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P. Govindarajulu W. Hunte L. A. Vermeer J. A. Horrocks 《International journal of primatology》1993,14(5):701-719
We describe the ontogeny of social play over the first 30 weeks of age in a troop of feral vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) in Barbados. Play time increased rapidly for the first 10 weeks but remained relatively constant thereafter. The form of play changed with infant age; bouts became more frequent but of shorter duration. Play time, bout frequency, and bout duration at a given age differed between infants; younger infants altered their play patterns to complement those of older infants. All infants played more within their own year class than with older juveniles; play time increased with decreasing age difference between the infant and the play partner. Infants terminated a higher proportion of their play bouts the greater the age difference between themselves and their play partners. Preferred play partners are therefore individuals of similar age that will be similar in size and have matched motivation to play and form of play. Neither play time nor proportion of bouts initiated or terminated was correlated with the social rank of the play partner, which suggests that play is not directed toward individuals that may be high-value alliance partners. Maternal intervention in play occurred primarily when infants were<10 weeks old. It was not correlated with the age or social rank of the mother or with the age or social rank of her infant's play partner. Infants played more and terminated a lower proportion of their play bouts in the absence of their mothers than in their presence. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the primary function of early play is to enhance physical fitness and to develop coordination and other fighting skills, with minimal risk of injury. 相似文献
Chapman CA Chapman LJ Naughton-Treves L Lawes MJ McDowell LR 《American journal of primatology》2004,62(2):55-69
Understanding the determinants of animal abundance has become more vital as ecologists are increasingly asked to apply their knowledge to the construction of informed management plans. However, there are few general models are available to explain variation in abundance. Some notable exceptions are studies of folivorous primates, in which the protein-to-fiber ratio of foods has been shown to predict biomass. Here we examine the generality of Milton's [American Naturalist 114:363-378, 1979] protein/fiber model by providing a detailed analysis of diet selection in black-and-white colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza), and applying the model to populations shown to be stable; an assumption not previously examined. Based on observations of two groups of black-and-white colobus in Kibale National Park, Uganda, and one group in a forest fragment, we documented that the animals selected young leaves that had more protein, were more digestible, and had a higher protein-to-fiber ratio than mature leaves. The mature leaves did not differ from young leaves with respect to secondary compounds or mineral content (with the exceptions of copper and zinc). All of the colobus groups selected foods with a high protein-to-fiber ratios. However, one group also selected more digestible foods, and in another group, foraging efforts were positively related to zinc and negatively related to potassium. Previous studies that examined Milton's protein/fiber model did not demonstrate that the study populations were stable. If some populations were not at carrying capacity, then the correlations drawn between food availability and/or quality and folivore biomass may have been spurious. To address this issue, we censused a series of forest fragments in 1995 and again in 2000. We found that the populations in these fragments had declined from 165 in 1995 to 119 animals in 2000. However, based on evidence of population stability and lack of forest disturbance, we concluded that five of the original populations were stable. The biomass of these populations was related to the protein-to-fiber ratio of the fragment's trees. Combining our data with published data, we demonstrate that the protein-to-fiber ratios of mature leaves available to these folivorous primates accounted for 87% of the variance in their biomass. 相似文献
Microsatellite polymorphisms are playing an increasingly vital role in primatological research, and are particularly useful for paternity exclusion in both wild and captive populations. Although vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops) are commonly studied in both settings, few previous studies have utilized microsatellite markers for assessing genetic variation in this species. In a pilot project to assess paternity in the UCLA-VA Vervet Monkey Research Colony (VMRC), we screened 55 commercially available human microsatellite markers chosen from a panel of 370 that have been shown to be polymorphic in baboons (Papio hamadryas). Using a standard PCR protocol, 43 (78%) loci produced amplifiable product. Of these, 14 were polymorphic and 11 were genotyped in 51 individuals, including 19 offspring and 14 potential sires. The average heterozygosity across the 11 loci was.719. In all 19 paternity cases all but one male was excluded as the true sire at two or more loci. This includes successfully distinguishing between two maternal half-sib brothers who were potential sires in most of the paternity cases. Given that the colony is descended from 54 wild-caught founders trapped between 1975 and 1987 from an introduced population on St. Kitts, West Indies, these values imply high microsatellite variability in natural vervet populations. Our results provide a panel of markers derived from the human genome that is suitable for assessing genetic variation and paternity in vervets. 相似文献
Anne C. Keddy 《American journal of primatology》1986,10(2):125-134
Female mate choice was examined in a captive group of vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus). Male-female interactions were examined under both dyadic and group conditions to determine whether females mate with different males under the two conditions. Results showed that all females preferred to mate with the alpha male under both dyadic and group conditions. Alpha females, however, were more successful than subordinate females in rejecting the sexual solicitations of subordinate males. Thus female dominance status played an important role in determining the degree to which females exercised mate choice. 相似文献
Friel JK Andrews WL Jackson SE Longerich HP Mercer C McDonald A Dawson B Sutradhar B 《Biological trace element research》1999,67(3):225-247
To examine longitudinal and gestational effects of mineral content in human milk, we analyzed human milk from lactating mothers
of premature (PRT,n = 24, < 2000g birth weight, < 37 wk gestation) and fullterm (FT,n = 19, > 2500g, 39–41 wk gestation), living in Newfoundland, Canada. Samples were collected once a week for 8 wk with one final sample collected
at 3 mo. Milk samples collected in acid-washed containers were wet ashed with concentrated HNO3, and barium, cadmium, calcium, cesium, cobalt, copper, cerium, lanthanum, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, lead,
rubidium, tin, strontium, and zinc were measured using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Data were analyzed using
standard multiple-regression procedures with correlated data analyses to take account of the relationship between successive
weeks. Results indicated lower Ca and Pb in PRT milk. Calcium was the only nutritionally significant element to differ between
groups. Molybdenum in both PRT and FT milk showed a definite decrease with time, suggesting that the Mo content in milk is
homeostatically regulated. However, Ce, La, Ba, and Sn did not display any pattern indicative of biological regulation and
potential human requirement. 相似文献
《Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience》2019,13(4):750-759
Vitamin B12 is synthesised in the rumen from cobalt (Co) and has a major role in metabolism in the peri-paturient period, although few studies have evaluated the effect of the dietary inclusion of Co, vitamin B12 or injecting vitamin B12 on the metabolism, health and performance of high yielding dairy cows. A total of 56 Holstein-Friesian dairy cows received one of four treatments from 8 weeks before calving to 8 weeks post-calving: C, no added Co; DC, additional 0.2 mg Co/kg dry matter (DM); DB, additional 0.68 mg vitamin B12/kg DM; IB, intra-muscular injection of vitamin B12 to supply 0.71 mg/cow per day prepartum and 1.42 mg/cow per day post-partum. The basal and lactation rations both contained 0.21 mg Co/kg DM. Cows were weighed and condition scored at drying off, 4 weeks before calving, within 24 h of calving and at 2, 4 and 8 weeks post-calving, with blood samples collected at drying off, 2 weeks pre-calving, calving and 2, 4 and 8 weeks post-calving. Liver biopsy samples were collected from all animals at drying off and 4 weeks post-calving. Live weight changed with time, but there was no effect of treatment (P>0.05), whereas cows receiving IB had the lowest mean body condition score and DB the highest (P<0.05). There was no effect of treatment on post-partum DM intake, milk yield or milk fat concentration (P>0.05) with mean values of 21.6 kg/day, 39.6 kg/day and 40.4 g/kg, respectively. Cows receiving IB had a higher plasma vitamin B12 concentration than those receiving any of the other treatments (P<0.001), but there was no effect (P>0.05) of treatment on homocysteine or succinate concentrations, although mean plasma methylmalonic acid concentrations were lower (P=0.019) for cows receiving IB than for Control cows. Plasma β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations increased sharply at calving followed by a decline, but there was no effect of treatment. Similarly, there was no effect (P>0.05) of treatment on plasma non-esterified fatty acids or glucose. Whole tract digestibility of DM and fibre measured at week 7 of lactation were similar between treatments, and there was little effect of treatment on the milk fatty acid profile except for C15:0, which was lower in cows receiving DC than IB (P<0.05). It is concluded that a basal dietary concentration of 0.21 mg Co/kg DM is sufficient to meet the requirements of high yielding dairy cows during the transition period, and there is little benefit from additional Co or vitamin B12. 相似文献
Ellen S. Dierenfeld Marianne P. Fitzpatrick Tara C. Douglas Stacey A. Dennison 《Zoo biology》1996,15(1):83-88
Calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (MD), and zinc (Zn) concentrations were measured in whole mice (five sizes) and rats (six sizes). Ca concentrations increased with age in both mice (1.2–2.3%) and rats (1.9–3.3%). Mg levels ranged from 0.09 to 0.13% (mice) and from 0.11 to 0.18% (rats), with the medium-size class of both species having the highest values. Cu (7.9–19.2 and 10.8–60.6 mg/kg) and Zn (58.0–82.5 and 73.2–113.6 mg/kg) generally decreased with age in both species, while Mn levels tended to increase with age (0.2–13.1 mg/kg, mice; 6.2–28.3 mg/kg, rats). Fe values were highest in neonates and adult size classes, ranging from 113.4 to 181.3 mg/kg (mice) and 111.3 to 332.6 mg/kg (rats). Rats usually contained higher concentrations of individual minerals than equivalent age categories of mice, even though both were fed identical diets. All rodents analyzed generally met known dietary requirements of mammalian carnivores, but differences between mice and rats were apparent. Specific mineral nutrient requirements for carnivorous birds and reptiles have not been determined. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Lynne A. Isbell Jill D. Pruetz Bernard Musyoka Nzuma Truman P. Young 《American journal of primatology》1999,48(2):87-98
Travel costs can influence numerous aspects of the lives of primates, including net energy balance (and therefore reproductive success of females) and maximum group size. Despite their potential impact, there has been no systematic comparison of different measures of travel distance. We compared three measures of travel distance in 30 min (actual distance of individuals, straight‐line distance of individuals, and straight‐line distance of groups) and their ratios in a small group and a large group of vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) and between the large group of vervets and a group of patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) of roughly similar size. The large group of vervets traveled farther than the small group regardless of the measure used, but the ratios of the different measures were not significantly different between those groups. Patas monkeys traveled significantly farther than the large group of vervets regardless of the measure used. In both vervets and patas, straight‐line distances of individuals (ISLD) and groups (GSLD) underestimated actual distances traveled by individuals (IAD), but the degree to which they did so differed between species. IAD is more accurate than the other two measures and is preferred for studies of energetics and individual reproductive success, although ISLD or GSLD may be substituted when the ratios of IAD/ISLD or IAD/GSLD do not differ between groups or species. The ratio of IAD/ISLD was larger in vervets than in patas, suggesting that individual vervets meander more over short periods of time than patas. The ratio of ISLD/GSLD was larger in patas than in vervets, suggesting that patas move at angles or across the group's center‐of‐mass whereas vervets move more consistently along with others in their group. This has implications for the formation of spatial subgroups and alliances within groups. Am. J. Primatol. 48:87–98, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
乳蛋白的主要组分及其研究现状 总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22
乳蛋白是乳中最重要的成分,包括酪蛋白、乳清蛋白和乳脂肪球膜蛋白等。本文对乳中主要蛋白质的结构组成特点、分泌的规律和功能等进行了综述,并介绍了国内外乳蛋白研究的最新进展及其研究乳蛋白的意义。 相似文献
Three cases of spontaneous cataracts were investigated in a colony of African green monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops). Clinical, pathological and microbiological investigations were conducted in two cases of juvenile cataracts and in one case of a mature cataract. These investigations revealed no indication of an infection as the cause of cataract development. A genetic correlation existed between the affected individuals. Clinical chemistry gave a hint that calcium might be a \"key factor\" in the development of these cataracts: in both cases of the juvenile cataracts, the calcium content in the serum and in the aqueous humor was clearly decreased in the affected babies. The calcium uptake in the affected baby itself was not altered but the calcium content in the mother's milk was low. 相似文献
《Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience》2013,7(11):1893-1899
The aim of this trial was to study the concentration of zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), selenium (Se), cobalt (Co) and iodine (I) in milk and blood serum of lactating donkeys, taking into account the effects of lactation stage and dietary supplementation with trace elements. During a 3-month period, 16 clinically healthy lactating donkeys (Martina-Franca-derived population), randomly divided into two homogeneous groups (control (CTL) and trace elements (TE)), were used to provide milk and blood samples at 2-week intervals. Donkeys in both groups had continuous access to meadow hay and were fed 2.5 kg of mixed feed daily, divided into two meals. The mixed feed for the TE group had the same ingredients as the CTL, but was supplemented with a commercial premix providing 163 mg Zn, 185 mg Fe, 36 mg Cu, 216 mg Mn, 0.67 mg Se, 2.78 mg Co and 3.20 mg I/kg mixed feed. The concentrations of Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Se, Co and I were measured in feeds, milk and blood serum by inductively coupled plasma-MS. Data were processed by ANOVA for repeated measures. The milk concentrations of all the investigated elements were not significantly affected by the dietary supplementation with TE. Serum concentrations of Zn, Fe, Cu Mn and Se were not affected by dietary treatment, but TE-supplemented donkeys showed significantly higher concentrations of serum Co (1.34 v. 0.69 μg/l) and I (24.42 v. 21.43 μg/l) than unsupplemented donkeys. The effect of lactation stage was significant for all the investigated elements in milk and blood serum, except for serum manganese. A clear negative trend during lactation was observed for milk Cu and Se concentrations (−38%), whereas that of Mn tended to increase. The serum Cu concentration was generally constant and that of Co tended to increase. If compared with data reported in the literature for human milk, donkey milk showed similarities for Zn, Mn, Co and I. Furthermore, this study indicated that, in the current experimental conditions, the mineral profile of donkey milk was not dependent on dietary TE supply. 相似文献
Milk diet has long been recommended in the management of gastrointestinal pathologies. Since milk feeding represents a high fat-low carbohydrate diet and it is acknowledged that insulin resistance is one of the consequences of high fat feeding, it is important to know whether or not chronic milk feeding leads to an impairment of the insulin-mediated glucose metabolism. To examine this question, adult female rats were given raw cow's milk (50% of total calories as lipids) for 18 days. They were compared to rats raised in parallel and fed the standard laboratory diet (15% of total calories as lipids). At the end of the 18 day period, body weight, daily caloric intake, basal plasma glucose and insulin levels in the milk-fed rats were similar to those in the control rats.In vivo insulin action was assessed with the euglycemichyperinsulinemic clamp technique in anesthetized animals. These studies were coupled with the 2-deoxyglucose technique allowing a measurement of glucose utilization by individual tissues. In the milk fed rats: 1) the basal rate of endogenous glucose production was significantly (p<0.01) reduced (by 20%); 2) their hepatic glucose production was however normally suppressed by hyperinsulinemia; 3) their basal glucose utilization rate was significantly (p<0.01) reduced (by 20%); 4) their glucose utilization rate by the whole-body mass or by individual tissues was normally increased by hyperinsulinemia. These results indicate that insulin action in adult rats is not grossly altered after chronic milk-feeding, at least under the present experimental conditions. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a high protein diet on glucose tolerance. Nine Sprague Dawley rats received a high protein (HP) diet (65% protein, 35% fat) and eight rats consumed a standard chow (SC) diet over eight weeks. Oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) were performed at the end of the third and the seventh week. The diet did not effect glucose tolerance in the first (SC=10357+/-294 mg/dl/120 min; HP=9846+/-300 mg/dl/120 min) or the second OGTT (SC=10134+/-395 mg/dl/120 min; HP=10721+/-438 mg/dl/120 min) as reflected by the area under the glucose concentration curve. Similarly, the area under the insulin concentration curve was not effected by the high protein diet during the first (SC=49.21+/-8.46 ng/ml/120 min; HP=41.75+/-10.54 ng/ml/120 min) or the second OGTT (SC=96.63+/-13.68 ng/ml/120 min; HP=92.77+/-17.44 ng/ml/120 min). The high protein diet group experienced a delayed glucose response for the first (SC=30 min at 112+/-7 mg/dl; HP=60 min at 101+/-5 mg/dl) and second OGTT (SC=15 min at 117+/-5 mg/dl; HP=60 min at 95+/-7 mg/dl). Body mass increased to the same extent in each diet group from the initial to final weighing (SC=159+/-2 g to 254+/-7 g; HP=157+/-2 g to 242+/-7 g). Despite a delay in peak glucose response, these findings suggest that glucose tolerance and body mass were neither adversely nor positively affected by a high protein diet. 相似文献
《Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience》2020,14(12):2543-2553
Selection for prolificacy in sows has resulted in higher metabolic demands during lactation. In addition, modern sows have an increased genetic merit for leanness. Consequently, sow metabolism during lactation has changed, possibly affecting milk production and litter weight gain. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of lactational feed intake on milk production and relations between mobilization of body tissues (adipose tissue or skeletal muscle) and milk production in modern sows with a different lactational feed intake. A total of 36 primiparous sows were used, which were either full-fed (6.5 kg/day) or restricted-fed (3.25 kg/day) during the last 2 weeks of a 24-day lactation. Restricted-fed sows had a lower milk fat percentage at weaning and a lower litter weight gain and estimated milk fat and protein production in the last week of lactation. Next, several relations between sow body condition (loss) and milk production variables were identified. Sow BW, loin muscle depth and backfat depth at parturition were positively related to milk fat production in the last week of lactation. In addition, milk fat production was related to the backfat depth loss while milk protein production was related to the loin muscle depth loss during lactation. Backfat depth and loin muscle depth at parturition were positively related to lactational backfat depth loss or muscle depth loss, respectively. Together, results suggest that sows which have more available resources during lactation, either from a higher amount of body tissues at parturition or from an increased feed intake during lactation, direct more energy toward milk production to support a higher litter weight gain. In addition, results show that the type of milk nutrients that sows produce (i.e. milk fat or milk protein) is highly related to the type of body tissues that are mobilized during lactation. Interestingly, relations between sow body condition and milk production were all independent of feed level during lactation. Sow management strategies to increase milk production and litter growth in modern sows may focus on improving sow body condition at the start of lactation or increasing feed intake during lactation. 相似文献
An age-associated (3–18 months) increase in hypothalamic glutamate receptor (HgluR) binding due to increase in receptor density (Bmax) was observed in rats maintained with normal (20%) protein diet. Short-term supplementation of low (5%) protein diet (LPD) and high (40%) protein diet (HPD) produced no significant change in the HgluR binding and Bmax in young as well as aged rats. Consumption of LPD for long-term period (LTP) increased the HgluR binding by increasing Bmax in young rats; whereas, intake of the same diet by the aged rats under similar condition reduced the HgluR binding by reducing Bmax. Unlike LPD, HPD intake by the young rats for LTP decreased the HgluR binding by decreasing affinity (1/KD) without altering Bmax. However, the aged rats when supplemented with HPD for LTP, the HgluR binding was increased due to increase in Bmax. Further, no age-induced increase in HgluR binding and Bmax was observed following short-term supplementation of LPD; whereas, long-term intake of LPD decreased the HgluR binding and Bmax in 18 months old rats compared to 3 months old rats under similar condition. On the other hand, HPD under LTP potentiated the age-induced increase in HgluR binding and Bmax. These results, thus, suggest that dietary protein affects the hypothalamic glutamatergic activity by modulating its receptor population depending on the age of the subject, quantity of dietary protein and its duration of supplementation. 相似文献
Marcus Clauss Carmen Polster Ellen Kienzle Henning Wiesner Katrin Baumgartner Friedericke von Houwald W. Juergen Streich Ellen Dierenfeld 《Zoo biology》2005,24(1):1-14
In the captive Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis), two disease complexes with a high incidence—chronic foot problems and uterine leiomyomas—may be linked to excess body weight (BW). In this study, intake and digestion trials were conducted (by means of 7‐day weigh‐backs, and 5‐day total fecal collections, respectively) with 11 Indian rhinoceroses at four zoological institutions in Europe and the United States to quantify energy and mineral nutrition on conventional or roughage‐only diets. Diets comprising a variety of forages (grass hay only, a combination of grass hay and grass silage, straw, or a mixture of grass and legume hay) were offered as the roughage source, along with various concentrates, produce, and supplements. Water intake was quantified, and urine samples were obtained opportunistically. The animals consumed 0.5–1.1% of their BW in dry matter (DM) daily, with calculated digestible energy (DE, in megajoules MJ) values ranging from 0.27 to 0.99 MJ DE/kg BW0.75/day compared to an estimated requirement of 0.49–0.66 MJ DE/kg BW0.75/day. Seven of 11 rhinos (64%) fed restricted levels of concentrate plus forage consumed DE in excess of this estimate. Even on roughage‐only diets, some individuals consumed energy well above the presumed metabolic requirements. Hence, restriction of both concentrates and roughage may be important for weight management in this species. Water intake ranged from 30 to 49 mL/kg BW daily (3.4–5.2 L/kg ingested DM), similar to values that have been reported for domestic equids. Excretion amounts and patterns also resembled those found in horses. Endogenous fecal losses measured for Ca, P, Cu, Fe, and Zn indicate that the maintenance requirements of these minerals should be met in Indian rhinoceroses by diets that meet recommendations for domestic horses. It is particularly important to evaluate dietary adequacy in mineral nutrition in this species in concert with the need for restricted energy intake, especially with regard to the hypothetical involvement of a low Zn supply in chronic foot problems. Zoo Biol 24:1–14, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
S Lien J Kantanen I Olsaker L E Holm E Eythorsdottir K Sandberg B Dalsgard S Adalsteinsson 《Animal genetics》1999,30(2):85-91
Allele frequencies at four milk protein loci were studied in five modern and 17 old Nordic cattle breeds in order to reveal variants that are characteristic for these populations. The B allele of CSN3, which has been associated with improved manufacturing properties of milk, showed significantly lower frequencies in modern production breeds than in old breeds of interest for conservation purposes. Characteristic frequencies of CSN1S1 (C), CSN2 (A2) and CSN3 (B) were found in Icelandic cattle, Swedish Mountain cattle, Northern Finncattle and Western Fjord cattle, which indicate a common origin of these populations. Further comparisons of allele frequencies in old Nordic breeds suggest sorting of these breeds into two groups with a northern and southern geographic location. 相似文献
Le PD Aarnink AJ Jongbloed AW Peet-Schwering CM Ogink NW Verstegen MW 《Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience》2007,1(5):734-744
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of dietary crude protein (CP) level on odour emission, odour intensity, hedonic tone, and ammonia emission from pig manure and on manure composition (pH, total nitrogen, ammonium, volatile fatty acids, indolic, phenolic and sulphur-containing compounds). An experiment was conducted with growing pigs (n = 18) in a randomised complete-block design with three treatments in six blocks. Treatment groups were 12%, 15% and 18% CP diets. Barley was exchanged for soya-bean meal. Crystalline amino acids (AA) were included in the 12% CP diet up to the level of pigs' requirement; the same amount of AA was added to the 15% and 18% CP diets. Pigs with an initial body weight (BW) of 36.5 ± 3.4 kg (mean ± s.d.) were individually penned in partly slatted floor pens and offered a daily feed allowance of 2.8 × maintenance requirement for net energy (NE: 293 kJ/kg BW0.75). Feed was mixed with water, 1/2.5 (w/w). Faeces and urine of each pig were accumulated together in a separate manure pit under the slatted floor. After an adaptation period of 2 weeks, the manure pits were cleaned and manure was collected. In the 5th week of the collection period, air samples for odour and ammonia analyses, and manure samples were collected directly from each manure pit. Air samples were analysed for odour concentration and for hedonic value and intensity above odour detection threshold. Manure samples were analysed for volatile fatty acids, and indolic, phenolic and sulphurous compounds, ammonium and total nitrogen concentrations. Reducing dietary CP from 18% to 12% lowered odour emission ( P < 0.05) and ammonia emission ( P = 0.01) from pig manure by 80% and 53%, respectively. Reduced dietary CP decreased total nitrogen, methyl sulphide, carbon disulphide, ethanethiol, phenol, 4-ethyl phenol, indole and 3-methyl indole concentrations in the manure ( P < 0.05). Volatile fatty acids and cresols concentrations in the manure of pigs fed different dietary CP levels were similar. A reduction of dietary CP and at the same time providing essential AA is an option to reduce odour emission as well as ammonia emission from pig manure. 相似文献