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We determined the potential nutritional levels in 25 species of plants, and in earthworms, that constitute part of the diet of white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) in Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica, from January 1998 to March 1999. The highest content of fat and energy was found in seeds of the Myristicacea family. The highest content of calcium was found in vegetative parts of Dieffenbachia spp. Nutritious contents differed among plant parts (seeds, fruits, stems and leaves). Fat and energy content were larger in seeds and fruits, whereas the largest content of protein was found in fruits and leaves. Mineral content also differed among plant parts. Calcium, potassium and magnesium were higher in leaves whereas copper and zinc were higher in seeds. Differences of diet between white-lipped peccaries in Corcovado and in other tropical regions of Latin America could be partially explained by our results. We found several species with higher fat and energy content than palms, which can explain the low consumption of palm seeds in Corcovado. It is possible that the regular consumption of stems and leaves of some species is related to their high mineral content. Seasonality of reproduction in Corcovado seems to be related not only to fruit availability but also to the nutritional quality of food.  相似文献   

We studied fruit availability, diet and habitat use by white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) in Corcovado National Park, southwest Costa Rica, from July 1996 to April 1997. The results show that the availability of important fruits for the white-lipped peccary differs between habitats and climatic seasons. Fruit availability was highest in the primary forest than secondary and coastal forest. There was a period of shortage of fruits to ends of the wet season, during which the consumption of not seasonal resources like leaves and shafts increased. The important fruits during this period of shortage were Ficus sp and Licania operculipetala. The several types of forest were used according to the fruit availability, and it was a direct relation between the consumption and the fruit availability.  相似文献   

White-lipped peccaries are non-seasonal breeders in South America, but little is known about their reproduction in Central America. There are few studies about the sex ratio of this species in the field. We studied the reproduction and sex ratio of white-lipped peccaries during 200 hours of field observation of four radiomarked and two unmarked herds, from July 1996 to April 1997, in Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica. Sex ratio data of three additional, radiomarked herds observed in 1998 were also included. We recorded numbers of mountings, presence of newborns and numbers of nursing interactions. The peccaries showed a distinct reproductive seasonality, with one mating peak in February and another in July. The greatest number of newborns and the peak in nursing activity were observed during July and August, when fruit availability for the peccaries was high. The adult sex ratio was significantly female biased (1.4:1-1.8:1), also in contrast with South American populations.  相似文献   

The land crab Gecarcinus quadratus is an engineering species that controls nutrient cycling in tropical forests. Factors regulating their coastal distribution are not fully understood. We quantified land crab distribution during the dry season at Sirena Field Station in Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica, and found that land crab burrow density decreases with increasing distance from the ocean. Leaf litter depth and tree seedling density are negatively correlated with land crab burrow density. Burrows are strongly associated with sand substrate and burrow density is comparatively low in clay substrate. Results suggest that G. quadratus is limited to a narrow coastal zone with sand substrate, and this distribution could have profound effects on plant community structure.  相似文献   

The mollusks in Manuel Antonio National Park on the central section of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica were studied along thirty-six transects done perpendicular to the shore, and by random sampling of subtidal environments, beaches and mangrove forest. Seventy-four species of mollusks belonging to three classes and 40 families were found: 63 gastropods, 9 bivalves and 2 chitons, during this study in 1995. Of these, 16 species were found only as empty shells (11) or inhabited by hermit crabs (5). Forty-eight species were found at only one locality. Half the species were found at one site, Puerto Escondido. The most diverse habitat was the low rocky intertidal zone. Nodilittorina modesta was present in 34 transects and Nerita scabricosta in 30. Nodilittorina aspera had the highest density of mollusks in the transects. Only four transects did not clustered into the four main groups. The species composition of one cluster of transects is associated with a boulder substrate, while another cluster of transects associates with site. Two clusters were not associated to any of the factors recorded. Some species were present in previous studies but absent in 1995, while others were absent in the previous studies but found in 1995. For example, Siphonaria gigas was present in 1995 in many transects with a relatively high density, but absent in 1962, probably due to human predation before the establishment of the park. Including this study, a total of 97 species of mollusks in three classes and 45 families have been reported from Manuel Antonio National Park. Sixty-nine species are new reports for the area: 53 gastropods, 14 bivalves and 2 chitons. There are probably more species of mollusks at Manuel Antonio National Park, than the 97 reported here, because some areas have not been adequately sampled (e.g., deep environments) and many micro-mollusks could not be identified.  相似文献   

We describe here morphological and functional analyses of the spermatogenic process in sexually mature white-lipped peccaries. Ten sexually mature male animals, weighing approximately 39 kg were studied. Characteristics investigated included the gonadosomatic index (GSI), relative frequency of stages of the cycle of seminiferous epithelium (CSE), cell populations present in the seminiferous epithelium in stage 1 of CSE, intrinsic rate of spermatogenesis, Sertoli cell index, height of seminiferous epithelium and diameter of seminiferous tubules, volumetric proportion of components of the testicular parenchyma and length of seminiferous tubules per testis and per gram of testis. The GSI was 0.19%, relative frequencies of pre-meiotic, meiotic and post-meiotic phases were, respectively 43.6%, 13.8% and 42.6%, general rate of spermatogenesis was 25.8, each Sertoli cell supported an average 18.4 germinative cells, height of seminiferous epithelium and diameter of seminiferous tubules were, respectively, 78.4 microm and 225.6 microm, testicular parenchyma was composed by 75.8% seminiferous tubules and 24.2% intertubular tissue, and length of seminiferous tubules per gram of testis was 15.8m. These results show that, except for overall rate of spermatogenesis, the spermatogenic process in white-lipped peccaries is very similar to that of collared peccaries, and that Sertoli cells have a greater capacity to support germinative cells than most domestic mammals.  相似文献   

A total of 25 species of echinoderms (four asteroids, six ophiuroids, five echinoids and ten holothurians) were recorded at Marino Ballena National Park, using 25 m2 quadrants, parallel to the coast, at seven sites. The ophiuroids were the most abundant group with 581 individuals and the asteroids the less abundant (48 individuals). Echinoderms densities were low, with the exception of the ophiuroids. Diversity, density and the number of groups were higher where sedimentation was lower. We suggest that sedimentation is having a negative effect on the diversity of echinoderms and on the development of the coral reefs in this park.  相似文献   

This study aimed to characterize the stages of the seminiferous epithelium cycle by the tubular morphology method, and to determine the number of differentiated spermatogonia generations in the adult white-lipped peccary. Twenty adult white-lipped peccaries, obtained from commercial slaughterhouse, were used. Fragments of the testicular parenchyma were fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde and embedded into a methacrylate resin. The number of germ and Sertoli cells was estimated by the analysis of cell populations in 50 transversal sections of seminiferous tubules in different stages of the cycle. The tubular morphology method allowed the identification of cellular associations characteristic of the eight stages of the seminiferous epithelium cycle in white-lipped peccaries. The results showed the presence of six generations of differentiated spermatogonia in white-lipped peccaries, and that the cell composition of the eight stages of the seminiferous epithelium cycle in this species is very similar to that described for collared peccaries.  相似文献   

The coral reefs at Cahuita National Park, Caribbean coast of Costa Rica, specifically at the CARICOMP site Meager Shoal, have been monitored since 1999. Complete data sets from 2000 and 2004 have shown that live coral cover has increased less than 3 % (from 15 to 17 %), but non-coralline algae cover has increased much (63 to 74 %) and coralline algae cover has decreased (17 to 5 %) significantly. The proportion of affected colonies by diseases, injuries and bleaching decreased from 24 % in 2000 to 10 % in 2004, but the difference was not statistically significant. Densities of the urchin Diadema antillarum increased, and are probably help to maintain the macroalgae biomass low, while those of Echinometra viridis decreased significantly. The coral reef at Cahuita National Park continues to be impacted by chronic terrigenous sediments and does not show a significant recovery since the late 1970's.  相似文献   

The sustainability and production of collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) has been studied in the last few years; however, further information on its reproduction is necessary for breeding systems success. Understanding folliculogenesis aspects will contribute to effective reproductive biotechniques, which are useful in the preservation and production of wildlife. The aim of this study was-to evaluate the ovarian folliculogenesis in collared peccary. Ovaries from six adult females of collared peccary were obtained through ovariectomy and analyzed. These were fixed in aqueous Bouin's solution and sectioned into 7 microm slices, stained with hematoxilin-eosin and analyzed by light microscopy. The number of pre-antral and antral follicles per ovary was estimated using the Fractionator Method. The follicles, oocytes and oocyte nuclei were measured using an ocular micrometer. Results showed that the length, width, thickness, weight, and the gross anatomy of the right and left ovaries were not significantly different. However, the mean number of corpora lutea was different between the phases of the estrous cycle (p<0.05), with the highest mean in the luteal phase. Primordial follicles were found in the cortex; the oocytes were enveloped by a single layer of flattened follicular cells. In the primary follicles, proliferation of the follicular cells gave rise to cuboidal cells (granulosa cells). The secondary follicle was characterized by two or more concentric layers of cuboidal cells (granulosa), beginning of antrum formation, and the presence of pellucid zone and theca cells. Antral follicles were characterized by a central cavity (antrum), the presence of cumulus oophorus and theca layers (interna and externa). In the right ovary, the values of the primordial and primary follicles were similar, but significantly different from the secondary ones (p<0.05). In the left ovary, significant differences were observed between all follicles in the follicular phase (p<0.05); the mean number of primordial and primary follicles was similar in the luteal phase. The mean number of pre-antral follicles and antral follicles in the follicular phase was higher in the left ovary (p<0.05). The mean number of antral follicles in the luteal phase was similar in both ovaries. We also found significant differences in mean diameter of preantral follicles, oocyte, granulosa layer and oocyte nucleus during the estrous cycle. In the antral follicles a significant difference was observed only in follicular diameter (p<0.05). The predominance of active primordial and primary follicles was found in both phases; otherwise the secondary follicles and antral follicles showed a high degree of degeneration. The results obtained in the present work will strengthen the development of biotechnology programs to improve the productive potential and conservation of the collared peccary.  相似文献   

Twins born to a young female howling monkey in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica were observed during the first 96 days of their life. The comparison of their development to that of single infants and the comparison of the behaviour of the mother of the twins to that of mothers of single infants revealed few differences. However, qualitative observations suggests that high costs are associated with maternal care of infant twins. The mother had difficulty carrying both infants and was the only female observed to become sick during the study. Increased costs of lactation were not compensated for by an increase in foraging time. It would seem that howling monkey mothers possess a maternal care system which is capable of providing suitable care to twins. However, the costs on the mother of raising twins is suggested as a factor selecting for a litter size of one.  相似文献   

Effective biodiversity conservation in national parks depends to a large extent on adjacent forest cover. While deforestation and forest fragmentation as a result of colonization and agriculture have been widespread in neotropical countries over the past few decades, in some places agricultural intensification, wage labor, and rural to urban migration are becoming the most important emerging trends. Changes like this have resulted in forest recovery in other places, mostly in temperate zones, but there have been few studies of this phenomenon in the tropics. This paper presents a case study from a national park buffer zone in Costa Rica. An expansion of Braulio Carrillo National Park (BCNP) in 1986 forced the closing of a frontier that had been characterized by spontaneous colonization and widespread forest-to-pasture conversion. After that time, the Sarapiquí region surrounding the northern sector of BCNP underwent a dramatic social and economic transformation. Population more than doubled, new roads created easy access to a coastal port and the capital city (San José), industrial agriculture and ecotourism enterprises expanded, and population and urbanization along major highways increased. In spite of government reforestation and forest protection programs and changes in rural people's attitudes favoring forest conservation, we find that there has been only slight detectable forest recovery in satellite imagery and that forest fragmentation continued, even in remote rural areas near BCNP with stable or shrinking population. We attribute this to the consolidation of landholdings into large cattle ranches and smaller hobby ranches, driven by an inflow of capital from urban areas and developed countries. This pattern has important implications for the management of this and other national park buffer zones. We suggest that strategies focused only on sustainable land use inside buffer zones are unlikely to succeed when carried out in a context of certain macro-level changes. Conservation of endangered biological resources will only be possible if we broaden our thinking about national parks and adjacent lands in the tropics to address new land ownership and use patterns that are occurring as a result of globalization, urbanization, and expanding wage labor employment.
John SchelhasEmail:

Observed patterns of variability in the food-processing behavior of white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) across populations may reflect foraging traditions. However, there has been relatively little attention given to intrapopulation variability in food processing among groups and age/sex classes, making recent cross-population comparisons difficult to interpret. In this paper, we provide data on patterns of object use in foraging that we observed at Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica, for comparison with published data from a neighboring research site, Palo Verde National Park. We also describe the techniques used to process two food items consumed by Cebus capucinus at Santa Rosa, and discuss the factors that may underlie observed variability. We conducted a 6-month study on two groups of capuchins in 2001, and collected data on general activity and feeding patterns, rates and forms of object use, and distinctive processing techniques employed for two specific foods (Sloanea terniflora and Luehea candida). Rates of object-use behavior at Santa Rosa were considerably higher than those reported for Palo Verde and showed significant variation between groups and age/sex classes, as did patterns of Sloanea and Luehea processing. Observed differences in feeding rates between groups may reflect food availability or relative profitability, whereas variation between age/sex classes seems to reflect differences in the physical capabilities, foraging strategies, and the relative experience of mature and immature animals. Further research is needed to identify how a social context may influence the acquisition of food-processing techniques in juveniles and the development of foraging traditions in social groups.  相似文献   

The digenetic community of 40 green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) was investigated at Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica. In total, 24,270 trematodes belonging to 29 species and 6 families including Clinostomidae 1, Microscaphidiidae 5, Paramphistomidae 2, Pronocephalidae 15, Rhytidodidae 2, and Spirorchiidae 4 were recorded from chelonians examined. Turtles harbored a mean of 7.63 +/- 3.5 SD species. Only 3 species, i.e., Learedius learedi, Microscaphidium reticulare, and Pyelosomum cochlear, infected more than 50% of the hosts sampled. Learedius learedi was the most prevalent (97.5%) and the second most abundant species with a mean of 25.6 +/- 21.6 SD. Only 1 core species, M. reticulare, was recovered from the gastrointestinal tract; it was the most abundant parasite, with a mean intensity of 477 +/- 1,180 SD, and the second most prevalent (77.5%). Diversity values ranged from 0.10 to 2.10, with a mean of 1.00 +/- 0.43 SD for the total component community and from 0.10 to 1.84, with a mean of 0.79 +/- 0.41 SD, for the gastrointestinal component community. Species richness was the highest recorded from a sea turtle species. All digenetic species were recorded from Costa Rica for the first time. This represents the first report on the helminth community of the green turtle.  相似文献   

Tayassuidae represent one of the first mammalian immigrants that entered South America during the “Great American Biotic Interchange.” However, the exact moment of its arrival for the first time in South America is controversial. Three genera are recognized in South America: Platygonus, Catagonus, and Tayassu. This paper aims to: (1) review the paleontological record of the South American Tayassuidae and update it; and (2) discuss its geographical and statigraphical distribution pattern in South America. The genus Platygonus (middle Pliocene to early Pleistocene) is registered in Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, and Bolivia; Catagonus (late Pliocene? to Recent) in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, and Bolivia; and Tayassu (middle Pleistocene to Recent) in Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. Platygonus and Catagonus have adaptations to dry and relatively open environments; in contrast, Tayassu is adapted mainly to humid climates and woodland and forest environments. The faunal changes that took place since the middle-late Pliocene could have been strongly influenced by climate. Open and arid environments developed during the glacial cycles, allowing the latitudinal expansion of Platygonus and Catagonus. Considering ecological and anatomical information, it is possible to infer that Platygonus species were replaced by those of Catagonus since the middle Pleistocene, probably due to a reduction of the open environments to which Platygonus species were better adapted. The alternation of these mainly arid or semiarid, cold conditions with warmer and more humid short pulses would have allowed the posterior expansion of Tayassu species. According to phylogenetic analysis and chronological as well as geographical evidence, Platygonus and Catagonus represent two Tayassuidae lineages that originated in North America and then migrated to South America. This migration would have occurred on more than one occasion and with different taxa. Evidence indicates that Tayassu represents a lineage that differentiated in the Southern Hemisphere and then migrated to North America.  相似文献   

John A.  Byers 《Journal of Zoology》1983,201(1):83-96
Is there a predictable relationship between species-typical behavioural development and social organization in mammals? Earlier work on canids and rodents suggested that adult sociality is associated with a developmental schedule in which juveniles showed, among themselves: (1) frequent social play; (2) frequent amicable contact; (3) frequent olfactory contact; (4) a delay in the emergence of agonistic behaviour. In the highly social Collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) the behaviour of juveniles conformed only partially to this scheme. Juveniles engaged in social play with each other at an early age, but showed no other observable amicable or olfactory contact until eight to twelve weeks of age and showed no delay in the emergence of agonistic behaviour among themselves. Adults, in contrast, were conspicuously tolerant of juveniles, and 86% of juvenile social interactions in the first year took place with adults.  相似文献   

From 1993 to 1997, we observed Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) feeding behavior in Central Pacific Costa Rica. Feeding data acquired in this study were not collected systematically, but opportunistically whenever macaws were observed feeding. To supplement feeding observations, we conducted interviews with local residents. Scarlet Macaws fed on seeds, fruits, leaves, flowers and/or bark of 43 plant species. Various plant parts eaten by macaws from several tree species contain secondary compounds toxic to humans, and additional species included in their diet are nonnative, introduced for agricultural purposes. Important macaw feeding tree species are Ceiba pentandra, Schizolobium parahybum, and Hura crepitans; these species are also crucial to this macaw population because of nest cavities they provide. The results of this study contribute to the conservation of Scarlet Macaws in Central Pacific Costa Rica through promoting protection of individual trees, and through local elementary school reforestation programs focusing on tree species that macaws use for feeding and/or nesting. Scarlet Macaw conservation is extremely important, as numerous population pressures have caused significant declines in macaw numbers in Costa Rica.  相似文献   

Seasonal fluctuations in the wolf diet in the Hustai National Park (Mongolia) were determined by analysing wolf scats that were collected from 1994–1997. Except for July, August and September, at least 50% of the frequency of occurrence of prey items in wolf scats consisted of livestock. The frequency of occurrence of wild ungulates ranged from 8–43%, and wild ungulates were most often consumed in July, August and October, but seldom in June. Our study suggested that most seasonal changes in the wolf diet were effected by the life history of red deer. The occurrence of wild ungulates in the wolf diet coincided with the availability and vulnerability of calves. To reduce livestock losses and poaching of wolves we recommend more wolf research, protection and monitoring of both wild prey populations and wolves, and the reintroduction of livestock guarding dogs and year-round guarding of domestic horses.


Saisonale Fluktuationen von Wolfsnahrung im Hustai Nationalpark (Mongolei)Anhand von Kotproben von Wölfen, die von 1994 bis 1997 gesammelt wurden, konnten saisonale Fluktuationen der Wolfsdiät im Nationalpark Hustai (Mongolei) festgestellt werden. Mit Ausnahme der Monate Juli, August und September bestand mindestens 50% der im Wolfskot vorgefundenen Beutereste aus Nutztieren. Wildungulat–traten in 8 bis 43% der Proben auf und wurden am häufigsten in den Monaten Juli, August und Oktober genutzt, jedoch kaum im Juni. Diese Untersuchung deutet darauf hin, dass saisonale Veränderungen der Wolfsdiät wahrscheinlich von der Biologie der Rothirsche beeinflusst werden, da die Abnahme von Wildungulaten in der Wolfnahrumg in den Zeitraum der Kälbergeburten fiel, während die Zunahme von Wildungulaten mit jener Periode koinzidierte, in der sich neu geborene Kälber den Herden anschlossen und die Brunftzeit stattfand. Um sowohl den Verlust von Nutzvieh als auch das Wildern auf Wölfe zu vermindern, empfehlen wir die Wolfsforschung zu verstärken, das Monitoring und den Schutz von Wolfs- und Wildbeutepopulationen zu verbessern, die Wiedereinführung von Hütehunden sowie die ganzjährige Überwachung von Nutzpferden.  相似文献   

Although wild cebus monkeys have been observed to use tools, this behavior has been reported only rarely. No one has systematically examined tool use in wildCebus, and it is not known how prevalent tool use is in the species' natural repertoire. During 300 hr of observation on 21 wild capuchins (Cebus capucinus imitator) at Santa Rosa National Park in Costa Rica, 31 incidents of tool use, including eight different types of tool-use behavior, were observed. These observations indicate that tool use is a notable behavior pattern in this troop. Considering these incidents of tool use in conjunction with other reports on complex food-getting and preparation behavior byCebus suggests that tool use is a manifestation ofCebus' high behavioral adaptability. Since onlyCebus and the great apes (especially chimpanzees) have been observed to show such a diverse tool-use repertoire, to use tools so frequently, or to show such complex food-getting behavior in the wild, these observations also support the notion thatCebus and the great apes have followed a parallel evolutionary development of tool-using capacity.  相似文献   

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