheme that is based upon the Fc receptor function of gE-gI. Using gel filtration and analytical ultracentrifugation, we determined that soluble gE-gI is a heterodimer composed of one molecule of gE and one molecule of gI and that gE-gI heterodimers bind hIgG with a 1:1 stoichiometry. Biosensor-based studies of the binding of wild type or mutant IgG proteins to soluble gE-gI indicate that histidine 435 at the CH2-CH3 domain interface of IgG is a critical residue for IgG binding to gE-gI. We observe many similarities between the characteristics of IgG binding by gE-gI and by rheumatoid factors and bacterial Fc receptors such as Staphylococcus aureus protein A. These observations support a model for the origin of some rheumatoid factors, in which they represent anti-idiotypic antibodies directed against antibodies to bacterial and viral Fc receptors.  相似文献   

G Dubin  I Frank    H M Friedman 《Journal of virology》1990,64(6):2725-2731
Two herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins, gE and gI, have been shown to form a complex that binds the Fc domain of immunoglobulin G (IgG). We demonstrate that this complex is required for the binding of monomeric nonimmune IgG but that gE alone is sufficient for binding polymeric IgG in the form of IgG complexes. Evidence that gE but not gI is required for binding IgG complexes is as follows. IgG complexes bound equally well to cells infected with gI-negative mutants or with wild-type virus, whereas cells infected with gE-negative mutants did not bind IgG complexes. Furthermore, L cells transiently transfected to express gE bound IgG complexes. Additional evidence that gI fails to augment binding of IgG complexes comes from experiments in which the gI gene was inducibly expressed in cells after infection. Inducible gI expression failed to increase binding of IgG complexes to infected cells in comparison with cells not capable of inducible gI expression. In contrast, expression of both gE and gI was necessary for binding of monomeric IgG, as demonstrated by flow cytometry using cells infected with gE-negative and gI-negative mutants. These observations demonstrate that herpes simplex virus type 1 Fc receptors (FcRs) have different binding characteristics for monomeric IgG and IgG complexes. Furthermore, it appears that gE is the FcR for IgG complexes and that gE and gI form the FcR for monomeric IgG.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein E (gE) of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) will bind immunoglobulin G (IgG) (Fc) affinity columns (R. B. Bauke and P. G. Spear, J. Virol. 32:779-789, 1979), but recent evidence suggests that the HSV-1 Fc receptor is composed of a complex of gE and glycoprotein I (gI) and that both gI and gE are required for Fc receptor activity (D. C. Johnson and V. Feenstra, J. Virol. 61:2208-2216, 1987; D. C. Johnson, M. C. Frame, M. W. Ligas, A. M. Cross, and N. D. Stow, J. Virol. 62:1347-1354, 1988). We have expressed gE and gI, either alone or in combination, on the surface of HeLa cells by using recombinant vaccinia viruses and have measured Fc receptor activity by Fc-rosetting or IgG-binding assays. Expression of gE alone resulted in the induction of Fc receptor activity, while expression of gI alone gave no detectable Fc binding. Coexpression of gE and gI resulted in higher levels of IgG binding than did expression of gE alone, despite the fact that under conditions of coexpression, the levels of surface gE were reduced. We propose that gE and gI together form a receptor of higher affinity than gE alone and that HSV-1 therefore has the potential to induce two Fc receptors of different affinities.  相似文献   

G Dubin  E Socolof  I Frank    H M Friedman 《Journal of virology》1991,65(12):7046-7050
Recent studies indicate that the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) Fc receptor (FcR) can bind antiviral immunoglobulin G by participating in antibody bipolar bridging. This occurs when the Fab domain of an immunoglobulin G molecule binds to its antigenic target and the Fc domain binds to the HSV-1 FcR. In experiments comparing cells infected with wild-type HSV-1 (NS) and cells infected with an FcR-deficient mutant (ENS), we demonstrate that participation of the HSV-1 FcR in antibody bipolar bridging reduces the effectiveness of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

The entire 396 residue extracellular sequence of gE the HSV-1 Fc gamma-binding glycoprotein has been studied to determine epitopes binding to two mAb II-481 and 88S previously demonstrated to react with gE at or near the Fc gamma-binding regions. Overlapping 7-mers constructed from the established sequence were tested with mAb II-481 and 88S along with their Fab fragments. Control mAb of the same IgG 2b subclass as well as whole rabbit and human IgG and Fc were also tested for binding to overlapping linear sequences using the ELISA pin assay to map Fc gamma-binding regions. Six sequences PKTSWRRVS, GLYTLSV, QVASVVLVVQP, PAPPRSWP, CLYHPQLP, and ASTWTSRL were found that constituted major regions binding to the two different mAb of the same specificity. Glycine substitution for each residue within these sequences indicated that arginine 29, tryptophane 70, valine 144, valine 157, arginine 208, histidine 283, and arginine 305 constituted important portions of the II 481 mAb-reactive epitope. Many of the same regions along with one other, GPLHPSW, appeared to be involved in Fc gamma binding. Substitution of glycine for each residue indicated that histidine 67, tryptophane 70, valine 71, valine 157, valine 158, valine 160, valine 161, tryptophane 210, serine 279, cysteine 280, leucine 281, tyrosine 282, histidine 283, proline 284, glutamine 285, proline 287, tryptophane 302, and arginine 305 were important for Fc gamma-binding. Inhibition by gE peptides of rosetting of E sensitized with rabbit IgG antibody around HSV-1-infected cells, as well as inhibition of rosetting using F(ab)2 fragments of rabbit antibodies to these peptides was used to assay relative contributions of all seven regions to Fc gamma-binding activity. Our results provide a tentative map of mAb binding and Fc gamma-reactive sites on gE. mAb and Fc gamma binding of a limited number of individual antigenic amino acids widely distributed among the separate reactive regions suggest that many of the same separate residues contribute both to antigenicity as well as to Fc gamma-binding activity.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins gE and gI form receptors for the Fc domain of immunoglobulin G (IgG) which are expressed on the surface of infected cells and on the virion envelope and which protect the virus from immune attack. Glycoprotein gE-1 is a low-affinity Fc receptor (FcR) that binds IgG aggregates, while gE-1 and gI-1 form a complex which serves as a higher-affinity FcR capable of binding IgG monomers. In this study, we describe two approaches used to map an Fc binding domain on gE-1 for IgG aggregates. First, we constructed nine plasmids encoding gE-1/gD-1 fusions proteins, each containing a large gE-1 peptide inserted into the ectodomain of gD-1. Fusion proteins were tested for FcR activity with IgG-sensitized erythrocytes in a rosetting assay. Three of the fusion proteins containing overlapping gE-1 peptides demonstrated FcR activity; the smallest peptide that retained Fc binding activity includes gE-1 amino acids 183 to 402. These results indicate that an Fc binding domain is located between gE-1 amino acids 183 and 402. To more precisely map the Fc binding domain, we tested a panel of 21 gE-1 linker insertion mutants. Ten mutants with insertions between gE-1 amino acids 235 and 380 failed to bind IgG-sensitized erythrocytes, while each of the remaining mutants demonstrated wild-type Fc binding activity. Taken together, these results indicate that the region of gE-1 between amino acids 235 and 380 forms an FcR domain. A computer-assisted analysis of the amino acid sequence of gE-1 demonstrates an immunoglobulin-like domain contained within this region (residues 322 to 359) which shares homology with mammalian FcRs.  相似文献   

We have constructed recombinant baculoviruses individually expressing seven of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoproteins (gB, gC, gD, gE, gG, gH, and gI). Vaccination of mice with gB, gC, gD, gE, or gI resulted in production of high neutralizing antibody titers to HSV-1 and protection against intraperitoneal and ocular challenge with lethal doses of HSV-1. This protection was statistically significant and similar to the protection provided by vaccination with live nonvirulent HSV-1 (90 to 100% survival). In contrast, vaccination with gH produced low neutralizing antibody titers and no protection against lethal HSV-1 challenge. Vaccination with gG produced no significant neutralizing antibody titer and no protection against ocular challenge. However, gG did provide modest, but statistically significant, protection against lethal intraperitoneal challenge (75% protection). Compared with the other glycoproteins, gG and gH were also inefficient in preventing the establishment of latency. Delayed-type hypersensitivity responses to HSV-1 at day 3 were highest in gG-, gH-, and gE-vaccinated mice, while on day 6 mice vaccinated with gC, gE, and gI had the highest delayed-type hypersensitivity responses. All seven glycoproteins produced lymphocyte proliferation responses, with the highest response being seen with gG. The same five glycoproteins (gB, gC, gD, gE, and gI) that induced the highest neutralization titers and protection against lethal challenge also induced some killer cell activity. The results reported here therefore suggest that in the mouse protection against lethal HSV-1 challenge and the establishment of latency correlate best with high preexisting neutralizing antibody titers, although there may also be a correlation with killer cell activity.  相似文献   

We describe a novel function of the Fc receptor of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), its ability to participate in antibody bipolar bridging. This refers to the binding of a single immunoglobulin G (IgG) molecule by its Fab end to its antigenic target and by its Fc end to an Fc receptor (FcR). We demonstrate that various immune IgG antibodies, including polyclonal rabbit antibodies to HSV-1 glycoproteins gC1 and gD1 and monoclonal human antibody to gD1 blocked rosetting of IgG-coated erythrocytes at IgG concentrations 100- to 2,000-fold lower than required for rosette inhibition with nonimmune IgG. Steric hindrance did not account for the observed differences between immune and nonimmune IgG since rabbit anti-gC1 F(ab')2 fragments did not block rosetting. Murine anti-gC1 or anti-gD1 IgG, a species of IgG incapable of binding by its Fc end to the HSV-1 FcR, also did not block rosetting. When cells were infected with a gC1-deficient mutant, anti-gC1 IgG inhibited rosetting to the same extent as nonimmune IgG. This indicates that binding by the Fab end of the IgG molecule was required for maximum inhibition of rosetting. Bipolar bridging was shown to occur even when small concentrations of immune IgG were present in physiologic concentrations of nonimmune IgG. The biologic relevance of antibody bipolar bridging was evaluated by comparing antibody- and complement-dependent virus neutralization of an FcR-negative mutant and its parent HSV-1 strain. By engaging the Fc end of antiviral IgG, the parent strain resisted neutralization mediated by the classical complement pathway. These observations provide insight into the role of the HSV-1 FcR in pathogenesis and may help explain the function of FcR detected on other microorganisms.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) glycoprotein heterodimer gE/gI is necessary for virus spread in epithelial and neuronal tissues. Deletion of the relatively large gE cytoplasmic (CT) domain abrogates the ability of gE/gI to mediate HSV spread. The gE CT domain is required for the sorting of gE/gI to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) in early stages of virus infection, and there are several recognizable TGN sorting motifs grouped near the center of this domain. Late in HSV infection, gE/gI, other viral glycoproteins, and enveloped virions redistribute from the TGN to epithelial cell junctions, and the gE CT domain is also required for this process. Without the gE CT domain, newly enveloped virions are directed to apical surfaces instead of to cell junctions. We hypothesized that the gE CT domain promotes virus envelopment into TGN subdomains from which nascent enveloped virions are sorted to cell junctions, a process that enhances cell-to-cell spread. To characterize elements of the gE CT domain involved in intracellular trafficking and cell-to-cell spread, we constructed a panel of truncation mutants. Specifically, these mutants were used to address whether sorting to the TGN and redistribution to cell junctions are necessary, and sufficient, for gE/gI to promote cell-to-cell spread. gE-519, lacking 32 C-terminal residues, localized normally to the TGN early in infection and then trafficked to cell junctions at late times and mediated virus spread. By contrast, mutants gE-495 (lacking 56 C-terminal residues) and gE-470 (lacking 81 residues) accumulated in the TGN but did not traffic to cell junctions and did not mediate cell-to-cell spread. A fourth mutant, gE-448 (lacking most of the CT domain), did not localize to cell junctions and did not mediate virus spread. Therefore, the capacity of gE/gI to promote cell-cell spread requires early localization to the TGN, but this is not sufficient for virus spread. Additionally, gE CT sequences between residues 495 and 519, which contain no obvious cell sorting motifs, are required to promote gE/gI traffic to cell junctions and cell-to-cell spread.  相似文献   

Egress of herpes capsids from the nucleus to the plasma membrane is a complex multistep transport event that is poorly understood. The current model proposes an initial envelopment at the inner nuclear membrane of capsids newly assembled in the nucleus. The capsids are then released in cytosol by fusion with the outer nuclear membrane. They are finally reenveloped at a downstream organelle before traveling to the plasma membrane for their extracellular release. Although the trans-Golgi network (TGN) is often cited as a potential site of reenvelopment, other organelles have also been proposed, including the Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment, aggresomes, tegusomes, and early or late endosomes. To clarify this important issue, we followed herpes simplex virus type 1 egress by immunofluorescence under conditions that slowed intracellular transport and promoted the accumulation of the otherwise transient reenvelopment intermediate. The data show that the capsids transit by the TGN and point to this compartment as the main reenvelopment site, although a contribution by endosomes cannot formally be excluded. Given that viral glycoproteins are expected to accumulate where capsids acquire their envelope, we examined this prediction and found that all tested could indeed be detected at the TGN. Moreover, this accumulation occurred independently of capsid egress. Surprisingly, capsids were often found immediately adjacent to the viral glycoproteins at the TGN.  相似文献   

We detected a glycoprotein on the surface of cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) which, in conjunction with gE, binds immunoglobulin G (IgG). The novel glycoprotein, which has an apparent molecular mass of 70 kilodaltons and was provisionally named g70, was first detected in extracts of HSV-1-infected cells labeled by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination and precipitated with rabbit sera or IgG and protein A-Sepharose. In subsequent experiments, g70 and gE were coprecipitated from extracts of HSV-1-infected cells labeled with [35S]methionine, [35S]cysteine, or 14C-amino acids. We were unable to precipitate a polypeptide analogous to g70 or gE from extracts of HSV-2-infected cells with rabbit IgG and protein A-Sepharose. Partial proteolytic peptide analysis indicated that g70 is structurally distinct from gE and gI). In addition, g70 was electrophoretically distinct from the HSV-1 Us4 glycoprotein gG. HSV-1 gE, expressed in mouse cells transfected with the gE gene, was not precipitated with rabbit IgG, nor could these cells bind radiolabeled IgG, suggesting that gE alone cannot act as an IgG (Fc) receptor. This result, coupled with the findings that gE and g70 are coprecipitated with IgG and with an anti-gE monoclonal antibody, suggests that gE and g70 form a complex which binds IgG. The electrophoretic mobilities of g70 molecules induced by different strains of HSV-1 differed markedly, arguing that g70 is encoded by the virus and is not a cellular protein induced by virus infection.  相似文献   

Tryptic peptide digests of the two viral glycoproteins (G1 and G2) of snowshow hare (SSH) virus, La Crosse, La Crosse (LAC) virus, and an SSH/LAC recombinant virus which has a large (L)/medium (M)/small (S) RNA segment genome composition of SSH/LAC/SSH were analyzed by ion-exchange column chromatography. The analyses prove that the M RNA species of bunyaviruses codes for the two viral glycoproteins.  相似文献   

During the course of infection, elements of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) genome undergo inversion, a process that is believed to occur through the viral a sequences. To investigate the mechanism of this recombinational event, we have developed an assay that detects the deletion of DNA segments flanked by directly repeated a sequences in plasmids transiently maintained in Vero cells. With this assay, we have observed a high frequency of recombination (approximately 8%) in plasmids that undergo replication in HSV-1-infected cells. We also found a low level of recombination between a sequences in plasmids introduced into uninfected cells and in unreplicated plasmids in HSV-1-infected cells. In replicating plasmids, recombination between a sequences occurs at twice the frequency seen with directly repeated copies of a different sequence of similar size. Recombination between a sequences appears to occur at approximately the same time as replication, suggesting that the processes of replication and recombination are closely linked.  相似文献   

Pseudorabies virus glycoproteins gE and gI are required to infect some, but not all, regions of the rodent central nervous system after peripheral injection. After infection of the retina, pseudorabies virus mutants lacking either gE or gI can subsequently infect neural centers involved in the control of circadian function but cannot infect visual circuits mediating visual perception or the reflex movement of the eyes. In this study, we used genetic complementation to test the hypothesis that gE and gI are required for entry into the specific retinal ganglion cells that project to visual centers. These data strongly suggest that gE and gI must function after the viruses enter primary neurons in the retina.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 2 were found to precipitate different numbers of radiolabeled polypeptides from lysates of virus-infected cells. Antibodies directed against two viral glycoproteins were characterized. Antibodies from hybridoma 17 alpha A2 precipitated a 60,000-molecular-weight polypeptide which chased into a 66,000- and 79,000-molecular-weight polypeptide. All three polypeptides labeled in the presence of [3H]glucosamine and had similar tryptic digest maps. The 60,000-molecular-weight polypeptide also chased into a 31,000-molecular-weight species which did not label with [3H]glucosamine. Antibodies from hybridoma 17 beta C2 precipitated a 50,000-molecular-weight polypeptide which chased into a 56,000- and 80,000-molecular weight polypeptide. These polypeptides also shared a similar tryptic digest map and labeled with [3H]glucosamine. Both monoclonal antibodies were herpes simplex virus type 2 specific. The viral proteins precipitated by 17 alpha A2 antibodies had characteristics similar to those reported for glycoprotein E, whereas the proteins precipitated by 17 beta C2 antibodies appeared to represent a glycoprotein not previously described. This glycoprotein should be tentatively designated glycoprotein F.  相似文献   

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