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We used the yeast two-hybrid system to show that the serum response factor (SRF) and zinc-fingers and homeobox 1 (ZHXI) proteins interact with the A subunit of nuclear factor-Y (NF-YA). GST pulldown assays revealed that both proteins interact specifically with NF-YA in vitro. Amino acids located between 272 and 564, a region that contains two homeodomains, are required for the interaction of ZHX1 with NF-YA. Two different domains of NF-YA, a glutamine-rich region and a serine/threonine-rich region, are necessary for the interactions with ZHX1 and SRF, respectively.  相似文献   

Proteins from leukocytes were investigated for their ability to interact with ceruloplasmin (Cp), a copper-containing glycoprotein of human plasma. Extract from leukocytes was subjected to affinity chromatography on Cp-Sepharose, after which proteins were eluted from the resin with 0.5 M NaCl in Tris-HCl, pH 7.4. SDS-PAGE of the eluate revealed protein bands with molecular weights 78, 57, 40, 30, 16, and 12 kD. Among these, Western blotting detected myeloperoxidase (57, 40, and 12 kD) and lactoferrin (78 kD). Also, the 30-kD component had a sequence (1)I-(2)I/V-(3)G-(4)G-(5)R/H at the N-terminus that is likely to indicate the presence of neutrophilic elastase, cathepsin G, proteinase 3, and azurocidin (CAP 37) - all from the family of serprocidins. Mass spectrometry of tryptic fragments indicated the presence of the 16-kD eosinophilic cationic protein (seven peptides), 27-kD cathepsin G (eleven peptides), 27-kD azurocidin (eight peptides), 29-kD neutrophilic elastase (seven peptides), and 27-kD proteinase 3 (six peptides). Myeloperoxidase was represented by 57-, 40-, and 12-kD fragments (thirteen, ten, and four peptides, respectively). Thus, interaction with Cp of five cationic proteins, i.e. of eosinophilic cationic protein, cathepsin G, neutrophilic elastase, proteinase 3, and azurocidin is reported for the first time.  相似文献   

The identity of DNA replication proteins and cell cycle regulatory proteins which can be found in complexes involving PCNA were investigated by the use of PCNA immobilized on Sepharose 4B. A column containing bovine serum albumin (BSA) bound to Sepharose was used as a control. Fetal calf thymus extracts were chromatographed on PCNA-Sepharose and BSA-Sepharose. The columns were washed and then eluted with 0.5 M KCl. The salt eluates were examined for the presence of both DNA replication proteins (Pol alpha, delta, straightepsilon, PCNA, RFC, RFA, DNA ligase I, NDH II, Topo I and Topo II) and cell cycle proteins (Cyclins A, B1, D1, D2, D3, E, CDK2, CDK4, CDK5 and p21) by western blotting with specific antibodies. The DNA replication proteins which bound to PCNA-Sepharose included DNA polymerase delta and straightepsilon, PCNA, the 37 and 40 kDa subunits of RFC, the 70 kDa subunit of RPA, NDH II and topoisomerase I. No evidence for the binding of DNA polymerase alpha, DNA ligase I or topoisomerase II was obtained. Of the cell cycle proteins investigated, CDK2, CDK4 and CDK5 were bound. This study presents strong evidence that PCNA is a component of protein complexes containing DNA replication, repair and cell cycle regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

The transport of proteins into the nucleus requires not only the presence of a nuclear transport signal on the targeted protein but also the signal recognition proteins and the nuclear pore translocation apparatus. Complicating the search for the signal recognition proteins is the fact that the nuclear transport signals identified share little obvious homology. In this study, synthetic peptides homologous to the nuclear transport signals from the simian virus 40 large T antigen, Xenopus oocyte nucleoplasmin, adenovirus E1A, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae MAT alpha 2 proteins were coupled to a UV-photoactivable cross-linker and iodinated for use in an in vitro cross-linking reaction with cellular lysates. Four proteins, p140, p100, p70, and p55, which specifically interacted with the nuclear transport signal peptides were identified. Unique patterns of reactivity were observed with closely related pairs of nuclear transport signal peptides. Competition experiments with labeled and unlabeled peptides demonstrated that heterologous signals were able to bind the same protein and suggested that diverse signals use a common transport pathway. The subcellular distribution of the four nuclear transport signal-binding proteins suggested that nuclear transport involves both cytoplasmic and nuclear receptors. The four proteins were not bound by wheat germ agglutinin and were not associated tightly with the nuclear pore complex.  相似文献   

Nedd4 is a HECT domain-containing ubiquitin ligase that mediates ubiquitylation and proteasome degradation of target proteins. The molecular basis for the interaction of Nedd4 with substrates lies in its WW domains, which can bind proline-rich (PY) domains in target proteins. Nedd4 is a developmentally expressed protein and may have a fundamental role to play in embryonic processes. However, whether Nedd4 has such a function is currently unknown, in part because few developmentally regulated ubiquitylation substrates have been identified or characterized. We have carried out a yeast two-hybrid screen and identified four proteins expressed in the mid-gestation embryo that are able to interact with Nedd4. Characterization of their functional interaction with Nedd4 in vitro and in vivo demonstrated that three of the four are bona fide Nedd4 binding partners, and two have the capacity to be ubiquitylation substrates. One of these is the first identified nonviral substrate for Nedd4-mediated monoubiquitylation. Interestingly, neither of these two ubiquitylated proteins interacts with Nedd4 through PY-mediated mechanisms. For one of the three Nedd4 binding partners, there was no discernable evidence of ubiquitylation. However, this protein clearly associates with Nedd4 through its PY domains and can alter the location of Nedd4 in cells, suggesting a role other than as a ubiquitylation substrate.  相似文献   

The post-translational transport of cytoplasmically synthesized precursor proteins into chloroplasts requires proteins in the envelope membranes. To identify some of these proteins, label transfer cross-linking was performed using precursor to the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (prSSU) that was blocked at an early stage of the transport process. Two envelope proteins were identified: an 86-kD protein and a 75-kD protein, both present in the outer membrane. Labeling of both proteins required prSSU and could not be accomplished with SSU lacking a transit peptide. Labeling of the 75-kD protein occurred only when low levels of ATP were present, whereas labeling of the 86-kD protein occurred in the absence of exogenous ATP. Although both labeled proteins were identified as proteins of the outer envelope membrane, the labeled form of the 75-kD protein could only be detected in fractions containing mixed envelope membranes. Based on these observations, we propose that prSSU first binds in an ATP-independent fashion to the 86-kD protein. The energy-requiring step is association with the 75-kD protein and assembly of a translocation contact site between the inner and outer membrane of the chloroplastic envelope.  相似文献   

Platelets contain exceptionally high levels of pp60c-src and, thus, provide a convenient system for investigating the physiological function of this protein-tyrosine kinase. We have employed chemical cross-linking of myristylated amino-terminal peptides of pp60c-src to platelet membranes in order to identify platelet membrane components that interact with pp60c-src to regulate or mediate its activity. We detected specific binding of radioiodinated peptides to platelet membrane proteins of 32, 50, 92, and 105 kDa. The 32-kDa protein may be related to the putative src receptor component recently identified in fibroblast membranes. The most reactive platelet protein, however, is the 50-kDa protein, which is either absent or nonreactive in fibroblast membranes. Binding of src peptides to this protein was saturable, and we estimate the presence of approximately 1 x 10(6) of the 50-kDa binding sites per platelet. The specificity of the peptide binding to the 50- and 32-kDa platelet proteins was analyzed by competition with different peptides. The binding sites displayed an absolute requirement for an N-myristoyl moiety and a strong preference for pp60c-src amino-terminal sequences. The identification of these src-interacting proteins may help to decipher the biochemical pathways in which platelet pp60c-src is involved.  相似文献   

Tsui S  Dai T  Roettger S  Schempp W  Salido EC  Yen PH 《Genomics》2000,65(3):266-273
The human DAZ (deleted in azoospermia) gene family on the Y chromosome and an autosomal DAZ-like gene, DAZL1, encode RNA-binding proteins that are expressed exclusively in germ cells. Their role in spermatogenesis is supported by their homology with a Drosophila male infertility gene boule and sterility of Daz11 knock-out mice. While all mammals contain a DAZL1 homologue on their autosomes, DAZ homologues are present only on the Y chromosomes of great apes and Old World monkeys. The DAZ and DAZL1 proteins differ in the copy numbers of a DAZ repeat and the C-terminal sequences. We studied the interaction of DAZ and DAZL1 with other proteins as an approach to investigate functional similarity between these two proteins. Using DAZ as bait in a yeast two-hybrid system, we isolated two DAZAP (DAZ-associated protein) genes. DAZAP1 encodes a novel RNA-binding protein that is expressed most abundantly in the testis, and DAZAP2 encodes a ubiquitously expressed protein with no recognizable functional motif. DAZAP1 and DAZAP2 bind similarly to both DAZ and DAZL1 through the DAZ repeats. The DAZAP genes were mapped to chromosomal regions 19p13.3 and 2q33-q34, respectively, where no genetic diseases affecting spermatogenesis are known to map.  相似文献   

The SV40 T antigen (T)/adenovirus E1A-binding domain of the retinoblastoma gene product (pRB) has been fused to S. japonicum glutathione S-transferase, and the chimera, bound to insoluble glutathione, was used to search for cellular proteins that can interact specifically with pRB. At least seven such proteins were detected in extracts of multiple human tumor cell lines. These proteins failed to bind to a family of pRB fusion proteins that harbor inactivating mutations in the T/E1A-binding domain and to the wild-type fusion protein in the presence of a peptide replica of the pRB-binding domain of T. Therefore, the binding of one or more of these proteins may contribute to the growth-suppressing function of pRB.  相似文献   

Direct IAP binding protein with low pI/second mitochondrial activator of caspases, HtrA2/Omi and GstPT/eRF3 are mammalian proteins that bind via N-terminal inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) binding motifs (IBMs) to the baculoviral IAP repeat (BIR) domains of IAPs. These interactions can prevent IAPs from inhibiting caspases, or displace active caspases, thereby promoting cell death. We have identified several additional potential IAP antagonists, including glutamate dehydrogenase (GdH), Nipsnap 3 and 4, CLPX, leucine-rich pentatricopeptide repeat motif-containing protein and 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase. All are mitochondrial proteins from which N-terminal import sequences are removed generating N-terminal IBMs. Whereas most of these proteins have alanine at the N-terminal position, as observed for previously described antagonists, GdH has an N-terminal serine residue that is essential for X-linked IAP (XIAP) interaction. These newly described IAP binding proteins interact with XIAP mainly via BIR2, with binding eliminated or significantly reduced by a single point mutation (D214S) within this domain. Through this interaction, many are able to antagonise XIAP inhibition of caspase 3 in vitro.  相似文献   

The function of proteins that interact with mRNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Specific proteins are associated with mRNA in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. The complement of associated proteins depends upon whether the mRNA is an integral component of the polysomal complex being translated, or, alternatively, whether it is part of the non-translated free mRNP fraction. By subjecting cells to ultraviolet irradiation in vivo to cross-link proteins to mRNA, mRNP proteins have been shown to be associated with specific regions of the mRNA molecule. Examination of mRNP complexes containing a unique mRNA has suggested that not all mRNA contain the same family of associated RNA binding proteins. The function of mRNA associated proteins may include a role in providing stability for mRNA, and/or in modulating translation. With the recent demonstrations that both free and polysomal mRNPs are associated with the cytoskeletal framework, specific mRNP proteins may play a role in determining the subcellular localization of specific mRNPs.  相似文献   

C Zwieb 《Nucleic acids research》1992,20(17):4397-4400
A group of RNA binding proteins, termed tetraloop binding proteins, includes ribosomal protein S15 and protein SRP19 of signal recognition particle. They are primary RNA binding proteins, recognize RNA tetranucleotide loops with a GNAR consensus motif, and require a helical region located adjacent to the tetraloop. Closely related RNA structures that fit these criteria appear in helix 6 of SRP RNA, in helices 22 and 23A of 16 S ribosomal RNA, and, as a pseudoknot, in the regulatory region of the rpsO gene.  相似文献   

The alphaherpesvirus pseudorabies virus (PrV) has been shown to attach to cells by interaction between the viral glycoprotein gC and cell membrane proteoglycans carrying heparan sulfate chains (HSPGs). A secondary binding step requires gD and presumably another, hitherto unidentified cellular receptor. By use of a virus overlay protein binding assay (VOPBA), cosedimentation analyses, and affinity chromatography, we identified three species of cell membrane constituents that bind PrV. By treatment with EDTA, peripheral HSPGs of very high apparent molecular mass (>200 kDa) could be extracted from Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells. Binding of PrV to these HSPGs in the VOPBA was sensitive to enzymatic digestion with heparinase or papain. Cosedimentation analyses indicated that binding between PrV and high-molecular-weight HSPG depended on the presence of gC in the virion. In addition, adsorption of radiolabeled PrV virions to cells could be inhibited by the addition of purified high-molecular-weight HSPG. By using urea extraction buffer, a second species of HSPG of approximately 140 kDa could be solubilized. Binding of PrV to this HSPG in the VOPBA was also dependent on the presence of heparan sulfate, since reactivity was abolished after suppression of glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis with NaClO3 and after heparinase treatment. In addition to HSPG, in cellular membrane extracts obtained by treatment with mild detergent, a 85-kDa membrane protein was demonstrated to bind PrV in the VOPBA and affinity chromatography. In summary, we identified three species of cell membrane constituents that bind PrV: a peripheral HSPG of high molecular weight, an integral HSPG of approximately 140 kDa, and an integral membrane protein of 85 kDa. It is tempting to speculate that interaction between PrV and the two species of HSPG mediates primary attachment of PrV and that the 85-kDa protein is involved in a subsequent attachment step.  相似文献   

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