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Alkali-treated extracts of Rhodopseudomonas palustris growing photosynthetically on benzoate were examined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry for partially reduced benzoate derivatives. Two cyclic dienes, cyclohexa-2,5-diene-1-carboxylate and cyclohexa-1,4-diene-1-carboxylate, were detected. Either compound supported cell growth as effectively as benzoate. These results suggest that these cyclohexadienecarboxylates, probably as their coenzyme A esters, are the initial reduction products formed during anaerobic benzoate metabolism by R. palustris.  相似文献   

Alkali-treated extracts of Rhodopseudomonas palustris growing photosynthetically on benzoate were examined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry for partially reduced benzoate derivatives. Two cyclic dienes, cyclohexa-2,5-diene-1-carboxylate and cyclohexa-1,4-diene-1-carboxylate, were detected. Either compound supported cell growth as effectively as benzoate. These results suggest that these cyclohexadienecarboxylates, probably as their coenzyme A esters, are the initial reduction products formed during anaerobic benzoate metabolism by R. palustris.  相似文献   

A soluble benzoate-coenzyme A (CoA) ligase was purified from the phototrophic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Synthesis of the enzyme was induced when cells were grown anaerobically in light with benzoate as the sole carbon source. Purification by chromatography successively on hydroxylapatite, phenyl-Sepharose, and hydroxylapatite yielded an electrophoretically homogeneous enzyme preparation with a specific activity of 25 mumol/min per mg of protein and a molecular weight of 60,000. The purified enzyme was insensitive to oxygen and catalyzed the Mg2+ ATP-dependent formation of acyl-CoA from carboxylate and free reduced CoA, with high specificity for benzoate and 2-fluorobenzoate. Apparent Km values of 0.6 to 2 microM for benzoate, 2 to 3 microM for ATP, and 90 to 120 microM for reduced CoA were determined. The reaction product, benzoyl-CoA, was an effective inhibitor of the ligase reaction. The kinetic properties of the enzyme match the kinetics of substrate uptake by whole cells and confirm a role for benzoate-CoA ligase in maintaining entry of benzoate into cells as well as in catalyzing the first step in the anaerobic degradation of benzoate by R. palustris.  相似文献   

We isolated a strain of Rhodopseudomonas palustris (RCB100) by selective enrichment in light on 3-chlorobenzoate to investigate the steps that it uses to accomplish anaerobic dechlorination. Analyses of metabolite pools as well as enzyme assays suggest that R. palustris grows on 3-chlorobenzoate by (i) converting it to 3-chlorobenzoyl coenzyme A (3-chlorobenzoyl-CoA), (ii) reductively dehalogenating 3-chlorobenzoyl-CoA to benzoyl-CoA, and (iii) degrading benzoyl-CoA to acetyl-CoA and carbon dioxide. R. palustris uses 3-chlorobenzoate only as a carbon source and thus incorporates the acetyl-CoA that is produced into cell material. The reductive dechlorination route used by R. palustris for 3-chlorobenzoate degradation differs from those previously described in that a CoA thioester, rather than an unmodified aromatic acid, is the substrate for complete dehalogenation.  相似文献   

The initial steps of anaerobic 4-hydroxybenzoate degradation were studied in whole cells and cell extracts of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Illuminated suspensions of cells that had been grown anaerobically on 4-hydroxybenzoate and were assayed under anaerobic conditions took up [U-14C]4-hydroxybenzoate at a rate of 0.6 nmol min-1 mg of protein-1. Uptake occurred with high affinity (apparent Km = 0.3 microM), was energy dependent, and was insensitive to external pH in the range of 6.5 to 8.2 Very little free 4-hydroxybenzoate was found associated with cells, but a range of intracellular products was formed after 20-s incubations of whole cells with labeled substrate. When anaerobic pulse-chase experiments were carried out with cells incubated on ice or in darkness, 4-hydroxybenzoyl coenzyme A (4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA) was formed early and disappeared immediately after addition of excess unlabeled substrate, as would be expected of an early intermediate in 4-hydroxybenzoate metabolism. A 4-hydroxybenzoate-CoA ligase activity with an average specific activity of 0.7 nmol min-1 mg of protein-1 was measured in the soluble protein fraction of cells grown anaerobically on 4-hydroxybenzoate. 4-Hydroxybenzoyl-CoA was the sole product formed from labeled 4-hydroxybenzoate in the ligase reaction mixture. 4-Hydroxybenzoate uptake and ligase activities were present in cells grown anaerobically with benzoate, 4-hydroxybenzoate, and 4-aminobenzoate and were not detected in succinate-grown cells. These results indicate that the high-affinity uptake of 4-hydroxybenzoate by R. palustris is due to rapid conversion of the free acid to its CoA derivative by a CoA ligase and that this is also the initial step of anaerobic 4-hydroxybenzoate degradation.  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts of Pseudomonas sp. strains KB 740 and K 172 both contained high levels of glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase when grown anaerobically on benzoate or other aromatic compounds and with nitrate as electron acceptor. These aromatic compounds have in common benzoyl-CoA as the central aromatic intermediate of anerobic metabolism. The enzymatic activity was almost absent in cells grown aerobically on benzoate regardless whether nitrate was present. Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase activity was also detected in cell-free extracts of Rhodopseudomonas, Rhodomicrobium and Rhodocyclus after phototrophic growth on benzoate. Parallel to the induction of glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase as measured with ferricenium ion as electron acceptor, an about equally high glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase activity was detected in cell-free extracts. The latter activity was measured with the NAD-dependent assay, as described for the biotin-containing sodium ion pump glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase from glutamate fermenting bacteria. Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase was purified to homogeneity from both Pseudomonas strains. The enzymes catalyse the decarboxylation of glutaconyl-CoA at about the same rate as the oxidative decarboxylation of glutaryl-CoA. The green enzymes are homotetramers (m=170 kDa) and contain 1 mol FAD per subunit. No inhibition was observed with avidin indicating the absence of biotin. The N-terminal sequences of the enzymes from both strains are similar (65%).  相似文献   

The uptake and anaerobic metabolism of benzoate were studied in short-term experiments with phototrophic cells of Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Cells that were preincubated and assayed anaerobically in the presence of 1 mM dithiothreitol accumulated [7-14C]benzoate at a rate of at least 0.5 nmol . min-1 . mg-1 of protein. Cells that were preincubated aerobically, or anaerobically in the absence of a reducing agent or an electron donor such as succinate, took up benzoate at reduced rates. Benzoate was removed from the external medium with remarkably high efficiency; initial uptake rates were independent of substrate concentration, and uptake remained linear down to concentrations of less than 1 microM. Uptake rates were not sensitive to external pH in the range of 6.5 to 8.1, and very little free benzoate was found associated with the cells. By contrast, benzoyl coenzyme A (CoA) was formed rapidly in cells exposed to labeled benzoate. Its appearance in such cells, together with the more gradual accumulation of other compounds tentatively identified as reduction products, is consistent with the identification of benzoyl CoA as an intermediate in the anaerobic reductive metabolism of benzoate. The very effective uptake of external benzoate can be explained by its conversion to benzoyl CoA immediately after its passage across the cell membrane by simple or facilitated diffusion. Such a chemical conversion would serve to maintain a downhill concentration gradient between the cell cytoplasm and the cell surroundings, even at very low external benzoate concentrations.  相似文献   

The anaerobic degradation of 4-hydroxybenzoate is initiated by the formation of 4-hydroxybenzoyl coenzyme A, with the next step proposed to be a dehydroxylation to benzoyl coenzyme A, the starting compound for a central pathway of aromatic compound ring reduction and cleavage. Three open reading frames, divergently transcribed from the 4-hydroxybenzoate coenzyme A ligase gene, hbaA, were identified and sequenced from the phototrophic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris. These genes, named hbaBCD, specify polypeptides of 17.5, 82.6, and 34.5 kDa, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequences show considerable similarities to a group of hydroxylating enzymes involved in CO, xanthine, and nicotine metabolism that have conserved binding sites for [2Fe-2S] clusters and a molybdenum cofactor. Cassette disruption of the hbaB gene yielded a mutant that was unable to grow anaerobically on 4-hydroxybenzoate but grew normally on benzoate. The hbaB mutant cells did not accumulate [14C]benzoyl coenzyme A during short-term uptake of [14C]4-hydroxybenzoate, but benzoyl coenzyme A was the major radioactive metabolite formed by the wild type. In addition, crude extracts of the mutant failed to convert 4-hydroxybenzoyl coenzyme A to benzoyl coenzyme A. This evidence indicates that the hbaBCD genes encode the subunits of a 4-hydroxybenzoyl coenzyme A reductase (dehydroxylating). The sizes of the specified polypeptides are similar to those reported for 4-hydroxybenzoyl coenzyme A reductase isolated from the denitrifying bacterium Thauera aromatica. The amino acid consensus sequence for a molybdenum cofactor binding site is in HbaC. This cofactor appears to be an essential component because anaerobic growth of R. palustris on 4-hydroxybenzoate, but not on benzoate, was retarded unless 0.1 microM molybdate was added to the medium. Neither tungstate nor vanadate replaced molybdate, and tungstate competitively inhibited growth stimulation by molybdate.  相似文献   

目的初步探索沼泽红假单胞菌粗酶液生物转化柚皮苷的特点。方法利用高效液相色谱技术,以柚皮苷的降解率为指标,考察不同温度、pH、底物浓度和培养时间对粗酶液降解柚皮苷的影响。在适宜转化条件下,探索底物和产物的含量变化。结果最适转化条件:40℃~50℃,pH 7.0~8.0,最大有效转化底物浓度750μg/mL,15 h时柚皮苷降解率较高为55.31%。在最适转化条件下,底物浓度500μg/mL,培养至17 h柚皮苷被降解完全,柚皮素浓度达到最大值204μg/mL,转化率为85.39%;10~19 h,转化率均大于80.00%,13 h达到最大值94.83%。结论本研究首次发现沼泽红假单胞菌粗酶液能够生物转化柚皮苷,并阐明了不同培养条件对柚皮苷降解的影响,以及转化过程中物质含量的变化。  相似文献   

Anaerobic metabolism of most aromatic acids is initiated by coenzyme A thioester formation. Rhodopseudomonas palustris grows well under anaerobic, phototrophic conditions with many aromatic acids, including benzoate and 4-hydroxybenzoate, as a carbon source. A coenzyme A ligase that reacts with 4-hydroxybenzoate was purified from 4-hydroxybenzoate-grown cells of R. palustris. This enzyme required MgATP, reduced coenzyme A, and 4-hydroxybenzoate, benzoate, or cyclohex-1,4-dienecarboxylate for optimal activity but also used phosphopantetheine, cyclohex-2,5-dienecarboxylate, and 4-fluorobenzoate at lower rates. The 4-hydroxybenzoate-coenzyme A ligase differed in molecular characteristics from a previously described benzoate-coenzyme A ligase from R. palustris, and the two ligases did not cross-react immunologically. The gene encoding the 4-hydroxybenzoate enzyme was cloned and sequenced. The deduced gene product showed about 20% amino acid identity with bacterial coenzyme A ligases involved in aerobic degradation of aromatic acids. An R. palustris mutant carrying a disrupted 4-hydroxybenzoate-coenzyme A ligase gene was unable to grow with 4-hydroxybenzoate under anaerobic conditions, indicating that the enzyme is essential for anaerobic degradation of this compound.  相似文献   

A phototrophic bacterial culture that assimilates 2-chlorophenol (2-CP) was enriched from effluents of paper and wood industry. The isolated bacterium was identified as Rhodopseudomonas palustris based on its morphological characteristics, biochemical reactions, and fatty acid methyl ester gas chromatography (FAME-GC) analysis. The bacterium R. palustris being photoheterotrophic in nutrition was also able to switch between phototropic, aerobic, and anaerobic modes of metabolism, as evidenced by modulation of the bacterial photopigments. The switching of anaerobic to aerobic metabolism was evidenced by the presence of catechol, a product of aerobic oxidation of 2-CP in the spent medium and the disappearance of photopigment-specific absorbance in the organism. R. palustris degraded about 97% of the supplemented 2-CP from the culture medium in 40 days along with production of an exo-polysaccharide, which probably provides protection from substrate toxicity and enhances its bioavailability. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and gas chromoatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the R. palustris spent medium extracts indicated the presence of phenol. The GC-MS data also indicated that phenol is metabolized through an ortho-cleavage pathway. Further analysis of the R. palustris cell-free extracts for enzymes showed the presence of a chlorophenol dehalogenase (CD) and a chlorophenol nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-oxidoreductase (CNOR) with respective specific activities of 0.114 and 0.26 μmol/min/mg, suggesting an initial reductive dechlorination step during 2-CP catabolism. The study thus highlights the important roles of phototrophic bacteria in the decontamination of environmental pollutants from the polluted sites.  相似文献   

The first step of anaerobic benzoate degradation is the formation of benzoyl-coenzyme A by benzoate-coenzyme A ligase. This enzyme, purified from Rhodopseudomonas palustris, is maximally active with 5 microM benzoate. To study the molecular basis for this reaction, the benzoate-coenzyme A ligase gene (badA) was cloned and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequence of badA showed substantial similarity to other coenzyme A ligases, with the highest degree of similarity being that to 4-hydroxybenzoate-coenzyme A ligase (50% amino acid identity) from R. palustris. A badA mutant that was constructed had barely detectable levels of ligase activity when cell extracts were assayed at 10 microM benzoate. Despite this, the mutant grew at wild-type rates on benzoate under laboratory culture conditions (3 mM benzoate), and mutant cell extracts had high levels of ligase activity when assayed at a high concentration of benzoate (1 mM). This suggested that R. palustris expresses, in addition to BadA, a benzoate-activating enzyme(s) with a relatively low affinity for benzoate. A possible role of 4-hydroxybenzoate-coenzyme A ligase (encoded by hbaA) in this capacity was investigated by constructing a badA hbaA double mutant. Although the double mutant grew more slowly on benzoate than badA cells, growth rates were still significant, suggesting the involvement of a third enzyme in benzoate activation. Competition experiments involving the addition of a small amount of cyclohexanecarboxylate to ligase assay mixtures implicated cyclohexanecarboxylate-coenzyme A ligase as being this third enzyme. These results show that wild-type R. palustris cells synthesize at least three enzymes that can catalyze the initial step in anaerobic benzoate degradation during growth on benzoate. This observation supports previous suggestions that benzoyl-coenzyme A formation plays a central role in anaerobic aromatic compound biodegradation.  相似文献   

The first intermediate of anaerobic toluene catabolism, (R)-benzylsuccinate, is formed by enzymic addition of the methyl group of toluene to a fumarate cosubstrate and is subsequently activated to (R)-2-benzylsuccinyl-CoA. This compound is then oxidised to benzoyl-CoA and succinyl-CoA by a specific beta-oxidation pathway. The enzyme catalysing the first oxidation step of this pathway, (R)-benzylsuccinyl-CoA dehydrogenase, is encoded by the bbsG gene in Thauera aromatica. It was functionally overproduced in Escherichia coli, purified and characterised. The enzyme is a homotetramer with a subunit size of 45 kDa and contains one FAD per subunit. It is highly specific for (R)-benzylsuccinyl-CoA and is inhibited by (S)-benzylsuccinyl-CoA. An apparent K(m) value of 110+/-10 micro M was obtained for (R)-benzylsuccinyl-CoA. The reaction product of (R)-benzylsuccinyl-CoA dehydrogenase was identified as (E)-benzylidene-succinyl-CoA by comparison with the chemically synthesised compound, which was obtained via a new synthetic procedure. (R)-Benzylsuccinyl-CoA dehydrogenase was detected as a specifically substrate-induced protein in toluene- and m-xylene-grown cells of several bacterial species, using enzyme activity and immunological detection.  相似文献   

This work demonstrates the transfer of the five-gene cyclohexane carboxylate (CHC) degradation pathway from the high-GC alphaproteobacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris to Escherichia coli, a gammaproteobacterium. The degradation product of this pathway is pimeloyl-CoA, a key metabolite in E. coli's biotin biosynthetic pathway. This pathway is useful for biotin overproduction in E. coli; however, the expression of GC-rich genes is troublesome in this host. When the native R. palustris CHC degradation pathway is transferred to a DeltabioH pimeloyl-CoA auxotroph of E. coli, it is unable to complement growth in the presence of CHC. To overcome this expression problem we redesigned the operon with decreased GC content and removed stretches of high-GC intergenic DNA which comprise the 5' untranslated region of each gene, replacing these features with shorter low-GC sequences. We show this synthetic construct enables growth of the DeltabioH strain in the presence of CHC. When the synthetic degradation pathway is overexpressed in conjunction with the downstream genes for biotin biosynthesis, we measured significant accumulation of biotin in the growth medium, showing that the pathway transfer is successfully integrated with the host metabolism.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases are a superfamily of heme-thiolate proteins involved in the metabolism of a wide variety of endogenous and xenobiotic compounds. The P450 enzyme CYP195A2 from Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA009, a metabolically versatile bacterium, was overproduced in E. coli and purified. Two distinct crystal forms were obtained under separately optimized conditions by the hanging-drop vapor-diffusion method. Native data sets extending to resolutions of 2.3 A and 2.8 A have been collected and processed in space groups P222 and C2221 respectively.  相似文献   

沼泽红假单胞菌2c菌株的安全性评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本实验旨在对1株沼泽红假单胞菌Rhodopseudomonaspalustris2c菌株(2c)作为益生菌株的安全性进行系统研究。结果表明,2c菌株体外对多数抗生素敏感;在体内不具有急性毒性,不会在血液中产生内毒素,在宿主体内自身不会易位,也不会造成其它肠道细菌易位,对肝肾功能无不良影响,对回肠黏膜及其细胞形态和结构无不良影响。2c菌株具备益生菌安全特性,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

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