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The formation of radical species during the reaction of ter-tbutyl hydroperoxide and hypochlorous acid has been investigated by spin trapping and chemiluminescence. A superposition of two signals appeared incubating tert-butyl hydroperoxide with hypochlorous acid in the presence of the spin trap alpha-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone (POBN). The first signal (aN = 1.537 mT, aH beta = 0.148 mT) was an oxidation product of POBN caused by the action of hypochlorous acid. The second spin adduct (aN = 1.484 mT, aH beta = 0.233 mT) was derived from a radical species that was formed in the result of reaction of tert-butyl hydroperoxide with hypochlorous acid. Similarly, a superposition of two signals was also obtained using the spin trap N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone (PBN). tert-Butyl hydroperoxide was also treated with Fe2+ or Ce4+ in the presence of POBN. Using Fe2+ a spin adduct with a N = 1.633 mT and aH beta = 0.276 mT was observed. The major spin adduct formed with Ce4+ was characterised by a N = 1.480 mT and aH beta = 0.233 mT. The reaction of tert-butyl hydroperoxide with hypochlorous acid was accompanied by a light emission, that time profile and intensity were identical to those emission using Ce4+. The addition of Fe2+ to tert-butyl hydroperoxide yielded a much smaller chemiluminescence. Thus, tert-butyl hydroperoxide yielded in its reaction with hypochlorous acid or Ce4+ the same spin adduct and the same luminescence profile. Because Ce4+ is known to oxidize organic hydroperoxides to peroxyl radical species, it can be concluded that a similar reaction takes place in the case of hypochlorous acid.  相似文献   

As we reported previously, hypochlorite interacting with organic hydroperoxides causes their decomposition ((1995) Biochemistry (Moscow), 60, 1079-1086). This interaction was supposed to be a free-radical process and serve as a source of free radicals initiating lipid peroxidation (LP). The present study is the first attempt to detect and identify free radicals produced in the reaction of hypochlorite with tert-butyl hydroperoxide, (CH3)3COOH, which we have used as an example of organic hydroperoxides. We have used a direct method for free radical detection, EPR of spin trapping, and the following spin traps: N-tert-butyl--phenylnitrone (PBN) and -(4-pyridyl-1-oxyl)-N-tert-butylnitrone (4-POBN). When hypochlorite was added to (CH3)3COOH in the presence of a spin trap, an EPR spectrum appeared representing a superposition of two signals. One of them belonged to a spin adduct formed as a result of direct interaction of hypochlorite with the spin trap (hyperfine splitting constants were: H H = 0.148 mT; aN = 1.537 mT; and HPP = 0.042 mT for 4-POBN and H = 0.190 mT; aN = 1.558 mT; and HPP = 0.074 mT for PBN). The other signal was produced by hypochlorite interactions with (CH3)3COOH itself (hyperfine splitting constants were: H = 0.233 mT; aN = 1.484 mT; HPP = 0.063 mT and H = 0.360 mT; aN = 1.547 mT; HPP = 0.063 mT for 4-POBN and PBN, respectively). Comparison of spectral characteristics of this spin adduct with those of tert-butoxyl or tert-butyl peroxyl radicals produced in known reactions of (CH3)3COOH with Fe2+ and Ce4+, respectively, showed that the radical (CH3)3COO. is produced from the interaction of hypochlorite with (CH3)3COOH. Like Ce4+ but not Fe2+, hypochlorite addition to (CH3)3COOH was accompanied by a bright flash of chemiluminescence characteristic of the reactions in which peroxyl radicals are produced. Thus, all these results suggest peroxyl radical production in the reaction of hypochlorite with hydroperoxide. This reaction is one of the most possible ways for the initiation of free-radical LP that occurs in vivo, when hypochlorite interacts with unsaturated lipids comprising natural protein–lipid complexes, such as lipoproteins and biological membranes.  相似文献   

The organic hydroperoxides tert-butyl hydroperoxide and cumene hydroperoxide are tumor promoters in the skin of SENCAR mice, and this activity is presumed to be mediated through the activation of the hydroperoxides to free radical species. In this study we have assessed the generation of free radicals from organic hydroperoxides in the target cell (the murine basal keratinocyte) using electron spin resonance. Incubation of primary isolates of keratinocytes from SENCAR mice in the presence of spin traps (5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide or 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane) and either tert-butyl hydroperoxide or cumene hydroperoxide resulted in the generation and detection of radical adducts of these spin traps. tert-Butyl alkoxyl and alkyl radical adducts of 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide were detected shortly after addition of tert-butyl hydroperoxide, whereas only alkyl radical adducts were observed with cumene hydroperoxide. Spin trapping of the alkyl radicals with 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane led to the identification of methyl and ethyl radical adducts following both tert-butyl hydroperoxide and cumene hydroperoxide exposures. Prior heating of the cells to 100 degrees C for 30 min prevented radical formation. The radical generating capacity of subcellular fractions of these epidermal cells was examined using 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide and cumene hydroperoxide, and this activity was confined to the 105,000 X g supernatant fraction.  相似文献   

The capacity of urocanic acid to interact with peroxyl radicals has been evaluated in several systems: oxidation in the presence of a free radical source (2,2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane; AAPH), protection of phycocyanin bleaching elicited by peroxyl radicals, and Cu(II)- and AAPH-promoted LDL oxidation. The results indicate that both isomers (cis and trans) are mild peroxyl radical scavengers. For example, trans-urocanic acid is nearly 400 times less efficient than Trolox in the protection of the peroxyl radical promoted bleaching of phycocyanin. Regarding the removal of urocanic acid by peroxyl radicals, nearly 100 muM trans-urocanic acid is required to trap half of the produced radicals under the employed conditions (10 mM AAPH, 37 degrees C). Competitive experiments show that the cis-isomer traps peroxyl radicals 30% less efficiently than the trans-isomer. Given the high concentrations that trans-urocanic acid reaches in skin, its capacity to trap peroxyl radicals could contribute to the protection of the tissue towards ROS-mediated processes. Furthermore, both isomers, and particularly the cis-isomer, protect LDL from Cu(II)-induced oxidation.  相似文献   


The capacity of urocanic acid to interact with peroxyl radicals has been evaluated in several systems: oxidation in the presence of a free radical source (2,2′-azobis(2-amidinopropane; AAPH), protection of phycocyanin bleaching elicited by peroxyl radicals, and Cu(II)- and AAPH-promoted LDL oxidation. The results indicate that both isomers (cis and trans) are mild peroxyl radical scavengers. For example, trans-urocanic acid is nearly 400 times less efficient than Trolox in the protection of the peroxyl radical promoted bleaching of phycocyanin. Regarding the removal of urocanic acid by peroxyl radicals, nearly 100 μM trans-urocanic acid is required to trap half of the produced radicals under the employed conditions (10 mM AAPH, 37°C). Competitive experiments show that the cis-isomer traps peroxyl radicals ~30% less efficiently than the trans-isomer. Given the high concentrations that trans-urocanic acid reaches in skin, its capacity to trap peroxyl radicals could contribute to the protection of the tissue towards ROS-mediated processes. Furthermore, both isomers, and particularly the cis-isomer, protect LDL from Cu(II)-induced oxidation.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that hypochlorite (HOCI/OCl-) and hypobromite (HOBr/OBr-) can react with tert-butyl hydroperoxide with close rate constants (k(HOCl) = 10,8 M(-1) x s(1); k(HOBr) = 8,9 M(-1) x (s(-1)). By means of the spin trap 4-pyridyl-1-oxide-N-tert-butyl nitron we have found that both reactions proceed through decomposition of tert-butyl hydroperoxide and generation of tert-butyl peroxyl (OOC(CH3)3) and tert-butoxyl (OC(CH3)3) radicals, the ratio of their the concentrations being dependent on the concentration of tert-butyl hydroperoxide. Thus, hypobromite, similar to hypochlorite, is a precursor of free radicals produced in the reaction with organic hydroperoxides. This reaction can be of great importance in the intensification of free radical processes, namely, in lipid peroxidation at the stage of chain branching.  相似文献   

Vitamin A (retinol) and its derivatives-retinal and retinoic acid-are known for their ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation. Antioxidant actions of retinoids have been attributed to chain-breaking by scavenging of peroxyl radicals. Based on chemical analysis of retinoic acid degradation products formed during microsomal lipid peroxidation, it was previously suggested that retinoids interact with peroxyl radicals forming free carbon-centered radical adducts. However, it can be argued that such a mode of antioxidant action of retinoids is not sufficient to fully explain their effectiveness at inhibiting lipid peroxidation, which in many systems is comparable to, or even exceeds, that of alpha-tocopherol. In order to elucidate the mechanism of interaction of retinoids with peroxyl radicals, (trichloromethyl)peroxyl radical was generated by pulse radiolysis, and its interactions with retinoids solubilized in Triton X-100 micelles were followed by kinetic absorption spectroscopy. All retinoids--retinol, retinal, and retinoic acid--interacted with the peroxyl radical, and at least two transient products were detected. One of these products, absorbing at 590 nm, was identified as retinoid cation radical. Therefore, we postulate that, apart from formation of radical adducts, retinoids may also scavenge peroxyl radicals by electron transfer.  相似文献   

A competitive method to evaluate the reactivity of highly reactive antioxidants is reported. Pyrogallol red (PGR) and AAPH (2,2'-azo-bis-(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride) were employed as target-molecule and peroxyl radical source, respectively. In the zero-order kinetic limit in PGR, the dependence of the ratio R(o)/R (where R(o) is the rate of the process in the absence of additive and R is the rate of the process in the presence of additive) upon the additive concentration (Stern-Volmer like plots) was studied. Various polyphenols (n=10) and ascorbic acid (AA) were tested as additives. In PGR protection by AA, was observed a neat induction time, associated to the total protection of the target molecule. On the other hand, the experiments that were carried out in presence of phenolic compounds allowed a relative evaluation of their reactivity towards peroxyl radicals. This reactivity follows the order quercetin > gallic acid > Trolox > kaempferol. Data obtained employing quercetin and Trolox are compatible with a competitive protection by these antioxidants. Due to the high reactivity of PGR towards peroxyl radicals and its high extinction coefficient at long wavelengths, it is a very suitable molecule to be employed as target in the evaluation of the free radical scavenging capability of very reactive phenolic compounds.  相似文献   

In U937 and mouse myeloma cells, protein hydroperoxides are the predominant hydroperoxide formed during exposure to AAPH or gamma irradiation. In lipid-rich human monocyte-derived macrophages (HMDMs), we have found the opposite situation. Hydroperoxide measurements by the FOX assay showed the majority of hydroperoxides formed during AAPH incubation were lipid hydroperoxides. Lipid hydroperoxide formation began after a four hour lag period and was closely correlated with loss of cell viability. The macrophage pterin 7,8-dihydroneopterin has previously been shown to be a potent scavenger of peroxyl radicals, preventing oxidative damage in U937 cells, protein and lipoprotein. However, when given to HMDM cells, 7,8-dihydroneopterin failed to inhibit the AAPH-mediated cellular damage. The lack of interaction between 7,8-dihydroneopterin and AAPH peroxyl radicals suggests that they localize to separate cellular sites in HMDM cells. Our data shows that lipid peroxidation is the predominant reaction occurring in HMDMs, possibly due to the high lipid content of the cells.  相似文献   

In U937 and mouse myeloma cells, protein hydroperoxides are the predominant hydroperoxide formed during exposure to AAPH or gamma irradiation. In lipid-rich human monocyte-derived macrophages (HMDMs), we have found the opposite situation. Hydroperoxide measurements by the FOX assay showed the majority of hydroperoxides formed during AAPH incubation were lipid hydroperoxides. Lipid hydroperoxide formation began after a four hour lag period and was closely correlated with loss of cell viability. The macrophage pterin 7,8-dihydroneopterin has previously been shown to be a potent scavenger of peroxyl radicals, preventing oxidative damage in U937 cells, protein and lipoprotein. However, when given to HMDM cells, 7,8-dihydroneopterin failed to inhibit the AAPH-mediated cellular damage. The lack of interaction between 7,8-dihydroneopterin and AAPH peroxyl radicals suggests that they localize to separate cellular sites in HMDM cells. Our data shows that lipid peroxidation is the predominant reaction occurring in HMDMs, possibly due to the high lipid content of the cells.  相似文献   

A strongly fluorescing 7-hydroxycoumarin (umbelliferone, U) oxidized in dilute (10 μmol/L-0, 1 mol/L) aqueous solution with CIO? or CIO? + H2O2 (but not with H2O2 alone) produces a strong chemiluminescence (CL). Light emission kinetics depends on the pH of solution (4.0–10.5) and the reaction has a low activation energy Ea = 31 ± 2 kJ/mol (285–310 K). The spectrum covers the fluorescence of umbelliferone (400–550 nm, λmax 460nm). No red emission typical of 1Δg, 1Σ+g (O2)2 is observed either in the umbelliferone +CIO? or the umbelliferone +CIO? + H2O2 solution. The possible mechanism of CL and concomitant degradative oxidation of umbelliferone is discussed.  相似文献   

Ceruloplasmin (CP), the blue oxidase present in all vertebrates, is the major copper-containing protein of plasma. We investigated oxidative modification of human CP by peroxyl radicals generated in a solution containing 2,2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH). When CP was incubated with AAPH, the aggregation of proteins was increased in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Incubation of CP with AAPH resulted in a loss of ferroxidase activity. Superoxide dismutase and catalase did not protect the aggregation of CP, whereas hydroxyl radical scavengers such as ethanol and mannitol protected the protein aggregation. The aggregation of proteins was significantly inhibited by the copper chelators, diethyldithiocarbamate and penicillamine. Exposure of CP to AAPH led to the release of copper ions from the enzyme and the generation of protein carbonyl derivatives. Subsequently, when the amino acid composition of CP reacted with AAPH was analyzed, cysteine, tryptophan, methionine, histidine, tyrosine, and lysine residues were particularly sensitive.  相似文献   

Rate constants for reactions of a peroxyl (CCl3OO·) and C-centered radicals, that is, phenyl (·C6H4CH2COO) and vinyl (uracil-5-yl), with an aromatic thiol (p-CH3OC6H4SH) were measured over a pH range (3–12) to include ArSH and ArS forms. The pH dependence of these rate constants indicates that peroxyl radicals react by a redox mechanism while the C-centered radicals react by an H-atom transfer process. The different mechanisms encountered in the repair of various radicals suggest design features to be incorporated into antiagents, such as radioprotectors and anticarcinogens.  相似文献   

Linoleic acid peroxyl radicals (LOO.) can be viewed as model intermediates occurring during lipid peroxidation processes. Formation and reactions of these species were investigated in aqueous alkaline solution using the technique of pulse radiolysis combined with kinetic spectroscopy. Irradiation of linoleic acid in N2O/O2-saturated solutions leads to a mixture of peroxyl radical isomers, whereas reaction of 13-hydroperoxylinoleic acid (13-LOOH) with azide radicals in N2O-saturated solution produces 13-LOO. radicals specifically. These peroxyl radicals cannot be observed directly, but their reactions with the two flavonols, kaempferol and quercetin, acting as radical-scavenging antioxidants, produced strongly absorbing aroxyl radicals (ArO.). The same aroxyl radicals were generated by .OH and N3. with rate constants exceeding 10(9) dm3 mol-1 s-1. Applying a reaction scheme that includes competing generation and decay reactions of both LOO. and ArO. radicals, we derived individual rate constants for LOO. reactions with the phenols (greater than 10(7) dm3 mol-1 s-1), with the aroxyl radicals to form covalent adducts (greater than 10(8) dm3 mol-1 s-1), as well as for their bimilecular decay (3.0 X 10(8) dm3 mol-1 s-1). These results demonstrate the high reactivity of both fatty acid peroxyl radicals and the flavone antioxidants in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

Paul T  Young MJ  Hill IE  Ingold KU 《Biochemistry》2000,39(14):4129-4135
It is well established that the peroxyl radicals formed during the thermal decomposition of 2,2'-azobis(amidinopropane), ABAP, in oxygenated water can cleave double-stranded DNA, from which fact it has been concluded that peroxyl radicals, as a general class, can induce DNA strand scission. However, the ABAP-derived radicals are positively charged, and DNA is a negatively charged polyanion. Moreover, the relatively small and, therefore, free to diffuse peroxyl radicals likely to be formed in vivo will generally be negatively charged or neutral. Plasmid supercoiled DNA [pBR 322, 4361 base pairs (bp)] was reacted with known, equal fluxes of two positively charged peroxyl radicals, a negatively charged peroxyl radical, and a neutral peroxyl radical. The two positively charged peroxyl radicals degraded >/=80% of the supercoiled pBR 322 at a flux of 4 radicals/bp, but the negatively charged and neutral peroxyl radicals had no significant effect even at a flux as high as 24 radicals/bp. The same lack of effect on the DNA was also observed with high fluxes of superoxide/hydroperoxyl radicals. Similar results were obtained with another supercoiled DNA, pUC 19, except that pUC 19 is somewhat more sensitive to strand scission by positively charged peroxyl radicals than pBR 322. We conclude that most of the peroxyl radicals likely to be formed in vivo have little or no ability to induce DNA strand scission and that the potential role of electrostatics in radical/DNA reactions should always be considered.  相似文献   

Ceruloplasmin (CP), the blue oxidase present in all vertebrates, is the major copper-containing protein of plasma. We investigated oxidative modification of human CP by peroxyl radicals generated in a solution containing 2,2′-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH). When CP was incubated with AAPH, the aggregation of proteins was increased in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Incubation of CP with AAPH resulted in a loss of ferroxidase activity. Superoxide dismutase and catalase did not protect the aggregation of CP, whereas hydroxyl radical scavengers such as ethanol and mannitol protected the protein aggregation. The aggregation of proteins was significantly inhibited by the copper chelators, diethyldithiocarbamate and penicillamine. Exposure of CP to AAPH led to the release of copper ions from the enzyme and the generation of protein carbonyl derivatives. Subsequently, when the amino acid composition of CP reacted with AAPH was analyzed, cysteine, tryptophan, methionine, histidine, tyrosine, and lysine residues were particularly sensitive.  相似文献   

Kinetics of phycocyanine bilin groups destruction by peroxyl radicals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bilin groups in c-phycocyanine are readily bleached by peroxyl radicals produced in the thermolysis of 2, 2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane). From an evaluation of the bilin groups destroyed per radical that interacts with the protein, it is concluded that the bilin moiety is the main target of the radicals. Kinetic expressions are derived that allows an estimation of the substrate reactivity from the analysis of the rate of bilin group modification as a function of the protein concentration. From this analysis it is concluded that micromolar concentrations of c-phycocyanine are able to reduce the steady state concentration of the peroxyl radicals by one half, indicating a high antioxidant activity for this compound. This conclusion is confirmed by measuring the capacity of the protein to protect 1-naphthol from modification by peroxyl radicals. The results obtained show that the bilin groups have, on a molar basis, an antioxidant activity similar to that of potent antioxidants such as catechin.  相似文献   

Oxygen radicals absorbance capacities (ORAC) indexes are frequently employed to characterize the radical trapping capacity of pure compounds and their complex mixtures. A drawback of ORAC values obtained using phycoerythrin, fluorescein (FL) or c-phycocyanin as targets, makes it possible to conclude that for very reactive compounds they are much more related to stoichiometric factors than to the reactivity of the tested compound. In the present paper, we propose a simple methodology, based on the bleaching of Pyrogallol Red (PGR) absorbance that provides ORAC indexes that are almost exclusively determined by the reactivity of the tested compounds. This difference is due to the high reactivity of PGR and the high concentrations of this compound employed in the experiments.  相似文献   

Activated phagocytes generate both superoxide radicals via a respiratory burst, and HOCl via the concurrent release of the haem enzyme myeloperoxidase. Amine and amide functions on proteins and carbohydrates are major targets for HOCl, generating chloramines (RNHCl) and chloramides (RC(O)NClR'), which can accumulate to high concentrations (>100 microM). Here we show that superoxide radicals catalyse the decomposition of chloramines and chloramides to reactive nitrogen-centred radicals, and increase the extent of protein fragmentation compared to that observed with either superoxide radicals or HOCl, alone. This synergistic action may be of significance at sites of inflammation, where both superoxide radicals and chloramines/chloramides are formed simultaneously.  相似文献   

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