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During recent years, numerous attempts have been made to correlate both quantitative (Davies &; Taylor, 1959; Engen, 1962; Beck, 1964; Engen, Cain &; Rovee, 1968; Cain, 1969; Dravnieks &; Laffoit, 1970; Laffort, 1969a,b) and qualitative (Davies, 1965; Amoore &; Venstrom, 1965; Döving, 1966a,b; Wright &; Michels, 1964; Leveteau &; MacLeod, 1969) odorous properties of single compounds to their molecular properties. These attempts have been only partially successful.In the present paper we will try to explain the several odorous properties of single compounds on the basis of the non-specific properties of odorants involved in solubility.This model is a first approach, and although it gives statistically highly significant relations, it is not as accurate as those advanced with respect to the physical and sensory dimensions of stimuli in the fields of vision and audition.We will first give the present definitions of the most suitable physicochemical parameters, and then advance quantitative and qualitative models for single compounds. Quantitative odorous properties are: odour threshold, rate of change of odour intensity with odorant concentration in the suprathreshold region, and the somewhat controversial upper odour intensity. Qualitative properties refer to odour character.  相似文献   

Price's (1970) covariance theorem can be used to derive an expression for gene frequency change in kin selection models in which the fitness effect of an act is independent of the genotype of the recipient. This expression defines a coefficient of relatedness which subsumes r(Wright, 1922), b(Hamilton, 1972), ρ (Orlove &; Wood, 1978), and R(Michod &; Hamilton, 1980). The new coefficient extends the domain of Hamilton's rule to models in which the average gene frequency of actors differs from that of recipients.  相似文献   

The general theory of survival curves (Craig, 1971) is applied to the case of cells and sub-cellular organisms with a physical interpretation via gene or chromosome damage as the terminal lesion.It is indicated how the proposed terminal lesion is consistent with the salient features of cellular response to radiation and analytical expressions for reactivity and sensitivity in terms of a damage, or mutation, cross section are obtained.The probability of a complex cross section and conditions under which it reduces to simple approximations are discussed and the influence of various factors on the cross section are indicated.Acceptable fits are obtained to the data of Barendsen, Beusker, Vergroesen &; Budke (1960), McCulloch &; Till (1962) and Puck &; Marcus (1956) with simple forms of cross section.  相似文献   

The recent work of Cohen &; Benedek (1976) and Cohen et al. (1975, 1976) on the apparent interdependence of beef liver glutamate dohydrogenase catalytic activity and degree of polymerization is examined in the light of previously published equilibrium and kinetic results. It is shown that some of the hypotheses central to the Cohen &; Benedek (1976) model are in contradiction with existent data. Consideration of all available information leads to the conclusion that effector-induced depolymerization may simply be an incidental side reaction in the events leading to inhibition.  相似文献   

The simplest kinetic scheme capable of describing the MgATPase of actomyosin was proposed by Lymn &; Taylor (1971) as
Previously (Lymn, 1974) I discussed some steady-state properties which could be expected from this scheme, in particular the character of plots of [myosin]/velocity versus 1/[actin]. This note discusses plots of [actin]/velocity versus 1/[myosin] and shows why the two types of plot will not in general give the same value for the extrapolated Vmax of actomyosin.  相似文献   

This paper reviews literature on the evolutionary effects of warfare upon the hominid brain. Alexander &; Tinkle (1968) and Bigelow (1969) are found to be the first to propose that warfare was the principle evolutionary pressure that created the novel substance of the human brain, and that it acted at least from the early Pleistocene. These writers are distinguished from Darwin (1871), Keith (1947) and Wilson (1975) who saw warfare influencing the development of the brain only in historical or near-historical times.The warfare hypothesis of Alexander &; Tinkle is found to be an excellent explanation of the evolution of the human brain, but to be unsatisfactory from a biological viewpoint because they do not explain how warfare evolved in the first place, nor do they attempt to account for the apparent absence of warfare as a behavioral adaptation in species other than some eusocial insects.This author underpins the warfare hypothesis, arguing that it evolved as a necessary consequence of the circumstances of early hominids. Proficient tool use gave domination over predators and opened up new food resources, thereby diminishing two population controls. A population explosion resulted and, at critical densities, when starvation threatened, warfare was the genetically most successful behavioral adaptation. Alternative hypotheses are shown to be inadequate. Finally, the author asks why such an important hypothesis has been ignored for almost a decade.  相似文献   

The Island Model introduced by Sewall Wright (1951) has proven to be a useful construction for studying the interaction of genetic drift, population subdivision, and mutation. Interest in the model has recently increased because of its relevance to certain questions involving the rate of differentiation of sub-populations under the neutral allele hypothesis (e.g., Smith, 1970; Latter, 1973). It is perhaps the only realistic population structure in which the test for neutrality proposed by Lewontin and Krakauer (1973) is valid (Lewontin and Krakauer, 1975). If data from natural populations is to be compared to the predictions of the Island Model, it is desirable to have an alternative model with the same migration pattern but with natural selection operating. In this paper one such model will be introduced where the stochastic element comes from random fluctuations in the environment rather than from genetic drift. The model is a direct extension of the one in the previous paper in this series (Gillespie, 1975) which dealt with a population which is subdivided into two patches with restricted migration between them.  相似文献   

Uncommitted fibroblasts may exist (Kirkwood &; Holliday, 1975; Holliday, Huschtscha, Tarrant &; Kirkwood, 1977). I show that, even if such cells divide significantly faster than committed ones, the uncommitted cells would be overlooked if one uses current culture techniques. Some general guidelines for testing the model are outlined. Uncommitted cells would be useful in studying the biochemical mechanisms of aging and development.  相似文献   

Nosema pulvisPerez, 1905, Ameson pulvis (Perez) Sprague, 1977, in muscles of the crabs Carcinus maenas and C. mediterraneus from the coast of France, was observed with the electron microscope. It was found to be structurally similar to the type species A. michaelis (Sprague, 1970). Sprague, 1977, having moniliform sporogonial plasmodia, unikaryotic sporoblasts, and hirsute sporulation stages. It is treated as distinct from A. michaelis because it has slightly smaller spores (by comparison with syntype material of A. michaelis) and appears to have fewer coils in the polar filament. The results require the removal of the genus Ameson from the family Nosematidae Labbé, 1899, where Sprague (1977) had placed it under the erroneous supposition that its sporoblasts are diplokaryotic. Ameson is transferred to family Unikaryonidae Sprague, 1977. Ameson is distinguished from PereziaLéger and Duboscq, 1909, shown by Ormieres et al. to have a similar developmental pattern, by presence of appendages on its sporulation stage. A. nelsoni (Sprague, 1950), the third, and only other species of Ameson, lacks the appendages and is transferred to genus Perezia.  相似文献   

This answering of Poole, 1978, Poole, 1976 aims at rounding off our exchange of views, without losing the readership from an excess of toing and froing between the four contributions. So my final rejoinder only attempts at treating the general points raised by Poole (1978), rather than taking issue with all the minutiae, which would require too many quotes of quotes and counterquotes. The main nub of contention remains as to whether or not statistical fits can be meaningfully interpreted biologically.  相似文献   

The plasticity of growth of animals in time, due to the resilience of their response to the ways they can be fed, suggests the difficulty of describing growth by a stochastic model in the time domain. A model is presented which avoids this difficulty by describing growth as a Markov process in the food-consumed domain, assuming that, at conception, (1) the maximum mature weight as a number α of biomass units of mass μ, and (2) the probability B of production of a biomass unit per unit of food consumed, are specified. Constancy of α, μ and B, as the animal feeds, is the basis of the proposed Markov process. The mean growth from infancy to maturity in the food-consumed domain is then the old law of diminishing returns empirically formulated first by Spillman (1924) for cattle and swine, and confirmed by Titus, Jull &; Hendricks (1934) for fowl, and by Parks (1972) across species from mice to steers. The solution also leads to the possibility that the distribution of weights in a population of growing animals of the same species, is related to the distribution of mature weights among the individuals. An experiment by Lister &; McCance (1967) with well-fed and severely undernourished pigs, shows the stability of growth in the foodconsumed domain compared to the plasticity in the time domain. Other implications of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

Parrish & Saila (1970), motivated by the experiments of Paine (1966), constructed a simple mathematical model for a two-prey-one-predator system. They were unable to find, in their model, a set of parametric values with which the three-species system can be stable, whereas a twoprey species system without a predator is unstable. Cramer & May (1972) showed that, in fact, such parametric values exist, and gave the necessary mathematical condition. I have investigated the complete conditions for the stability of the system around the equilibrium point, and show that the conditions must be more stringent than given by Cramer & May (1972). Also, it is shown that the present model can have a globally stable limit cycle in three species even when the equilibrium point is locally unstable.  相似文献   

Trehalose-6-phosphate (T-6-P) synthetase activity in extracts of Dictyostelium discoideum has been reexamined in an effort to resolve discrepancies between the results of previous studies (R. Roth and M. Sussman (1966). Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 122, 225; K. A. Killick and B. E. Wright (1972). J. Biol. Chem., 247, 2967). We find that T-6-P synthetase is not cold sensitive as reported by Killick and Wright (1972), is not present in bacterial-grown vegetative cells (though subject to some modulation by other nutritional conditions), and is not in our hands unmasked or activated by ammonium sulfate fractionation. We conclude that the pattern of T-6-P synthetase accumulation and disappearance during fruiting body construction in D. discoideum is as originally described by R. Roth and M. Sussman (1968). J. Biol. Chem., 243, 5081) and confirmed elsewhere (P. C. Newell et al. (1972). J. Mol. Biol., 63, 373; R. W. Brackenbury et al. (1974). J. Mol. Biol., 90, 529; B. D. Hames and J. M. Ashworth (1974). Biochem. J., 142, 301).  相似文献   

Hepatotoxic studies of xylidines differ with regard to the animal species and type of isomer. The aim of the present paper is to correlate electronic structure data and physical-chemical properties, studied by the authors during a few previous papers (Sahini & Weinberg, 1973; Sahini, Weinberg & Vasilescu 1976, Weinberg & Sahini, to be published; Weinberg & Sahini, 1980), with the hepatotoxic activity of xylidines. Two possible biochemical mechanisms are advanced by help of correlation equations.  相似文献   

Earlier experiments demonstrated that the Okazaki fragments synthesized during discontinuous polyoma DNA synthesis in isolated nuclei at their 5′ ends contained structural elements consisting of polyribonucleotides starting with ATP or GTP (Reichard et al., 1974). These structures could be released by digestion with pancreatic DNAase and were named initiator RNA. They consist of a large family of polyribonucleotides differing in base sequence but having a common size of about a decanucleotide. We now demonstrate that limitation of DNA synthesis by low concentrations of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates in parallel limits the synthesis of initiator RNA. This is additional evidence for the primer function of initiator RNA. When ribonucleoside triphosphates other than ATP were deleted from the incubation medium only a small decrease of DNA and initiator RNA synthesis occurred. Under those conditions deoxyribonucleotides substituted for ribonucleotides and were incorporated internally into the primer. From this result as well as the insensitivity of initiator RNA synthesis to α-amanitin (Reichard &; Eliasson, 1979) we suggest that a mammalian counterpart to primase, the dnaG gene product of Escherichia coli(Rowen &; Kornberg, 1978a), catalyzes the synthesis of initiator RNA.  相似文献   

A model for chromosome pairing is presented. It is based on the presence of segments of symmetric sequences of bases (palindromes) in the DNA at specific places in the chromosome. Palindromic DNA has been characterized by Wilson &; Thomas (1974), who state that these sequences are a regular feature of eukaryotic DNA. Sobell (1972) has suggested that they may be involved in synapsis and genetic recombination. Sobell's model is modified and amplified in an attempt to develop a general theory of chromosome pairing that explains congressional pairing, synapsis, non-homologous pairing, the initiation of crossing over, and interference.  相似文献   

M Schubert  J D Keene  R A Lazzarini 《Cell》1979,18(3):749-757
The 3′ terminal sequences of four different DI particle RNAs ranging in size from 10S to 30S have been determined directly using rapid RNA sequencing methods or deduced, in the case of the fourth DI RNA, from the complementary sequence of a small RNA transcribed from this part of the genome (Schubert et al., 1978). One DI particle (DI 011) contains covalently linked genomic and antigenomic RNA. The 5′ end of this RNA is identical to that of VSV RNA, as determined by annealing for at least 1 kb, as well as to the other DI particle RNAs used in this study. The 3′ ends of the other three DI particle RNAs are exact copies of the common 5′ terminal sequence for 48 nucleotides in two cases and 45 nucleotides in the third. Beyond these complementary regions the sequences are different for each DI RNA. The fact that these regions differ in length by only three nucleotides, despite the wide differences in the overall size of the DI particle RNAs, indicates that if these DIs were formed by the copy-back mechanisms similar to those proposed by Leppert, Kort and Kolakofsky (1977) and Huang (1977), a specific recognition site for the RNA polymerase must be involved in copying the 5′ terminus. We determined the 5′ terminal sequence from position 43–48 at the end of the complementary region and found it to be 5′-GGUCUU-3′. This hexamer is also part of other highly conserved terminal RNA polymerase initiation sites (Keene et al., 1978; Keene, Schubert and Lazzarini, 1979) and may be a specific internal RNA polymerase recognition site. We conclude that this sequence is one of the elements involved in the genesis of DI particle chromosomes containing short complementary sequences at their termini. The ability of the polymerase to resume synthesis at or near a specific recognition site is discussed.  相似文献   

Further characterization and thiophosphorylation of smooth muscle myosin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
(i) Myosin from chicken gizzards was purified by a modification of an earlier procedure (M. N. Malik, 1978,Biochemistry17, 27–32). When this myosin, as well as that prepared by the method of A. Sobieszek and R. D. Bremel (1975,Eur. J. Biochem.55, 49–60), was analyzed by gradient slab gel using the discontinuous buffer system of Neville (1971,J. Biol. Chem.246, 6328–6334), a closely spaced doublet in the heavy chain and four light chains were observed as opposed to one heavy chain and two light chains with the method of Weber and Osborn (1969, J. Biol. Chem.244, 4406–4412). These findings raise the possibility of the existence of myosin isoenzymes in smooth muscle. (ii) The purified gizzard myosin was found to be free of kinase and phosphatase. Phosphorylation or thiophosphorylation of myosin was observed only by exogenously adding kinase. A maximum of 1.2 mol of 32P/mol of myosin and 2.3 mol of 35S/mol of myosin were obtained. The actin-activated ATPase activity depended upon the extent of thiophosphorylation of myosin; a four- to fivefold increase in the activity was observed when myosin was fully thiophosphorylated. Thiophosphorylated myosin was found to be more stable than phosphorylated myosin.  相似文献   

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